Islam and Secularism Cannot Coexist

Stephen Fry under police investigation for blasphemy after branding God an 'utter maniac'

Now say what you will about Fry but this is a great opportunity to show the danger that Islam poses to nonbelievers. The fact is these blasphemy laws are popping up everywhere and will continue to as long as the Islamic presence grows in the West. This is great material for redpilling normies. This angle cannot be stressed enough, as the Muslim community grows in the West our rights will be attacked more and more. They pose a danger to our way of life and only a retard can't see it. Anyone who isn't a cuck nor a moron will understand that it's retarded to safeguard rights of people who will take away their rights.

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Suck shit to Stephen Fry, burnt by his own dogma.

Fuck him.

How did God respond to the insult?

Ah the pedophile kikefag who loves to complain about god and the catholic church. What a world we would have if the jews put the same effort into criticizing and dissecting their own shit religion. Made that little OC thing here and it rustled quite a few jimmies in the plebbit thread. Too bad an account died for this.

by having Fry lose 25000 euros in a fine

I don't give a shit what nonbelievers think. If they were actually the intellectually elite rational actors they protray themselves as being, they would have sided with European culture and Christianity years ago when the migration first began and sandniggers started raping women in the streets and throwing people off buildings. Even if they did not believe, they would have recognized the utility of having a functional white blood cell system in place.

Instead, they continue to lash out at their own institutions and cultures, screeching and howling revolutionary Bolshevik drivel even as they advocate for more of their own foreign executioners to come in.

Like all faggots, Fry can't help but make everything about himself and his daddy complex, even as his nation is collapsing and his people are going extinct. This is why faggots cannot be tolerated.

Fuck Fry, fuck all the Fedoralords. They'll die virtue signaling and blaming Christianity and white people for everything. I have no interest in saving them. The only purpose they can serve is as a warning to those who are worth saving.

What are you on about? The last time I saw anything with him was a talk where he and Christopher Hitchens were roasting catholicism and religion in general, the one with "I'm offended, well so fucking what?". This situation is also exactly the thing Hitchend warned about.

Suprising he doesn't understand how the Universe works given how generally smart and well read he is.
Islam in Europe is replacing the void created by native Europeans rejecting Christianity.

Don't believe me? Which countries have the least Islamic terrorist attacks?
In Ireland, Portugal, Poland, and Hungary - the two most based and strongly Christian nations in Europe currently.

Countries that reject their national identity - even the Christian bits - become cucked.



Are you a Muslim? No? Then you are a nonbeliever, a kafir.

Cool it with the D&C. Atheists have a long history of arguing against Islam, sadly there was a hijacking awhile ago by SJWs rebranding the movement as "atheism"+. That is when the fedorashit started.

Hitchens dedicated the rest of his life to fighting against Islamization. His last book was even titled: God Is Not Great. Ffs enough with the D&C.

Stephen fry is a literal SODOMITE PEDO KIKE, who does nothing but promote degeneracy and faggotry. Let him boil in his own excrement like it's described in his disgusting talmud

But islam uses that to justify babyfucking.

The attacks on Christianity were part of the general jewish attack on Western Civilisation and white people. We were divided on every front, and whilst on a few points the kike agendas may have had some small amount of genuine merit - the entire purpose was to undermine our foundations so that we could be destroyed.

The anti-islamic ideas of a few atheists do not make atheism a positive - it was a cancer used to destroy the West by undermining its moral and spiritual foundation. The few genuinely intelligent and dutiful women that were advantaged by 'feminism' do not make a feminism a positive - it was a cancer used to destroy the West by undermining the family unit, destroying the labour market and shattering hierarchical norms that have resulted in mass-depression due to everyone feeling as if they do not 'belong'.

Europoid civilization and the ideals upon which it is based pre-date Cucktianity by tens of thousands of years. Cucktianity is nothing more than a Semitic cancer of the soul.

I still don't give two fucks about this kike

Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens are jews. The rejection of faith which they promote is far worse than blasphemy laws, even if they're abused by muslims. Atheism is jewish to the core, because it makes you think you're smarter than God, like the jews do. And that's not God in the sense of a christian or muslim God, but God as the metaphysical, the spiritual in general.

Since you won't let off. You know how Jews got rich in the first place right? It was thanks to Christianity. Christianity was likely an ancient Jewish plot which turned over the economy to them by outlawing moneylending and thus banking to the gentiles. And to this day we have Christian charities that help refugees and shill for migrants.

Atheism on the other hand just frees you to believe what you want, it is not like feminism which has a set of ideals.

Htichens was born in a Christian household, he has a brother Peter who is a Christian.

And there is no evidence for god.

You sound like a fedoratipping faggot who's browsing Holla Forums for the first time in his life, i don't really understand what you're even doing here

But at least he doesn't like sandniggers, as he does nothing to stop them and actively opposes actions which would stop them. Dawkins is the same minus being an actual kike. Hitchens was a retard who supported the neocohens.

Unless their position is the unilateral expulsion of all non-whites and the extermination of all saracens and kikes down to the last child then they are shit. Weather pagan, atheist, or christian they are total shit. This is is war of extermination, nothing sort of total victory is acceptable.

There was no civilization tens of thousands of years ago dipshit that even predates the pastoral and agricultural revolutions, you can't have a civilization without stratification which requires a surplus.
Civilization is at most 8,000 years old, more like 5,500 for shit we'd consider civilization.

The blood of the pharisee will always show itself in the form of socially destructive anti-authoritarian behavior even if that blood is dilluted a dozen times. Hilter was too lenient, one drop of kike blood is one drop too many. A kike is a kike no matter what title he takes for himself.

Also the "pope" is a deranged heretic who believes in liberation theology(ie marxism dolled up for consumption by mestizo trash). He's just a marxist. Kikes and libshits infiltrate everything and anythign they can. The solution is only their utter extermination. We have to kill them all.

To that end here's my nerve gas recipe.

Marcus Tullius Cicero:
"Softly! Softly! I want none but the judges to hear me. The Jews have already gotten me into a fine mess, as they have many other gentleman. I have no desire to furnish further grist for their mills."

Do note Cicero was around before Christianity. The Jews have always been a cancer, a parasite upon every people they have encountered. Whilst it is true that Charlemagne allowed the Jews to become bankers - do not for a MOMENT believe that was how they got rich. They were known for theft, blackmail and bribery for a long time. I have little doubt that Charlemagne only allowed them to be bankers because they paid him a huge amount as a 'bribe' of sorts - Charlemagne needed money for his wars, and they could provide it with just a small caveat. The exact same is true of Oliver Cromwell who had no love of the Jew but simply needed the money which they were offering.

The Jew has always been remarkably good at amassing wealth. Do not pretend that they only managed this because of Christians. Of course it would have been better to have the usury laws affect ALL people, and it would have been better to not allow Jews to live amongst us in the first place - but these concessions were not the reason why the Jew gained power, rather the Jew gained power because of the desperation of various monarchs and nobles who made short-sighted deals.

The correct response is to ban all usury today and shut down the banks, and then deport or purge all the parasites. It is not to allow usury for the goyim too - our modern-day 'goy' bankers are hardly better than the kikes who preceded them.

If you cannot see how atheism is a cancer then you are quite frankly blind. I assume you recently came here from reddit?

