Shills and likes are trying to make you think that le pen's niece is a race mixing mudshark. Don't be fooled with their low effort shilling that even i could see through while on the shitter
Be aware Pollocks. Shills are trying to turn you against le pen
who cares, she lost
and she's a zionist
t. french-ignorant amerifag
Thanks for bumping my post, shill. People just need to see the images to see through your low effort shit
You're not from around here are you?
I've been around for 3 years. My shits for sage are below 0 when it comes to truth
You can tell the true shills apart by how angry they are. Anyone going "no its fine we can win next time i s-swer" and "N-NATIONALISM IS RISING JUST GIVE US MORE TIME GOY" is a shill guaranteed.
Sane people today are ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LIVID and bursting with hate and rancor
Well I'm not livid because I expected it for months and was well prepared mentally.
If you're calling me a shill, then I'm not angry about France because even if she did win, the EU would screw her efforts of removing the googles if she even tried. Also I'm not french
Only for three years? :*)
You revealed your hand, fuck off
uninstall your life
Aside from shits and triggers from a meme that probably died, know that le pens niece isn't a mudshark. In our coming conflict we will need every ally we can get, and destroying her character will only give us less voices in this world
I revealed my hand?
This has been debunked several years ago you double nigger -this thread is irrelevant, and the topic should only be brought up in reply to a shill.
Whatever you say
lepen is a bitch and they had to employ professionals to clean her image
OP has posted damage control shitty photoshop images
Holla Forums also leaked ip's of people who arent pro trump (jim likely also sells the other ip's)
Or you could, know, just use google like I did
((.jim..) who hijakced this site by buyin it from hotwheels is baltantly shilling for isralel and trump/kushner
they have censored all critique on trump to create a honeypot for autistic iditots
most of the threads are copy past from blogs or specifically written by payed kike authors
Also here's one with her ears just for your courtesy
Just goes to show how afraid they are of her. The media "diabolisation" of Le Pen and the FN didn't influence enough people so they're panicking now. Their efforts will continue. Just like ShariaBlue and other groups. It never ends.
yes they have added the hole in the ears and spread the image on social media so it occurs to the average reader as if its a fake after he researches it.
they know that people research fake content especially since CNN so the trap works out perfectly
OP's post is about Marion Le Pen, not Marine Le Pen.
Honestly just kill yourself.
Nobody believes your lies Shlomo.
dont let yourself be fooled by the kushner kikes and jim
Holla Forums is dead since hotwheels sold it to jim.
through that jim voided the exodus and used this site to promote christianity and "based jews"
8/pol/ allows dubs checking which is nothing else but another bypass to kabbalistik kikes and hte mods are blatantly deleting everyone who dares to say the truth
the most recent attack on its viwers was the leak of ip's
8/pol/ is literally promoting kosher nationalism which is a hijacked form of nationalism to push for kike agenda by using top idiots
Prove it or get out.
is that the faggot that had a "redpilled" book that was more bluepilled and spergy than that sonic trans? the one with the "day of the rope" and "many centuries to clean our bloodline"
have a bump even if you're a dork user
/r9k/ has better things to do than hang around here, so that just leaves the juden.
Her father worked for Mossad too.
Debunked 100 times Moishe
It hasn't been debunked, and calling me a Jew doesn't automatically win the argument for you.
Don't call our anons kike