Belgium bans halal and kosher slaughter in one of its largest regions in move condemned as 'the greatest assault on...

Belgium bans halal and kosher slaughter in one of its largest regions in move condemned as 'the greatest assault on Jewish religious rights since Nazi occupation'

We should all support bans on Halal and Kosher slaughter. Religious traditions cannot be a justification for animal abuse.

Other urls found in this thread:

These fucking kikes say the same shit when they're told they can't cut-n-suck baby dicks.

There are no good Jews.


They are the only people who literally have their own sanctioned country if they don't like it in ours they are the few people who have a place to fuck off to.

This happened due to the national news showcasing massive abuse against animal in these slaughter houses. Even in France and netherlands it was on the news stations.

This topic could easily become a major wedge issue among the left if we meme it hard enough. "Progressives" who believe diversity is magic and will make everything better vs animal rights activists/fedora tipping enlightened gentlemen who shun the value of religious traditions.


Lets make it so they cant eat our meat anymore and either become vegans or get back to their countries.

This issue is a good one to campaign tbh, if you can get it passed in Belgium, why not elsewhere.

oy vey!



wew lad

Please ignore any attempts to derail thread.


You think they'd exercise along with the diet change?

I hope you're not referring to me. I'm jubilant about this. This is a massive victory for Aryans.

If PETA wasn't pure kikery they'd be informing the public that kosher and halal requires making animals suffer.

Then that makes it our job.

He did it first.

Nigger, they have dozens of videos about just that.

It was clearly necessary to cut and paste endlessly repeating chunks.

Fucking retard, wall of greentext with the same thing repeated a dozen times.

It seems that the greentext is just a chunk of test pasted ten times.

The greentext is just the same piece of text pasted ten times.

The text was repeated ten times, pasted as greentext, repeated over and over.

No one else noticed because they are all fucking bots, just like the idiots that copy and paste this shut a dozen time in greentext.

You are all fucking bots.

I'm not a bot.

The greentext in the OP is exactly the same as the text in appearing in the article. The first four lines offer a summary of the article. Moron.

I do that shit at my local grocer as well. I suggest everyone to do so, as well. Never for a second let them forget that they aren't wanted here.

Belgium YES! The legacy of the Artavan League livesnon within the green movements of the Dutch! Blood and Soil ideology strikes a blow to the savage races!

This video is not highlighting the barbarity that kikes require, it's focusing on the minutiae of 1 factory killing cows with 1 method. Where's the big campaign featuring celebrity tits or whatever that they'll do to protest rabbits in MMOs?


Moron suggests low intelligence.
Intelligence is mostly just pattern recognition.
Not one of you noticed that the text repeats itself endlessly and wasn't at all necessary to repost.

Are you fucking stupid, or just american.

Bots always say that when called out.

So why haven't we been pushing this fracture point? Getting the genuinely insane PETA types and vegans to name the jew and accuse him of literally consuming suffering would be the greatest thing

D&C shill detected, hide posts and report.

Text does not repeat. I already explained that the first four lines are a summary of the article. Fuck off, moron.

PETA has numerous tactics. They troll with stuff like the Pokemon game to get people's attention and acquire funding for their investigations. They're not perfect and they do a lot of gay shit, I personally prefer Mercy for Animals, but PETA isn't so bad.



1.Belgium bans halal and kosher slaughter in one of its largest regions

2. Meat produced as Jewish kosher or Muslim halal require animals to be sacrificed

3. Belgian region has banned halal and kosher slaughter

1b. animals' throats are slit for their blood to be drained without them being stunned

2b. Jewish kosher or Muslim halal require the fully-conscious animals to have their throats slit in a ritual slaughter in order to drain their blood.

Here's a video made by a vegan about kosher and halal slaughter. Vegans do not ignore what Jews are up to.

Also, here are three vegans who all have made videos naming the Jew.

When did Hitler say Germans should stop eating meat? You do know that German cuisine literally revolves around meat and alcohol right?
Piss off. Hitler ate more veggies because his doctor said so.

Bot detected.

Fantastic news. I hope that importation of such products should also be banned. Mandatory custodial sentences for smugglers and incompliant slaughterhouses, a loss of licence and custodial sentence for any shop/ restaurant selling it are also required. Laws only work when enforced and they Muslims are used to getting away with anything they like in Europe.

The Kosher issue will be harder to enforce but it absolutely necessary. The Jews will not want to concede this ground without a colossal fight; it will set a terrifying precedent for them and thusly I expect Judea to attack Belgium for this.

Nice Jewish propaganda you got there. Try actually reading all of Hitler's works, and the stuff written by other German leaders at the time.

