It's pretty simple;
You mix white with white, you get a white.
You Mix black with white, you get something new.
It's not better or worse, but you are restarting the genetic pool (which is calculated with genetic distance of their forefathers) that had been perfected for milennea.
THen, usually, the kids have traits that are usually worse than the normal kids. Being beautiful is up to the white genes, why?
Because being beautiful means being civilized, and having evolved in a civilized advanced society, aka:
You don't need gorilla nose if you have food security.
You don't need all you blood for your dick if you have a law that says that you marry for life, and therefore you can think.
You mix, and you fuck up the white gene pool, forever.
Now, I know it's hard for you to wrap your head around it, but bear with me a little more:
Being Beautiful is random. IN the sense that, not all white kids are beautiful. But per chance, they are more beautiful statistically than other races. I'm not gonna link to academic papers about all of this because it's not realy worth it, but they are all out there. But the JEW doesn't want you to know.
You can think of it in another way:
Imagine yourself as a piece of art. Pick any piece you want. Lets take Olga, a fantastic early piece of Picasso (when he was not a fucking eco maniac). You see he has perfected everything.
Now, you, the Olga Painting, a perfect painting, how would you feel, if picasso said: I'm gonna paint some extensions of you, in the same style, and it wont change the output, it will make it better?
You'll calculate in your bean mind, that the optimal solution is to continue to be perfect.
Now along comes Bean mind (you), and you see something that is different from you, and your bean penis starts trobbing with blood and you start reproducing with a totally different style then yours. THe result, genetically is the second picture.
Now, it doesn't mean that with "generations" of perfecting and sculping, your "grand" children, wont become close to something perfect in their own "way". That is true.
But what this implies is what Holla Forums is always trying for everyone to understand:
"You are destroying the original. And the Orignial, was the best"
Maybe in a thousand years, your racial mixture will also be close to what the whites are. But let me doubt that. Because most of the mixture done by most people is done by "yellow, black" whatever fever, that in the end, does not allow them to choose optimally. And what happens is that you get shit babies with defects.
What I would want is that every race continues to perfect thereselves for a few centruies more, and then, you could artificially race mix, but only artificially, choosing the best traits of each race.
But heres the memo;
The artificial children would look white. Because everyone wants to look white.
Lastly. you only put race mixed pictures with white halalogroups. Meaning that the output is predominantly white: AKA, you haven't totally messed up Olga in the painting, but, you drew some fucking scribbles on it. Look for race mixing with Asians and blacks, and so on and so forth. It ain't pretty.
And also, it's more about genetical distance than physical differences.
And remember, it is better that blacks, latinos, asians perfect their society rather than mix. BUt thats impossibur…
Not impossible. The dutch (you know, a white country) changed many charactarsitics in just three hundred years. They became the tallest in the world and most beautiful.
Now stop being a fool and go back to school. You have nothing new to say, we've heard it all, and frankly, Holla Forums people are tired of this shit and we don't give a fuck anymore, because we are gearing up for the war in Europe.
Ta-ta pajeet.