Were ProudBoys at NOLA

Is there anyone here who is also on their Discord able to confirm/deny? They're acting like faggots on Twitter today.

Other urls found in this thread:


Who cares?



Can someone explain to yuropoor what proud boys are anyway? Do they wear hats on the side or what?

It's not an act. They are faggots. Fuck the AltRight fuck these controlled opp faggots and fuck their whole race mixing families. They deserve the rope. Reminder Fag Stickman has made over 100k on WeSearchr hence he's officially a paid protester

Some faggot civic nationalist organization founded by Gavin McInnes.

Mostly made up of fags, jew lovers, and non-whites betas pretending like they're alphas.

It's Gavin McCuck's organization, which he abandoned at the first moment they ran into violence lol.

It's been DOA for 6 months now.

who even are the people joining these groups lol

These faggots disgust me on a visceral level.

Gavin unironically believes Israel is the USA's greatest ally.


At 2:53

fags trannies and spics

and racemixers

To be expected from Goyvin McGoynes

When was the last time that the IDF fought alongside the American army, Galvin McCuckerson? The last time both militaries were committed to the same theater was the Lebanese Civil War, and the kikes made it clear there that they weren't an ally but an arrogant adversary. They impeded efforts at cooperation/coordination, and even withheld intelligence on the Beirut Barracks Bombing!

Touche, why do you cuckservatives sperg out about sandniggers all day when the real issue is kikes and feminists and the like?

Daily Reminder this fag sticks things in his asshole

That's more than half the fucking country, that meme didn't sprout out of nothing.

Jesus I've seen anal fisting videos not proud of it where the asshole was less stretched out than that.

Worst bit is that this guy has children. Can you imagine being in middle school or high school and having to deal with everyone giving you shit about how your father shoves things up his ass?


He has little half-redskin mongrels with his Indian wife. Fuck 'em.

feels good

What's worse is the guy with the 3 inch penis getting erect at a sight like that


Those are all Gavin

This is hilarious.

god this is disgusting. dont post this shit anymore faggot

Spencer's shit but these guys are even worse.

I'm Ezra Levant and I'm oh so proud of the Proud Goys™

Hold up, is that shit real, I though that bit on Murdoch Murdoch was a reference to how gay he, and his "Proud Boys" are, not to him actually sticking things up his ass on camera. Is this what goes on on his show?

Well the cuck knight has been found

Literally every fucking time.

Why would a jew wear roman armor? Doesn't he remember the 6,000,000000,000,000 jews killed in the Roman-Jewish wars?

Yes, and Lauren Southern does constantly hang around niggers. I have to say that Murdoch Murdoch has grown on me, probably because they've been doing some growing themselves from the time they actually promoted faggotry like Milo. Shame they still actually like that kike Enoch though.

This guy truly is a fucking retard.

Apparently it's not enough


Proud Boys aren't alt-right. The alt-right at least pretends to be WN. Doesn't mean they're good, but keep your definitions clear.

He's (((white))) until it's necessary to shame actual whites for being white.

Forgot pics.

I don't know a lot about Lauren Southern, but hanging around niggers is just pathetic normie way of deflecting racism charges, sticking things up your ass though, on camera, and creating a group called "proud boys" …. Isn't his show on Youtube though, how is he allowed to put up videos with his asshole?

No, his show is on his website and he uploads some of his segments to youtube.





Also youtube isn't above ignoring their rules for certain people. Remember that racemixing art video with a nigger and a white woman naked together that was actually promoted by youtube on the front page a year or two ago? Yes I know I'm double posting but its important to remind people just how fucked up Google/Alphabet/Youtube is.


I want off this ride

Is that Europoor slang for sodomy? If so, then yes. A den of Sodomites awaiting the Angel of Death's fiery blade.

Even Holla Forums isn't this stupid.

So this guy is a genuine fucking retard, huh? Interesting.

Was this an ironic use? I can't tell.

Even the kike faggot Milo admitted that if we use identify politics, we win. Kikes have neither the stomach nor the balls to attack their own in favor of the host nation; they have no loyalty to any but their own and it's been that way since the mudslimes took Spain.
Kikes need to be sent to Israel or be gassed.

At this point I don't think they should even get Israel. Kikes are guilty of far to many crimes to be allowed to exist anywhere. They are a scourge upon the planet.

I agree. Traitors hang first.

By this point I might actually write a book called "hello fellow white people" that's just a who's who and examples of jews pretending to be white. Could be a dictionary of sorts for WNs naming the jew.

holy hell user.. i used to love the books that had the 3-d photos like this

Please do.

Pic related is the family. On the far-left, Kyle Van Duser and his mongrel child. On the far-right, Sean Van Duser and his cuckoo kikess. They are brothers. Their mother, Paula M Vanduser, is second from the left. The family home is 17642 Chase, Northridge, CA 91325. Contact them at 818-343-6963 (and of course Sean's cell, 818-667-9644.

that's fukken brilliant really. Hell, we need a couple more millionaires on our side anyway.
Do it just like all our screencaps and infographs, and even make/force a second archive in case they SHUT DOWN the ones printed beneath all the pictures. Organise it by what they do/teach too.
The hardcover could be for hi-res prints and have the full set of tweets, the paperback could be used as a "field guide" you carry around to ID them at protests and rallies, and have just a blown up profile image plus the 2 hypocritical "hwite ppl" tweets.
I would say aim for about "480 solid images" 1 paragraph below about each person, 480 seems like a good average to start with, iirc my book clubbing days that's the max for a paperback before it explodes into confetti once removed from the pocket after folding, plus divides into enough numbers evenly you can adjust how much you want in each 'section' (15, 20, 30, 48, 60, etc) like you can earmark 180 for academia specifically, then 60/60/60 STEM/humanities/administration or deans, yeah lots of ways to split it up.
A secondary book you could make for PNAC/Neocons/RINOs specifically as well.

noice HH'in
That old fart looks like a fatter Kristolnacht!!!!!!!
so yeah 100% jew just by looking.

user in the other thread said he lives in venice, ca now.

yes they were and they joined forces with antifa and attacked the fellas who were protecting the monument.

One day you faggots will learn that civic nationalists are worse than communists and that there is no such thing as based jews.

Soros psy OP following the same principle than OPWhiteGoys

Someone had posted earlier that the proud boys are a gay club. I wonder how credible that is now.


Well you did mention Murdoch Murdoch, remember all that black guy and white girl porn all over youtube a year ago or so? Jews don't need to follow the rules, they make them.
