Endchan D&C niggers

getting tired of this shit. endchan is completely kiked and is where most of our shills are coming from. I went and looked and in the space of a couple months this is the type of shit they're posting over there. they couldn't take this board, so they went to our backup and took that low energy empty ass shithole and now want us to move to a board they've already taken over.

just remember, this is the thought they express there and want you to move into. classic jew.


JIDF is here too btw, you're wrong if you assume otherwise.

Also the fuck are you talking about? That thread's full of people telling OP to kill himself.
Why do you want this reddit-tier moderation and adminship? Fucking hell OP you're a retard.

I'm glad people still remember JIDF. I was getting sick of muh shariablue and muh CtR

nigger an image board literally has to have IPs attached to posts or there is no way to ban faggots like you. how do you people not understand this?

shill, I read through the thread, there's more actual belief of the topic than people telling that op to kill themselves. that board is worthless.

JIDF has been back for awhile but they're getting really frustrated at not making any progress here. the blackpilling and coopting the plan to migrate to endchan as a backup and shilling hard for it is their new tactic.

Yes, but even 4cuck at its worst only kept IPs for a week because j00t was running it off a fucking mac mini.

That's a feature, IPs should never be stored for that long and they definitely shouldn't be stored in plaintext.
Jim fucked you.

People arguing in good faith maybe, but a good deal are telling him to fuck off. I don't like the place either but you've got some kind of agenda here.
Maybe you're that reverse endchan shill again who was in a thread earlier trying to call everyone calling Jim a kike and endcuck. Fuck right off.

They're getting good too.
They've learned to camouflage themselves better.

There never was nor never will be as good of a news/politics board as the original 4chon /new/.

is chemfag dead yet?

you kike shills always over project with irrational accusations. my agenda is not going to a kiked out board.

also, anyone that knows anything knows that IP addresses are essentially useless. I don't care about it. shit I can go on wikipedia right now and find IP addresses for anyone that modifies an article without an account.

you are literally trying to inflate something that means nothing into being a migration worthy event to your fucking honeypot. I trust no one that shills that hard for new shit that has the possibility of making money for someone, or getting someone information. same reason I don't join discords. if anyone has an agenda its the endchan shills. I'm letting people know, this is the type of shit they talk about over at endchan. not to mention, there is ZERO consensus or community on that board. it's a microcosm of american culture under ZOG and I wonder why?

I still check Brevard county's sex offender list from time to time to see if I spot his ugly mug.

Reported for being an endchan faggot


Pick your poison.

Meant this

Good, I don't give a fuck where you go or even if you stay. Just as long as you acknowledge some truths about Jim. I went to Endchan during the hack, they seem decent but really autistic and also seem like they don't want more people.

Where have I heard this before
Fuck right off with that, nice all lowercase posting and >spacing. Go back to reddit you fucking queer.

Yeah you're right about that, I don't trust endchan at all simply because it's hosted in Nevada and harbors a punch of chomo japs.
Recipe for disaster.

Nigger where is endchan shilling us? I don't see anything like that on their site or ours about either coming here to shill or going there to exodus. You're seeing endchan where there is no endchan which makes me think you're the one covertly trying to promote endchan when 8ch is in a time of turmoil. There's fucking retards everywhere and if you hadn't noticed the ISP count is around 3300.

I bet this faggot's in on it too, he's going to pretend to be that annoying fufuffu smugposter to make endchan look appealing or some shit.

Nice term made up by COINTELPRO spooks to discredit independent researchers.
Neither are ideal, neither are even okay. One is ran by dubious gamergate rejects and the other is ran by a freemason and a dataminer.
It was fun, but I think it's all downhill from here lads. Hopefully another hotwheels comes about, poor guy was too good for this time.

a pedophile masonic psychopath in phillipines who is a christian business man worked for us military in recruitment forces and owns sever plant buy Holla Forums from an cripple

absolutely trustworthy! stores your ip's for years and leaks them from time to time (and sells them eventually).
forces flagship Holla Forums to censor critics of christianity and trump and censors entirely legal boards like /hebe/ (and diaperfaggotry) under the excuse of trumps pizzagate election hoax

kikes have managed to bypass this board to a degree where you check kabbalah dubs and criticism of trumps kikes is forbidden and results in a ban by a jewish mod of turk origin living in germany

the only people who are still defending this chan are blatant jews who usually talk with each other in monomania conversations

He didn't even fucking buy it he stole it to "protect" it from lizardsquad.

