So I was having a conversation with my friend who's basically a biologist and he's against full on race-mixing but promotes interbreeding among whites because he believes that "mixed whites" are healthier because they are more resistant to diseases that would otherwise affect a pure blooded white person of a certain ethnicity.
Defining "white" would be a start you blogposting kike shill nigger goon assfaggot.
Benjamin Carter
Benjamin Perry
White people need to have babies with other white people. That's the most important thing.
Eli Martin
Fuck off Kike
Its wrong, each human can only get x amount of resistances passed on during pregnancy. So you dont get more resistances, you just get different ones.
Which are useless, because those different ones come from a place(like africa) which' diseases we dont have(or had rather, those niggers are bringing them up to europe). But not counting the current invason, no.
This is also reflected in studies, mixed kids are usually more prone to get sick, be it cause of the resistances or simply cause theyre mixed.
Charles Butler
European then you fucking faggot, I'm just saying it would be preferable to keep northern Europeans pure instead of mixing them with southern Europeans
Aiden Lopez
nvm ignore my post, I missed the "among whites" part.
John Bell
Sicilians are shite D&C kike
Gabriel Rivera
Oh okay, good point. I didn't think about environment all that much
David Davis
Yes this is true. Natural resistance in DNA passes on to the kid. Generally the more diverse the European gene pool, the less likely the kid will be born with a defect. Breeding within the family does terrible things to the dna.
Jordan Nelson
Massive D&C kikefag confirmed Extremely shit thread ITT Suicide is your only option, you jewish scum
Liam Green
Who cares. Icelanders are genetically close but are tall, beautiful, strong people. It's a terrible slipperly slope to actually advocate that shit and proclaim it as the ideal, we all see what happened in the US with these sickos taking pride in their great great great Cherokee grandmother when that's something to be ashamed of.
Jason Jackson
sooooo race mixing is red pilled..?
Jaxon Foster
I don't like the idea of intermixing even among different white groups personally, but due to a bigger, global birth rate immigration inter-racial mixing problem it's on the back burner.
I don't want Europe to turn into a mystery meat malaise that America's become. It takes time but living there for a couple of years you can see how each Euro nationality has different features about them. Losing that would be just as criminal as all of us disappearing.
It's all about priorities. A little mixing here and there isn't bad but if you're trying to preserve diversity it goes down to our different features among our grand aryan tree. With the exception of the Mediterraneans. Once we reach sustainable birth rate figures we can send our boys down there to whiten them up a little bit to make up for the semitic filth that's polluted their genes.
Dominic Sanders
Thanks I agree, it can be put on the hold but I was just curious about it since the discussion came up
Nathan Hill
You heebs are going to burn.
Henry Thomas
First it's that we need to blanda upp in Europe because it's 'healthier'. Now with national identities gone we can be subsumed into the EU more readily, which is where they will then push actual racemixing even harder and teaching the normie hordes that introducing an actual inbred pakistani into your genepool will make your offspring healthier and not uglier, dumber and more rootless.
Noah Rogers
Attempting to fuck up Iceland was the last straw for me. The brutality that needs to be shown to the mongrel hordes and the jew puppeteers must echo throughout the ages. Muslim atrocities wont even begin to compare.
Logan Roberts
Mixing among whites is necessary. It's less of an issue among already-heterozygous groups (think of populations like the English. . . lots of Viking rape in the recent past), but more inbred groups will develop odd disorders and limited immunity.
Examples of European-specific recessive disorders include cystic fibrosis and hemochromatosis. Mixing things up (within reason) spreads out the immunity to various diseases and encourages the purging of lethal recessive genes.
InB4 banned for promoting race mixing
Cross-race miscegenation is not advisable, partly for political reasons and partly for health reasons getting stabbed by a nigger you're fucking is very bad for your health, but Norwegian/Irish or Northern Italian/Russian is probably good for the volk.
We avoid this at our peril. Look up the list of genetic disorders Ashkenazi Jews are prone to after just a thousand years of close inbreeding.
In this time of below replacement levels of course. Thanks for the insight user
Liam Rodriguez
Most non-white traits can be manipulated as 'healthier' by the twisted and sinister logic of the anti-whites
All of this ignoring the fact that 'white' traits have not only evolved with us for tens of thousands of years; but that our forebears have sexually selected these traits for desirability for at least 10 thousands years. Seems like if they selected for these rare and unique traits so vigorously to make them a part of us, and that non-whites now obsess about and fawn over, the subversive media suddenly telling us we need to become Brazilians isn't something we should fall for so quickly.
