Swedish nationalists starting to confront leftists

So in Sweden the cucks regulary hold demonstrations for more immigration (because apparently Sweden's open doors policy isn't liberal enough). Previously they've been able to hold these unopposed but in 2 times the last month, Nordisk Ungdom has confronted them by chanting nationalist slogans and holding a banner saying "refugees go home", causing the cucks to completely chimp out, totally disrupting the demonstration. Despite being outnumbered, the nationalists manage to stand their ground and completely BTFO the marxists (which to be fair mostly consists of women, arabs and the eternal boomer)

Embedded video from yesterday, other one from 1 month ago. youtube.com/watch?v=Scv7zQuxl_s

Other urls found in this thread:


Do these guys run the risk of being arrested?

This is nice, but I can't help but feel it's corpse gas escaping a dead nation.

Not really as long as they keep their cool and just defend themselves (they have every right to protest there). We actually have pretty decent free speech and demonstration rights in Sweden compared to many other parts of Europe.

I would agree with you just 1 year ago but things are changing rapidly. For the first time since I was young I'm starting to feel some hope for my nation. There's just something in the air, everywhere there's resistance growing.

Maybe that gives you guys the best chance to come back, despite falling the fastest. Considering you can't be shut down for hate speech like in other countries.

haha what's the deal with the slapping boomer?

No, not really. Maybe for a day.

We certainly can and they try on every occasion there is.

it's all shitskins and old people

On the bright side it just shows that once the Boomers are dead there will be nothing left protecting the shitskins.

The height difference is amusing.

A based grandma at 3:20 slaps an arab though, old people vote very nationalist in Sweden, even more so then young people, these fools are not representative.

No they don't. Old people are the least likely group to vote "nationalist" (SD really can't be called nationalist)

So what if they do?

you realize that literally says its from the langholmen hotel right? that said, it's not far from swedish prison cells.

Off yourself.

This is how it actually looks.

Not true: svt.se/svts/article2323667.svt/binary/SVT_ValuResultat_riksdagsval_2014_PK_0914.pdf

Demonstrations and street fights are the form of escalation that we truly need in every "western" country. Before natsocs took germany they first had to control the streets. When you have the streets, you will be involved in the daily lives of people, and they will be forced to choose a side.

I googled it, and it appears to be an old prison renovated and turned into a hotel.

Christ thats a fucking luxery room compared to what we have in the states. The next question is how tough is prison life and the environment in Sweden?

Don't quote me, but the point of Scandinavian prisons is to rehabilitate, not punish. Unless you're a psycho, in which case they just lock you up and medicate you. So the prisons there are pretty comfortable, they offer education and training, so when the convict is released they have a lower chance of remittance and can find a job, that sort of shit.

Apparently they have a low rate of repeat offenders in Norway, would be interesting to compare it to the more multi-cult Swedes.

How much effort would they go to in order to keep you away from the general prison population if you got convicted of bashing a mudslime's head in. Do they pay special attention to right-wing activities or would it be possible to socialize and organize like in a U.S. prison?

Pls don't listen to the other guy in thread, he is clueless. In reality, swedish prisons are pretty boring. Almost all time is spent by yourself in cell, this makes the prison sentence quite bad, as you get very isolated and have no freedom. Alright common areas, but definetely no luxury. Prison culture differs, not as violent as in the states but rapists and other scum are known to get beaten up by other prisoners. Like the nigger who stabbed a swede in IKEA because he got no asylum, got beaten up like 4 times by other prisoners. Lots of education possibilities and some chances to work during prison aswell.

If you act like psycho be prepared to basically spend your entire time in isolation.

Who do you mean by they?

You'd probably be alright, are some right wingers in swedish prison, immigrants usually wont attack you for something like that, unless they know the guy. Know there was some AB-copy a while back in Sweden, not sure how it is now. But generally swedish prisons aren't as divided on race as the US.

No idea. I watched a documentary which focused mainly on a Norwegian prison. It was full of dormitories, counseling rooms, classrooms and shit. More like a boarding school than a prison. Some violent criminals, but they behaved themselves because that meant they could keep privileges. Not sure if that prison reflected all Norwegian prisons, or if it was for minor crimes and people coming up for parole. Everyone in the doco was white and wearing casual clothes.

You want an idea of maximum security, then look into where they keep Anders Breveik. Pretty sure he gets an xbox and tendies, as well as legal aid, but he's a special case.

