How does it makes you feel when Le Penis got BTFO?

She even cried like a baby when she lost the election.

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zionists and kosher nationalists get no sympathy from me

Kill yourself already you autistic shitskin

how does it feel to have skin the same color as shit

two steps forward one step back, she did better then ever before and everything points towards her growing even more in future.

At least she didn't go psycho on all her staff, start smashing anything she could including putting a $900,000 bottle of champagne through 72' TV.

Tears are acceptable. Her tears are not for her, they are for the future of her country. RIP France.

Nearly everyone cries when they lose an election. That's what happens when you get a massive rejection like that. There are pictures of Romney tearing up when it was announced he lost.

Is that what Hillary did?

Nothing is changing folks.

Things are going to go downhill as usual.

Another kike was elected, continuing the kike legacy. Nothing new and nothing to be upset about. If you can handle current situation, you can handle future situations.

Work on getting her elected and don't despair.

Was she actually going to close the boarders and deport all the non-whites?

Marine now knows, perhaps more than any other person, the true feeling of being Cassandra.

She tried so hard to avoid it all, putting her life, reputation and dignity on the line, but now she'll have to mourn prior to each event. I'd give her a hug if I could; it's a nasty thing to be hit with, particularly at one's zenith.

Something like that will never happen through straight election.

How does it feel when every election "far right" candidates get more and more and yours' get less and less support?

How do you feel looking 4 years into the future, faggot. :^)

Yes. Also my bad on the TV. It was 150' not 72'


She probably would have tightened immigration, and dealt with the migrant issue, but I doubt she would have completely stopped everything.

no of course she wouldn't do this

I think you're not giving enough credit to the gains made this time. She did far better than last election, and stands to do well in 2022.

fuck off

Disappointment, not at her but the French.
When they elected a person that said "Terrorism is part of our daily lives" what other feeling would you have other than Disappointment.

Females are emotional creatures, not surprising.

Gains have nothing to do with it. She isn't crying about gains, is she? She's crying because she has to stand at the sidelines while Macron encourages more Nice-style attacks. A shame I have to type it out so literally.

The only people upset here are the jewish shills who for some reason felt it really important to get Holla Forums to get behind every kosher nationalist jew controlled opposition in world politics.

Macron and Le pen were controlled opposition, Holla Forums used to be all about exposing this sort of shit, nowadays you get swarmed on by organised teams of jews for daring to criticise the kike.

I don't know, I haven't seen the full video. I was mostly commenting on you saying this is her zenith, when really she can still go up from here.

Don't forget about how he wants to literally islamize France. Not figuratively speaking as a result of his policies. He literally said that in leaked documents that their plan is to rewrite the history books focusing on shared history of French with Algerians, Cameroonians, and Syrians and trying to culturally blend them into a "french islam"