Lucas Morris
can we talk about common European racial mixes? In the US, an incredibly common mix is that of Irish and Italian (usually sicilian). I know many Italians who had kids with Irish or half-Irish. Many dago potato niggers running about the US. What to make of this mixed race?
Other common mixes, German/Irish, German/Slavic
Jonathan Hill
If you need evidence that a country has sufficient genetic diversity just look at the rate of birth defects. We're fine.
Jeremiah Gomez
that symbol on that ginger kids shirt
Lincoln Kelly
fucking kek
That's a very good fucking point, whites (particularly north western ones) are universally recognized as the most attractive race
I'm probably preaching to the choir with this but you make great points
Colton Nelson
it looks like the nvidia logo, maybe the millions of hours of vidya every white male youth has sacrificed to them has something to do with it.
Matthew Hernandez
I think that the Arabs have that due to the massive amount of inbreeding they have[1], I mean as far as I know its actually the healthiest option to have kids with your third cousin[2]
I dont know about the italian ones, but there are a lot of Irish/German people I know and they are generally very attractive and healthy. It's weird because I generally dont ever see any mixed italians at all. I can't even recall what any mixed ones look like other than maybe joe rogan
Logan Bell
Oh I got that from /pdfs/ a while back but I haven't caught up to reading it. Guess I should start on it, thanks
Connor Bell
Why two threads ? why not keep the discussion in the other race mixing thread you fucking kike ? sage, hidden and reported
Jackson White
Honestly, you should read that book and Decline of the West from Spengler. Then you should be able to bridge the gap between biology and his philosophy.
Samuel Perry
care to link it?
Brody Parker
burger here, I agree i can even see the different ethnicities in whites over here some look more celtic, others more germanic, etc
Alexander Roberts
thanks, will do user
Aaron Anderson
I'm some strange Euro mystery meat. I've been wondering what the solution to my predicament is. Just marry some white Euro, have kids, and call it a day?
Ryder Sanchez
don't marry unless you are devoutly religious and she is as well.
Nathaniel Robinson
Of course yes, marry a beautiful white woman who you can have as many kids as possible with. The objective of this thread was just to give me some insight on interbreeding and open up discussion. You're fine if you're mystery meat white, a majority of ethinically european americans are. I would say get a DNA test but im not sure what the consensus is about them being data miners and using your DNA for racial research trends
Wyatt White
Lincoln Wright
Isaiah Reyes
It's more that 23-and-Me and other (((genetics companies))) keep trying to convince everybody we're 3-5% Jewish and 12.786354% sub-Saharan nigger.
Jayden Jenkins
Keep your cuck genes to yourself, snownigger. You're delusional.
Julian James
The benefits of being more ethnically homogeneous far outweigh any "disease resistance" bullshit. Homogeneity, once destroyed, can never be repaired, it is lost forever.
America has become a pan-European colony so intermingling among whites is the norm here. It must not happen in Europe though. This way we preserve the homogeneous European stock while getting whatever alleged benefits you'd get from whites with multiple nationalities in the USA.
Aaron Cruz
Working out great for them. Allah truly is merciful.
Oliver Torres
Jaxon Lee
why don't you post the pics before-after "injecting" marijuana?
Caleb Carter
Leslie Jones has really let herself go worse than usual
Mason Morgan
why not the women?
Adam Murphy
that's over half the beaners in texas, are you retarded?
Juan Torres
No you dumb faggot I mean mystery meat in the sense that they don't know what specific european DNA they have, not the mestizo castizo nad all that bullshit or whatever the fuck, I mean europeans only
Jaxson Myers
(((DNA tests))) are pretty kiked up, I'd give source but I'm phoneposting right now. Thanks for the encouragement user.
I'm not quite religious. I believe in a higher power but I can't bring myself to identify with a lot of these mainstream religions. Explaining my spiritual beliefs would just be derailing this thread, so answer me this: Am I fucked when it comes to finding a wife who will not divorce rape me and make me pay for Tyrone's half-breed bastard?
Kayden Watson
No user, every question about my heritage has left me vague answers of, "German, Scottish, Irish, Ukrainian, Swiss, etc." I'm white like the snow with the exception of my farmer's tan. I'm a mystery meat that allegedly represents a fuck ton of the Euro continent.
