Israel denied extradition request for bomb hoaxer

Remember that series of "bomb threats" at synagogues across the US earlier this year?

Remember how the FBI went into Israel and found out it was an Israeli Jew (most likely part of a larger organization) who had made all the hoax calls?

Well, surprise, now Israel doesn't want to extradite him.

Back in March, all 100 US senators signed a letter demanding strong action against the Jewish bomb threats. This even includes Rand Paul. - The Hill - Times of Israel

Naturally, in solidarity with the victims of this hoax, we should contact them and urge strong action against the hoaxer and criticism of Israel's handling of the problem, as well as contact encourage human rights activist groups to do the same, then post the results so everyone knows how seriously people take such bomb scams.

The goyim who drafted the letter:

Jewish senators who signed the letter:

I also wonder what Rand Paul thinks of this.

These are their official accounts; they also have private ones. Please make sure you are using appropriate OpSec when contacting various groups.

Finally, as the end of the Times of Israel article says:

“I commend Senators Peters, Portman, Nelson and Rubio for mobilizing such a resounding bipartisan call for action,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO, Anti-Defamation League. “Today the Senate demonstrated a unified moral front against hatred and sent a strong message that in our America a threat against one of us is an attack on all of us.”

Well, a scam against one of us is a scam against all of us, so we need to get Jonathan Greenblatt and his buddies in the B'nei B'rith to condemn this horrible crime. Especially since they can't possibly be supporting it, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

One more case of jews using cries of anti semitism as a way to cover their crimes.


Sticky This

Israel has a long history of harboring US and international criminals.

The jew cries out as he strikes you.

Great find OP. Carve these into normies' brains.

Is shit from my arse Kosher? I will give it to him willingly, no charge.

Who didn't see this coming. Crickets from the kryptos who were crying about it as another Shoah. Trump visiting these scumbags too.


Good post OP

Also, Israel denied the extradition of an Jewish-Australian woman from Melbourne for pedophilia charges.


There is no reason Sean shouldn't bring this up at the next briefing. That they had found the bomb threat maker, hes an Israeli citizen and the Israeli government refuses to extradite him.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that Israel refuses to extradite. They never extradite.
Remember, Israel isn't a "nation-state" in the traditional sense. It's more of a central hub for world jewry to congregate and plan. It also functions as a safehouse for kikes who get caught. Whenever a kike gets in trouble, he always puts up bail and immediately hopes on a plane and aliyahs to Israel. Hell, I remember the israeli media putting out some newstory a while back complaining about how Israel has such a high number of pedophiles and other sex offenders. It's because they all flee to Israel. And just look at pieces of shit like Jonathan Pollack. He was imprisoned in America for sending state secrets to Israel, and we rightfully imprisoned him. But that didn't stop the kikes in both America and Israel from bitching and moaning for 30 fucking years demanding he be let go so he can flee to Israel.

It's also why jews aren't at all concerned with flooded white countries with kebabs, even though standard conservatives ask how jews could possibly side with the people who want them dead. It's because they'll just LEAVE after they've done their damage. Israel is the getaway after they're done fucking over a white country.

He won't. It's been over a month since the kike was caught and still nothing.
Also, we still no nothing about this faggot. Who is he? Who's his family? What connections does his father have? I fucking guarantee you this goes deeper than just some random kid.
Also, remember how the jews tried blaming his behavior on an alleged antisemitic brain tumor?

He's a jew in Israel. They'd protect him even if he wasn't connected. If only because letting it go to trial in America would draw more attention to their Hey Rabbi antics than refusing to extradite.

Of course no one here is surprised, but this kind of stuff is good to show normies.

Well of course, but I still don't think this was a lone jew acting alone. Apparently the kid was using fairly sophisticated equipment. We need to find out who he is, and what his father does. I'm telling you. I bet his dad is fucking Mossad or has connections to high-ranking kikes in some way. Remember, the jew boy has Israeli-American dual citizenship but has apparently never been to the USA, meaning one of his parents are from the US. This shit runs deep. I want to get to the bottom of this.

