Back to the peasant age

Back to the peasant age

All jobs are moving to the pozed parts of each country which only pay poverty pay except for the highly skilled.

These days you're extremely lucky if you can afford to start a family at 30.

I fell for the STEM meme and companies in London offer me 25k for entry level jobs which barely cover expenses and I'm about 50k in debt.

That feel when you're a peasant…

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Ironically, even peasants had the means to support a family back in the day.

just wagecuck for a year or two then get on disability like the rest of us


Every penny that goes to a white male isn't wasted on a nigger or pajeet.

Vid relevant.

If any Holla Forumsack has found ways out of the poverty trap I'm eager to hear them.

My theory is that jews just allowed a brief period of prosperity to happen so the western world wouldn't turn commie, although I'm pretty sure the top commie administration would've been jewish as well.

All I'm getting are dead end jobs that will be taken care of by bots in a few years.

Nothing wrong with being a peasant, the problem is that the elite is alien and hostile.

You think any respectable white woman would want to reproduce with a worthless sack of shit like yourself? It is also your duty as a white man to have white children to continue the fight for our existence. Even if you’re an ugly Quasimodo you can develop skills to help our people.

That's retarded

They want to bring the people down, not up. A true leader improves the lives and prospects of his people elevating them to be able to make their own futures.


live with your parents 3 months?
Just spend enough money to eat and so and use the rest to pay off the debt, basically what i would do.

Living in a shared flat while the women dream of a guy who has the resources to raise kids. They'll probably end up with some nigger who has been grandfathered into a council housing apartment than a white slave living in a room the size of a shoebox.

Guy I know did exactly that and is already married to a model. He's under 30 years old and owns two houses, both in nice areas of the country, and is a millionaire. All of this, while not being Jewish. If he did it, you can do it too.

Stop waiting for Hitler. Go get the money and power for yourself.

my mother divorced cuz feels, blew all the divorce shekels on frivolities, been raised in da hood with omar and pajeet, obviously not talking to her ever again

I'm on my own…


Not possible in yurop, the military pays crap.

I have to second this, unless you’re applying as an officer the pay just isn't there. Basic pay for an infantryman is about £18,000 pa. (After training)
This of course goes up every rank that you progress. But it could take years to get any improvement on pay.

I actually feel bad for the nigger at the end. Fat ghetto whale wife who probably does nothing while he commutes 4h each way to the only job he could find and basically just works and sleeps during the week.

Wagecucks are the problem.

Have you considered immigration?

Get out of London, you retard. Then invent a time machine and kill the past-you for being stupid enough to rack up 50k in debt. Problem solved.


to where?

Canada is quickly getting balkanized as well.

Education costs shekels, housing costs shekels, food costs shekels, I don't know how I could've spent less on it.

We're worse off than peasants if you think about it. They had holidays all the time and their lords had to give them feasts and festivals several times a year. And of course they could afford to have families.

US obviously.

I know this Brit guy who moved to the US with a girl. Former special forces and shit, applied to college and is going in as an officer in the US Army via ROTC. All of his shit paid for.

Hundreds of Flips enlist into the Navy every year and leech off of the US. Might as well bring some whites over the same way. Whites who are actually smart enough to use it to make something of themselves.

Land is much cheaper here too.

How in the fuck do you become a wagecuck for two years then collect disability "like the rest of us"? Unless you are a diddu or a minority you are making this sound alot easier than what it is in reality. Even then you would have to wait to see if you are even eligible for disability if you happen to get hurt on the job after 2+ years or claim that you have something stupid like depression (which they would just give you meds and send your ass back to work).

While I agree that paying taxes is a sucker’s game if you’re self-employed you can hide those sheckles away and under-report your earnings. Theirs many ways of making money, but I doubt you have the imagination or creativity to figure that out.

You ever heard of self-employed? You’re going to have to work for someone else before you can run your own business.
I thought Holla Forums wanted more white babies? How are you going to support a family if you’re on benefits? More to the point, what kind of women would want to be with someone who can't even support themselves?

But you had no opportunity to progress. You were born a peasant and you would have died a peasant. A meritocracy is the best system.

I've been living the peasant lifestyle for years now. Snagged some land when it was cheap because the previous owner wanted to live the wagecuck life and nobody was buying his property so he had to reduce the price dramatically to even get rid of it. Now I'm pretty much living off the land and getting money on the side by freelancing as a translator. I did get lucky all things considered and I did have to slave away as a wagecuck for 5 years before even getting enough money to buy a property and before getting enough experience so that I won't make pennies from starting out as a self-employed freelance translator. At first I thought I'd have to live in a fucking shoebox, but I lucked out.

Basically, in the city as a typical wagecuck you're lower than a peasant or a serf, you're basically a slave who has to suffer all the negative consequences from an alien parasite class when he gets home.

We don't have any lords here, we work on a leader-of-the-month system…

You could have always chosen to be a merc and move up. But that isn't your style, right faggot?

At this point, I'm giving serious, sincere consideration to simply taking all my money, buying a shack in some rural farm town, and living as a NEET for as long as possible.

Will you at least have wifi?
>YFW no interwebs

Typically serfs could not leave unless their lord agreed to it.

That's the hitch that's getting me.. I'd need electricity and internet at the very least, so going completely off-grid is out of the question until solar cells and battery storage become more viable.. I'm holding out for the free wifi satellite network that they've been talking about for years.

I don't think I could live like a total mud-farming peasant. Maybe I'll take the time to refine one of my hobbies like writing or drawing into a marketable skill.

This post right here is exactly why I can't take Holla Forums serious. They talk about whites are dying out and complain that they aren’t having enough kids when they themselves have no desire to do so.
( I'm guessing your hideousness ugly if so my condolences)

Don't you have any aspirations or goals?

Your lucky that your parents are willing to support your useless arse. If you save as much money as you can for several years you could easily buy a small place. Or maybe even buy a plot of land in the countryside so that you live of the fat of the land and sell the excess at a farmers market.
Or some other business strategy. Elon musk weather you like the guy or not worked 100+hrs a week in a shared flat to create the beginnings of paypal and eventually sold it to the tune of a couple billion.

I don't think I could stand all your GMO corporate bullshit. But I'm currently a reservist in the RAF so maybe after I finish my degree I'll see what my prospects are.

How do you get into working as a translator? It's one of the things I'd be capable of doing, but I honestly don't know how to go about it.

that's basically me, just a tad more pessimistic.

In most of Europe there were both free peasants and serfs, the quantities varies greatly from country to country.

Meant to respond to this guy

I had to study foreign languages at a university. Thankfully, one of the few good things in Cuckrope is that university education is free provided you pass everything in time.

Ah, so you actually need a degree? Shame. Where I'm at they flat out pay you to take an education, that's what I'm subsiding on, but god fucking damn it I just want to get out of the fucking city, it's my only real wish.


Had a feeling that was the case. I'm pragmatic to a fault, unfortunately. My current situation doesn't exactly afford me the kind of time or energy to go out and try to find a girl at a bar or through some dating service. There's also the issue of dealing the overwhelming normalfag and pozz factor. I've got so little free time as it is that I'm not about to waste my limited time and money chasing women that aren't worth the trouble of trying to put my dick in, to begin with.

Were things different, I'd be down to impregnating an aryan cutie with dozens of children and raising my glorious blonde and blue eyed children in a rural setting. Unfortunately, the massive kikery of urban living and the choices of my parents have left me locked in a situation where I'm stuck living in a state that is slowly being consumed by mudslimes near a city full of niggers and spics.

A change is needed, you're not wrong, but pursuing it isn't as easy as just making as many white children as possible.

Well a lot of shitty employers here can give you translation jobs even without a degree, but it's usually if you're someone's relative and they need someone to translate something shittily for pennies and it's not on a consistent basis so basically you're fucked.

Yeah, but how much do you need to spend? You get 3 hots and a cot gratis, and your work is walking distance away. The problem is more giving an 18 year old that much money, a solid set of mates and expecting anything left at the end of the weekend.

get into commission based sales for expensive products
work your ass off
buy property in a good area
eat rice and beans
get a financial planner you can trust
that's basically where I'm at right now

If you want to go offgrid with a laptop and 4G its totally do-able now. You will need shekels for the data, but the rest is an excuse.
t. Running a core2duo, 19" monitor, 2 atom notebooks and a phone off solar ATM.

Aight, thanks in any event.

How many more years are you going to keep blaming other for your situation?
I don't know what your interests are but find some kind of venue where you can find people. Having friends helps because you might be introduced to their friends etc etc.

I've done enough blogposting already. Point is: It's not that fucking simple and your JUST DO IT style of advice makes me think you are projecting and compensating.

If you want to stay a lifeloser that's fine by me.


You're not a peasant. Peasants were the extended family of royalty, generals and nobles. They were treated much better than serfs or servants.

You're an indentured servant.

Yeah thank the boomers for giving away all the middle classes wealth

I only went into STEM for virology.
Can't collect my debt when your race is dead Jew.

