Macron's victory is good for us

This is a good thing. There is literally nothing that Macron can do, even if he were so inclined (he isn't) to stem the rot that is occurring in France. He's simply going to preside for 5 years over a period of ever-more pronounced decay and decline. Literally nothing can change this. He's the steward of a sinking ship.

You will probably say "well, we've tried this tactic before", but back then the ideological battle, between liberalism/globalism and conservatism/nationalism was never as explicit as it is now. Electoral battles were still presented as choices between sordid little compromises called political parties.

Macron has above all else ran as a liberal and a representative of globalism. That is his standard now. His inevitable 5 years of failure will only serve to further de-legitimize liberal democracy, which is exactly what we want. The final stage before the end goal (a return to tradition and conservatism) needs to be a complete de-legitimization of liberalism and everything it stands for, from the enlightenment on.

We cannot win unless liberalism is de-legitimized as a governing philosophy, just as monarchy was before the advent of classical liberalism.

I just feel sorry for them.

Yet after 8 years of Obama, the media and sheep are still praising his "economic miracle." Don't pretend they won't do the same for Macron, their daughters will be raped, sons murdered and lives destroyed while the media sings and dances.

I'm all for trying to find victory in defeat, but I'm having a hard time this time. This cunt is a Rothschild groomed banker, with confirmed offshore tax haven accounts who literally told the French "terrorism is apart of our lives now."

Let it sink in OP, France was always lost. They lost over a century ago.

why is merkel wearing a french flag

If you want to be that defeatist then Western Europe was lost the moment Locke, Mill, Voltaire, Robespierre & Co revolted against the old order and formed the repugnancy that is "classical liberalism".

After 8 years of Obama the burgers got Trump


If the government won't help us, perhaps we should invade their countries with Christianity and European paganism?

I think it's time for another French revolution.
Start by beheading the media.

The original French Revolution was how this mess got started.

Note that a weird dysgenic side-effect of it was that the French became an inch or two shorter on average.

Libtardism really is distilled dysgenics.

Time for a right wing revolution then.

burgers are not baguettes though

"What we need is not a revolution, but the opposite of a revolution"

- Joseph de Maistre


ZH had an article named: "2017 Macron will win, 2022 Le Pen will"

Daily reminder that for next Hitler we first need next Weimar Republic. Leftists will deny reality until they experience pain on their own bodies

This war will be won an inch at a time. It was always going to be that way. How long have we been steering the ship in our direction? Not very long at all. Once someone is fully redpilled are they ever going to go back to their basic center-left ways? I don't think so. This shit only goes one way


Spoiler this shit, faggot!

so it's not good but we'll change it next time which is also the exact same thing that literally everybody says when they loose an election.

Like conquering france is hard and hasn't been done before

Liberalism creates small guys?

My thought exactly, Le Pen will win 2022.

Sheeeit is Varg's chrillen going to be taken away my macron?

I see this same argument used over and over again. "picking the shit-tier globalist immigration shill is actually a GOOD thing because it accelerates the problem and people will wake up!"

No, that's clearly not the case. France has been getting bombarded with increasing amounts of terrorism, rape, and chimpouts, and they still picked the good goy candidate. In 5 years, we don't even know if there will still be enough actual french people left to do anything.
Furthermore, picking the shill candidate DOESN'T ACCELERATE ANYTHING. Why? Because when you control the entire gov't structure and the media, you suppress dissent, wrongthink, and any events that are problematic to the narrative.

You know what does cause acceleration? Upsets where the nationalist/populist thing is done, like Brexit or Trump. No one can argue that Trump hasn't been accelerationist, because he's causing the left to go rabid and spiral out of control. If Le Pen was elected, it would've been accelerationist as well, because she triggers the leftists and niggers and causes them to chimp out in paris.

The OP is absolutely correct. Le Pen's loss is not an excuse for giving up. It's just a reason for switching tactics to more subversive ones. Hardcore leftist in power is a good background for uniting the french people.

