It's official now in Texas, no more sanctuary cities allowed.
It's official now in Texas, no more sanctuary cities allowed.
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Does that mean we finally get to nuke Austin?
Greatest state in the union
Probably not, there's still good housing there that will slowly become available as criminals get deported.
Now we just need a law that we can deport anyone who does not understand English.
Overpriced in a radically liberal area, over run with minorities and sjw fucks
Nuke Austin, kike
user austin is redeemable, a good half of it voted trump, but got superceded by the large crowds of liberals
There are still good people here, it may be cucked as all hell but it still burns with even a little bit of the fires of texas. I mean they passed the bill, they're trying to uncuck themselves.
Bumping good news
Fuck yeah Texas! Now we need to find a way for you to deport all those commiefornians.
The Travis County DA's office thinks they are more powerful than the governor. Rosemary and the rest of them all need to be in the slam.
Abbott really is great. He's like a miniature Trump.
How long until a (((Federal Court))) declares this law unconstitutional?
This is a half good and bad news.
Good on Texas. Who wants to place bets that as deportations take place that crime will go down but be ignored by the media?
make sure you save the Holla Forumsacks in commiefornia from the rest of the deportations.
that would be a hell of a fucking stretch
They'll have to go through the 5th circuit.
It doesn't matter. The entire ziokike christcohen ziostoogestructure is still in place and goodcohencucks like DRVMBPF are still just ziocuckshill pawns of cohenkike jewish 666D chess. Every ziomayorpuppet and americohen is complicit. ps the earth is flat
sage for zoghasabarashilling
Wew what a hothead.
Based on states' rights it would be very difficult.
The 10th amendment doesn’t exist anymore, dipshit. None of them do.
West Texan-er here. People are getting deported, the border patrol does in fact seem to have increased their manpower, and El Paso's still a liberal shithole and Presidio county is still cancer but the rest of it is going well.
Abbott's fucking great.
An user pointed out in another thread that there's a currently unenforced law denying communists of their legal rights. We'd only need to begin enforcing that bit of legislation.
link? you've piqued my curiosity.
It's never been enforced because it's totally unconstitutional.
It's law, and it is enforceable. Faggot. We've just never had to deal with this since the law was passed in the 50s.
It's called the "Communist Control Act" and here's a link so you can read it:
tucnak.fsv.cuni. cz/~calda/Documents/1950s/Communist_54.html
By which you mean that we shouldn't start enforcing it until the SC is packed with right-wingers, right?
I sure hope this is ironic shitposting.
Slow down on the memes son
but I just got a job in Georgia and im leaving Texas. I thought every major city would be LA 2.0 in 10 years.
the question is what are the commiefornians and Austin trash going to do to cuck everything up?
he said currently unenforced you dumb malignant slug.
Are you retarded?
Forgot my pic
The trick now, of course, is will he enforce it. Will he send Nation Guard into Houston?
Border patrol is law enforcement, not a court. They may be picking up border hoppers to hold for deportation, but is the court actually deporting them?
Nobody is sending out the national guard, shill. Abbott can cut off state funding to cities that violate the statute.
ps. and arrest LEOs that are in violation. I would love to see that cocksucker acevedo get thrown in harris county
I don't know that nor do I know how to know that. I do know that there are way more border patrol cars/officers in Alpine, Marfa, Presidio, etc. than there were a year ago (and there were already quite a few of them down here… which is interesting considering how insanely rare crime is. Seems you'd want to really beef up say El Paso, but whatever. Keeps my neck of the woods a bit more secure I suppose).
SAnon here, hopefully this means less immigrants taking jobs, especially here in San Antonio.
I've never been there east texas citys tend to be cancer if dallas and austin are any indication but how like lefty is SA? I know they went blue but like is that common/normal or is it just spics doing it? Like what's the cuck content?
Remember goy - Fulfilling campaign promises putting Americans first to make America stronger is really putting Jews first to make Israel stronger. The Jews win no matter what, so just give up. The Chosen have never ever lost in the history of everything. And they most certainly, positively, absolutely have never lost so hard that the person or persons who made them lose so hard are on their "bad goyim" list for literally all of eternity.
I would say SA is starting to be the LA of Texas.
Forgot to mention that we recently had an election here in SA. The election went into a runoff election. Now we have to pick either Nigress Ivy Taylor or (((Ron Nirenberg))) as mayor.
Very good. Texas is literally the most important state for this.
No, that won't work at all. "Right winger" judges are just a bunch of stoic cucks that will literally "muh constitution" this nation into Brazil.
Fucking great. It always been like this? I usually hear about Austin being the liberal epicenter for the state except south texas, which is also known as just being plain old mexico. SA as bad?
I fucking called it a month ago the pieces of shit here would make it a run between the bigger and the rat faced kike.
And for anyone wondering about the state of S.A., whatever few whites are left in the city are a toss up between college age burnouts and right leaning from conservative to a few far-right. And lolbergs, lots of those too but only cause donut step on me=keeping find to them.