Quality post
Reminder, even the Furher was a solider once in his life

Army Rotorhead here, can confirm

Just get an MOS that isn’t combat arms(Kicking in doors and shooting shit) and your golden. Am banking on nearly $3,000 a month and I am only 22 years old.

I can understand the hesitation most anons have with the military, things like being told what to do by people you consider incompetent, the large amount of shitskins(Your Drill Sergeant will be a nigger) and the risk of dying for Israel’s interest. Am telling you that the last part won’t happen if you use your head, you will be active duty and never have to worry about dying as long as you don’t go combat arms. Life is suffering and requires sacrifices, you have to give first before you receive. Putting it simply, you have to “Embrace the suck”, man up and deal with it, do your four year contract and I can guarantee, if you aren’t a brain-dead retard that you will not only be financially stable after everything is said and done but also have access to many of the perks that come as a veteran like the GI bill, free healthcare, excellent VA loans for your first house and lasting friendships with real men and maybe even get married somewhere in between.

Instead of slaving away like most people in a 9 to 5 with a job that they hate, in the military you choose what you want to do as long as you have a high enough ASVAB score to qualify. Depending on the contract length you choose that time will fly by quick, especially if you choose an MOS that you like, it’ll feel like a fucking vacation; shit I was sent to fucking Korea, again that’s if you use your head and think things though.

Do something if your a NEET and stop wasting time
Joining the military is the best choice I ever did, it could be yours too
Go talk to a recruiter whenever you have a chance and explain to them your situation, you won’t regret it.
also don’t go marines, unless you like dicks up your ass.

I know it’s a blogpost, IDGAF

It is near impossible to move to the US as a bong. Even if you are a highly skilled individual working for a transatlantic company that could use easily transfer you they won’t (unless you are high brass and in which case you don’t need to move or could buy a greencard anyway) because the costs involved are so high. Immigration to the US is often touted by Burgers as an option for Europeans, perhaps because the US is pounded by so much third world immigration that it must seem possible for a white man to slip though but the system is set up to allow third world folk in, not Europeans.

Perhaps a former Special Forces lad might have an option, most aren’t former Special Forces. Was the girl a US citizen? The only viable way in for most is marriage, which is retarded because it is the only way that offers no guarantee of quality in terms of immigrant.

This thread is defeatist faggotry. You wanna be a medieval peasant? You think it was actually easier to raise a family like that? You morons are living life on easy mode, and have no concept of how rich you are. The reason you can't afford anything is because you won't let go of luxuries that you mistakenly see as necessities. You're weak people who will stay weak because you've not had real challenges. You make me fucking sick. Put some effort into life.

How old are you?

Reeeeee, not for bongs.

Didn't an English peasant from the 1200s have way more free time than the average office worker today?

If you were one of those STEM autists talking about how STEM was important and everything else wasn't, I'm glad to see you suffering. Long may it last, shit bird.


I'm sure everyone had way more free time before labor saving devices and economic structures were widespread. /sarcasm

Whatever age helps you ignore my points.

Yes, it was easier to raise a family as a medieval peasent. You pleb!

Shit you are right. I should live in a tent. I mean, it’s illegal to camp on public land and campsites are £30 a night but… I could live under a bridge if I weren’t so damn weak, of course I’d have to fight for a spot because there are already people living under the bridges in my area but if I weren’t so weak I could establish dominance and make them share their dry patch with me.

Some people have no clue what it’s like to live in a country where any form of normal living standard costs an excess of an average wage.

Fuck you user, read a history book.

Did work email on the phone free people's time of reduce it? Do you think having zero daily commute time, breathing in zero car exhausts, and having a tightly knit homogenous community to support you is a plus or a con? You imbecile.

If you havent grown up in this age braket you just wouldnt understand what this job markets like. The world is no longer at your finger tits in the west.

Go ahead. Keep clinging to your "Oh woe is me" attitude, instead of actually making your life better. Effort isn't a new thing.

Yes it is, but you're soft from living in the modern age.

I don't even know what the thread is about I was just offering a factoid I got from a Terry Jones' programme in counter to you idea that the medieval peasant had a horrible life compared to the modern wagecuck. (e.e. they at least had more personal free time, and worked way less days a year).

However you cannot deal with that because you are an emotional retard, prolly a nigger or something. That'd fit right in with the historical illiteracy, tbh.

"Horrible" and "hard" are not interchangeable. This is the fundamental problem with the mindset of yourself and others in this thread. Being a wagecuck may be horrible, but it is not hard. You poofters are non-competitive, because being a wagecuck gets you more luxuries than a king had in ages past, thus you stay a wagecuck, and complain about life not being glorious.

Except communism is literally jewish, their entire plan revolves around the implementation of communism. That's 1 of 3 major tools to enslave the goyim.

Haven't had a feast or festival in years. Feelsbadman.

I didn’t complain. I countered your ignorance on the life of medieval peasants. You tried to argue that it was harder for them to raise families (than modern wage slaves), it wasn’t. You then tried to argue that modern technology had eased the burden of life. I would argue that for all the gadgetry, central heating and glazed windows I may enjoy I am alone, it is pointless. I cannot afford to raise a family thusly finding purpose or happiness is hard, much harder than it was for a medieval peasant who had by default the means to raise a family.

You also mention economic structures. You need to expand on this argument but I really hope you aren’t suggesting that these structures have made life easier for people. A peasant may not have owned his land and indeed had to pay rent on it but it was granted to him as default, his labour his payment. Try walking into an estate agents and offering your labour in return for multiple acres and a dwelling sufficient to raise a family.

Do an internship or two, nigger. I got a job within two months of applying. I had two internships at a lab, where I was stressed as shit and did average work at best. But this impressed my employer, and here I am. Comp Sci is still a great degree, you just need to hold a job for three or so years, and it'll bump you above fresh graduates. Most companies understand that pajeets are shit programmers compared to Americans, and are willing to use them on crucial parts of their architecture.

Fuck this gay earth.

Compared to now? The only difference between now and then is we have more ways to waste time.

I mean that doesnt sound so bad tbh

God bless America.

Pay for your property as quickly as possible don't fall for the jewish trinkets and upgrading your life all the time.
I personally paid for my property legally from the marijuana trade which makes me a degenerate obviously. But a debt free one. Course I had to forgo having a family shit aint all cash n roses.

It was within their ability that had been conditioned upon the hardship of a life without modern luxuries. I maintain that it's well beyond yours, or the other pushovers in this thread.

Inarguably true. You can exchange the piddly labor of flipping burgers and have before you the profound final results of all the world's most genius and hard working people. Things like Running water, internet, automobiles, etc… The payoff for miniscule effort is unfathomably huge compared to what the past offered.

Therein lies the problem of incentive. I agree that the modern world is a foul place to raise a family due to the incentives on display that lead people towards hedonism, but wishing for a regression to peasantry rather than putting forth the effort now to improve the world without abandoning technological progress, and humanity's journey to know all of the secrets of the universe, is just a low tier defeatist mindset. I give no respect to you fucking whiners, and neither would Hitler.

I was referring to free markets. People being able to trade freely for the expertise of others without having to be an expert themselves in a particular field. It most definitely results in more free time.

Excuse me mah lord does thou taketh ebt?

I could learn to become more useful to the jewish banks in londonistan, which would be reasonable for me to achieve, however working for jew banks - not even once.>>9879455

But that is exactly what the (((globalists))) want - to turn people into peasants, so that they're dependent to them. That is one of the reasons they import millions of foreigners - to increase the labour supply, thus reducing the wages. That is why they pushed feminism and urbanization in the 20th century, to double the number of workers and bring wages down. Thats why they create so many regulations, like the "carbon tax" scam, to bring down competition and prevent people from forming bussinesses.

This also why they push their "diversity agendas", turn the "diversity peoples" into a "diversity of individuals" as Kalergi said - turn humans into abstract beings, devoid of any culture, traditions, family unity and even a gender, leaving nothing in common between people but americanized mass consumerism and the lies they've been fed through their school systems and entertainment industries, who raise the children, instead of their mothers who are made to HAVE to work. All under economic dependency to them.

That's why they have "non-places" like shopping malls who look the same everywhere in the world. They want a brown, subhuman, "common gentry", that they can easily rule and dispose of.

The shekels I'd save by forgoing heating, electricity and some prepackaged items are neglible.

I wash dishes and clothing by hand, grow some of my veggies, cook my own food from fresh ingredients, live in a tiny apartment, doesn't get more basic than that.

I'm not some murinigger spending $100 on his cellphone bill a month and eating at niggerking.

Then stop paying your utility bill.

I don't get it. It's included in my rental costs and only 20 shekels a month.

You know BA covers ANY type of corporation, right? And that BA also can be used to guide you financially, treating yourself like a corporation and maximizing profits, of all sorts.

