In a Beijing ballroom, Kushner family pushes $500,000 ‘investor visa’ to wealthy Chinese
relevant tweet:
In a Beijing ballroom, Kushner family pushes $500,000 ‘investor visa’ to wealthy Chinese
relevant tweet:
Bump, we already had a thread that was ignored, but bump.
We need to start memeing an even further right candidate for 2020. One who will push Trump's shit in.
This is at least better than letting in tons of poor chinks or are they still letting them in too?
I don't understand you americans, there's 300+millions guns in the US, grab one and that's it.
why is he doing this anyway? is it really that hard for someone who is willing to spend 500K on something to get into the US?
Why are people so fucking stupid? Do none of these chinks even heard of fucking Periscope?
They don't have to be smart, user, they only have to be smarter.
No one is going to do jack shit as long as there's food on the table, working Xbox's and football on the TV.
heres to hoping that kushner gets fucked because he is accepted donations on behalf of a foreign gov which would make him a foreign lobbyist directly going against the lobby ban that Trump signed.
While true, thats not the point. The point is that these people are selling you out BIGLY with seriously shady methods.
How Jared Kushner is related with the Asshton K?
I hate #PresidentKushner
Getting real sick of this faggots shit.
The EB-5 visa has been around for a while. Wealthy people can invest in a failing rural business for $500,000 or a failing urban business for $1 million and get a visa in return. There are 10,000 slots, but the max has never been reached. These visas are promoted in other countries as a way to bring in foreign investment.
The last thing this country needs is more rich chinks shitting up the place.
hi FBI
So do we infiltrate the Democratic Party now? All we have to do is to rephrase the ideals of NatSoc since NatSoc is actually more on the left than on the right and we're good.
Show me a right wing millionaire/billionaire and I will start supporting him.
If Trump showed us anything, it's that you have to have your own money to compete. You have to be media savvy to MAKE them cover you, misdirection, bait and switch, timing and yes - 4D chess.
We need moneybags. Maybe the next 3 years should be spent redilling Notch and Tom Brady?
Who's /ourguy/ on this list????????
Memes related
Tom fucking Brady as POTUS. I couldn't think of a more surefire win.
Oh, to any 100+ IQ white user, this is babbys first redpill.
Look at the Hwhites we have to choose from. Gates, Koch brothers, Buffet - they might as well be kikes too.
They don't have to be the face, but redpilling billionaires will lead to real change.
Underrated post
user….it's ashton kutcher and jared kushner
I saw some "molecular biology" user on here claiming that Bill Gates' vaccines initiatives in Africa are preparation for biological warfare, like priming them with biological markers for engineered diseases to destroy them. But given Gates' support for Common Core I'm very skeptical.
You. Can't.
Go ahead and do it GSG9, I dare you. Watch what happens.
There are none. Nobody who is rich in any way will ever support us, they simply don't care. There is no moneybags. All richfags hate poor whites. Even if they're just twits like Dicky Spencer, they're never rich enough like Trump. All those people are so far above it all that they don't ever have to deal with it. So they'll never care.
The volk is dead.
ashes and echoes?
None Other. Who else? Are you going to ban me for it?
Watch what happens.
I always suspected you were a defeatist cuck, but now I know you're one since you still hang around this dreaded site.
At least spongebob images you had were neat.
I never had any spongebob images. What are you talking about?
What else is there but defeatism for the defeated? Show me where there is victory at all. I dare you.
Nah, it's definitely you.
Nope. You're wrong. And you're one post away from being filtered. And I'm right. And you know it.
What else is there but defeatism for the defeated?
Hi kike.
At least left wants to, you suck their dick.
Go do it then. Watch what happens.
Ashes filters two users in one night? You're really letting people get to you!
is that a fucking wymn in the profile pic?
I'm sure the investor thing was true, but that certainty becomes weakened by a gook woman crying rape harassment.
I don't know who is worse, globalists or (((you)))
I know what will happen, long time jail or death. Or death from old age (or immigrant/black hands) and doing nothing. Thats the choice.
Dehumanize yourself and face the bloodshed.
So the price is slashed in half for resident permit. Kek.
the hispanic volk will quickly follow
Yeah but:
Of course that implies that someone would be dumb enough to TELL anyone their plans.
