New OC thread cause last one hit bump limit!
OC, memes thread
Other urls found in this thread:
for the "Muh neocolonialism studies" IDpol crowd
stupid newfag, lurk more. This meme is supposed to be used with things that do not actually represent intelligence
not really, no. it can be used either way.
at least use a variation of the meme if you're gonna change it so it doesn't cause confusion
I think you should calm your autism m8.
tfw too smart to read leftypol
Found this painting.
That shit needs to be made into a banner.
Seems pretty ripe for swapping out some faces.
I believe you mean
Pic one was posted in the Ben Garrison thread, fishing for edits. Reposting the edit somebody made in that thread.
Suggesting another one, for somebody with time and skill:
Somebody PLEASE change Holla Forums for Holla Forums
n o
d o i t y o u r s e l f
with template
here have fun with this one
There should just be a closed book on a table inside.
I just don't get the tits that appear on him.
it was originally an sjw
deleted a layer by mistake
5 billion years in paint
kek, he got tits scared onto him
here, have a vlada
Got to delete dem tits mang.
For you comrades.
who's edward said?
This video bothers me, it's like you wanted to be ironic and serious at the same time.
This is how détournement works.
I like it
I'm glad you are not triggered like some other fgts: >>989509
That's just a sketch, finished painting (in high-res) here.
Cut out everything but that last joke with non-argument man. That was the only good bit.
not gonna water it down, fam :(
I would say all the other shit is the water. I'm saying purify the only good joke.
You're missing an important one
I understand your position but looking at the overall feedback people appreciate the first 2/3 of it too. If I were to cut it as you suggest I'd lose some jokes some of us appreciate, not to mention it would become much more PC…
Being politically incorrect for the sake of being politically incorrect is just stupid though, on it's own only immature 12 yr olds find it funn.y
Jesus christ.
we need an updated version of this
anyone have that zizek webm where its like "a summary zizek's philosophy and its a bunch of the funny things he's said clamped together?
What kind of update?
something to keep up with the times like a
when you're using open source software you're downloading communism or something like that
What if I don't say what you wan…
whatever they want so long as it ends in snuggling.
God save the meme
i would if i could
…is that you user?
ur a qt
it is me
r u single my comrade?
no and we prolly live far away from each other famrade
Jeez get a room yugo flags
a boy can dream…r u based in the US east coast by any chance?
No, i'm in northern france, precisely french flanders
ahh it's always the cute eurofags. you're out of my league anyway. most people are
just tell me how big you are; and i don't mean your dicc
5ft 11, 270 pounds.
I am retarded can someone plz help me make some webs of utub videos.
download with this
convert with this
The file is 2 big guy for me B(
5'7", 138 pounds
you're a big guy
4 u
but srsly I'm tryin to get /fit/
I'm into big guys, whether it's fat or muscle, or both
I'm not very familiar with discord, how do I get to that chat?
just make a discord account, download the app, and bam you're in
just posted in the lobby
love birds plz leave this thread for somewhere else ?
what you are posting is not DANK MAYMAYS
although both of ya are qt
Tried uploading webm but took 20 years sure someone can make a webm out of it.
They aren't dank maymays but I mades some posters that could be usable its my first time trying please be gentle .
They seem a bit facebook-y but that's probably a good thing
I intended on making some Bolshevik glue and putting them around my city.
I found it while looking on a pol thread about postes idk if the recipe works but its worth a shot
They're very cheap memetics, anyone who has seen a few of these would be naturally dismissive. The second one in particular is jus ad-hominem, and the first one doesn't explain how becoming a socialist would solve the democrat-republican problem.
For the first one, I'd go further and just amass a bunch of examples of democrats pushing for wars and overthrowing democratically elected leaders. In order to convince people that democrats are useless for any sort of anti-war movement, you need to show them that democrats not only have a history of pushing for war, but that it is an on-going history.
So… I'm working on something
The graphics are just a placeholder keep in mind, and the sound fucked up with the recording
Also I re-wrote the dialogue since I recorded this, thought it was a bit too autistic
wtf is that from?
