The future SA?
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What is there to work for?
You want me to slave away doing shit I don't want, to buy shit I dont need, so you can tax me and take some of my money to hand it to my enemies?
What am I working for? What future do I have?
The women are all whores who want to marry the state - I stand a good probability of being little more than a sperm donor who has to make monthly payments for the right to reproduce, to create a child that will be raised in a broken home by a whore who hates me, itself growing up to be dysfunctional in all the ways I am (myself having been raised in such a home, by such a whore).
You work to ensure my children, even in a best cases scenario, will be minorities in their own lands, surrounded by inferiors who hate them, ruled by the same.
What future is that? What about that prospect is supposed to make me want to get up and out into the workforce? What about my nation being purposefully handed to my lessers is supposed to make me give a shit about the nation's future well-being, about the well-being of those around me who serve the enemy or refuse to face it?
So why bother investing in this system rife with those who hate me and want to destroy me and my people?
For what?
My parents? They couldn't be assed to face the hardship, and now expect a cushy retirement - but they'll not get it from me.
My material wealth? Its hollow.
My social standing? What worth is it in a nation of traitors and invaders, where the women are all whores married to the state?
If even a significant portion of these men are like me, then me we need to find a cheap way to let them come together in person, out of the eyesight of the enemy's judgement, and work to discern the path to take that makes the future less loathsome, to find the strength to dehumanize themselves and face to bloodshed as their mothers and fathers would not.
Not you OP, just thinking aloud.
Never underestimate young White men, working in coordination and with nothing to lose.
Main issue is, whites don't want to live around niggers or spics and you have to pay $$$ these days to do so, if you making low income and your white, you either live out in the middle of nowhere, or you live at home with you boomer parents to avoid the spic nigger problem.
You get blocked from entry level jobs for being white and or male, my friend was flat out told that they were only accepting women for a position he wanted. Fortunately he found work elsewhere, still bullshit though.
If he was told that in a face-to-face talk and had that recorded, he could have sued and won in the blink of an eye.
that's wishful thinking, most whites are happy to become neets and stay virgins into their 80's if they have enough to get stoned and play those retarded video games
off topic KINDA
Last week on the news i seen a story about a Man got killed by police shooting up a pool party full of Nogs didn't think of it until now he was a older boomer i think he killed 1 or 2 "" THEN COPS CAME IN KILLED BOOMER i brought this up because i guess im just hearing more and more everyday of White men killing themselves or getting them self's killed that im starting to Honestly believe White men are starting to crack I sense shit getting ready to hit the fan
Let it all burn down.
Let the niggers and non-whites work for you while its still working.
The NEET life is the only life to bring down the ZOG while remaining your honor and virtue.
We Gandhi now.
The NEET is being fattened for slaughter.
The white wage slave is too.
BOMMERS ARE GOING TO DIE OFF SOON AND THEY PROBABLY GOT A ((( REVERSE MORTGAGE))) with out telling there disappointment that lives in the basement so when the time comes Neet life will not be possible ,we'll POSSIBLE but a lot harder
I lost 30lbs being a NEET. I'm getting back into my fighting shape and military training helps compensate.
All that needs to happen is for the power to turn off.
learn to link. that said, yeah I'm gonna just start recording any time I'm talking to employers.
Prepare for the DOTR. All that is necessary is for the power grid to go down. Within 48 hours, all the food in the grocery stores will be rotted. Chimps will be chimping. Spics will be running back to mexico. And you, if you have prepared your body, mind, and spirit, will be ready to act. The strong will rule and the weak will perish. Cities will burn and the people will be nothing but ashes. But a few will emerge victorious; those who can recall the spirits of their ancestors, invoke the ancient Gods, and have prepared to invoke their wrath upon those who have forgotten the laws of nature. Each must prepare in his own way, but discretion combined with strength will create the victors.
We need Holla Forums communities sooner than later.
Well yeah I imagine most blacks don't live at home with their parents. They're either welfare queens living in gibs housing or in prison.
