Political Appropriation

The left can't stand it.

We've appropriated the a-OK sign, we've appropriated Pepe, we've appropriated milk. All we need to do to destroy our political opponents is appropriate things to make them mad. People on the fence will see their insanity and oppose them too.

I've seen threads about appropriating the rainbow flag as a symbol for racial segregation. This is a great idea! But we need to think even bigger.

When it comes to words we should make socialism our thing. We should make caring about National Heritage our thing (both concerning historical monuments and our nation's nature). We should make caring about your health and the health of the nation our thing. Put emphasis on those parts of National Socialism.

We should appropriate the anarcho-communist flag. It already has the right colours. We should appropriate the hammer and the sickle (although mid-way: sickle-and-gun, or hammer-and-gun I like more, symbolizing the importance of work and national defense). We should appropriate every symbol they hold dear, while holding on to our political ideas.

When it comes to number we should make them ours. We already have 14, 88 and 18. If we make sure everyone knows those numbers are ours, at some point some SJW will freak out about how mathematics is for Nazis. It would be even better if we could make just 8 ours. It already has the symbolism of the octagon representing the state between heaven (circle) and earth (square), which I think is a good symbolism for the Nationalist Socialist state: the closest man can get to heaven on earth. Plus: we're on Holla Forums here ;-)

They will start seeing Nazis everywhere, even more than they already do.

Other urls found in this thread:


I dig the health idea.

Like have a picture of a /fit/ Aryan guy
"Pride in oneself is pride in ones race" or something

That's a great idea. We can appropriate their symbology easily, meanwhile they can't do the same with ours; we can erode at their community from afar without them being able to do the same. It's perfect.

I actually like this better than the rainbow flag idea.

Forgot to remove sage. Here's your bump

black / white / red are already colors of national socialism / fascism they were the colors of the 2nd Reich. The left are the ones who appropriated it for their faggot (((cause))).

They say we're the scum of the internet whilst they are the political equivalent of schizophrenic germaphobes we just need to get near something it just claim we came into contact with something and the left will fling it into our hands while screeching.

Can we make going out of your house racist?

"Oy very poor oppressed people don't you listen to the news there's nazis everywhere outside stay inside"

The fitness one is already in motion for us because of the Left's stance on body acceptance. Let's keep rolling with that.

If the liberals want to promote obesity acceptance, it's only natural that we support health and fitness.

Push the idea that having white children is racist. I mean, the left is already pushing this idea subtly to the point where normalfags don't even realize it, but forcing the to double down by making it overt would cause a backlash.

Of course this idea would be more of a false flag operation, much like #DraftOurDaughters

Strasser made a flag for a reason. It's a hammer and a sword and it looks damn good. He's one of the guys killed in the Night of the Long Knives for saying Hitler was going against what the party defended. Which was kinda true, but Hitler was also pressed for time.

It'll work on two fronts it'll weed out the cucks and subconciously when the feminists are touching themselves to buff men they'll think that they are buff nazi gods.

Right sector in Ukraine is already appropriating the black and red ancom flag.

I just love the fact that we've totally appropriated all 80s iconography. Tech-noir look is now racist. Synthwave and vaporwave are now racist. The Miami Vice look is now racist. Its fantastic

We could try that, but I think we should stick with proper attacks. No need to create false bullshit about the Left when there's so much real bullshit to criticise.

Its not really false bullshit though. Its literally what they want and what they use propaganda to subtlety push. All this would do is draw more attention to it and make it more overt.

Its the same as the "milk is racist" thing

Anyone remember when they tried dipping their toes with being overt with beige power?

true, being fit is already something they shun. We also seem to have the no-drugs position, while they're promoting drugs.

We should extend that to moderation in alcohol consumption, eating healthy food (i.e. no hormone fed animals etc.), which currently seems to be a pretty even split. I'm not saying go full PETA, consuming animals is perfectly fine. Decent treatment of animals before consumption is also a front we're strong on because they defend muslim halal meat.

Yes, but few people cared about our appropriation of that. The media hasn't even noticed AFAIK.

Nice, I didn't know that.

we always supported that. we're nazis, not republicans, faggot.

now where did you get the idea that liberalism is a political party?

Thats because we appropriated 80s chic when it was still very new, before it could trickle down and become mainstream. I'd wager that our adoption of 80s aesthetics is precisely what stopped it from going mainstream. Had we not done that, the kikes would "own" that look right now and be selling the goyim tons of lame bullshit based on it

It only delayed jews will still push it but use that we founded this new retro as a way to peddle more "Are your children secretly talking to nazis?" bullshit.

Either we are free to enjoy our culture or as always the jewish man will steal something from the autistic man and claims it's his.

do we not already do this? I was just in a thread like last week about nature conservatism and permaculture farming. I also already shitpost aggressively to leftists that natsoc is the only socialism that has ever worked for the people and that bernie was natsoc. (he wasn't, but he was as close as a libshit socialist is gonna get and it rustles people)

and fitness has been our thing for awhile now.

was that supposed to make sense?

Don't forget, we've also appropriated Wendy.

I unironically like this shit and assume anyone I see on the internet or irl embracing 80s shit must be from the chans and at least a little interested in hitler.

How's this?

I wish I could forget honestly.

I like it. I picture chilling in front of a big stone fireplace I built on a big comfy pile of fur throws I hunted, in a cozy log cabin I built, cuddling with a beautiful blonde woman with a husky lusty voice.

reminds me I need to get some land in a place with pine trees, snow, and mountains. fuck this city life.

Water Front Dining has great sound and aesthetics

strasserites had it it comming.they were basically nigger hoodlums who couldn't see the bigger picture.

gibs me dat isn't going to smash international jewry or international finance

>Socialism? Like National Socialism?
>Holocaust? Which holocaust? Holodomor?

We can lessen the jews power by turning Holocaust from an event into a category. Lets substitute the word genocide with holocaust.