It is from the new Battlefield game.
Forgot pic.
I wish I could draw better.
Oh god this is brilliant
Hot off the presses just for you, fuckface.
is this a real photo? the kid looks straight out of the New Wave while everything else seems from the 30's
Both real and not real.
It's probably a staged photo dealing with the dissolution of the Bavarian Soviet Republic. It was staged and produced during leftist agitations in late '20s Weimar Germany and it's a prime example of early lifestylism.
All 'decades' and 'styles' became blurred after some point, it's all been an endless potpourri nostalgia kind of thing.
Now I feel bad about that wage slavery post I made…
Did anyone else get turned on by this?
I don't understan this meme
gonna need sauce lad
I was about to say you fucked up his hair, but his hairline is just that fucked in the original. Great work.
I'm sorry user, it's all just in good fun.
Besides that's not really the main focus of the game.
Apologies for not making it clear: not mine. It was already out there.
From my recent expedition to Holla Forums
breddy gud, except socdems aren't leftists
um, how?
we are left.
Democratic socialists are left. Social democrats are not. Reformism ie capitalism with a human face is a centrist position at best.
Those knockers ain't going to make me kill Rosa Luxemburg. Nuh-uh.
artist: lumineko
Will turdpositionists be included in these comics?
will there be yuri in this comic ?
i'm lovin it
4th one is best
No, these pure catgrills will only be subject to our perverted thoughts off the record. I think. I hope so.
teh drawings I do already are off the record, I'm not catgrill drawfag.
What do you guys think?
how about you make a thread about it ? don't drown meme thread with serious discussion
Add a source or two. Don't have to be unbiased sources, but it adds more credibility.
Why do you make me want to fuck fascism?
Any better?
m a k e y o u r o w n t h r e a d
here i did it for you
No, why are you being cancer?
says the socdem
Shut up.
I don't know who's trolling who anymore.
Don't be a bully this time.
i am not bullying you m8, i just do not want to derail this thread into a thread about terrorism instead of memes and OCs
nah, fuck you.
I wan't syndikat to fuck my ass with an axe handle
The memes shall flow
This is pretty good OC so posting it here as thread for it waa bump locked.
Noice. Syndicat is a total cutie but the others are great too.
Needs more molotv, and maybe a ben garrison signature
Very very bad meme
It was a request for an edit
tho the original is kinda funny in its own way
but I feel a molotov would fit nicely in the place of a dildo, meanwhile, some other derogatory shit for the ideologies we don't like.
8/10 bait, post this over Holla Forums, guaranteed replies
Ooh, you'll want the version with the watermark then.
Less likely to get posts from tankers, but you'd seem more like a Holla Forumsyp which is preferable in some cases.
Here my tries although the meme is true :^}
thanks, I might use it someday, but I could recognize the bait potential of this image just because It triggered the fuck out of me. Imo most accurate version would be replacing shotgun with dildo.
these are good
Okay now just put a boot on the red and blue one and a dildo on the purple one
I fixed it some, pls r8 and suggest other shit to throw in
Read Nietzsche :^🍀🍀🍀)
good work!
If you added tv to the up right, you should consider adding another media to other panels
improved version
Anyone notice that the Redpanels guy actually has a Stirner avatar now? Is this some kind of satire thing or does he just not know who stirner is?
which one of you fags is feeding him memes?
what the fuck
this guy is the DEFINITION of spooked
someone please let him know
Wew that's good
Ok, I think its Stirner's been memed too much
Bless, it takes him so long to churn out his funny pages tier content that he's had to completely disregard the Dem office bombing.
Meme magic! We can do it!
I'm working on an improved version of this with various people at the eight extremes
open to suggestions for Libertarian Left and Right or other changes, was thinking Zizek and Alegs Jons if nobody has better ideas.
Entendedores entenderão
maybe he thinks Stirner is talking about black person when he says he dislikes spooks? :^)
Communism will win lads. Nothing will change that.
i wonder who's gonna get the 999999….