Life is still good for the average naive goy. They can still go through life in complete denial. Europe has been getting off lightly. There isn't a limit to the problems and horrors shitskins can cause. If we solved the shitskin problem right now, the majority of naive basic whites will listen to the kikes who tell them it's horrible what happened because shitskins dindu nothin and believe it completely

To be honest I doubted Le Pen's ability to win this time despite a good effort, as she was facing the combined front of multiple parties, not just Macron who they rallied behind. However what should not be ignored is that nationalism is rising in the Western world despite all the resistance being bought against us. Some countries have already accepted it, but it is something that will take a bit of time.

All we can do is persevere, because what we are doing is clearly having a working effect. I just feel sorry for all those that will suffer in the mean time.

South Africa begs to differ.

Accelerationism only occurs when someone stands up and gives others permission to fight back against it. Like how Trump sent the marxists and kikes over the edge and emboldened everyone on our side. That's true accelerationism. My whole point is that when ZOG has 100% control over everything, there will NEVER BE that moment where its bad enough for most people that they finally can't keep denying what's happening. America is almost a white minority country now, and we still are barely at that point.

I guess that's true. People need heroes to give them something to believe in and they're desperate enough to find them that even a poorly drawn cartoon frog and a real estate business man is good enough. Imagine when the real heroes show up.

You're right lad, but what else is there to do.
Meme the macronleaks though, this will prevent a majority in the assembly.
That's our only option for France right now. And meme so we do not taunt the Russian bear by going full good goys and start fighting in Syria.
Brexit needs to not be fucked by Junker and the other faggots in the EU.
Also Italy is voting soon, same with other EU countries. We've been comfy thinking Trump was the man we tought he was, so far there's mix feelings about him.
Do not swallow the black pill yet, we have work to do.
Noone can say the time isn't in our favor. The fact that Lepen was on the second round and that 1/3 of the french voted for her is the proof of that.
She needs a big portion of the assembly and from there we'll get our country back in 5 years.

Nobody gives a shit about France, not even the french.
This doesn't change anything just like how Hollande's victrory didn't.
France is irrelevant. It has been for a while now.
Also if anybody belives that we can change anything with democracy then you need to lurk more.
Elections exist to stop the people from revolting. It has no other purpose. That's why it was created and is being enforced.

Because shit takes time, it isn't based around the whims of election cycles but the dysfunction created by liberal policy.

Read Kurtagic, the reason liberals got away with this dysfunction before is because the ideology they created was never held to account for the policies it manifested as a matter of course.

The ideological battle now is far more explicit. Macron ran openly as a self-admitted globalist and liberal.

Watch what happens.

Not pretend that losing a battle is actually winning the war. We're not going to win by telling ourselves "if you let your enemy kill you, you win"

We shouldn't be blackpilled, but we shouldn't pretend that this is a good thing.

The question remains though. Should the US allow a third world country like France retain its nukes?

How can you not be blackpilled? The war was lost before we were ever born. It's always been lost, and nobody can win. Not them, not us. Nobody.

It is a Place of Punishment.

Or we learn from gypsies and jews and become like them to adapt to thh future plasticscape of cyberpunk-cities.

Fuck French people. They were always trash. Here's a quote from the greatest Frenchman to ever live:

With greatness like that, is it any wonder they fall prey to the jew? Genocide couldn't happen to a better "white" nation. Nothing of value is lost, and hopefully their fall helps awaken the rest of the world.

yeah fam, worked wonderfully for south-africa and brasil

tell that to Poles and the other EU countries that don't consent to migrant quotas

They need to be the first ones strung up from lamp posts.

Nice Quote, assimilating the jews was the same thing german royalty tried LOL

Fuck france, they deserve every bad thing that is going to happen to them.

After 5 years of Macron, the demographics won't allow any less than full leftist politicians to be elected. Macron is going to suck EU cock, and flood the country with shitskins.

