Harvard Hosts Segregated Graduation


Graduate students at Harvard have their own "black only" graduation. It's not segregation though….

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The event will be super short.

Who knew all we had to do to enact Jim Crow and segregation laws again was to get the blacks to think it was their idea. Hopefully the liberals work on the perspective of Africa and how it's so much better then the USA, maybe they'll just migrate back themselves now?

The only bad part is the basketball Americans are still allowed into the non-black areas.
I like how the only enforcement is the college and the threat of nigger chimp out.

A fairly large portion of educated blacks believe whites are the reason for the hood niggers. If segregation is enacted it's a good thing for blacks, according to them. They fail to understand we used to segregate ourselves from them and held the intellectual responsible for their shit kind. We lynched anyone who stepped out of line. You as so much looked a white in their eyes, you'd get pummeled.

Niggers united in their communities because of the perceived terror from whites. Blacks policed their own. Good luck policing Tyrone who will kill you for stepping on his shoes.

The mind fuck required to come up with their reasoning is cringe inducing. All their actions seem to go against all the muh equality talk they spew out. My head hurts now

We have to do something about that last part. In many places even if you do knows how to stop the mob attack that follows dropping a nigger (overwhelming force upon the gang that's approaching will suffice) you still get raped in court.

We must be able to defend ourselves


The goal of desegregation was not to integrate the races, the goal was to ensure white people have no space that is explicitly ours. It's fine if black people do. The reason leftists don't see any contradiction is that the purpose underlying both desegregation and black-only spaces is the annihilation of the white race.
This is basic stuff you all should already know. I expect better from people on Holla Forums.

user confirmed for never having been to a graduation ceremony. Trust me, there will be at least three hours of speeches from various guest speakers/blowhards before they even think about calling the names of the three nogs graduating and giving them their diplomas.

I mean, it would be unfair and racist if their graduation was any different than any other graduation ceremony, wouldn't it?

There are actual studies to back that up though… from segregation era.
Basically since nigger are dumber they succeed less in school than evil whitey. Which creates resentment and discouragement. "We dumb cause we nigga, sir. Education is fo' whitey."
But if they're segregated, they don't realize they're dumb since only niggers are there, so they actually work harder/for a longer time in school meaning that more will actually be able to something else than nog once released into the society, like get proper jobs and build families.

Now of course those people DO SEE the problem but will never admit the roots of it.

He was making a joke about how very few niggers graduate from anything.

Oh no I get that. But it's even funnier to think about outrageous guest speaking fees the university would rack up paying for hours of speeches to regale the three or four nogs that are actually graduating in this segregated ceremony. After all, that's how graduation ceremonies go, and it'd be wacist to not give them the full experience.

The other half of this is that the talented tenth of blacks who can succeed in school choose to join primarily white middle-class communities when that option is available. Before desegregation, they would have been leaders in their communities and provided jobs for the average niggers who can't really compete with whites, but when they have the option they much prefer to work for whites and live like middle-class white people. These are the ones normalfags tend to think of as "the good ones", or "black men" as opposed to "niggers." Problem is, they're just as responsible for the state of black America as the criminal underclass–they abandoned their duty to lead their people in order to live an affirmative action-driven middle class lifestyle.

You need to understand that SJWs are 100% projection. The ones who cry about racism are the most racist of all. The ones who cry about rape fantasize about getting raped. Every single one of them is like that raging homophobe that freaks out if a man accidentally touches his shoulder, but secretly sucks cocks every weekend.

are you nuts? graduating only 3 or 4 would be extremely rayciss for the university
80% of them will be graduating, because their diversity tests will be made to allow them to pass at the same rate as priviledged hwhyte people
and their future employers will be fined/jailed/ruined if they don't hire them at the same price as your diploma would be paid


Sure, if by that you mean they hate white people.
This is a Jewish myth (note that all examples of it come from American (((evangelical))) churches). Normal people are disgusted by fags.

I'm all for this shit. Yes a "whites only" group would be shot down from all sides but it's nice to have this to prove a point. Let dindus have their insular groups where they can fail all on their own even if whitey gets blame for that anyway. Only youtube alt-lite skeptics really protest that kind of shit.

That community annoys me a lot really, they are kosher as fuck while hurting themselves anyway. For example I remember when MTV had something about "own race bias" where they lambast white people how their babies are racist and shit and the skeptics immediately rushed to say that own race bias doesn't even exist!!! when the reality is that it's in all of the races' nature, MTV was simply trying to use it as a point against white people. Pointless cuckery.

This is very true but sadly the aforementioned alt-lite community also lacks nuance in this engaging in their liberals are the real racists! shit. When we say that we mean that leftists are hypocrites who subconciously still see black and brown people as inferiors who can't succeed and express it by excusing all their behavor and wanting to coddle them. It's not about proving that we are the noble non-racists.

Wait.Stop.Don't do it, please oh no the humanity.

I hate to sound hypocritical but this is a liberal policy I can get behind.

Uncle Ted is one of the few who gets this right–it's not that they see blacks, homosexuals, etc. as inferior and therefore want to help them out or be less hard on them, it's that they see them as inferior, identify with that inferiority, and want to join with them to destroy the superior.