It has three sentences repeated twice.
You are blind as fuck or mentally incapable.

Hitler wasn't right about everything…
Meat Nationalism is best Nationalism.


t.kike, gas yourself

Anti-animal abuse is red pilled and pro-white.

You aren't taking my meat away from me, fucking vegankike.

Reposting what he said, even as a quote -
Gas yourself kike fuck.

Before Judaism Europeans were connected to nature. They realized that animals were living beings that could think, feel, and suffer. There is nothing wrong with hunting, but factory farms are a crime.

Kill yourself, you cuckservative retard.

And where did he say that meat should be banned for consumption, you fucking liberal subhuman?

The quotes in the pictures was actually by Ghandi.
Or John Lennin.

Meat is whiter than veggies, faggot.
Who domesticated animals for slaughter and food?
Which race has the lowest rates of lactose intolerance?

Anti-meat is code for anti-white.

In Josef Goebbels diaries Goebbels talks about how after they win the war, Hitler had plans to slowly transform Germany into a vegetarian nation. They didn't think it would happen overnight.

You're an idiot, m8. I can't help you. Veganism is a purely white concept, one that can be traced back to ancient Greece.

Reduce 90% of world population first, then I will accept your proposal.

It starts and ends with your quote. And Germans would have hanged Hitler and Goebbels if they tried to take meat away.


And the Greeks fucked each other in the ass and diddled little boys.

Sorry, but I'm not a faggot, I actually enjoy vaginas and meat.

Pythagoras promoted ethical vegetarianism before Buddhism did.


I don't like the look of meat under kirlian photography so I try to eat more greens. The idea of relying only on eating carcasses and processed food really struck me one day, so now I try to eat a lot of raw foods, and my health has improved a great deal. I think the vegan subculture is filled with degenerates, but I don't think veganism is some dastardly concept, especially when it brings agrarian romanticism with it. That's a nice thing to see nowadays, I guess.

Go read Savitri Devi, mongoloid.

Heinrich Himmler himself was a proud member of the Artaman league, which was foundation for the post-war green movement that was later corrupted by the (((yippies))) into what the media spreads today as the hippie movement. Know that these teachings still live on today through the international Volk of the Rainbow Family, even if the truth must be hidden behind the mask of lies created by our enemies.

LMAO, just when I thought you couldn't be more of a hippie cuck little fagboy.

You're on your way to happiness, friend.


What kind of logic is that, user? You DO know that every thing you hunt is carcasses right? Something about you already putting a bullet through the animal's heart?
Sure, don't support the disgusting industry, but your thinking is flawed.

I wonder if that thing shows the same love and kindness to the thousand of Germans children who live in foster homes and likely to grow up to be Kanaken…

Treating animals, sentient creatures, as commodities, as products, is an entirely Jewish way of thinking. No different than how they view gentiles as servants and lower life forms. Hunting is fine because it operates within the laws of nature and is not a perversion of them.

Fuck off Jew lover, all of that nonsense comes from Judaism.

Its a good idea user, one that can be pushed alot, ignore the off topic stuff happening

Exactly. If I had my own all white ethnostate to live in I would never leave. The Jews just come out of their hole to make other people miserable.

Pythagoras was a total square. Why would anyone listen to him.

I want to eat my goddamn steak, you false nazi larper. A steak is a product from nature. It doesnt even have neurons to think.
And farming and ranching is about as civilized as it gets. Only subhumans similar to niggers don't have such developed technologies.

Those tattos are marks of the tribe and some are similar to war medals. I still don't see any lip or nose piercing.

And the old Germans eat a goddamn lot of meat, you fucking Larper.

I just learned that kosher and halal slaughter are banned in Denmark.

I will never not be impressed with how unabashed Jews are about pushing the narrative that white men are the biggest civil rights violators in history yet have the audacity to say that not being allowed to slaughter the throats of living animals is the worst thing since the Lolocaust.

It amazing that shitskins and Jews are inhumanely killing animals while National Socialists were supportive of animal rights:

Its a shill, Or peta fanatic, who knows

I'm disgusted by how these scum are so quick to use the images of people they have to fanatically defend lower lifeforms. I do wonder if they have ever felt such motivation to help their own Volk. Hell, they probably don't even help humans from other races.

Amazing how jews and muslims want same stuff isnt it

They're both the deranged slaves of the Cohen Gadol.

Well, at least there's some good news this week…

Amazing how Muslim terrorism is non-existent in Israel. Amazing how Jews also push an Anti Islamophobia rhetoric even though they hate each other. Anything to drive out White, male Christian civilization.