Realistically no. South Africa dismantled its nuclear arsenal when it became clear the Bantu were going to take power. Could you imagine what kind of threat a nuclear Sunni state would pose to world safety. If the French won't dismantle their program and most importantly denature their nuclear materials or send them to NATO before France falls then something will have to be done.


Its not good for France, but the consequences may start to wake up the rest of Europe.

US involvement would help, but Britain has a lot more to lose in a Rogue France scenario. The only positive outcome at this point is to get the UK uncucked before the June election.

With Le Pen we could've destroyed the EU

With Macron the left will destroy France, and implant real socialism/comunism


Rip france 2k16

Get out of here with this sour grapes bullshit.
Things are not going to get better by letting leftists win.
Look at China. Did letting the commies win there work out well for them in the long run? Fuck no.
The same goes for all the other European nations. Europe will continue to fall into chaos if the same political ideologies keep getting into power.

Who is this bitch?
How about we dox her, lads?

Uh yeah, you couldn't have picked a worse example.

The CCP, much like the DPRK and VCP, morphed into a party of traditional conservatism, nationalism and ardent illiberalism.

Most of you think things are bad now. That this is the weimar republic, it isnt. But it will be in about 5 years

I'd say we'll certainly get there within the next 30, but five years is a bit too fast.
When he start having gangs of naked teen boys running around the place, then we're Weimar-tier.

Macron is not a win, OP. This was the last opportunity to save france by non violent ways. She will not win 2022 because the demography will have changed alot from the moment this granny fucker won the election. This teaches everyone a lesson; Muh PR is a colossal waste of time in Europe (and in most of the world), this games are rigged from the beginning, the frogs will have to take action by themselves

I don't know, but she obviously wouldn't be wearing a German flag.

OP you are one dumb cunt. Do you really think there's even going to be a FN by 2020? Do you have any idea of the ridiculous levels of dystopia France had BEFORE this kike slimed into power yesterday?
People were getting 2000+ euro fines for TWEETING about the election. Let this fucking fact wrap around your tiny head and realize it's all downhill from here.

Whites will continue to be displaced, the demographics will turn into a literal caliphate, censorship will be the norm and I can guarantee you right wing parties of even the most cucked flavor will be outright forbidden.
There will not be a France by 2020, there will be a New Somalia.

rothschild fixed the election duh and it was a bad thing maybe we can get him removed from office with this leak.

OP was not a faggot today.

Nice meme. Where did you find it, /r/politics?

Hell yeah, nigger.
Just look at Sweden

Thanks for the sage advice Trudeau.



France isn't irrelevant because those frog cuck faggots keep letting in sandnigger filth that redistributes itself throughout Europe. France made itself a threat to European civilization, yet its merely another cut to bleed the people.

They've sealed their fates

I'm not. They chose not to stand up against the leftists, now they can lie down with them.

People saying things will get worse before they get better need to pay more attention to threads like this. The field of psychology has advanced to the point where they can tell you your kid wanting to have his balls surgically removed is a good thing. You should be proud and, if you're not, then there's something wrong with you.

I'm not even Polish and this pisses me off. Fuck this guy. And I hope Poland stands up for itself.

You need a lesson in aristocratic mannerisms. The French can die in the millions and chaos can litter the streets with their bodies upon bodies, but the ashes and smoke would only engulf those moronic enough to put themselves in the pathway of the ensuing eternal blaze.

Most, the ones that don't get fresh kosher memes, based black guys and greatest ally's advice on how to fight islamization.

Can I please be spoonfed the low down on Macron? The down and dirty? I need to regurgitate my knowledge into the mouth of a normalfag like a baby bird but am concerned I don't have enough specifics on this investment banker kike puppet who had an affair with his teacher.

reactionaries get out

I don't feel sorry for the people who willingly signed their own death warrants. When the Jihadists spill their blood in the streets and they cry out in anguish I will smile. They were given a way out and they chose death instead. I now consider France to be an overtly anti Western and hostile state, I have no further interest in helping them.

Any French nationalists who want to migrate to the U.S. after we win the civil war, feel free to do so. But France as a nation is dead to me.

