Lets be real here. Compared with trumps election, the meme output from here was weak for Le pen. During the burger election
This place was a factory of meme propaganda working day and night.
For the french i think i saw one or two threads dedicated to some decent memes, but over all effort was low energy.
We have the upcoming German elections and we should get the ball rolling NOW
And as soon as i mention Germany I know the defeatist shills will bombard us with claims they are too "cucked" to save. I say fuck that noise!
I say bring back the spirit of trumps election and apply it to Germany.
In the lead up to trumps victory this place was constantly abuzz with support, propaganda, strategy and HIGH MORALE. Lets take this further. We are the internet culture factory.
The whole world is networked, do not be fooled into thinking the internet is somehow removed from real life! THIS GENERATION LIVES ON THE INTERNET. And their minds will be won on the internet! This place has power.
Lets use it again!

Other urls found in this thread:

Remember for every self destructive leftist in Germany there is a family of disillusioned traditional people who yearn for freedom from the multicult nightmare that Germany is becoming. DO IT FOR THEM.

The infrastructure for France just wasn't there. They needed their own imageboards and forums with which we could contribute to, instead we were blindly flailing around as english speakers. Germany took down Krautchan, making an alternative is extremely important for the cause.

France has been worthless for decades and completely alien to the true EVROPA spirit.
Call me when Germany, Poland or even fucking Portugal need the power of meme magic

Then Im calling you now because the German election looms and shultz cannot be aloud victory

Dubs are where it's at, man.

There's a nice symmetry here. German Nazis get fucked by an American-led coalition; American-led coalition of Nazis reconquers Germany for the Fuhrer.

Can Germans access Holla Forums?
If he can get some kind of effort going to recruit krautz to their own sub board concerned with the election here we can funnel propaganda into it.

"My spirit will rise from the grave…"

Language is a very strong barrier when it comes to France, there's no way we can communicate with frogs because the only ones who speak their language are african shitskins and arabs.
Yes you have one or two anons who can speak the fromage language, but the vast majority of us can't.
And if we can't pass our message, we cannot influence people's minds.

German is a much more viable language. One of my students is German and i will be learning key words from him for future efforts

Who are we supposed to root for here? I have no idea of who's /ourguy/ in Krautland today

The dankest memes transcend language.

Germany has a "neo Nazi" party National Democratic Party of Germany.

Can anyone do a German translation of this ?

AFD is the best bet , when the old nazi party is now being lead by a zionist jew

France was doomed when America and Britain went towards the right
France defines a large part of their identity as 'doing the opposite of Britain' for centuries and its generally why they're a disappointment

Wheres that article where merkel says that they are going to have more mosques than churches eventually????

What do you mean by eventually? If you only count 'active' churches and mosques they already do

the dankest memes require context and truth. When all of the information is in frog or filtered through the media it makes it harder for English speakers to meme on.

The quality of users is going down fast, not just intellectually…

Forget France. We cant do anything more for them now. Only the french nationalists can. and they will. Le pen has gained traction and has broken into the mainstream. France election is over but its war is still being fought. WE must turn our attention to Germany

Forgive my ignorance , i tend to ignore any threads that aren't English unless its necessary (like now) and haven't seen a heavy German presence for quite some time. Everyone knows the majority of posters are burgers. I'm talking about strategies to increase German presence here. if that's bad quality then so be it.

I feel you, bro.

The German presence on full/pol/ is massive. You never pay attention…

Ok good, lets make it bigger

Maybe not the thread to put it in but I thought of a good idea to get one of our guys in the US Senate, that Guy being Sam Hyde
The Plan is that he runs as a Democrat, acting ironic the whole time while supporting Holla Forums positions like stopping non whites by coming in by saying "they're too good of a people to come in a nation populated by evil whites" and removing jews "Those dogs are like double white they bad n shit"

I won't lie, I've never much cared for anything about the french. Since the days of the Karlings, they have been cucks. That's over a millennia of them representing the cuckholdry of Europe in my eyes. As an American, all they have represented to my people is a bank account that we emptied several times. I put forth a bit of effort and withheld my usual insults for the election. I don't like them. I don't like their booze. I don't like their "culture" and I can't think of a damn thing they've done for our blood. Speaking of blood, I've never even liked most people with even French ancestry. I even dislike their influences on my Anglish language. We don't need so many fucking words for pig. I don't even like french cooking, and hate their snobbish influence on the food scene. Italians cook better food than the French! The only thing France has ever been in my eyes, that was of any use, was as a buffer against the Mudslimes, and that could had been done better by any other race of white men if they had been in their place. The Slavs are better than the French in my eyes FFS! Honestly anons, what have the french ever done for the Aryan blood that even the Slavs couldn't had done better?
May France be the battlefield of the next great war. Let them reap what they sow! Speaking of, even their "glorious revolution" is bullshit. Their people starved because they were too fucking stuck up to grow potatoes, because "muh breads!" when they were warned repeatedly that their wheat crops were going to fail, and blamed their aristocracy for their own failings. The only good "french" in history were never even Frenchmen, they were just Aryans unlucky enough to be located in lands that had the french map drawn over them.
Let France burn, and in the fires, shall all the mudslime invaders burn with it.

But you care for Germany right?

feels bad man

Their "revolutions" are what irk me the most. Disgusting proto marxism.

Damn right. Germany matters. Germany has never been shitskin. At least half of my blood came from there, from Odenswald, as does the name that I bare. I say at least half due the irish in me being Gallowglass, making it tricky to pin down how much Gaelic is actually Gaelic.

No fuck off. You're not winning shit you delusional idiot.

we've got our work cut out for us, lads

Then lets use all our efforts to preserve it. What we need is this entire board involved like it was with trump, in the German elections. If we start now we will have time to gain traction. Lets get this propaganda machine started.
we already did

Well it hasn't before 2005

Yid detected. The dynamic is very different in Germany and folks need to know that they are not alone.

No he isn't. He is Jeb. He once told people in his tiny meeting that they "can clap now",

Unlike the frogs, every German speaks English. Feel free to meme in English.

Have you guys been paying any attention? Schulz is burning in the polls.

well don't blame me, my 2 twiter accounts are suspended for a while.

Even better. If Germans elect Ferkel again, we will know that we all deserve a bloody civil war.