The very core, the essence of your culture, that is, of Jewish culture, is to kill the animals you eat in the most painful and stressful way possible.
They're not even hiding it anymore.

Both are semites, meaning arabs.
Both are desert moon cults.

Neither has any place at all in Europe. Nor does Christianity for that matter.
Desert slave cult.

The old religions were destroyed, they focussed on nature and reality in this life. Not scheming for the next.

It's like anudda shoah!

Dont confuse their enjoyment and high regard of meat for them having a shit ton of meat all the time. Most people during that period of time lived on a diet composed of mostly, but not strictly, plants.

Yeah and they totally just risk men going hunting every week just because, right?
Because ranching for increased productivity and the safety of the men didn't exist, right?
Piss off.

OP was talking about using the rejection of animals being stunned to save suffering on religious grounds as an op, its got so off topic

Damn you're a sensitive autist are you. I didn't even disagree with you I just wanted to point out a common misconception of the diets people had back then. When you don't have game to eat you eat mushrooms, roots, stems, leaves, and cultivated plants you farm. Do you think they were stupid enough to just bank mainly on one source of food? We aren't talking about the Irish here.

That's an important aspect which cannot be overlooked.

Just to push this abit
Its so nothing will happen but its got over 200k votes

this user has a good idea. Does a person choose to virtue signal that they love animals or tat they are tolerant. sock puppet trolls can attack from either direction, "So I guess you hate animals then?"/"So I guess you hate sand based religions then?"

Liberals do hate animals, though. And so do cuckservatives. The vast majority of human beings are hypocritical retards who only care about dogs.

Hmmmm, I wonder what "Verboten" could possibly mean.

And why are the animals saluting him?

Oh, right, he banned vivisection.

As in, live animal experimentation.

Which is why the animals are saluting him.

What point are you trying to make? They didn't just ban vivisection, they also made limits for how many animals could hunted, and threw animal abusers into camps along with homosexuals and kikes. The Third Reich was every vegan's fantasy society.


Look into Animal Sanctuaries. Also, Mercy for Animals is a more respectable group than PETA.

He's a faggot, not a bot. When you copy and paste bullshit articles you'll almost always get double spacing.

We have to push these sons of Satan into a fucking corner. Make even the most lowly of jews terrified to leave his home. Get the media screaming 24/7 about how jews are 'unjustly' under attack, and then just keep doubling down. If people are force-fed shit about jews being at risk FOR LONG ENOUGH and under enough saturation, they'll stop caring at all.

Thanks, bot. I wasn't aware of the content as it wasn't repeated enough times.

We bots must stick together in these harsh times.

Take a look at how many times the content repeats.
It's the same sentence two or three times, and then again with another one.
If op isn't a bot, he's a retarded faggot that should be shot.

Separating the Jew's support for torturing animals why should anyone care their culture? If they want to live in a place where their culture is under no persecution they should live in a homogeneous, apartheid ethnostate like Israel.

Nothing wrong with this. We don't want animals to go extinct. Except some insects. Even then they are important.

The conditions are not right yet. People are still too comfortable and docile. We will not be able to enact revolution on any scale until this economic system has buckled. It's an unfortunate reality but it's the truth. We need normies to fill out our ranks, and those normies will not take up arms until their pantries are dry and the electricity goes out.

The Third Reich was an Aryan's fantasy society.

Only subhumans, Jews, and Nigs abuse animals for kicks due to a fundamental flaw in their genetics. They are life unworthy of life in the strictest sense of the phrase. This is why should whites ever leave the scene of history the subhumans will follow shortly after once they finish spreading like cancer and destroying the environment.

A true NatSoc realizes that the greatest threat of the subhumans is their careless disregard for all that is decent and sensible. They must be removed because their very existence threatens the natural balance of the world.

Pic related the difference between a nation ruled by subhumans and a nation ruled by half-white mongrels.

Or talk about OP idea and not derail?

But keep trying by saying the same shit

Even if these campaigns result in zero changes to laws there still is potential for mass red pilling, as Jewish and Muslim activists will invariably see calls to ban kosher and halal slaughter as an attack on their communities, even if the campaigns are motivated by animal welfare concerns. This will contribute to the infighting I described here:

I don't see how we could lose by promoting this idea.

PETA VS the jews and muslims

cant wait till the left implodes

Its a good idea, thats why the derailing is happening.
Animals shouldn't suffer just so you can feel kosher

wanna know how I know you're from some cucked site that censors the -fag suffix?

Wow. That is one hairy roach

Indeed kamerad.

The trouble is that it might be a long wait to get to that point. Even with capitalist decadence and the hunger of the brown and yellow hoards there are still about a generations worth of resources available at current rates of consumption.