They don't have five years, we all know this.

Is Macron just Kek playing a what-if scenario of what if Hillary had won as an object lesson?

If we must sacrifice France to give the rest of Europe a taste of what their Globalist masters really want (more terrorism and hateful muslims) then I suppose that is what must be done. The next world war will be US/UK/Russia vs the EU's government to save its component nations from globalist homogeneity.

Me too. That fucking cocksucker played the EU anthem at his victory speechā€¦not the French anthem, "La Marseillaise".

He was talking about punitive action against Britain for Brexit, to discourage other EU members from leaving. Keep in mind, France has the largest military in Western Europe, by far. he's going to be a gayer version of Lincoln, but instead of Sherman's march to the sea, it's going to be millions of mudslimes raping their way across Europe, under (((EU))) command

White lives will still be lost.
White homes will still be destroyed.
White children will still be raped.
This could hardly be considered a good thing, it's a horrible tragedy that some good may come from far down the line, but it is certainly fucking not "a good thing".


I would rather see France go apeshit and start killing algerian invaders and cause Britain and American to be shocked, just like the French Revolution but politically reversed. That way white people all around the world would toss off people like Farage and Trump for something closer to Hitler. No more middle ground or appeasement, but the beginning of the reconquest of planet Earth.

This. France shall be the battleground of the next great war. THE FIRE RISES!

It's going to be the free world vs. the jew control world

that means USA , Israel , EU , etc vs Russia , China and Iran , etc

It' actually kind of shocking that you would thing the USA and UK would fight globalist jews ???

Everything is surprising to the fool. Go back to plebbit, kike.

Giving your enemies more power is not ideal, I agree it will only accelerate their ideology & a totalitarian future. It's not a good thing don't get comfy. They are not stupid and they are not oblivious to people being woke. They fear perserverence so greatly that they keep Chans running for research. Analytics pour over all we doā€¦

Some ideas:

Global warming is profitable for banks, this is a weak point that is effective with normies.

Need to understandstand who the opposition really is. See Decision Science and scalable governance systems

Get it the hell out. Shell companies BTFO, Speculators BTFO, Unyeilding anti corruption demands, GO AFTER THE REVENUE OF SHILL MEDIA. Ignore executives and presidents. Investor boards hold the true power, and are human - Learn their interests and make a shill theme the antithesis of an investor's pet project.

No cash may exit the country and no investor or company leader may leave. Intel investigation into the "crisis" buildup mandatory & serves to prevent overly powerful influencers from pressuring presidents into selling their economies to a global bank entity. Congress must approve the release of this frozen war state & agreement with presidents decision.

TEDDY ROOSEVELT & W. Bush both cucked by banks from this 'you have 4 hours to decide to bail us out shit'.

Arrest and charge the ones who create the crisis through "mistakes" Remove dual citizenship, make them go down with a ship they sink

USA and UK have central banks owned by globalist jews ā€¦.. they are allies of Israel and support the Greater Israel project with constant warfare in the ME

Add crowdsource functioning to government. Like Holla Forums having some oversight power to cap excessive influenceā€¦?

Need a way to have ground level feedback as govt operates. Need way to engage people, the best redpill is paying attention and participating.

Every western Europe country is pussified into oblivion. Slavs are the only ones which are ready morally for, at least, defend their land.

they didnt have image boards back then. even hitler was too soft on the jews. that doesnt mean he did anything wrong though

A key point to remember is when we convert someone to our cause they never go back. No one un-redpills themselves. That should be our focus are the situation deteriorates, so when shit does hit the fan we have enough support to do what we really want, instead of pussy footing everything with half measures.

This 100% get them engaged.

(yes, that's the EU anthem, not the French anthem)

The only thing a Macron victory gets us is free reign to mock the everlasting shit out of France when the EU collapses under its own insanity. It does nothing to speed up the EUs demise, let alone quicken France's exit from it.