Camden Collins
Yes. Make sure you give all your blonde daughters to southern europeans with an IQ 10 points lower so that they can benefit, you dumb goyim.
Dylan Bell
Hybrid vigor is a stupid meme 99% of the time. it only seriously applies to small isolated populations. I guess Britain and Iceland might count but who cares? Just ignore the hybrid vigor meme because it won't matter to humans in your life time.
Landon Morales
Christian Martinez
There's pretty much two different arguments that can be had there. Both are sort of non-issues.
One is an issue of incredibly small populations which are on an interbreeding scale. Unhealthy recessive genes that are shared by both parents aren't able to be overwritten by a dominant foreign gene, leading to those unhealthy genes being expressed in children. But European peoples are populations on the scale of millions, so that's completely irrelevant.
The other is more grand bio-diversity, so that at least a small percentage of the population may possess genes resistant to the black plague or whatever epidemic. This is a very valid concern, but also irrelevant since European populations already possess lots of in-race genetic diversity. Hell, we're talking about populations so large that even just random mutations alone are probably enough to express enough genetic diversity to promote such resistances, let alone the healthy amounts of immigration and intermixing that have occurred in history.
So pretty much he's technically right, but it's an already solved problem. Hell, over-solved if anything.
Carter Bennett
As long as it's not White and Jewish or White and Hispanic seeing as some people call Jews and Hispanics White I'm glad if a White Russian male Marries a white German female or a White French Male marries a White Irish Female
Luke Martinez
Certainly not the way it's reported, but a lot of kikes died in the camps from disease and starvation (as did the guards) after the allies destroyed the supply lines. When? And who is going to do it? From where I'm sitting, we'll all be long dead before anything like that happens. On the off chance that it does, it'll be at the hands of muslims, not whites, and the kikes will absolutely drag the US into WW3 if that looks like it's a possibility.
Lucas Wilson
and some people are mystery meat because they represent planet Earth
Carson Reyes
Kikes dying is not a "burnt offering."
Hunter Sanders
My dads french and my mother scottish. Im a 6'5 lanklet with dark hair and green eyes. Am i white?
James Gutierrez
how the fuck can I tell if they're metizo/catizo or from europe if they look the fucking same? have you even being in texas? The only way to know is if they tell you.
Hudson Perez
No. Statistically the healthiest children you can have are with your second cousin provided your family doesn't have a history of inbreeding.
Very isolated populations like the japanese have some of the best genetic health. All you need is a healthy starting genome and avoid literally fucking your cousins for generations and you're good.
Angel Peterson
You're going in the oven Chaim. No amount of your garbage babble is going to change that.
Cooper Rivera
of course
Charles Ward
mixing with races can have problems on fundamental things like iq and deficiencies, i.e black people/aboriginals/etc. but it's also true that a diverse gene-pool can help with genetic deformities. As a biologist, Africans in general are horrible to mix with: rampant sickle cell presence (gives better malaria protection, but at the cost of oxygen-storing potential of the cells), substantially lower iq, and already pretty inbred as it is. Most also miss things like lactose enzymes, which is an evolutionary disadvantage. it's like stating vanilla and chocolate icecream are better together, but that doesn't mean vanilla and feces will become just as good. mix with races that actually have a net benefit. hell, pick some qt chinese, at least you'll have more intelligence at the cost of general strength.
Alexander Foster
You look at the fucking nose, eyes, skin, and hair you dumbfuck. You can always look at the parents too
Benjamin Rodriguez
What a bunch of cucks. Have fun with your delusions of muh pure genes before you get extinct.
Matthew Adams
ayy lmao
Anthony Cooper
We're all (((citizens of the world))) goy :^)
Julian Stewart
Consider this: Look backwards millenia, to get from location A to location B would take a lot of work. A tribe, if it didn't make moving around its prime focus, would take a while to expand and, certainly, wouldn't date people from a different nation. I.e. there is probably enough diversity within your country, no, within your own state/province for you to maintain sufficient heterogeneity.
Christopher Hughes
Wasn't one slide thread on the topic enough ? Jesus, the shilling increased dramatically with LePen's defeat. This place is basically cuckchan right now.
Eli Stewart
More like people who are sick of your delusions you stupid cunt. You talk about how whites are superior and other races are inferior, yet when LePen lost you returned to fighting between yourselves by dissing French and other white people. Get fucked.
