Based Stick Man Protecting the West Against Marxist Degeneracy. Wait whats that?

So the hero of the alt-right is a drug addicted criminal. Who has in the past been charged with assault, armed robbery, and selling weapons to the illegal-immigrant gang-bangers they hate so much.

Other urls found in this thread:

Almost forgot, he probably hates black people because he was raped by other convicts while in the bin.

How very civic of him.

You faggot he's also a race mixing traitor worthy of a rope or a bullet, alt right is and always has been pure shit and not an user conglomerate.

I'm pretty sure you are full of shit and a shill.

Read the article faggot. It's all from publicly available court documents.

That he was raped in prison?

Honestly I don't give a fuck what he did 15 years ago.

Sorry fam, it's true. Your "based civic nationalist" is a degenerate.

Fuck off alt kike OP

Wouldn't Hitler have tried to convert this guy?
I mean, the Wehrmacht was mostly just drug addicts and losers 10-15 years prior, right?
I'm not saying that's what should be done, just kinda postulating.

Shills shilling like niggers.

I thought that was the Sturmabteilung?

Well, either way. I concede you're probably right, I only just reached my two year mark.



Why are most Civic Nationalists subtle degenerate swine?

you are all fucking stupid

He's never denied he has a past, and what possible difference would it make to what he's doing now?

We're not attacking right, give up.

fuck this racemixing faggot anyway

Fuck OP and fuck his so called "based stickman", may he shove his "based stick" of civic nationalism deep inside his ass for all I care.

Here's a clue for the slow of think.

Based is an (((alt-right))) code word for placed.

This fucktard of dubious motive was always supposed to be filmed "going into battle".
The usual suspects were always going to big him up, Sarcuck, Rebel Scum etc are all your enemy, the greatest ally.

Jew mentored Dick Spencer was always meant to be filmed with those jews nazi saluting him for the msm to photograph.

Milo fagnopolis was always meant to take the wind out of the sails of any right wing insurrection. A gay pedo catholic right winger given airtime on every major channel. You couldn't make it up.

But they did and they are.
90% of what's going on is leading by jew cunts.

wasnt he half jew too?

OP was being ironic you dense cunt. This thread is about the so called "based" stickman being a degenerate.


Get out, nigger.

It's the Proud Boys not the Rough Boys. This is either sloppy journalism or TSG is covering for Gavin McInnes, who is footing the bill for StickMan and running his own controlled oppo group.

The Smoking Gun is generally pretty competent so I have to assume the obfuscation was deliberate.

Shut up Kike

How have Gavin McInnes an employee of media tycoon (((Ezra Levant))) and race-mixing (((Kyle Chapman))) ended up in charge of the new right-wing paramilitary force. Our movement has been totally subverted and infiltrated before it even got off the ground.

Yes, because things can be changed by edgy teens fighting acnea from their mom's basement.

What the right wing movement needs, is 1 million more Kyle Chapman's - grown-ups who stopped fooling around and have a purpose in life.

These people have nothing to do with us. Only by calling them "ours" do you affiliate yourself with them. Reject association with them outright.

Huffing scotchguard is not "a purpose in life".


These people are who normies think of when the hear about the new right. Without them we have no offline movement, which is to say no movement at all.

we need 1 million race traitors??/

he was a teenager in a degenerate society with drugs available and use of them encouraged

i swear, the signalling on this board needs to be toned down, many of our fellow comrades will have troubled pasts

Holla Forums has been around before the alt-kike, and it will be around long after, you newfag shill retard.

Operation Hummingbird soon.

Time to recruit your moms, faggots. Unless your mom is an ex-cam whore, we need clean people to be out front.

Based stickman really helped me get over my anxiety of having a non-white girl friend.
If someone can be as cool as him and be liked by Holla Forums while having a non-white wife then so can I.

I fucked a jew for a while back in the 90s.


I would recommend getting your shit cleaned up real quick.

It's not the 90's anymore homie, we don't give a shit about the checkered past of people that are standing up for us.

Wrong. The Wermacht and SA were made up of people who spent their youth fighting in one of the most brutal wars in human history. Then they came back to Germany formed paramilitary units and put down a commie revolution. They were certainly not criminals.