I forgot to mention that usury was illegal for everybody in Europe at that time retard, kikes couldn't legally engage in it. The kikes don't follow the laws of the goyim, big shocker.

True, the fedorafag era was followed by the SJWs.



Well at least Finland is going to be safe.

Filtered d/c fedorafag.

5 results
19 results

In a different forum, some user believes an Zionists conspiracy and called me a racists for criticizing Islam and BLM.

You can believe in a higher spitirutality and not be chrisitan. If you don't accept the notion that pushers of atheism have relentlessly attacked the moral foundation of western countries and were mostly jews, then you really don't belong here. Atheism is fucking cancer because it is just judaism in another form.

What morals? Pathological altruism? Fuck that needed to go.

What I find the best about this whole God business and liberals?
That degenerate people like Fry project themselves on it and try to disprove it via their own faults.
It's always projection with these people.
His subconscious is telling him what a degenerate he is.
Fucking pedophile.


The god of the jews is Satan. Jesus literally called them out as the Synagogue of Satan.

These laws are designed to stop you when Muslims are raping your kids. Christfsgs being foaming retards are a mistake, would fuck up any opportunity to rant and rave about their Jewish crap.

Yes and the worship of Satan is the worship of yourself, the worship of knowledge of the earthly and nothing else. It's judaism incarnate because what did jews do? Their rabbis took the Torah and made it into what they wanted it to be with the Oral Torah aka the Talmud, thus taking the place of God.

Satan is Lucifer, the bringer of light or knowledge (lux ferre). It's the same thing with masons, who also worship Lucifer.

Idk how you guys don't see the fucking kikery in Christcuckoldry?

Meanwhile atheism just lets you believe whatever, it has no set ideals or anything. So really you can't blame atheism, it's not atheism's fault people are retarded and fill the godless void with bs instead of focusing on their survival.

Under the defamation act, Islam is a cult and not protected by blasphemy laws.
Or at least it should be, it falls under the provided definition

The templar were better bankers by far, Christian too.
Also killed jews.

Good job taking this massively out of context. The verse actually means that there is no 'chosen' people anymore, that the 'Israelite' blood that was once seen as so important was now irrelevant - because Israel is now a 'spiritual kingdom', and they are all 'one in Christ'. They inherit the Kingdom of God because of their belief in Christ, and thus the phrase 'then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise' shows that all Christians will go to heaven, regardless of their physical bloodlines.

There is no equality before God. The statement is that we are all unworthy of God, and thus are all equally unworthy of entering heaven (only a perfect man can enter heaven). This does not make all people equal, and it does not make God love us all the same, or value us all the same - it means that we alone cannot be perfect. In other words we need the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The subversion that you've parroted is textbook kikeery.

Wew! All those Christians who meet up after Church to share a meal… HOW DARE THEY SHARE THEIR FOOD? SOCIALISTS! COMMUNISTS!
… I'm exagerrating a bit, but really this is just talking about being community minded. They helped out those in their community who were in need, they fed each other, they'd pool resources if they have to. Believe it or not almost every single community in the Western world did this up until a few decades ago. Everyone still worked, everyone still had their own stuff - but they would tithe to their local Church, and that Church would take care of any of their members who fell upon hard times.

You can call that communism/socialism if you want, and you can say that the Bible encouraged the idea. You would then however be attacking charity and helping your fellow man. Believe it or not you can be charitable without being a communist, and it is actually VERY IMPORTANT that we help our white communities today.

Islam and its idiotic laws and violent behaviour are a symptom of jewish intervention. We all hate muslims and want to see them exterminated to the last - but they would never have achieved anything were it not for jews.

Did you know that it was a JEW who stole the true cross of Christ from the Romans and gave it to the Sassanids, which sparked a bitter and destructive war which left both sides utterly shattered with the Romans technically victorious but realistically unable to defend their territory? Did you know that 2 years after this Jew-instagated war muhamad came out of his desert with a huge army and found vast lands from both the Roman and Sassanid Empires entirely defensless?

Did you know that it was JEW who opened the gates of Constantinople? It was Jews who informed the muslims where the Christian armies moved, when the towns were undefended (like Toledo). The muslim never achieved anything without the jew.

Yes it is you fucking d&c'ing kike, all atheism does is make people lose any morals and values they had and thus makes them easy prey for jewish control.

Report and sage this fucking thread because OP is an obvious shill if he can't even accept that atheism is bad.


You're the d&c kike though, I started the thread hoping you'd see an opportunity to wake more people up to Islamization but you had to sperg out about your dumb dead kike on a stick being insulted.

I mean if those morals and values are such a strong defense against Jewish perversion why are Christians tripping over themselves to help starving niglets?

Explain the jews.



Atheists persistently attack all sexual morality in the west, perceiving it to be a harmful consequence of Christianity. They are of course instructed to do this by jews.

t. reformed fedora


t. agnostic

Please point me to the atheist scripture which I have to follow that instructs me to do this. Oh wait that's right atheism has no set of rules to follow, it's just a lack of belief in deities.

Where do i say i actually believe in a christian God? I'm saying there is more than just the earthly, but this doesn't mean i believe in old man in the sky.


It's also convincing everyone else that any morality or belief in something higher is bullshit

And today's christian church has been subverted to its very core, the JQ was actually a hotly debated issue back in the day

Isn't this because of the Irish constitution or something? I heard they were planning to get rid of the clause anyways, but that they need to hold a referendum for that first.

Again there is no scripture you need to follow as an atheist. You can believe whatever you want other than in a deity, at that point you cannot be classified as an atheist.

Your fallacy is correlation does not equal causation. Just because many atheists do something does not mean it is because of atheism. I mean you guys said it yourselves atheism created a void. What filled that void was unfortunately a pile of garbage.

That's atheism.

That isn't. I'm sure some atheists do this, but likewise, there's plenty of scummy behaviour among religious people of all stripes.

Afghanistan is not the Middle East, it's in Central Asia. Israel are indirectly responsible for your picture, that was a consequence of (((The Soviets))).

The lack of atheist literature doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to notice general trends among atheists. Niggers don't have a nigger literature, yet I notice patterns and trends among their behavior. Ditto atheists.

Atheists like Stephen Fry are major thought leaders that trickle these attacks on traditional morality down to the atheist masses. But it's not just him, it comes from a great many of them. Many atheists don't consume any atheist propaganda at all, yet still attack these traditional values. In many cases this is because their rejection of traditional values precipitated their rejection of Christianity (e.g. "I want to fuck men up the ass, but my priest says I shouldn't. Therefore I no longer believe in god.")


That's hilarious.

To be specific, that garbage is simply the cultures of modern European (Western) nations which have been destabilized due to foreign influences. First with the worship of a Jews, then the Jews themselves, and now with the most base of the Semites as a physical infestation.

But that's exactly why atheism is to blame. In a world without a God, there can be no objective morality or standards to be held to. Ideologies like egoism, nihilism, and hedonism become a foregone conclusion to the man with no standards, because his primary assumptions will naturally become something along the lines of "if it feels good then it must be good" and "nothing really matters anyway." It's the atheistic worldview - which has admittedly come around to infect a lot of self-professed "Christians" - which leads to people to not give a shit about their race, as it is outside the self and therefore perceived to not matter in a world where individual pleasure is the only thing considered worth pursuing. Christianity itself may not be obviously or explicitly pro-White, but it was the notion of the something greater than the self that the religion professed which enabled the men of the past to even consider the inherent value in their race. After all, with no objective standards to be held to, who's to claim that cannibalistic, loincloth-wearing savages really are living inferior lives? Or that high IQ or civilization really is a sign of superiority? I mean, come on, it's all, like, subjective, man.

