BREAKING NEWS: Armed police at Gare du Nord in Paris as station is evacuated over security concerns
BREAKING NEWS: Armed police at Gare du Nord in Paris as station is evacuated over security concerns
Live near Gare du Nord:
Macron's France.
Going to repeat this every time it happens.
So what's going on? So far it's just these french dudes filming the street.
Hey maybe they'd have a way to resist that if they hadn't willingly disarmed themselves decades ago. You reap what you sow.
Train station evacuated. Nothing is known beyond that. Could be false alarm.
Preparing to welcome the next wave of refugees maybe.
dubs confirm
Open up for the enrichment.
I actually want that to happen, the French deserve to receive what they voted for. Imagine waves upon waves of feral niggers just rampaging, and ransacking all of their landmarks while Imams belt out calls to prayers. How long before an Islamic flag flies above Versailles?
oh my
This is what they voted for.
Hope they enjoy it.
SHADILAY! Has it even been 24 hours?
Macaroni regime off to a good start.
If there are any deaths don't forget to tell people that they voted for these deaths.
Remind them every time that any and all deaths, rapes, riots are their fault. They personally are responsible for this.
If they get mad at you, good, it makes them open for radical ideas.
Strong emotions are the key to propaganda and converting people.
URLS aren't automatically hyperlinked anymore.
probably arresting political dissidents trying to flee the country
Fucking checked user
Elections have consequences. You get what you vote for.
Paris definitely does. 90% of that city voted for this. I feel sorry for the 1/3 of France that voted against him.
At least they didn't vote for a racist though! That hurt saying and hurts even more that people really think like this
i know SAD
English to follow:
You reap what you sow.
If you deport your enemies they win
Boy, hardly 24 hours passed. I am impressed.
Probably a false flag that will be pinned on muh evil racist bigot Le Pen supporters
Five more years of this shit.
That's a nice dubtrain you got going
Isn't it some 30h by now?
Anyway, if something hapened they'll spin it as dissatisfied Le Pen voters, avoiding name, race, and country of origin as hard as huamnly possible.
Impressive dubtrain indeed
choo choo
ISIS/FSA have big plans to celebrate the victory. Their flags have been seen at Macron rallies. Anyone trying to record terror events will be kindly asked to leave and if that doesn't work, they'll face arrest and their equipment stolen or destroyed.
Police commanders & officers refusing to go along with it will get a nice desk job. Sweden's methods (destroy reports of rapefugees crimes) will be the model to follow.
Keep in mind that you cannot be too scripted either. If this is nothing/minor blowing it out of proportions is what the media expects and will try to capitalize on ("We must stand up against hate" articles). This might happen anyway, so it is necessary for us to know when to "hold back" a little.
So if this is a minor happening be sure to hoard up on material, but hold onto it until there is a larger happening in order to remind/paint a bigger picture, as it would have a bigger impact then "racists chimpout over nothing day after election".
I don't want the French to go extinct dammit. I need someone to make fun of.
Try again.
say it with me, …JIHAD
No but i will say check em
Ah dammit i am getting rusty with the digits these days.
Couple of riot cops but otherwise nothing seems to be happening
Guys I got why our memes didn't reach destination. We weren't supposed to learn french, we were supposed to learn arabic.
Nothing that we know of at least. If only we had any residential frogs but they are probably asleep.
When do we start seeing Doom Le Pens?
Do it!