Norwegian prisons are in a class of their own, swedish prisons are much more spartan and stricter. Depending ofcourse on which prison you are in. High security=basically mostly isolated in cell, pretty spartan, some counselling, oppurtunities for education and work. Medium and low security=Norway tier, but a bit less luxurious.

Is that because of all of Sweeden's niggers

Nod really, no. Sweden has arabs btw, not that many niggers.

I thought most of the refos were arabs

I meant to say Niggers

Not even close. Almost exclusively arabs, some eritreans and somalians. But compared to France or US, Sweden has almost no niggers.

I thought I remember seeing that most "Refugees" heading into Europe were from Africa, be it north or sub saharan

Last time prisoners broke out of their cells (due to a computer malfunction, if I recall), they went to the kitchen, grabbed the knives, and baked cakes.

Of course, this works because most of the prison population is European, I think things are going to change quite a lot (or have already changed) with the recent influxes.

Not sure on what level it is on european wide scale, but to Sweden the migration has been almost exclusively from eastern migrant route(via Turkey) and not the negers that come via the mediterannean. Also Libya is selling negro refugees as slaves and getting money from EU to stop migration. While Turkey is using rapefugees to blackmail EU.

Was that in Sweden, gibe link.


There's an actual online article but it's from 2013 and seems to be a dead link.

Hey I think I recognise stronkwoman in that crowd!

Always a good pic

She is a professional demonstrator and counterdemonstrator.

pushed away after like 2 seconds.

Vid ?

So Professional Bix Nooder

And she didn't stop the train. She just walked backwards in front of the train. And later she was standing at the side and shouting "Nelson Mandela". Was one of the most bizarre experiences of my life.

kek noticed that, tried to do her nigger fist salute aswell, desperately looking around for cameras. Nigger is missing her 15 minutes of fame I guess.

Another video of Nordisk Ungdom BTFO rabid feminists.

Folks here should keep in mind that even if the prison is relatively safe as in you dont really need to fear of getting shanked/beaten in the shower if you look at someone the wrong way ala Merica/other 3rd-world shitholes it's still a prison aka you have fuckall to do every day.

Boredom is your greatest enemy in Scandinavian prison though a few years would do most normies good thesedays.


You've obviously never been to Sweden.
Like all of Europe it's been flooded with blacks, indians for decades, the muslims are mainly a recent thing in Europe since 9/11, the jews tell you it's only arabs invading Europe.
Go to England its mostly blacks and indians, the muslims in the UK are mostly pakistani, same again in other European countries apart from Germany that had Turks flooding into it from the end of the war.

It's all the counter jihad claiming they are arabs, and I only ever hear Americans and jews claim that Europes 3rd world flood are mostly arab, it's not, buit it plays to the counter-jihad narrative so we vote for kosher nationalism instead of real nationalism.

The entire purpose of the jews creating kosher Nationalism is to destroy any chance of true nationalism rising.

got a webm?
I don't want Google to know what I watch that is all

Thank you.

Well most shitskins are Muslim but most people think of a smelly arab when they think of Muslim even though it's more likely for one to be a smelly nigger

I live in Sweden, by claiming we have been flooded with indians you prove you have never been there. I said we don't have many niggers here and I stand by that statement, we got some eritreans and somalians, but not many.



I said webm, not Jewtube to be honest

this has to be some kind of joke

Sure we do have some niggers here but it's nothing compared to all the mudslimes.

Are you on Linux ?


My friend in Sweden told me about how her town was completely overun by Hindu Asians in the late 90s from Britain, all their bastard children offspring are considered as half Swedish half English.

That's another fuck up that will take centuries to resolve, the sheer numbers of half castes from UK, France, Germany all given European passports means they can noty be deported with one parent being English/French/German, even though the European part was a wog immigrant.

First :
sudo apt-get install youtube-dl

Second :
youtube-dl youtube.com/watch?v=-7XNbazOmj8

Niggers had very few chances to make it to Europe until Gaddafi got 404'd. So they are not so many YET. (((They))) only ship shitloads of niggers from Lybia recently since mud invasion drained.(landroute closed) Also many niggers are still stuck in Italy (until votes are over I guess)

I think soon we will be at the point where we won't really care if we can deport them or not. Go away vertically or horizontally.

Complete nonsense, your friend is delusional. A few indians in univserity towns, studying IT or engineering, def. no large scale immigration. Sure your friend isn't swiss or norwegian?