I seriously think that for anyone to destroy monsters, they need to think and feel like a monster. You can't defeat jews without using some of their tactics and know how they think and operate. Money is their strongest asset, nothing wrong with knowing how to operate it to your own benefit.

Democracy is incapable of continuity in effort. Divided into parties that govern one, two or three years, it is incapable of conceiving and accomplishing a long range plan. One party nullifies the plans and the efforts of another. What was conceived and built by one today is demolished next by another. In a country in need of construction, whose historical moment is that very construction, this drawback of democracy constitutes a threat. It is as if on a farm the owners would change yearly, each coming with different plans, doing away with what the predecessors did, their work only to be done away with by the next owner coming tomorrow.

remember to NOT marry a slut while IN deployment though.
Military wives fuck broads like their lives depend on it (seems to be XX brain hay-wiring with her mate going abroad AND many testoterone around her)

But after you retired? And can take a good look at your children's mother? Worth it.
(And you don't get snagged by Army base beauty, too)

What does that have to do with what you quoted? My attention is divided right now, so I apologize if if I'm missing something obvious.

Yes it does. What's the square footage of your apartment? I lived in an 8' by 6' camper with propane for cooking and heating for a year, so I could save money faster. What do you eat? I eat tacos every day; have for years. Variety is a luxury. Do you have a lot of clothes? I can fit all my clothes under my bed. Speaking of beds, what's yours like? The one I slept on for a year was wide enough for me to lay on my side.

I still lived pretty well like that. Could have gone even farther. You can always get more basic.

Get a real job, nigger. If you can't find one, start a business. Join a militia if you want soldiering skills.

25000 pounds? A month?

1 pound is currently 8.7 in my currency
And my IT job nets me 5000. Programmers get 10000 or so.

So 25k pounds is 220k here.

I don't know the poster's nationality, but I read that as $25,000 a year.

What? Never heard of that carpet munching "phenomenom".



That is… 220000 a year.

Out here it's 60000 to 120000 a year. And those are good jobs.

Supermarket employees make due with 3000 a month (or 36000 a year)

If you're saying someone should be perfectly capable raising a family on those earnings, I agree (assuming they're not completely incompetent, but having those jobs suggests competence isn't one of their selling points). If you're not saying that, then I don't know what you're saying.

3000 units of what currency a month? That seems very high.


That is 25k GBP a year.

A month! That'd be crazy money. Senior Neuro Surgeon money.

where do you live?

How'd you get into the mj business m8? I've got experience with growing everything else, good business sense, and I hate dudeweed shit. The way I see it, the mj business needs people like me so that we can redefine the culture from dudeweed into something that may actually benefit society. The thing is, isn't the catch that you make millions, but you hardly get to keep any of it? The rest is taxed or something? I don't even mind that much if I can make a comfy 6 figure salary and the rest of what I make is invested back into improving the community/removing degeneracy by offering an alternative - movie theaters, parks, etc.

What's with all of these poorfags in this thread?

He has to be a shill.

He says his currency is worth 87p on the pound. Thats 2,610. This would suggest he lives in the Eurozone. Where the hell in Europe can you earn 36k working in a supermarket?

How does me pointing out that 36k (Euro I presume) a year for supermarket work is high have anything to do with my personal financial state?

Closer to 30k USD and yeah it's about as much as unskilled labor driving a forklift or w/e.

Jews fucked the UK up badly. There is crazy compeition from all the impoverished eastern and southern euros looking to make a living in London.

are you trolling or living under a rock or a pajeet who earns tens of thousands of rupees a month?

Supermarket work in the UK will pay you a little under £1000 a month.

1k V 2.6k. I am suprised is all, if true which I doubt.

And are those jobs obtainable or very sought after? Here in the UK a supermarket job (which pay less than it costs to survive on your own as explained in my last post) will often have several hundred applicants.

they took ebt IT was you're soul come to church pray and you get bread and potatoes

Key to making money in the MJ business without all the dude weed shit and being able to keep your money is ancillary businesses such as Lab testing or armed transport for their cash or goods.

You're ignoring the fact that living expenses during that period can be as low as zero.

user I'm 34, earn more than double the average wage in my country, and even so am contemplating the same thing because the housing situation here is fucked, society and politics are fiddling while rome burns, and the environment/climate is becoming fucked to the point that more extreme events are gonna hit even more frequently from here on in.

All of this makes me want to check out, use my savings to date to outright buy a place in the boonies, put a shack/caravan/trailer on it, and eke out a crude existence for at least a couple of decades.

Feels like a serious plan, but perhaps just a wageslave power fantasy idk.

I see this debate regularly on whether modern technology and conveniences have in fact made our lives easier. I would argue that we think they have, but it is a superficial kind of convenience. Yes, we no longer have to draw water from a well and yes we don't have to build a fire in order to heat food, but I would argue that convenience has actually complicated life, in a way.

Before machines came and took away most forms of physical labor, most people worked outside, typically in agriculture like the peasants we're talking about. You were outside, with nature, getting exercise. Your body has a positive natural response to this, it made you happy and you felt alive just by doing it. These days people spend all their time sitting in doors, getting fat and miserable, and gyms all over the world now are full of people who use machines to simulate exercise that you would previously have gotten through the work that made up your livelihood so they don't become ugly and depressed.

Further than that, technology has separated people and communities have dissolved. Since people stay in their houses much more than they used to, they have as a result become much more insular. It would have been very unusual to not know everyone who lived on your street even just thirty years ago– now it's not at all unheard of.

Physically, life has become easier. Mentally, it's become boring, lonely and unfulfilling.

It really has, for me at least. And I’m not a NEET, I am just bored, lonely and unfulfilled.

If you have a Bachelor's degree, are under the age of 35 and are willing and able to swallow your principles, you can become an officer in the Army which is really not a bad deal.

After you commission you'll be making ~3k/mo. If you're married, 3.5k. If you have children, even more.

You get paid more for useful skills like if you are fluent in a second language.

And you can choose a POG job like Transportation. Or try for Signal Corps and get all manner of certifications during your time in the Army for free and then take them to private sector and make 6figures in IT.

If you're a talented programer go talk to your recruiter about becoming a Cyber officer. ESPECIALLY if you want to go National Guard.

Army pulled my life out of shambles. Now I just have to not die for der juden.

What about private military companies, though? I've been thinking of getting into that business, but I heard that pay has gone to complete shit compared to the 2000s, not to mention the 1980s. Anyone know anything about that?

PMCs almost exclusively hire ex military, unfortunately, you would have to be a ZOGbot before you can join. With that said, PMCs are not really the boogeyman that the media describes them as, and there are PMCs in South Africa, the Congo, and Rhodesia that literally pay you to shoot niggers, talk about a dream job holy shit I wouldn't even care too much about the pay if I could make a career out of shooting subhumans.

I know that I have to be a ZOGbot, I am just wondering how much it pays. The age of $700 a day is long gone, I would like to know how much PMC operators get now.


No argument here.

I have a job in my field with lots of opportunity for advancement.
My parents paid for my college.
My advice is to work in something related to construction. Outdoor work is good because it won't be automated in the near future.
Find a position that a spic cant get.
Don't work in a field infested with Pajeets, like computer science or electrical engineering.
That being said, I stand with my NEET brothers. I still live with my parents because autism, and I don't want to see my paycheck going out the window to a ((landlord)).

In ancient Rome, the plebians moved away and refused to participate in the cities, leaving them to starve. The plebians formed their own forms of government.

Then the Romans would send legionnaires to turn plebeians into red sticky mess. Just like what the (((Western governments))) will do to those who try to live self-sufficiently and/or off the grid. Dependency is the main pillar of Jewish tyranny, so anyone who rejects the debilitating drug of mainstream life needs to be purged unless his ideas infect others. This is happening in the US, in Germany, in France and even Russia.


fuck off boomer, you sold the american dream and now everything costs more, money is worth less, you're taxed higher, and get paid less relatively speaking.

t. barista

Zero effort.

The market fluctuates back and forth, also depends on your role. A UAV operator or medic is going to be making more than a PSD guy. Check out ShooterJobs to get an idea, you need certifications though. Can'tjust be a 0311 or 11b and expect to just cruise in on that. Need to make yourself and your skill set invaluable. Even the Shylocks wanted to snag Otto here because he knew his shit.

wew lad I make more than that and all I do is deliver pizza.

start a company based on Amazon. Most money is made from importing from china. Companies are selling for big dollars, way more than they should.

If you have no money, open an Amazon merch account and have amz sell shirts you design. It takes months to get accepted. People are making 100k a year just on the shirts.

You ever get women who do the pizza challenge for you?

bruh delet this

The only moral solution is to live without money and leech as much out of the system as possible. At any other time, this would be the worst thing to do. But right now, everyone who works works for the jew and pays taxes for darkies to make babies and vote.


why does it upset you?

South africa apparently has a nice little business for mercenaries. One of the biggest bonus, is, you protect whites and shoot kaffirs. Also great pay.

