What are your beliefs and why do you believe them?
What are your beliefs and why do you believe them?
Anarcho-communism is the most radically traditionalist form of society imaginable. All factors that destroy tradition are, in an instant, destroyed.
ay dios mio, we need a purge
I'm a syndicalist tho.
LibSoc because muh freedom
You have to go back
leftcoms are for bullying so they can stay
I support any radical left experiments as long as they are supported by the people and don't commit atrocities and give us a bad name
Other leftist tendency
(PS I market socialism is OK but I would fight politically, aka democratically, for state socialism after marksoc had been achieved)
what other tendencies are there besides demsocs
U wot
fuck off muke
Justice without terror is impotent and so on
I know
Which one is more liberal:
jokes on you liberal, I'm an anarcho-syndicalist.
Even so, an-coms are actual communists, whereas, MLs and whatnot are just state capitalists.
Marxist without adjective.
The one that includes commodity production and wage labor.
so literally anything but socialism?
How is syndicalism not anarcho-communism?
You got it, bud.
So you think corporations are worker owned?
It basically is, but the difference between an-synds and just general an-coms is how they wanna do it. Ancoms advocate for a makhno kind of thing, while an-synds want to use unions to establish socialism.
Because I support state syndicalism.
fams pls
yeah baby!
why did leftypol become overrun with liberals?
that's so petty what the fuck
Syndicalists are just ancoms in peacetime?
Socialism. Worker control of the means of production, all property common. Decentralised government and worker councils
looking at capitalism and how exploititative it is, and how wretched it leaves the earth and it's people.
what are you talking about "leftcommunism" doesn't include commodity production nor wage labour because it has never accomplished anything
Neither have all non MLs/Titoists/Maoists
Poor argument tbh
The only person who can help you is yourself.
You are what you eat.
One's mind is like a leaf, when it grows old it becomes more rigid and delicate to change. One can be young forever if you think like a new leaf.
I'm actually a Traditionalist Authoritarian fascist sympathizer who regulars Holla Forums and helps colludes their schemes.
You're a bunch of lunatics who will lead us all kicking and screaming into hell one day.
And you'll probably just 'woops lol' when millions of people are dead.
Eco-socialist statist.
Because I see no reason to believe that the tragedy of the commons won't play out on a communal scale once we get rid of capitalist. We need a governing body to protect the environment.
So 'leftcom' is the new Lenin/Trotsky fan choice for this month? It seems terms get swapped a lot on Holla Forums. I have no idea what anything means from day to day.
Nietzsche was a reactionary