I'm already at that point.

Yet it's 100% fact…

No town in Sweden has ever been overrun by hindu immigrants, fake news.

So Italy is nigged up once again?

If there are towns in Australia that have then there would be in Sweeden too

Nordisk Ungdom also crashed the fag parade last summer. keks were had.

Italy has been nigged up for a while.

No that makes no sense whatsoever, plenty of towns here overrun with muslim arab immigrants, but not hindus. Not even pakis. Norway got some pakis and so do Switzerland, you probably got the country wrong or your friend is crazy.

I'm a different guy I have no friends

Oh sorry, should have checked ID:s, but my point still stands, Sweden never got on the paki/hindi wave like some euro countries did. Here it is almost exclusively iraqis, syrians and afghanis. Somalis are a pretty big group aswell.

Citystates were they can stay?
They tend to be cosmopoliticians anyway.

Oh do fuck off (((Swede))) who only speaks English for some reason

No, dumped back into their own countries or dumped into landfills.

I only spoke english thus far because I had no reason to speak swedish. Men här kommer lite svenska som bevis för min etniska och kulturella tilhörighet.

Now fuck off shill.

I saw a report in that, looked like Sicilia is a warzone. Some greek islands are doomed too. Here in krautland in my city the niggers numbers seem to double every year. I always see them in the sportingbet store gambling with their germoney.

Oy vey, 10s millions of 3rd world invaders in Europe, 95% come from everywhere else in the world
No they aren't, nor are you Swedish

We have a massive immigration problem from all over the world, muslims are just one of many 3rd world hordes of enemies sent to destroy us.

I never claimed they are all arabs, but mostly yes. There are no hordes of hindus or pakis in Sweden, stop lying, are you fucking retarded?

Great proofs btw of a video from England, jesus christ…. Back to TRS.

Stop shitting up the thread you faggot shill. This is about NU and nationalists starting to confront the marxists.


I agree with you, only this kike
had been baiting me.

So I am the shill for correcting you when you lied and claimed that Sweden is full of hindus?

Where are you from?

I made a post detailing how all of Europe has been flooded with every kind of 3rd world immigrant from all over the world, not just arabs.
I gave one example of a friend who had a massive Indian invasion along with 1,000s of Africans and also muslims.
That's what I wrote and that's the simple truth.

Only counter jihad jew clowns like Tommy Robinson talk about the muslims as the only immigration problem.

I'm also Swedish and you're mistaken here. There are no Indians or Pakis in Sweden. But what does it matter? We have Afghanis, Somalis and Arabs who are even more shitty.


You lied and said Sweden was full of them claiming you said you have a friend whose village suffered an invasion by hindus. I hate to break it to you, but there is no such village in Sweden. You even said I obviously never been to Sweden, a lie I quickly proved wrong, while you never proved your connection to Sweden.

See above embedded video

It's funny how "Swedes" here are so determined to argue there are no Africans or Indians in Sweden as well as muslims.

The problem is mass flooding of the 3rd world into all our countries.
The jews however only want to talk about one of these problems they gave us.

Strangely that's the argument Remainers used over Brexit. Please dont stoop to their level.

Stop cherrypicking some embassy-event. Sweden has less then 30k indians, that is 0,3% of the population. Noone said there are no indians, you deliberately misinterpreted two different people now.

Noone ever argued there are no niggers or indians here, simply that they are few. Jesus christ you are retarded.

Every single supporter of the left looks like a broken loser. Beta males, lesbian old women, niggers… they all just look like clueless trash that has never accomplished anything of worth in their lives. Is this why they latch onto stupid causes like this? Looking to feel a part of something, but too stupid to see that the cause they are supporting hurts them and their country, and supports parasites that hate them and want to take them over? Anything to be part of an "in group" after a lifetime of people telling them they are dumb assholes?

feels rad man
how come these shitlords dont get talked about more here

looks nicer than my dorm room

Arabs, niggers, its all the same. They want to rape you dead.

Must be said that a high % of the prison population is foreign, ever since the 1990's, despite their (((judiciary))) rarely sentencing niggers even if they rape. I think it was about 50% foreign in these prisons, and that was without counting the many niggers and sandniggers who were given citizenship, but I don't have the numbers…

Incorrect. Prisoners that have been sentenced for sex crimes are segregated into their own prisons. A solid majority of the swedish prison population has black hair which means that they are not racially swedish but immigrants and children of immigrants.



