After the French electoral loss of Le Pen, I see some people here wishing that there was more that they could do or could have done. I see many proposals that range from violence to subverting leftist symbols. Subverting leftist symbolism on Twitter is good and violence has its place if done properly. However one thing that we all can do to achieve our goals is help shift the zeitgeist through disseminating propaganda. And I do not mean on Twitter or Facebook. I am talking IRL posters.
The way that the Jews maintain their power is through control of words. "racist" = heretic, "Diversity is our strength" = undeniable fact. No one wants to be called a heretic in the religion of multiculturalism. How do the Jews control the language? Ask yourself; is "diversity is our strength" an argument? Does it have any factual basis? No. Of course not. So why do people parrot it as if it were an argument? Because they see it everywhere. They hear it everywhere. Lemmings are not capable of discerning whether or not a statement is true. They simply parrot what they see everywhere. Currently, lemmings see "diversity is our strength" everywhere. If you want to change the Zeitgeist, you need to start disseminating the truth instead.
Simple repeater phrases repeated over and over again are far more effective than the best logical arguments. Especially if they're true. Every White person knows deep down that whenever an SJW shrieks "RAYSIST!" they really are saying "White!" but they are worried that no one else knows this because everywhere he looks, he sees media pundits saying "diversity is our strength." He instinctively knows this because he has experience seeing Blacks and Jews demanding far more than White people demand and yet no one ever calls them racists. "Racist" is an ethnic slur leveled at White people and only White people. "Anti-racist" is a code word for anti-White.
Disseminating propaganda with the same repeater phrase "anti-racist is a code word for anti-White" will accomplish many things
1. It will let fellow White nationalists know that they are not alone. Imagine driving to work and seeing a pro-White poster on the back of a sign at an intersection. That will raise your morale.
2. It will further shift the zeitgeist in our direction. Normies need to see something 1000 times before it sinks in. The simpler the message, the more effective it is. Don't include graphs or statistics as normies will tune that out. Simply wrote in bold letters "anti-racist is a code word for anti-White"
Once a normie sees this, it will become part of his subconscious. Next time he hears the word "racist" he will remember this poster. He might even actively begin thinking of this poster. At that moment, it becomes a permanent part of his subconscious. And once he sees these posters 1000 times, his mind normalizes it in the same way that the MSM normalized "diversity is our strength"
3. These signs drive leftists into a frothing rage. They, like their normie neighbors, know deep down that there is no argument against this truth. They ONLY have a problem with White people. But they do not like having us point that out. So they get angry and upset. Angry and upset people do stupid things.
So post these signs everywhere. Disseminate a simple and consistent message everywhere and we will further shift the zeitgeist. Channel your anger at the unfairness of the system and the stupidity of the French electorate into something constructive.