Lol I'm sure many here have smoked pot, maybe even done some coke or psychedellics but this guy was addicted to meth, prescription drugs, and huffing paint thinner. His brain/emotional control is probably totally destroyed no wonder he has spent ten years in prison.


Fair enough. But it was mostly traitorous officers like Dicky Spencer that would be killed, right?
Does Kyle Chapman count as an Alt-Right officer?

Kyle Chapman is degenerate incarnate, is anyone here actually surprised. He is no friend of the white race, and definitely not a friend of NatSoc.

If anyone with a criminal past wants to jump on the white nationalism train and put those skills to use I say all aboard. If they're a racemixing civic nationalist dressing like a retard then we should dox, mock and discard.

Living on the edge

I guess I forgot the :^) at the end of my post.

And how much money did faggots donate to his "defense" fund? Right up his fucking nose it went.

While he is supposedly a leader in the new alt-right paramilitary thing. How long before him and Gavin Mcinnes (who works for media tycoon (((Ezra Levant))) ) are ordering the alt-right to attack anyone who doesn't agree with their race traitor civic nationalism bullshit?

Any degenerate who sullies our image with their association makes themselves a target for removal.

jew women have nice titties not gonna lie

Fake news


You wish.

Just more proof that AnCaps and Aut-Righters (>implying there's a difference) can never be our allies.

He's right about American Nationalism. Most of the people talking about White Nationalism are Europeans, and they completely fucked up their country. American Nationalism is actually the way we need to go, argue all you want but racism is actually how governments have always subverted populism and working class movements. It's the poison that ends them and they know that.

Not the ones I've been with.

I always wondered where this jews have high IQ meme came from. The ones I fucked were dumb as rocks. I think one was sub 70 IQ, the other was probably in the 85-90 range.

Dating a Jewish girl made me a Nazi. Interacting with her family redpilled me hard. I was your standard liberal progressive then, I thought Jews were a persecuted minority. Then I realized how influential they were, how racist they were to the Palestinians. I was already a vegan, so I knew that society lied about a lot, only after dating her did it click in my mind that society had also lied about Hitler.

Yeah, this is all fake!

The BASED stickman should file charges of slander by the MSM!

This is a PSYOP to get us to HATE le based stickman!

Don't lose faith my fellow pollacts!!! :)

I agree, but if you believe that you might as well go to Holla Forums.


civic nationalists are not welcome here

A brown America is not an America any of us want to live in. End your life, fam.


kek, I was always a Nazi.

I moved to LA and started dating and hanging out with Jews to try to get in on their scams.

It worked to some extent.

No one but the scummiest of scum huffs paint faggot.

If you knew a single thing about National Socialism you wouldn't call yourselves "nazi". Read a fucking book and then kill yourselves you retarded larpers

if you don't think I'm right you should do some research. They use racist ex cons to enter populist movements and subvert them. I don't think stickman is part of that because he isn't polished enough but Damigo? I have a gut feeling he might be part of that.

Don't even know what that is

So he did the crime and paid the time. If he stopped robbing people that's acceptable although he's no role model. Drugs are a larger problem.

It doesn't work like that. If niggers were to live in their own cities and Whites in our own (or, even, allow mixed cities so long as there are pure cities) then that'd be acceptable if not for the fact it's easy to subvert. Maybe it isn't the niggers fault or whatever, I don't fucking care. They cause me problems, there's literally no reason for me to want to live with them. Notice it's always niggers who want to live in White places. If you're a nigger and move to a White neighborhood even if everyone hates you you can live normally and with no worries. A White who moves to their 'hood though, he dies. Mixing the two clearly is only good for niggers.

Piss off Kyle.

IE is a honeypot and Damigo is a fed

You're a fucking retard, we all know that Nazi was a slur created by Jews, it doesn't change the fact that it's shorter to type out than National Socialist. You're like one of those niggers who gets upset at blacks calling each other nigga. If we own the insult, it stops being an insult. Yeah, we're Nazis, so the fuck what?

So we can get offended when others call us nazis because only we can call eachother nazis.

No, that's wrong. I'm not going to explain it. Other than that your post has some truth to it.

Go the fuck back to whatever chatroom you oozed from, you subhuman waste

It does though. You are talking about how you just want to move off and form a community with people that look like you and think like you. People don't have a problem with that and no one really cares if you do. So no one has an issue, that's why they will send in a vocal racist to start running his mouth about how your community advocates genocide, wants to kill any non white that enters your neighborhood, claims to be a movement, etc etc etc. Now all of the sudden your community is no longer just a small are where you can live peacefully, it's an existential threat to minorities and you have become a problem. People now have a problem with you.