High energy edit
My only criticism is things like the flip off and such, as everything is filmed these days and a single frame can be taken out of context and put on the news. I assume he did so in return to someone, but standing your ground for what you believe in looks better. As for the violence it is clear that it goes both ways, but nobody is going to look trough the footage to prove that someone else flipped off first.

there are niggers in sweden which are mostly somalis
but a majority of the non-swedish population are arabs though

Would have pctured it the other way round, but still for a 3rd world mud its a 4 star hitel non the less and he will keeping laughin his ass off about his "punishment"

So not as many Somalis as you would think in Sweden?

Well Euality of outcome, if there are already 50% mud population in the prisons system you cant sentence more of them.

So, are these guys organic pushback, or are they the Swedish version of National Action, i.e a Kike-run defilement group intended to keep nationalism stuck on the margins with no hope of society-wide acceptance?
Who are their leaders?
Do they collaborate with known kosher shills like Renegade radio, Daily Stormer, TRS or Red Ice?
tl;dr a tiny group of screaming protesters has all the hallmarks of controlled opposition, please answer the questions above.

I don't think they care about PR cuckery when it comes to lies perpetuated by their enemy.
Only someone willingly offering his wife and daughter to Muhammad would rather believe the media lies than the video evidence, and those kinds of people aren't meant to be drawn in be these guys anyway.

40 years too late, dipshits.

The "flip off", the "nazi salute" and attacking random people are all essential activities of controlled opposition.
The purpose of controlled opposition is to keep nationalism on the margins. Anyone claiming "muh PR doesn't matter" is probably a shill and certainly retarded.
Our entire propaganda effort is "PR", PR means public relations. If the public doesn't relate to you (because your group is comprised of skull mask wearing, tattooed thugs throwing nazi salutes) then your activity is counter-productive.
What "Muh PR" shills are trying to do is make criticism of counter-productive activities synonymous with weakness and shilling, because "muh PR", watch out for them.
Now I'm not saying NU are controlled op or a defilement outfit, but without knowing who is pulling its strings, it is a likely bet.
More information needed.

Wasn't it only Renegade calling out all the shilling for kosher nationalists in the movement during the last year or so?

The other 3 constantly promote and push for jews, telling us it's our only hope.

Considering the people that Renegade has had on its podcasts in the past year, such as National Action leaders, that is a bit hard to believe.
They called out controlled op insofar as they claim Trump is a Jewish puppet. He was their primary focus for the past year but otherwise they have a long history of collaboration with controlled op, as well as being caught in the act of trying to coopt and subvert the Fed "silent protests".
Attachments related.


have you ever been to sweden retard?
they do have a shitload of shitskins, but these are mostly arabs, not pakistanis, hindus or niggers

you are a massive faggot, nobody is saying sweden doesn't have a lot of 3rd world immigrants or descendants of said people
the point was that these people are not indians or niggers, they are mostly arabs

That was precisely what they were saying, in their conspicuously Americanised English while claiming to be Swedes.

Every other group mentioned has been non-stop campaigning for kosher nationalism for the last 2 years, only Renegade were calling this out.
You can have a problem with renegade for a variety of reasons and that's fine but they aren't on anything like the jew controlled opposition of the other 3

Just filter him mate, it's pretty clear the guy you're quoting is either a retard or a shill.

really, please cite some then
I'm half-swedish as well (don't live there but I visit now and then)

just to put this to rest, if you look at this chart, india and pakistan are quite low on the list
pakistan being the 30th of 32 countries and india 21 of 32

you are simply wrong. either you misremember what your friend said or he is a retard as well

as you can see from the list, the non-western immigrants are mostly arabs with a few somalis and eritreans thrown in there

Everything I wrote on the matter was self-evident truth
Feel free to filter, the standard behaviour of the gefilte crew on here


I pray for Nordfront to unfuck Sweden, the Viking needs to awaken.

the truth being that swedens immigrants are mostly from india and pakistan?
are you british by any chance?

For but one example
There are loads from a handful of IPS saying the same thing, essentially the usual suspects pushing the same shit in response to my posts here (you can find all the responses from these posts).

These 3 posts explain my position, none of which are controversial, just stating facts that Europe has been flooded with every type of 3rd world wog.
I cited different countries and that's where the collective hasbara rush to attack me came from.

