Am become angry

Anyone else getting really fucking tired of the fact that men aren't allowed to stand up for themselves?

Now, I'm not talking about "wah, the women are rising up" or anything like that, I legitimately grew up believing that people are equal—a view I also understand is not typically shared by this board, but that's beside the point for the moment.

I am fucking sick of not being able to speak in my own defense. Girls that I knew and have been friends with since childhood hit university, took SJW courses, chopped their hair off and cut ties with me because I was "problematic". Yes, I'm a tall, able-bodied white guy. No, that does not somehow make my German-Canadian ass responsible for perceived racial crimes in the American South. I'm sorry the residential schools happened too, but THOSE WEREN'T MY ANCESTORS.

Of course, the moment you try and say anything in your own defense, you get labeled. For some reason, the title of the movement doesn't matter when it's feminism apparently—from what they say, men's issues like the catastrophic suicide rate or the disproportionate homelessness rate are FEMINIST issues, apparently fine to meekly mention in the background of feminist gatherings if you don't raise your voice. Try to actually do anything about it? You're now a Men's Rights Activist! And apparently that's a really bad thing for some reason! Because I guess Women's rights can look out for men, but Men's rights can't look out for women!

No joke, I've been a pretty left-leaning individual my entire life. I'm a weed-smoking, easy-going, long haired hippie. Despite all that, this SJW bullshit has pushed me further to the right than I had previously thought I could go. Still wouldn't call myself right-leaning, but I now feel like I'm pretty squarely in the middle of the road.

How is it that 3rd wave feminism can fuck up so hard? How does a movement take someone like me who should, by all logic and upbringing, be on the same side, and manage to turn me into someone who opposes the movement?

And also, what fucking media did these people watch to talk about there not being good female role models? Did they miss Kim Possible? Captain Janeway? Xena? If I wasn't just hammering out a post, I could put together a DAMN long list of shows and games that cast women in a positive role, often times at the expense of men, going back to the 90's and likely longer. How can all these things just get somehow forgotten in the name of supporting a narrative?

I dunno. I'm mad, Holla Forums. The side I thought I was on doesn't seem to want me or anybody like me. If this is the kind of treatment feminists are fighting to overcome, I have to wonder what the fuck is wrong in their head to make them think that treating others the way they used to get treated before they started putting their foot down is going to have any impact other than to make the OTHER group put THEIR foot down in response.

Spoiler alert: NOBODY reacts well to being ignored and belittled. While I'm sorry that happened to women for as long as it did, I think someone would have to be brain damaged to think that ignoring and belittling people as a reaction to that kind of behavior is EVER going to lead to any kind of lasting peace or understanding.

SJWs are fucking cancer on society.

Nobody gives a rat fuck about this. All of them will be put to the sword.


lurk moar, blogmeister

Man, social justice types talk about shows like there wasn't a portrayal of a powerful woman on TV until about Steven Universe.

do you know what YEAR we're in?

CY+2, year of the sword.

I'm Canadian too. Fuck you for taking this long to see the problem. Took denial of cummies for your dumb ass to see the rot in this infernal shit hole?
You don't get to walk in here and start a thread like your opinion has the same weight as others who've been struggling with this shit for years. Lurk for 2, and learn like your children's life depends on it - it does.
The situation here is grim, and I have no reassurance for you. Use that rage you outta be feeling for being a jackass for so long to propel you to prosperity. Good luck my leaf, we got it bad here buddyguy.

Not interested in "cummies", not interested in prosperity. I would be very happy as a hermit in the woods.

However, since my goals don't play along with anyone's power narrative and don't fit the "acquire until you die" structure that our society is built around, there doesn't seem to be much place for me.

op is a huuuuge faggot

That's your problem. German's are an inherently cucky people. Best advice is go find a Muslim boyfriend, faggot.

t. Russian

Congratulations on eating the lowest fucking hanging fruit on the tree. Try lurking for a year or too and come back to us when you're ready to start stringing up kikes.

You're dreaming too small. It's not enough to remove one element at this point. We're better off wiping the board clean and starting over.

End civilization. Dismantle the cities. Let the weak fear the strong and the unfit be left among the trees.

Look, you hippie faggot, this is the wrong place to come to in order to bitch and moan about SJWs like a limp wristed normalfag bellend. Fuck off to plebbit if you want to do that. Otherwise lurk for two fucking years before posting again you degenerate fucking leaf.