Yeah, but you do not just strong-arm yourself into a saffa PMC company. You need connections for that, and connections don't just pop out of nowhere on your first day.

No problem, despite the zogbot meme there's alot more ustypes than you might think in the military. Probably due to actually having to work in shit conditions with the lesser races.

then go to your local synagogue and make some. Use the jew against the jew as i say.

Question: if you had 20,000 in savings, what would you do with it?

5 acres, build a cabin yourself, start permaculture farm, sell local. there is nothing else to do with that money that gets you anywhere. I spent 20k trying to start a business and its just too easy for jews to ruin. all it takes is running into one.

only idiots believe that you need a college or higher education to be financially successful

I might try this. I'm actually a pretty experienced programmer, but no degree and awful job record so I don't really have a way into the profession.

Buy dividend shares and buy the land to farm on.


Plenty of guys without even a GED making $45 an hour because they can show up on time and do as they're told.

Making victory all the more glorious. Stop being such a fucking pussy.

Well that's basically the plan Jews have to destroy living standards for white people.

Way to talk big game about taking out the ZOG until you literally surrender your life to it.

Of course you had an opportunity to progress. All you needed is to start apprenticeship at a craftsman or save up money, get some education and be a scribe or an accountant. Also you could advance through religion or combat.

This thread is shilled to fuck and back, I see. Not a surprise that a thread detailing how disastrous the last 30 years have been for whites both financially and in terms of social status would really bring out the minimum wage drones, who erroneously imagine that there's anything higher on the "shill Nazis on the internet" career ladder. Don't worry, you're not getting a job when you get out of university either, you dopes.

2300 BCE Assyria called, they want their talking point back.

Kike detected.

There was a huge demand for scribes, since they handled all the correspondence, copying. Every merchant had a shitload of paper pushers, who copied trade agreements and invoices, wrote letters etc. A scribe was an equivalent of the modern office worker.

Alright guys, I fear I am too stupid for college - what are some alternatives?

Personally I was thinking of farming, but I have no money for land. Any ideas on how to go about that?
Sorry for shitting up the thread, I'm just freaking about what to do with my life.

Trade school. All the snowflakes are going to university while the bubble still holds, but there will always be a need for people who can re-wire an old house without electrocuting themselves or setting it on fire, which is a skill that will always be out of the reach of universityfags.
t. degree in fucking philosophy

l u c k y, I'm taking home $1200/month with a BS in Information Systems

But OP, you come from a long line of failures. I bet that 'tube' ride in the morning full of mystery meat has you ready to rage before you even get to the office. But with no guns all you can do is think of throwing yourself out a window but then you don't even have an office with a window at work hahaha. Fuck you and your feels thread. Don't like your life? CHANGE IT. I know, you expect someone else to do it for you.

Dividends huh? hahaha. Dat 1% yield taxed at the highest rate is the way to go boys… OH and farming because, it's no problem to pick up thousands and thousands of acres then MILLIONS in machinery hahaha so much trash in this thread talking out of their ass whose never done shit.

The jewish stock market? What the fuck?

Jesus man, you're only one paycheck ahead of me and I work part-time at a gunstore.

Peasants did not have debts. Literacy excluded we are worse than peasants soon life expectancy included.

yeah, it gets pretty depressing if I think on it t oo much.
Considering talking to a recruiter about being a Commissioned Officer, since I don't want to just fuck around till I'm 25 like this

Communism is a plot to destroy White nations, not the end goal of hoarding kikes.

In fantasy.

Bolshevism is the jewish religion.

I want millenials to leave. Now. Jump in an incinerator. You whiny fucking faggots get everything handed to you on a silver platter - food, water, shelter, entertainment, electronics, theme park vacations, then you whine because daddy bought you a noname android phone for christmas when you wanted an iphone 8++++ and mommy bought tonight's tendies from a store brand because money's tight because your obese 20 year old ass hasn't left the house or even attempted to get an entry level job. No, instead you whine and cry about MUH OLD PEOPLE online and how haaaaaaaard life is and how mean old dad won't buy you a BMW, but offered to help you get a used Chrysler k-car if you promise to get a job and use it to go back and forth to work. If the retards at the local mcdonalds with their tumblr haircusts that can't even figure out the fact that a combo is supposed to come with a drink cup spare me your virtue signaling autism, it was a short stop on a road trip can get a job, so can you.


I don't plan to sell them but to be self sufficient and I have done some gardenings so what's wrong with that?
You are stupid. You think I would go and buy a dividends like you said but no. That is not how it work. In my country if I buy them then I get the franked dividends (company pay the tax)and I can be refunded if my income earning is low. All the yields rate are different and do not stay same so it is important to buy more one share. I am planning to buy the shares in the future so I can earn the extra money from that. If it doesn't work out then I can stop. The living cost in my country is high.

And what's stopping you from just working on a farm? It's hard work and the pay isn't great, but it's a job.

You have no argument or counterpoint, you're just another lazy obese millenial blaming everything on muh old people instead of the jews who have actually caused the problems in modern society.

Hey remember when the kikes spent social security funding the moment they received it in taxes and oldniggers thought that millennials should automatically pay their way anyway?

Get a job, millenial scum.

Implying it can't be both. The golem is at fault just as the creator is. Be it women or boomers, I care not. Once the tool has been used as a tool for destruction such that it can serve no other purpose, the tool is to be destroyed along with its creator.

You know how I know you're a (((Kushner))) shill?

nigger I've worked 80 hours a week 6-7 days a week for 3 years, built up a decade of experience, built my credit for 5, leveraged it all for my own business and ran into a literal kike that ran it into the ground intentionally and then when i tried to avoid catastrophe i ran into a nigger that unironically thinks of white people as slaves and was a friend of the kike. they fucking nailed my business. you wanna call me a pussy to my face, I'll fucking kill you. I will stick a knife in your throat and take joy in the gurgling as you try to talk some shit as you drop to the ground. that's where I'm at. get fucked.

I've worked hard enough I've got the body pain of an old man when I should be in my prime. you boomer faggots can fuck off.

Great idea, Schlomo, then dose evil white goyim will have to racemix or die out!

Yes, I said all of them, certainly so. Look, traitors hang as well. Of course, useful idiots should be used for the time being where our backs are against the wall, but if you think keeping the people committed evil deeds (again to treason against the race and progenity) around is ok, then we do not share the same views.



Degenerate millenials blame everything on old white people while the jews rub their hands all the way to the bank, knowing those good goyim are blaming each other for their problems.

Oh well, I guess you'll continue to put words in my mouth. I'll only say it one more time: not all, but certainly all traitors must hang as well.

I shouldn't be surprised that kike shills are posting a bunch of Wyatt Man cartoon derivatives and indeed I am not. Kikes LARPing as Nazis LARPing as ironic Nazis doesn't surprise me one iota. The only thing that surprises me is how terrible you are at defending yourself.

Haven't seen any poor jews though…

Niggerlip avatarfag millenial proves he isn't even trying once again. I repeat:

I want millenials to leave. Now. Jump in an incinerator. You whiny fucking faggots get everything handed to you on a silver platter - food, water, shelter, entertainment, electronics, theme park vacations, then you whine because daddy bought you a noname android phone for christmas when you wanted an iphone 8++++ and mommy bought tonight's tendies from a store brand because money's tight because your obese 20 year old ass hasn't left the house or even attempted to get an entry level job. No, instead you whine and cry about MUH OLD PEOPLE online and how haaaaaaaard life is and how mean old dad won't buy you a BMW, but offered to help you get a used Chrysler k-car if you promise to get a job and use it to go back and forth to work. If the retards at the local mcdonalds with their tumblr haircusts that can't even figure out the fact that a combo is supposed to come with a drink cup can get a job, so can you.


What, are you trying to say that the generation that sold the west out aren't to blame why shit is beyond fucked?
t.guy who makes six digits.

Either you are a faggot, or you are a woman trying to lecture men on how easy it is getting married when you come equipped with a baby making free meal ticket between your legs.


Do you treat the symptom, or cure the disease?

It's more like serfdom but with the added benefit of obesity and drugs.

Nice copypasta, faggot.

Of course the jews are to blame as are the assholes who opened the door to them as well. Both deserve death in the end, besides that traitors go first.

Can you into English? My post was mocking what he said, not actually shilling for Marxism.

Niggerlip avatarfag proves himself to be retarded once again, has no argument, and has degenerated to gorefagging. Into the filter the niggerkike goes.

Projection 101.

I see, typical tricks, shlomo


I live in Louisiana where I grew up picking cotton, clearing fields and working with my grandfather in a lumber yard. I worked through community college and joined the army. I didn't get shit growing up except calluses. Try growing up in the deep south where you see the nigs getting everything for free, and AA job preferences, while you get a fuck you.

I am 36 and you can eat shit and die anytime, you boomer faggot

Sounds like you fucked up. Tell us the story in detail.

Buy totaled cars for a couple hundred and strip them. Sell parts and make dosh.

never ever report earnings.