Why don't the endchan kikes try to get more users to their dead honeypot board the organic way instead of trying to steal them from here? This sperg spends hours every day using a VPN to shill here. Go post in your shitty board.

kikes literally employ people who create fake conversations on 8/pol/ to emulate the image of a populated board

their shill tactic is based on posting dumb and outdated animes to attract idiots who then re-spam same animes and mason frogs keks because other "people" are doing it

That's more the case now than it ever was. We argued for years to reach our current consensuses. I'm also not sure that's a good thing. We could use an argument every now and again to keep us sharp.


Nice try, Jim.

wait a fucking minute you're this user aren't you?


what ould that be? the only reason this place got the traffic it gets it's because gaymergoy happened ,people were looking for alternatives and hotweels basically happened to have an alternative at the time. So the only way they know is to try and replicate that somehow and that's what they have been trying to do at every turn

Kike goon confirmed. Into the oven you go schizo kike

I'm lazy, choke on my dick if you've got a problem with it.

oh it's blind and retarded. oh no.

if that was fufufu poster you'd be banned already.

go post on your shitty israeli chan and mossad emailing site you kike nigger faggot.

see that's the problem with you endchanners, you like ODed on redpills and went too far down the rabbit hole and think you're the only real person on the internet or something. it's weird man.

Your lies about Holla Forums and Jim are staler than your shriveled up cock

Hotwheels was libertarian to the point of severe retardation.


This guy seems autistic anons.

What the fuck are you smoking? Half the board is alt-right dumbfucks who think the native userbase is a "bunch of LARPing blah blah"

Fuck's wrong with you reddit faggot? "conspiracy theorist" is a COINTELPRO term.
>>>/reddit/ >>>/suicide/

Man you reddit freaks always have dick on the brain.

More reddit-tier faggotry. Show me where. There's no "come to 8ch" thread on end, there's no "come to endchan" thread on here besides yours.

So you've bought into the idea he's a mod? the dude's awyattmann from TRS

Noticing we're getting raided is a blackpill? Wew fucking lad.
Enjoy your paranoid kid.

unironic schizophrenia.


We all basically agree on the same things. Disagreements come about on how those things should be approached. This isn't like a few years ago when Holla Forums couldn't decide if it was natsoc or libertarian, and you even had a few leftists milling about..

Why are people shilling discord all of a sudden? Its worse than reddit.

no I don't join discords because they're honeypots every time where they try to eke information out of you.

it's a different site retard.

do they not let you say the word nazi? how about SEIG HEIL DEATH TO KIKES AND NIGGERS. can you say it to me? say the 14 words kike.

Just look at this very thread user, theres more JIDF here than our own.

8ch been a target for a while.

always talking in half truths like macron. you will be gassed some day.

Fine. Its full of enlightened intellectuals. Is that what you want to hear?

They shit on everything, they're not really against us. I read their forums and they seem pretty redpilled.

note how hard I got shilled, immediately, for pointing out what they're doing? just saying. I've been pointing out their movements and seriously pissing them off for a couple months now.

Not when you really get down to it. I guarantee you half this board at any given time is in it for the irony and memes. We took on a lot of cuckchan after HWNDU and a lot of something tonight.

It's sieg you stupid nigger, and I've for them memorized by heard. we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
I'm not fucking shilling. OP is.

Faggots, retards, kikes, nihilists, etc. all work fine.
The spergs on end honestly remind me of those weird nihilist guys from Big Lebowski.

Anti-alt-right is pro-white. They're unch of fucking posers.


btw theres a different approach to discussion besides claiming jew unironically every post.

Goons and basic bitch shills think we are alt-right. What I meant was that anti kek shilling is a sure sign of kike goonery.

fucking newfag.

yeah, people that are defending it, and talking about what goes on there are obviously from endchan. its called context you discredit shill.

now you can't use IDs
Go back to reddit, most people lurk all imageboards, shit I lurk TRS to see if they're shilling us again.