IIRC he also had millions of dollars in bitcoin.
Anyone have the article/archive?

Pollack didn't just give Israel secrets, he gave them the entire electrical and communications infrastructure/blueprints of the Middle East. It was so shocking, so big, that it was easier to not report on it (many media outlets didn't), and just report on the basics. Then Israel spent years lobbying for his release, and when they finally pulled pollack out of prison (under obama), they gave pollack a nice cushy Wall Street job making plentiful amounts in America. Pollack is still in America iirc, and is working for these jewish firms.

Someone post the screencap of the NSA contractor that ran off with millions of taxpayer dollars, jew'd so much that he got kicked out of Israel, and is currently in Africa financing his own feudal state to avoid arrest. I'll do it later if I remember.

Eeeeh. Knowing journalists and cops, "sophisticated equipment" might have just been a standard server rack for his porn NAS. Do we know anything about what he actually had? I haven't heard any specifics.

Actually, I think I heard he had a cantenna?

But do you honestly just think that was one jew acting alone?

I think if mossad did it, they'd find a white guy to be the fall guy.

Mossad isn't infallible. We've caught them doing their bullshit many times. Probably many times more than we think, but with good goy presidents who just keep a lid and don't let the public know.

Had this happened under Obama or Hilldog, I bet we never would have "caught" the perp, period.

Jesus fucking Chris, do you have an attendant to wipe your ass? Adjust your hockey helmet so it isn't covering your eyes and reread the op.

If they planned it, they'd have a fall guy lined up before the operation began. I think it's more likely this guy was working alone, so mossad wasn't able to cover for him because they didn't have time to prepare a patsy.

Again, Mossad isn't infallible. And it might not even be Mossad. Mossad isn't the only jewish organization that does subversive shit like this.

Plus, my point is that the kid IS THE FALL GUY. IT GOES MUCH DEEPER THAN THIS KID.
Why do you think he's so adamant about hiding his identity? It's to prevent us from finding out how connections.

I don't believe that jews pick jewish fall guys. A single jew working alone is more plausible than jews picking a jewish fall guy.

also he was /r/ing the original article that said he had all those bitcoins.

Why are you so adamant that we take this at face value and not investigate to see if the plot runs deeper?

All jews must go into the army service for some years - even the super rich ones with connected Mossad daddy.
Speculating that he's part of the rich faction that gets to sit at a computer and make bomb threats while drawing a salary he won't touch.

Guarantee if he had millions in coin (((they))) gave up an account to say "alright, you got caught - make up a story for these goyim. If we're lucky they'll forget all about this once they discover you got hacked by the Russians."

I don't oppose any investigation. Investigate away.

Pedo Dyke Kike privilege supercedes straight kike privilege.


Good news, jails and prisons provide kike services and meals.

I know, its in the op. That's where i found it.

>An Israeli teenager arrested for allegedly making bomb threats against Jewish centres in the US is facing charges relating to thousands of hoax calls worldwide, including against airlines and police stations, according to an indictment filed to a Tel Aviv court.

>The 18-year-old, identified by US prosecutors as Michael Kadar, is facing accusations of making threats for financial gain alongside charges of money laundering and the attempted blackmail of Ernesto Lopez, a Delaware state senator.

>The Israeli indictment includes allegations that he made threats to about 2,000 institutions worldwide using sophisticated technology to mask his voice and IP address.

>Kadar, who has not been named in Israeli proceedings, was arrested last month in Ashkelon, after a joint investigation by Israeli and US authorities, including the FBI.

>The indictment said that after Lopez, a Republican on the Delaware senate, criticised the wave of threats, Kadar called him to demand payment in bitcoin or face incrimination on the internet. When Lopez did not respond, he ordered drugs online to send to the senator’s house.

>Kadar is separately accused of threatening to kidnap and kill the children of a former CIA and Pentagon official.

>In addition to the bomb threats to Jewish centres, the indictment said Kadar made a bomb threat against an El-Al flight to Israel that sparked fighter jets to be scrambled, and threatened a Canadian airport, which required passengers to disembark in emergency slides and left six people injured.