Maybe macron is the Obama of France. He will do the same shit Obama did here in America. That Le Pen could come back. Reminder: Trump ran in 2012 but decided not to continue; He would later run in 2016 and became president.
Tl;dr Like Trump, Le Pen will be a stronger candidate five years later.

Hmm. Sanctions or terrorism. What a tough choice. An over-circumcised faggot who married his grandma and can't protect his own people from bums shouldn't be giving ultimatums.


Flat out fucking underrated post

The french are still going to elect MĆ©lenchon (2022) before choosing a candidate from the FN (2027).

Don't doubt the moral weakness of modern Western Europeans. These people have pathological cowardice and will only make the right choice when the water is in the neck.

Sorry to say that, eurobros, you more than anyone else know what I mean.

Not gonna happen, in 5 years demographics will be too much pozzed. Remember why Hillary planned to import millions of shitskins to US, if she had won?

It's too bad, but it looks like the continent is lost for nowā€¦ We must look to the UK, and Poland, for hope.

The future of our people lies in the East.

Its a pathological need for order and decency, not what you seem to think.

not exactly overflowing with either in the streets of Paris

I'm inclined to agree. The more a population shrinks, the more aware it is of their own mortality, the closer they come together. Think of it like a diaspora Jew effect.

Wasn't it clear that you can't changed a jewed mind? Are you guys all retarded? They won't wake up even if they get raped, there's no reason to expect them to realize the county has gone to shit, especially when in the next 5 years things will get only slightly more noticeable.

muzzies and blacks don't even care about failing governments as long as it's not a right-wing government that will clamp down on them. they just want to burn cars and rape people.

Whites have been through far worse, user. Like the Black Death killing off about half of whites. Imagine if suddenly half of all whites just suddenly disappeared. But we came back, better than ever.

I mean shit we survived an Ice Age with primitive means of living and countless invasions way worse than sand niggers.

There weren't as many niggers as today, and there were no means of fast mass transportation. Travelling took months, and simply carrying food for the journey was an issue. Now? Get on a bus, get on a boat, and you don't even need to land, they come and pick you up. You get free food, clothes, plane and train tickets, shelter, money etc.

If half of the whites were to die not only it'd be worse, it would also be the same as today. As long as half are as braindead as current leftards we're still going in the same direction.

This is basically like getting an inside look if the US would have voted Hillary. Will accelerationism play out and an even greater nationalist pushback arise or was it too late all along?

Your fetish for the death of whites is disgusting, OP.

Kill yourself.

Whites weren't overrun and replaced with dozens of inferior races during the plague, you dumb nigger.

Weren't as many niggers? Are you kidding? Europe had been through constant invasion from gooks, magic carpet riders, and niggers for the past 2000 years. The times we are living in by comparison are a walk in the park.

That's an extremely good question.

Half of all whites died you stupid twat, replacement or not AND we got fucking invaded by Muslims during that time and it was a constant barrage.


Yeah, but you could fight them. Now there's BILLIONS of them, compared to what, 600 million whites split into US and EU? Of which 450 are in favor of white's extincion, 100 are too lazy and apathetic and the remaining 50, IF there's 50, are silenced.

Don't take pride in the past you stupid fucking nigger, look at the future.


Well there are two very different possibilities that could play out.

You do have to take into account, even if whites are shred down to an extremely defensive militant few million people, there will be no one left to run anything, the shitskin hordes propped up by white kindness will completely die off wondering why the world is going to hell and that group will rise from the depths once again

lol NS is all about taking pride in the past you dumb asshole.

And if you want to crawl into a black pill fetal position and cry yourself to sleep, go ahead. Ye of little faith in whitey.

Whites are literally the only ones keeping niggers alive. If the welfare and food stamps go, so goes the nigger. They are entirely dependent upon whites.

Taking pride and doing something - you're on "ancient aryans" levels without realizing the actual status of everything, you're blinding yourself with the past, you're too sure of it.

Structure your sentences better, sheesh.
That's fucking stupid.