Damn Satan, I mean if we allow Ferkel to take power again.

I don't mean to demoralize people but cut the shit dude.
I 100% GUARANTEE that Germany will never vote their way out of this.Things are going to get hairy out there before any hope of change arrives. Most of Western Europe WILL find it self in the same position as Rhodesia 20-30 years from now. We need to focus on preparing for when that day comes and not on lukewarm Civic Nationalists that have no chance of winning.
Again I don't want to Black Pill you guys but its true. The German spirit died 70 years ago and will only reawaken when Krieg returns and sets of the flight v. fight instinct.

Jeb was the most likely to win the presidency before Trump showed up

The situation in Germany is pretty close to erruption. We have police raid for "illegal opinions", andi-goverment songs banned, government paid demonstrations against AfD being held, there are workshops on fighting the right held every week. Bundeswehr turned out to be a major den of 1488ers and the kikes are going crazy and purging the whole military now.

Germany looks cucked, but a huge chunk of the population is already keeping swastikas under the mattress.

I'd be good if it Shulz and the AfD candidate were the top 2, seeing as Shulz is the best way for AfD to win

that means you must have been doing something right so your excused from twitter. But theres always Facebook Instagram (yes you'd be surprised at the amount of right wing politics there) and other chans

No. There is no AfD candidate for the chancellor.
There are only Merkel and Schulz. Merkel is the way to go, since she already has a dictator image.

So Germany has so many Turks they're doing the same shit Ergodan is doing?

Why isn't there an Afd Candidate

Yes. There is this very popular singer who made a song about "government will see an angry mob with pitchforks" and even mentioned Pizzagate in it. The whole media is going crazy and calling him a nazi and they demand banning the whole album. The song has already been pulled from iTunes and Joogle.

oppression breeds unrest

Whats the song?lets get it circulating

Oh I thought you meant that Merkel actually banned the song
Or did she make Apple and Jewgle do that?

Because AfD leadership is eating each other on daily basis. Career politicians care only about the seats. It's pretty embarrasing honestly, and it happens because all the old farts in the party vote for cuckservative candidates.

Fuck, looks like Jewtube deleted it too. It's Xavier Naidoo - Marionetten

I just hope that when things finally kick off over there the rest of NATO is going though the same sort of rebellion.
The revolt needs to be on a civilizational level. We cant have just 3 nations and few small allies up against the world like in WW2.

It's being discussed in the government now. Thankfully we don't have a complete dictatorship yet and they still have to jump through the hoops to ban anything. But it will get banned alright.
It's not only apple, I can't find it pretty much anywhere now.

I'll help however I can, but my hands are in MANY pots right now. Can anyone who speaks the language help me find info on the current "hippie" scene? I work with the people who are the legacy of the Lebensreform movement and the Artaman League, the people who helped raise up Heinrich Himmler ideologically, the ones who birthed the Blood and Soil movement, as absurd as it may seem. If we can revive that movement to it's volkish roots in the USA, it will spread through Europe again. Given that we're now stereotyped as the "hippie" we are absolutely beyond the reach of the kike's favorite term, racism. Nobody even fucking looks at us in public unless we want them to. We don't even get questioned or suspected for lack of identification, and the courts usually abandon cases against us as a waste of time and space. If we succeed this summer, the European branch of the Family will fall in line as well, as they copy us in every way we lead. I know how crazy that sounds, but that crazy is why we still exist. is up. Came back like three months ago.

Having said that, they just split up among various chans, includingg /kc/ here. You can go there and find old threads wherethey discuss where they migrated to to find boards to use for spreading memes.

Gay, if only they'd just settle on that guy who gave that address mocking the trannies by mentioning all their made up pronouns and finished
He's pretty good

Well at least the Artist is going to make bank

Hillary would have beat Yeb!

I really hope that's true, good luck Germanbro

Looks like the media and leftists memeing him as lefty German Trump failed.

Nah, he's one step from being banned altogether. He attended a Rechisbürger meeting (labeled a nationalist terrorist organization) and supports Höcke (the guy who said we had enough holoxoax shaming and it has to stop) .

lurk moar


So he doesn't have other means of shekles

Why the fuck is AfD trailind Die Linke?

he is literally saying the german race exists solely as a host for the parasitic benefit of the race of jews, i.e. german race is literally a cuck race for jews to live off of.

that is what he is LITERALLY saying.

germans are the host and jews are the parasite.

Yeah, exactly why he cant be allowed to win.

The only things that have a hope of stopping him are Merkal (shudder) and a bullet.

NEW germany…
he's basically saying 'we are ending krauts'

Why is merkel the only option ??

It looks like Merkel is doing the John Howard move of adopting some plays from the right wing party to stay in power, but no so much that it displeases the Jew

As long as she allows mass immigration
we can use it against her

They will never win. The cycles are turning, the Kali yuga is ending, and the volk is awakening! Help me reignite the green flame of the Aryan soul, awaken the hate within my people who's face is love, and we will be the footsoldiers who usher in the new reich! We have branches in every nation in Europe and we have the numbers! We need no resources, we need no training! We just need the direction!

Take this higher and show true European culture to the world.

Of course but keep in mind it looks like some of the momentum is fading
we need to find it again

Because of the information in this picture. AfD is really cucked and they have pretty low support anyhow.
I give up on democracy.

Then get out of my thread. Trump came from being laughed at to ruling the nation. We can do the same with AFD
Thats why we are here

The problem is that french and germans have been conditioned to care more about what is "cool"
We are not cool, we are nerdy in their eyes.
Americans and brits were more susceptible to our memes because they are more inclined to not caring about being seen to be "cool"
This being "cool" shit is why jews can get white people to accept mass immigration etc.
It is related to virtue signalling, and is the biggest single problem we have with white people.
Also, there is a city/ countryside divide that matches voting patterns, attitudes towards progressive issues and caring about "coolness"

Remember the "polls" surrounding Hillary. Damn near every one of them showed trump with no chance of winning. Do not trust the media. Do not be disheartened. And even if we do not win the election, nothing is in vain. The more people we sway, the better chance we have for revolution. The better chance we have for next years election, and the next years. There is no final defeat. We fight to the bitter end. Germany lost the war. By rights it shouldn't even exist. Yet here we are still defending it. Still defending Europe. Still forever disrupting the jew.
The jew does not have the capacity to rule us by force. The jew does not have the might to conquer us. The jew seeks to rule by consent.