Nice. We should make Holocaust ambiguous too.

To be fair, Hitler wasn't even very involved in the night of long knives

don't forget the irish holocaust irishholocaust.org/tollofholocaust

Also figure out a way to work in the actual meaning of holocaust, which is a jewish sacrificial ritual that translates to "whole burnt offering".



So in any case that someone was burnt alive it's a halocaust?

No, let’s substitute genocide with holocaust.

“Hey, did you hear about the holocaust of Bantus by the Zulu tribe?” “Man, the holocaust of Vietnamese by the Chinese was pretty insane…”

That's what I was saying.

It'll also help when people say "The Holocaust" we need to be the voice asking "Which one?"

I wonder who could be behind this post. This hurts us more than it helps, and reinforces the idea that moderate is the way to go. I agree with subverting and taking more symbols and make them racist in the eyes of normalfags, this seems like an outside force trying to convince Holla Forums to support moderates in the eyes of normalfags instead

It's just interesting to note how everything seems to feed back into the jews religious bullshit. Similar to how they're obsessed with the number "6 million" because it's an important number in the kabbalah or something. If anything, they see the holohoax as their offering for G-d to give them israel.

Regardless, the point is to dilute the word "holocaust" and make it apply to everything, rather than being this super special sacred word just for the 6 gorillion kikes. Use the word when referring to sacrificial offerings. Use the word to refer to any/all massacres, like said. And never refer to just "The Holocaust". Always refer to it as "the jewish holocaust" to lessen their monopoly on the word. Having it be THE holocaust makes it seem like it's the only one. The qualifier "jewish" implicitly points out that it's just one holocaust of many over history.

With some good applied memetics, this could really take off. The holocaust narrative is growing weak anyway just because it's now 70+ years old and the younger generations don't give a fuck. It's going to fade into irrelevance one way or another, but we can help speed that process along and deliver a coup de grace.

We also push the multicultual angle and say it's racist the only know about the holocaust that targeted ((white)) people.

That and the fact that the behaviour of the chosen people is pissing a lot of young Europeans off.

Well those things are related. They used to be able to get away with their "IF YOU STICK UP FOR YOUR OWN INTERESTS YOURE LITERALLY HITLER NEVER FORGET THE SIX TRILLION" shit back when the holohoax was still "fresh". But as time progresses, it's strength fades, for the same reason that any massacre or event from 100s of years ago doesn't hold any real emotional impact either. It's too distant in people's minds.

But the jews are still trying to exploit their bullshit narrative to the same degree they always have, without taking into account that it doesn't work as well. Which is helping cause the backlash we see today.

It's also because the older more honed jews are dying off and leaving their soft pampered children to pick up the reigns.

it really shows, psychologically speaking you can tell when a shill is someone that's had everything handed to them and which ones are the old motherfuckers that were in mossad and shit and this is their last post and they hate everything cause they're sat on a mongolian basket weaving forum looking at hitler videos all day while their sons diddle pakistani boys.

Added a sickle and gun. Sickle was taken from the Maoist communist flag, gun is an M16.

I think they're children believe their stories a little too much.

"How can we the mighty "chosen" be defeated by basement dwelling nerds? Grandpa shut up with all this tricking the goyim nonsense it's easy to do"

I like it.

Only if you are a American.

Here's the vector image if anyone wants it:

how about instead of coopting their faggy symbols that suck and lack aesthetic, we just make them synonymous with hate? yeah? cause no offense but hitler was a brilliant designer and what he had before already worked well. that just doesn't. hammer and sickle is already associated with USSR, just push it further to the millions killed by soviet communism.

fucking hell, is this the new nazbol? that doesn't even make sense.

I'm fully aware of that, but I kinda want to make it a thing. The ideology would be self contradicting and retarded but still an entertaining idea.

I would argue that instead of "the jewish holocaust" one should consider referring to it as "the WWII holocaust" and if anyone really wants to quickly sidestep the "muh jews" screeching that causes just deflect with a claim of homosexuality and that you feel personally affected by it and consider accusing them of homophobia of course

Most of us are autistic anyway so we can claim it very ableist to forget about the disabled killed too.

That's even better. Agreed.
And this is something all of us can do. When in meatspace or using your normalfag social media, just do these things. It's easy. Call the Holocaust "the WW2 holocaust" and refer to all other massacres/genocides as "the ___ holocaust"

The original flags do remain the best, this is just to fuck with commies.

I'd say that Anarcho-Fascism only can make sense if we are talking about Crypto-Anarchism with Nationalist Socialism. Which would mean the believe that the internet should remain as unregulated as possible (i.e. only things like cp banned), and that the government should occupy itself with the physical side of things: keeping the people healthy (as in fit and not allowing degeneracy), keeping the economy healthy by stopping things like usury.

Reinforce Holodomor as the WWII holocaust, and refer to the holohoax as "that other holocaust." When prodded say they should be based on size, and then start dropping redpills on the Holodomor

This seems like a shit idea that would only slow the growth of National Socialism. Normalfags already push the "antifa are the real Nazis" meme. This only solidifies that meme, it doesn't subvert antifa nearly as much as it subverts the growth of National Socialism

No, that doesn't work. Holodomor occurred int he early 30s, not during WW2. We want to be accurate in our psyops

Can we please put rounded corners on the swastika? What would Steve Jobs do.

Think different.

Got my timeline confused, my bad. Need to sleep. Taking away the holohoax from the kike directly takes away from their power over the people, the idea of just calling it "the WWII holocaust" is a good idea then

Then drop the ww1&ww2 language. Instead arguing that it should be treated as a singular conflict or as a multitude of conflicts occurring as part of a larger phenomena. Then using the umbrella of the Early 20th Century Conflagration, wherein the traditions and peoples of Europe faced wholesale destruction perpetrated by subversive elements.