No, not an argument.

and how exactly is is egoistic to become a minority in your own land? it isn't. the problem is pathological altruism to foreigners.

I was typing out something similar, but you put it better

you wouldn't know an argument if it smacked you across the face.

You are emotionally invested in this issue, so it blinds you to the truth.

It's like you haven't interacted with even one of the egoists who constantly shit up this site. They dismiss the claim that being a minority in your own land is a problem with "Race is a spook" and proceed to carry on with their day of fucking over their countrymen to the best of their ability.

i'm not the one who devoted my life to the worship of some mystical skywizard. i may be emotionally invested but not even close to you dead kike on stick worshipers.

those people are retarded stirnerfags, they do not understand what egoism is.

This, atheism is nihilism lite, and as with nihilism you need to show good judgement to fill the void.
It seems to me that the fundamental Christians believe that as soon as you stop believing in God, all societal rules just go out of the window, completely ignoring that there are rational reasons why these rules are important.
Murder isn't bad because it is a one way ticket to Hell, murder is bad because you are arbitrarily cutting short someone elses time living. Stealing is bad because you are taking by force what someone else has worked for. Being a slut is bad because of STDs and because of the lasting damage you deal to your ability to bond with the opposite sex. Faggotry is bad because of STDs, because it disrupts society and the family unit and because it removes able bodied men from the gene pool.
You don't actually need a priest wagging his finger at you and threatening you with eternal torture to figure out why you should not do certain things unless you are a nigger.

Utter bullshit. I don't need to invent a higher being to tell me that being a jackass to my fellow man is bad. Certainly I won't learn that from Islam.

How do you convince someone who believes that nothing outside the self is important to care about his race? Egoists inherently only care about the small-scale and believe that society at large can go fuck itself.

Neither am I dimwit. What did you think I mean when I said I'm a reformed fedora?

You and I are both atheists who (presumably) both still endorse traditional sexual morality. The difference between you and I is that I recognize that atheism as a general force facilitates degeneracy, while you refuse to consider that possibility because it would reflect poorly on a trait that you have.

Yeah, not all atheists. You and I are in the definite minority.

because there is such a thing as tribalism and even if you don't believe in race others do. and when they decide to see you as an outsider because you allowed your country to be infested with them you are at a massive disadvantage.

There are no rational reasons to stop you from killing anyone you want or being a selfish piece of shit. Rationality has nothing to do with it. That's the problem with atheism, they all think reason can solve everything, but it can't.

but it doesn't. atheism leaves a void which can be filled with degeneracy. but i filled it with rational egoism which makes me abstain from such thing since well the shit is bad for health quite frankly.

right, ever heard of jails?

Atheists may not immediately all become rapists and murderers, but atheists participating in or tolerating the existence of other forms of social and sexual degeneracy are the norm. There are some exceptions, but that is the norm.

I didn't mention being a jackass to your fellow man. I mentioned degeneracy and apathy. What does it matter if you chop off your dick and get a pair of fleshlumps sowed to your chest? Or take a black cock up your asshole, assuming you can do it without catching diseases? Who are you harming? These are questions that an atheist can't answer without emotional reasoning.

"The demographic replacement is still decades away. That's my childrens' problem, not mine. I'll just live out my last years in the countryside."

Great for you. I did similar. But there is no atheist scripture. Most atheists never replace it with anything worthwhile. Therefore, their atheism leaves them empty and degenerate.

If you cannot admit this, then you are letting your ego cloud your judgement, like a rare law abiding nigger who cannot accept nigger crime statistics as truth.

That is the norm for cucktians as well.

and now you see why i posted the op. it's not just your kid's problem.

Yes, and what do you base the laws on that send people to jail? Rational thought? No

So the Jew can allow himself to be caught and punished without his cries of oppression convincing ignorant onlookers that the Jew is innocent. This prevents the Jew from beginning his real damage to society, which is by recruiting those same onlookers into shielding the Jew from criticism and spreading the Jew's Satanic will.

again no, atheism leaves you empty, you can fill it with degeneracy if you like.

yes, if you want a functional society that provides you with medicine and comforts, that is how you make laws. essentially you think of rules that will have the outcome which is most preferable to you, just on a group level.

I just listed some rational reasons. If you actually need to be threatened with Hell (eternal punishment) to not harm the people around you then you are pretty subhuman.

And Christians doing the exact same thing are the norm, too. Nowadays, that is.
Hold on, it seems that back in the day, everything was less degenerate. It's almost as if there is some kind of outside influence detached from religion that actively pushes degeneracy on every group.

Christians adhere to traditional sexual morality at a far greater rate than atheists. Are too many of them degenerate in the CY+2? Yes, of course. But as a group they're significantly less degenerate than atheists, as a group.

>That's not true, I'm a nigger and I don't commit crime. White people commit crime too.

Atheism is the tabula rasa of religion.
It makes you more susceptible for indoctrination and conversion. Materialistic in the current case. Or islamic once it increases in size.
If you think that being atheist is edgy and cool then you are an idiot.

Religion evolved with a specific goal and that is shielding your waking conscious from your animal subconscious so social order and hierarchy can be established.
Or in other words, if you're an atheist you are reverting yourself to an animal, who is guided by emotions/instincts. Just as the communists and kikes want it.
The final goal of religion is to free yourself of materialistic desires and achieve buddhatva. The final goal of communism is to castrate your spiritual self.

I would love to see some citation on that, champ.

More often than not, that's what happens. Atheism doesn't build anything up, it only tears down. It's a force of degeneracy. Can one who becomes an atheist build themselves up into something greater again? Yes, of course. But typically that doesn't happen, and the ability to find ethics systems after becoming an atheist doesn't change the nature of atheism tearing down traditional values in the first place.

because that isn't what christianity does. lmao.

you do realize most people are retarded right? the majority of christians are pieces of shit just the same.

It's pretty fucking obvious. How many atheists have you known that willfully "waited until marriage"? The vast majority of people who do that are Christian. How many atheists do you know that are willing to speak out against faggot marriage? You and I, obviously, but we're in a minority. The vast majority are Christians. We could go on, but if you won't recognize the self-evident truth of those two examples, I doubt we'll get anywhere.

In the west, the majority of people who adhere to traditional sexual morality are Christians. The percentage of atheists who do is vanishingly small.

oh rly?

>s-see, there are white people who commit crime too! It's not just niggers!

I'm not a fucking christian. But do i reject everything in christian morality? No

I'm just convinced that you can't base a society on atheism alone, because how will you determine what is moral and what has value? Everyone's opinion will be equal on these matters because there is no God that imposes right and wrong. Atheism is basically just think and do whatever you want because nothing is objectively bad.

Any form of organized hierarchical religion is by definition a materialistic control structure that concentrates on exoteric knowledge to control simpleminded people and leave them at that.
It has no intention to actually advance people's consciousness. Only to destroy it in puruit of power.
The things that are actually worthile are kept secret. Which is evil by definition becouse you're not trying to help people.

You are fighting against your own strawman.