Get pumping lad.
Wolff get
fucking 10/10 get dog
Forgot muh jolly roger
This as well as my 1000000. I don't think I can handle the adrenaline.
Still no sauce on this pic? One day…
If you're talking the original, enjoy:
someone make a screencap of this and
Proudhon or naom chomsky for libertarian left?
Alex jones is fine for right, Rand is more of a libertarian right person. Milton Friedman fits in the same shithole, but he's more boring
Asking for a screencap? Seriously?
Checked, comrade!
me irl
yeah I'm sure it's not just wise old men
top kek this is brilliant
Made this the other day
I keep seeing these types of webms more and more and I've made one or two. They definitely benefit from being done like Saddam in South Park.
They are standard low effort content, i've made like 3 of them.
This looks exploitable, sorry for shitty effort, any idea? Something about the 'human face' on the one hunted, or anything?
Guy running: cute anime loli face
I'm sorry
Now i'm thinking about it, it could also work if soldier is an Ancap…
I wanted one of these for personal use and decided to make a few of them.
The text is fairly easy to change, so I can make some more.
I'm aware the stamp should read 'faschismus' and not 'fascismus', but I couldn't fit it without breaking the design. That's also why one stamp says 'leftypol' and not 'Holla Forums'.
Wasn't taxonomy of orders of Inquisition about the things they fought against?
This is definitely not fluff safe.
Not an easy feat to begin with.
Yes, but that kind of detail would only bother a 40k autist. Any other person would spontaneously think that ordo X means they are for X.
Note he had been kind enough to make something for each possibility.
Hello, Holla Forums
t'es un génie gros
Ok Stalinstache, i will use simple words;
In 40k, ordo X is against X
When you look at the seal without prior deep knowledge of 40k lore, Ordo X seems like for X.
Ordo X can mean either for or against X.
Did both Ordo Fascismus and Ordo Marx, so he tought about both possibilities.
soon I'll have done all of them. won't someone get to naming them meanwhile
Catgrill should definitely use these as the profile pics of the catgrills on the sight.
Which one's that Indian catgirl you were saying?
a cute
From left to right is it
I won't allow liberalism to be that cute
Nope 2nd to last is classical Marxism
oh thank god
You might be mixing me up with another drawfag, don't recall talking about indian catgirls.
Alunya will always be bae
Don't worry Alunya, you'll always be number 1 in my books
Thank you! Some sense on this board!
some more autism
situationism should be drunk btw
first is anarcho-hoxhaism-memeism.
remplace nigga with comrade
After you finish drawing them all could you please do some hardcore lewds.
Can someone create Hoxha version of first and Stirner of second images?
Not by me, but drawgirl posted this on her twatter and i thought it was too cute. (second slightly cropped version to 16:9 resolution for use as phone background)
We got 2 catgirl drawfags now?
I was here before her ;_;
Oh sorry mate, its just that I've never noticed you pushing out these bulks of art before.
Im going to request you kindly to make my shitty drawing into a good one, if you'd like to.
Here's something for your second request. I'll see about the Hoxha one in a bit.
I had no idea transhumanism was this sexy
kek this is 10/10 famrade
Best I can do for the moment on the first one. I might get back to making a better one some other time.
Was that post-succ?
Why haven't you guys used this for OC yet?
kikeypol btfo
So i saw this one Jacobin meme and i like it and made my own version of it
i hope you like it
10/10 niggas
Let's try that again.
Democratic Confederalism cat is my new waifu
Hey guys. I'm sorry I have been so quiet lately and there haven't been any comics for well over a month. I may stop being a little shit and continue working on it soon, we'll see if I can get my ass into gear while still working on freelance projects.
Firstly, I want to say that these are all so awesome:
You have a really rad take on the characters! that Hoxha cat made me so happy. Thank you for posting these here!! wold you mind if I put them on the website, and is there any credit name you want me to give you?