Either tackle the problem of jew instigated 3rd world mass invasion, or do what the jews say we should do instead and just vote for zog and fight isreals wars instead of helping ourselves

you specifically said sweden is flooded with indians and pakis, which is wrong
there are 3rd world immigrants, which is a huge problem (and this was never the issue), but these immigrants are mostly from arab countries

you are also deflecting

he is 100% right
where in this post was 3rd world immigration denied? it was specifically denying the amount of hindus, not 3rd world immigrants in general

You're dead wrong. The highest numbers of ethnies we have here is from North-Africa and rest of Africa. You can also find Turks, Hindus, Pakis, Chinese…etc. in less numbers. The muslims have always been part of the immigrant, but back in the days, the elders knew that if they tried the shit the younger generations are doing, they would have been thrown out (and I'm not even sure about that, Commies already had an impact on France at that time, the army was already fucked up in the 60's because of them). But the younger generations, feeling marginalize because of fucking jews telling them it's ok to be who you are, France doesn't have a culture anyway, all they did was wrong to you, brave people of Africa. Add Islam to the mix and you got the situation in France, with 60% ready to die in the name of the EU, so be it.

*Highest number of immigrant we have here are from
I'm tired.

LoL, get back in your pram, I pointed out the fact there is a mass flooding of 3rd worlders from all over the earth, nothing about that is questionable.
You appeared at first to be genuinely concerned now I see you're part of the team.

Which is a shame because Nordfront are great and aren't braindead jew controlled counter-jihadis, I'll happily drop out this thread and perhaps the comments can get back on track discussing real nationalism rather than kikes debating the minutae framing it in the jewish narratives clothing.

At least Nordfront aren't a jewish sham working for jews and their misdirected counter-jihad they push in the West, they actually want to save their nations from jewish tyranny, all immigrants are a problem, collectively.

aren't most of frances 3rd worlders from their old colonies?

yes the third worlders (and maybe immigrants in general, not sure about that though) are the problem
you were just so adamant about something clearly wrong, which is why I responded

A huge number of them are indeed ethnies from our old colonies.

I fucking hate this retarded notion that colonizers have to take in millions of shitskins from their former colonies. Look at Britain with pakis/pooinloos and nigerians. Look at France with cameroonians and algerians. Look at America, which for some reason needs to take in shitloads of people from every country it's "liberated", and now we're flooded with vietnamese, koreans, iraqis, afghans, etc.

Gotta destabilize the Europeans countries goys, one way or the other.
At least I can have laugh with friends when taunting Algerians, go look up the infamous "Corvée de bois". Most of them don't know anything about it, but it's pretty funny when they do.

All colonies were done for jews gain, British Empire, French colonies in Africa, Belgian Congo etc, America's empire building for the last 100 years has gone straight into the pockets of big jew elites.
They repay us by sending the conquered savages from these nations into our homelands.

The solution is to no longer attack other nations and steal their resources for jewish elites.
That's what voting for jews gets you.

It's really about time we stopped voting for jews just because they're a little less worse than their other jew, and instead we must focus on forming genuine anti-zog nationalists

Trips of truth and hope.

I think that is something we all likely gravely underestimate is how fast an ethnonationalist movement can swell once it gets enough steam in the wider public conscious. There are millions of young white men who are ready to swell the ranks once they realize it will offer them a purpose and value them for their contribution.

yes and without the lie of egalitarianism they get conquered by those with merit

I can't abide these jawas. Filthy creatures.

are any of these european countries past 10% non natives? that tends to be the historical point of no return (without drastic intervention).

If I'd had to guess, probably most western european countries at this point

i've slept in worse.

Are you apart of this group user? If so good job on holding your ground against those marxist cucks who got btfo

That and the fact that to this day they still bitch about the evil white man who colonized their lands. If you want Europeans to fuck off extend the same courtesy. It's that simple.

someone said sweden?

These guys are fucking based.

mudslime asylum seeker vs wimmin police.


police gave up and let him go

lack of fucking words

what the actual fuck, sweden

How active are Sons of Odin? Is Soldiers of Odin the same thing?

I've been unsheltered homeless twice in my life. I wouldn't complain. Looks good for autists.

Not so tough now.

Notice how a single post promoting Nordfront is deleted, yet every thread encouraging Holla Forumsacks to vote for kosher puppets remain untouched.
Rather telling that.

NordFront are still highly active, Soldiers of Odin I think are big in Canada now and they seem to be doing well too.