So you hold atheists to the exact same rules as Christians. That's just silly, user.
You shouldn't care about how long they wait for some arbitrary date until they procreate, you should care about how loyal they are and about how little they cheat.
How many Christians to you hear so? I have only heard very low energy protest against faggot marriage from either side.

except we have a causal reason for those crime stats maoa allele frequencies, here we know it isn't directly to do with atheism. rather degeneracy that fills the void since most atheists while smart enough to realize the silliness of believing in god are too dumb to figure out how to proceed properly.


>I'm a nigger that's triggered by your crime statistics, so I'm going to spam you with links to white people committing crime
I think we're through here.


And how will you create that system, what will you base your judgements on? Democratic vote?


All too typical.

the root problem is stupidity though, not atheism.


hahahahhahahahhahahahahahhaahhah yfw his only good role was ultra conservative

Oh no, a faggot pedo jew is in trouble.

Every catholic I know is welcoming refugees here and is absolutely naive. They believe they are right in their collective suicide by welcoming muslims. The fucking pope is a good sign. If you think christians are traditional you should go out more. Maybe it is different in america but in europe christianity is cuck incarnate. I know conservatives and nationalists who are both christians and atheists. Actually more of them are either some spiritual self made concept of reality or just atheist. Even protestants are cucks here they mostly do not care about any religion, order or anything but just happily go to work, drink themselves to near death at weekends and then repeat.

This is all anectodal but still. I guess america is different?


European churches are so thoroughly cucked by DESIGN that you really shouldn't point at atheist as the source of trouble alone. Who is supporting shitskins as easy converts? Who is deeply involved with """NGOs""" smuggling dindus? Who grants church asylums?

Do you at least reject "hookup culture" in all extreme and moderate forms? Exceptionally few atheists do. Most atheists see no problem with dating and fucking girls they don't intend on marrying.

The_Donald pls go

The root problem is culture. Neither Cucktianity nor Semite informed atheism can provide a basis for European culture and thus both will lead down the path of self-destruction.

It will take many generations to awaken the old gods.

definitely, anything that spreads stds needs to be discouraged. it's dangerous to allow yourself to be at the mercy of such urges.

In the modern age of family courts and no fault divorce, marriage doesn't give you any warranty for anything. I would agree with you if divorce wasn't such a whimsical entity, but today a divorce is being dumped and having to pay for it. So the waiting for marriage meme is no longer relevant.
What IS relevant is that your partner has had no partners before you so that you at least have a tiny chance she won't just jump dick.

This entire thread is one big reddit clusterfuck full of (((atheists)))

So many dank memes in this thread, lads.

STDs is the only problem you see with that? I hope not.

The sexual "liberation" of women is a major driving force behind degeneracy. If you participate in that, you are contributing to that culture of degeneracy. Every time you fuck a woman you're not at least engaged to, you reinforce and legitimize that woman's degenerate behavior.

Exceptionally few atheists seem to understand this, even on Holla Forums.

Well, good luck with that. Hopefully you can put aside being smarter than God long enough to figure out how the human mind really works. But that probably won't happen unfortunately.

it is the main one, the other is diminished pair bonding ability.

no actually, it is about which morals and values result in what consequences. opinions aren't all equal.

no that is postmodernism which is something many atheists have argued against for a while now.

That's the main one. STDs are frankly negligible compared to that one, you can't treat diminished pair bonding with penicillin.

Fantastic book, superb taste.

you cant cure hiv and it rekts your immune system. at the very least herpes is annoying af i imagine and condoms dont really protect you from it.

i guess here is where my rational egoism comes first for me but the result is the same. both of us avoid skanks.


the thing is i doubt i would be here if it wasnt for new atheism. hitchens is the guy who woke me up to what was happening and from there i went down the rabbit hole so to speak.

there were also the bruce lahn and james watson incidents which were very eye opening.

On the topic of Sokal, I really enjoyed reading this:
It's Nick Brown and Alan Sokal's brutal takedown of a widely cited but complete bullshit psychology paper.

Good (less dense) article on the same:

To help this thread get back on track, I'll provide some context for this investigation. Ireland is paying huge attention to churches right now. The Soros funded "Repeal the 8th" campaign, where NGOS are basically paying for referendum to legalize abortion. A maternity hospital was given to a catholic religious group with so much mud flung at it you'd think it was in Africa. The dude who did this entire accusation did it for political reasons. He's capitalized on the anti church feeling among Irish people to get rid of the blasphemy law by making a ridiculous accusation. Steps are being taken to delegitimize the Christians at every opportunity.
For the most part, Ireland has been ignored by Holla Forums but they should take a look at it. The Irish law which states that modifications to the constitution MUST be carried out via referendum means that attempts to fuck up Ireland are done by subverting the Irish people. Trying to observe the issues from that angle can give you insight in Jewish shilling campaigns.

what is with cranks and fluid dynamics i swear? is it that they really think their bullshit won't be observed if it isn't in steeped in deepak's quantum physics mumbo jumbo?

appreciated, user. lets get this thread back on topic.

A major problem with Ireland, as I understand it, is that (entirely understandable) anti-British sentiment was used to get the Irish on board with Marxism. I don't think we can address the subversion of the Irish people without addressing that.

I think it's because fluid dynamics is sufficiently complicated that it allows them to obscure their bullshit in ways that most people won't be able to understand. Same reason quantum physics is so heavily abused. I really enjoyed the part of Fashionable Nonsense where Sokal goes over the "fluid dynamics is complicated because men are afraid of menstruation fluid" bullshit. I got a real laugh out of that.

Christianity fulfilled and expanded upon Greco-Roman philosophy and metaphysics so it spread like wildfire in classical civilization. Then after the Jews helped catalyze the dark ages with their war the Christian monks preserved classical knowledge and education. I guess that was bad if you want to pretend the gay proto-european demonic pantheons which are the same as egyptian and semitic pantheons were the better alternative what with child sacrifice and sodomy. Lack of culture is the problem and what we need is cultural revival.


You mean "degenerated and infected with Semitic influence thereby allowing Semitic dominance to follow in its wake." There would have been no kikes around to catalyze the dark ages if not for Cucktians bowing to them. Cucktians have always been nothing more than slaves to Semitic interests; anyone with even a basic understanding of spirituality knows the consequence of worshiping a foreigner.

You're right about one thing, a cultural revival is exactly what is needed. European cultures though, no Semitic influences.



Greco-Roman culture was already weakened by the time Christianity came around. That's why Christianity was so effective at subverting it. Of course that's no excuse.

Christianity was created by Constantine, out of the Hellenic cult of the Christos, to be the new state religion of Rome. Regardless, everything touching the Mediterranean, everything that ever flew the Roman eagle, every land that ever made statuary of the gods of Olympus, every people that sang using the 8-note musical scale and everything descended from the Renaissance is the West.

Christianity has been in Europe since its inception, and The West was founded by and molded by Christians. There is no question of importing Christianity; it is already in the fabric of our nations, and no Christian invaders are trying to alter and undermine it.


fixed font

Cucktianity began in the land of Semites with the worship of a Semitic god by a Semitic cult leader. It can never be anything other than a subversive tool of Semites.

Nigger fights niggers: Nigger remains a nigger.
Chink fights chinks: Chink remains a chink.
Beaner fights beaners: Beaner remains a beaner.

Kike fights kike: Kike becomes gentile, fully European spiritual figure despite being born a kike and coming from a kike god.