You fit in well with our countrymen. Which makes you a weak willed faggot.
Struggle or die. No chilling, no laid back bullshit. Find something to be radical about you pathetic husk. Also you're German - that is a blessing you asshole. Give back to your ancestors with your legacy, because you have gifts that others do not. Even though you probably don't consider it worth anything, fuck. This is why I'm antisocial - I don't want weak boring people in my life, which seems to rule out 90 percent of Canucks.

Okay, let me rephrase: I'm not interested in the accumulation of material wealth. I am surrounded by my friends and family, I have food and shelter and the freedom to pursue creative tasks that catch my interest.

I'm not interested in spending my life chasing dollars. That fundamentally feels like a waste.

The problem with men is, the same as with gamergate
Just don't give a shit about them, form your own all male groups and be selective about who you let in. get men to from a masculine identity by being judged(doesn't need to be harshly) and valued by other men with no feminist around, any type of group will work but it needs to be men with no feminist around to undermine and emasculate every little thing. once you have men with a positive identity and supporting each other then you can really fight back.

Germans are natural leftwing collectivists. So it's no surprise this guy is a huge faggot. Even in Russia, Germans are cuckier than our Marxists. Germans = evolutionary dead end.

That's the point, their sources of strength are cartoon characters. These people live in a virtual world, it's like that horrible movie, cool world.

You are the problem. You look around try and see why feminism is so fucked up, but it's you. You believe their ideals, and want them to be upheld along with "equality", whatever the fuck that actually means. You empathize with the enemy, thus you will not change a god damn thing. You're a weak beta faggot and it reflects upon you and your life. Women call you "problematic" because you don't take charge, and when trying to explain things, you don't put women in their place, you try and give them "equal" discourse instead of laying down the law and making them feel retarded for holding such nonsensical views. SJW's are a cancers on society, but you enable their existence. As far as i'm concerned, have 10 white children ==or kys.==

Not really. I'm kind of loving it.

I'm a lardass currently. I'm working on losing the weight. People are treating me better.

I work in a high stress industry. I got fatter due to eating due to stress. I'm working on fasting for 3-4 days at a time. I'm becoming addicted to that mental clarity that comes about when your body is screaming at you to kill an animal and feast.

The women I work with repeatedly fall out. I chuckle. They ask how to deal with stress, tell them 'you just get used to it'. Someone's gotta work.

I love that we're now in a post modern world, where men and women are supposed equals, and my strung out ass that hasn't eaten in 4 days outperforms their bubble bath and mental health day.

I've got two female co-workers that can hang at my level of stress and autism. Shit's great working with them. The other roasties can get bent.

Enjoy all the shit that comes with being a man. Enjoy the superiority. Enjoy the women that can cut the muster. Stick babies in them.

There's your first mistake faggot.

More serious less booze filled response.

The sooner you learn that feminists don't actually care about men, do not want weak, pathetic and sensitive men, and ACTIVELY seek to destroy the white male, is the sooner you are to being free.

Ah, you're just a cuck. You just had your first red pill.


Welcome to your first redpill, faggot.

T. A drunk first generation american spic. See the photo

Would you have preferred the phrasing "can't discuss their own problems in a public space without screeching feminists trying to talk over them"?

You're probably the first person here to not be a COMPLETE anus about the fact that I'm still trying to shove off a lifetime of brainwashing, and I thank you for that.


you I like

you still have to go back

well fuck you, because you deserve it

I saw too many good men get their lives and families torn apart by SJWs. It never happened to me and I'm not even a really good person, so why did I realize how fucked up this shit was when it wasn't even directly having an effect on me?

And you are still here trying to straddle the fence bc you are afraid to lose your friends. You are a selfish fuck but I'll go ahead and let you know you just start talking about how fucked up SJWism is, and wait for the people that don't care to leave and the people that care will stick around and deal with you. As long as you aren't an asshole (which you kind of are) they aren't going to care, and you need to distance yourself from the zealots anyway because they are already trying to destroy you even though you are too stupid to realize it.

It's okay. I remember my first redpill when I realized feminism hated me. Still fat, but working on it.

I'm going to drop some more red pills for you.

1* White feather movement
2* suffragette bombings
3* Primary Agressor laws
4* woman are wonderful laws.
5* ((Tumblr)) but google how many feminists love being the submissive in a relationship

What'll probably come next is you playing the red pill game in a bar, realizing how pathetically easy it works, then sorta writing off women till you find and lust after a proper female that can hang in a super high stress environment AND teach you things.

Yeah. Why didn't you just say that you're not imposing enough to make them fear for their lives for spouting that shit in your presence? However you do it make them afraid. Be it a bombing a shooting whatever, make them afraid of a very possible death for spouting their degeneracy.