That's often true too for the crazier parts of the left, ancoms practically admit that they just want to destroy shit and act like wannabe niggers for that reason.
However for the well-off cucks there's definitely pathological altruism involved.

I'm not convinced that's correctly labeled as "pathological". Rich cucks are often totally insulated from the consequences of their actions. Their altruism is directed by what's fashionable, which is controlled by the kikes, who are motivated by what I said in .

Regardless of the terminology they indeed do it out of a subconscious sense of superiority over the dirty plebs forced to actually deal with the diversity. They are terminally high on their fart fumes.

There's nothing inherent in their character that makes poorer whites their outgroup. Noblesse oblige used to be a common attitude–the reason it's not anymore is because kikes control intellectual fashion.

It's not segregation unless there's also an all-white graduation.




If trips I'm getting in next year and saving Harvard from this monstrosity

Okay, maybe not save, but still getting in

Remember when Harvard and Yale were the twin pillars of American Anglo power? Shit. It was only a generation ago.

I suppose this is their reward for byzantine machinations against the rest of the country's whites; pitting us against foreigners so they could cling to power. Soon there won't be any of them left to cling, and nothing to cling to.

WHITES ONLY GRADUATION WOULD BE ON THE COVER OF EVERY NEWS PAPER ON EVERY NEWS STATION 24/7 telling the world how evil racist white devils held a graduation/Klan meeting.




No shit. Since when have the kikes had a sense of shame? The silver lining is that those shitholes just print toilet paper these days. In 20 years, an Ivy-League education is only going to pay for itself if you're a Jew banker. Everybody else who thinks a Harvard degree guarantees a job is fucked especially the niggers who wrecked it.

Our solution will have nothing to do with voting. Much less trusting the treacherous elites.

Godspeed to that other user above me who wants to get in, I'm gonna be right there with you brother

Good, niggers hoot and hollar at a highschool graduation like it's the fucking BET awards. I imagine if a groid graduates college it's a category 2 chimpout.

Alaska is an unusual state. They also made it a felony to enforce federal firearm laws.

This may actually be why they want to give them "safe spaces". Blacks are so dysgenically bred these days that their behavior is too orkish for anything resembling human society.

Orks would be less destructive.

Are abbos aggressive? I could forgive niggers for being clinically retarded if they weren't aggressive.

Abbos are worse they're aggressive chronically high on gas. They have thick skulls so they ignore beatings and it's common to see them just shitting on the floor at the grocery stores.

Also their first instinct for anything is to burn it.

That's too bad. I guess all the shits get the rope.

Unfortunately this isn't Jim Crow. It's negative-Jim-Crow. Blacks don't just want to be separate and left alone. They want to have their own blacks-only shit while still pushing for black diversity infringing on whites. They want blacks-only spaces but still want to make sure whites can never be left alone. They still want to be in your schools. They still want to be in your neighborhoods. They still want to leech off your prosperity and taxes.

We should shill hard for white people to have their own spaces. Either (A) we succeed and then that's great or (B) we get shot down in court and then it becomes even more obvious to normies that there is an anti-white agenda

I've heard that far out in the outback, they're known to hunt people. To eat.

I love how the lot of them shared one bike for that vid

sounds like just an excuse for the staff to have a day off

The video description is unintentionally hilarious:

Take away:

pic related is "Monkey Marc"

So sue them for reparations. Kek.

That's perhaps how they might see it, but that's not what the studies prove. They are inferior in every way. They're intellectual out-liners still cause more crime then white trailer trash.


And even those outliers recede to the mean when their descendants are involved. Racial averages are everything.
Africans have simply not evolved the same way we did. They never needed all that IQ evolving in the African environment. Having like 1 in 5 of them be at the level of an unremarkable white person was just enough for purposes like e.g. being a simple tribal leader.

Abos are far less violent than niggers, just because they have black skin doesn't mean they're related. They commit petty crime at best and are far too zoned out and laid back to do anything.

Yep, pretty much what feminists are doing when they say they want to destroy "the man-cave"/"the boy's club". This is what a step-by-step erasure looks like.

WASP power is just Jew meme

Me too, I'm 👌 ok with this.

lol user I don't think you're getting in

they are aggressive, but no-where near the level of niggers. Niggers ruin your life, abbos ruin their own lives

Fam you'll be lucky to make it to a community college at this rate.

Doing to white race what was done to Germany.

Good for them!

We've taken on a lot of redditors who think that the "dems are the real racists"

Good god would you look at those kikes.


So you can get behind a liberal policy that allows blacks full racial segregation in their communities (on your tax dollar) but would have you imprisoned for the same? Because that's what this liberal policy is.


Universities also have black only network and job fairs. For STEM degrees too.

Companies like Google and HP, etc actually take part in these job fairs sending out their negros for a paid vacation. I talked to a guy who took part in this recently. Google gives these niggers an unlimited google credit card for literally every cost. While they're out there..


This is how big tech companies farm for negroes

rev up meme machine