It's 5am like i give a shit about grammar. It should be stupid if it wasn't true, you're literally being replaced and what do you do?
Yeah, that totally matters today! It's not like situations, infrastructure, means of mass destruction, pupulation, mentality, mass media and a thousand other bullshit happened, nope! whitey stronk!

You're blind to your own stupidity and that prevents you to see the gravity of the matter.

I can't fucking understand you if you don't structure your sentences you fucking plebeian. Don't assume you can forgo basic fucking English before posting, otherwise it's all for nothing. As for the rest of your post it's just cancerous defeatism. People with piss-poor attitudes like yours are why civilizations fall, you're all pathetic weaklings who embrace defeat as destiny. Spare us the favor and kill yourself immediately.

Defeatism? I'm trying to wake you up to your own stupidity, and again you insist on being a moron. Don't think of the past, don't think of great civilizations, don't think of yourself as part of anything. Think of the situation, and to put it simply so you can understand me:

If your answer is that everything is fucked then you're no better than a kike.

everything IS fucked you double nigger, doesn't mean you can't unfuck it

Then fucking kill yourself already, you are just dead weight.

dead weight to your 200 pounds ass sitting on the couch jerking off to nazi's past glory i imagine.

Sounds like you're not even from here.

Listen. The average pleb is blue pilled because the danger presented by niggers, Jews, Muslims and their ilk is not real enough to them. They still see this as an abstract. A nigger hitting you over the head with a brick changes that shit real fast. Cucks are a small but vocal minority of blue pillers. They get what they deserve. Natural selection.

Shit needs to be done, of course. But flailing about impotently in a fit of defeatist rage is counterproductive.

Things need to get worse before they can get better. The worse it gets, the more people wake up

Sounds like you're a run of the mill faggot whose only argument is to point our grammar, brood over the past, having a weak will and being a beta bitch that hopes somebody will save his overly raped ass.

Well, kek has spoken.

Your grammar is nigger-tier and you shouldn't even bother to post.
It's called pride, and you don't seem to have any, which is why I can't help but hate you.
That's exactly what you sound like when you say "IT'S FUCKED, JUST LET JAMAL RAPE YOU"

lol top keke m8

And this is why you're retarded, i didn't say "it's fucked let's give up", never said that. I might sound like a defeatist shill but i'm only stating the truth, the actual gravity of the situation, how dire it is. Having a glorious past doesn't mean shit if you've never been part of it and have no intention on recreating that situation. You can blame me all the fuck you want and at the end of the day i've been more useful than you by simply, as some other user said, flailing my arms around in a fit of impotent rage and preaching to a couple of retards like you.
You hate me because i have no pride, i hate you because you're FUCKING RETARDED.

That's what the fuck it sounded like, and it's too damn late to complain about confusion, this is why I warned you about grammar. I can't understand someone who can't write out logically coherent sentences.
Nigger, where do you think you are? You're preaching to a pissed-off racist choir.
You have been apart of it whether you realize it or not, you're apart of it right now, and no fucking shit I don't have any intention of recreating that situation, just because I have pride doesn't mean I'm not creative. The past is something we should use to help create something new and beautiful, it is the past that inspires the future, the past is a muse of inspiration you dense motherfucker. The past and the future and the present are all the same to me, they are a story of the saga of the white man, and I intend on making it a never-ending saga unlike your bitch-ass. The past is fucking awesome, and you'd do well to learn from it before we end up repeating the Fall of Rome.

allright, what's your plan? What do you intend to do with such inspiration?

I'm impressed that you can ask such stupid questions in such a condescending manner and still expect a response.

so will reactionary nationalism get stronger or is it too late

Let me look into my crystal ball real quick.

I'll answer for you: you have no fucking clue what to do, you're scared, you're alone and the only simpathy you find is on an anonymous website filled with racists. I called you out on it and smacked you with a reality check, and you got T R I G G E R E D. You can't hide in the past forever.