>He is also accused of threatening a Virgin flight that as a result dumped eight tons of fuel before landing, and of threatening a plane being used by the NBA’s Boston Celtics.

>Reports in the Israeli media have alleged Kadar took payments for some of the bomb threats from students who wanted exams postponed.

>The indictment said he posted set fees for calls to police stations, schools or airports.

>An indictment filed in a Florida court on Friday accused the teenager of making threatening calls – with his voice disguised to sound like a woman – describing in graphic detail how children would be killed in US Jewish centres.

>“I will ask the court for a sanction in lieu of jail time, as with every day that passes my client’s mental state deteriorates further.”

Greatest Ally!


Okay, so the kike's name is Michael Kadar. And we have a picture of him, even if there's no face. Can we use that weaponized autism to pinpoint exactly who this is? Israel is a small nation. It'd be like pinpointing someone in New Jersey.
Hell, even get the israeli yids on 4/pol/ to assist. Someone has to know this fucker.

Good luck.

Wow the female looks like it could be macrons sister in law. Macrons wife confirmed for jew undead witch.

Do you have any idea how many yids have the same name? They deliberately do it as a defense mechanism to obfuscate their tribal shenanigans. All individuals, all one people is their shtick. Dirty goy can't blame all jews for the actions of one, amirite?

Proving once again that it is a one way street

True, but his full name is more specifically Michael Ron David Kadar. So that narrows it down. We also have an age and city, as well as a picture of his overall appearance/head/hair that we can use to doublecheck.

I'm just surprised nobody's bothered looking into this yid.

Narrows it down to what 10k?

The fucker is untouchable in Israel. What would doxing him do? As it is he can't come into the country without facing charges or plastic surgery to go with the new ID.

Hey rabbi, whatcha doin?

Now if we can find the IDs of the individuals paying him to do this shit…

Does he have any family in the States? Those (((dual citizens))) have lots of relatives in israel.

Dude, are you a fucking shill or what? And your ID popped up right after the last shill stopped posting (see ). Fuck off and stop trying to dissuade people from investigating this kike.

But I'll entertain you. It's not 10k. Kadar isn't that common a name for kikes, since it's hungarian.
According to, there are approximately 400-500 kikes with that last name in Israel. Then you factor in age, date of birth, first name, and middle names, along with A FUCKING PHOTO OF THE FUCKER and it shouldn't be that hard to ID him

Why, you ask? It's not about the kid, you retard. It's about who he's connected with. Find out who mommy and daddy are. What are their connections? Are they connected with Mossad? The ADL? Any of the American jewish media? It's about digging into the rabbit hole.

If we can't narrow it down, then it is as they say, they are all one people.

Then do so without whining about why no one is doing it for you. 500 is clearly so much easier right?

Listen dude, if you find something then by all means share it.

Also you stupid cunt, check the IDs. Been posting a while.

FFS, what was I thinking. Of course the fucker wants someone to do it for him, even IDs are too much and timestamps are too difficult to follow.

Not to mention one of their own ambassadors, pic related


the jews are desperate to keep the name MICHAEL KAYDAR from being a symbol of hate hoaxes. Do not let them get away with it

Are lethal injections kosher?

Anyone know if there's an 'Israeli White Pages'?

Name: Kaydar
Location: Ashkelon.

>pressreader .com/usa/new-york-post/20170325/281719794412562

>YNET reports that Kaydar’s father was also arrested.


Just a prank, goy.

This guy can't be tried in America because it would reveal that Jews are doing this to themselves to keep their children from assimilating. This has too much redpill potential and they know it.

Why the fuck aren't we having fun with him?

I want to know more.

Well, at least there's some good news this week.

k, I'll post the screencap, even found the old thread in the archives;

Well fuck, I checked wikipedia to see what's new about this fuck and low and behold;
so yea, have fun raging

When do we get to hear the NPR special on this? Can't wait to hear heeb radio voices tenderly coo the innocence of this hero-refugee Chosen person. Will be exciting to hear the hagiography.