Josiah Gray
You have to go back. I wouldn't know, since I left during the second exodus and haven't gone back since. Since you seem up to date on what exactly cuckchan is like right now, why don't you close this tab and fuck back off from whence you came?
William Watson
Nordic wombs are too valuable to reverse pollute them with olive peoples :D
Cooper Jackson
Nolan Peterson
Yes. There's a whole lot more that going on with genetics than most people are typically aware of.
Some simple digestible points: Inbreeding in a population eventually causes recessive genetic diseases to become rampant. How much of a problem this is depends heavily on the organism and the diseases they are most likely to get through mutations. Even if you started with a population of "perfect" organisms, mutations are going to happen, and certain types of errors (ones allow for eventual procreation, which typically means recessive traits) are going to keep showing up and hiding in the gene pool. Inbreeding was actually a concern of hitler in regards to the nordic countries, I think it's mentioned in his "tableside talks" or something like that.
Hybrid vigor is a meme by people that want to burn coal and pretend it's an intellectual choice. It's a phenomenon typically associated with corn and is a generationally temporary expression of traits that we have labelled as desirable. Then regression to the mean happens. And guess what? Hybrid depression also happens, we just never notice this because the "hybrid corn" we use is carefully selected for. You can't just mix any two inbred corn lines and expect wonderful things to happen.
Speaking of hybrid depression, in a stable population (with a well defined border) there are going to be fewer combinations of detrimental genes vs two separate but technically breedable populations mixing. This is because over enough time beneficial gene combinations succeed, and detrimental combinations fail. Hapas aren't just a meme. When everything about you, from brain chemistry to bone structure is determined by genes, it pays to have a time tested design.
Luis Phillips
Sure, hoping for a peaceful solution to take back Europe is delusional. After all, losing your family and community is just anecdotal right ?
You're right. I'm just gonna run with my nephew and his dog in the woods, continue teaching my niece which plants are used for medicine and just hope this whole place does not collapse until their education is finished. Somehow I get the feeling you won't stay here for long anyway.
Landon Cooper
Then tell your sluts and hipsterfags to get the fuck out of my country.
Hunter Flores
We were doing pretty well until we started letting in continentals and Catholics.
Noah Jones
"Hoping" for something you know on an intellectual level to be impossible is indeed delusional. That wishful thinking is exactly what got Europe in this position it is today. Oh I hope these non-skilled, wholly incompatible, violent migrants will just magically integrate into our nations and leave behind all of their "icky" and backwards customs once they step foot across our borders!
You can fuck right off with "hoping" for change.
Andrew Jackson
Honestly, the solution is fairly obvious. Don't encourage it, but don't punish it too harshly either. This will ensure sufficient genetic drift for all sorts of immunities while also preventing mystery meat rootless mongrelization. That's how white people have been for a very long time anyway. Mostly breeding within their own ethnic group with some constant low level exchange at the margins like border regions and trade hubs, which is absorbed by the surrounding population.
So long as all the populations are similar enough (within race) this shouldn't cause any adverse effects unlike nigger mixing which purges valuable copies of genes from the pool as well as polluting it with harmful dominant alleles.
Jeremiah Morgan
It's true that Catholics and Protestants are inherently incompatible. Having them live in the same country will just generate hatred.
Kevin Russell
it doesn't matter when the government can create diseases on the fly
Asher Ward
Hi is this the designated cuckchan kike goon D&C thread?
Jose Young
Sebastian Lee
Brandon Peterson
some greeks are white, some are not sorry greekbros but it's true
Zachary Jenkins
then white fags will finally be stop being retarded if they are blonde, and have bigger penises then their tiny weiner that later gets stuffed with silicons.
Liam Sanders
Alexander Long
They shouldn't care about being white, since they are Greek. It's like telling an Italian in Italy he isn't white, meaningless. Such vague labels are only useful in the colonies. You wouldn't want European nationalities to mix just because "we're all white bruh".
Adam Williams
Literally everyone in the Greek picture you posted is white.
Mason Mitchell
no, see iceland. It doesn't really matter among whites though as at our furthest removed we're effectively 6th cousin or something like that
Eli Barnes
it really doesn't matter, and this is a bad divide and conquer tactic
Alexander Lopez
Why the fuck does everyone here think every question is D&C? I'm asking it because maybe, like the paint analogy Europe has certain ethnicities that have their own culture, and maybe we shouldn't destroy those unique cultures. Of course with replacement levels being very low it really doesn't matter right now yes, but its worth asking and bringing up
Josiah Kelly
what are you talking about? are you trolling?