My own pet theory is that this place in time is the mid-game of a grand chess match. Right now the Jews and their enablers are setting themselves up to rule over a vast underclass of subhumans as new feudal lords once the back-swing of overconsumption comes. Part of our own mission then in addition to hindering their plan in the present also requires us to set up a system for future generations to continue the struggle. Even if we perish without achieving final victory against our foes, if we can ingrain our ideas, values and way of thinking into the youth we can create a blueprint for victory at a later critical point in the future. We must play the long game because our foes make similar preparations.


Really? There is a Halal slaughter a couple meters from my apartment, and they still seem to be open.

Damn it user! You're not supposed to snort the memes!

In Belgium it only goes into law in 2019, maybe it's similar in DK?

What works by other German leaders are you talking about exactly? I'm a bit of a Nazi literature collectioner (aren't we all?).

user, enter Operation Bifröst

As you can see, article claims it should already be in effect. Guess I'll look up Danish news.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

Jesus Christ, since when?

There's plenty incentive to reduce the amount of meat you eat, if not to eliminate it completely. Modern industrial farming is unsustainable, and cannot be relied upon to provide clean healthy food to your nation. In order to keep up we inject our livestock with antibiotics and steroids and growth hormones that all end up trickling down into the food on our plates. Such practices are not good for the people. The people may be fed, but they are also being slowly poisoned.

Hitler wasn't the only one to recognize the danger of industrial farming. Nikola Tesla also wrote against it in his essay, "The Problem of Increasing Human Energy". It's a fantastic read, I highly recommend it:

Surprising news, turns out mainstream media are lying jews. The article is just about the old law, which has been in effect since 2014, which mandates that the animals are tranquilized. There are absolutely no new law in regards to slaughter in Denmark.

I've actually been having similar thoughts as of late. The entire purpose of our generation may be to lay the groundwork and build a base for future resistance. Millennials were the first generation to be hit by the redpill on a large scale, but it takes time to digest. It takes even more time for those who have digested it to organize, make plans, and gather resources.

The romantic part of me is depressed because this means we have the tedious and not very glamorous job of setting up systems and lines of communication. Laying the groundwork so that our successors may win the fight that is to come. History will not remember our names, they may not even remember our deeds. But the wiser part of me knows that this is irrelevant, what matters is the mission not personal glory.

What this means in the practical sense may sound dull but it is very necessary. Grow your money, resources, influence, and have a sizable family with a good woman. Educate your children and train them to carry the spirit of the West in their hearts. Make them wiser, stronger, and more relentless than their peers, train them in the arts of leadership. They will be the first truly red pilled generation from birth until death, they will be our legacy.

It is for this reason that I am currently spending a lot of time on growing my small business. Trying to make connections and build wealth, bring others into my sphere of influence. It's frustrating to watch what's happening to the West but realistically this is all we can do on an individual level. When the day does come I hope my body is still strong enough that I may take up arms. But if it is not I will still rest well knowing I did my own small part.

This. This right here. Comfort breeds weakness. Discomfort breeds strength. People must learn to fight again which is why i believe why Slavic countries and countries like Greece are gonna be ahead since their citizens are going through a fuckload of hardships and have learned to live with few and in poverty ( and enjoy it ). Mark my words the liberal mindset can't be supported without leeching, and there is no leeching where there is struggle for survival for only the strong will survive. This might actually weed out any mongrels and limp wristed faggots naturally.

Pajeets are subhuman

spoiler that shit you retarded faggot

I'm not sure if the Kant quote is verbatim, but he does talk about treatment of animals in similar terms (animals aren't ends-in-themselves that have independent moral status like humans do, but treating them well is virtuous because of its effect on your character).

you spew myths. Most developed countries heavily restrict over medicating and ban steroids completely.

"Industrial farming" isn't just meat production and in fact raising livestock in unnatural conditions is the consequence of industrial farming, which is the impact on the environment - not a bunch of animals locked away somewhere. meanwhile there is still grass fed livestock produced on large scale, which doesn't require to strip whole swaths of land to the bare ground and replace all life with a monoculture.

Originally humans needed meat to survive as we do not synthesize 7 vital proteins that most herbivores do. Cutting down on their consumption you will eventually develop degenerative diseases and, more importantly, your offspring will likely be born too stunted and fucked up to function. You can find these proteins in various farmable crops like lentils (which we didn't eat until Neolithic and which, like almost all seeds, contain digestion retardants. Gluten is the most popularized such substance, thanks to all the complications it can produce), but they are usually not bioidentical, meaning in reality its a gamble with your health. Especially your brain, since nerves rely on fats so much. Sustaining such diets is also a chore, good luck hitting all those doses with a kid to avoid low key malnutrition.