Anyone can go to endchan and see for themselves what goes on there. You're just like the TRShills who claimed anons knowing what TRS was up to were totally the real shills xD

As far as I understand it alt-right is just a blanket term for anyone who's conservative, but not cuckservative. Is that not right?

Try forming an idea not based on pop culture tropes.

It's a blanket term for fag-enablers.

kill yourself.

Nice work. Moshe won't get many shekels today.

orthodox jews stand out like a big nose. you always only ever tell half lies, or mess up what you're saying on purpose. its like some weird spiritual plausible deniability.

no nigger, I'm not referring to you like I don't know who you are. I'm replying to seperate posts.

was till the shills used the categorical term as a way to discredit a huge group of people that we were influencing. happened about the same time they installed controlled opposition like dicky.



I was pointing out the irony of the assumption that its ok to share your ip address, and then be afraid of the discord jew. See any hyprocrisy here?

You first.

forgive typos pls.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

For you.

and as I said, I'm not worried about discord for IPs, they're literally all honeypots where they try to get identifying information from you over a long period of time.

Discord itself is proprietary software that's free and has no way of making money. Suspect as all fuck.

Yeah. That's what I thought you were going to say. You're exploiting a fracture point because someone said something about the gays.

Ok just went to you faggot honeypot nigger board. First real thread is this. Seriously kill yourself schizo kike. You are that shitskin that posted dead dogs aren't you?


More like because being a fag / gay is okay is a core belief of theirs. Kill yourself alt-kike scum

Dumb nigger where did I say endchan was good? It's pure shit. I've posted all of twice on there during the hack before I learned it was hosted in Nevada and went to an alternative site with /polk/
dead dogs is a cuckchan spammer named doggore.

no that user is right. thats literally shill tactics 101. exploit cracks. that is literally what this d&c against the mods, alt-right (and coopting that term to mean anyone that isn't fully redpilled and just started down that path), and cuckchan (granted they're retarded but thats the shills fault not theirs) is about.

the jewish installed controlled opposition leaders are not the alt-right and they want you to seperate from that group so it's easier to condition them and control them.
don't be retarded

You people are so transparent sometimes. You'll be telling me to get into the gas chamber next. Go on. You know you want to.

A honeypot is a place that actively presents one image but has ulterior motives. Endchan doesn't have an ideology mong.

m8, I can see your other posts asking people to spoonfeed you. You are clearly T_D trash.

Yes they are.
Anyone using alt-right is obedient to those leaders and have nothing going for them in the realm of pro-white ideologies.
They're all posers who want niggers(WITH A JOB!) to fuck their daughters because telling their daughter to avoid violent animals would be bad PR and then they might lose ad revenue ;_;

Blow your brains out alt-kike cocksucker
I figured out what this is this is an alt-kike shilling thread after you homos got BTFO when your own turned on you. Fucking absolute retards that cared more looking like they're winning than actually securing the white race's future. Fuck off.

Why don't you rattle off some more memes you learned on Encyclopedia Dramatica. Then people will think you're one of us.

Go back to reddit alt-kike apologist

See this. This is what they actually think we are. This is what they think appeals to us.

Agreed. But CIA aka Mossad with their tools and telecoms actively giving out your information, the IP address danger is not a meme.

Everyone can read your other posts. Give up. Its over.



Fuck right off, no tolerance for lemmings that enable white genocide.


Go back to reddit you fucking alt-right faggot. I love how all the real shills come out now that I start shitting on their sacred cows, keep proving pic related right every time.

If the chans united in an effort to destroy private central banking, they would move heaven and Earth. Obvious D&C is obvious and a boon to our common enemy.

Unite the Chans

To be fair, you might not be a shill. You could just be a useful idiot.

The nerve of this little kvetching fucking vermin.


Keep proving pic related right. if you think the alt-kike is anything other than a massive sinkhole keeping whites away from real pro-white ideologies like NatSoc you're a fucking idiot

Wew fucking lad. you're one cock gobbling KEK aren't you?