Cameron Diaz
Aren't we already mixed enough? We've mixed so much we have many, many whites. Or am I wrong?
Ryan Brown
They are tanned obviously. especially the young girl front and center.
You might want to ask yourself why people like Greeks and Italians are capable of opposing muds, whereas the whitest of the white Europeans welcome them with open arms too.
Jacob Anderson
KYS shill
Oliver Allen
British guy here, tall dark hair with blue eyes and extremely pale skin. I've decided to blanda upp with a Swedish girl of blue eyed blonde hair and somewhat pale complexion. She's a few months along now, and despite my own feelings on racial purity I see no issues with Northern Europeans breeding together. Western Europeans are fine too I suppose, but much of France is compromised now so I'd stay clear of such polluted peoples.
Charles Richardson
well what's their secret, mud genes?
Brody Smith
You need to ask yourself that question.
Why are Northwestern Europeans so committed to liberalism on a near-pathological level when other European ethnic groups are not?
Jayden Butler
1)Thats not how Hybrid vigor works 2)Europeans already benefit from Hybrid Vigor we don't need inbred shitskins for that. 3)Your friend is a fuck stick not a biologist. If you want to learn about Hybrid vigor talk to a farmer he will give you the basics.
Nicholas Collins
because of jewish propaganda, what's your point?
Justin Butler
No, that's complete bullshit and not how inbreeding works. Her being a biologist doesn't mean jack fucking shit in this regard. If there's enough genetic diversity WITHIN a group, then there is no concern with inbreeding. There is plenty of genetic diversity within each subgroup of white people (swedes, dutch, french, whatever) to make this not an issue.
Seeking to outbreed is only important for groups like jews, because their genetic pool is EXTREMELY limited (I think the entire ashkenazi group traces their lineage back to like a couple dozen people). And surprise surprise, the jews set up their tribal affiliation in a way that biological half-kikes are still full-kikes so long as the mother is a kike.
I mean, I'm not completely disgusted by mixing different white ethnicities the way I am about miscegenation. I am an American mutt of German and Polish heritage, after all. But I think it's important to try to seek out your own people for marriage and procreation. Especially in Europe, where each individual ethnicity has their own genetic background and cultural heritage. I don't want Europe to be BLANDA UPP'd.
Xavier Hughes
He will talk about the Iron Lady tomato and breed them with the many different types of the tomatoes to make the blight resistant.
Nicholas Campbell
Thats not Hybrid Vigor.
Andrew Cook
huh no, New worlders are free from oldworld tribal baggage but here it is still a big deal and IF you are a nationalist the question simply comes up regardless of actual conflict. A serb and a dutch marrying and making children wont lead to those children not being able to identifie with their host-society be it serbian or dutch and become a part of it, but there will be still that foreign kink in them based in the upbringing. This has always happened, few european ethnic groups are completely pure-espeacially not in the borderlands, but not in the scale as today and as we also care about culture and not genes alone it begets the question if a -lets say-bulgaria that ends up mostly composed of the descendants of bulgarian+some other european group will continue to be and develope as bulgarian as a bulgaria that while exchanging some people here and there still retains a large amount of people who have grandparents on both sides of their respective family lines that spoke and lifed in bulgaria.
Sure, in modern times the oneslaught of modernity and globalisation makes the survival of our respective identities more and more questionable and an american like europe that is white and not iberian-celto-slavic or whatever is prefferable to squabbling tribes lost and sinking in an african thirdworldsludge doomed like veps and karelians you cannot dismiss our tendencys outrightly.
Yeah this, I wouldnt shame someone for getting a wife/boyfriend from another country but myself id prefer one of my own group and would like to see enough people deciding that way so a "tradition-core" population remains.
Tradition-core is actually a word used in ethnology I think to refer to the people that gave the new tribes of the european migratory period their cultural substance and integrity.
Charles Davis
I never understood why Portugal is closer to North Italy than Spain.
Jack Powell
Probably some migratory period shenanigan, the weirdest shit happened during that time from a vandal(slavo-germanics?) kingdom in northafrica to specific germanic tribe that joined the huns adopting central asian headbinding and burialcustoms for some time.
Ayden Lewis
I'm pure English as far back as I can discover. My wife is Scottish/Rhodesian. I wish my kids could have as pure a national identity as I do, but I know at the very least they'll fit in wherever they are.