Was an early 20th century painter by profession. I don't give a fuck about what he thought about nutrition, personally don't consider him a genius or an outstanding natural philosopher and frankly I find you dragging him into this like he's a divine religious figure to stamp your position with the seal of infallibility sad.

At this point you're memeing and Adolf's the meme–Not an argument. That or you actually bnelieve your bullshit, in which case I've got no words.

Anyway, vegetarianism/veganism is 98% signalizing, 1% conjecture and 1% picky eating. That's how this concept propagates. You wan't to show us how woke you are, that's great, but maybe consider something that isn't also championed by every other leftoid twat out there. That's usually a bad sign.

*is the consequence of industrial farming of crops

PS Shit, the fats thing was a stray thought. But a valid one. Basically, eating fats exclusively from grains and other seeds eaten directly or through livestock that has them as its feed will fuck you up. This is where the fish oil craze stems from. Fish have plankton as the base of their food chain, just as herbivores living in natural conditions rely on leaves and other mundane plant parts, which contain balanced ratios of different fats, while seeds don't.

Anyone that is talented in regards to graphic design should consider creating anti halal/kosher images to disseminate on platforms like twitter and facebook.

wew lad


See, this is the shit I mean when I say "There are no political solutions and LePen et al are hopium at best".

You MUST be antisemitic if you want a proper country at this point in time because it's inevitable that you'll be antisemitic if you push for a proper country.

I hope they won'tcuck for the kikes.
They will, though.

Go back to /r/the_donald. You're not wanted here. The golems are the dipshit capitalists who think they can shit all over the Earth and suffer no consequences.

>>>Holla Forums

Thanks for derailing the thread, kike. This thread was about Belgium taking a tactical step in starving the semite.

Literally this.

You only needed more greens in your diet and you needed to get off of processed food. It has nothing to do with meat itself. Stop falling for vegan propaganda. This guy spams Holla Forums, Holla Forums and wherever else tolerates his nonsense. Veganism is a fallacious "diet" founded on the fallacy that somehow avoiding meat will make you healthier. Initial improvements in health are short-lived and only serve to prove that you needed to eat healthier and balance your diet.

why? he's basically clothed

Let's fucking do it

Though honestly, this is probably a good vector for attack. Someone calls you racist or antisemitic and you can just shoot back that they support the cruel and inhumane torture of animals. Bound to get a few questioning their own motivations.

Do you realize how stupid you look?

Wasn't someone else an advocate for the dignified treatment of animals?

What the fuck is going on in this thread? I can't tell whose jewing who.



We must advocate for the ban of kosher and halal slaughter and the importation of kosher and halal meats. Think of the animals.

Its simple, because there are too many brown people in faraway lands that we need to feed with your tax dollars (price controlled and subsidized crops) the goyim need to stop eating meat and switch to an all vegetable diet and abandon all your cultural foods and adapt an international monodiet culture where the jews pick what you can eat and even copyright the plants so you can't grow it yourself without a license.


Satanya best girl

Spotted the cuckservative.

It's embarrassing that we have these people on this board. They can accept that Jews are poisoning people's minds with the media, they can accept that Jews are in control of academia, they can accept all these things, but they can't accept the idea that the meat and dairy industry, something run by Jews and Neocons, is a horrific perversion of the natural world.

I went for the virtue signaling angle due to and the fact that once released these will spread organically. I don't do faceberg or twatter so, it's up the brave anons who do to spread.

That you have to lie a LOT to make the guys who experiment on animals the good guys

Yeah something tells me that while they make a big scene about animal rights they couldn't care less about circumcision of infants, and really that's fine because white Belgians are probably not getting circumcised anyways. I don't want Jews and Muslims to have rights, but what's wrong with slitting an animal's throat? Seems pretty humane, just not technologically advanced. Letting animal rights people have such strong influence is not a good sign for their culture. Is someone just getting clever and turning the Jew's leftist golems against them?

A ban on kosher slaughter? OY VEY THIS CAN NOT STAND.

Watch Jews close ranks with Mooslims to repeal this.

The idea is, or at least should be, to make living in a civilized country as inconvenient as possible for Muds so they dobt come here in the first place.


The hero we need.

Not sure if you got the memo, but non-whites aren't allowed on Holla Forums. You can fuck off now.