I think that's a bit much, at least to start. We should take a page from the kikes' playbook and work incrementally. It will be a non-starter if we go with something as esoteric as "early 20th century holocaust". We can work up to that, just as the jews slowly did their cultural marxism instead of busting out the gate with tranny shit.

The hollow what? Never heard of it user


kek wills the holocaust to be forgotten. checked.


Careful with the ironic socialism.

The health angle is fantastic. It can't backfire as it's not ironic. The left preaches fat acceptance and the normalization of drugs. We just have to do the opposite.

I'm not ironically socialist, I just define socialism as the Nazis did, and not as communism-lite.

kek wills it. Checked. Honored to witness this blessing

Yeah, early 20th century conflagration was just off the top of my head and wouldn't pass in standard discourse.

My general idea is that, working off of terms like "the renaissance" and "the reformation", it would be possible to construct a narrative around the early 20th century that lumps relevant events together for easy digesting. As a time period dominated by images of war and cultural erosion, this could be reinforced by framing it as the nadir of western civilization. As people already have a strong idea of wartime barbarism for the era, it's an easy sell. Moreover, people naturally want to believe that the bad times are behind them, and the use of the term nadir for the 20th implies that the 21st is on a positive trajectory. Such a framing subtly implies that the institutions formed during the era (UN, EU, NATO, et al.) are illegitimate, having arisen under false pretenses. It also implies that the nationalists are not only fighting a just war against globalist forces, but that their efforts are destined for success (an important part of getting normies to do anything). This narrative fits in quite nicely with people's preconceived notions about an "age of Aquarius" among other new age shenanigans.


Oh god progressive linear history models.
I know its for the cause of 1488 but goddamn i feel sick everytime i realize that is the standard model of today how history is observed.

Go away, Strasserkike.

Looks gay, just have the white swastika with a black circle, with the fag commie flag behind it

"history repeats itself" is actually the common dogma tbh. I'm not necessarily saying it's wrong, but it is basically a cliche.

Frankly, it's a matter of theoretical model. As a matter of fact, history is linear and progressive. The circular history thing is just a way of looking at it which provides some insight on the way society tends to progress. As your image implies, in tough times the pragmatic solutions that actually work are favored over principled ones. As times improve, people tend to start looking towards ideology to generate an ideal. When these principles stray away from pragmatism, society collapses and hard times come. This leads to a return to pragmatic solutions to fix the problems that arise. But at the same time, one should understand that this is just a theoretical model and isn't exactly representative of how the world operates.

should try to take it even further, don't just use it in cases where you're referring to actual people getting killed. Make it "le funnie slang" term like "epic". Like "damn that nigga got hollacausted! brah!" also make some even more ridiculous stuff like "how much yo holler cost baby!"

"damn I holocausted that pussy, no survivors"

basically for this to work effectively the word needs to be completely raped, using it to describe other mass killings is a start but that still gives it a solem tone and power. the end goal should be to make it a slang term, kind of like how the left still demonizes the use of the word faggot but thanks to the chans it has been reclaimed by the right and you see it used freely by normalfags on t_d

Pls do dis.

history and everything repeats but with different "skins" or outward appearances.

Blessed be thy numbers
Holy be thy quints.

This is the best one I've seen so far. I'd spread it without swastika though, easily digestable for normie consumption.


Fucking kek I like where this can go.
I do agree with that we should be doing as much as we possibly can to promote health, fitness, and overall quality lifestyles. For whatever reason, even environmentalist lefty cucks don't want to promote health anymore - let alone their patented shit, like recycling that's a personal anecdote though, but the more I meet these fags, the more it seems to be commonplace for them to WANT to physically shit the world up. They've completely thrown that ideology out. All they want is for everyone to be fat, wheelchair-bound, disgusting, brainwashed animals under some impulsively selected (((overlord's))) control.
Completely corrupting the fagflag will be a good start as well.

>The holocaust? Which holocaust? Oh, you mean the Jewish holocaust of 1939?

I was considering starting a thread but this is as good of a place as any. The fact that the Boys Life creator decided to "kill" Pepe means he's sacrificed all ability to work with his IP due to it's toxicity. This means only he and those who recognize the "funeral" cannot use the IP. While this is pretty funny and I've seen appropriation of other Boy's Life characters this is not the right idea, since that IP is not very valuable. I suggest we devalue something worth millions, I'm talking Disney.
There is precedent for appropriating IP from large corps (Moon man). I suggest we start with Donald Duck. The narrative is pretty simple Donald duck = Donald Trump but it's important that it's donald and not some doland shit. (this is of course a dry run for the big cheese the mouse himself)

No we need to start with abstract symbols. Imagine if we could get an octagon to become racist?

Make some stickers that say "WHITE GENOCIDE" and go to town.

(((They))) have already made an anti-natsoc cartoon with Donald, no? In addition, Donald Trump is not doing well for our interests lately. It would not be a good idea to use him to represent National Socialism.

It would be interesting, but I doubt it will go anywhere. This might well be too ridiculous, even for the SJWs.

We just need to make some fluff for them to chew on like "I heard the nazis are now using octagons to symbolize the eight lines that make the swastika" or "The eight sides stand for the 8s in 1488"


Fuck it the octagon is the geometric way to express praise to our favorite uncle.

not just "stop white genocide", making stop signs """alt-right""" would be funny as hell

add sticker to stop signs but then co-opt just the normal stop sign as a symbol of hate, it then becomes like pepe. When they see a blank stop sign they imagine the """hate speech""" it's conveying.

I really like this idea of co-opting stop signs and making is a hate symbol. stop signs are everywhere. stop signs have the nice red color of hate. and it clearly represents what most of us want and that's for this (((degenerate))) insanity to STOP

Just lump both the world wars together into "The World Wars".

Most Americans already do this.

Single motherhood, black rapists and illegal immigration are probably the least likely to get removed by the first christcuck who spots them.