Every fucking time.


I've never been NatSoc or even a WN.
I've always been wise to the JQ
I've always seen Eugenics as best possible future and WN is a step in the right direction.
My politics are significantly to the right of NatSoc

I'm not a pedantic faggot, so I'll just call myself a nazi that way people have an idea where I stand.

You use NatSoc retard. Also lol at the argument that we should follow the example of niggers. You got brain damage. Read some literature.

Jews will always try to infiltrate any and all white political movements. They push their way to leadership positions as soon as possible, so they can transform movements into abstract ideologies, rather than defense of ethnic identities.

That's why Gavin and Chapman want to make it about "preserving western civilization", and not preserving white people.

how do we begin fixing this

Great job you stupid cunt


In this instance it is, other than that it comes from niggerspeak or over exposure to poorly translated videogames .


This has been happening to white communities where the leadership is just a normal municipal governments of locally elected college grads. HUD and the other federal tools of Jewish power have never needed an excuse to "diversify" white communities. They just do it.

You gain nothing poltically by not being an open racist. The consequences are the same. There is no scenario in which the white genocide is called off because whites play nice.


if only he was also a kike and a faggot too, then he'd truly personify the alt-right

What a pure faggot.

good luck with that, have fun being stuck in the cycle and forever angry

A lot of right wing Christians honestly believe that Jews worship Satan and have black sabbats and all that sort of thing.

God bless em.

There's so much intentional shilling on pol lately it's unreal.

Thanks for the tip, Holla Forums.

always jumping to conclusions

im not defending (((Chapman))) in specific, I'm making a point about standards for our paramilitary wing regarding prior drug use and arrests

We should have high standards and zero tolerance for alt-kikes.
Get fucked.


Probably because of kabbalah and having looked into it, I can't say I blame them.
It's very odd nobody here has made the connection between it and TRS, or shall we just call them B'nai B'rith satanic shit eating hit squad.

My only sin is jacking off to yaoi every other day.
Get on my level fags.

Speaking of never having looked into something…


Kill yourself alt-kike faggot

What do you mean? I didn't look far enough into it to see that they were attempting to use a small section of it for nefarious purposes?
I looked far enough to realize there's something in that. I'll return when I feel I can, it's frightening and fascinating in equal measure to a christian.



get behind me.

No. He deserves to be hanged.

it's not like i don't like girls, it's strictly a 2d thing.

You're still a fag and desperately need to hang yourself.

wazzup mah nazzy?
Nah, kill yourself.

Sounds like an OK chap. Probably lots of fun at parties.


Should I take the time to explain to you how fucking wrong you are?
Civic nationalists, everyone.
KYS my man

Kill yourself.

How the fuck can anyone defend this alt-kike freak.

This, there is no way he isn't totally brain damaged at this point. It is also suspicious that he beat the charges with as many priors as he has and as pozzed as Berkeley's local government is, the mayor is antifa ffs, (((they))) probably pulled a Weev on him and offered to drop the charges in exchange for being a controlled opposition goy. Even if he acted in legit self defense, which he did, it is still suspicious that they didn't convict anyways.

I expected as much, he was a moderate cuck after all who promotes race mixing and whines about racism on his social media.

It's been obvious for some time now that many people here just approved of his method and not of his character since it was revealed very early on that he was a race-mixer and thus someone not to put on a pedestal (even if some nitwits try). The idea of showing up to a rally in protective gear and being willing to stand-up against the nonsense of antifa is not a bad idea. The fact that a brain-addled drugged out degenerate was able to come to this conclusion gives credence to the idea of a broken clock being right twice a day.

He literally wants his mongrel kids to kill your children if you keep advocating for a whiter america. This man is your enemy.

anyone have dox yet?

Way more are Israel worshiping multicultis

tell it to >>>Holla Forums

Kyle Chapman is anti-white:

fucking this.
how many goddamn times has this happened?

This. His neurosis is an outlet for legitimate suffering. Give him a meaning and a purpose and he will be redeemed.

