I am doing a debate on abortion for my school.
I need some help or diagrams to help lay out a good argument.
Do you have any redpills or strong arguments that I can use to lay it out well?
Is calling it genocide a bit extreme for public debate should I use a gentle argument of facts and figures? What is the best way to redpill normies?
Abortion debate
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You're not allowed to post here when you're under 18.
Half of all black pregnancies in New York are aborted. If abortion was illegal there would be several times more niggers and the cities would be complete disasters.
Who said i was under 18?
college debate
Help me stop the brainwashing.
plz no bully
Instead of calling it a genocide, just tell the truth.
It's a Jewish plot to sacrifice children to their bull God Moloch.
I just looked up statistical charts to help you and now I feel sick
Abortion is good. It gets rid of nigger babies.
Also quit school.
Whats with all these cuckchan tier slide posts lately?
Remember to report, hide, and sage slide threads.
Not all of them. Some eventually slip through the net.
Oy vey, goyim.
Studying liberal arts and not a much more useful STEM. You should be doing a calculus homework not an "ethics of abortion" or whatever.
You don't belong here either, fuck off.
Q. What do you call a woman with 5 abortions?
A. A crime fighter.
According to some studies, the babies aborted would have likely become criminals, and abortion lowered crime. Of course, that could just be another correlation/causation fallacy:
I hope vasalgel goes on sale soon, it would help people who want sex but don't want pregnancy.
Kill nigger babies. That is your argument. Trigger the everliving fuck out of your lefty classmates. And then shoot up the class for bonus round.
Fuck off moloch
Make abortions illegal for white women, unless they're coal burners carrying niglets. Everyone would be happy.
Argue that it should only be legal for shitskins, use white privilege against the commie fucks.
It's natural selection. It removes undesirables from the gene pool. Obviously if there is even a remote chance of "consciousness", then it makes no difference if it is in a woman's belly or not. With that said, if your enemy is making a mistake, don't rush in to save them.
Calling it genocide is just going to make people think you're overreacting. Emphasize that unborn children are genetically distinct from their parents, and that a woman has the right to choose whether or not to sleep with someone, who to sleep with, and which forms (if any) of contraception to use, yet the "pro-choice" side only seems to argue about a woman's choice when it comes to ending someone else's life when it becomes convenient. Also, show
The only reason it's even a conversation is because the average retard can only operate on Universal principles, and so has to do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify killing other people being Universally bad while still "empowering" women to kill their unborn children out of convenience. Should abortions be permitted? Yes. Should women be allowed to abort their children? No.
He's right. I don't like white's being aborted but the real problem here are birthrates. If we didn't have abortion we'd have another 30 million pavement apes running around. Good bye demographics. The trick is to bring back a desire to raise a family among whites while removing it from blacks (i.e remove gibs).