Call the meat industry an animal holocaust. It triggers the fuck out of kikes.

That can pass out there maybe…
The other will probably require you to wear Kevlar or stab proof vests

I had an idea just now while looking out the window, pic related. Why don't we appropriate as a symbol the actual moon?

Can you imagine the colossal butthurt among liberals if the moon itself became a 'hate symbol'? Every time they saw that bright white sphere in the sky they'd be reminded of us. The more I think about it the more it fits. We already have moonman, who although funny is detached from the literal moon that billions of people see above them. We have the black sun, with which we could perfectly juxtapose the "white moon". We also have the "Nazi moonbase" meme to go from. It would be so easy to do, literally just shop pro-white slogans over pictures of the moon. The connection in peoples minds would be instantaneous. I'd do some examples but I'm on my phone. Something as simple as "white power" over a high quality image of a big moon. What do you guys think?

Fucking kekd.

I think you're onto something. I'll try and whip up some ideas tonight.

How about Apple?

I think we can work with that as well

bretty gud

This. I want to do this. The image of a SJW autistically screeching at the moon is too funny not to.


Recycling is another good one to appropriate. Make globalism and diversity synonymous with unsafe filthy streets … oh wait, we don't have to do anything for that, Paris is proof enough. Oh, well, can't hurt to emphasize it.

Need to clean up white trash though. Make them behave like proper citizens. They generally vote right, so we should make sure not to ostracize them (which is what the left did and why they're losing now), but we should make health, not to throw trash in the street, etc. virtues that the lower classes care about. The best way for this is to step away from individualism and towards a nationalist sense of community and belonging. In our individualist society when a nigger mugs someone in the streets pretty much everyone looks the other way, maybe some person calls the cops, but I want a country were the people beat that nigger unconscious and drop him off at the nearest police hq. The same with lesser crimes: people pissing in the streets, leaving their trash, etc. Bind the idea of doing such good deeds to Nationalism, to Patriotism.

If we can push the lefties to support McDonalds, Cola, etc. that would also be great. These companies are very keen on promoting (((diversity))) and (((progressivism))), and they're a burden on our nation's health. So I think it should work, and it fits nicely with our message of caring for health.

Donald Trump is a (((puppet))), we shouldn't meme him too much. I'm not going to try to stop you from triggering lefties with Trump memes, it's still funny, but we should definitely not make him a hero, nor an icon, of our movement.

OCTAGONS, YES. 8, 88, Heil Hitler, Octagon: between Earth (square) and Heaven (circle), Holla Forums. I think we should totally make 8 and the octagon ours.

octagonal stickers is a great idea. And the fact that we can use it with the words STOP is great.

I wouldn't go for "Stop transexuality", "stop gay sex" etc., our society is still too much focused on "hur dur, everyone can do what they want". For transexuality we should push the child mutilation angle, the child being likely to grow out of it if they don't get hormone treatment. I don't know how to phrase it best, but we should focus on fixing the issues we can convert neutrals on. Immigrants are going to be a big part of that in Europe, certainly now that Macron is president, so Stop Rape Gangs with an islamic moon and star etc. would be good.
"Stop abortion" I personally disagree with, abortion is a tool we can use to weed out niggers and trash.

I'm fine with this, if we can get PETA to repeat it, that would be funny. doubt it though.

Appropriating islamic flags, kek. The SJW's are gonna be soooo pissed.

This. True Socialism can only work within a single ethnic group. We have to push our definition, namely working for your people at large instead of a private individual as in capitalism.
Being a true Socialist can only work if you are ready to accept everyone within your state as extended family.
The Nationalism gives you borders and an identity. Since this civic nationalism is taking hold among the right, it's time to push True Socialism among the left. Point out how blacks, Muslims, and spics are segregating themselves. When they ask why you think that is, or assume that it's the evil white rich men keeping them apart (which I've heard before) redpill them on races and bring up black aptitude for basketball and how a white in the mix would hold them back. Say BLM is socialist because they want to work for black interests and saying "All Lives Matter" ruin the message, that it's socialism for black people. Then say that you believe in socialism for your own people, and if they are the type to not know what "Nazi" means, go one step further and say that National Socialism is Socialism for us. When they ask what NatSoc is, you've successfully opened the conversation to explaining it: publicize Natural resources, ownership of production, and usury-free government businesses to replace taxes.
We have to take the word away from redistribution of wealth.
Let's Make Socialism Racist Again.

Here is some really good reference material:

The white poor don't do this kind of stuff, but there's some bad apples, and if we can use this kind of sandnigger shit to bring awareness and make throwing trash out on the street even more of a nigger thing that even the poorest broken family of white people feel disgusted by and consider below them…
Pride. Pride in our nation. Pride in our community. Pride in our race. That is the way.

You said it. I think there's a place for some kind of individualism i.e. people build up their businesses and their property, and in that aspect NatSoc is individualist, but it is also communitarian.

I've said this before: on nearly all fronts National Socialism is a centrist(-statist) ideology. Even when it comes to racism, NatSoc isn't racist: it is for the preservation of each race in their own nation. (and niggers being dumber than other races is just reality, not racism)
-NatSoc is between anarchism and communism.
-It is between Conservatism and Progressivism (it cares about the past and about progress)
-It seeks a balance between setting good living standards for the people and preserving the nation's natural heritage (something which is entirely possible, the problem is the model of exploitation for monetary gain, rather than for the well-being of the nation - something that is due to globalism)
-It is not for total closure of the borders, it seeks to preserve the ethnic interests of its people. Cultural exchange, certainly with other European nations, the Eastern nations, America and Austraya, is fine. I can even see exchanges with the Middle East if they ever pull their shit together (which will probably only happen after the destruction of Israel). The thing is that any ethnic exchange should be minimal: such low percentages that they are neglegible, and the focus of exchange should be that of cultural and scientific matters (when I say cultural exchange, I mean cultural mutual appreciation, not adoption).

