What the hell? If you google "american inventors" google kikes it up with some niggers. If you search for it long enough, samefag nigger appears with a different name. Is this happening to anyone else? Has the fake history conspiracy been revealed? Sorry for short thread, i'm just flabbergasted by this huge amount of incompetence. Is the jew finally slipping and fucking up?
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More pics. Can they get more obvious?
Yup, I see nothing but niggers and Edison.
The audacity of these kikes.
fucking kek this is blatant as shit
Only black people have invented anything you racist shitlord.
This whole american inventors google kikery is old news. The thing is, why the fuck are 2 niggers the same? Their images are just color changed.
So much meme potential here. Anyone care enough to do it?
Well it more so has to do with keywords I would imagine.
Many articles will be proclaiming "African american" in their lists of nog inventors.
So its just a keyword thing.
For example google "United States Inventors" and it's 95% whites and kikes.
Still it's harmful but I wouldn't say it's a huge conspiracy. Just poor coding/algorithm.
what the fuck..?
I did notice that. Doesn't have anything to do with the point I brought up though, about keywords.
Goon kike niggerfag shills like yourself need to die in an oven.
I guess she's also Miriam Benjamin .__.
who the fuck are these women and why do they look the same?
t. triggered shill misusing memes badly
Google image search British inventors.
First picture is of an asian woman.
It's deliberate.
I'm onto designing chambers and testing new fully traceable gases. Everyone needs to know this time, no dubiousness.
Yes we did it, yes they deserved it.
Almost all "black" inventions were NOT really the invention. They may be 1) patents filed by blacks to alter a current product 2) devices invented with the aid or under employment and influence of whites. 3) complete bullshit.
Tom Shelly did some great research. Blacks haven't contributed to much.
It has the dindu who patented the Super Soaker squirt gun as like the #6 inventor in American history.
they are reaching for sure
thats not even reaching. The fucking whole article is barely sourced and is only sourced with bullshit citations
you cant make this up
but they can
they clearly are
A N D T O T H E M I T W O N T B E F U N N Y , I T W I L L B E R E A L
Google 'European People History' and look at all the niggers
We should just start attributing the inventions of Jews to these same nogs.
Slavery? Invented by blacks. (Actually I bet a lot of people would have to accept this per Out of Africa theory.)
Google? Invented by Michael Brown. That's why he was gunned down, it was a hit put out by Larry Page to cover up that he stole Brown's idea of making the internet searchable.
Money? Invented by Trayvon Martin. Martin Zimmerman had a lot of debt, so it's why he took his anger out by murdering him.
Time? Invented by Mike Tyson.
Space? Invented by Alexander Hamilton.
You get the idea.
This is actually a good idea: Make nogs appropiate jewish culture. Claim their ancestors were negros, photoshop important Rabbis into niggers, claim nogs were thrown off their own religion "judaism" by invasors. Basically, WE WUZ JEWS AND SHIEET. Photoshop historically important jews into niggers.
Peanut butter was the Aztecs. Another invention niggers stole from other races
No, it was a white Canadian. The Aztecs invented fuck all.
kind of disappointed this isn't already being done
Well, I remember doing a project in middle school on a guy who invented the light bulb filament for black history month, but apparently he was late to the game. A lot of the search interest for this topic must come from schoolchildren researching projects.
You are right, I fell for the bait. Assumed that because niggers couldn't invent anything that the Aztec one was real.
Right now the we wuz kangz niggers are arguing with the we wuz kikes niggers over what one is real. While pushing the we wuz kangz memes has been fun there could be more accomplished by spreading the we wuz kikes black israelites meme. Best case scenario we convince the niggers to "reclaim their holy land" and they flood into israel taking down 2 birds with one stone. Fucking over the kikes, and getting the jigaboos to self deport. Or at least they go beat up some kiles for reparations leading to injured/dead kikes and more niggers in jail
cannon fodder can only be used for so much, I think the we wuz kikes is perfect
Tried this as a brit, all glorious white britfags…with Alexander Graham Bell's picture seriosly fucked with to look Noggy on first look.
Good. Arguments of the future will go like this:
"Afrodogynous+ Americans have given us so much over the years. Clearly they are just as smart as anyone else. Without the contributions of the A-Plus community, Columbus wouldn't have had a magnetic compass to even find America! Also, [some bullshit about peanuts]."
"Nope. Here are 6 million pages of documentation showing you're fucking wrong."
"Uh, um. . . Heil Hitler?"
Brainwashing children almost always backfires. They grow up feeling no special loyalty to their parents' religions. Just preserve their access to the truth, and the history Jew is BTFO
Note: pic related #3 was my captcha for this post.
Top kek, these have existed for centuries/millennia.
you forgot
top keke
OP speaks the truth.
Confirmed on .co.uk
We Wuz Kikes has some good historical evidence in its favor. I think there are some Ethiopians that claimed to be a lost tribe of Israel, some were even admitted to Israel I think (and promptly sterilized).
They're going to EMP the US just to prevent that from happening. When they rebuild they'll make some bullshit about how they need to control information this time, because the free flow of ideas somehow caused WW3.
Zoom out your browser, Adolf
ctrl -
So the jews cant find any science niggers to hype so they make up completely fake ones ?
Patent for Van Brittan seems legit.
thanks to google, now we have a real double nigger
Microshit has picked this up too.
It gets better.
White inventors are being Blackstained out of history again.
The real inventor of CCTV was a German engineer called Walter Bruch and it was produced by Siemens AG in 1942, used to keep an eye on the V2 rockets.