You didnt like "commies" that fought with feudalism, so now you have it back. Congratulations, you did it.

Cry more, faggot.

That's because the rulers of the peasants were not actively trying to (((ruin))) society.

Be careful what you say or the people will quit the jobs and no more taxes mean massive chimpout. Do you fully understand the situation that the boomers put them in? Not cool to mock the people whom are trying to get by user.

This thread is pretty grim
Nobody talks about the thousands that kills themselves out of despair due to this sutiation

I joined the USPS. Easy work this time of year, especially in a college town that becomes a ghost town in the summer. I walk 10-15 miles a day in every weather condition, not including stairs. I have lost nearly 40 pounds since I started 6 months ago. My job is secured by a Constitutional monopoly, I have union representation, I have fantastic Federal employee health benefits. Starting pay is $16.06/hr and I have contractual raises every few months, capping out at double ($32/hr) after 12 years. This time of year I take home about $1600/mo - Christmastime I was pulling $2000/mo. I have a paid vacation coming up next week, too. More people are buying stuff online than ever before, and Amazon isn't slowing down anytime soon. Neither are magazines, bills, and checks in the mail. Overtime is done by the day as well as by the week. Work more than 8 hours and it's 1.5x, work more than 10 hours and you're making double time. If you are still working after 6pm there is an additional pay bonus. USPS is represented in even the smallest of communities, so if I absolutely had to move anywhere in the country, I can potentially transfer. Theres about a month of paid training before they throw you out on the streets by yourself. My first day on my own was the weekend after thanksgiving…………………….

Cons: the STRESS of having an extreme time crunch on everything. You should be at the same place at the same time every day, and the bosses know where you should be at any given time. You dont go home until all the mail is delivered, too. I worked until about 6:30pm today, went in at 7am. Some days youre out at 3pm or earlier. The hiring process is intense. There are tons of background checks and tests you have to take. Look up a practice exam for "Postal Exam 473." Those are the skills you need to work there. The job is obviously physically taxing, but I think its even more mentally taxing.

The job really takes a lot out of you and your relationships.This job has amazing opportunities and I find it unexpectedly fulfilling, and I think the benefits make it all worth it. Not bad if you don't want to go to college or trade school of any sort.

Think of me as an infiltrator. Thats one thing the fucking communists got right.

Right. They knew they were dependant on them and couldn't simply import a whole bunch from across the world.

Now that (((they))) can, the average peasant is worthless.

is there a feasible way for anons in the red to declare bankruptcy without worsening their situations?

not if the reason you're in the red is student loans, i believe. at least in the US

I don't think most people would mind living with average salaries as long as they didn't have to pay onerous taxes on top of it and pay off their debts, which I admit myself, are a constant drain.
Also, job satisfaction seems pretty low all across the board, so why do something you hate?
Many of us are afraid of losing the job, having no security, defaulting on debt - but is vegetation in current state any worse?

Not everyone can be an entrepreneur - it takes time, devotion, range of skills that are not always related, funds which you scrape over a period of time and willingness to fail. And that is perfectly fine, as we thrive on each having different talents, which is why you should think of a job you want to do and simply try to do it, and if you can't move or find a different angle.

After being in few different jobs and having experienced the student debt and the like, I can declare that the biggest relief and pleasure in my recent life was to finally figure out a plan for the next 5-10 years and settling into something I could really see myself doing. The rest is easy, as you are simply executing the steps, day by day.

Since this thread is already about jobs i wont make a new thread.

I made the mistake of studying graphic design back when i was a liberal normie. Always wanted to do something creative, but the GD world in cultural marxism incarnate. I didn't know that back then. I'm still young though, so my question to you guys is simple. Should i jump ship or stick with it? I refuse to spend my life making propaganda for (((them)))

Could i turn it into something useful?

I should add that i don't care about money. I just don't want to work for jews, using my skills to promote their agenda.

GOOD! I don't want anyone to find comfort with the world as it is. you fuckers should be passionate about changing things, not bitching about haaaard life is. Goddamn poofter generation.

You can make propaganda? Then do it for us. If you're still going to school, then get the fuck out of that.

don't worry I read it wrong too, that means we're both retarded.

after tax, NI, rent, travel, you will be worse off than niggers on welfare whilst also working full time.
Congratulations, you're the slave now paying for the ex-slaves to fuck white women while you're at your desk making shlomo richer.
Honestly though, I feel your pain user, I was you once.
I got out of London for this very reason, it's a trap.
The city trap.
It's a machine that sucks you in and drains your blood sweat and tears, your lifeforce in exchange for trinkets and dreams.
It keeps you subsisting by running endlessly on a hamster wheel chasing carrots that are always JUST out of reach until you burn out and it spits you out as useless trash.
I knew this within weeks of moving to london, I just didn't know it was the jews back then.
Get out while you can, go freelance somewhere that the rent doesn't cripple you and there are women that aren't gold-digging sluts or mush-bird femenists.
I moved to the country, best decision I made in years.
98% white, zero crime, beautiful nature to walk amongst, and at least a few of the women have traditional values still.

Go freelance, put a portfolio together on a nice looking website.
Hit up everyone on the right with links to your site and proposals until someone puts in regular orders.
Don't be afraid of rejection, repeat proposals after some time has passed.
Rinse and repeat.

don't assist the chinks for your own benefit
don't sell out your people for personal profit
your attitude is exactly why the jew has got as far as he has

Always pay more than what the bill says if you could if your bill says. Lets say you owe $1000 per month and you put down lets say $1100 some of the $1000 goes to interest instead but none of the extra $100 goes to interest and all of $100 goes to the principal. remember extra money always goes to principal.

You don't need to support the chinks.

It is a fact that the American market is price sensitive. Do you know how many fucking forms you need to fill out to hire an employee? Do you know the risks of having said employee? Do you know what is like to be at the mercy of some retard government bureaucrat?

Listen fuck face. It is better to thrive in an oppression world, then become a martyr and be nothing.

You expect to make a change being a broke ass whiny bitch? think again.

Holy fucking shit the most pamper pussy generation that ever existed complaining now I have seen everything. Do you watch when jamal fucks your wife old man or do you go in the other room?

Crotian Kuna.

8.9kn = 1pound

so 3000 kn a month equals about 337 pounds a month.

where are you at eastern yurop?

I have high school diploma and pay roughly 650 dollars rent, I'm in a cushy desk job and still left with over 1000 dollars to save after all required monthly payments, utilities food etc.

It's not perfect but I'd be fine doing this until I retire, a lot of money to put into stocks and things that don't devalue too much.

If you have enough to support your family why would you even want to?

It's better to just join a local militia group, there's lots of organizations that offer basic military training these days, and much like everything else state funded, state military training is shit too. at least in eastern Europe

they only worked 6 months a year as well to bring in the harvest.

You. Can't.

Try it and watch what happens. Try to get a woman to walk backwards and actually listen to you and let you involve yourself in your children's lives. Watch what happens. Try to do what you're saying and post proof of it before you ever admonish a single person for what you're saying here.

Watch what happens. You will get Waco'd. You will get ruined. Everything will always fuck up and JUST Alimony is the best case scenario.

There is no fat of the land. There is only Eternal Misery. Try it, watch what happens.

This world is a place of punishment. In all eras, all incarnations.

Ashes and Echoes

I have an electronic engineering degree, and I bring home about $18k, but more than half of that goes towards electricity, water, gas (home heating), mandatory car insurance, and rent. The rest is doled out for food, toiletries, washing detergent, internet, phone, replacing worn clothes (I'm nearly our of socks), gas and maintenance costs for the car that gets me to work and to the grocery store, and what little I have left might be saved until something inevitably blows up and costs hundreds to fix or replace.

If I wanted an EE job, I'd have to move to 5417 Designated Shitting St, Pooindaloo, India, and make maybe $3k US annually, and live as the king of the hill of human waste. Not that I can remember much of what I learned in college, since I've done fuck all with it in the past decade.

But hey, at least I'm not in debt, and self-reliant! Why, I just got over having PNEUMONIA for two weeks, and this coming paycheck is going to comletely

only easy way in as a white man to america is to invest 500 000 and get an investment green card or have a phd/masters.

Missed you faggot

Have kids anyway and you will find ways to support them. Neccessity breeds inovation.

worked for me, happy father at 23

That's my dream. But my background isn't really suited to that sort of work. And Idon't have the skills to sell myself.

Suck dicks at highway truck stops

The Bell Curve's first chapter incarnate.

Well said Mr. Codreanu

itt redditors and blackpill faggots

off yourselves

Best advice ever. Thank you user.