The what now? Huey Coast? Hollow Cost?

Hillary campaign tried exactly this and it failed miserably. Public knows who Donald Duck and Donald Trump are, they can't be associated because they're very well defined in the minds of people. Also, calling someone Donald Duck, just because their first names match, is infantile. Associating Trump with Pepe and white nationalism was easy, because normalfags don't know who the fuck he is. Trump tweeted Pepes, there's no way he's going to tweet that duck. It worked for Moon man for the same reason it worked for Pepe, it's an obscure mascot from 80s, nobody born before that time has even seen those commercials. For this to succeed, you'd have to associate the duck with something unknown and repulsive to the general public. Basically, you suck at memeing, you came up with the same idea as some faggot libtard from Hillary campaign. You've brought shame on your family. To ruin Disney it would be better to attack Star Wars anyway.

Pravy Sektor flag

Very offensive and downright imbecilic. Ukrainian nationalists would beat the shit out of commies, not appropriate their colors.

The red-and-black flag used by UA nationalists is a century old and has nothing to do with the symbolic colors of anarcho-communism. The normal blue-and-yellow Ukrainian flag represents a field of wheat beneath a clear blue sky. The red-and-black flag represents scorched earth beneath a red sunset.

I like the rainbow flag more though both are good. People often overlook the fact that the rainbow was primarily used in religious symbology before the faggots took it over, we have more of a claim to it than they do.



Symbols are fine, but we need to think bigger than that. We should be co-opting environmentalism (global warming optional–I tend to think it's overblown relative to other issues, but the stuff we would need to do to fix it isn't much different from what we should be doing anyway). There's actual precedent for that. Call for population reduction in the third world, immigration restriction in white countries, and more rural/wilderness living for white people, all for perfectly sound environmental reasons. We shouldn't just reduce the populations of India, Africa, and China because they're subhumans, we should do it because they're trashing their land. By going all in on identity politics, the left has compromised its credibility on the environment–we should be crushing them there right now.

Symbols are everything. Co-opting environmentalism is a good idea, but to co-opt a movement you must first destroy their symbols, the thing they rally around. Sure, you could infiltrate the EPA and NGO's with our operatives, but that is not our expertise. We control the memes, and focusing out efforts elsewhere will only spread us too thinly to make a difference.

For example, how about a globe/earth with a swastika/other fash symbol incorporated.

tl;dr donald duck is fucking gay think of something else

That'd be great for when we annex the rest of the America's and run out of room for more stars

these flags trigger my autism. They are asymmetric, the swastika needs to be tilted a bit more to the right so it lines up with the diagonal line separating the red and black

Wow, you're right. I see it now. They're not properly aligned and rotated.

No man you gotta spice it up. Slapping a swastika on a flag is good and all but you gotta be creative about it.

Heres a quick crappy example of some earth flag

I like those.

The swastika is a beautiful symbol, and European peoples have been using it to mean peace and prosperity for over ten thousand years. It's astonishing that all it took for kikes to strip it from us is one lost war. It just has such a powerful presence to it. I think that's why normalfags react to it with so much emotion - it's not because of the brainwashing in and of itself, it's because it is such a powerful symbol, and yids hijack that feeling of strong emotion and direct it against us when in reality the swastika might be the most enduring symbol of the Aryan race, having spread and been maintained even by the eastern lineages even though they're mostly lost today.


Its pretty depressing how easily they stripped our culture from us when you step back and think of it that way.

Try pushing those PRfags into protesting:


At this point it makes no difference what we're protesting against since we're not getting it anyways. The point is to protest something the "altright" is comfortable with while making those commies look like idiots for being against it or worse (for them) be perceived that we agree on an issue.

This happened recently when Spencer held an antiwar rally against the Syria bombing. Antifa showed up and everyone was confused about why they were there.

Reporter asking antifa: "So you're pro-war?"
Response: "No we're anti nazi".

They looked like complete idiots. That narrative was shut down rather quickly. Its also an opportunity to publicly co-opt a new symbol or color. Keep that part quiet until the event. They ended up chasing Richard down the street like a bafoon.

The entire event will be streamed since both sides are media whores. We could also avoid the entire event since its obvious they're two sides of the same coin just to draw us out and document us or we could watch from a distance dressed as innocent by standards for documenting/doxxing purposes.
Minimal effort for a decent sized gain.

Apparently the blac bloc kids have some competition in Europe. Same style, different message.

I like this even more. The one on the left would make an aesthetic armband.

How do we normalize the normies on the swastika? The extent of their knowledge is most likely the Hindi or Buddhist variants if anything outside the kike meme

You know, I don't even fucking know. I've been a Holla Forumstard since 05. I'm in too deep. I have not been a normalfag in so long that their thoughts and feelings, psychology or motivations, it's all utterly lost on me. A mouse and a human can interact but it's obvious that we don't live in the same cognitive world as mice. That's how I feel about normalfags these days - we can perceive one another. We inhabit the same world-space at least to a degree. But the level of cognition is so utterly alien that communication is barely possible.

nothing was easy about it, it occurred over the last 2700 years. The mainstream Abrahamic monotheism most people accept today, Christianity has been cleansed, edited, and tweeted. The Münster Rebellion reflects perfectly how warped Christianity had become prior to it being translated from Latin. Abrahamic monotheism has resulted in more unnatural early deaths of whites than disease or famine.


what would AIPAC stand for?

You are what is killing this site.

I think his question is what would we coopt AIPAC into standing for since that's what this entire thread is about.

Even bigger doesn't work. Reddit only gets onboard on an idea if it's ironic enough, you won't even be able to convince T_D of spreading anything like this. They unironically think Merkel is using muslims as a weapon against jews to create a "second" holocaust. No one else is touching nazis but us.

wtf are you on about, faggot?



