There are reactionaries on this board rn who think they're leftists
Socialism is the reactionary form of communism.
i think im post-left
I'm post-post-left
what the fuck
wew, lad
Except it really isn't.
It's the only real form of communism.
Anarcho communism, Anarcho Nihilism, and Stirnirism are reactionary as they do not believe in morals.
Nazbol and Stalinism/Tankies are rightist beliefs
im post-punk
What defines a reactionary?
Individualism, indifferent to others human rights, traditionalism, and nationalism
I know right
Socialists are liberals par excellence!
Morals are reactionary and rightist. Marx was explicitly against morals.
try reading stirner first
Individualism isn't opposed to collectivism. True self realization is tied into the optimization of the community. It's in the individuals self interest to come together.
good thing I'm an anarcho-stalinist.
I'm posting
Seriously the bullying is getting it of hand
Oh shit nigger what are you doing