Also, obvious character assassination article is obvious. You know if he were a black ganganget who raped and murdered children 20 years ago, but he attacked Trump supporters now, he'd be on the primetime circuit.

Character assassination ? Please.

>Armed robbery? He's a good boy, he dindu nuffin!

no one cared who he was before he donned the mask and we still don't. Memes have a habit of not being vulnerable to obvious character assassination hit pieces on the guys who spawned them.


Hahah, people who got into this faggot got played so hard. The enemy literally memed you as a bunch of Scotchguard huffing retard ex-con race-mixers, and many of you bought it and spread those shitty memes.

You deserve to be ridiculed.

[spoilers]And to those who saw this kike-puppet faggot for what he was from the start, feels good right?[/spoiler]


Stop posting these fugly pepes.
Whoever makes these is a huge faggot.

Either this is 10/10 bait or this is the average intelligence of Civic Cucks


No, the people they represent are the huge faggots. Work on that reading comp my man.


After reading your post and re-reading OP's post, I found out I was wrong. So my apologies for being a hotheaded faggot.
polite sage

Well we know his name, someone here should be able to find his address pretty easily and release it to antifa

it's more important to dox #CuckKnight right now

AWM. The guy who made a a shady comeback, forced his shitty new memes absolutely everywhere, derailed threads to AMA and was a blantet newfag/namefag.

That guy might have been relevant and made some great cartoons in the 1990's but he completely ruined his reputation with this "how do you do fellow youth" and forcing his new "updated memes." He is on par with Matt Furie imo.

E-celebs were a mistake.


Who's that one? I don't really keep up with e-celebs

Holy fuck we need a new home.

Not sure who you are talking to? Did you mean to post this on The_Donald? Because everyone on Holla Forums was opposed to him all this time.

nice reddit spacing

why do you always do this?


I prefer here, but >>>/polk/ exists just so you know




You're accusing me of being cuckchan whilst posting that fucking redditor-tier meme?
Top Cuck.

It's not e-celeb thread when it's about an e-celeb being found out as a likely false flag designed to make "the Alt Right" look bad. Which is just amusing to us, since we aren't Alt Kike, and for some reason the ZOG still hasn't realized that. They're basically jewing each other, fighting their own proxies because they have so many and are so disorganized they don't know who's on whose side.

These times are so much fun.

I just have a fetish for cute anime guys. I hate (((the gay community))) just as much as the rest, nothing but a wretched hive of filth and degeneracy, just asking to be gassed.
Homosexuality doesn't even exist, it's just a fetish that faggots take too far like furfags and horsefags.
Day of the rope better come soon for the kiked-right


He only made a comeback when we asked him to redraw the old stuff for meme purposes, he lurks otherwise.

Come the fuck on man, I saw those threads, they were rife with MUH STICKMAYNE references and memes. It was rather grotesque.

There were plenty calling him a fag, mind you, I'm not suggesting otherwise - but contrary to your claim, 'everyone on Holla Forums' was not opposed to him, initially at the very least.



Fuck off PRcuck ni/gg/er


You're going in the bonfire homo.

Ew wtf. Isn't she fat as fuck now?




Ironically this hit piece has a better chance of driving him towards purity and redemption. He can now see how quickly he was used and tossed aside.

We should not forsake our brother just for being abused by the (((psychiatric system))). I see a man searching for meaning in all the wrong places. He has been lied to all his life to make him believe he is worthless.

Do not be just another abuser in this man's life. He will be the staunchest advocate of white nationalism if we only hold out our hand to help him up from the ground.


You alt-kike retards keep pushing that narrative. Not going to work. Kyle Chapman in his own words

This guy isn't a brother, he is an anti white. Malala yousazfi tier.



Alright fine, but i'm not sharing it with any tricky dicky spencer or Milo "ijustcantstopsuckingniggerdick" Yiannapplefuck types.



I don't really care. I encourage him to continue beating down commie faggots, as I don't live near a state that has that issue. He's no idol, but I respect some of the work he does. D&C kikery; we aren't alt-right, stop making these e-celeb threads.

What a waste.

I can't tell who is more of a fag - you or the open homosexual. Its a tough call.

If you want to fuck up leftists, you are welcome in my big tent.



Fags all go in the same pile.

Then go ahead and do it. No [we] bullshit. You want it, you do it. Make him into a roman-saluting, jew-hating redpilled bad goy you want him to be. I don't care about him personally and as you can see from the thread, neither does the greater "we".