Just like they did with Jonathan Pollard.

No but there is a certain Jewish poison gas company… the names on the tip of my tongue… starts with a z…

Holy cow he was quite the busy fellow.
He broke many more laws than I thought.
I don't think even the most ZOGed senators would let this go.

It's state endorsed terrorism. The reason it isn't even being talked about (besides the obvious) is that they're probably trying to coordinate some narrative/script to ride down the the wave as quietly as possible.

I listen to NPR all the time when I drive, I guess because the traffic doesn't raise my blood pressure enough. Today they had an entire special about retired black athletes starting up television series about racism and white privilege. They even defined Richard Spencer as a white supremacist (those exact words) and regarded 'professional' black athletes as being just as successful, productive, and required as other sectors of society. In a few short years it's gotten out of hand. Five years ago, NPR wouldn't shut the fuck up about shitty arts and crafts festivals in the ghetto. Now they're destructively partisan, and are destroying their own credibility to do so. It's also the reason you should pirate the shit out of MATLAB any chance you get (MATLAB is a primary sponsor/advertiser on NPR).

who would have thought this could ever happen?

See Franklin Espionage Scandal….

I'm glad all of that ass kissing to Jews and Israel has finally paid off. Nice fucking relationship we have with them neocucks. This needs to be spread over social media, and we need to rub their fucking noses in it. Maybe the proudboys would like to explain why "our greatest ally" is harboring a terrorist.

So apparently some foreign aid package to Israel has been halting because of some rule that was broken and Trump Admin not signing some waiver…makes you think

Is this payback from Trump admin about not getting their guy.

Jewery is abound!

Needs a source.

The laws of goyim have no jurisdiction over Jews! You've got no case goy!

everyone in Israel is a US and international criminal

ever get tired of being right Holla Forums?


Interesting. We'll see what happens.

For once a pinned thread that isn't just kek faggotry.

Thats a funny-ass rap sheet for little Shimon to have. kicks the fuck out of the loafing burger kikes.

Who here thinks that Mikey might set off the Samson Option to coverup his monkey shines?

If Rand Paul were a crafty one, he would think "HMM it seems we can't extradite someone to Israel either!" *rubs hands*

Another reason to send them all there and not allow them to leave.

Let me get this straight:

Jews don't speak ill of other Jews because they have a no snitching rule like hood rats, the term is Lashon Hara. Imagine spreading awareness of such a practice. If it were a doity hwite anti semite goy bastid we would never hear the end of it, and they would get a Jew jury to crucify the culprit if they could.

user delivers



So, my take from reading the articles is that this kid had a dark net website set up where he would collect BTC in exchange for calling in bomb threats to wherever you wanted.
But that takes away from the nice theory of false flags bomb threats.
So I only offer this up half-heartedly. But if you've ever browse around the dark net you would know what I am referring to - there are a lot of sites on there where people will offer up shady services for payment up front.
I assumed most of those were straight up scams.

Ah but it being a darknet site using bitcoin allows the Juden to pay him for calling in false flags and not be fingered during any inquiries.

Just like the Black Church burnings from 2 years ago and 15 years ago when the culprit doesn't fit the narrative of the Great White Whale of a white supremacist it disappears from the news.
Remember DC sniper

Yup that's certainly a possibility as well, or maybe he didn't have a site at all and they still just paid him in BTC to keep things 'under the table' or so. I'm sure we could figure some things out with a bit of digging.

Remember DC sniper

I'm still surprised a nog pulled that off.

How do we know John Muhammed didn't have (((help))) of some kind, either saudi or kike?

Can't J-DAR the KAYDAR

whats this guys name?

Now read the comments

good job protecting him chaim.

Life is tough now
Be smart enough to read the comment section before posting
Or get off the ride


He does look autistic, honestly. I'm more interested in his history of threats in Georgia. Several hoax calls and threats stemmed from a cyberstalking incident of a private home in Athens, GA, not mention all the usual threats of JCC and ADL offices in Georgia.