Thats why we are taking back popular culture. Whats "cool" changes every week. We bring back values in tradition, in family. in VOLK . It is already happening everywhere among st the youth. They are raised by the internet. And the chans are the culture of the internet. The shady figures in the background pulling the strings. If you cant see the social change you are blinded.
Do not let them convince you that this place does not influence the culture of the net. It is so tangible and visible only a complete gibbering retard could ignore it. We are gaining more and more traction everyday. The youth of the next generation will not be like the last.

You can't export this shit. Why do you think shills are so easy to spot here?

The nationalist French base needs to generate their own memes if they truly want to regain control. Best we can do is assist.

The problem isn't access, its the fact that Germans are the most clueless normalfags on the planet, about as badly informed as your average chink. They never venture beyond the confines of the German speaking net, so all memes would have to be extremely easy to understand and spreadable without Facebook or Reddit taking them down.

KC would have been no help what so ever in this regard because they were pure cancer.


I know you Americans are hyped up since Trump and I'm glad you want to help us but the time is just not here yet for victory. Is there anger? Is the fire rising? Absolutely, but it's not big enough yet. Le Pen's result is the closest we'll get for a while.

I'm not being defeatist, I'm being realistic, when I say that there is absolutely no chance in hell AFD will even get anywhere close to 30%. Don't set yourself up for disappointment.

The Frank gave up his language long ago and thus has lost his way back to the source, for those in higher Germanie their hearts' still beat with ancient blood.


If that's the case lets get it 30% . if it takes years to wake people up so be it. But right now we aren't doing enough, and elections is key time to spread propaganda.

Germanfag here. I'm inclined to go full accelerationist, seeing the cucking of AfD. Let us have our civil war sooner than later and let's stop pretending that a political solution within the BRD system is possible. It's not.

A Jeb and Hillary election would of been even more about stupid shit than the Hillary Trump one seeing as Jeb and Hillary had pretty identical policy other than a little difference in tax
Jeb would of won due to the Emails, which would of gotten out as the CIA establisment wouldn't of cared if Jeb won, seeing as his dad and brother served them heavily
As well as Sick Hillary

You are correct. The entire current government of Germany is specifically engineered to be cucked. It will be impossible to vote your way out of this.
You can count on me to try and smuggle you krauts some rifles if it comes to that.

Also fuck off NSA an BND. I see you you guys watching.

But for civil war you need a cause and support for that cause. So the idea still stands. Spread propaganda as much as you can. If you can speak English too, (obviously you can) It would be useful to translate memes from here into German

Do it, nothing wrong about spreading memes. The righteous anger that is neccessary, however, already builds up on its own. I'm living in a town where we are literally a minority now and the last remaining germans are either hyper cucked or pissed as hell. It feels like a powder keg waiting to explode. Open ressentment and conflict between the groups getting more frequent by the day. Muslims openly preaching allah shit on the streets. Germans openly talking to other Germans about the need to cleanse the filth. Mark my words: Ruhrgebiet will be Ground Zero for the coming civil war.

Nah, it's happening everywhere. Even in the most cucked parts where you have to cover your face when you go to an AfD meeting. But what's even more beautiful is that it creates a feeling of a secret fraternity. Last week I went to out drink with my party comrades and bar owner overheard us talking about party business and we got a meaningful nod and drinks on the house. It's not the first time too, everywhere we go we either meet party members or get support, all in discreet form tho. We really need to make up secret handshakes.

Another difference between Americans/Britons an France/Germany/Netherlands/Scandinavia?
Americans/Britons have globally recognised stereotypes we generally adhere to that we're acceptive of
The rest of them? Point out a flaw or the odd nuance to their culture they exhibit and watch the veil go down behind their eyes and now the rest of your interaction with them is now about them proving you wrong

But don't you know that white people have no cultural specifics?? Goethe and Kant are literally no better than N'dongo from the Kongo if you just stopped oppressing him, shitlords!!

there is still the ernstchan one and as the other user pointed out the >>>/kc/ board but funnily enough the /kc/ board here got a new BO which keeps kc modding the anons which they do not like it at all.


Most people here aren't burgers tbh. Even if they were, French memetics weren't working because frog isn't as common a language as English

Also don't forget about Norway and New Zealand. We gotta put our foot into minor countries as well.

Maybe people shouldn't have waiting until the last minute to meme Le Pen?

Norway isn't in danger, thanks to Breivik and New Zealand is literally who. Germany is way more important now.

Pretty sure a bunch of muzzies fucking left because Norway is cold as tits.

I think the quality matters too. Shitty the_donald memes which most see were so cringy they would turn someone away from voting Le Pen.

Norway's lefties are also headless, because our hero Anders killed all the leftie elite. These fuckers he killed would be 25-30 year old now and would be leading the antifa groups and the NGOs.

Thats why i say get in early for Germany

Was Ian Smith a lukewarm Civil nationalist?

Ander's actually killed leftist leaders, not just kids? Do you happen to have any information on that whole event since I wasn't Initiated at the time of the shooting?

People are being lazy and assume that Meme Magic can take effect a few weeks after creating it. You've got to stew it inside the brains of the public and let it simmer for the juices to come out.

Are you retarded? These "kids" were 18-25 year olds and that gathering was "Workers' Youth League" camp. These "kids" were the next generation of the leftie leaders. Did you even read his manifesto?

Alright, enough beating around the bush.

Who's /ourguy/ in Deutschland?

Bjorn Höcke of AfD.

Which is controlled by the German Government so a controlled opposition.

Lol, this board has a mental disorder. Seeing you autists cry and make empty threats went really well with my popcorn. Keep it up, virgin neo-nazis.



Go back to reddit.

This is what they want the future of Germany to look like

God, i want Höcke to become leader of AfD…
Frauke is destroying party with political correctness trying to get rid of pure nationalists like Höcke.She is also very weak with her speeches.

Höcke on other hand is literally Holla Forums tier politician.
God help nuGermany…

Nah, I'm having too much fun over here :D

Who's making threats?

Frauke is out. Now we have Gauland and Weidel. They won't last tho.

Is it all ogre then?