Aw its someone's first day as a shill. Welcome faggot, try not to an hero without linking us the live stream

my god…

This is bait, but as long as you're going to eat the animal and you don't have any fancy equipment this seems like how you would slaughter something. The next step up is a guillotine where the head doesn't fall afterwards. If you make a nice clean cut, the blood drains fast. To me, it just really sounds like whining that something has to die in order for the living to eat. How would you do a traditional animal slaughter?

I would just hope someone like this would make their beliefs obvious in real life. God forbid someone ever accidentally takes this pussy hunting.


Semitic religions have no valid traditions

People for the Excruciating Torture of Animals

The Greeks and Romans still thought you were a faggot if you took it in the ass or fucked adult men

What do you call all those stabbings and car bombs?

You're being really butthurt now

You know what you have to do

It is an argument then? It's not even an appeal to authority, since Hitler wasn't an MD or a nutritionist, you fool.

It is a correlation that I pointed out in context of your blatant woke Hitler food signaling. But hey, at least you showed you've got nothing to rebuff everything else I wrote.

For fun, go to your local big box grocery store and grab some bacon and take it to the "ethnic foods" section and leave it next to the Manischewitz.

Bacon has to stay refrigerated. You'll be causing a loss for the store. Use lard, or canned ham or soap.

Hormel canned ham+dehydrated eggs is delicious for anyone who stockpiles food btw.

you know exactly how this ends
they'll just stop selling non-halal/kosher meat
normalfags don't care about that shit, they don't read the labels or even know what they mean



hivemind, also this shit is happening absolutely every time I walk into a supermarket from now on.

holy shit.
I'm doing this

so greens run Belgium in the end huh

Brown garbage all the same

blood rituals and animal sacrifices
bretty satanic isn't it


Lack of animal fats and protein makes your brain foggy and you easier to control. It's another form of mass mental manipulation.

Whats the over/under on Belguim becoming a threat to national security. 5-7 years?

veganism is nothing but misplaced morality.

Love to see that happen.

Can't we rehash those naked pita ads for this?



i am ok with this.

I hope he is right, because they fucking are. Fuck off kikes!

The proper format would be
Please meme responsibly

Important element of this: Muslims hate dogs and cats. North Africans aren't much better either, which is imporant to note because all the Somalis flooding into Sweden and shitting in the streets of Europe are part of the (((refugee crisis)))

There's been numerous cases of Muslims posting signs saying "do not brings your pets into our neighborhoods" and even going so far as to insist that dogs cannot be brought to public parks because of muslims. There's tons of videos of stray dogs and cats being tortured. Even some images of cats being crucified and carried around as part of their protests. Animal shelters keep finding stray animals that have been mutilated, litters of kittens with their intestines hanging from their belly. Video of a gang of shitskins cornering a cat and then whipping it down the street while laughing.

These people are psychopaths who lack basic human empathy. If enough of them take over an area, expect the cases of missing pets to skyrocket. Push this angle wherever possible because the bluepilled masses fully understand that it is cruel, evil people who torture and kill small animals. That's the common wisdom: every serial killer started with small animals and neighborhood pets.

Once they understand that these cruel subhuman shitskins are pet torturing, dog hating, cat mutlilating psychopaths, it will be harder to think of them as innocents who need our help and easier to think of them as an existential threat and a constant assault on the safety and well-being of western societies.


Mein negro.

I hate the mistreatment of animals, whatever the shape, but I think it's also interesting to see why those niggers are the way they are.

I believe that the mistreatment of dogs and cats by shitskins may have something to do with the lack of resources, especially food and water, within their homelands. Nigs and Muds both have historically lived and live in harsh, barren climates, and may have adapted to live with the least amount of baggage (a pet/hunting companion=I have to feed), and most amount of gain from things (kill pet/companion=less materiel wasted). That's why still to this day, bartering is still a common practice in those places, and remain medieval. Perhaps they are better short-term thinkers.

user may have facts to back my hypothesis up, but as for now, take what I say with a grain of salt, but I do think it has something to do with their evolution in food scarce habitations. I'm educating myself on introductory biology at the local library, and these things interest me. Fucking niggers and muds have to stay out of the rest of the world before they turn it in to sand and dust

Also, excuse my poor english, not a native speaker

This post makes a lot of sense. I also read that they hate dogs because when they were first expanding out of Saudi Arabia (their ancestral homeland) and into the territories of then-white lands, they kept getting mauled by the dogs we were using against them.

What this would do is give a MAJOR competitive advantage to independent local butchers. Sounds like a good thing tbqh.