Filter him.




No fucking way i'm hanging out with any AIDS riddled corpses.
What the fuck are we even arguing about anymore, this isn't productive in the slightest.


so what the dude liked to get messed up as a youth. as long as he keeps cracking leftist skulls he is on the path to redemption







She has craters in her fat. She must have a gravitational field like Jupiter that attracts asteroids.


Isn't that the other way around?

Reminder to everyone that the alt-kike is controlled opposition.



i still can't believe we have so many Holla Forumsacks falling for the (((Civic Nationalism))) meme. of course they are probably all from leddit.
Normalfag purge when?


found the gook

Would you stop spamming already nigger.


fuck off with your eceleb

I'm not sure what he was advocating for. Why would you post hapa racemixing porn and then point out how elliot rodger was an androgynous lady-boy?


just pissing off the gooks from this thread. look on reddit, they butthurt at stick man for stealing their womyn

how obvious can you possibly get, idiot?

too late kike





Enjoy your ban + ip releasing


At least be consistent. Also stop encouraging race-mixing. Elliot may have been half kike but hapas are only marginally better.


Consider suicide. Then regardless of your consideration, commit it

Jesus christ dude, reign in on your autism. OP is blatantly sarcastic. Re-read his post in full.


unless any civic nationalist turns on pol then that shouldnt be a focus unless you want to lose the war. focus should be on defeating the enemy with them and once victory is gained we have debates from there. our side will be more compelling but its critical we dont let the enemy fracture any battle alliances or its over. The Bolsheviks turned on the Mencheviks once they had won against the Czar, not before but it doesnt have to be like that. Tell them we want them to join us.

Many people had bad pasts that ultimately led them here. He's 41 which means he was a 20 something in a hopeless time of the early 1990s that glorified PC culture, drug use and degenerecy. Also never seen someone do years in prison for stealing a bunch of clothes.

He's autistically screeching. Don't bother trying to make sense of it.


lol autist this thread is just shitting on lite e-celebs



Yeah, nothing to see here. Based chopstick dreidelman dindu nuffin

Now that is what I call shilling

Because of muh based e-celebs BS

They're already turning on us.


Kyle Chapman is anti-white:


are you pro white? do something useful instead of eceleb drama


oy veeeeeeeeey

So someone who's supposed to be a 3-time loser was let off on rioting charges in Berkeley when there was a narrative about violent, criminal, white-supremacists that could have been sold?

Sure thing, Shlomo.

I might be in the minority here but I don't find anything wrong with what the druggie is saying. He's not saying BASED BLACKS should inherit America, he's basically saying Whites are on a crash course and there's no turning back now and hedging your bets on whiteopia is a losing horse when the demographic trends right now are saying it's a losing race. As I recall he said somewhere else recently that whites need to start marrying and have children so while he is a degenerate in other aspects I don't think he's advocating for white genocide, he's just mistakenly in the belief that muds will somehow have any compassion for whites in the future if we play nicer to them for now even though it's false and they'll be just as vicious regardless of what white people do.

So what? When did we start believing in the utopian lie that humans aren't fallible.


He's telling us to give up and accept being minorities in our own lands
That's a lose-lose situation.
Name one successful black/brown country?

Violent felons should be hanged.

Nice paragraph but we all know he's a (((civic nationalist))).

Fuck off

He did tell whites to start multiplying elsewhere, and there's nothing wrong with noticing a demographic trend and stating that no matter what you do NOW, you'll end up losing. In order for America to be saved right now you'd not only have to stop immigration but actually start removing brown people at a higher rate than current whites can replace them. I agree with you though accepting being minorities in some mistaken belief you'll get any compassion is bullshit but it's a demonstrable fact that a large majority of whites aren't fulfilling their reproductive duties

My point is that he's not advocating for white genocide, he's just saying whites are losing the reproductive race.

You are justifying White Genocide.

Next you will try to say that 'captain america' wasnt attacking lads defending the monument in new orleans

Nobody here thought this fucker was a hero, he's a racemixing degenerate.

No he's taunting.


No shit, re-read OP's post and this time make an attempt to not be autistic.

That's not what I said fuckhead, I said there's nothing wrong with pointing out whites are on a downward spiral, unless you want to deny the reality of the situation we're in.