For the first time in French history, parliament is destined to be made up of significant numbers of extremists rather than purely socialist and centrist middlers. National Front has overnight been transformed from a fringe party, a dirty word, a party that only "undesirables and nazis" associate with, and a group of politically insignificant nobodies into a household name, a party worth registering with, something that 35% of the country and the majority of the truly French youth chose; clearly, they are also going to be the main opposition to Macron and will be power players in parliament. Every decision that Macron makes will have to survive National Front's coalition's antagonism. And if France goes to hell, will National Front be seen as a group of rabblerousers? No, they'll be seen as a legitimate government entity that offers a true alternative based in political experience. This is 1930s Germany. When the people of Aquitaine and Brittany realize how sheltered they were all these years, they'll realize their horrible mistake in electing a milquetoast centrist. No country, despite the 'cuck' and 'surrender monkey' memes we like to throw around, can stand to watch itself die when a legitimate alternative is available. France is officially unique because that alternative is grabbing power from within
Wow you actually made a gif of me
user, common now. What makes you think just 5 years? This is the new France. The greater caliphate of France. Francistan. Whatever other stupid term. Short of mass shitskin genocide by the Frenchies, France is lost to the dust-bin of history.
Lets see this accelerationist theory in action
No user, France is that cucked
Freedom and safety intensifies.
fuck I wanted to post and ironic arabic message.
pic w/ timestamp or gtfo
Topkek, the Muslims have the frog cops doing their job for them.
I love his videos
Any new info? I just saw this.
Let them reap what they sow. They were given a way out and they chose Macron. Burn in hell Parisians. I'm fresh out of sympathy for these stupid fucking cucks.
Perhaps in 2022.
France won't last that long.
It's cute you think we have that long.
RWDS soon?
well, clearly
more police are needed
more security is needed
ever diminishing human rights MUST occur
to keep us all SAFE
Heard that on Ruptly?
One guy called his producer/editor to ask if the interview he did was good or not/if it was going to get used.
Moments later..
Did he said that in russian?
I knew the French loved cheese but this is getting silly.
Check'd and kek'd
I hate the sound of bagette.
So…is shit going down or not?
Even if it's not, it's going to soon enough. The French just elected the guy who literally told them terrorism is going to be a part of their lives for the foreseeable future.
Nah, some riots going on and the police is incredibly jumpy but I don't think there are actual terrorist attacks happening. If I was Abdul I'd wait a few weeks before the boosted police presence they put up for the election period lowered a little, then I'd turn the ignition in my truck of peace. Then again I'm not a 80IQ sandnigger so something may still happen.
You get what the majority (((voted))) for.
Reminder that Macron's victory celebration at the Louvre also had to be evacuated at one point because of a bomb threat.
Wait, are you *that* steve?
The one that eats ancient fucking MREs and almost killed himself doing it?
You're a madman, i love it.
You should branch out to other "foods"
All the guns in the world haven't amounted to much in the JewSA. The meme never gets stale for functionally jewish patriotards, though, does it?
If France doesn't revolt and overthrow their globalist government in the next 5 years, they might never have a legitimate election again.
These gets are getting out of control.
Le Pen would have saved France
I think it's safe to say, Kek's will is to destroy France
Are we really going to use these events just to rub it in?
I can't understand how a sane minded individual could vote for a scumbag who says shit like that, just to not being called racist or whateverer-phobic, fucking hell.
This is why egalitarianism and other retarded "enlightenment" concepts are getting less legitimate everyday.
Impressive dubs train.
You have to understand. They are TERRIFIED of being called racist. Socially speaking, they have fetishized black people to the point that there is nothing more that they want than being friends with black people. Why? Black people invented "cool", which is the basis of nearly every media product in existence at the moment. Be friends with black people and Stephen Colbert might invite you on the show. Get called a racist and he'll make fun of you, then you won't have ANY friends. It's all about maneuvering for social position.
En Marche!
I'm glad Moebius didn't live to see this. France died with him for me, really.
is anything even happening? will we even hear about it or will it be silenced by macrons tolerant freedom party like the leaks?
we're gettin slid and this is the only interesting thing, but theres no news. need info
You nigger I actually heard that in his voice.
bump because of all the low-energy shill threads
wew fucking lad
wew intensifies
If one major white country has to completely fall for the others to learn from example, I am completely fine with it being France. They have been a huge problem for Europeans in many ways for over a thousand years already. First Charlemagne genocides countless native Europeans for his precious kike on a stick, and then Frenchies literally give birth to Leftism through their Revolution.