(((they))) are all helping him hide his kike mug
I haven't found the original from this pic, but it necessarily exist
any l33t H4x0rs around?

Only genuine autists wear those kinds of sweaters outside of church and Christmas parties.
Are (((they))) weaponizing autism now?

Most societies are built on harnessing autism.
Most social mores are there to keep autist working for whoever/whatever is in power.
If autists aren't put to work effectively,
a civilization breaks apart.

The affidavit in Georgia only mentions the JCCs and ADL threats in passing, and only delineates on the school threats and private resident threats. I reckon those are purely incidental: they were made from six or so compromised email addresses with passwords posted publicly to be used for illegal activities, and I think there is truth to the notion that Kadar himself just did it for the money.

The two outstanding elements are his father, a "tech industry" (meaning espionage) worker who claims ignorance, and the actual anti-Jew hoaxes themselves.

Washington Post published a report showing the increase in American antisemitism since 2015 (the year Kadar started making hoax calls in exchange for bitcoins). Also in 2015, Itai Ozderman began working as an IT engineer at WaPo. Ozderman, based in approximately Washington DC, you might recall as being an alleged Mossad agent. He was arrested for imitating an ICE officer, walking around with a bullet proof vest and a police badge in public. His home contained several police-affiliated items including a working police radio, as well as seven handguns, two M4s, a shotgun, body armor, tactical vests, magazines, and ammo. At the time, lots of us on Holla Forums speculated he was going to attempt a false flag to turn public opinion against ICE. Oh, and Ozderman is an Israeli-born Jew, if you hadn't guessed.

There's no telling who hired Kadar to make the calls, but to me there is a connection between Kadar, Washington Post, and Ozderman, all starting in 2015, until both of them were arrested in 2017.

ding ding fucking ding you're definitely onto something mate.


According to a report by Israel’s Channel 2 TV service [LINK], that country’s State Attorney’s Office told the U.S. Justice Department that although the 18-year-old is suspected of committing crimes in 10 countries, he will be tried in Israel.

Can anyone translate the original article in english?




For some reason Google Translate refuses to, it says my IP address isn't allowed or something even though I can load the page perfectly with my browser. This is the original link, just remove the *

Jail the cuck father too

it's (((their))) part of the interwebs, you must cheat of the original in kikespeak, then google.translate, then screencap in parts because joogle breaks the screen-capture scripts, then your bootleg fotochoppe to stitch the printscreen together

weaponize your fucking autism, rookie

THE ignorance of the broad masses about the inner nature of the Jew, the lack of instinct and narrow-mindedness of our upper classes, make the people an easy victim for this Jewish campaign of lies.

While from innate cowardice the upper classes turn away from a man whom the Jew attacks with lies and slander, the broad masses from stupidity or simplicity believe everything. The state authorities either cloak themselves in silence or, what usually happens, in order to put an end to the Jewish press campaign, they persecute the unjustly attacked, which, in the eyes of such an official ass, passes as the preservation of state authority and the safeguarding of law and order.

Slowly fear of the Marxist weapon of Jewry descends like a nightmare on the mind and soul of decent people.

They begin to tremble before the terrible enemy and thus have become his final victim.

The Jew's domination in the state seems so assured that now not only can he call himself a Jew again, but he ruthlessly admits his ultimate national and political designs. A section of his race openly owns itself to be a foreign people, yet even here they lie. For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn't even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.



I GREW UP AS A JEW. And having gone to an upper middle class synagogue throughout my childhood up through my young adult years, I am uniquely qualified to do an expose on the inner workings of the Jewish mind.
Now that I am an Orthodox Christian, having converted in 1971 to Christianity, I can see very clearly how the Jew thinks:

1. The Jew sees himself as a “Jew First.” In any nation that the Jew may reside in, he is an “American Second” or a “Frenchman Second” etc. - for the Jew is always a Jew First. Thus the Jew puts his interest first before national interests.

2. The Jew promotes secularism in any nation he may reside in. This works to his benefit. For the Jew fears nothing more than a Christian World View which has at its root the absolutism of Christianity over all other faiths as being false religions including Judaism. But the Jew believes that Judaism is the only true religion and it is his province alone. For the Jew looks upon the Gentiles, “the Goyim” as being inferior to him.