Actually this is a huge blessing in disguise for countless reasons:
- We need to shine a spotlight on this issue to drive home this point: Whites who aren't qualified for top end degrees won't have a job when they graduate college along with 150K-200K in debt. Instead they can begin preparing for a vocational career at 15/16 (preferably earlier) relatively debt free. Local WN business can begin mentoring at a younger age and offer them a spot for their training hours.
Lets face it, debt is how they keep us enslaved and the entire system going. Let the government keep giving out 150-200K loans for gender studies type degrees to work at starbucks for the next 50 years. This will toss a huge wrench in their system.
- Trades can also lead to small business ownership so you can hire anyone you want without fear from the diversity sjw. All we need is a few accountants to help with the numbers and advice whenever they need it.
- Whites will be looking to start families at a much younger age instead of 27-30 with a worthless degree under mountains of debt. Younger marriage usually = more kids. Women will run to men who are home owners by the age of 22-24.
- With the infrastructure crumbling around us, there will always be work. For home/restoration work quality is of the utmost importance. People will pay anything for quality work nowadays.
- People will always prefer hiring the white guy. I would never trust my brakes or home being fixed by a nonwhite/diversity hire looking to rip me off. Especially if he barely speaks the language.
- We can start using each other for services. They'll never restrict who we can get our homes/cars fixed from. Discounts for the euro family. Make up the difference on everyone else.
Long term: When it all goes to shit, whatever trade you've learned will become extremely valuable in the new world and can be passed on to future generations of our own only. Ideally we could encourage all trades, not just specific ones to diversify our overall knowledge base.
This is the real american dream (an almost debt free lifestyle with the family) not the current bullshit they're selling us which only serves to destroy our spirit and our lives.
Added bonus: Women love men who can fix things around the house and always favor the chad over the betas.
or dead
Join the goverment and sabotage it from within, inaction is bad.
They had government mandated diversity quotas.
I'm sure that position is open to this day.
That is the point. Problem -> Reaction -> Solution. Why else do you think history is enacted in cycles?
White: over 50%
Everyone Else: ~25% or lower
Got mad
Cough up that blackpill and fight, lad.
Whites are actually underrepresented there.
What judge would rule in favor of a white working man? Affirmative action makes it legal to discriminate.
Because the system does not benefit whites in any regard.
The quicker things decline the better things will be in the end.
This. Work in the government. Slack away. Fuck them.
Because non-whites get free education via scholarships that whites don't, there are bound to be more non-whites in school proportionally.
Everything about our societies is fucked, and I have lost hope that it can be solved politically.
Which has thoroughly cheered me up and lifted my spirits.
I just want it to begin.
Yes, and they will also form naturally once the system falls
Traditional values became traditional for a reason
They work
31 college dropout neet here for 10 years now
I will probably find some night shift job and apartment, living a quiet non-life when shit really hits the fan… until then, I still have no real hope or positive view of the future and can easily rationalize the living cost incurred on parents. I am ashamed and embarrassed about this situation, but life in the grind seems little better than a slave type situation to me.
There's hundreds of millions youth sick of the current climate, knowing fine well if things stay the way they are they will have no future. They sit anxiously like a coiled spring ready to hear the one word. Attack
Also, makerspaces. Men only, no cucks and SJWs allowed.
Those percentages seem to match the general distribution of the population.
I don't see what there is to get mad about.
I forgot, except that the black distribution is higher than it should be and the hispanic is lower.
So the Hispanics are working more and the blacks are working less relative to their population.
The white percentage is about proportional to the percentage of whites in the country.
i have food, roof over my head, internet, 1 pc, 1 laptop
i don't need anything else, i worked my balls off, i din't bring me anything other then money, i was practically everyday suicidal
The problem is they can keep printing money endlessly to keep the system going. They'll have crashes every 8-10 years but the overall system can continue on for 50 years if they want it to. Raising the debt ceiling to 30/40T makes no difference at this point. No one will ever pay it off anyways. In 20-25 years the nons population will have doubled and ours reduced significantly.
They want that slow burn approach so we're gradually phased out while we're broke and living on the streets. Glibs won't be available to us because its raycis and then we're finished. Disconnecting from it altogether (varg) or going against the grain (vocational/trades) is the only way we're going to come out of this in one piece.