Various posts saying shit like "I'm going to do things to fuck up France and Europe" and "Le Pen was the last straw"

where, cmon puts some effort in

Nah. That's the good thing about having a party without a mascot leader.
The old farts at Parteitag voted for cuckservative leadership, but the youth in the party itself is becoming more radicalized. There will be an inevitable push to the right as time passes.

Its the youth who are fed up. And because they are raised by the internet these days they are more exposed to it. Thats what puts us in such a powerful position
control the memes and you control the youth.

It's all over this board. You have to be blind to not have seen it

Yeah and Trump is compromised or a traitor. AfD is barely better, they kicked out all the bad goyim from their party anyhow. They aren't going to allow another Trump, he almost brought the whole thing down.

Sorry what? im not sure what you mean? please elaborate

Nigga, it was years ago and I said I didn't take the redpill. Cut a newbie some slack.

fuck off faggot


Shill harder, faggot.
KC is ready for some meme wars.

Yea Im sure all those 14 old roaches and clueless German faggots there know all about memetics.

Deutsch/pol/ wants nothing to do with these people and for good reason.

Alternative link:

Trump should replace mexicans with europeans. Europe is dead.

Europe is dead over an election.

As was mentioned it certainly cannot hurt to spread memes but what you're describing germanbro is precisely what we burgers experienced with trump, the secrecy of our support, the anger at not only our abysmal immigration policies but the entire PC culture itself. Hell I even had a similar bar experience in the weeks leading up to the elections.

The importance is finding and connecting with your allies, I know not how truly bad it is over there but I can assure you even in the midst of people chanting refugees welcome, black lives matter, and not my president we still found our way and regardless of how trump turns out we sent a strong signal not only to ourselves but the world that this can go on no longer. Our election unified enough of us that I swear almost over night after the results you could feel people giving less and less of a shit about the refugees and more importantly about the insanity that was the PC culture, which I must stress is actually the most important about what happened to us as the average normie finally felt comfortable enough to speak up about these issues once they felt they would no longer be prosecuted for having a thought against the narrative.

And that is one of the big takeaways that I must stress, at least for america the average normie is nothing more than a phlegmatic human mirror that seeks only to reflect what they perceive to be the societal norm, direct your mirrors in the right direction germanbro (and I know you can, your people have done it once before) and regardless of your elections results you WILL see change for the better, just don't shatter it during the process.

You have to keep a few things in mind with your approach.
1. #GG never actually spread to Germany. It was censored in major gaming sites and also KC, thus the networks on normie social media like twitter which helped tremendously spreading Trump propaganda never formed. You'd have to either build them up from scratch or get the ones fromt he anglosphere to spread to Germany while being prepared to reinstate them in case of deletion, which is likely due to German government efforts in censoring "fake news" and "hate speech".

2. The German constitution and the election system were created by the allies after WW2 with the focus of taking as much influence from the voter as possible. Even now with the AfD rising the ruling parties are changing the constitution and other rules regarding governance to curb their influence while the mass media, which are completely leftist, constantly bash everything AfD related. Additionally, groups like Antifa receive tax money and the authorities turn a blind eye to them attacking AfD offices and politicians, identifying AfD sympathizers on social media and trying to destroy their livelihoods. This creates an environment of fear with people not openly admitting their political stance.

Right. As a German, there is no chance you'll be able to meme the AfD into office. The German system is way too robust (read: resistant to large changes) for that.

The only reasonable goals are:
Keeping (((Schulz))) out of office.
Preventing an SPD victory and a leftist coalition (SPD + Greens + Leftists), which would cuck Germany beyond redemption
Ideally we'd meme the AfD so hard we'd get a coalition of the AfD with the CDU, but I highly doubt that's going to happen, the CDU wouldn't risk something like that.

Yes, that means we'll have to deal with Mutter Merkel, but it sure is better than Schulz. I'm German, these are realistic goals. I'd prefer if it wasn't like that, but if you dream about transforming Deutschland into a Natsoc paradise in the next months you'll be sorely disappointed.

afaik the AfD doesn't even want to rule but be a real opposition.
If Merkel or Schulz wins doesn't really matter, they're two sides of the same globalist coin. Sometimes I think even Schulz would be better because he'd open the floodgates and that might wake the masses up.
Personally I think there won't be a political solution. Only an economic crisis that leads to civil war becaue of the muds and dindus receiving no more gibs.

To be fair, it doesn't make a lick of difference. Both follow exactly the same goals, they just try to wrap it differently so that people are fooled into thinking they actually have a choice.

Not to blackpill here, but the AFD's chances are much worse than Le Pen had last weekend. 15% would be a good result. Most Germans will vote for the cuckservative CDU, the Turks will vote for Martin "Israel First" Schultz. Hell, there's a chance he wil become the fucking chancellor. At this point there should be mass assassinations should be carried out in Germany to get rid of these fucks, but nothing will happen. One side of the same coin will win and German women will be offered up to Jamal, until no Germans but mongrels are alive. Disgusting.

we really ought to just focus on the canada election, convince the le pen supporters to move there, and getting our fucking border wall we should clean up in north america and just let europe fall so we can reconquer it later the only non-cucked european countries with desireable white population percentages are in eastern europe if france was too far gone or too rigged to be save than germany is a lost cause

Too bad people are so comfortable nowadays, if only the Le Pen voters would move to Canada, they'd be able to bring in a king shitlord into power very easily.

What's Canada's population anyhow? Like 30 million people?

You should first take a look into our political system. Unlike the US or France Germany doesn't have a presidential system. The only goal we can archive is to get the AFD as the strongest opposition in the Bundestag. Our political system works slow and was constructed to hinder the rise to full control of one party. Here are some memes from KC:

Here is a snippet from my home town last weekend. Other than my friends there were almost exclusively muslims in the streets. Adding to the atmosphere is the muslim music being played. Reverse integration, very vibrant.


Also the amount of anti Le Pen shills was unprecidented. Tons of them.

"Le Pen is a kike" etc, when they knew nothing of the politics.
Spreading confusion and doubt.

Not that Trump is any good - still a fucking war mongering neo-con like the rest of them.

France is a based place, the americans are fucking butthurt retards because france didn't join them against iraq in 2000 - and bush was crying like a pissing baby because of it - americans are too stupid to remember that or keep it in mind for more than a second without shouting "WHITE FLAG LOL FAGZ".
Typically, the french people are proud and traditional - they could have been saved - now we have to wait until next time.