3. The Jew uses the indictment of “Anti Semitism” to prevent any criticism of his conduct, his ideas, and his agenda.

4. The Jew is hell bent on his self-preservation. Though American and European Jews love the good life, they promote Zionism, in order that they will always have a place to escape to.

5. The Jew would like to see the New Testament destroyed, defamed, discarded, and mocked. For in it contains the historical record of the Jewish leaders committing Deicide against the Eternal Son of God Who became man for our salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Jew wishes to eradicate this historical fact for it places him in a position as having to repent, an act that the Jew finds repulsive.

6. The Jew though he may be non religious still honors the rabbis as having final authority on all religious questions and matters. The rabbis have as their authority the Talmud which contradicts the Old Testament and blasphemes Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and Christians.

7. The Jew may promote “equality amongst men” yet he sees himself in a self conscious ethnic group that he considers as being superior to all others.

8. The Jew when confronted with the claims of Christianity will always reply, “I was born a Jew and I will die a Jew.” What he means is, “I will never become a Christian like the dumb goys.”

9. The Jew loves to be in control. The Jew loves to be at the top of the ladder. If Christianity were again to be in predominance in America, the Jew would be horror-struck. For then he will have the finger pointed at him that he is a Christ denier, a stubborn, stiff-necked hater of Jesus Christ, and a supporter of the Jews Who brought Christ to Pilate to have Him crucified.

10. The Jew will use every means possible to undermine Christianity in whatever nation he may reside. He will always cry, “Look what they did to us!” as if he is an innocent lamb without any faults. But whenever someone shows why “they did this to them” he shouts back, “You’re an Anti Semite!’

HAVING GROWN UP AS A JEW and having gone to an upper middle class synagogue throughout my childhood up through my young adult years, I am uniquely qualified to do an expose on the inner workings of the Jewish mind. Now that I am an Orthodox Christian, having converted in 1971 to Christianity, I can see very clearly how the Jew thinks:

1. The Jew has divorced from his mind all spiritual hopes of the next world. The Jew sees his continuity in his progeny so to carry on his name in this earthly and material existence.

2. The Jew lives for this world not for the world to come. The Jew is therefore a crass materialist.

3. The Jew, though “non religious” gives tacit compliance to the vision of their rabbis who foresee an earthly messiah who will establish a messianic kingdom in which the Jews will be the supreme heads of the nations.

4. The Jew does not like to perform manual labour. To make money the Jew is dependent on the labours of others. Therefore the Jew is primarily to be found in the service professions: whether financial, academic, medical, legal, mercantile, journalistic, or entertainment.

5. The Jew in the financial realm hopes to have all capital beneath his control. The Jew strives to get the possession of riches without industry on his part.

6. The Jew, in order to attain financial power, views Christianity, with its attendant moral influence, as a threat. For profligacy, dissolute manners, and perversion of sexual mores, places the Gentile, the “Goy” under his dominion.

7. The Jew in the academic realm strives to educate according to his Jewish World View. The Jewish World View is the unspoken perception that the Gentiles, the “Goyim,” are ultimately his enemies.

8. The Jew, therefore, who operates in the academic realm, will educate the “Goyim” to believe that the Jew has been an innocent victim of Gentile enmity throughout the centuries. Thus a certain level of obligation is inculcated into the “Goyim” toward the Jew - that he is deserving of deferential treatment.

9. The Jew who operates in the journalistic realm, which today is his total control of the Press, presents current events in favour of the Jew.

10. The Jew, who operates in the journalistic realm, which today is total control of all Media, presents Christianity in a bad light. This works to his benefit. For Christianity confers strength and moral fiber to the Gentile population, which the Jew wants under his dominion.