Only in Christianity.

No, it's the other way around.
There's a reason why "Christmas" and so forth is how it is.
And it's not Bethlehem style.

But it should be.

But that's not what many europeans do.
Just look at a map of Europe and count the protestants/bible literalists

Catholicism, aka the most pagan denomination of them all, is a leader for a reason.

The more jewish (aka close to the original) a denomination is the less popular it is in Europe.

That said, it's still a fully jewed religion.
March to zion or any papers on how we wuz the true isrealites don't matter.

The bible is the only holy scripture of Christians, and the bible is a fully jewed piece of literature.
God has a name, and it's not Hermann von Gott from Lower Saxony.
It's Jehova/Yahweh/Elohim/Elshaddai/etc

But the name game fools many. Including all the Christians.

Assyrians are classified as Semites, although they were proven to be biologically white.

Maybe we really wuz Israelites.


Because they don't want to draw a cross.
So what.
A lot of whites don't want to draw swastikas, and they're still white.

Have other races come up with a racial descriptor that defines all whites by their extraordinary revulsion to the swastika?

Holla Forums is a logical next step for a lot of the fedoras. After being steeped in the skeptic community long enough to see its flaws, they have few places left to turn. Holla Forums might not be there last stop as they migrate across the wired, but it will be a pivotal one.

Are you retarded?

No, because whites aren't that autistic.
The point still remains, however.

Simply replace kikes with niggers in this scenario.
Would you still use the same argument?

If you're a kike, throwing some other kikes out of a temple doesn't make you a gentile.
You remain a kike.

No, because niggers can't even build temples, let alone practice usury in them. Two can play that game :^)

I used to look up to those three as Gods. Though since becoming more right wing, I actually praise and understand intuitively the necessity of Christianity in our upbringing, and the well being of our societies, at least for the foreseeable future. Then Jordan B Peterson came along with his idea of religious truth. I much prefer Christopher's brother, Peter, and he's still alive, and considering his healthy diet it's not a surprise.

What is Gobekli Tepe?
There is no way that place was built by simple hunter gatherers as the orthodox historians would have you believe with their timeline.

Oh no, it's retarded.
He adopted it as a tool of social control and a hip new thing to appeal to the retarded masses. Wasn't even baptized until he was on his deathbed.
Judaeo*-Hellenic cult
Because the West is doing just peachy after following Biblical precepts, amirite? Love thy neighbor, cuck thy people. Jesus was a refugee!
Which is precisely the problem. Christianity started the West down the long path of retarded liberalism (by this I mean classical liberalism, too. The two are inseperable if you're not some retarded libertarian)

Would it soothe your autism if they we called them heebs instead?

It's insulting that they even try to pass this off. Complex relief carvings by hunter gatherers? Give me a fucking break.

There was a Europoid colonial presence in Canaan, but the Israelites are the Canaanite subhumans who later invented a monotheistic tradition in order to unify under a tribal king. All of the mythic parts of the OT are stolen from other religions, mostly degenerated versions of Egyptian and Sumerian narratives. The historical parts of the OT then document the warfare following the collapse of the Europoid presence in the region. By the time of Yeshua, there were no Europoids in the area other than the new conquerors.

Take it up with Schoch since you can apparently prove something no one else can.

From what I understand, that narrative is no longer pushed. It's now rightfully looked as the beginnings of civilization, although the argument now is that it was a localized settlement without much of the trading that defined the Bronze Age.


The Catholic church is not the same as christianity.
THe church of Peter is not the church of Christ.
Christ was the first one to go against the Jews. Tats why they killed him. He was going to take the power from all the jews.

christianity = Worship of El Elyon = Followers of the God of Melchezedek
Judaisim = Islam = Followers of Yahew, the Fallen god, represented by the phallus. (Thats why jews cut their dicks and why they love obelisks).

Now, taking what a pope says, as what christianity is a very kike thing to do. In the sense, that the chruch has been one of the most corrupt organizations in history. And if you take a look into the morale of the NEw Testament and of Jesus's preachings, they are usually very very distant.

We are not semits spiritually by defenition christians follow El Elyon, NOT yahew (the devil).
The Jews and the jews inside the church want you to believe otherwise, but its not true.

And don't strawhat saying "luv thi neibur". That's a very poor argument from a Holla Forumsanon. He says you have to help them, but not fucking be a cuck. Aka, you will invite a refugee to your home, and you will set him of on the third day. Why? Because it is not his home.
Read the New Testament, and stop being a Yahew shill. I don't care if you disagree with this, but at least differentiate between Jesus and fucking popes.

LONG proven false, faggot. A global civilization existed in 10,500 BC.

Incidentally, look at this carving from Gobekli Tepe, and this other from Easter island. Look at the hands.

Same CIA posture.

Ohhhhh boy, it's this shit.
Matthew 15:24-26
So, an internal fight between desert cults? Wasn't Abraham, father of the Jews and Arabs, blessed by Melchizedek?
Okay. Let's assume for the sake of argument that you are correct. How has Biblical literalism and Protestant sperging went for the European peoples? It's even worse now; there's Israel-firsters and all sorts of bullshit Judaizing. That's because the New Testament is inherently a Jewish document meant for Jews (until Saul of Tarsus decided to peddle it to the goyim, much to the consternation of the Apostles)
If anything, the Catholics were doing Europe a favor by keeping the Bible under lock and key and interpreting it in an ad-hoc manner. Biblical literalism would have you throw out every European holiday; Catholics knew that wouldn't fly. Just one example.
You still haven't provided a single fact to back this up. Yahweh is some hebraic conjugation of I AM, the title used by God in Exodus. This is the same title used by Jesus later in the New Testament. Sure, the modern version probably doesn't reflect the Aramaic of the time - but it's not far off. I've checked.
As for, >we are not semits[sic] spiritually, I'd like to refer you to Romans 11:16-20 and Galatians 3:29. Christians are literally the New Jews(TM). We wuz real Jews n sheit.
Why take him in at all?
Lmao, I am so far removed from your retarded Semitic cult spat; I couldn't give two shits about Yahweh and Melchizedek. I was in your position once. After reading the whole New Testament in direct translation from Aramaic, I realized I was literally clutching at straws. Jesus doesn't give a shit about you, contrary to Saul's tall tales. It's not the religion for the white man, just another retarded infight by desert people. Much like the Jews and Muslims hate each other.
You're right, Jesus was infinitely worse for Europe.

Matthew 21:43

Remember when Fry played that closet homosexual in V For Vendetta, to show the horrors of a Christian Nationalist Britain? I'm sure he thought he was so brave.

Likewise when he signaled against Trump's immigrant ban he thought he was so very very brave.

Well now this queer Jew can feel so brave when he gets decapitated by incarcerated Muslims.

Who wants to place bets that he runs to Israel?

You don't build a thing like that unless there's trade and pilgrimages involved.

No shit Sherlock.


I've been feeling like checking out some Churches locally, just to have some spiritual surroundings with other people.

But, i don't want to end up visiting a purely cucked church. Think if I asked the pastor in confession what he thinks about Israel will i get a straight answer?

Not an argument. Here, he was speaking directly to the spiritual leaders. It was obvious that he meant to circumvent them and bring his message directly to the Jews. Even were it not so, the passage is still unclear in regards to the goyim unless interpreted selectively. In Matthew 15:24-26, his feelings are made crystal clear on the issue, without any form of vaguity or interpretative mental gymnastics.