Or maybe shut it down is a better description?

Nordfront is about 1500% bigger then Nordisk Ungdom.

They're not even that radical. They're ethnonationalists, paneuropean IIRC, but don't name the Jew even though they have close ties with people who do (Golden One, nationalist radio Motgift and Nordic Resistance Movement) while they're also friends with the old SD youth organisation. They're basically the link between civic nationalists and natsocs, I think they're neccessairy.

Hopefully the Viking genes will surface in our Swedish brothers and sisters…soon…introduce the invaders to the meaning of the word "berserker". And please send that khazar talmud demon Barbara Lerner Spectre back to hell where she came from.

This is the most pathetic display I have ever seen. Fucking disgusting. Get your shit together Sweden.

Watch the country that created no-go zones for muslims send in tanks to squash their own people.

Fucking triplets…

It's a debt thing.

The more people you can bring into a nation with a strong currency, the more debt can be issued.

It's the rising fury of people realising they have been lied to their whole lives, combined with the instinctual survival mechanism firing up.
I expect uncontrollable beserker fury before long.

This gives me hope.

Whilst I'm not a fan of the guys from Nordisk Ungdom waving their middle fingers around like a bunch of ghetto kids, this is still an excellent initiative. The chaos that ensues from these 10-15 NU-guys confronting the demonstrators really shows the power of taking the fight to the leftists and their demonstrations rather than always playing defense.

The grey-haired man with the backslick in the beginning of the video is actually the father of one of my childhood friends and he is a textbook Stockholm-leftist who has been going to these types of demonstrations since atleast the early 2000s, always saying he fiercely supports the working class but at the same time looks down on them the moment they say or vote on something that isn't kosher. It should come as no surprise that he, like most of his kind, lives in one of the few areas of Stockholm yet to be enriched by feral negroes and hajis.

Pic related is one of his reoccuring profile pics on JewBook.

This has more space than the fucking luxury-class hotel room i was forced in last year.

The music, is it by Ultima Thule?

Anyhow, how some more nationalist Swedish music.

Actually nice. I stayed there.

You guys do realize Nordfront is just the name of the swedish website for NMR, right? Like, the organisation isn't called Nordfront.

God, I wish right-wing people would keep this autistic music off their videos.

No, keep the stupid guitars off. It's unbearable.

One of the few intelligent posters left on this board.

Nietzche nailed it.

They suck shit, but can't stand it, so they invert their shit-sucking into some kind of nobly "chosen" virtue, when they're just bitches who had no say in being a bitch.

Ted Kaczynski also analyzed their psychology really well.

They're failures who attribute their failure to "unfairness" and so cannot bear the superior.

I'm trying to redpill a friend on mine on sweden. Anyone got some good images, articles, etc. on the shit that's going on there?


Not enough. Just fucking kill the invaders. Go to the "no-go" zones and snipe them, poison them, just grab them and put them in your van. If there's no police, you can't fucking get caught. What the flying fuck is wrong with swedes?

Looks like she's trying too hard to just pose for a photograph

They're about 5 years too late.
Literally no way they can take their entire country back without massive violence.

Sorry for kinda out of topic but imagine my shock…

t. 56%

this guy gets my jew-dar pinging. not so much the nose but the beady eyes. Can another user confirm?

Too little, too late. Sweden is finished and its descent into Somalia-level niggerdom must accelerate for Sweden to have any value at all.

Sweden is the cautionary tale that vindicates everything Holla Forums says about immigration and rapefugees.

That's funny considering swedish demographics are on the same level as US were in the 1960s. If Sweden is fucked, USA is already hell.

actually they have started to use the word interchangeably.

What's taking so long for 68er fuck ups to die? Goddamn.

He definitely speaks with a non-native accent that I would place as Chilean (we have plenty of the scum who fled from Pinochet) but I could be wrong.

That is demonstrably false. Nordfront is the name of the Swedish website, and RadioNordfront is the Swedish language podcast. The organisation is NMR and has been since it was SMR in the 90's. That's like calling the NSDAP " Völkischer Beobachter".

Simon Lindbergs speech on the 1st of may with English Subtitles, worth a watch if you still don't know what NMR is about.

As an example, the guys from Nordic Frontier on another podcast. Notice that they refer to themselves as members of NMR, not nordfront.

I even forgot the link.

Sweden, No!

What a horrific insult to National Socialism that flag is, I hope you posted it ironically or something.