I'm not defending him you daft cunt, I'm saying what he said wasn't wrong regarding the future of whites. Whites are reproducing at a far lower rate than shitskins, fact. Stopping immigration isn't enough to prevent the eventual mudshit takeover, fact. Are you gonna disagree or disagree with those two statements?

That may be, but he did tell people to start making kids too

No he wasnt wrong about that but the tone of his tweets was that of open

if its a couple of moral posturing statements and that is all there is to it, then agree to disagree with him for now and ignore him. if he starts making it a habit or focuses on this issue then youre 100% right.

He's blatantly anti-white, and you're a cuck for defending him.


Why does America have to keep its current population?

Totally disingenuous. Why is deportation inherently off the table? Here on Holla Forums we don't really care about 'stopping immigration' at all, non-whites are free to come over our borders … as long as they go immediately into the gas chambers.

You're not an American. It is the other way around. It is more common for a European to be a civic nationalist, because they still have a culture and history that they are connected to. White Americans have no identity, or history, other than the fact that we are white.

And this is coming from someone whose ancestors lnaded in Jamestown in 1612.

It's not anti-white to point out problems, pretending everything is okay is the antiwhite solution as it'll lead to destruction instead of self reflection and action. But read my posts at the end anyways you stupid cunt I said civic nationalism is also as dumb of a solution as hoping a white america will somehow happen naturally due to voting right when the reproductive trends say no. Muds will finish the job given the opportunity regardless of what we do.

Yes, it's the stance of somebody who thinks civic nationalism is way better of a solution than white nationalism when the reality is it won't do anything to stop the trend of white genocide.

I don't know what you're saying here, you wanna get rid of everyone in the US and start over? I said to keep America majority white (or perhaps even completely white) you have to stop immigration AND forcibly remove muds, if you stop immigration but just leave the ones already in here running around they'll out reproduce us anyways it'll just be a slightly slower process than before.

Then you my friend are fucking retarded. And this is coming from somebody who's family moved to America in the last 2 generations and who lives in New York City. If you geniunely think whites here have no roots not only to their local habitations but also their ancestry then you must not have talked to any whites at all or you bought the lie from niggers that whites have no culture. Try talking to any whites from the east coast, be they wops, micks or slavs.

That might be more true in places like the East Coast with more historical significance, but I have not spent a lot of time in those areas so I can't say for sure. I grew up in the Mid West and now live in the South West, and my experiences here have made it pretty clear to me that most whites here don't even see themselves as part of a larger whole.

Fair enough, but even claiming you have no identity is retarded when that's just implausible to begin with, I see all these pink faced midwesterners coming into the city on trips all the time you're very idenfitiable, there IS an identity there it's just that through the process of living in a mostly homogenous (I'm presuming you're from is mostly homogenous, same genetic stock even) society you've lost sight of that

All the shilling in here tells me I'm right.

No one is beyond redemption. Cutting someone off for having been deceived and beaten down by (((them))) is what they want us to do. If you give up on this one soul, how do you expect to save millions? Despair is of the devil.

Who didn't…

No, they really don't see themselves as part of a larger whole. Blacks and Jews, and most other groups, view everything through a racial lens. When something "bad" (even though it is almost always deserved) happens to a nigger, the entire black community gets upset. Not just blacks from the same area, or region. Whites here don't identify with white people as a whole. When they see a white person getting beat by a black, they don't view it as an attack on their race as a whole. Other racial groups do. To say there is no identity at all is a little extreme, and making absolute statements like that is retarded anyways, so I get where you are coming from, but my point stands that there is hardly any whites that identify as being part of a larger whole.


You are justifying White Genocide.

That's unfortunately what happens when a large number of whites live without conflict for too long, they get soft and complacent. In the east coast you had whites from different european countries clashing with each other so the softening process never happened. Clearly the solution is to have more white diversity in these homogeneous mostly dutch descended communities. Maybe some poles why not? Brits sure seem to get their shit riled over Polish people - one of the only immigrant groups that ignites the Anglo pride and nationalism.

No just keep pretending everything will be okay there are no problems at all with the white reproduction rate.

I said civic nationalism won't do shit to stop white genocide you dumb twat, it's like you fuckers only read 4 percent of anything before replying with one sentence shitposts.