Gee this is a board for discussion, that's kind of the whole purpose is to spitball ideas or opinions, maybe no one wants actually do that today

I know exactly what to do: kill non-whites.
I have no problem with fear, fear helps tell me who my enemy is when it's guided by objective facts of course.
You would like that, wouldn't you? Your whole post reaks of someone who has given up and assumes everyone else thinks that way. You disgust me.
I'm from the south, pretty much everyone's racist here.

I don't come here to "spitball ideas". I don't think anyone comes here for that specific purpose. I just come for news plus amusing and honest commentary.

I hate his face, he reminds me of my cuck English teacher

Emmanuel is a typically Jewish name


Maybe you should work on making your commentary amusing then.

Seeing as you kek'd then I'd say I'm doing fine, but I'm more adamant about the honest part than the amusing part, although they often come together. Also never fucking implied that "Holla Forums doesn't have ideas" and you fucking know it.

kek x2 electric boogaloo

The tactics the French people use to overthrow their government will be used in America 5/6 years after France does it. Americans will likely go to France to train for it. It'll be like a reverse of the French/American Revolutions happening around the same time, except it's the ZOG Empire not the British one this time around.


How did he won? France is literally under danger. The French cops are already demoralised and French people aren't happy.

These people threaten fellow member states with sanctions while kowtowing to Turkey. Let that sink in.

The traitors are dangerous as the sharpened steak knife.

If by de-legitimized you mean, "lost in several wars and revolutions in the 18th and 19th century," then we agree!

Blood alone moves the wheels of history.

The amount of defeatist emotional cripples shitposting here astrounding.

The far right keeps getting stronger than ever, but everything suddenly ends when it didn't IMMEDIATELY assume full power at the first time?
When the 'sheeple' didn't immediately 'woke up' just because the movementarians find themselves vindicated?

Fuckwad burgers need to stop reading Chick Tracts.

You guys don't understand that revolution is a spectator sport. You don't need a majority of the population to do it and never did. Even 10 percent of the population alone is more than enough.

If you think anything other than a hardened core of libtards will put up a fight you're clueless. They'll run at the first whiff of grapeshot because they're cowardly.

France needs violent revolution. End of. Same with every other western European and North American state.

All you need is a single division. That's it. Western states are ripe for military coups too since the number of men under arms is so comparatively tiny.

Muh media

Shit son do you ask your turds for life choice approval as well?

Shills, they're all shills.

But in case any user is reading this and feeling demoralized,
I can feel your anger. It gives you focus, makes you stronger. Strike (((them))) down will all of your hate, and your journey to the far right will be complete.

There is no saving france. France is dead. That needs to be the example now. Everyone the world over will have their eye on france, as the first pro-EU candidate pushes one of the largest economies all in. As france deteriorates we laugh, poke fun, and point to macaroni. Britain will soar, US will soar and inversely france will devolve into chaos. From the fire, people will see the raping of france as an example of what to avoid.

Do not weep for france, their loss is our net gain.

Meme this kransky gobbling cuck onto every fucking tragedy in france, meme him sipping champagne with en marche! logo over the top. LAUGH AND POINT. France is a memeā€¦ top kek

I respect the mudslimes, they saw a moment of weakness in their enemy and capitalized on it. That's what a conqueror does, whether it's by giving birth to a billion of themselves on another land or by attacking the locals physically. I don't respect the French anymore though, since, given the choice between their survival or a few more years of bread and circuses, they chose the latter. This is the fall of Byzantium all over again.

What should I read by this man?

Actually last I've heard Turkey was denied forever EU membership, not that it means they can't have more deals with them.

The North of France, barring Paris, should become their own independent country at this point.

But is right. Going far back into Roman times, there were Numidians in Italy. Most of them were either mercenaries or slaves from campaigns, and they definitely were in lower numbers compared to today's invasion. The matter is that they do not deserve to be the majority.

Just get strong and ride the tiger.

That's Martha Stewart

success grand master!

Macron or Le Pen were the jewish controlled candidates.
Not sure why any user in the world should be happy regardless of which jew controlled cunt won