Game Developer Barbie

Game Developer Barbie.

Holy fuck, that's hilarious.

Coming soon to a bargain bin near you.

The only problem I see is a man jaw.

This again?

I wonder when the game developer barbie game will come out with a trans ken dlc

What does a woman jaw look like?


So those shitlords at Mattel abandoned the realistic barbie figure? Gross.
We must show young girls what a real female indie dev looks like.

Something like this.

I still doubt to this day that Zero has a male anatomy.

It's a robot, it has whatever "anatomy" you need.

Good but hair is still problematic. You cant go to UN like that.

Here's an idea. You don't have to like it. What if there was a barbie with vivians near identical look. I say this cause who'd of thought Game Dev barbie would happen

Even the games make fun of that, I remember Bass calling Zero girly when shown him in silhouette at the end of an arcade game.

Zero's a modular robot, he could have literal boy-pussy if you want him to.



It's so she can skype with her programmer boyfriend to tell her how to make her Twine game.

It was pretty funny seeing that whole section of e-feminists suddenly twist on the barbie stance and praise it all of a sudden. You throw them a bone and all is forgiven, it seems.

Does she come with STDs and a nude photoshoot too?

Someone has to buy one of those and make some panels or something with all that stuff.

hey thanks for making this thread again man. i appreciate it. really.

It comes in a pack complete with 5 ken dolls.

This is a general now? Neat.

Only five? I get the joke but she should come with more than that.

Not fat enough to be a real wymun. Are you some sort of fat shaming shitlord?

So, where is the "supreme game industry overlord like Roberta Williams" barbie?
Those dolls are about selling dreams, not mobile development nightmares.

post nudes

I fucking remember that ending. One of the best parts of that game.

Why would barbie develop games when gamers are dead?

I'll tell you where. Nowhere.

SJWs are about telling the story of the heroic struggle of today's women against the evil patriarchy. They have no time for past triumphs of women who didn't have to fight imaginary obstacles that exist only in the minds of them and their crazy feminist sisters.

When history does not support their worldview, they disregard it or label it a tool of the patriarchy. When women do not support their worldview, they are disregarded or labeled a tool of the patriarchy and attacked.

Also, Roberta Williams was okay with being in this pic, which makes her super problematic and gross.

Not seeing the big problem here.

Where's rule 34?

VERY old news.

Nice stereotypes Barbie.

Cunt boys are gay though. Look that shit up. The only people buying that porn is gay men. Go figure.

worked for overwatch

That warning text alone is worth it, aside from the sweet retro hot tub pic.