The fear in the french media was evident that it was something worthwhile.
Shitting their pants over Le Pen.


This is so surreal i don't know if this a real muslim?

Those aren't even memes, they're just faux election posters which serve nontheless as a good example on how NOT to do it. Normies take everything at face value and aren't able to grasp subtlety.

and now there are demoralization shills posing as blackpillers everywhere. i'd wager it's the same faggots.

Just a reminder that the real result of the election are not 60-40 but 43,63-33,9. They are purposely leaving out absentee and the null.
http:// /elections-presidentielle-legislatives-2017/2017/05/08/quelques-enseignements-chiffres-du-second-tour_1568029
Do not give in to defeatism

The amount of terrorism, sexual assault, sharia zones, and plain old shitskin infestation should have been all anyone needed to vote le Pen. France will be ground zero for revolt because it's the worst of any European country and it's only going to get worse so either they take it back by force or white flight occurs and the country collapses which would be unfortunate because it's got so much rich art history that will inevitably be destroyed. Let France be an example to all of us that when you promote a lifestyle of degeneracy to the point it is your "culture" you are going down a slippery slope that will lead to the destruction of your entire civilization.

The situation in Belgium is worse, and they're doing nothing.

What would you do instead? Going full Nazi mode doesn't work, this fake posters are to subtle in your opinion then, what can we do?


yeah but french women > everything else

Insightful. On some level they probably knew they were sowing the seeds of the monarchy's destruction when Lafayette came to America but, fuck it, we'll show those Brits



Hate to be the "black pill" faggot, but no matter how many memes we make, we can't save a people who have chosen the path to self-destruction… Nothing can help Germany until misery and bloodshed caused by terrorism snap them back out - hopefully it's not too late by then.

With France, we did fuck up. The good memes and these Macron leaks should've come up before the first vote. We could have avoided an outright kike puppet in power at least. Cuckservative Fillon would have been a much preferable option, he would've slowed the destruction of Europe down if nothing else.

German here, there is literaly no chance for the "conservatives" not to win. They may be the cucks who invited all the immigrants into europe, but the other parties are even fucking worse. The social democrats are retarded faggots who are loosing votes everywhere because no one trusts them. The greens are a bunch of brainless maniacs who want to ban combustion engines within the next 15 years in a country thats completely dependent on the automobile industry. The alt right party isnt electible after years of media propaganda against them and they havent been doing themselves any favours either. the libertarians have been irelevant for years. And the nazis dont stand a chance to begin with.
Merkel has masterfully maneuvered herself into a position where shes the only viable candidate even after the migrant crisis. And the only party that may possibly have a tiny chance of winning is way fucking worse.

I honestly never liked the French

Beware the huge amount of shills who will try to D&C us. I see the German threads relatively often at the top, so they're decently active here. Also the proficiency index in regards to the English language is higher in Germany than in France.

Proficiency doesn't mean much. The majority of Germans are not able to easily read and understand English, much less have a political discussion.

Our goal in Germany should be to win. Yeah it may seem farfetched but nobody expected Trump to win in the US, the NSDAP started as a tiny irrelevant party with 8 members. Everything is against us, but I say we strike at full force anyways.

Maybe, just maybe the AfD surprises the world….

Maybe it's just burger optimism speaking but we should shoot for the moon.

Pic related:

LePen wouldn't have been a solution, anyway.

And I don't think the AfD will fare any better.
The only true solution is antisemitism (closed borders, gun ownership, debt free currency, 2 genders) and without those things, especially the currency and the borders, there is only one future:

I don't know about that, maybe the older generation, but anyone in their early forties/thirties or below should be pretty good with it.
It's usually the foreign language you can't opt out of.


I do. Trust me, the ability level is well below that of the Dutch or Scandis because we get everything handed to us (badly) translated. The German speaking net has it's own culture, much like the Japs but much much more cancerous.

Nice job samefag

Well, I can't disagree with that.
It's one of the main reasons I am here.

I will give my honest oppinion here. Although i don't know what polls i can trust anymore due to all the jewery going around, what the AfD needs is a Hitler-esque figure taking over in order to give a good strong image for nationalists. What would you prefer as your leader ? An articulate, fit man ( with preferably a military background ) that you can call Fuhrer ? Or a butch lesbian lookalike ? One ethnic German that fits this bill, heck he could even from this imageboard must take a stand and take over the AfD just like Hitler took over the NSDAP. Sounds like a longshot i know but it's the only chance i see.

Can a German explain to this burger how is the process of getting Höcke into power?

I don't really understand German politics.

burgers don't care about fries

The AfD would first have needed to elect him as their candidate for chancellery, which they did not. In fact many wanted to throw him out of the party. For the rest see pic related.

As was said before, the system is set up in such a way that the individual vote matters very little. (Thanks, Burgers)

Chancellorship is decided by which party or bloc of parties can get to the 51% margin. Even if the AfD somehow ended up with 50%, the other parties would just close ranks and deny them a chance at a coallition to keep them out.

This isn't new either, there are a couple of "kingmaker" parties like the Liberals or Greens that barely make it past the minimum 5% and still get to decide who gets into power via coalitions.

Hitler didnt win the first time. I think if AfD plays it smart they can pull a Hitler if my above formula remains true . Every system has a weakness and what you describe as a strength can also be used against them.

Right… and the instant the next Hitler comes we'll be (((liberated))) again?

Remember that Trump took advantage of the GOP system in his favor since the party changed the rules after Ron Paul almost finagled himself into nomination by abusing the unclaimed delegates.

Every system has a loophole.

Thus time the US and Russia has your back.

The best we could hope for is that nobody intervenes but there are way too many old enemies around us for that to happen. Once Germany shows weakness, the Anglo, Pole and other assorted "friends" will pounce.

I had completely given up on the world prior to the last election. I knew Hillary was an unelectable monster, so I thought Trump was just there to make sure she wins. The only way they could get in her in office, to run her against someone no one could take seriously. I was never a very politically minded person, but I was very well aware of how evil the Clintons are. I didn't know about Trump however, beyond that he had a silly sense of humor compared to most fat cats. When I heard on the radio he actually won, I laughed out loud and my eyes teared up with joy. Not because I love Trump, but because I felt like this was divine intervention to give the US another chance.