So I thought I'd post some stuff here from Twitter, and also some preliminary VN game test animations. (GET HYPE!! But this is all I'm gonna show you guys before it's done unless the team wants to share more) Also, little Situcat comic.
Ive gotta say, I didn't think that Id like these comics when they started coming out, but they've grown on me now. Big surprise here, but syndicalism is mai waifu, trad marxism is a close second tho.
Oh hey looky here.
Rachel, these are litterally all of my fetishes.
Trad marxism is maximum onee-san tier
Pretty sure that is the be all and end all of all those don't tread on me jokes, that is fucking great.
somebody should realy make a meme mixing Josip Broz Tito and Tito "dick man baby" dick
somebody should realy make a meme mixing Josip Broz Tito and Tito "dick man baby" dick
shit didn't mean to post that twice wtf
*DemoCATic Confederalism
dat new comic is adorable
final batch. since I was annoyed it wasn't resulting in a round 4 catgirls, made a random new one
use them if you want, otherwise, dunno if I want a specific name in your site. I post this stuff on tumblr anyways
I'd love it if you could make a very scruffy, sniffling Hegelian Marxism one, pic related.
Bonus if she wears a simple t-shirt with "I WOULD PREFER NOT TO" on it.
Intelligence is a spook
Posadismcat is fucking radical
She's out of this world
Posadism has an 80's glam rock + Mad Max vibe.
can we have a full color posadism cat?
I can't decide on her colours
nor on how she looks torso down, for that matter
so for now you get these
2.png for me
Can i give you and idea plz …..
How about you give her a nuclear afro ?and color it in a gradation of warm colors
Maybe not strictly speaking an afro in the technical sense, but one of those oversized, massive, fluffy 80s manes
anything that looks like a nuclear mushroom will be super good
2.png or 1.png imo. gotta have them commie colors. also, isn't the belt buckle supposed to be a radioactive symbol?
These are fucking excellent. Keep this thread alive!
The first for me. Love that nuclear-green hair.
Also this
Don't change it, that's awesome.
But this is marxism in action.
Et cetera.
Blame how the first world works, there ain't no factories here anymore ,it's all in china now.
Blame how the first world works, there ain't no factories here anymore ,it's all in china now.
feels bad
Get a job and hire artists
How good a writer are you? And what would it be about?
Watchya think?
Very nice comrade.
Nuke-cat is best cat~
It's great, but I think that shoulderpads would make it perfect. If you find time could you do an edit? I think the HnK reference would be nice, too.
I think her name should be Valentina for the first and only woman cosmonaut in space.
Her backstory is that she tried to join NASA or Space X before realizing how bourgie everything really was and is now researching physics and mechanical engineering to build her own spaceship and go to space.
Nice! I was thinking something more JoJo-like than Jem and the Holograms, though. Went with a lot of David Bowie references here, too.
Me and the lewd-story-user-writefag had throught up, keepign with the JoJo and Bowie feel, that she might just be someone weird who claims to be an alien, part of the socialist aliens, wanting to find a way out of the planet before the nuclear war so she'll be ready to bring socialism afterwards. I'd maybe add to that she might think she's the revived spirit of Posadas or something, for added 70's-new-age flair.
Name, I like Valentina as user suggested. It doubles as something Spanish, too. Thought about something like "Jerónimo Newton" as the surnames too, to finalise the Bowie references. Don't know.
that is fucking rad
totally sicknasty B)
There damn well better be.
Don't know if anyone has made this edit yet, but it needed to be done
SO COOL!!! I'm so happy omg. Thank you for being here and putting out this awesome stuff.
I don't understand. Is she supposed to be Posadism? Satanposter?
Do you just skip any post that's not by catgrill drawfag?
fresh oc lads, got original from fedbook
pls who are these people
especially the lady
sergey nechayev ofc
ulrike ofc and I would make sweet love to her dayym she is a waifu.
have fun being reported to the secret service just because he didn't find you revolutionary enough and you didn't lend him money.
thats not real. Max Stirner wasn't his real name, it's a pseudonym
from Holla Forums with love
we luv u back
sergey nechayev nihilist communist terrorist
marcos the jackal communist terrorist
ulrike meinhof red faction waifu/terrorist
donald defreeze marxist-brainwashing terrorist
Ok well the obvious choice is Ulrike Meinwaifu
Here's a few.
