Van The Cuck Knight #NOLA

New Orleans mischling yells out that he's half Jewish and has a black son before charging /our guys/, Confederates/Southern Nationalists waving Rebel flags

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump supporters are now worse than Antifa

I want to see TRS goon, Milo enabling, entryism fags defend this.

He has plate armor.
We have plate carriers.

>half-jewish -5
>black son (not even bi-racial lel) +5
>roman armor (the irony) +2

Overall I think we came out on top.

hang the whole lot of em. those god damn cowards attacked the wrong crowd. its not on sight with em.

From what I can tell it's just one faggot Jew who most likely did this to [email protected]/* */ the right.

I'll change my mind if I see a decently large group of normalfag Trump supporters doing this.

It's time for the night of the long knives where we gut Trump supporters who are mostly anti-racist cucks

This is obvious [email protected]/* */ shilling.

tbh most people here are noguns


Go find me a multicam cover which fits a XL sized MICH

No, he has LARP gear. That is not real armor.

btw airshit ones dont fit it

The cancer is eating itself, this is a good thing.

>[email protected]/* */
Are you retarded?

He meant D&C but he's a new fag

Punching to our left is what we're supposed to do until there's no more center right


He was an Antifa plant

He seriously wiped his brow with the flag.

And then rolled around on the ground holding the back of his head because he decided to LARP in a Halloween costume rather than wear an actual helmet

this has some meme potential.

No, it's truth. We need to kill these Zionist retards.

wew lad


What kind of patriot wipes his face with the flag?

Breddy crisp right hand there at the end. I assume that's what cut his jew lip up.

Check me, checking you


anons on the ground at the time said oathkeepers were also pulling this shit.


Honestly I'm so pissed I didn't get to go to this

I've been praying that stick man and his alt Knights turn on us so I have an excuse to crush them.
My Hema Club is ready to suit up and roll out to defend /ourguys/

A communist plant.

I told you all they would be. No one listens to me though. I just get banned a lot.

ebin memes there

Someone didn't watch the video:
Watch for the sucker punch from the guy on the bike around 0:19.

Also, look at the responses. wew


You're just as much a lemming, Slavros-kun.

It's not just them, the "mellow yellow" faggot is a genuine communist.

Why am I slavros? Is that remix iron march shit? Or are you just an alt-kike who thinks anyone who wants to preserve their race is some Uzbek faggot that runs a honeypot?
if it is I think I like them now lel



Go back to your thread you made and circlejerk there, lad.


B-b-but implicit white identity…


No, I just thought your imagery was shit.

And I think that if you try to defend your race, you get what they got. And you get co-opted by Jews. Infiltrated by Jews. And you get turned on by others of your race who aren't as hardcore or more hardcore than you.

It's just futile.

red text

Going down to drop memes the 4th precinct tonight?

Take back your poison! You are not strong enough to give it to me.

They always were. Usually, but certainly not always, antifa tends not to combine their nigger-loving with israel worship.

I doubt many are more ideologically committed to preserving the white race than myself. Maybe hardcore primitivist types because they hate civilization as a whole.
There is a way to go about these things without getting co-opted.
become formless

Anything less guarantees you lose.



Sure seems like specific advice for someone advocating not adhering to one specific doctrine. Always with the same vid too and you sure are posting a lot.

Reported for being a kike.

'sup kampfy.

I'd be honored except for you know, Kampfy. So that's 4/4 on the shill scorecard. Care to play again?

fuck off 40k autisty pfampfy

Who is vex? Some eceleb?

some alt-kike phony homofag

Sad to see how far the board is fallen that people like you can post here. Please remember to respect the 3 year lurking period next time.

i am an oldfag, TRUST ME. SAD!


the dude was shouting black lives matter in another video. fuck off shariablue

This man is bird-dogging, he is likely a paid protester trying to astroturf the monument removal.


Has his dox been posted? Anyone think it's funny that Based Kikeman's old record is released right when CuckKnight's actions were in the spotlight? Paint huffer Kyle is an anti-white dope and deserves all criticism but it's the timing of the release that makes me wonder. Maybe they want to get this thread slid off the board.

Lmao I was there for this it happened right in front of me. He charged a Confederate flag to rip it and down and started screaming about his "bi-racial daughter."

The bike cuck came up behind him and tried to provoke the League of the South guys into a fight.

Vid related: I'm the guy on the right in the sonnenrad shirt

4/10, needs work

top cuck

I bet he larps with it on Good Friday or Easter. Probably pulled it out of his church storage room.

Quit being so lazy.


That guy in the white shirt is pretty cool.