An interesting theory, but the truth is actually the opposite. Africa is a land of plenty, and it seems that civilization is an adaptation of harsh environments and low resources rather than a result of plentiful resources. Even blue-pilled historians often concede that plentiful resources was a factor in why Africa never developed civilization; after all, why develop agriculture when you can just pluck as much food as you need off the trees? Why domesticate animals when there's no incentive to go through hundreds of years of selective breeding of wild animals? This is of course also true for environments with virtually no resources, e.g. high in the arctic circle; it's not as if the Inuits could have developed agriculture in the environment they found themselves in. Civilization is actually incredibly energy and time-intensive, and compared to hunter-gatherer societies it's incredibly burdensome. Civilization is novel, and only happens when the payoff is greater than the enormous cost.

Nigs are cruel to animals because they've never had to cooperate or form symbiotic relationships with them. They've never had to form a deep spiritual connection with the land because they've never worked it or relied on it. They're strategy has been "take shit from ground/trees/others" for thousands of years. They have never been incentivized to form any kind of cohesive society, and so they haven't evolved to have those novel characteristics of empathy and spirituality.

You wouldn't think it, but it's a similar situation with the muds. The desert doesn't seem like a land of plenty, but it does in fact allow for a path of least resistance in which developing beyond a simple tribal society has diminishing returns.

Belgium confirmed bankrupt by 2019.

cool pic tho

Jesus christ user at least use a spoiler when you post roach nigger porn what the fuck. Why do even have that saved? How is it remotely relevant?

I prefer this over the captive bolts that send pieces of brain tissue through the entire vascular system. I'll take inhumane slaughter over prion disease thanks.

Cook your foods properly and you won't get prions. Doesn't take much cooking to denature a protein.

Good job user!

Little did the Muslim goys know that they were also being played.

Anyone on here knows the economic system is not viable in the long term. What we've seen in 2009-2015 to recover the economy is not real recovery. It actually sets up the economy of bigger countries to take larger hits if another crisis comes. And in an economic cycle crisis and growth naturally occur periodically. At the moment France and southern European countries are debt ridden. A future European crisis would really put large pressure on the European Union as a whole. We all know that globalist idiots are winning at the moment in Europe because Europe is now in a cycle of economic recovery and its effects are visible. This succes gets attributed to the globalist parties in charge, however it's more or less a natural occurence in an economy. It would take a real retard to not get any growth after 8 years of recession while you're engraving yourself in more and more debt.

Anyway when a crisis similar to 2008 will hit, and it will hit prevention of similar situation is there, but it's not very strict and in similar ways things get still financed. So if a repeat occurs, Europe is not equipped at all to deal with it. southern Europe will experience widespread poverty, France won't be able to deal with its own finances and Germany + Northern countries can't simultaneously save those countries financially while dealing with their own stuff. Of course due to the shared currency they are in turn also fucked.

To conclude: we will get a big depression / recession. Once again people will turn to more political revolutionary options instead of the typical 'center' type of parties full of kikes.

Gotta love when the jews' pets (animal rights SJWs) turn around and bite the shit out of them. A bunch of professional victim groups fighting over who is the biggest victim is super comfy.

wew lad, this is wonderful news

Go back to /r/the_donald. It's where you belong.


literal apes

the problem I have with threads like these is
how the fuck do you expect to kill kikes and niggers
if your'e a crybaby about cows and sheep
mongol warriors were ordered to cut the heads off 45 ppl each
55,000 mongols @ 45 beheading each totals 2,250,000 ppl
be the mongol warrior you want to be and fuck the cows
pussies trying to win a jew PR war and defeating themselves in the process
you cunts are hopeless
no wonder your women are being taken away from you

Killing someone or something is fundamentally different to paying someone to torture, rape, and slaughter billions of animals so they can stuff them with estrogen that fucks your body chemistry irreversibly.

When you kill something yourself you are personally taking responsible for that life and the consequences of your decision.

The reason veganism is still such a fringe idea is because it's one of the kikes biggest industries. It's by far the most healthy, promotes the most amount of testosterone, and the most ethical approach to diet. Though there are some aspects of the diet that are difficult. I would advocate more for a 90% vegan diet rather than an absolute one. Things like choline are rather difficult to get without eating eggs unless you eat a shit load of broccoli.

The only argument people use is nigger-tier muh dick and in your case "we wuz beheading people like sand-niggers n' sheeit".

I find a lot of enjoyment in my ability to rant about niggers and shit-skins to liberal friends and watch their world views crumble when they discover I'm also a vegan. Normies despise vegans for some reason.

Maybe because even they know you're full of shit?