Shitty writing, someone can improve them if they want to.
His name was Johann Kaspar. Stirner was an assumed name.
i'd take Marcos, he's my type
i'd take Marcos, he's my type
why is it that my stuff always gets posted twice ?
He could have been burried under his pseudonym tough
I tried to make a death squad pepe with soviet weapons, but the result is shitty.
not bad; not bad at all
you could combine the twos or have some inspiration, (not mine)
fixed it mostly, and added your variant
hand still looks stupid as fuck tho. I'm not an artist.
if you can't stand the fucked up hand, here is a version with the c96 back. every country used c96s, so it's okay.
you have an internet son just check his grave ffs. what are you doing?
Those hands look absolutely autistic.
hopefully some one corrects them cuz the nagant revolver looks based AF.
HAHAHAHAHAHA you delusional faggots… hahaha omfg
Yes… you triggered my sides
wow dude you added "refugees welcome" to a machine gun post drawing, that is pretty edgy and is making me scary
too bad you are too much of a pussy to do such thing in real life
Why would I want to try to scare a leftie over the web with a picture of a machinegun sentry from WWII.
Now is not the time for fear :^)
lel, I didn't
well, its pretty much the only thing your ideology is good for, isn't it?
again, you are too much of a pussy to actually follow what you and your meme ideology preaches
prove me wrong
How weak is your mind and convictions if you can't even look at an image…
and, kindergardens, paid-vacation, 40 hour work week, made sure capitalists treated their employees with dignity…etc.
Well my weak leftie friend, if I follow what I preach then wouldn't it be stupid of me to speak of it on a leftie board? You people amaze me
In time liebling
You are implying I will waste my time on your garbage
I won't
nothing to do with the right-wing
you wouldn't waste your time on a leftie board because there are too many shitskins to kill
but let's not fool ourselves, you are just an angsty virgin that would lose a 1v1 fight againts some "ghetto gangabnger" you shitpost about on the internet
but hey, keep roleplaying as an edgy naz, kiddo, having too much fun humiliating you
You are implying I will waste my time on your garbage
I won't
you already are
never said anything about any right-wing
What reality do you live in. Do think The Punisher comic is based on real life?
but hey, keep roleplaying as an edgy naz, kiddo, having too much fun humiliating you
yes friend, keep believing your own propaganda.
I am not opening your image any time soon my friend, don't think why you would think I would
lmao, literally proving he is a basement dweller incapable of defending "his" people from the migrant hordes
ITT: Holla Forums argues with itself and throws out its initial subtlety
There are groups forming all around the white world, some are book clubs and some are pool parties. Some are just that, some are the beginnings of RWDS.
You merely adopted the basement, we were born it, molded by it
lmao fam
Absolutely RADICAL
breddy good, but, and this is just my opinion, that it would be improved with a hammer and sickle or some other symbol on the little juice pitcher
some are the beginnings of rear wheel drive ?
also, not from me but i thought it was great
give me a reason anarchist cat shouldn't be named nicole bart
cenetistas usually wore blue work clothes
Why are monster girls so GREAT
You can't make this shit up
Can a brother get some source?
I meant the doujin from where this was taken from.
doubleposting tankie is back!
sadly i dunno
Go find out and be useful for once.
Here you go, comrade. Seems it's a single image, not any part of a doujin.
stop the bullying D:
Fucking shit
Give the porn book comic gook name please.
reading dumb clickbait listicle shit, find this with a name and tone that's relevant to our posadist cat
sorry didn't mean to quote
You really should switch the ISIS and stormfaggot texts. ISIS hates jews just as much.
I know that's not how you spell Kronstadt btw, just too lazy to go back and fix it.