I'm not christian so i wouldn't know

That's the thing, kikes think they can jew God with their lawyerly dissimulation. It's even in the Talmud, and Jesus says as much in his Woes of the Pharisees.

The lost sheep has to do with the Parable of the Lost Sheep, and doesn't mean that gentiles are like dogs. Jesus still goes on to help the Canaanite; if that were not his intention in the first place, why would the pleas of someone he supposedly saw as a dog change that? Jesus was fond of exploiting cultural norms in his rhetoric and turning them upside down, as in elevating the harlots and publicans above the scribes, or referencing the stone the builders rejected from the Psalms in Matthew 21:42. Coming to Matthew 21:43, the original Greek word used for the nation bringing forth the fruits thereof is ethnei, the dative singular of ethnos, which is the same word used for the gentiles. Why would that be intended for jews?


Of course it is, it's their people's religion. Why would they have any mercy for outsiders? The laws are only applicable to fellow Jews, for they are the only ones that matter.
Was in regards to Pharisees blatantly extorting their fellow Jews in their greed. Goyim weren't even an afterthought. That's why he was really mad, the Jews were supposed to be immune to each other's tricks - a brotherly people, according to the Law. The Pharisees were fucking that up by fucking over fellow Jews as well.
Right. After she gets on her knees and begs for it like some kind of goy slave. Is that where you want to be? On your knees begging for Jewish salvation?
Great, so he was a revolutionary as well. How lovely. Pic related.
He wasn't speaking Greek though. That said, I see your point; ethn- was usually a translation for goy-. Like the whole dog thing though, it is a shit position. There's a reason it's referred to as Christ-cuckery, because you're cucking yourself to Christ's Judaeocentrism. In that same example, if the original branches want back in (i.e., the Jews convert), then that's great - in fact, that is the original purpose. You as a goy, on the other hand, are basically asked to not get too uppity in supplanting the Jews' seat as its seen to be a temporary state of affairs.
tl;dr Jews first

Forgot pic.

So was Hitler. National socialists opposed reactionaries like Hindenburg, as in Horst Wessel-Lied. Is Hitler a commie too now?

To add, the stone the builders rejected was also used for King David and Christ. Doesn't mean at all that they were secondary.

If you want to take the Evolian position, then somewhat. His populism and reluctance to let Wilhelm's family (Wilhelm was an insane dick, not giving him the throne is justified) have at least a passing role in government was unfortunate.
That being said from the Evolian perspective, Hitler didn't advocate anything half as radical as some of the bullshit Jesus peddled. Equality on the surface, yes, but no atomization, respect for the family, etc. In a way, he was fighting a revolution for traditional values - in his case, the reactionaries (in the strict sense of the word) were the plutocrats and demented elites. Much like they are today with the GOP.

There are only 3 acceptable positions on this question.

1. Atheism.
If you need to believe in some kiked bullshit to not be a complete fucking degenerate, you should be strung up with the rest of your kike companions on the day of the rope. (((Abrahamic))) religion? Not even once.

2. Esoteric Hitlerism
Self-explanatory really.

3. Kekism
Like Esoteric Hitlerism, it is truly a religion of peace.

It's not even clear that this passage was talking about non-Jews.

Out with you kike

Really tickles the pre-frontal cortex.

I just said the word used was ethnos, which means nation or gentile. It wouldn't be used if Jesus meant a class smaller than a nation, because if he meant the Jewish nation, it would clearly also encompass the Pharisees. The Greek word for "the people" as contrasted with the elite is laos, as opposed to ethnos for "a people" and anthropoi for just "people". If he had actually defined "the nation bringing forth the fruits thereof" as the common class of Jews as opposed to the chief priests, laos instead of ethnos would be used.

You too buddy

It's (2) now kike

Nice try Shlomo, now join your Rabbi Yeshu ben Yehosef in the oven.

Here's your (you).


Wew look at this jewish asskisser. How do the matzo leftovers taste, you shabbos goyim dog?

White nationalist? Well guess what? You need to believe in a kike in a stick too. Otherwise you are rejected, because religion comes before race.

Hm. I stand corrected, if this is the case. Regardless, it still does not change the overall attitude. Co-opting the goyim was opportunism at it's finest. The religion is still mainly aimed at the Jews, the conversion of which is the goal (this stands in stark contrast with any modicum of reasonability regarding the Jewish Question, and has led to shit like cryptos infiltrating the Catholic Church). Again, however, this is all very simple when you understand that Christ was an ethnic Jew, reforming the ethnic Jew religion (I'm not going to go into the Pharisee/Judaism argument here, but let it be known that it's autism and bullshit - both Christianity and Talmudism stem from the same Jew shit). The goyim were -grafted- as branches onto the olive tree - the tree of Semites - and told not to get too uppity. It's a shit position for any anti-semitic views. Basically, the beef becomes not with the Jews as a whole, as a nation of biological parasites, but about their obscure choice over which autistic desert cult to follow. If they're Christian, well then, that's great, hallelujah! They have found their rightful place!
It's shit. It's all Judaeocentric shit. It doesn't help us in any way to get inside this retarded thought trap, and it has only hindered European interests in the long run (cucking for foreigners, allowing Jews into usurious positions because Christians were forbidden, etc.)
Let me remind you that we would have absolutely NONE of this "chosen people" shit without Biblical literalists.

Here's another (you)

What in the actual fuck, my man? You need to lurk for 8,000 more years



Anyone who doubts the reality that Fedoras are all spiritual and intellectual Jews needs only to pay attention to the policies they espouse and the institutions they attack.

The "Atheists are based, they go after Islam sometimes too" is no different from the "Muslims are based, they string up faggots sometimes" tagline.

Charlemagne invited in the Jews to plunder and mix with his people (forming the Ashkenazim - which roughly translates to "Germanics"). Jews are a problem, of that there is no doubt or disagreement. However, the facts are that it was the Christians who allowed them to reach these positions of power and spread around the world like never before. So, yes, Christianity is at fault for lowering the Europeans' guard in regards to the JQ.
That said, most atheists are insufferable faggots that I likewise cannot stand. Something needs to be done about the general outlook there - most take it as validation of hedonism and relativism, whereas the correct course is improvement (both on the micro, i.e. self, and macrocosmic, i.e. societal, scale) as per Nietzsche.

Why take them at all:
Poland: Catholic country that hates immigrants. Why? How do you explain it with your "Love thy Neighbour" arguement?
Why did christians even do crusades?
Why did christians take over rome?

'Elyown' functioned as an adjective to give the sense of "highest", so 'elyown el' simply meant "highest god".
Yahew is a fallen God.
Abraham betrays Melchezedek (go and look at the Masonic books). He has power on earth but no where else. He will take your soul and give you inmense power over "people" if you do a treaty with him: First cut your dick. As you say, Abraham was blessed by him but he betrayed him, and gave hiscult to yahew, the devil.
That is why Jesus calls them the synagogue of your father, the devil and so on and so forth.

I don't have time to go through strawhat picking the bibile, so don't throw bible passages. Rather explain them, and explain them in a context of the whole, or I don't know where you are getting at.

Why is the New Testament inherantly for Jews only? care to explain, I would be interested. Also what are the differences between Aramaic, could you point out some? Tell me more.

