Trump Offers 'Full Support' In Standoff With Russia Over Breakaway Regions

What's his endgame here, piss off Russians?
Make allies? both? He seems very pro-Georgian.
General Caucasus region discussion.

His endgame here is to do the Neocons bidding and keep poking the Russian bear. Or are you still holding out for some 50th dimensional chess game?

are you one of those "putin is savior of white race" fellas?

Spot the shill.

Don't worry user we're all gonna be just fine.

Checked for I'm sure Putin will be in 'full support' when the spics go full Reconquista.

The false dichotomy of you either support my good goy candidate or you support the other one by default.
Well silly shills, how about NEITHER?

It's do as you're told or we will kill your grandchildren and your children.

It seems he became compromised.

No dumb fuck. I'm one of those "Doesn't want the remainder of the white race to kill itself in a nuclear hellstorm" fellas.

He needs to pull a Brutus and sacrifice his children for the glory of the republic.

Thats not an argument, its just inflammatory rectal kvetching, and had nothing to do with what I said.

Donald Trump JR = married a kike
Eric Trump = Married a kike
Ivanka = became a kike
Tiffany = dating a kike

You fags should have listened


The only one that remained pure till now is Barron well for obvious reasons.
Hopefully that kid doesn't follow on the steps of his family.

Well shit does that mean my milk that went bad was funded by Soros?


Well if he's anything like his father then chances are dim.


t. Georgian

t. Silverspoon kike family will direct him just fine user…

Don Jr married a goy though.

You assume he will save us bc his mom shot some pornos?

Fucking kill yourself imkampfy
What's the point of hopping on 14 IPs and pretending to talk to yourself?
What the point of making fake threads??

he's accumulating leverage so he can be in a better position to make deals in the future. this is basic shit straight out of the fucking book he wrote

You have autism

He was always a good goy

As far as I can tell he's just trying to be friends with as many people as possible, it's not necessarily an anti-Russia move.

Ah the right-side slice of the Kosher Sandwich.
It's amazing how many people actually fall for Jewish rhetoric. It's so hackneyed. So ancient.

No matter what happens it's a good idea to have Georgia as an ally. leverage with dealing with russia but also shares a boarder with turkey and it's relatively close to syria, both may be important if turkey leaves NATO for whatever reason.



This can't possibly go wrong.

Some people still don't get it do they?
The jews have set themselves up as the new global aristocracy
Trump like any sensible elder man who wants the best for his family has ensured they all get to be a part of this new aristocracy.
Why is it so hard to accept that a man who is intelligent enough to see which way the wind is blowing has done his best to make sure his grandchildren do well.