What i've noticed about "alt-right" is that it is basically the political incarnation of goyimgate. Heck it's even used as a boogeyman like goyimgate. The PR cucking is there, the civcucks are there, the israel faggots are there. Dear oh dear.

After the dust settles, we might even have a few of them who look back on it all and think to themselves
>Huh, Holla Forums was right.

Have fun turning it back on after it accidentally gets turned off
Also, have fun getting shot in a wimpy little delt protector
Y'all niggas need side plates

What does any of this even mean?

Captain Cuckmerica got decked.

How fat are you that you cant reach your hand behind your back?

They're level 3+ plates you tard

Just give it time.

What's the background on those AWR guys who were there yesterday? People bitching they were selling shirts and signed flags.

Jesus, what a waste

Cuck Knight is a true mystery man.
AA did a nice round-up of the happening
And newsweek pretty much copied it but added a das rayciss slant.
He's probably getting some plastic surgery in Brazil and growing his hair while he waits on his next assignment.

forgot the vid on that is on the newsweek article

you're going to be hard pressed to get normal americans to not be retarded cucks

is this possible?
As far as i know, if your mom's a kike you're a kike, if your dad's a kike you're not, but there's no half kikes, either full kike or no kike

Better to have consistent standards than blindly support a potential kike puppet.

That one seems to be against the cucks.

This is what kikes think, it doesn't make it accurate. Genetics is a hell of a lot more important than what their desert religion says.

That guy in the white, I like him.


What a retard

You need to also realize just like gamergate. The amount fucktards who call themselves alt-right but couldn't be farther from it if they tried. Is also massive and only increasing as time goes on.

So much for the high verbal IQ.

the jew always tries to blend in


He looks & acts more like a Fed than an antifa plant. The truth will come out soon.

Guarantee you we start seeing a whole lot more of this shit especially when enemies see how easy it is to get people to turn against each other.

But I warned you that Trump was empowering these fucking faggot losers. Look at this shit. How do we clean this up? They legitimately think this is okay.

This is truly shit-tier acting. I get more of a Fed vibe rather than an antifa true believer

Snowflake? Alt-right? Journalists are so incompetent.

By shifting the zeitgeist. These people, you must understand, are lemmings. This cuck hates "RAY-sists" because he thinks that that is fashionable. Shift the zeitgeist, make it fashionable to love your race and he will be assaulting niggers in that Lorica Segmentata.

Nah he's not a fed. He's just an attention whore from LA who fancies himself a thought leader. That video is something else though.

I don't know. I thought that's where we were going, but as soon as the left started shrieking racist and anti-Semite the lemmings lined up to suck black kike cock. I'm really beginning to think they need to be cut loose.

What a fucking faggot. He is an absolute virtue signaler. Desperate for acceptance and attention. Desperate to hug a Black guy.

I just made a thread about that. See


Gas all kikes. California fall into the ocean.

"My wife's son is a black Israeli"

lol hes a soros plant

Hahaha holy shit, I was in this clown's junior college public speaking class like 15 years ago. He came in with boots and suspenders and gave some dopey story about being a skinhead and then finding out that he was a kike. This mofo actually started to cry and then symbolically threw his stuff in the trash. IIRC, he also had his eyebrows dyed blonde at the time lmao. I can confirm that he's no fed, just a fucked up in the head 'ex-skinhead' jewboy.

He is. This guy and Kyle Chapman are part of Gavin Mcinnes's group The Proud Boys. who are cucky civic nationalists. Mcinnes is employed by Rebel Media which is owned and funded by (((Ezra Levant)))

Pure cohencidence.

intelius. com/people/Sean-Vanduser/Northridge-CA/08XFHAXTN8E

I'm working on getting pictures now. He was a skinhead from L.A who played in a short lived white power band named whiskey rebels.

Probably something like "skinheads against racism" type of thing.
bc not only is he jewish, but his mom has lots of jewish face book friends.
Also pic related is where he lives. FULL OF KIKES. I doubt that someone who lives in a jewish community, was in a white power band.

He was a wannabe white power skinhead back in the early 2000's. This was before the white flight was finished. The the San Fernando Valley was a hotbed of NS skinhead activity in the 90's and early 2000's. He said he found out he was part kike and dropped out. We all thought he got scared because shit was getting real with the mexican gangs and sharps. Now he's the (((cucked faggot knight))). I hope he is one of the first to get gassed.

(((cuckknight))) in his NS days.

He lives in Valencia now. Not LA city, but still LA County.

I really don't understand cucks like him who like niggers.

It's called you've never seen combat you fucking mall ninja.