I don't think Jesus, or at least, the interpretation they've had of Jesus in the west was bad. It cerainly allowed for many birdges and allowed for monestaries which cultivated actual science instead of druidaic religions that were common in Europe.

Maybe something would of been better, perhaps. But implying it was bad and wanting to bomb the churches as the izlambros is actually going agains't EU's identity. The thing is, EU is built upong the identity of the Cross.
And the Kikes hated that.

Why do the elders hate Christ?

Expect them to open up wide when the EU shekels are on the line.
You tell me. Pic related.
They didn't. They were brought over as lowly slaves, and peddled an ideology by a Jew (sound familiar?) Then Constantine decided to use it as a tool of social control and to win some political points, originally decriminalizing it until it was made the top-down state religion some 30 years later. Due to the massive state benefits, most noblemen decided to go into the clergy, which decimated Rome's ruling class and ultimately led to its collapse.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Ah, now we come to the root of the issue. What's next, referencing the Zohar?
.He will take your soul and give you inmense power over "people" if you do a treaty with him: First cut your dick.
What did he mean by this?
From what I understand, this particular desert custom was a leftover from Egyptian times, wherein certain populations got contraceptive dick rings installed to prevent overpopulation. The Jews, being Jews, simply cut the foreskin altogether to avoid Egyptian population control measures.
I have only thrown out a couple, and explained them as well. Why do I have to read your holy book for you?
As per Matthew, Jesus himself says that he's come only to save the "lost sheep of Israel", aka Jews. To give the gift of his salvation to the Canaanite woman was to throw this present made for Jews "to the dogs". Dogs, in this case, of course, are the goyim. The woman then gets on her knees and grovels before Jesus until he reluctantly gives in and blesses her.
So what I mean by the "New Testament" being made for Jews, I mean specifically that Jesus himself said that he came for the Jews. The "community outreach" (read: opportunistic twisting of doctrine) was done by Saul of Tarsus - who never even met Jesus but decided to shill his religion to the goyim upon seeing him in a dream (how convenient!) He did this to the annoyance and outright anger of the Apostles (who HAVE met and spent time with Jesus), who understood that Jesus' gift was not for the goyim. It was Saul who inserted the "neither Jew nor Greek" phrase, it was Saul who made circumcision un-mandatory, it was Saul who struck down the Kosher food laws. Notice a pattern?
For one, Aramaic was the language that Jesus actually spoke. It was the language of one of the first copies of the Gospels, and it is particularly telling. You will find no division between Yahweh and "Elyon" in the Aramaic version. Yahweh (which is extremely close in Aramaic) is simply the conjugation (in some retarded tense) in the Hebrew language family for "I AM", which is the name God gave himself in the Old Testament and the same one Jesus uses in the New. I, too, thought there might have been a difference there (I recall some saying Ahayah or something of the sort), but upon reading the Aramaic transliteration I was sorely disappointed.
Furthermore, the "proto" Jew religion (since Judaism/Talmudism, I figure, is a sore point that I don't want to get into) that Christ followed had the same "names of God" dealio as modern Judaism - that is, they have like 120+ words for God - according to them, some with magical powers.
The interpretation in the West was strictly controlled by the Church, which damage controlled the scriptures. Once the jig was up with Protestantism and everyone could see exactly what was written, things started to go downhill - fast.

Except, there was a lot of actual knowledge held by these "druidaic religions" that either was co-opted or had to be re-invented. One example is the use of copper as an antibacterial agent with regards to water. It took a long time to properly sanitize the water supply, during which time people died of dysentery and resorted to drinking "small beer" instead, which led to a culture of drunkenness and inefficiency. It is, however, true that the Church attempted to clutch at the knowledge from the Roman period - which almost makes up for the fact that they caused the Empire's downfall.
Also, who gives a shit about the EU? The EU is built upon Judaism and globalism, it needs to be destroyed to make way for a Europe of Fatherlands (look it up).
If you're referring to the Protocols, consider that it was written by someone working for the Czar's secret police. In Orthodox Russia. With a state church. Of course it was going to shill the church as a bulwark against Jewish tricks.

Jews were never slaves in Egypt. Exodus is a fabrication.

Surely some must have been. How else would you explain the cut dicks?

So your argumentative tactic is pointing out how many posts a person has, as if that matters? Jesus, you're autistic. Neck yourself, kike.

Who the hell knows where the freaks got the idea. But they were never slaves in Egypt. Exodus was written by the jewish priest class to secure their political power while they were exiled in Babylon. At the time polytheists like the jews figured that when you were in foreign lands, you worshiped foreign gods. Since the priests were exiled in a foreign land, that didn't bode well for their political power. So they wrote Exodus as to explain that their god was always the most powerful god, even in foreign lands.

Eh. Write stupid comments, get stupid responses.

Vid related

Interedasting. I have heard this before. This also explains the domination of the priests after the return to Canaan.
Still would be interesting to know where the cut-dick thing comes from, as it seems the niggers do it too (and more)

I don't know what religious people in Europe are like but when ever Christians in America show any amount of racial consciousness and stand against degeneracy it's always Atheists who go on smear campaigns and make fun of those dumb religious people for being hypocritical. Two can play at this game. I believe that Atheism/ Secularism has an important place in the West but so does Christianity.

Truly contemptible.

Abbos practice some form of extreme mutilation too IIRC. I have no idea how people could even come up with such an idea.

maybe that's it.

Stop pretending like Atheists or Materialists haven't existed in intellectual circles through out the Western Civ's entire history.

Yep, here it is

I've made no such claim. I was agreeing with you. That comic mocks the phenomena you describe.

Knowing this, why give them the attack surface? This is exactly the problem.

Probably some kind of retarded hygiene measures due to being filthy animals who live in a desert. Daily reminder the abbos literally burned down the lush Australian forests because they couldn't tame the wildlife. Incredible.


I read that as "compatible" and thought you were being sarcastic. My apologies, user.

Good thing I wasn't eating

What do you propose? Put the jewish problem on the backburner until we can get white people to stop being Christians first? Not tenable, and I question if it would even be desirable. Without a suitable spiritual replacement since many would turn to other 'prophets', like Marx.

No, we need to learn how to play the cards we've been dealt. Religious conflict in the Right won't get us any closer to our ultimate goals. We need to learn how to work with the Christians.

At least you had a warning, imagine how I felt when I found that article! Why must wikipedia be so degenerate? Would image spoilers for penis gore really be too much to ask? Wikipedia headquarters is probably as degenerate as a San Franciscan faggot parade.

This is exactly the problem.
Religion can be culturally significant and socially held in high regards with out having a theocracy persecuting white people for not personally believing in God.

The best thing about the West is the value it places on the virtue of knowledge and it's willingness to advance. This requires a free exchange of ideas from people who fall within a culturally/ ethnically homogeneous framework who have the civilization's best interest to maintain it's willingness to progress. Since Atheists and Christians have historically played a significant role in this I believe they both fall within this framework and can both exist.

The funny part is you're more right than you think. The Wikimedia Foundation is headquartered in SF. I applied for an internship there once (didn't get it though).

Hm. You may be right on that. However, I do think that the core people should not be allowed near that Jewish mind poison. It's just far too easy to attack if your foundation is egalitarianism.