Why is the swastika white? Why not red on the black side and black on the red side.

N-nevermind, it's been a long week and it's only Monday.

Autistic Intelligence Patriarchal Aryan Coalition

All Indian Pajeets Avoid Commodes

Trivialize the word "oppression" they use this to everything, has more meaning than "think" so we should abuse the term.
Go to plebbit, twitter and faceberg and trade BTFO for #opressed, trade TRIGGERED for #opressed in all lolberg/cuckservative/CivNat/alt-lite spaces.
When the average goy start talk "dude i tottally opressed that cucked faggot".
We do the same with nazism/fascim.


I like LGBTQESFHZXFBDSGFSEF flag is probably better than this "anarcho-communist" flag but LGBT community is much broader and larger than some 10 idiots who don't know a thing about economics.

Pay attention because I'm seeing lots of people really not understanding the difference between NatSoc and MarxSoc. It's hard to figure out at first, and the way everything has been explained in standard mainstream education makes it confusing.
This is the basis of it.

The fundamental and most important difference isn't just 'white people'. I mean we can work out nearly any political system and figure out how to fucking make it work. But NatSoc could feasibly exist in Asian countries or any country with a relatively homogeneous ethnic makeup and >100 IQ.

The massive and collosal difference between Marxist socialism and National Socialism is goals. They have diametrically opposed goals.

Marxist socialism seeks to destroy all distinction between people in order to create equality. The Marxist ideal has no hierarchy, and so is a total inversion of what civilization actually is. Marxism is an abomination because it tries to refute reality, nature, humanity. Marxists all become misanthropes because they realize human beings will never live up to their utopian egalitarian ideal.

National Socialism practically worships hierarchy. It regards it not just as a necessary evil but as a moral good. National Socialism creates the social state such that everyone on the totem of hierarchy has a place in society, and can have dignity and even pride in their place in the social hierarchy. You can be a ditch digger, but you can have a small little house, a wife, a family and eat decent meals. You won't have anything extravagant or expensive, you may never leave your small town. But your place in the hierarchy of the world is something that you can take pride in. And your job as a ditch digger helps the greater national socialist state, which you are very proud of. You contribute to something greater than yourself, and are proud. In return, the state allows you some modicum of dignity, but not material extravagance.

The difference is goals. Equality vs hierarchy.

This could be funny actually. but I'm not sure what kind of context we would use it. Like if we raid sjw pages like Occupy Democrats, how are they going to know it's the "alt-right" doing this.

why is her ass on the front of her body?

Just use some TRS memes or some shit, some enterprising leftist would make the connection. Maybe talk of fashy goys would work.

Seconded: they got pretty uppity over the "Swol Left" thing that lasted for ten minutes, it just vanished because none of them are healthy or even attractive. Even if they try and peg all fascists as fat-ass skinheads, we have ubermensch propaganda to recall.

While more blacks are obese/overweight than whites, we're still at over 70%, it's horrible. If we could get whites fit again then stopping race mixing would be easy.

My idea is to use more in NobodyLand types managed by lorbergs on the internet allowing both SJW from tumblr and Alt-Reich from Holla Forums to shitpost whatever they want.
We pick vid with some attwhore discussing some cringy swj and put the subject.
Some vid with a disinfowars alt-lite reporter mocking a antifag marcher in the streets.
Your own video debunking a bullshit post from pozzfeed

Idk, feels forced, like googles/skypes thing all over again. People don't like self-censoring.

Jews burnt themselves. It's a Jewish offering.

Kek sent me to check these dubs

Drink Coke and find out.

Do we really want to get into the "true socialism" mess? Maybe next we should take up "true feminism", 'cause that's never been tried before.

Take the American flag.

If all our enemies literally hate the American flag (shit they almost do as it is) then that's it. The war begins. The flag flown in their own streets is that of the enemy.

Our enemies already burn the flag and wipe their asses with it while chanting America was never great! - good enough?

Wasn't this Hillary's idea for an astroturfing campaign against Trump? Something like "Donald Ducks from Releasing Tax Returns"

Before stealing commie fringe shit, appropriate the fucking european flag! The average normie thinks the EU = Europe. Juste steal their flag! It's damn easy to do.
Make the Marian Crown Flag a symbol of white union and solidarity against the barbarian third worlder shit skins.

This is actually a very good idea for NatSocs. In Mein Kampf Hitler explained that one of the reasons for the heavy use of red in the NSDAP flag and in posters promoting his speeches was that it enraged Marxists, who usually associated red with their banners, and were incensed to see revolutionary nationalists use it! This helped win Hitler attention and bigger crowds.

Except that nowadays communist revolutionnaries do not appeal to the masses. The masses want security and goodfeel, panem et circenses.

Who cares? Just use the red-and-black flag.

A possible attack vector would be to take over retro-game symbols. Like the triforce.

Isn't Zelda (and by extension the triforce) basically an Aryan game anyway? I don't have the screenshot, but basically Hylians are Aryans, Ganon is a kike, and there was even a dungeon in the original game in the shape of a swastika.

Lots​ of great ideas in this thread. Proud of you boys.

I've been thinking for a while about ways to subvert leftist pop culture. Star Wars, Harry Potter and so on. In particular I remember recently a failed push by the left to make dressing up as a stormtrooper racist, which backfired because everyone loves dressing up as a stormtrooper. Seems easy enough to slap a red armband on a stormtrooper costume and make YouTube videos of funny Nazi stormtroopers doing funny Nazi stormtrooper things. Harry Potter is a little weirder, but there's probably an angle with mudbloods, Hermione memes, and the left's hypersexualization of Emma Watson.

