Discussing Jordan B. Peterson

The psychologist & philosopher Jordan B. Peterson has recently become an online sensation on Youtube for his right wing views. He's become a target for SJW protestors (as shown in vid related), and a beacon of hope for conservative students.

I personally love listening to the hour long lectures on his channel, however after viewing certain lectures I've come to understand that he does not identify or sympathize with modern Nazis, and even holds them in contempt. I'd like to make a critical analysis of him to see if he's just protecting his job by not naming the Jew, or if he is simply convinced that the Nazis were evil. However, the man has several hundred hours of lecture to go through and this is difficult for one person to sift through. So I'd like to see what you guys think. I feel as though someone as intelligent and analytical as Peterson would come to understand the role of the Jew, especially if he calls himself an expert on WW2.

For the fringepol lads, you might be interested in his discussion on "The Metaphysics of Pepe", where he proves that he isn't afraid to incorporate esoteric study into his philosophy.

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Smart guy, very well educated (actually educated rather than 'indoctrinated'). As much as this board loves to circlejerk, the Nazi's weren't right about everything.

he prob does but just like molymeme he resides in Canada where he could be charged with a hate crime for just mentioning jews.

Probably a good goy. But hes smart enough that we can convince him of the Jews.

I sometimes forget he's a Canacuck. Leafs are insufferable creatures, but I hope Peterson can make them bearable ahain.

why would molyneux address the JQ if he is one himself

His videos on IQ are good for BTFOing leftypol cucks who say IQ isn't a good measure of intelligence.

What's the worst thing that can happen if you show your power level in Canada? I only remember the story of Ernst Zuendel who was deported from Canada for his holohoax research.

I feel like anyone who sits down and studies Maps & Meanings is wiser by going through the process.

Something that has left me thankful for his uploads is the non-literalist interpretation of the bible. Using psychology and mythology to explain biblical stories to portray his interpretation of the texts has invigorated a deeper understanding and appreciation of Christianity.

The idea of Communication & Intellect (Logos) ordering the formless chaos, the idea of Jesus as a metahero, & pyschological / neurological break downs of phenomenon is a treat.

I feel his efforts will help unite people who are 'science minded' reconnect with spiritual health through his 'scientific' underpinnings on religious texts. Realistically, We need our spiritual roots again or the tree dies.

I can't find it now, but at one point he was asked about the jews, and he said something along the lines of "Well, they are very high IQ and *mumble* *mumble*… And that's all I'm prepared to say about that right now."

He also mentioned how "200 Years Together" hasn't been translated and seemed a bit ironically restrained when mentioning it.

I have a feeling he is either woke on the JQ or is in the process of waking up, but his inherent goyish individualist morality and his horror at the death of God make it slow going.

The response you're thinking of was during a Q&A session a couple of months back. One of the viewers asked him something to the extent of "You've said that Alexander Solzhenitsyn is one of your heroes, but he published the anti-semitic book '200 Years Together'. What do you say about that?"

Jordan Peterson's response was, approximately, that '200 Years Together' has not been translated into English and so he can't comment on what is or isn't in the book and neither really can anyone else for that matter because it's all just arguments from authority. When pressed to speculate he said he suspects the anti-semitism present in the book is just the observation that there were a lot of Jews present in the early 20th century communist parties, and when asked about why that might be the case he said he would go out on a limb with a theory, paused for a long time and then walked it back, falling back to the older line that Jews of the time were more likely to go to university and be exposed to radical Marxist theology and that's why they were over-represented in the communist party.

Yep, that's the one.

I have a hard time believing someone who is such a fan of Solzhenitsyn hasn't at least had a few moments of wrongthink.

I will admit that that pause after he said he'd go out on a limb was intensely interesting. He didn't end up doing it, he backed off and stayed with the safe and easy explanation, but man for about 5 solid seconds he sat there with this look on his face that very clearly said "am I really going to say what I actually believe on this topic?"

Jordan Peterson is the Canadian hero we don't deserve.
Not only is he one of the only intellectual figure in Canada to speak out against free speech violations, he is an excellent and articulate debater. Come for his refusal of using gender pronoun videos, and stay for his life changing psychology and mythology lectures.

Great post btw.

He's a fucking hero.

You should watch the video he put out today for his thoughts on National Socialism, regardless of his opinion the theory is really interesting and filled some holes in my understanding of it anyway. He clearly isn't a nazi but it still felt worthwhile


Is that the new Personality & Transformations lecture? The one on conscientiousness?

Its called 2017 Personality 20: Biology & Traits: Orderliness/Disgust/Conscientiousness

ah, I am behind on the 2017 Personality lectures. Used to have a job where I could listen to his lectures all day long, but in a ironic situation, listening to his lectures convinced me to leave that job and aim for something higher. ha!

kek, I'm 40 minutes in and this is one of the best rationalizations of prejudice and right-wing proclivities being innate I've ever seen.

I saw it too. His NatSoc views are flawed and in most cases it's based off poor historical understanding. Luckily one does not need to rely on revisionism to prove his current suppositions wrong and one day I probably will send him a targeted email that once and for all torpedoes his current standpoint on the history.

