Nordic Resistance Movement

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The Nordic Resistance Movement is a National Socialist organization. Aside from Sweden, we are represented and active in Norway and Finland as well, making us the largest nationalistic organization in the North.
We work both parliamentary and extraparliamentary.

Our political will can be briefly be summarized in nine points. If you support these points, you also support the vision of The Nordic Resistance Movement. Read the nine points in short or download our complete political program, Our path.
Do you want to support us in our struggle?

Other urls found in this thread:

We recently had a big demonstration on May day.

Videoclip here:

I'm not sure this is the right place to advertise. I think you guys are doing good work but most people who frequent 8ch AND live in a country where you have a presence will already know about you.

We are aware of this. That is why we spread our message everywhere on the web.

Alright. Do you happen to know whether I can find the song in the clip anywhere or did you guys record that yourselves? Looking for walter flex sonne und schild only leads to your video.

Beautiful. You actually have numbers that aren't full of fat fucks.

Hey, if I learn Swedish can I come and march with you someday or is it Swedish only ?

There's nothing wrong with spreading a good message

Good vi>>9875753
Good video - thanks for posting

I'm pretty sure they don't want French Jews pretending to be Nordfront and causing problems.

I'm not a jew.

Don't get defensive. Who said you were?

You implied I was.

Your association with NA bothers me.

I stated they need to be careful about outside people trying to infiltrate them. You assumed I was talking about you.

No need to play dumb. You could have easily said it differently to avoid any misunderstanding.

Damn, how will the Resistance Movement ever recover

I sincerely hope we don't have to do this again.

I'll gladly support you once you get rid of this utterly retarded agenda. I'm Finnish and I'm for Finnish independence. You Swedes don't have the same kind of protectionist mindset engraved into your culture as we do. We know how fragile independence is, how easily it can be taken away and how hard you have to fight to keep it. You haven't waged a war in 300 years.

I find it especially repulsive how you and your neo-Kalmar agenda marched in Helsinki on the Finnish independence day. We don't want to become a part of some bigger country. We want to remain independent. This is the number one reason the Finnish branch hasn't become popular.


This protectionist mindset that you speak of doesn't seem to help you much for standing up against globalism, cultural marxism or immigration from the third world so I mean… what good is it.

This tbh, any serious nationalist movement would never be as retarded as NRM.


Why are you guys falling for this?

I've only started looking into you guys since your mayday showing, and I've been incredibly impressed by what I've seen. You guys seem like the first national socialist movement that actually has their shit together and has a platform that could actually become popular. If I was a scandi, I might actually come out of the dark to join up.

Keep doin what you're doing. Even if we can't be part of it, it fills a lot of us with joy and raises moral to see you guys successful.

If National Action were a honeypot or controlled op then why was it banned? Why would they ban something that they don't consider a threat?

My country is

Please tell me you aren't this thick.
Our government has been doing this for literally hundreds of years. We know a honeypot when we see one.

I would totally support you guys, but I live in Burgeristan. What can I do?

Kill yourself, britcuck.

You faggots are so short-sighted it's almost funny

We have a long term plan to shift the overton window rightwards while preparing for a civil war should one break out. You morons do nothing but 'praise kek' online.

tl;dr not an argument

NMR are retarded skins pretending they can run a party. They have repeatedly said in their own podcasts that if Sweden was invaded by Putin's Russia, a country that has outlawed the spreading of the world view they claim to adhere to, they would join the Slavic invaders and help make them masters of their own race.

They also support the nigger-run communist people's republic in Donbass becasue they know it actually white nationalist, everything saying otherwise is just jew propaganda trying to defame Putin.

Are you guys a separate political party or do you endorse the Swedish Democrats?

You guys joined the EU didn't you? That's hardly being independent.

Is this a nordic descendant of Yakub?

Seriously though, their presentation is excellent. Clean colors and uniformity. Even the flag is good.

Their leader has thoroughly excoriated the cucks in the Swedish Democrats in the past, so I doubt it.


Also commenting as a finn: I think it's the blood that matters. A political statehood is very weak to corporeal, blood based unity.

In that sense, finns should unite with their nordic brothers against everything that is foreign, because we share same lineages mainly.
Love your brother and preserve the verenperintö above everything else.


Hey, I've actually been trying to contact you guys recently. I have my own decently sized group and we're growing pretty well but I was wondering if you could give any advice as far as organizing and recruiting? I'm hoping to use the knowledge of your success and utilize it in my group. Talked briefly about my group here

Anyways, any words of wisdom or advice you could bestow to Ameribros would be greatly appreciated. I think we're doing good so far, but there's not exactly a manual to starting your own WN/Natsoc group or building the 4th reich.

Nice to see you guys grow in size and have organized demonstrations. Is it possible to donate Bitcoin to Nordfront, OP?

Look how well PR worked for France and Netherlands
Always prepare for a revolt, democracy is rigged


Just let Finland have its own thing with Estonia and Karelia. Everything else can be part of your Nordic Union or whatever. The Nords and Mongols can have a mutual defense pact if security is a concern.

As someone who has great sympathy towards NMR, this is my biggest gripe. I have spoken to Finns online, those ive met speak about how the Finns have formed themselves into a distinct nordic people, separated from the more general Viking esque - nordic people in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. So when you racially speak of "Nordic people" You speak of two groups at the same time. You speak of the Vikings(for the lack of a better word) and the Finns.

The way is see it and how the Finns ive spoken to see it, is that the Vikings and the Finns are to be separated, yet allied. A case if zwei volk, zwei reich. The confusion comes from the extremely strong allied racial nature of these two nordic peoples. We share much of our love for the nordic landspaces and animals, and outlook on life in general, yet we are not the same. Happy neighbours, not one family.

It is a case of two races, who are to pursue two distinct racial destinies, as good allies.

And to see NMR shift in policy one day, away from their idea that Finns are the same as the Vikings(again, for the lack of a better word), would be fantastic to see, because it would prove that they are infact after the Absolute Truth and not simply following laid out dogma. This is in the grand scheme of things, a small misstep, and one that I certainly think they will fix in the future.

I infact intend to join their party one day, and see if I can bring about such a change.

I should also add, that in such a world, in which a Nordic Republic is formed between Norway, Iceland, Denmark and Sweden. Leaving out Finland. I strongly also advocate for the return of ethnic Finns to Finland from the Nordic Republic, and the return of Ethnic "nords" to the Nordic republic, from Finland. As right now, there is a significant portion of Swedes living in Finland, who would have no business there at all if the Finns are to pursue a distinct racial destiny.

Ive also heard that Finns are ok with letting Sweden have Åland, since theyre just a tax burden for the mainland of Finland anyway.

t. swede

For lack of a better place to post.

I am unsure how Denmark are handling the situation at the moment, hopefully these are people currently processed in Denmark (and not free for all with train from Germany). Anyone know?
Also summer is around the corner.

I'm not sure how, or if you can, donate with bitcoin to the organisation but you can donate to the radio/podcast and if you say that you want it to go only to the organization the can fix that.

I'm in the exact same boat. Pan-nordicism is sheer madness. Pan-scandinavianism with strong alliance with the finns is the way to go and I have no doubt that it would boost the membership and infuence in both Sweden/Norway and Finland. The movment could (and should) have the same structure and the name should stay the same.

Basically this