HAVING GROWN UP AS A JEW and having gone to an upper middle class synagogue throughout my childhood up through my young adult years, I am uniquely qualified to do an expose on the inner workings of the Jewish mind. Now that I am an Orthodox Christian, having converted in 1971 to Christianity, I can see very clearly how the Jew thinks:

1. The Jew is a perpetual outsider. The Jew is a ceaseless “observer” and consequent “actor” & “reactor” upon the world’s stage. The Jew seeks to impose his will upon the Gentile whom he looks down upon as being inferior in intelligence and activism to him.

2. The Jew is always on a “mission.” The Jew always has a “cause” he must fight for. The mission and the cause of the Jew is hostile to the mission and cause of Jesus Christ and Christianity.

3. The Jew wishes to remain aloof and separate from the nations. That is why Winston Churchill initially used the term, “The International Jew.”

4. The Jew holds himself separate from the nations, not primarily for ideological reasons as prescribed in the Old Testament. Rather, the Jew remains aloof from all others because he sees himself as belonging to an elite.

5. The Jew may proclaim and propagandize though his monopoly of the Media the slogan, “Diversity Is Our Strength!” Yet the Jew will never live in a neighborhood where poor Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics live. Why not? Because the Jew despises working class folk as being culturally inferior to him and socially impotent.

6. The Jew at heart despises the ideal of the “Brotherhood of Man.” For it is only through acceptance of Jesus Christ, the Christian Church, and the Christian Universal vision of the “new man in Christ” that the Brotherhood of Man can be realized.

7. The Jew wants nothing to do with Jesus Christ, the Church, and the Christian Universal vision of the new man in Christ. Why not? First because Jesus Christ calls all men to repent which the Jew finds repulsive; Second because the Church with its eyes set on the kingdom to come is disagreeable to the Jew who seeks a kingdom of this world; Third because the new man in Christ whereby all elitist distinctions are dissolved, is an identity the Jew finds repugnant to his love of ’separateness’ and control over others.

8. The Jew, through his monopoly of the Media, the Judicial System, and Academia, wars against Christianity. Why? Because Christianity indicts the Jew as being unrepentant. This puts the Jew in a position of weakness and beholden to the dictates of the Christian. The Jew considers this the greatest of all calamities.

9. The Jew falsely believes that he is part of the “chosen people.” Thus the Jew deems that he has the “divine right” to have his “rights” implemented and secured. In fact, the Jew with his yiddishee chutzpah demands this. What are the Jew’s rights as he perceives them? First and primarily, that the world around him should conform to his point of view and to his point of view only.

10. The Jew will ignobly hold on to his identity unto death. To die for the truth rather for one’s racial identity is a valid martyrdom. But “truth” for the Jew is not in the realm of absolutes. “Truth” for the Jew is to assert and impose his will upon others. And what is the Jew’s will? That Jesus Christ is not be loved, believed in, and worshipped.

IT WAS KARL MARX THE JEW and his fellows who were the first to sever the structures of human thought from absolute truth in what is called “polylogism.”
According to Ludwig von Mises, “Marxian polylogism” asserts that the logical structure of the mind is different with members of various social classes.

Thus, a position of thought is informed by one’s social class and is therefore to be unmasked as belonging to the bourgeoisie, or the aristocracy, or the capitalist.

“Racial polylogism” differs from Marxian polylogism only in so far as it ascribes to each race a peculiar logical structure of mind and maintains that all members of a definite race, no matter what their class may be, are endowed with this peculiar logical structure.

One of the foremost goals of the Nazis, von Mises wrote in his Jewish bias against Nazi polity was to free the Aryan soul from the pollution of Jewish thought.

The Nazis were in search of arteigen—a German manner—an approach and worldview that is adequate to the racial character of the Germans.

The counterpart of arteigen is artfremd — a manner that is alien to the Aryan racial character.

Thus, the criterion of science and truth is no longer correct or incorrect but either arteigen or artfremd.

The question must be asked, Do Jews think in a particular way due to its being inherent in their racial makeup?

Or do Jews think in a common way due to a sociological bias accumulated over the centuries?

Whatever the answer, the fact that a predictable way of thinking belonging to the racial stratum known as Jewry prompts us to unmask the structures of Jewish thought.

thank you based Nathanael

You're welcome!!!