If France wants to become an hero this badly, let them; They've got more terrorist attacks than Germany or Sweden at this point.
Macron will be the euology on France's tombstone.
Nigger are you stupid? Just because the kingdom of France didn't exist yet, he was tribally a Frenchman, and vast majority of the Frankish kingdoms region consisted of the current area of France and genetically French people.
Not saying French genes made him do it, but for a long time the French have had a hostile culture towards other Europeans.
I don't want any of them to fall, but, in the scenario where one HAS to fall first, for some reason I'm also okay with it being France. That country died a long time ago anyway and we're just looking at the corpse decomposing further.
It's weird though; I for sure thought I'd want Sweden to go first instead.
Swedes are much better people than Frenchies
wew indeed
Praise Kek!
Brits, not even once.
Keep it going
Though it's possible Belgium has already fallen and nobody's noticed.
What's the betting that the demographic displacement of whites into a minority (though not really because all the shit that has flooded them comes from 20 different countries so the 40% of whites are still the "majority" lol) will be at first celebrated in the liberal media, and in the cuckservative European media (like The Sun) will simply be reported as detached statistical fact. Then when the twice-daily terrorist attacks start, and rape rates spike through the roof, they will forget such a place as "France" ever existed and report endlessley on single niggers being shot in America.
Checking and kekking.
What's the problem ? Macaron himself said french people should get used with terrorist attacks.
And the french people chose Macaron as their leader.
I'd say fuck them all, they made their own beds, now they should lie on them.
Rolling for the next happening.
Friendly reminder that the burgers have voted Obonobo in twice and would have either had Killary or Jeb! if Trump hadn't shown up with a hostile takeover of the republican party. Le Pen may have lost but let me know when an independent party with nationalistic ideas (even civic) gets 35% of the vote in America, or anywhere else really.
You mean (((majority))), you know the millions of niggers and chinks they imported and gave voting rights.
Fun fact, UKIP in the UK would have had 13% of all seats if the country had proportional representation and would have held the balance of power. As it stands, they third most popular party in the UK has only 1 seat.
While Nationalist parties can be popular, they are fighting against a system that is very much dead against them.
Just a matter of time until a pack of muslims culturally enriches France by burning down the Louvre.
Karel the great (charlemagne) was Germanic and not Gaul
the modern france refers to the Germanic tribe (franks) that conquerd gaul
thats how cuckd the gauls are
I've written a few papers on voting systems. I hate to be a fence-sitter but they're all shit in their own way. FPTP fucks over everyone but the main parties but PR makes for weak coalition governments running on compromise and appeasement.
Read this book fagget
As you command. Victory will come to us in time. We need only to watch, to wait, and to laugh at the madness.
Or: That's a nice 14th century cathedral you've got there, be a shame if something happened to it.
I'm surprised it hasn't occurred yet.
Just a part of daily life.
"Let me know when a political system with a fundamentally different layout and drastically different laws governing political campaigns mirrors this precise set of circumstances"
You're either a kike or one of those autistic nordaboos that thinks they're still anything close to vikings.
Second time was proven voter fraud.
What about STV?
Nice train
Fuck macron
Not an option
Sauce plz! I read some of his books and like them.
Why not call it "Rothschild's France?"
my life has no meaning..
can somebody rotate this shit
mplayer -vf rotate=2
Nevermind. Somebody already did.
y already did.
Monarchy is best, monarchy with the understanding that if the monarch is a cunt, the people will mob the palace and tear them limb from limb.
Propaganda which relies on emotions is called agitprop.
can i have this one?
Need to take his election posters and repost them every time a radical kills a natural born French citizen. Drag their faces through their own shit and guts.
What makes you think this time will be different? Once one of the great indo-european civilizations collapses due to mongrelization, it never rises to world supremacy levels again. This is a fact.
All propaganda is emotional, no one gets convinced by pure facts and data except for autists.
Agitprop is just a specific type of propaganda used in the arts.
The Grapes of Roth produce a bitter wine.