Speaking of hypersexualization, the literal fetishization of white genocide needs harsh push back. I was thinking a resurgence in "Nazi dominatrix" ladies as a trending perversion on pornhub to start with, followed by a few dedicated editors making fake "blacked porn hypno" videos with music that smoothly switch from white girl getting blacked to Nazi girl getting blacked to Nazi girl dominating black to Nazi girl naming the Jew while twerking for Hitler and reassuring the masturbating viewer's id by going back to submissive as long as they accept the new narrative. Not an easy task, nor for the faint of heart, but the medium of pornography is one of the more dangerous political battlefields right now. Luckily we have Nazi sex midgets and Nazi dominatrixes as entry memes.

Also way more Hitler Pikachus. Did you know that for the first time in a Pokémon game you can no longer name yourself or your Pokémon Hitler? You can name them after any other historical villain, including Stalin, but not Hitler or Mussolini. The game is also a weird mix of good vidya and Jewish propaganda including but not limited to no redheads whatsoever and non-brown eyes being contacts, in preparation for a revisionist history where such eye colors never existed. Wonder trading competitive Pokemon with a redpilled name or useful reference (good natured porygons with an up-grade nicknamed WikiLeaks, for example) is a vector for getting subtle ideas into YouTube streams of matches and the like, not to mention reinforces the "when the adults are away the children are Nazis" meme.

Checking those great digits.

The 3 triangles represent the white family: father, mother and children.
The 3 triangles represent whites working together for their own good through a hierarchy.

Can vouch for this, he had a massive (((nose))) in OoT.


Here's a thing.


Just add a dawning black sun on the red side of the flag. A bit like the Obama campaign logo

This also redpills normies who get sick of not only kikes et al seeing NAZEES everywhere, but are getting sick of the Left being so hysterical that they can't even take a joke. And who the hell would want to be on the side of hysterical losers constantly getting trolled?

I made this

Why is a Descartes quote accompanied by a pic of Voltaire? Or is that part of the joke?

This is already and thing

Even though it's supposed to be the black sun, it'd probably look better white there. Black and blue go shit together.

looks better than original. nice work lad

Spread it goyim

Those flags would look so better if you added a shite circle behind the swastika

4th Reich flag for after the 2nd civil war

We're gonna need a list of "holocausts" to refer to, so as to lessen the (((psychological))) impact of "the holocaust" on normalfags.

user, I'm dissapoint

If you put a swastika on it, normalfags' programming kicks in and they automatically reject it. This is far more subtle.

Aryan International Politically Action Committee

Stars are Jewish.

How about yellow to match the stars

Political Action Committee, unless you want to sound like you lack any grasp of basic grammar.


Autism is only a strength when it's combined with intelligence, user. When you combine it with stupidity it's a bad thing.


I particularly like the last one.
But the symbol needs a little more explanation, I think… Something like;

note that the crescent is not "the badge of islam" as said in the 2nd pic, but it's a much older byzantine symbol that got stolen by the mudslimes

we should definitely take the moon as one of our hate symbols

That's brilliant

The moon is a given.

Way ahead of you

youre fucking stupid nigger, erhäng dich, read a book, hell read Mein Kampf and then slap your whore mother for not aborting

I was thinking more of a sin wave model with alternating high and low points. The nadir of the early 20th century was preceded and will be followed by apexes. I prefer the sin model as I feel that it adequately resolves the paradoxes associated with strict circular/linear models for history.

By using a fresh new label, I think we'll find a easier time of reteaching the period. It allows people to discard the whole cloth of propaganda that they've been fed up to this point, making room for the new collection of historical memes. This new conception of the period would then make people more receptive to other ideas. For example, by shifting emphasis onto the atrocities of the USSR (something I don't see happening with the prevailing "world war" narrative), the legitimacy of contemporary leftist organizations comes into question. The emphasis on national sovereignty would also serve to embolden people when it comes to standing up for their own people–something which is highly discouraged under by the prevailing narrative.

Here's my European Nationalist Socialist flag.

This gives me an idea for what might be a good way to organize folks on the right side of the spectrum: opening up fitness centers to the public*. The equipment could get pricey, but there are low cost alternatives. It'd help develop a sense of community while providing the opportunity for people to increase their level of basic fitness as for-profit gyms can be a bit pricey for people who are trying to get back on their feet.

*-Registration and nominal fees may apply to keep the doors open and to discourage unsavory elements

This is a really good idea.

We need to instill a sense of racial pride in white people that demands fitness, even for disabled people to work out in ways they can. You have a knee condition? No excuse for not working out, work out your arms. Working out and eating healthily build up self-control and willpower, so even if you never need to use the muscles you have build up, it is never a waste of time.

It would be very useful to get people who are trying to get back on their feet involved in something that will help them get back on their feet, in an environment that will help them build a sense of white pride and community.

What I've seen here in many threads, and commend, is the condemnation of graffiti as degenerate and posters/stickers being the NS preferred tool of public propaganda. It is unfortunate that they are easily removed, but graffiti really is a degenerate product. It would also be to our advantage if graffiti becomes something people recognize as leftist/anarchist/commie.

kill yourself shill he was ours to begin with, we just took him back

let's encourage people to work out on the weekend, super saturdays, and super sundays, the american SS program

Eh, this could be fun, but we need to leave them one symbol so they can identify themselves for easy helicopter rides.

I completely agree with you though

nvm i missed the part where you mentioned moonman kek


No, the moon is feminine and is the symbol of Islam.

Ours is the symbol of the sun.

Did you not read the title of this thread or do you not know what the word appropriation means? Co-opting symbols is the entire fucking point holy fuck that was a dumb comment.

That's not accurate at all unless you're being specific with what you're following.

The sun can also be seen as a symbol of masculinity while the moon is seen as that of femininity. The yin and yang.


checked for signifcance


Why should we be copying the symbols of the people that are being (rightfully) shamed on a daily basis?

Futurefash aesthetic is unparalleled.
Push the imagery first, then the messages associated with it. People agree with their eyes, so please their eyes and their pozzed rejection mechanism will shut down.

how you like

Why don't we meme Soros, Hillary, Sanders and Final Fantasy as Right Wing?