Most of this city is fat spics with parts that are basically mexico. Fuckers even fly the fucking mexishit flag too. As the other user said east side is the piece of land that dindus are allowed after getting royally fucked by cartels. Thats the other thing. There's a truce between PD and the cartels. Back in the 80s nobody really talked about it but S.A. had worse crime than LA. A couple cops even got so fed up they went full RWDS and started wasting gang houses. Anyway eventually the PD worked out a deal that the cartels can run their shit so long as the violence doesn't bleed out into the civilian areas. A lot of tacoshit restaurants and hole in the wall businesses are cartels fronts. This city needs a nuke just as much as any other.
Texas should rename El Paso so the Mexicunts stop getting ideas.
Houston here. Been to both cities. Austin is full of whiny liberal commies who have never touched a gun in their life. San Antonia is literally Mexico, drive-bys are very common.
San Antonio and Houston are both much worse than Austin.
Liberia 2.0 when?
So when are we going to get rid of the indians and Arabs in Irving?
Kill yourself.
Hopefully after they burn down major cities this summer
I don't think we'd notice the cities burning and we'd just blow them off as some unexpected heatwave
Nah, man.
they may only be 45% white, but you're 0% white
Spent 4 months alone doing a research project.
I keep having to say "What?" every time someone asks me something unexpected. Always turns out to be a simple, clear question that I genuinely did hear every word of, but my comprehension skills have gone to shit.
Sage for off-topic, but THANK YOU TEXAS.
Great, now start deporting them.
why sticky? This isn't very significant imo and a thread like this only allows for pointless "drumpf is actually evil" vs. "le 4d chess guys" buffoonery rather than intelligent discussion.
gotem! xD
this is now a Texas Pride thread, partner.
Wtf I hate Drumpf no-… Wait what?
Great post friend! Upvoted!
I think he was referring to the Southern suburbs around Austin, which do in fact vote Republican.
There are laws on the books to target foreign enemies in this country. While the left want to target Flynn, Trump should remember the Palmer Raids and the Espionage Act, as well as the McCarran Internal Security Act. These laws are on the books to get rid of foreign communists even without needing intent. They have upheld numerous Supreme Court challenges.
You mean Hays county? Because that isn't Austin.
Shlomo please- you really think we're gonna believe someone who says "the chosen have never ever lost in the history of everything" isn't a shill?
It's unenforced because its a poorly written law that applies only to organizations explicitly named The Communist Party so they just changed their name and kept on going.
You're trading spics for niggers? I could write a book on working in black majority work place.
do tell.
I don't got much experience except for nigs thinking dey wuz kangs or mispelling my name despite my name being fairly easy to write.
USA Today was willing to report the election night riots that happened in the first voting round. But so far only media like Breitbart afaik are reporting the Paris riots this time that started as soon as the polls closed.
What amendment is it violating?
American citizenship is unstrippable so that means they cannot deport them altogether. End the welfare will probably drive them out of USA
Any body post winning yet ?
if not
One of those halves are coincidently removing itself by the other. The Austin implants are now hated by everyone else.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;…
Who gives two flying fucks about TEXAS?
Behind every Jew is a Texan
Good, stay down there you filthy subhuman
t. Butthurt spic
Sure thing Featherwood. Enjoy your cancer tacos
Man on top of being a butthurt spic, he's also a shill. Hitting too close to home huh Paco?
You (((Texans))) just wait for what's in store for you.
What are you gonna do Pedro? Vote Democrat? Won't do much when you're getting deported.
You don't want to get rid of the indians till the happening user. They are like yids and chinks. They really like buying gold, and don't trust the banks (hint hint). And they are as pussified as yids, but easier to recognize and love to congregate in the same areas. Also, most of them are from the higher castes with excess family dosh and no fucking clue how to into anything. Chinks are vicious ant people, yids will have po po 24/7 as long as it lasts. Subcontinent apes aint got shit. Easy loot for amassing the wealth needed after the happening settles down to secure a future for your white children if you do things right.
You work in fast food or something? I actually worked with some who were in high positions at restaurants, they all got fired for sending dick pics and sheit to the waitresses. The others show up late (if at all), stink like BO, or weed, or both, one got fired for stealing money from another waitress. If you want problems hire niggers cause I guarantee you will get them. You can't hire spics either because most don't even speak English and they all group together and start thinking they run things. God damn it let's get that wall up and let's get those sanctuary cities defunded, and let's get these mongrels the fuck out of our lives and yes that applies to the kikes too who just want to take as much of your money as they can through interest and currency manipulation and whatever's left goes out to support welfare and other handouts to people who couldn't pass a 5th grade social studies quiz on US history let alone put together a fucking sentence in English. Fuck em all and fuck those race traitor fag loving communist white cucks too.
…with a Bowie Knife waiting for the signal from the good people to strike down the Kike.
But that signal never comes, and we are running out of Texans.
Hurry it up, Anons, we won't be able to win this war forever.