If you or your kids have chicken pox or something similarly unpleasant, wear some cheap blankets for a day or make some food (soup is easy and cheap) and go hand it out to your local “refugees” or gibs.
White people used this tactic against other races successfully in the past, now we should use it to defend our homelands.
Indian Blankets
yeah but those diseases aren't really deadly anymore. the thing with the indians was that they didn't have immunity to those things. the whole "they genocided them with disease blankets" is a meme. people back then didn't know enough about biology or disease to plan that shit. they had no idea that natives would die from a blanket.
no, what we need is for the government to come up with another meme disease like zika.
Leave it to the professionals. They already weaponized an African disease called Zika to kill off niggers in Brazil.
This is a jewish lie, user.
Damn. Is there anything in history that is actually true?
Every time you see “The jews did it”, you can rest assured that it happened.
Somali niggers in minnesota have already started a measles outbreak, maybe chickenpox will decimate them.
You know that's a kike lie? Or done by the kikes themselves?
To my understanding, the native american populations on the east coast were already devastated by plague before colonists arrived. It was a lucky break for them, because I doubt millions of territorial natives would've been okay with them setting up shop. They all but abandoned most of the land in an effort to quarantine it.
I seem to remember way back one of my history teachers said it was some guy that didn't want to give the indians good blankets cause he was a cheap bastard. so he gave them the blankets no one wanted cause sick people had just used them. so possibly jewish, who knows, its such old history and covered in so many lies we may never know.
You're better off sneaking bits of ham or dried pigs blood stained blankets.
Okay, so if it was a kike lie, why can't we do something like it anyways? Put something in the refugee food that is spoiled or something.
They're probably well adapted by lack of hygiene and immune anyways.
Maybe, maybe not. Every area has illnesses and bugs, but these illnesses are not always everywhere. Sort of like how you get sick a lot for the first year you move somewhere new.
Waste of time, chicken pox isn't going to kill any refugees. Probably they will get free gibs me medical treatment and become even more of a burden.
That never happened, user.
Doesn't mean anything if the rapefugees can't realize it after the fact. Otherwise you're acknowledging their sandnigger teleology as real.
There is literally only one "confirmed" instance of pox blankets being used. It's from a letter between british soldiers that may have just been fabricated. And it was not against a friendly tribe. Now it is used as white guilt propaganda.
underrated post, top kek and saved
Yes. Basically everything that jews dispute or try to discredit has some truth to. Everything jews support or push is at least somewhat twisted if not a complete fabrication.
This is how the kikes genocided the "welsh indians" like the Mandan tribe, and others that showed Aryan genetic expression from previous attempts to colonize North America by europeans. Might as well turn it against them. Karma's a bitch.
Indeed. Just because the shoah is a kike lie, doesn't mean we shouldn't implement a real holocaust.
OP you are a gigantic retard. The notion of "disease blankets" used against the native Americans is an anti-white myth. Even if it wasn't it wouldn't work on "refugees" from North Africa/Middle East as those types of diseases were widespread throughout the old world. Amerindians were isolated in the Americas and thus had no history of exposure.
Stop propagating ZOG propaganda. The smallpox blankets myth is utter bullshit. All sources lead back to one kike historian who made the entire thing up.
For fucks sake, we hadn't even come up with germ theory yet
We do need to cull the ever living fuck out of all peoples with traces of Indian blood. They are the real Jews
It wasn't entirely made up, just like the "concentration camps" wasn't a complete fabrication. Labor camps existed, and the soviets simply executed many of the prisoners after arriving at the camps. In the case of the "small pox blankets" some of this did happen, but it was the very kikes who wrote of it, that committed the crimes.
Alright, next time you have a cold, take a 2liter bottle and cough all of your flem into it. Once it's 3/4 full, set it aside for the proper moment. When you find a high concentration of rapefugees, insert a nice chunk of dry ice, cap it as fast as possible, and fling it into the middle of them. They're now all diseased.