Great idea Moshe! And reread your shilling manual. Your formating really sticks out.

fuck you, you're a deluded idiot, you spout shit the kikes taught you in 7th grade and think it's yours.
push a lance through the crest of a cow and care not how it dies and you'll do that to a kike or a nigger too just like I'd have no problem doing it to you.
mental masturbation, good for you, whoop dee fucking doo.

funny how the thread died for 20 minutes and now in rapid succession you've come up with a game plan to stay on narrative.
and my name isn't Moshe you filthy kike, and my agenda isn't dividing the left. it's killing jews and niggers

Or perhaps it's because it's a lot easier to be lazy and continue being fed jewish lies than it is to take the steps towards a healthier more ethical lifestyle.

Apathy is what allows the kikes the slip through. Without principles you're a subhuman.

Veganism has virtually no mainstream leftist backings despite how typically liberal the average vegan is. When the kikes don't immediately jump onto a movement like this you know you're doing something right.

Of course, Shimon. Of course.


Go home now.

Are you legitimately fucking retarded or just pretending to be? We're discussing the act of eating processed meat. I literally just said in the post that you're responding to that there is nothing wrong with personally killing something.

You're either just shit-posting to save face or you're a legitimate dairy shill.

Or do you think buying a package at the store makes you a warrior?

Kill yourself you retarded kike and go shill somewhere else.



make it happen boys

Halal and kosher slaughter is fucking barbaric and subhuman as hell. Don't believe me? Go watch the liveleak videos on them.

Your shitty primitive desert cults want to play and torture your food so bad fuck off to that subhuman sandbox and never return.

Remember, if something seems too good to be true then it probably is.

Don't worry friend I've seen the Jews driven to the edge of everything. Our generation and the next are going to take back everything that belongs to us and take more then we could possibly imagine. The Dawn of The Imperium of Man will happen in our lifetime and will be more beautiful then any of us can imagine.


Still here Sinead?
Veganism is untenable outside the luxury of fossil fuel economy.
You pay for your luxury with tons of crude oil and petrochemicals needed to keep you healthy on a totally unnatural diet that has never been practiced by any indigenous people in the history of mankind.


Quality post, ignore the meatcucks fam, their brains are full of pus.


How would you go explaining such things as cat burning as entertainment in Europe?

Deriving sadistic pleasure from animal's pain is a sign of lack of empathy towards those beings. The thing is, whites are very much capable of such, have engaged in such and do engage in such. The reason there is considerably less of it now is simply because civilization and modernity brings a certain form of empathy towards things. Your ancestors probably didn't care much about animals' pain, even if they didn't find it funny to torture them either.

The journey of the White Man is one that leads towards the stars, enjoy remaining an ape-tier nigger for your entire life.

That quote answers your own question. They did it out of supersition and fear. Cats were bad luck signs and such. Though just consider this. Today, white people doing such actions are typically a sign of psychotic or sociopath tendencies, with your average african it's their idea of the 6'o clock news and basically a continental past time.

A better way to say it would be one part eating disorder to 2 parts cult

Friendly reminder that if a single piece of non-halal product (especially meat and especially with pork) comes into any sort of contact with food in a specifically halal or kosher section or shelf, the store has to get rid of everything in that section and restock it.

I'm trying to spread this message to cuckchan. I need help keeping the thread bumped.

We didn't develop tools like spears and swords for hunting carrots faggot.


Incredible. Kosher slaughter yourself, kikes. Do the world a favor.

oy veyyy it's anoda shoah!!

I swear eventually people are just gonna stop giving a shit and then they won't have anything to kvech about anymore…

Small trivia: Jesus's death should've made animal sacrifice unecessary for jews, alongside tons of religious retuals and (((they)) didnt realized or belived for that reason too. Man was originally meant to be vegetarian, like it was in Eden.

Tattoos and piercings are white as fuck. You can only tattoo pale skin. The picts, one of the original Celtic tribesmen, were tattooed to high heavens and had piercings. Northern Slavs too, Norse, Vikings, all of the great northern originals.

haha yes! or just put unhalal meat of the same kind and they might eat it by accident

lol, you can't make this shit up.

I like it and fully support turning these kikes' puppets against them whenever possible.
Fucking BASED

Except none of that repeats. If anyone is a bot (or more likely needs to stop doing drugs), it's you.

I chuckled, m80–will use.

Those who enjoy pointlessly mistreating other creatures have an absolutely alien mindset that is literally not possible in our Race. They are as mentally ill as some other capital criminal.

You are right. This is why we are building IRL groups. My personal favorite group is Odinia.

Appeal to nature fallacy. Not an argument.

Good find user! Another one for my "blatant acts of kikery" folder.

Oh god it's so huge…

This is why people of Walloon want two separate countries. Belgium is made of two. I remember Walloon, but I forgot the other one.

When will it stop.