Or you could vote republican again. See how that goes.

Lurk 2 years. I know it's hard, you just had your first real red pill and you want to blog about it, but it's not what this forum is for, and why you're getting hostility. So….fuck off to plebbit if you wanna talk feelings and need some bed side manner.

just lurk moar faggot, we ALL know how you feel but you're just blogposting.

come back here when you've learned about Jews.

A LOT LOT LOT of liberals are super dumb, and lack empathy. They require things to happen to themselves before they realize it's a problem.

You're second paragraph is 100% correct though.

You got me wrong. I've been seeing this shit go on for years and I've been getting steadily angrier about it, just didn't really click to go looking for an online community around it since I grew up in the woods and that's not my natural reaction. I HAVE lost friends, and I've become stronger friends with others who have reached the same viewpoints.

I'm familiar with a couple of those, enough to grind my teeth about them.

Dubs of insight; dubs of truth.

I'd only add a suggestion to look up the Duluth Model (which you touched on in #3), and take a gander at how many feminists have been huge hook-nosed kikes. All of them, without notable exception

Demand a white wife. Be worthy of a white wife. Don't be afraid of being alone for a few years while you shape up and gain confidence. Then walk away from the ones you're not convinced want your children and your ring, not in that order.

Ellen Ripley?
That /fit/ spic woman from Aliens?
Sarah Connor?

Luckily, I'm not afraid of being alone. I've turned down every chance I've had for an actual relationship, because frankly I have standards that were not met in any of those cases.

This niggah fucks!

Or a white hispanic, if you're not white, like me.

Why, good morning there, sweetheart. Rise and fucking shine.
You haven't even realized the truth of things yet. Not only don't these creatures care about you, they want you dead. That's it. They want you to cease existing.
But that's just the beginning. Wait till you find out what the creators and handlers of SJWs (you didn't think they just appeared out of nowhere by themselves, did ya?) want and actively seek.

Welcome to the red pill, now get fucked and go back to lurking. We don't need your blogposting here, we have enough slidethreads to deal with already.

Saged. God dam kids. You have to go back.

There are no 'SJWs'.
There are only Jews and Marxists (Honorary Jews).

Firstly, you have to realise that most people are sheep, lemmings, cattle, etc., whatever you want to call them. They don't think for themselves, and to be honest they don't want to think for themselves. They're happy indulging themselves in whatever hobby they have; hobbies which include everything from tabletop board games to clubbing and drinking.

Now realise; you're questioning these things because you're coming out of this state. It's human nature to fall into a large social group and follow it. Humans are generally social and need to feel a part of a society. Shed off these emotions and seek the truth! Understand that this fear of being called out, this fear of being rejected, this fear of having everyone you know think you're an "evil racist/sexist" is a fear, and is inside your head.

Now get busy nigger. Study and lift. When you're confident, meet others and start redpilling others. Good luck, we're behind you.

No you wouldn't, or you'd already be there. Truth is you like the idea of being that self-fulfilled hermit in the woods, but you're not willing to face the hardship inherent to being that person.

I see it in pretty much everyone saying they'd be happier with a simpler life: they're just romanticizing a life they perceive to not require as much effort. Fact is it's just a different kind of effort, and it's effort itself that these people are lamenting, thus they never live their ideals.

Stop running away from life. It is never without hardship, and would in fact not be worth living if that weren't the case. There is no reward in an easy success. If your goal is to have a family in these times, you should be happy that it's so difficult, because if you succeed you will have actually achieved something of note. Records of how great men built families in a period extremely hostile to family life will be powerful lessons to future generations, and enable them to overcome even harsher turbulence.

So many Jewish shills trying to redirect Holla Forums towards their useful cultural marxist idiots. Hey Jews, we know its you, you are the problem, pack your fucking bags because you won't be here for that much longer.

newfriend, a word of advice, try to contain the sperg as you take the redpills contained in these hallowed halls. it will be difficult, and there will be a moment that you are watching a webm and something clicks and you will be overwhelmed with rage and sadness and helplessness. then you will begin to rebuild yourself better than before.

bad times create strong men
strong men create good times
good times create weak men
weak men create bad times

you were one of the weak creating the bad times we have been in for decades now. the bad times will now make you a strong man.

Funny with all the notice of numbers around here nobody called the OP dufus out on his ID, which suggests he's a literal cucked faggot.

OP, you just started looking in the right direction. At what age doesn't matter.

You missed the second half.

Get disillusioned and hate women. Then finally find one that gives you hope.