I hate to say this, but we may need to promote LARPaganism :^) amongst our people (or read the Vedas or something). I'm personally reading the Bhagavad Gita right now, it's pretty good stuff.

Atheists and Christians can coexist, but atheists need to stop the constant memetic assault and bulling on Christians. Jews encourage dispute and the formation of victim complexes among atheists. Every teenage fedora tipper thinks he's Galileo being persecuted by the pope that's a whole other topic… because his mother makes him say grace before he eats his tendies. Where does this persecution complex come from? Jewish programming through the media.

This ×2
All religions force you to listen and believe and not question anything

Kinda. Repealing this went to the back of the queue so religious leaders didn't get angry at lawmakers. I'm pretty sure this was all planned to make it look like Ireland's hand was forced, while ensuring Fry gets the blame publicity he craves.

Don't hate it. I don't believe there is a problem with Paganism itself it's just that
1. There are no modern Pagan intellectuals (even if there are, I assume they are very fringe) where as the majority of Academic intellectuals are either Atheist or Christian
2. Most self proclaimed pagans know nothing about it being a Native European religion or anything about Pagan mythology/ traditions but believe it's just "Wvrshvp dvh eyrth mannnnn" with out any nuance.

I completely agree with everything you said. It's the New Atheist movement which is spearheaded by Jewish-Atheists (Sam Harris and Hitchens for example).

this. I'll always be an atheist, but I understand religion as social construct that can be used for good.

tbh I wish the pope dies. the current one as bad as a kike.

We need a new Ahnenerbe.
In the meantime, Varg is somewhat okay if you filter some of his stuff.

I keep saying, where the fuck is one of those bitcoin millionaires that actually wants to have some fun? Beyond all of the glory and sorrow that comes with trying to re-establish the true culture, there are some anomalies in this world which would be astonishing to bring to light. If someone wants to truly destroy Cucktianity once and for all, the simplest method would be to prove that the things our ancestors knew which Cucktianity has suppressed are indeed truths of this world.

Do you have no argument to user's points?

Holy shit I hate autists. The sheer amount of autism in this thread is astounding. The majority of posters don't seem to understand this isn't about fucking stephen fry, it's about the fact there are now defamation laws. It's indicative of sharia coming and how it happens. Who gives a fuck about stephen fucking fry you autistic cunt faggots

I have no idea what this thread is about, I just came here to check these trips.


Yes. Once you do a bit of digging they are nihilistic to the core, mainly because they are too scared to actually choose a side. I say it every day: Boomers are cucks.

No, he's Ahl Al-Kitab. A man of the book, believing in the same god, but practicing a different religion.
Kuffar are pagans, atheists and degenerates. Christians can function under sharia, unlike the liberals.

All these atheist faggots focused predominantly on Christianity and you know it. They focused most of their energy on it. Do a search on Google or YouTube and you'll readily find that >96% of their material is just antichristian. Their anti-Islam material is very elementary and their attacks against it are mostly just pointing out how non-kosher it is for atheist degenerates. "It doesn't tolerate homosexuality." Oh, the tragedy. These people aren't great at what they do. Even their attacks on Christianity generally amount to little more than, "I can't see a God. Therefore he doesn't exist… (Probably)." And, "muh evolution." Any well trained philosopher could run a Mack truck over their entire narrative. Anyone impressed with elementary empiricist scepticism critique should reevaluate the quality of their education. Anyone who thinks these impotent pop pseudo philosophers are good should kill themselves.

Heil Herr Hitler!!!
Nice trips.

Words of truth. The real problem here is the encroaching Sharia law, with the backing of mudslimes, kikes and lefty goys.

Um, newsflash, buddy. Most Western countries already have Sharia law. What do you think halal is? What do you think mandatory prayer time in school is? What do you think anti Islamic defamation laws are? The west already has Sharia. Not all of it, but technically we already have it.

I fail too see it as a bad thing if faggots like Fry will get locked up for blasphemy.
For too long they spat onto religion, patriarchal values and decency.
If I see the rats who have been smugly destroying the civilization beheaded, I'm totally okay with this.

Yes. When you become educated enough to fully comprehend the full implications of an honest and rigorous atheism it will smash you into pieces. I'm an agnostic ex atheist however I would NEVER promote agnosticism or atheism or even bother to defend it. Being agnostic may be more rationally correct but the jury is still out on its usefulness and the consequences of its mass adoption could well be catastrophic.

We already have it. If you want to get top tier red-pilled on it, look up Dr. Bill Warner. He has a YouTube channel and a website with books and courses about Islam on it. If you can find the Holla Forums books archive, you can.find a few of his books there.


user…. dont break ancient history

Our memes transcend space and time.

So libshits are getting what they were asking for?

Like there's no evidence of a successful atheistic society. ;^)

Trips confirm.


(Jesus trips checked)


There is no such thing as muh D&C when it comes to religion. You are either spiritually pure or an enemy of the folk. It'd be like calling D&C on libertarians getting browbeaten or other such civic nationalists being turned away.

Guess all Europeans have been enemies of their own volk for the last millennium then.

And look at the state our nations are in because of it.

Christianity brought monogamy and the family unit, which is the most crucial part of a society, along with the foundation for the scientific method. Pre-Christianity Europa were a bunch of savage retards playing in their own shit, which is why the Romans steamrolled them.

You're clearly a teenage fedora faggot who thinks the subverted kike religion we see today is 'Christianity'.

This is literally 'muh kike on a stick' meme from Something Awful. Fucking gas yourself you SJW.

Like I said, one is either spiritually pure or an enemy of the folk. Cucktians bear the responsibility for betraying the ideals of their nations and not only ushering in an era of Semitic hegemony but also continuing to defend such perversions of the spirit. Cucktianity added NOTHING to European cultures other than the worship of a foreigner and a foreign god, thus paving the way for the road to progressivist liberalism. Rejecting one's own race in favor of the religion of another race is an instantaneous conversion to the ranks of the enemy.

Good fucking lord they will put literally anything in a headline won't they?

You really have to accept that Christianity kicked the bucket and that Islam is the only way forward at this point.

The problem we have is the current understanding of Christian message as opposed to the unrestrained evil and lack of moral discussion with forces within and without that seek to destroy both the people and culture that have lived and thrived around Christian values.

Tolerance, universalism and morality pale in face of forces that pay no heed to those things. It is as if religion and morality can only thrive in a place of uniform culture and civilized society that subscribed to one idea and lives by it. Sadly, Christianity in Western Europe doesn't inspire anyone to fight any more and thus fails as a force that would defend native culture.
As much as I appreciate and would like to keep Christianity as a cultural element of our European heritage, it cannot go on existing as a meek force of tolerance and defeatism - if we are to believe that God made us to live and gave us faculties of mind and strength to survive, we are obliged by those basics of nature to defend ourselves and those that we love and to protect those things we have created.
I love my neighbour because he is a neighbour to me - he lives near me and we respect each other's boundaries and that allows us to build a civilization. A bandit breaking into my house and stealing my property is by definition not a neighbour to me and thus I have my instincts guide me to eliminate this threat.

If we are to be intellectually honest with ourselves, we must dispose of tolerance as a virtue - tolerating evil, aggression and moral dissolution towards yourself is not good, it is worse than said evil, for you are not standing up to those things that perpetuate misery in the world. If I raise my hand and strike another, it is to prevent him from striking an innocent.