This. D&C shilling is the kike MO.

you don't know who you're talkin to boyo. fact is I wont let the kikes steal away influence over those that are like redpill babies that we must nurture.

NatSoc in the modern world falls under the umbrella of alt-right.

They're subversive fucks that know full well what they're doing. You're just apologizing for their nefarious kikery. They won't ever turn on the system, their entire philosophy exists to uphold a system that is ultimately detrimental to whites.
If you posted that on any alt-kike hangout they'd call you a LARPer.

Then why has the alt-kike chased away all semblance of pro-white thought in their online presence? why to they accept faggots,trannys, kikes, and other deviants? Why do they advocate to continue a system that's done nothing but hurt whites? Why do they care more about good PR than actually telling real truths on race.

They're fake to the core, a bunch of goddamn freaks pretending they want to secure the white race but not actually putting in any real thought
kill yourself.

gee, i wonder why jim would wanna discredit endchan suddenly

you are either a kike or a low IQ mongoloid. the only people that would call you a larper are the shills trying to steal influence and those they have blackpilled.

I'm not jim, I came from cuckchan when they shoahed my RWSS threads and then the deportation nation threads

You seem to be making the mistake of thinking that the alt-right is a small circle of websites centered around e-celebs. If you're right wing in the current year, but you aren't a part of the mainstream cuckservative right wing, you are part of an alternative right. An alt-right. That's all it means. It has nothing to do with following the cult of TRS or Dickie Spencer.

You're talking to a professional D&C'er, probably a kike.

I know, lad. But some people take these people seriously, and you have to say something.

Here lies another problem with the alt-kike. Since anyone can be alt-kike anyone can also be out-grouped by other factions of the alt-kike. Those who like Kyle "my mongrels will murder your children in the streets if you continue to advocate for a whiter america" Chapman probably don't like TRS, and TRS probably considered them alt-lite. The normalfags will all go for "alt-light" which will alienate anyone remotely pro-white. This is what you saw at the NOLA Battle today. Accept reality or be consumed.

Revolution is a spectator sport, you do not need lemmings to win it.

This is what alt-kike wants to do. They want to establish a monopoly on right-wing thought and then discredit it by association with faggots like Milo and Spencer and Peinovich. It is a losing strategy.

Keep proving that this is what you want for this board you subversive freaks.


See this faggot? Alt-kike will have to assimilate to his ideals or be out-grouped by other factions. This is not a winning strategy or even a functional one, it is a self-evolving system designed to collapse.

And what do you expect from a system made by a jew Gottfried and his pupil dicky.

This "war" you're trying to raise is a little skewed.

For one thing, we know everything about Holla Forums/8ch, yet barely anything about Endchan.

Who made Endchan? Who are the people running that site? Where are they from? And most importantly, who's funding them?

Where's the transparency, anons?

Are you scared?

Heres the problem I have with the faggot OP. The quality of it is that of subhuman worker in a cubicle in a Israel 8-5pm Israel timezone. The endgame agenda of thread is to unironically promote D&C with another board. I couldnt give a fuck about endchan to begin with, and bringing its drama here does not fall in the board culture here. Although he may potentially be a refugee with an actual disdain for endchan, he still is a faggot and cannot be trusted.

so sorry I didn't give you a RWSS quality thread for something that's pretty self explanatory. keep trying to discredit though kike.

not scared, you're just a faggot BO that shills way too much for me to trust you. you are the BO right? I'm sure someone has run back to tell the boss that we're talking about you.


Are these niggers even trying?
Jesus fuck, and I consider myself a moderate on here…

That explains it. You're from cuckchan and came over when the mods there b& RWSS because they're still SJWs after we'd warned you about that shit 3 years ago. Fucking kek. You're pathetic.

endchan is shit because it's so slow

ah yes, pathetic to create an op that is still resulting in salt and fucking up libshits. pathetic to start an investigation that unearthed information pertaining to pizzagate investigations, hillary clinton's corruption investigations, revealed the leadership of antifa and spawned most of the organizational information we have on antifa now. pathetic to have inspired and worked on the deportation nation tactics still being used.

mhm sure. keep going with the discredit shilling faggot. top kek.