If a miracle like this can be made to happen in germany, no matter how small the chance, its worth doing. This is a siege, charges against the walls like in France will fail, but this isn't an enemy that will ever starve out. We have to keep charging, from any angle and with every tactic we can.

Much has changed in almost 100 years, Germanbro.

This. I got your back too.
PS: Don't drag a Mussolini as dead weight next time

I'm still sleeping with one eye open but the internet has brought us all together, we sit around the campfire and can tell one another how our respective traitors all bend the knee to (((you know whom))).

Or, in other words.
It has gotten more difficult, even if it's just a little bit more difficult, for kikes to pit us against one another.

i might be wrong but germany is the engine that keeps the eu running. I think it is SUPER important to win Krautland. Maybe it is a way to slay the Hydra.

The media of various irrelevant shitholes like Eastern Europe, PIGS and so forth constantly shitting on Germany says otherwise.

I wish.

Brexit happened
Trump happened
Hofer failed
Geert failed
Le Pen failed

What's the common theme here? English-speaking countries have been uncucking themselves while the continental Europeans have not. THE PROBLEM IS THE LANGUAGE BARRIER. And sure, most euros understand written/spoken english, but the majority are still going to discuss things with their own langauge sphere. Their own media, their own social media, etc. The problem we're having is that our memes and influence has a hell of a lot less impact simply because we meme in english.

A tower of Babel problem. Thing is though if we solidify an advance to even one of them it's going to be much harder for the kikes to take that back due to the language barrier as well.

I read an article that said 25/44% of total FN voters was between 18-24. We need to reach the elderly, with content that works for all ages. The lack of a common folk culture is a major drawback, as they don't know what it means to be French anymore, but rather part of the civic EU.

Brexit is mostly economy based.
There are still jews in London, etc.

Again, the only real political solution would be antisemitism, and you'll be waiting a long, long time for that.

Therefore, try and become as sovereign as possible, even if that means moving.

They are right, though.

(((Germany))) is garbage. But if liberated GERMANY will be great again. And the world shall tremble before the German behemoth once again.

Whatever you want to call it, it was nationalism-based, and it was diametrically opposed to the jewish elite, even if the people that opposed the jews didn't know they were opposing the jews.

The point remains that the anglo countries have been bad goyim, whereas the continental europeans have been the goodest of goys.

It's the same issue with boomers everywhere.They aren't voting based on jobs/demographics/the future because they don't give a fuck about any of that. They only vote for their precious pensions.

Not really. The kikes control all the media outlets, regardless of language.

Don't forget the French mainstream media banned us and 4chan as well.

We'll respawn and win somehow.

Winning is not possible due to many factors.
Stealing as many seats from the old parties is the best outcome possible.
Reaching 20%+ should be the aim.

While Höcke is the Holla Forums candidate of choice, Holla Forums should consider memeing something more moderate as a gateway for Höcke 2021.
Familiarize yourself with Alice Weidel and her views. Don't outright dissmiss her for being a women and a dyke, as she shills against faggot indoctrination in school and for traditional roles in marriage. She has a very clear stance against Islam and Refugees, wants germany to leave the EU, wants to introduce a gold backed currency, hates political correctness and had Höckes back when he was nearly thrown out for his speech.

While Holla Forumss effort to redpill the youth shall continue, consider that the german voter base is not the same as the burger voter base.
Rather than tough,strong and edgy, your image should be smart, competed, and reasonable here.

This meme war has to be fought on Facebook as just SJW tier Germans go to Reddit and Twitter.

We have a phenomenon that is unique in history, it's a pan-nationalist movement. Outside of stuffy discussions of nationalistic intellectuals it's never happened before that a Czech supports American nationalists, a South African Portuguese nationalists, a Canadian supports Greek nationalists, etc, etc.

Fuck, you got to be fucking kidding me. Germany couldn't find ANYONE to lead the nationalist wing other than a fucking bulldyke?

It's a great way of trolling the left. Didn't take long for the mask of homophilia to drop.

Yeah, because we all love Milo.

Nah, we didn't support the easier candidates of Ted Cruz and Sleepy Nigger, we aren't going to get behind a dyke.

It's either full speed ahead with a king of shitlords or nothing.

Most people in Germany don't even know who Milo is and if they do, it's from the MSM so they think he's some gay nazi cosplayer (Broken clock, twice a day…)

Which is fine, too.
I just want you to consider that every country is different.
Biggest mistake would be to blindly assume that the Trump effect works everywhere the same.
Going to shill for Höcke, Weidel and the AfD as whole.

user meant a translation from English → German so that they could spread it in Germany. No shit we knew what (((Schulz))) meant.

Pretty much this.

Funny. Even before I knew who they were, when I looked upon a map of Europe, I thought Germany should have more land. 2nd Reich's layout was always prettiest. It was then no surprise that that was because it was the true map. Screw the French, I like very little of them, and definitely not the French-"man".

It just needs Austria and it's perfect

There are few places where "land means power" is as significant as in Europe.
Every little bit of lost land hurts bitterly.

In germany, nationalism is a sleeping giant. they love themselves and their country. Racism, homophobia, and nazi nostalgia are poison there. You will never advance in europe until you learn to separate nationalism from xenophobia and racehate. Even hitler knew that lies get you power and then you do what you want. Wise up and hide your hand. Pretend to be what the electorate wants. That's how politics works.


Question, does anyone know what is going on with the EUs attempt to prosecute Le Pen for hatespeech and such?
I know Macron is going to be ending the democracy by cracking down on right wing sentiments and creating a voting bloc for the new French, but has Macron said anything about prosecution?
Is her fate sealed?

Then it looks like we have to meme Petry into defeating Schultz and Merkel so Pretty becomes Chancellor.

Germanon here, here is some intel.

Thing is, the AfD often gets hate for things like their stance on homosexual marriage and adoption, because they are ""racist"", because they don't support alternative energies…
And of course because of their stance on immigration.

When you admit that you vote for the AfD you immediately get ridiculed, called a nazi, a homophobe or a racist.
However, the elderly tend to support the AfD since the goals of the AfD are similar to the goals of the CDU in 2001.