Move to a turd world country


I too fell for the STEM meme. Fortunately I did not make the mistake of going to college. I worked as the only engineer in a company of 20+ people for 2 years. I handled every single drawing, work order, rendering, and I also designed new tools/jigs for the shop. My boss was super confused and offended when I asked to be raised from $18/hr to $25/hr (the union mechanics installing the product I designed made $65/hr). He gave me this long speech about how he doesnt need to pay me anything because Im young and I dont have a degree. Also some horseshit about how theyre on an extremely tight budget (he and his wife both drove $120,000+ cars) I walked out the next morning and told him to have fun looking for another wagecuck who can understand how to run all of the CAD assemblies & programs I made to automate the whole design process. I literally made the whole process 5 times faster, and the goddamn jew (ironically, he's actually Irish) just spat in my face.

Now I know better than to waste my time with wage cucking. I am using my engineering skills to start a business that builds high-end cananabis extraction equipment.

Nah fuck off. I like modern life. Not my fault you losers can't get good. Protip because I'm generous: don't follow what the kikes tell you to. The whole suburb house and cuckjob and expensive car and other shit. Stop doing what they tell you and find ways to skirt large "necessary" expenses. I'll namedrop mr.moneymustache, though I'm a fair bit more extreme than he is as he has to cater to demi-normies.

I eliminated my largest expense, and if I really wanted to, I could eliminate my second-largest as well, though I'm not sure if the work-around for the second would be worth the risk and effort. If you can't figure out how to make bank in the modern world, you're a two-digit IQ retard. It's never been easier. Anyone can be a patrician these days. We are living in the meritocracy, gentlemen. There is no longer stability, but there is volatility and large numbers. If you could convince everyone on the planet to give you $1, you would be a billionaire overnight. It's piss-easy.

Recognizing dubsquads. There is nothing wrong with prostitution…if it weren't illegal, I would do it. My #1 rule is don't go to jail. Only badfeel is that all the lucrative trades are illegal.

Look Goy! If you a really good Goy and you spend a couple decades being a good wagecuck, then you can have a bigger moldy tinderbox built out of plywood and drywall, and you can drive a fancier car with a more plastic trinkets (that cost $2.00 to manufacture and we sell you for $250)

Im sorry, were you working on literal rocket ships built out of carbon fiber, full-time, at the age of 19?

If no:

Security, I wasted my youth so when it came down to it I picked a trade so I would always be able to get work. Work I don't like but work that will keep me alive.

The problem now is that work leaves me drained and unmotivated so I use my spare time on video games and other distractions instead of working towards anything in particular.

That's why (((they))) desperately need you to be a wagecuck in the first place. Cant have pissed off Goyim with tons of free time. So instead, lets get them locked in a game where they waste 80% of their waking life just to get barely enough shekels to put a roof over their head.

That's not true. The unemployed goyim don't do jack shit either.

welp, i'm already failing algebra and geometry in university, so once i fail, i'll either join the army or try and do farm/construction/retail work
do armies require a drivers license?

Does anyone think unions actually did a lot of good for the working man? At least they moved money from the owners of companies into worker's pockets.

Kind of makes me think that a lot of the PC far-left of Labour/Democrats was brought in as a divide and conquer strategy to weaken the union movement. Interesting that it's hit fever pitch around the time that workers are most disgruntled (after GFC). Honestly I'd even consider joining a union if they separated politically from the far-left.

(not checked)

funny because I didn't, my parents are divorced, your generation paved the way for divorce to be normalized, and I was raised by a single mother,

we often did food drives and got crappy food, I didn't get to learn to drive as a teenager, I didn't get a car either, and that fucked me over in terms of looking for jobs, I spent 2 years looking for a job, just applying to jobs one after the other that were in my area which was fairly small because when you don't drive and the public transportation in your city is shit your "area" for job searches becomes narrower and narrower, perhaps I would have gotten a job had I swallowed my pride and applyed to shit places like walmart and mcdonalds, but I knew I'd hate it and likely quit so I didn't bother.

How hard was it for you fucking boomers, you fucking pieces of shit who ruined everything for future generations to get jobs? Was divorce an epidemic in your time? Did your father's have time to teach you to use guns, or drive cars, or go fishing, did they discipline you? Yes? Then shut the fuck up, you had it easier.

Leftist theory on job creation is awful. They think they can increase supply of workers and increase demand of jobs and have everything work out. You need to increase demand of jobs while keeping number of workers low to increase worker's value.

Leftism's end goal for the economy is to reduce the value of work by massively increasing the demand via immigration. The more people applying for a job, the better candidate the hiring company can get at a lower price.

Think about it this way, if a company has 10 vacancies and 100 people apply, they can haggle prices, working conditions, etc. 90 of those people will walk away without a job, they'll need that job.

Now, if a company has 10 vacancies, and only 5 applications, the employees can say they won't work for those wages, and demand an increase, and they will get it if the hiring company needs it enough.

Leftism is not designed for that. They pretend to be for workers, but they're not. Their policies encourage more workers in the working pool via immigration, at the same time they try and distract people will gibs and stupid things like raising the minimum wage.

And the minimum wage is also a way to increase demand for jobs and reduce available supply. It is their goal. They want a world where people from all over the world live in cities and fight for the lowest pay and worst working conditions in a few job openings.

At one point, unions did help by raising wages. But unions became corrupt and essentially have monopoly on representing worker's rights, and now it works to ensure there are not as many jobs available so large employers can fuck everyone over.

Well at least you didn't make the mistake of going to college.

Btw those of you who are wagecucks, we can redpill the masses if a lot of us start (((YOUTUBE))) channels and pay for views and likes. Believe it or not paying for them does work, its how most youtubers get popular nowadays actually. We can start channels make videos about popular subjects and sneak memes about niggers being inferior to whites and the holocaust being a lie in there.

Then when people look up how to tie a tie or a review for some shitty new release they'll see all these videos subtley alluding to all of these things(and perhaps making references to materials like stormfront or david irving which they can look up themselves) and they'll have jew hate flowing through their veins.

Seems like a good way to gain support for another reich, we need to combat this egalitarian buttfuckery which is found mostly on youtube.

And of course you can make money from the ad revenue

Daily reminder to achieve a political position, start a business or achieve a well-payed career before wasting your time here. The more power and money we have, the more we can create change or support those to do the changing for us.

that's what jews do

if you're natsoc there will be nobody to do your bidding and I'm sure there won't be a massive crash like post WW1 ever again

My last 3 thanksgivings have been normalfag negroball cancer. I will spend the next one lying yo family about working at a soup kitchen then play counter strike source with friends.

Just be glad you weren't playing Counter strike global offensive.

CS source is far from my favorite fps, I can think of quite a few I like more but, anything is miles better than the shitpile CS GO is. Guns don't fucking shoot straight in that game it pisses me off.

in what fucking country do you live in where 25k is not enough?

my parents make 12k a month and they got 250k+ in the bank


You think you guys have it bad?

Fuck the kikes. I can't get ahead. Fuck life, fam.

This is exactly how boomers respond to gritty, hardworking people when they honestly​ voice their hardships. They'd shit on the graves of their own r-r-racist parents if toilets weren't so much comfier on their soft, pampered asses.

Nigga I make more money than you landscaping and have ZERO debt of any kind

Yea work hard and SAVE MONEY, can't stress that second piece enough, I'm only making 10/hr and still manage to have enough money for emergencies, or what ever, it's all about budgeting and not living above your means, just this past 6 months I have managed to save 10,000 excluding bills, and a small operation on my mouth just by not spending on things I didn't need and that's with a 10/hr pay, I'm not saying in any way that that's always how it goes but one would be surprised

You mean bitch, and moan on the internet instead of doing the work necessary to change their lives. Disgraceful shits.

And? It works doesn't it

There's your problem.

Those trades are so damn lucrative because they are illegal. The illicit nature of a product ups the value of it.

Gonna propose to my girl on Friday. Already making enough for the two of us in our own house with a nice yard. I'll update you in a few years when I've got kids and tell you if I explode. I got you, brah.

Dude, seriously, if you can find this place and post here, you have enough skills to do freelance writing at the very least.
I started out writing shitty 500 word articles, 3 an hour, $7 dollars each.
On my couch.
In my underwear.
Later I started doing better quality articles and blogposts, and the money got much better.
If you want to make it even simpler, just go on fiverr or upwork, set up a profile and apply for gigs. (writing and any other skills you have)
Seriously, you will be competing with loads of shitskins with bad english and low standards, you will do just fine.
The key thing is to ALWAYS go over and above what the client wants so many will come back with repeat work.
It's really easy to get started as long as you don't need loads of money for rent. (why I live in the country)
And that is just the beginning.
Once you are up and running, and have built a reputation, you can start outsourcing the work to a flip or a pajeet and become essentially just an editor.
That means you can get way more gigs than you could if you were doing all the writing.
Any anons posting here for a while are smart enough to do this, seriously it's easy money.

nope, but that would work just fine.
estonia for example has hot women, superfast internet, new business friendly and rabidly anti-muslim.