(((Ezra Levant))) of the rebel and other (((friends))) are going to try and pinion him down with research and possible other sheckles as they're doing now which will make it harder for him to "speak the truth" as he promises to do so it will be an interesting and true test of his character when pandora's box is finally opened for him and there is no going back.

My gut tells me he will remain eternally oblivious to cosmic history as is the power of our dark age of gloom but as soon as the truth is shown to him his health will visibly deteriorate as it tears him apart.

Mods will anchor this thread.

The man is Fucking inspirational!

I first heard him speak clearly in an interview with Joe Rogan, and I think it's a great intro to his perspective. He is fighting materialism and post-modernism and he is a great teacher. His lectures on youtube, Maps of Meaning and his personality course is great stuff. Check him out

The people in that video arguing with him are insufferably retarded and should be euthanized for the betterment of humanity.

Democracy is in the service of great finance. Because of the expensive system and the competition among various groups, democracy needs a lot of money. As a natural consequence it becomes the slave of the great Jewish international finance which subjugates it by subvention. In this fashion the fate of a people is given into the hands of a caste of bankers.




That's quite an interesting strategy to get high-IQ people on our side. Breaking the ice with Solzhenitsyn's main books and establishing him as one of the best Russian philosophers and then sending a red pill nuke via 200 Years Together which is quite unknown.

Why was my thread anchored? This is weird.

Agreed, the guy is incredibly insightful and has some normie/academic appeal.

The vols in charge of Holla Forums are fucking retarded.

I live a few hours away from Toronto and was thinking of making a 'Thank You' car for Peterson. Would it be possible to meet with him somehow?

I'm going to cast it off as a honest mistake because this is the first time I've ever had one of my threads anchored. Is there a way we can appeal it?

Because Holla Forums has shitskin and kike mods and Peterson has a plethora of coherent and valid arguments. Most of his material is incredibly well researched and articulate but simple to understand. If you haven't noticed by now 8pol has been compromised for a long time. People like peterson are too dangerous to be discussed.

Mods want to keep focusing on Trump shilling and muh swastika low IQ skinhead banter instead of the meat of the real issues and the valuable content.

He does really good work. Take every thing he says with a grain of salt. His lectures on religion I would recommend.

Isn't the BO a arab or something? Why not demand a BO switch to Jim?


Mods anchor 'e-celeb' threads.
The justification is that if they don't, Holla Forums turns into a series of General threads, which get pretty cancerous.

Here you go. It's at 34:40.

>an IRL professor who is in a hotbed of discussion regarding free speech not only in Canada but internationally is an e-celeb
E-celeb status should only be given to those who's sole occupation is sitting in their bedroom making videos.

There's another video where the first question during the Q&A was "Oy Vey! Solzhenitsyn was an anti-semite! Don't you Codemn his entire work because he said mean things about us, the chosen ones!"
He quickly blew it over and said that he never read that, and it was probably not translated in English yet. top kek.

He knows.

He has mentioned the unusual high rate of Jewish Professors at Ivy League schools in the past. He has also mentioned Frankfurt school being the foundation of the communist ideology overtaking colleges numerous times. If only he would connect the dots.


What is there to discuss? He is a sad old man who makes a good point about post modernism and Marxism but he is incapable of expanding beyond what he has already said. Every lecture he gives and interview he does is the same exact thing. I will say that I think he is a better outlet for pulling young people away from the left than Milo and other E-Celeb homosexuals are.

Stick to the truth, not the person.


You do know what namefagging is, right? Would you bumplock a thread discussing the philosophy of, say, de Maistre, as it relates to contemporary politics simply because it involves naming an individual?

I don't think you understand that term. It's not like he is posting on 8ch.
Waste of trips too.
Kill yourself.

I saw that. You can bet that he's not going to go near any really contentious topics without total confidence that his position is bulletproof. I call bullshit on his claim that Transsexual pronouns were the issue du jour and the straw that broke the camels back. It's pretty easy pickings and a gift from the cultural marxists.
Although he did mention that he's currently doing a serious study of Islam so we could be in for a treat there pretty soon.

He's been near non-contentious topics with low information in his class videos before. The man knows the Canadian law and has a family.

I invite you to read the thread in which Peterson possibly appeared on 4pol: http:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/102188802/ (ID: 1B9BDBuv)

Peterson or not (I personally think it was him), the arguments presented are astonishingly good. It is a fact that diversity reduces the proportion of whites, a mathematical fact that cannot be argued against (I have used this argument to destroy shitlibs). He is also right that the key to awakening the beast is to make it clear to other whites that the intent is to replace them with non-whites, period.

I've been keeping a very close on Dr. Peterson. I truly believe he is playing the long game. He is the most anti-Marxist individual I have ever seen (anti-Marxism is the most refined form of antisemitism).