Layers Of Jewish Power


Beautiful. Always need to read in between the lines with (((them))).

It checks out.

God damn look at that beady eyed semite. Low planed gremlin ears to boot. Raise the Fahrenheit my goys.

Near damn every single hate crime recently has been found to be a false flag or literally nature itself like muh tombstones even though it was just fucking storms. The kikes literally cannot stop whining and you can't trust their word for shit. Even a liar like a Clinton knew this, proof

>Most definite of all is Joe Lockhart, who was the White House spokesman at the time. In a recorded interview to Clayton Swisher, author of the book "The Truth About Camp David," he described Netanyahu as "one of the most obnoxious individuals you're going to come into - just a liar and a cheat. He could open his mouth and you could have no confidence that anything that came out of it was the truth."

Somehow I'm just reminded of (((Jack Abramoff))) and how he did the worst thing to Natives in the 21st century and he got off with barely any time thanks to literal Jewing and he ends up in kike jobs with his own movie. If that isn't an excuse for every goddamn race to hate kikes, I just. It's just insane.

I don't have autism but thanks for the tip – but that article OP posted is from April 23rd and there's an english version here:

Israel won’t extradite hacker who threatened Jewish institutions around the world


>Itai Ozderman

It's possible. It's worth a little investigation

Can you summarize what he did? I heard the name before but I forgot the context. I boycott Wikipedia so I'm just going to wait for your TL;DR if you got one

anyway, here's the Archive copy of the googletranslated page:

Israel: We will not turn over the hacker to the United States

That's a bit fucked up. Why do they want to keep him so badly?
Is it because he's a false flagger for the government of Israel?

But what gets me is that their services would try such a stupid thing.
What a joke.


of course. they are desperate. they are only just recently celebrating their 50th anniversary

just like wolf on wall street with jordan belfort. fucking scum.

and yet we allow them infect gov,banks,news outlets ahahaa.The next purge of jew rodent has to be the US considering all the dual citizens/israel which white ppl gave them to leave us alone so we didn't have to kill them all.Well pretty obvious no matter what safe space the WHITE MAN ALLOWS them they will continuously leech off of us and try to subvert us to their disgusting semitic bullshit thinking they are special chosen ones when without white welfare they wouldn't even exist.Israel was created by white ppl trying to get rid of nasty jews give an inch they try to take a mile and how by crying holocaust and trying to extort ppl businesses and countries world wide after ww2 to feel sorry for them LMAO it is 2017 Whites don't care about your holohoax they just wish it had actually happened and want you GONE FOREVER JEW!!

Aryan Rising!! the thing you hate the most jew are the saviors of the world that pound just by being you are not chosen for anything but as far as history says REMOVAL!! ;)

I don't think this goes much higher up than the Washington Post itself. That said, WaPo touts Jewish-influenced, Liberal ideas, but Israel doesn't have a real hand in its operations.

Kadar's father works in the "high-tech industry". In Israel, IT industry generally means espionage. He's probably not Mossad, but when someone decided to start making the hoax calls to generate a perceived increase in antisemitism, I think it's possible that they went through Kadar's father, a known contact in IT, who may be familiar to Ozderman, also an Israeli Jew in IT. The half a million dollars in bitcoins is still unanswered; even if a small fraction of that money came from the JCC/ADL hoaxes, it'd be a hefty sum.


470-252-4388 great board

I'm so glad the Holocaust has been debunked.

Jews love their hoaxes
Every anti Semitic message on a synagogue
The holocaust

Honestly if there are words coming out of a Jews mouth you can trust it's a lie of some sort…

lay down jew whites will kill everything you love rodent can by bass you 100 ways grrrr hang it up rat

clap clap clap clap louder!!!!!!!!!!

I am more bad ass than your wildest dreams fact

want shred ehh fuck off djent with melodic sounding better than everyone yea ok secret

dont care at all about niggers they all have to die goodem them whites rule the world


NPR is a lot like Commentary Magazine

full of redpills, you just need to have the right "They Live" glasses on