You're clearly an alt-kike shill. Just fuck off.
There are problems with the white reproduction rate but saying it's okay to give America to the mongrel hordes won't fix it. You alt-kike faggot, stop apologizing for Kyle Chapman and his anti-white faggotry because that's all you've been doing. You're saying what he says is okay because there really are problems with white birthrates when what he says is not okay in any regard.

I'm accusing you of anything Mr. [/spoiler] dude.

the commies have been going on about this since some time. pretty sure those are just leftists raiding. either way, you could use his crime record, to stop him from going after natsoc. like "the one without sin, throw the first rock" type of thing. he should be judged, but not disavowed.
also, some people reply to a shill who made ~40 posts. cmon.

And where's your proof you fuckin twat

Which isn't what he's saying fuckhead, nor what I'm even remotely defending. I'm not gonna repeat myself, read my first posts and try not to be a mouth breathing retard this time. The fucking point is that once we're the minority it's not that we're not giving them anything they're fucking taking it. The problem lies in the proposed solution.

No you piece of shit it IS okay to point out problems because if nobody does then pollyanna retards like you think everything will be okay because white people are flawless when there's clearly problems that need to be addressed and fixed.

You sure talk a lot without saying anything, Chaim.
Top kek.

I'm not denying this at all, I'm saying that letting muds walk all over you and bending the knee to them like Based Kyle "my mongrels will kill your children in the streets if you keep advocating for a whiter ameria" Chapman does.


He is, read his own words you fucking KIKE


Here's your (you), now please eat a bullet for wasting my time on your pointless shitpost of no content.

reported, alt-kike apologist. Fucking kill yourself for defending Based Kyle "my mongrels will kill your children in the streets if you keep advocating for a whiter ameria" Chapman

And I reported you for worthless one sentence shitposts which clearly indicate you're just a shill looking to inflame discourse and distract from the topic of white genocide instead of having any sort of coherent argument. Now die.

The topic isn't white genocide. It's Based Kyle "my mongrels will kill your children in the streets if you keep advocating for a whiter ameria" Chapman being a fucking drug-addicted degenerate subhuman racemixer. Or do you think that's just muh character assassination?

Obvious shill, you will hang in the streets for your subversion of public discourse.

Fuck yourself. Need I remind you your first post was started off with blatant lies?

Which can be disproved easily with ?

Why the fuck should I or anyone else believe anything that comes out of your mouth you obvious alt-kike shill.

Fuck off alt-kike enabler.


This is how I know I'm dealing with a jew rat, it's very obvious I'm replying to the same fucking image posted by somebody else and this disingenuous twat is pretending like I am not, but moreover the fervent hatred in his rehearsed lines over a man who is honestly irrelevant and doesn't merit more thought than "yeah he's a degenerate piece of shit, we already knew that" which is most of the sentiment in this thread proves to me this lying rat has an agenda to push here.

I don't call myself alt-right, I don't care about defending a former convict on the internet, but I am glad the day will come when you're hung by your rat neck and your entrails will be removed for all the world to see. Good day and burn in hell worthless insect from the synagogue of satan.

you're hilarious kid, keep defending your alt-kike sacred cows as you kill this site from within, fucking shibboleth.

smdh fam

I dont have a huge problem with this place getting kill. With no where else to go anons will start taking real/pol/ to the plebweb a whole lot more.

Sorry lefty shills, not going to punch right for you anymore.

If some user wants to break sticks on commie heads, who am I to stop him?

DOX a commie today if Stickman makes your bum hurt anons.

Fuck off. People like your "baste stickman bro!!1!" do more harm for us than good. They perfectly fit the HollyJew-created image of retarded, uneducated, criminal scum who identify themselves as Nazis. If you are too stupid to understand that, it does not surprise me you are too stupid to understand the backlash against him in this thread.


hey user….. what are the marxist pushing now at this moment…. racism… they are whipping the niggers and beaners up something fierce. If (((they))) want to play a destabilization game for this country then rally the whites indirectly into confrontation with black and brown all hell breaks loose. social division is an old game.

Front line soldiers are not required to be saints.
They are required to bash in enemies brains.

just expose their double standard.
they say we can't generalize about muslims because only 36% openly admit they want sharia law.
so they can't generalize about us in any way either.

Dude was an oil driller AND coal burner