The saddest part about that is that most mexicans can barely speak the language and they still outperform the nogs at every turn.
Organised young white men are the superior economic, military and cultural force when energised, sure. But how far does our power extend?
Concerning the Boomer Question - they are the current center of gravity in our world and although our power grows as theirs wanes, every year we wait also pushes the demographics exponentially against us.
Given the time window from now to when the last boomer dies, are we better acting sooner and fight against Boomers and the brown masses at the same time,or do we wait and try to go after a MUCH larger shitskin horde?
I'd say we could take on the entire brown world and win but I'm just a NEET so what do i know
At least screencap it so that you get the spoilered text as well.
This world: it's name is "Endurance."
You are not "le troo hero who will take down the ZOG" but a worthless, greasy fatass. Get fit or shoot yourself in the head already.
Sadly no longer the truth.
My current maker space went SJW-lite, no more showing up at midnight with a six pack and to work on the milling machine all night long.
Are you implying someone who doesn't want to wage slave is necessarily overweight? Or maybe you are worried you will lose your gibs/taxes/child-support?
I'm implying he specifically is a fat fuck, sounds depressed too. I am not bothered by the "not supporting kikes" argument but by the idea that these fucks are going with the "wymmyn aren't going after us nice guys :((( all wymmyn are the devil" nonsense in which "nice guys" is codeword for either beta cucks, fatasses or a mix thereof. Of course an average woman wouldn't be attracted to those.
While the typical boomer may not agree with anything we have to say, they know exactly what the type of world that awaits them. The real issue is that next wave 18-29. Luckily they are hooked on social media so its an advantage to us.
Don't save anything for the swim back.
Holly shit your retarded or a shill.
Basically your telling every one to take the shit jobs nobody wants wile the shit skins become our managers and overseers…
But do they care at all?
Boomers aren't exactly known for their long term big picture thinking.
I have no idea how much of an option this is around the united states. I only knew of two vocational schools in my area and the other regular high schools slandered them relentlessly to keep kids from switching. Being asked to consider going to a vocational school meant you fucked up and they wanted to punish you.
….Except it wasn't a punishment, much as they wanted you to think it was. In reality you were being set free.
They care, but they're delusional. The only way to snap them out of the fantasy that the world is the same as it was thirty years ago is to get mad about it, maybe punch their face once or twice. When they see a young man with no hope for the future and the burning rage it creates in their heart, only then do they understand the lies they've been fed and wholeheartedly believed until that moment.
Been a NEET for 4 years, am 22, haven't played a video game in 2 years. Now I work out all day, read NatSoc literature and study the Jew. Working on quitting porn as well.
Yeah, but what good are you? Who have you converted? What laws have you championed? How many people vote differently now because of your influence?
Pic also related.
lol, how are you liking Trump's presidency?
Okay, thanks for admitting that you’re completely and utterly worthless. Your shilling isn’t going to work anymore.
The only thing that will save the White Race is war, complete destruction of the Jewish World Order. Anything short of that is subversion.
I'm almost-certainly in better shape than you. Judging by your rhetoric, you're unimpressive, and unquestionably uninspiring.
Fuck nice guys. I'm not nice. I'm not rich either. One matters, one doesn't.
The only person who put forth 'nice guys' is you - projection?
The women are whores. Understand what that means, and why its not appealing - especially when the State of Man exists, which these women, these gold-digging whores, will instead marry when the opportunity is there.
Women are not the only problem, by any means, but how much has man accomplished as driven by a desire for women? I have no desire for a woman who is on her 214th cock by age 25 - and I'm not going to pull down the stars for that. Neither are you, and you know it.
Women are but one piece of the puzzle, and if you deny their degradation, you're either a fool or a liar.
This is the best thing i've ever seen on POL
Obviously. When you can hire a woman to do the same work for half the price, why hire men?
as much as I would like to agree with you, I get the feeling this is the exact reaction (((they))) want you to have to what's going on
As user implied, white ethno-state or GTFO!
Video games are a lot more fun than being butthurt about the world all day and being unable to change it.