Citizens of today have a lot less freedom and free time than "peasants" of the feudal era.
Being a peasant was fine, so long as you paid your dues to the Lord/Laird, the rest of the day/month/year was yours to do with what you wanted.
Graze your animals on the commons, grow your garden with crops to feed yourself, hunt common game animals, fish and raise your children.
People today work a minimum of 40 hours a week just to keep their heads above the water.
If a lower working class person wants to make a decent income then they are looking at 80-100 hour weeks.

Not a burger but that is fucked up. Kikes must be lined up against a wall immediately.

Unskilled laborers are truly dead inside. I'm currently working at a somewhat privileged factory position and I'm still clocking 48 hours a week and feel like I have next to no free time. I recently heard from the actual production workers that they are being made to work 12 hour shifts Monday through Saturday AND six hours on Sunday. They are told if they don't like it they can leave. I just can't comprehend letting someone work you to death like that. I can't even imagine myself in a position where I didn't have the option to just go find a better job in that scenario.

No no, you are completely wrong. Atleast in west, in no-gun countries that do not give legal right for a civilian to protect himself, his property and his family against tyranny of others.

A person that does not have weapons, or rights to defend himself, his property, and his family is not a citizen, nor a slave, but a serf. Citizens in western world for the most part have been reduced into serfdom.


Probably. Most people in ancient Rome stopped working around 1pm (manufacturing, morning restaurants and production, evening restaurants opened around 3pm), so I'd imagine that same kind of schedule would have been utilized in England.

It's not paying you shit since western PMC's are having god-awful time trying to compete for contracts with the China's People's Liberation Army essentially that are doing it for almost free.

Retarded boomer logic is retarded boomer logic.

Go back to your mcmansion and your piece of shit plastic car you spoiled boomer fuck. Try working full time as an engineer for 2 years straight, while still not being paid enough to properly fix your car, let alone move out of your parents house. This economy is so fucked up right now that Im absolutely amazed people havent dragged politicians and bankers out into the middle of the street and lynched them.

Just got kicked from the Navy for drinking. Only real skill is journalism from doing the ship's newspaper. Someone above mentioned writing for blogs, and ive also heard from a degenerate hippy that he mostly lived by writing "essays."

Any anons have experience trying to make shekels out of words with no degree? At least as a temp gig till I can get a real trade.

Cheap places to live with good community tech schools?

How to wagecuck?
t. Not a nigger

Did you drink all the water from under the boat or something?

Because most people in the armed forces nowadays tend to be heavy drinkers and shit like that.

CO threatened zero tolerance. I still smelt like liquor coming through the gate in the morning.

No, the navy is absolute bullshit in the US nowadays. They use any excuse to can you before your time is up, so they don't have to pay you benefits. I knew a guy who got a 45/45, that is 45days slave labor, for getting a fucking ride back to base by a cop. He did nothing wrong at all. He was walking back from the bar and it started raining, so a cop saw him and gave him a ride to be nice. CO said it looked bad, and that was it. Shit, you have a school record thaf says ADD? They'll wait until you're months from going home, and can you, even though no doctor said jack shit, just a school counselor, just so they don't have to pay what they owe. Fuck the navy!

I was born out of wedlock, had no father in my life, sometimes did not eat because of a single mother, did not get expensive electronics and had to mow lawns to buy my own fucking NES with a few games, did not go on any vacations, lived in a roach infested apartment, did not get assistance even learning to drive, let alone somebody buy me a car, bought my own shitty flip phone, which I needed for work, paid for my own college, and had absolutely no mentorship in my life. I'm 31 and a loser, but the bait over here says I'm entitled.

Musk was REMOVED from PayPal because of his toxic influence. EVERYTHING Musk has done since then has been sub-economic at best and a total failure at worst. His only skills are tax evasion and grifting his way into investor pockets.

If you want to understand the realities of the work force, particularly in the USA, then you need to disillusion yourself of baby-boomer platitudes. Opportunities are more scarce and skills/education don't go very far. I don't see a lot of successful young people who haven't grafted themselves onto some kind of bubble-based market (like healthcare and IT).

-t. 30 y/o engineer and Army vet

Yup. Close to getting out and all those benefits I worked for are gone. Slave labor time under docked pay in a place that has rejected you is real dick deflator. First offence, with no damage to life or property. That "we're a brotherhood aspie de corps" shit only exist on your level and they won't hesistate to jew you out of every last government shekel. It's a fucking corporation. Fuck the navy.

After the racewar we need to bring brotherhood and masculinity back to the force. Just beat the shit out of people who fuck up, not jew their lives away.

t-that post ID

Considering on an average 168 hour working month 10 an hour would net you 10k TOTAL before tax in six months yes, yes I am very suprised.

You must either work 18 hours a day or have zero expenses and pay no tax.

How? Where? Writing what? Teach me your secrets.

I write some now just for my own edification.

That said. 3d printers for the boardgame front seems to be a constant healthy market. Each board game at least goes for $50 USDollarydoos.

Don't smoke and drink you pay away.

Don't get a GF.

kys, ==reported==

A huge reason housing is so expensive is because whites don't want to live around niggers and spics, so why all try and buy the fewer and fewer houses in white hoods.

I know a foot surgeon in USA that makes 25k per operation. He makes about 1.8 million a year.

I'm a 30 year old Croat. I work at a factory, producing car parts and propane related stuff. I earn 3 000 HRK a month. In real money that's 440USD/404EUR. I'm working there illegally, meaning that I'm not a registered worker with the goverment and stuff. This means I have no proper health insurance and my time spent there isn't registered (I'm officially unemployed). It's a full time job, 8 hours per day Monday - Saturday. I just came home from a night shift.

I've done it all. I melt zinc with nothing but a pair of gloves. Try to imagine a 1970s Eastern Block furnace and comprehend the heat, the exertion, the health hazards and the risk of spilling molten metal on yourself. I produce ABS systems without knowing anything about or having a car, I wallow in filth and chemicals with no protection and I get talked down to like a fucking child by my boss. He bought the factory for pennies back in the early 90s chaos. He is rich as fuck but we get Victorian era pay.

To sum it up:

Pay: 3 000 HRK
Rent: 1 500 HRK
Monthly bus pass: 570 HRK
Bills: 500 or so HRK. I live alone.

I barely have enough to eat and I starve often. This is the truth about the EU and all the flowery talk about free markets, capitalism and assorted bullshit. Life in Croatia is FAR worse now than it was in 1995, following a total war. It's insane. This is pure madness. I can't even think about wives, kids and so on when I'm barely scraping together money to buy shitty imported food. My fucking garlic is from China. I eat nothing but shit because I cannot afford to eat healthy. I haven't eaten meat since Easter. Also, my mother just lost her job and my God it just keeps getting worse.

Fuck everything. There are no jobs, only shit and misery.

Nothing to switch to ? Truck driving sounds better than what you describe.

But my good user! You are simply mistaken about your own life. Here; have this Hoover Institution video on how Capitalism is the greatest engine of wealth-creation in the history of mankind:

Free markets mean free people! Don't you like being free?

I'm getting a bad feeling from picking on retards…

…oh, nevermind, it's gone. Work smarter, fag.

If im a paramedic with 911 experience in ghetto neighborhoods where niggers shoot and stab eachother all the time, will i have a shot even though im not military?>>9880365

Revolution and war is our next phase. Fuck this slavery burn it all down!

You should probably try to find a cheaper place closer to work.

I'm lucky, since my family used to be rich. Owned tons of premium land.
Commies took everything but our house and a few scraps.
Father became sailor and worked his way to captain, all to provide for his 4 siblings (he was oldest) after his father passed away. Worked like a horse, died from caner 2 years back.

Now the county and greedy relatives are after what land is left.

buy flour and salt, make your own bread/tack.

hunt/trap rabbits, rats, deer, fox, geese, fowl.
salt the meat or cure it over a fire.
make jerky and pemmican.
collect wild edibles and berries

a hunting bow costs around 100-150 and is unregulated almost everywhere, here in australia i can walk into a shop and walk out same day no license required, and i am free to take any invasive species on crown land, europe must have similar rules, im sure in north america you can do whatever you want especially with the huge deer overpopulation. a decent 2nd hand bicycle should be 50-100, make sure the spokes are tight, no rust on the body or wheels and that it can support your weight + another 30kg

whatever you catch you skin, quarter and butcher quickly, wrap it, put in your backpack and cycle back home when you have enough meat. 1 deer can feed you for a month, and you should harvest 30-50kg from it, 2 rabbits will last you one day, a game bird will feed you for a week with a meat and vegetable stew. learn to cook food that stretches, like soups, thick broth stews, potato and beans and peas are your friends. cheap vegetables that keep you alive. milk should be cheaper if you get it from a farm directly. with experience things become easier to do. mora of sweden make good knifes that last a lifetime and are inexpensive. some people like to buy cheap disposable scalpels for a few dollars a pack of 10 and use those to skin and process meat. hunting with a bow requires patience, practice and getting within 15 meters of your prey animal without being detected, it is a rewarding skill which will not diminish with age and furnish you with various other skills, tracking, sighting, windage, camouflage.

now to the question of living, a cheap 2nd hand van can substitute for a sleeping space, bought and converted for around 10k, it provides mobility and privacy. being homeless is not the end of the world if you live above the frost line, you will need to build yourself a semi-permanent shelter away from other people, with the density of human population in the past 50 years most wilderness places have been abandoned, you would be surprised how much there is near you, check on google earth.

if you cannot make this transition to self-sufficient survival off the land, you will probably get poorer and poorer until your health suffers and you succumb to some malnutrition or preventable disease. with enough skills and patience any person on the planet can feed themselves well for a small amount of money. it requires you to be a lot more physically active, and without care accidents will eventually shorten or decrease your quality of life. Dick Proenneke spent over 30 years (from his 50s to his 80s) deep in alaskan territory in a log cabin he build by hand with minimal equipment. It can be done, safely, successfully. Harvesting free wild game within distance of you right now is a trivial task by comparison.