Soros was a Nazi. Sanders is a Socialist like the Nazis. Hillary is a KKK sponsor and kills muzzies.

what about "STOP Genital Mutilation"
not likely to get taken down, as it fits roughly with feminist ideology, and most normies would get behind it because its already a taling point (at least for grills), and it highlights one of the real issues faced when importing backwards desert religions.
that would be my initial approach to the "stop child mutiation" thing

Saw this post and immediately remembered about some crypto-redpill shitty OC that was made during 2015 (or early 2016, don't really remember).


Pretty good. There's lots of great Hitler quotes that spread well among normies when they don't realize the origins of the quote.

Picture relevant. Most people care more about who said it, than what they said.


I think he may be referring to this mans story :'^)

Cactuar is a good fashy mascot.


im in for this one


the porn thing you have going there sounds cucked as fuck

very good


I would prefer to respect hierarchy.

How about "Multiculturalism is a Russian Plot!!"

How about cultural appropriation?

Lifters are already talking about SS (starting strength) all the time. Convince leftists that it's all hidden in plain sight nazi communications.

I have had this exact video bookmarked for months and listen to it regularly.

you're a big goy.

If they were not so incompetent and degenerate there would have never been the need for a night of the long knifes. Sure they set the stage, but they were becoming detrimental to the cause and refused to rectify it.

Ironic National Socialism isn't Ironic Socialism. National Socialism is a Fascist ideology. If you what a comparison on some of the fundamental axioms of each, Fascism is hierarchical whereas Socialism is anti-hierarchical.

It's already a racist symbol you fucking nigger

SJW's always project.


Let me tell you about the Jews….

Kind of semi-related-off-topic; we need to appropriate Pandas as shorthand for the dnc/clinton machine murdering Seth Rich. It will drive the furries absolutely insane if they can't wear panda costumes.

This isn't actually a bad idea, the problem is that it would be difficult to promulgate in a reasonable amount of time considering the state of tertiary institutions.

Would you be exploring the process of historical progression through a history of ideas or bioHistory?
Would you be working from

So basically that FB ancapistan page which is filled to the brim with shitposting commies, anarchists and fascists?

Better version withouth muh PR

I'm not even a National Socialist, but I certainly look on them with disdain. I hate that they seem to keep popping up like roaches.
Were they all commies previously and liked that marginally better garbage more?

That's okay, our flag will have plenty.

It's leftypol trying to slowly steer people toward gommunism

That's likely to be some of it, but I see it too much for that to be all it is.

Killing Joke

I can't stop laughing. Seriously the left have always been fucking delusional. Let me explain:

The threads they start, are actually flooded by leftpol, because true Holla Forumsacks are worried about other things and don't actually care. SO in the end, they are talking between themselves and newfags that are actually not Holla Forums but plebbit. So they go home, stating a victory because… they redpilled a leftypol.

Classic missrepresentation of sample. It's the same as buying followers on twitter.
Gotta say, this made mah day.

It's been said before, but - the Fallout series.

Plus it's developed by the creators of Skyrim, which is already totally our own.

Skyrim is still is and always will be a shit game, and Bethesda are a bunch of fucking hacks, but it took balls to write a story that basically centered around whether the Nords (ie, whites) have a right to their homeland, or whether it's their duty to let it be populated and controlled by elves (ie, jews) and other shitskins.

Actually, I'd extend this to all video games generally.

Gears of War is fucking great. You play on the side of an overtly fascist heavily militarized regime fighting against a stupid, dark-skinned, numerous race of subterranean dwellers called "Locusts". At the end of the third game you even deploy a weapon to kill them all based on their genes - a Final Solution, if you will.

The Halo series has anti-Islamic implications, and World of Warcraft is about the occidental "Alliance" vs the barbaric "Horde". Almost every game I can think of has themes like this.

In addition to all that, gamers are more likely to be on our side due to the GamerGate debacle. They know that libshits and SJWs are their enemies.

And this is why Holla Forums is worst Holla Forums, such a bunch of faggots.

Yup. video gaming was implicitly white, male, and conservative. It's why they started beating down on it with pozzed SJW bullshit, what with gamergate and everything.

Of course, now all the mainstream games are liberal propaganda. Especially from bioware and ubishit.

"Taking out the trash" synonimous with killing of minorities, etc…

This could work. Any phrase used to cleanness can be turned into a plan for genocide.

cactuar has potential

Thank God for the rain which has helped wash away the garbage and trash off the sidewalks. I'm workin' long hours now, six in the afternoon to six in the morning. Sometimes even eight in the morning, six days a week. Sometimes seven days a week. It's a long hustle but it keeps me real busy. I can take in three, three fifty a week. Sometimes even more when I do it off the meter. All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.

I strongly disagree with this but I'm willing to hear your reasoning.

I meant more in terms of aesthetics.

What about instead of "the jewish holocaust", we use "''A jewish holocaust", implying there's more to come. Discounting the alleged one even occurred.

That's called a 'gunt', my friend.

I'm flattered that people saved these. Here's the rarest pepe version. :>

Just make the armband the New Empire's insignia from the new shitty movies done up in a red, black and white style that mimics the Swastika armbands. March around doing comically exaggerated goose-stepping and set it to old marching songs like Erika, Neue Deutsche Welle and the like. Hell, if we organize and do it in perfect sync with (prop) weapon drills, we could probably confuse and scare antifa by crashing their rallies with it. At the very least it would make for some great video.

Spanish Falange already did that.
We can just use this flag more often.

It is not known weather Hitler ordered his killing, because he was enraged when his mentor got killed. He said that they had put him on the list.
Same could be true for Strasser since Strasser saved Hitler from suicide

This is especially how you start with your young ones.
This is something I have used for a long time now.