First American CCTV was in 1949.
Kikepedia omits this from his page and english sources are scant, search for them.
Forgot picture, Walter Bruch.
These fucking niggers and their blackstainers make me so angry.
Trying to wipe White geniuses out of the historical record.
the spookfest continues
Aztecs did discover chocolate and used it for currency and food.
No, they just discovered the cacao bean… which ferments if left on the tree for a long enough period of time after fruiting. The aztecs ate these fermented beans from trees and realized they were kinda tasty despite the bitterness. Collecting and fermenting cacao beans probably arose alongside civilization, with the knowledge that beans left to ferment in their husk (or otherwise) produce a nice drink. The beans acting as a form of currency makes sense.
Europeans found the drink in an Aztec court in the 16th century and brought back cacao beans which monks in Spain used to recreate the fermented beverage. It wasn't until the late 19th century that a dutch chemist invented cocoa powder, and thus, solid chocolate, and Nestle soon after developed milk chocolate, with Lindt popularizing the solid form by creating a machine that reduced its grittiness.
So yeah, no, you can thank germanic Europeans for chocolate.
Maybe they just looked the same.
The fact that they were both inventors and had their portraits taken in the same angle was just a cohencidence.
interesting that if you click right, right, right it end on Samuel Colt. There is your answer….. buy an M4
So some impractical device which slides a camera up and down means she is mother of surveillance? Did she actually design/make this device or was it just a concept?
I'm sure viewing a video footage through a screen and talking through a mic isn't an original idea thought up by her. The only thing she actually invented camera moving up and down.
Yep it did happened in Israel.
What the fuck. OP is onto something huge. First pic is a screenshot from NBC supposedly depicting Marie Van Brittan Brown. Second pic is on MIT's website and is Bessie Blount. They are the same. It's not just Google doing this. Something stinks.
https:// lemelson.mit.edu/resources/bessie-blount
I don't think Google is behind this. I think their image search technology has accidentally revealed a fake narrative. It reminds me of a situation years ago when a famous classical pianist (I forget who) was exposed as a plagiarist after the iTunes library recognized one of her albums as a different one.
kek you are kidding right? seems some gov. kike took a white out stick accross the name on ALL the forms. what is suppressed technology?
also john browning, another answer… buy a 50cal machine gun
Find out who else, if anyone, this picture is attributed to and if possible, find out who the original photographer was. This could be big. We could undo decades of psychological programming by destroying a false narrative like this.
Holla Forums was right, the jewish have taken over.
I can feel your anger. It gives you focus, makes you stronger.
To redpill the masses is a power only one has achieved, but if we work together, I know we can spread their secret.
Do what must be done, Holla Forumsacks. Do not hesitate. Show the normies.
Welcome to the real world. It's all lies.
This is not new. It's been that way since last year and it's been discussed here in depth.
Sweden. Bonus pic on american happy couples, notice bottom left.. Well done!
It's because of the term "African-American."
Making a big deal out of this will make us look stupid.
This page says the picture is of Bessie Blount and was taken in France in 1951.
The same page has a thumbnail picture for Marie Van Brittan Brown, pic related. You can barely see it but it doesn't look like the same woman to me.
What's strange is that large organizations like NBC and Microsoft are all using the Blount picture and claiming it's Brown. I want to know when and how this started. It's so shady.
Can't see an image of Miriam Benjamin, some websites use Bessie Blount others use Josephine Cochrane, either lazy research or a photo of her may not exist but people need a face
It appears this photo is the real Marie Brown
Therefore, are Microsoft and NBC trying to say they all look the same?
With the amount of university courses dedicated to this shit there should be no mix up, or is this indicative of the academic standards within this branch of study, where are the experts to correct the mistakes of NBC/Microsoft? It'd be funny if someone applied for soros bucks to write a book reiterating these errors for future generations, even funnier if this happened unironically.
Don't know if it's already been said, but "Marie" looks like a fucking tranny.
t. Obvious shill
The guy using the retarded "googles" meme has absolutely no right to complain about how others post.
The older I get, the more inclined I am to believe this maniac.
fucking kek
This is the most ridiculous fucking list
That story almost reads like fan fiction.
The only thing keeping him from patenting his first war steamship engine was that he was a slave. Why did he not patent anything after gaining his freedom?
Oh the traffic light invented by Garret Morgan in 1923 was an interesting one. It was posted on reddit some time ago, and I decided to actually read the article, and I found out he didn't even really invent the traffic light. This guy "invented" the traffic light by adding yellow lights, before him they were just red and green.
Try searching "european people history".
Ah now you've done it google. Now with this blatant lying I am thoroughly convinced that nigs never invented a damned thing. See what happens when you try to lie like this? I don't even care if one actually DID invent something. I will now forever discount it. Fuck you.
But, user, muh peapea buttah
This is what's scary. Coupled with the fact that shitlib women teachers who don't know jackshit about history will confirm to the students what ((Google)) tells them. I for one will make sure my kids know about Jethro Tull, etc.
Lol, when I was in school it still was not all that pozzed. They at least told us that he didn't invent peanut butter itself. Just a bunch of useless peanut products that no one uses anymore. He was just a nigger with way too much time on his hands.
It's worth noting that the bolshewikipedia articles don't have any pics.
Mein gott
You guys are just using google wrong. If you search for "important American inventors" you get a normal list. :^)
I'm actually mad about this.
Is that one of those black slave masters? No nig dressed that fine back then.
they still dress like absolute retards, user.
I wonder why??
'Best inventors', on the other hand, gets you a list of White people.