Now, the youth is very undecided. Many acknowledge that the refugees, immigrants, muslims are a huge problem, but none of the leftwing parties do anything significant about it, yet the youth doesn't want to vote for the AfD because everyone tells them they are racists if they do.

So the majority, as of now, will vote for Merkel because she seems to be the best choice, or they just don't know who else to vote.

Still, there is unrest. Germans tend to swing, slowly but surely, more and more to the right. Because they see what refugees did to Sweden and other countries.

If you want the AfD to perform better you will have to expose all the wrongdoings and hypocrisy of the other parties. Make the AfD look as good as possible.

I already, well, "redpilled" most of my family and friends and will probably move to facebook next, to spread some awareness, so give me memes.

This is the situation… Because European countries don't have an Electroral College System like the US, it will roughly take one term longer to get into power, that is if we meme responsibly and constantly. Even if the AfD loses, they still rose faster than any party in the last decades. Which is the same for other European countries.

Looking at it critically and realistically, the right-wing movements in Europe rose earlier than in the US despite not reaching the US situation of 2016. But unfortunately the pozzing is exponentially faster now with mass immigration. The majority didn't have yet the time to realize their dire situation like Americans did last year who already suffered for decades.

So this is the gameplan. We need to give our best to secure as much votes as possible. If the AfD moves into the Bundestag they'll get more money for campaigning and don't need to beg anymore for donations. You see, they asked for 2 million Euros last year, which is peanuts. After this election the real campagning can start with full force. Plus blocking stupid stuff as the first real opposition force.

Yes, I know, one additional term of pozzing is ahead of us (if the EU doesn't collapse economically, or a civil war erupts), but what can one do… We need to muscle through this.

Maybe a miracle happens.

Hitler's Spirit has awoken us. We're sorry our grandfather's were used by the ZOG. How sad it is that our actions have made it so the Fatherland's two choices are both Juden. We will do everything in our power to assist you all.

Why the fuck aren't they voting for the right parties then? Voting, at least, is secret.

Truth is, they've been brainwashed by the kikes after WW2. There's only hope for them when the people who are teens now and can see the truth via the internet from an early age come in control.

This is quite interesting.

[Refrain: Xavier Naidoo]

[Strophe 1: Xavier Naidoo]

[Refrain: Xavier Naidoo]

[Strophe 2: Xavier Naidoo]
>Teile eures Volkes nennen euch schon Hoch- beziehungsweise Volksverräter
>Sonst sorgt der wütende Bauer mit der Forke dafür, dass ihr einsichtig seid

[Strophe 3: Cr7z]
>Zusamm'n mit den Söhnen werde ich Farbe bekennen
''>Ihr wandelt an den Fäden wie Marionetten
Bis sie euch mit scharfer Schere von der Nabelschnur Babylons trennen!''

[Strophe 4: Xavier Naidoo]
>Und etwas namens Pizzagate steht auch noch auf der Rechnung
>Und bei näherer Betrachtung steigert sich doch das Entsetzen
>Wenn ich so ein'n in die Finger krieg', dann reiß' ich ihn in Fetzen
>Und da hilft auch kein Verstecken hinter Paragraphen und Gesetzen

[Refrain: Xavier Naidoo]

Jewgle translation:
[Refrain: Xavier Naidoo]

[Strophe 1: Xavier Naidoo]

[Refrain: Xavier Naidoo]

[Strophe 2: Xavier Naidoo]
>Share some of your people already call you high and folk traitors
>Otherwise the angry peasant with the fork will make sure that you are clear

[Strophe 3: Cr7z]
>Until they separate you from the umbilical cord of Babylon with sharp scissors!

[Strophe 4: Xavier Naidoo]
>And something called Pizzagate is still on the bill
>And on closer inspection the horror increases
>If I get a finger like that, I'll tear it up
>And there is also no hiding behind paragraphs and laws

[Refrain: Xavier Naidoo]

I wasn't trying to same fag you fucking nigger faggot.
I was adding on to my last post. Pay attention. Tou can't fucking same fag on a board with IDs.

like many others have stated, only a few speak french, everyone here speak english


Petry was kicked out of the party, and good fucking riddance

Okay, hopefully AfD unfucks Germany. Because Germany is in dire need of help to get rid of (((them))) and Merkel.

We could inspire a new Artavan League.

Speaking French isn't even the real challenge. There are millions of people who speak English and French. It also isn't that challenging to learn the rudiments of a language well enough to make memes. The real challenge is cultural. France is very proud of their own culture and the right-wing tends to be quite hostile to things perceived as English. It has to be the French who take it upon themselves to create this infrastructure of memes which represents and speaks to the people of France.

After the election of Macron, I got a small White Pill from the fact that LePen was most popular among young voters and White Genocide guy was most popular among old people.

I'm not expecting much from the Germans in September. But I will be interested to see how the demographics break down in the voting patterns.

This is a marathon, not a sprint. We can still meme Germany to salvation but it's going to take many years.

Being an establishment politician is like being a swimmer. You just swim along under your own power mostly, and try to get somewhere.

Being a revolutionary politician is like being a surfer. You paddle along, not doing much and when (if) a wave comes you try and time it right and get up on the board. If you do it right you can ride that thing to victory.

None of us really know what economic/demographic/political upset might occur in the future but look at history. Never underestimate how quickly things can change.

Well, look on the brightside: people are saying crap is so bad in france that, when it inevitably gets worse, you're not going to see le pens and trumps anymore, it will be straight up napoleon-hitler.

glad your humours got sanguine brother and you managed to see the best. well met.


Jesus you fucking newfag idiot.

German reporting in. We need to meme against Schulz AND Merkel. There is now way AfD will win the election but the goal here hast to be to force them into an unstable 3 party coalition. If SPD and CDU fail to get 50% they need to take the green party onboard which will drive a lot of conservative CDU voters further to the right.

Krautchan is up again but its cucked beyond recognition.

Is, 'Mein Kampf,' even legal to own in Germany yet? Can you even have a flag with a swastika?

Win Lose IT MEANS NOTHING. The elections are more than likely rigged. What matters is peoples minds. We have to inform the normies.