Pull the fucking dredel out of your ass you been exposed. Not a single true 8ch user here would give a fuck to create a thread about some shitty board. Its not news its been kiked at all. Go bitch to reddit about it, maybe they'll listen to you instead fucking idiot.

Nigger it's pathetic you stayed on cuckchan that long. You're hilarious.
You don't lurk and your babby-tier IQs prevent you from recognizing patterns.
Top wew, back to where you came from.

Top tier work user, please screen cap this kike getting outed with this evidence so we have proof against future shill campaigns shilling this narrative. They're getting bolder, I've seen at least 10 attempts possibly 20 in the past week at them passively aggressively trying to sneak this narrative into other threads and shill discontent.

keep trying with that D&C, keep digging at that fracture point of cuckchan vs 8/pol/ lol. I'm more 8ch than you are. the fuck have you done lately other than shill? nothing. you don't belong. fact is I used both sites but I redpilled on 4chan for strategic reasons. also it was a lot slower here then and boring. 4chan was faster paced and at that time I thought still defensible from the kikes.

what's pathetic is how easily you surrender, if you are actually just a useful idiot and not a shill. you simply let the beachhead be taken if what you say is true. you let the kikes win and gave them the idea that their tactics work so they would continue with them and bring them here.

between the two of us, you're the low IQ one. you couldn't think tactically if you were spoon fed.

literally testing to see if your ID changed? are you serious?

Shhh, don't tell the goon how obvious he is

The jew shoe is fitting you pretty good imo.

even the worst dregs of halfchan and krautchan are far better than the likes of TRS and Reddit

Endchan was created by Odilitime around infinity next drama. Odili is a developer that hung around in Holla Forums-dev and was friends with Hotwheels and even proposed much better solutions to problems than codemonkey did.
I get that most of this userbase is severely autistic and filled with second exodus 4chan refugees who wont stop shouting 'shill' and 'goon' but its simply not accurate to say that endchan is created by some mysterious identity/organization.
If anything, much less is known about the shitty owner that Hotwheels gave this boardover to for some reason, probably being IIRC dicksucking.>>9876478

Interesting to see that most of the recent shitposts seem to be originating from the same source. I'm also puzzled at this obsession to make Marion pass as a coalburner, I even think I saw the same picture posted today in another thread.

nope, not a useful idiot. you're actually a kike. neck yourself.

I don't mind people shouting shill and goon. what i mind is the shilling for anti natsoc and destroying even the notion of a board consensus or culture. that is kikery 101.

Ok, then let me get this straight, according to OP, this board is alt-kike…

Also note hes been attacking me everytime, ever since I mentioned JIDF. This autism or an agenda?

been responding to you from the start nigger. and no, this board is natsoc.

newfag shills get off my board reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

BO? You think I'm the board owner? You're paranoid and scared.

And you still didn't answer any questions.

Isn't this a Gamergater? I remember that name passed around as lately as last year.

oh man the one poster that shut the fuck up when I suggested that their standout tone and style gave me the idea they were the board owner finally posts again hours later.

good job faggot.


That's like… your opinion, man.

They seemed pretty hellbent into being lolbergs shittalking Trump while refusing to acknowledge that jews are the problem.

well well well look what we have here


well, if you go to google and type her name in, the first thing that pops up under the autocomplete is "marion le pen black"

Actually, this is what happens when you image search her, one of the image series featured on the top of the page is titled "Black" but it is all pictures of her and some rapper named Black M who she had some "drama" with or idk

because kikes can't create, they can only subvert.

odilitime is antifa.

Jesus christ, I may be suspicious against Trump, and certainly not a "le Dog Emberror xDDD", but this guy gives a bad name to those who want to be constructively critical when Trump fucks up.
and cucks for Ivanka and her Kike husband

What a pointless thread and an even pointless e-drama. I bet most people who worry about this sort of bullshit are either teenagers or young adults, I refuse to believe that an oldfag would be stupid enough to take part in this nonsense.

Er aren't the JIDF the ones pushing for us to cheer on zog puppets in world politics, and still are doing it here still even after the election yesterday.

Can't you just… run your own op against the paid shill?

Always has been always will be sage in all fields

Wait is that nods respectfully toward you?