Good job taking this massively out of context. The verse actually means that there is no 'chosen' people anymore, that the 'Israelite' blood that was once seen as so important was now irrelevant - because Israel is now a 'spiritual kingdom', and they are all 'one in Christ'. They inherit the Kingdom of God because of their belief in Christ, and thus the phrase 'then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise' shows that all Christians will go to heaven, regardless of their physical bloodlines.
There is no equality before God. The statement is that we are all unworthy of God, and thus are all equally unworthy of entering heaven (only a perfect man can enter heaven). This does not make all people equal, and it does not make God love us all the same, or value us all the same - it means that we alone cannot be perfect. In other words we need the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The subversion that you've parroted is textbook kikeery.
Wew! All those Christians who meet up after Church to share a meal… HOW DARE THEY SHARE THEIR FOOD? SOCIALISTS! COMMUNISTS!
… I'm exagerrating a bit, but really this is just talking about being community minded. They helped out those in their community who were in need, they fed each other, they'd pool resources if they have to. Believe it or not almost every single community in the Western world did this up until a few decades ago. Everyone still worked, everyone still had their own stuff - but they would tithe to their local Church, and that Church would take care of any of their members who fell upon hard times.
You can call that communism/socialism if you want, and you can say that the Bible encouraged the idea. You would then however be attacking charity and helping your fellow man. Believe it or not you can be charitable without being a communist, and it is actually VERY IMPORTANT that we help our white communities today.
Islam and its idiotic laws and violent behaviour are a symptom of jewish intervention. We all hate muslims and want to see them exterminated to the last - but they would never have achieved anything were it not for jews.
Did you know that it was a JEW who stole the true cross of Christ from the Romans and gave it to the Sassanids, which sparked a bitter and destructive war which left both sides utterly shattered with the Romans technically victorious but realistically unable to defend their territory? Did you know that 2 years after this Jew-instagated war muhamad came out of his desert with a huge army and found vast lands from both the Roman and Sassanid Empires entirely defensless?
Did you know that it was JEW who opened the gates of Constantinople? It was Jews who informed the muslims where the Christian armies moved, when the towns were undefended (like Toledo). The muslim never achieved anything without the jew.