You can have whaterver you want in your home. But if you go public with (((they))) will coma hard after you.

t. varg
false: political power is still what controls borders, etc

Set the goals high and even if we fail we will be closer to our target.
All this talk that it cant be done. AFD will never win. We have to except merkel.
Save it for yourself. Its useless. The goal is simple. Create as much German propaganda as possible in a time of political upheaval.
That's it.
The youth will absorb it like sponges just like they do everywhere else on the internet. We are the counter culture. If we control the youth, we control the future. The internet is the ultimate tool for us, and he have it by the balls. We dominate the online counter culture. The normies are like passive drones. They do not have an active say in this. They will either be coerced by the left or coerced by us. All it comes down to is who is better at coercing

But people decide whether they stand there as their borders open holding refugees welcome signs and start fucking shitskins, or if they say fuck this shit and start burning migrant centers.

Exactly if they must be in power make it as difficult for them to get anything done as possible. Form AFD into a powerful opposition.

i'm sorry to be rude but you're deluded
once you inform the people then what? we're not savages - we would simply organize an army and follow commands. political power is still the ultimate goal
your fantasy of blood on the street isn't happening - at least not for a long time and not the majority of normies
they will however make a stand behind the curtain with a ballot.

AfD has lost momentum in the recent weeks. They're not in a great place. Furthermore, there are plenty of independent entrepreneurs in Germany, many of whom are against uncontrolled immigration. Most of them would never give their vote to the AfD because they're too socialist when it comes to taxes and economics.

If it takes 4 terms the fight is worth it

ok pussy Im not interested in you

maybe i misunderstood but i thought you were speaking political action and assuming street violence was the only way

*speaking against

its going to be a tough one, but know we are here fighting for you all, krautbros

Wir wollen sein ein einzig Volk von Brüdern,
in keiner Not uns trennen und Gefahr.
Wir wollen frei sein, wie die Väter waren,
eher den Tod, als in der Knechtschaft leben.
Wir wollen trauen auf den höchsten Gott
und uns nicht fürchten vor der Macht der Menschen.

No way dude, read my thread again please , im willing to have a discussion but if your going to ignore my posts im not here to reiterate everything. read the OP again.

aye apologies, my brother: only read the posts i'd responded to.

no harm done lad

I think it was low energy because it was a woman. Nationalism and woman leader don't mix well.

I agree with this to some extent, people will rally behind a man more so than a woman. But lepen was often for forward and masculine in her posturing than even trump was.

That's a myth. No French woman I've ever met have surpassed their Swedish or slavic counterparts. French, brits, and Germans are the niggers of white Europe.


what you need to understand is that it is the last vote before they let every last shitskin vote. guess why the green party got so many votes? "well-integrated" turks. It's the party of Islamism.

and what controls people is money
who is in charge of money?

does the west have the balls to be antisemitic?


We don't want German nationalism though. We want white nationalism. When it gets into ethnicities then that's how brother wars are started

Thats becase this place was agitprop from the start and you are delusional. Alt-right started to get traction once Hillary named it in one of her speeches.
Nevertheless meme them to death.

Murican meme. You mutts have no identity beyond "not a nigger or gook".

Not to be a defeatist here, but it wont happen.

The current system under Merkel is just too robust. You wont accomplish anything with voting now. There's only one way Holla Forums and you know it.

Civil war.

Well at least in Poland's case you're right. Poland is the Mexico of Europe

Russian problem is not Slavic blood. It's everything else that came with the territory.
slavs as a tribe had pretty dumb breeding decisions upon settling

Aw, you are the subhuman from the Jewtin (((Victory Day))) thread, aren't ya?

You won't dillute our blood any further, you fucking mutt.

Kind of ambiguous if he is addressing the people or the politicians. Almost sounds like the latter. With either interpretation some parts don't quite fit, it's definitely a mix of both, grammatically.

Civil war isn't an option either. Civil war comes even later, after the majority of the population is on our side but the rigged democracy won't follow their command.

One thing we must understand is we don't need someone who is 100% /ourguy/ we need someone who can win, and will do some stuff that needs to be done. Setting the stage for /ourguy/ to win some day soon.

One thing is absolutely certain, the next chancellor is going to be Merkel or Schultz. There is no third candidate. There is no Trump or Le Pen in this race. The goals for Holla Forums's memetic campaign should be to push anti-immigration sentiment and mistrust in German politicians and MEDIA as much as possible with the indirect (!) goals being for the election winner to be as weak as possible while the AfD emerges as strong as possible (in opposition, not in charge).

Again, winning the election is not on the plate. A sensible goal would be for AfD to reach 20%. That would be a psychologically important number. If they reach that they become the de facto number 3 party in the country, and a big one at that. They would be viable for a real victory in 2021.

I'm not anti-Slav slav memes are some of my favourites but when faggots say "Slavs are the only based Europeans, and will save the huwhite race". These people don't realize how many problems Slavs have from being fucked by commie Jews for 70's. The west was fucked by capitalist Jews for 100 years, we both have big problems we need to deal with. Poland can keep upper Silesia and Posen, Lower Silesia, Hinterpommen, west and east Prussia, and Neumark, should be German imo

We were handed a somewhat easy victory with Trump. Europe is going to be a lot slower to change, it's something we'll have to keep pushing through elections. We are at war with globalists, and the war isn't going to end in a single election. Not to mention building long term support will have much better results.

We need to make lasting change, and that's not going to happen by letting one election go to our side. We need to build support for several. It shouldn't be hard, Europeans are constantly under attack from muslim invaders, we have plenty of ammunition. And it helps for us that these things exist but the people in charge let it happen and forbid people to speak against it.

The globalists are trying to put a lid on a boiling pot. It's our job to stoke the flames.

This is the 14 words, Jew edition
Expose that to the normalfags, and they will understand what is going on.

I've just made a "mental map" of what needs to be communicated to the plebs before the election. This is the perspective they need to gain. And this is the version for people with high verbal IQ (I know, already very simple). For people of lower IQ you need to omit further detail from this view to make it easy to digest. That's the second version.

Note how the US-Russia conflict is completely absent from both. German voters need not concern themselves with all that. It's all a distraction. This election is about


Much improved version.

These meme images are for local use on Holla Forums only. I intentionally made them in English and am not translating them so you don't get any dumb ideas.

It's because nobody speaks French and that's true for German too.

this triplet of dubs ain't lying



There's the Southern identity. But it's being rapidly torn down.