That being said, I'm continuing to watch him and his activities very closely. On the 18th of this month, he is giving a lecture: BALFOUR DECLARATION: ITS SIGNIFICANCE FOR CHRISTIAN, MUSLIM, JEW (archive.is/hCRwE)

He'll be speaking with Ezra Levant, and it's hosted/sponsored by a Christian Zionist organization, and some other Jewish controlled orgs.

This will be very revealing indeed, tackling the Balfour Declaration (Palestine being handed to the Rothschilds by the British).

Ezra Levant, I do not trust. I think he is a true Zionist and opportunist. Peterson could be playing him, but we will have to wait and see.

I'm glad to see this discussion thread, it's important we keep and close eye on everyone. This is an age of incredible deception.

The biggest mistake he ever did is not being dead. If he were dead there would be no arguments had other then on the work he left behind. Put that in comparison to "muh new media" youtubers and you see how silly this is.

Watching the interview now.. Joe Rogan is a fucking bitter jackass about Trump. He thinks Sally Yates is brilliant for misinterpreting the constitution. He doesn't get shitposting and neither does his off-screen assistant.

I think the thing that bothers me the most about this is Peterson's insistence that Kek is the leader of a mythical land of chaos called Kekistan where he is worshipped by everyone.. He also insists that Kek is some sort of transitional being, like a tranny. No idea where that idea comes from.

The Kekistan shit was originally just some fun bantz, but that memesetaling, uncreative faggot Sargon decided to make it into some ill-conceived act of activism by encouraging people to write in "Kekistan" as your country of origin on some Britbong census to get the UK to recognize Kekistanis as a real nationality. It's literally the same shit nerds did to get "Jedi" recognized as a legitimate religion.

Thanks to faggots like Sargon and now Peterson, Kekistan has become a normalfag meme for edgy faggots who are too extreme for kikebook and reddit, but too soft and too weak-minded for Holla Forums or even cuckchan.

Here's one of his responses to the alt-right and nationalism. Skip to 32:32

What I embedded is a q&a session after one of his talks, but both q&a and talk are great and worth watching imo.

Got most of your response in a webm here. Much of it's contained within 32:32-37:47 of that earlier YouTube Q&A.

Made great points. I think if our arguments were hardened and the redpill were made palatable, we could eventually take him up on that. That wealthy elites are systematically pushing an ideology on us for it's political expediency, and cramming it down our throats.

The whole "kekistan" thing is just pure cringe. The idea of a formless chaos god of the void ruling over a set domain is absurd.

As soon as you begin to try to pin down Kek, put down boundaries for a definition of "understanding", you are no longer discussing Kek: You are discussing your own limited mind.

We collectively are Kek, and we are also not Kek. We are the body of Kek: A chaotic hivemind continuously dipping into chaos, seeing patterns in the randomness, and feeding those patterns back into Kek.

The art of shitposting is a goal of no goal. The outcome is utterly irrelevant. Memes erupt out of the ocean that is Kek like waves, only to fall back into the ocean and disappear: An endless feedback loop of memes and lulz.

Trying to "harness" Kek to achieve a goal (such as pushing civic nationalism with this "kekistan" rubbish) is not only cringey, it is impossible. It is like they are running up from the beach with ocean water cupped in their hands and shouting: "I have captured Poseidon". Sure, you can pump water from the ocean and use it to put out fires in your village, but that water always eventually returns back to the ocean, and that ocean is always on the verge of becoming a tsunami and wiping your village off of the map (for the lulz).

Normies ride in boats and take pictures of the meme waves crashing together and bring the photos back to their villages and say: "Here is Kek, I understand Kek, and here is how we can use his power." Of course the memes have power, but they do not understand their source, and most importantly of all: They do not swim in the ocean; they are spectators who cannot swim, because they desire to control the waves.

Even here I am failing to describe Kek, it cannot be done.

It makes it even worse that people landed on "Kekistan." Why in fuck would you want it to sound like some Pakistani shithole, it doesn't make any sense.

His recent 2017 Personality 20: Biology & Traits: Orderliness/Disgust/Conscientiousness

www. youtube.com/watch?v=MBWyBdUYPgk

Goes in depth about Hitler's personality traits & how he motivated his people through disgusts sensitivity. This 2 hour lecture is actually fucking amazing. Sitting through it I felt 'this sound more like a promotional video than a warning'

Polite Sage because fuck eceleb shit, pol isn't the place. But Peterson has some good ideas and wisdom that isn't politically related, more spiritual / social / mythological kind of shit.

*You may notice this is similar to another post, I copy pasted it into a more appropriate thread.

About kek being a transitional being: I think Peterson looked at the actual Egyptian mythology, where kek had a female counterpart and interpreted the modern kek to be a fusion of the two.

Oddly I'd had a zionist ("My uncle works for Nintendo…I mean the Mossad") kvetch that Arafat started sending Palestinians to university and they actually have an even match.

I heard an IRL shill make the same point about Peterson dying. Typical tricks Schlomo.

Yeah, stay the fuck away from Ezra. I actually know someone from his Hebrew School in Calgary.

You get sent to the syrup camps.