Hence the rampmant degeneracy we see everywhere is far easier for the jew to push.

Good shit to know how to do. Where I live it would serve me greatly to be capable of living off the land, because without the lifeline of civilization this environment becomes extremely hostile. While I don't support awakened people abandoning the battlefield of the future of our race in favor of mere survival in the wilderness, we should all have the ability to exit civilization if necessary.

Or you could learn a trade and work under the table. Collecting welfare/disability will eventually make you lazy no matter how hard you fight it.

This. Keep your principles, and don't engage in things that will encourage the development of your most useless tendencies. Seek great challenges, and live a glorious life.

What do you mean goyim? You're not mean't to have family. How can we control you if you have a stability of a family behind you?

There are no secrets really, it's pretty simple.
The easiest place to start is seo article writing.
I just googled that, and this site has a quick rundown.
Write a few articles yourself following the guidelines, and save into a pdf as an example of your writing.
You can also set up a website and post examples there, but that is not essential when you are starting out.
Then sign up to fiverr, upwork, or any of the dozens of freelance sites.
Apply for advertised gigs, as many as you want.
When you email a potential client, make sure to not focus on you skills and how amazing you are so much, but always to focus on what the client wants and how you can do specifically what they want reliably, on time, everytime.
That's it for getting started.
When you have experience, you can look to more advance stuff, just google search freelance writing or similar terms.
There are tons of teachers and blogs out there, many with free stuff.
Good luck user, you can do this.

Then rome collapsed and feudalism won :-)

Suck-start a shotgun, old man. You won't be missed.



rocket surgery

Who is sending you to work? What country are you in? how cucked are you already? Are you even considering being a leech, no different than the jews.

Boo hoo. You better learn to change your own daipers soon.

You speak English, you can easily make that money online. Go to compete with filipinos for customer support jobs for the same pay without health hazards and if you're lucky a decent manager that doesn't try to wring you for the max work possible.

Also see:

I also worked with a croat in Ireland.

I'm not sure if you guys got freedom of movement but he somehow made it there and made 4x what you do (also no health insurance though) in hazard free work.

/k/ here. Hunting in the United States is a high risk, low reward pursuit. Here are the negatives:
1: Extremely limited time periods, areas, and weapons permitted for hunting (some states ban hunting with any sort of rifle)
2: Horrifically infested wildlife. I've seen and heard about still more deer riddled with parasites and worms. Killing them was doing them a favor.
3: Psychopaths. I've personally found man-traps in the forest, and wires between trees, and I don't live near drug plantations where this kind of shit is common. People are just sick. Ask /k/ about how many times they've been shot at while hunting and wearing the requisite orange gear to prevent "accidents".
If you just try to go hunting, and don't get shot for it, you'll get fined into the poorhouse and have nothing to show for it but a bloody dead animal. Remember that disassembling and butchering animals are learned skills.

The people who insist moving and "getting" another, superior job are as easy as the drive to the new place, need some curbside dentistry.

If you are then you are better than NEETs, but wagecucks, the vast majority of employed people, are just the best goyim.

Pretty much this. If you seriously think you can make your own business by wagecucking then you are the best goyim of them all.

I jelly.

Welcome to the EU.

t. gyrofag under the same conditions minus the heavy industry part

I kind of feel sorry for the Americans in this thread, since they will never know the pleasures of living in a developed world where low wages are supplemented by welfare of some kind.

How is this even possible? Did you drink the whole ocean and the ships could not move or something?

it's probably for the best

they still have a heavy industry because they don't have the €

I work my ass off 10-12 hours a day with no social security and one day off per month while being officially unemployed for 5 fucking years and I have only received 200 euros from the state for a computer seminar.


Gee, you make it sound like your entire country is on the verge of starvation. But then tell me, how are other people in your country having children? How are those that are not 30 year old men even able to survive? And why are you working illegally?

Probably in order to be able to eat. If you report your employer for illegal employment expect to never find a work again in the field while he only gets a rather big fine and then left unsupervised in hope of that there will be another idiot like you that he will report his boss allowing the state to leech him off again.

That is why I`m avoiding unemployment and only have been unemployed for a year at most. Its far more easier to live off form student- and rental aid +supplementary benefit/Income Support paid by The Social Insurance Institution.

Just get a truck and drive it!
Jobs don't fall from the sky, even if you can drive a truck, which you need a license for, there's 100's more who want that 1 job

really? why is america so dangerous wtf.

Kinda cool advice. Not very practical in central Europe though. There is no wilderness in central Europe. But on the other hand, noone has to starve or be homeless either, as long as they deal with the welfare system.

Zinc fumes are toxic. To say nothing of traces of lead and cadmium likely to be in zinc ores. And you handle that shit without a respirator, or any protective gear? Have you ever had your blood tested for heavy metals? Get the fuck out of there.

I work for a smelting company in the US. Working conditions like that would get us shut down and fined into oblivion, and rightly so.

Look into Lazer engraving, and Vinyl Plotters. Custom Work you can do here in USA and make neet bucks living in the back woods.

Examples please. Because it doesn't strike me as a big market. What are you actually suggesting - modeling custom pieces and then printing and selling them?

within 100miles of your present location is wild game you can hunt, fish or trap. europe is especially easy since trains take you everywhere. name your city and i will find 2-3 forests with rabbits, foxes, deer, birds, or alternatively beaches or rivers to fish within a few hours train or bike journey. if food is grown anywhere near you chances are the farmers are struggling to deal with wild boar encroaching on their land and spoiling crops. the deer, pig, fox and rabbit are superpredators in their respective categories and quickly overpopulate any region they are not actively being hunted and trapped in. especially since introducing wolves (their natural control) eventually creates a moral hazard for human beings.

I'm doing fine after being inactive for some time, between apartments since I separated from my ex and back with folks.
Very physical warehouse job that doesn't even offer fulltime, but I'm making decent progress without the usual rent costs.

Wilderness would help not getting caught. If you just hunt deer in a forest with a bow, you will break multiple laws and have a good chance of getting caught because there will always be people within a few km around you. If you are out and about with a box, you will probably break laws too and draw a lot of attention. So I still think it's not very practical.

bow, not box



One of these things cannot exist without the other.

You're retarded. I've been hunting for 30 years in all corners of the country and I've never seen a "mantrap"
Also in one season if you hustle and max out you can get enough meat to last one or two people until the next hunting season.

my uncle had to bury an elk he shot accidentally when he mistook it for a deer and since he didn't have a permit to hunt elk it would have been like a year in prison or something. they literally had to dig a fucking huge hole and bury it

Yes, lets all go be savages in the woods right now. That'll really keep us relevant and powerful while the enemy controls he whole modern world. Stupid cunt.

At least if i were a peasant, I'd have a job.

the man who would liltterally suck dicks for money if that didn't involve ending up in jail where god forbid he'd be forced to suck dicks for no money

some of them even train you to get one

i hope you have many happy healthy white children

I wish I could get in the military, but I probably wouldn't pass any mental evaluations they had to give me. I mean I take various medications for my mental health and have already been institutionalized once, so I don't see any way that I'm getting in unless I lie to them.

damn nigga I make 3x that with the same credentials in cyber security, you workin in a fuckin call center or something?

Now this is boomer posting, what are you even doing here.

On the contrary, the White Man's Western World gave us the outrageous prosperity that our parents enjoyed, and now Mr. Shekelstein's Multicultural Utopia is what's giving us hypercapitalism

They would have fine your uncle instead of imprisoment because it is better to get more money than wasting the taxpayer for imprisoment. I guess where you are living have private prison?

All deflationary technological innovations have been subsumed by kike inflationary monetary debasement.

I disagree. Forming small, close-knit communities outside cities is the best thing you can do to fight the globalists. Cities are their areas of control, there's a reason minorities and liberals are found almost exclusively there. Not only this, but cities are vulnerable to disease, are focal points for violence and crime and are primary targets in war while also being extremely difficult to escape in crisis. I say all this as someone who rather likes cities and lives in a large one.