If they weren't do you think the world would be the way that it is?
you're a betacuck aren't you?
Why would you believe some crazy shit like that?
Whatever. Everyone gets to everyone. It's not like anyone gives a damn. It's probably the same guy across two threads. Doesn't matter. Everything ends badly.
No. It's pointless, everything is shit and nothing ever works.
You can't. Death isn't the end. It results in reincarnation and Eternal Misery. Come track me down and kill me if you think you're hard enough.
Everyone will. All will become ashes.
that argument is retarded, it's like saying, "people can't do swimming from their couch THEREFORE we must throw them to the ocean"
I don't know what fucked up you have, but to wish others become as miserable as you is subhuman.
excuse me?
Statistically speaking, everything has been getting better. Crime has decreased in the last decades, so is hunger, so is disease… I cannot think of an important parameter were things have not gotten better.
No. It hasn't. It's not decreased, it's just covered up. Everything still sucks, it just sucks in different ways. Misery is eternal. Loss is infinite.
Technology only enslaves and you will never make it out.
If you don't believe me. Try it. Watch what happens.
That's a misrepresentation of the argument. Swimming is not equivalent to what was being discussed.
Where are you from? You're obviously not a native English speaker and aren't understanding what you're commenting on.
They must simply be destroyed. Existence itself is a curse and nothing can ever be good.
Two dudes with AK's knocked out the power in Central California by shooting at transformers a couple years ago. The System is so weak and rotted, it's like a decaying birch tree after the winter. Wrapped in white but black underneath, and the inside is being carved out by parasites.You are the ultimate mental cuckold. You're letting one of the weakest, loosest grips any "authority" has ever held over a people blackpill you. You've defeated yourself, ZOG didn't beat the shit out of you and make you submit.
Red text at the end of my post for dramatic effect
Never heard about that. Any links?
Then go do it. Watch what happens. Every effort always fails. The people themselves will fuck you over. Watch what happens. After the system falls down, and the bombs have dropped, the fallout has contaminated everything, then what? That world will not be worth living in.
We were all born defeated. Call me whatever you want. I'm right and you know it. Everything is shit and you know it. Every effort always fails and you know it.
The blackpill is always right. Nothing ever works. Go ahead and try to knock the system down and rebuild your ethnostate. Watch what happens.
Ashes and Echoes
They never caught the guys, never even found any fucking tire tracks or boot prints.
You think i dont have kikes close to me, and i have to chase you?. I could take a knife, and kill at least two in the next 20 min. The problem is getting bigger kikes, why waste your life on some poorfags that dont matter.
Kucinich and Buchanon are the only two I can think of and Kucinich cant win cause the dem side is way more corrupt and the traditional left wont vote for him.
pic related
Red text is super spooky and I am a sage dispensing universal truths.
And what did it accomplish? What did it do? How did it save the white race?
Because all life is a waste, user. Nothing works. But, like I said. Try to enact whatever solution you think you can. Watch what happens.
At least nuking the entire Earth would fix all problems.
I'm right and you know it.
Watch what happens. Start your resistance. Fight on and watch what happens. Show me the rewards of what your talking about and I might believe you.
There are no rewards. There is only Eternal Misery.
*fuck up life
Why don't you kill yourself and spare yourself the misery of existence, and spare us the misery of experiencing your drivel.
The "dramatic" redtext you do does the opposite of what you want and comes off as comedic.
That's pretty wild. No major power loss, but if they kept hitting or had a few teams it would have been devastating.
Admit you just don't want to give up your comfort.
This is a sideshow. It's already ludicrously easy for Chinese rich kids to become naturalized American citizens with all the benefits that entails of dual citizenship.
This is already happening. The Chink parents will even write the "donation" off their taxes. The Jew has created this system precisely in order for Americans to be exploited.
Of course an investor visa would only be one more step in destroying the American social fabric, but don't kid yourself thinking it would be a radical departure from present policy. It's just more of the same.
Because I'm a coward. It's difficult to kill yourself, painful, and I'm somehow captivated. I've got a few voices that are really compelling, and they speak of witnessing all the calamity. So, there's that as well.
I don't care if you're miserable too. If you want me dead, come kill me for me. Otherwise, filter me and move on. Or, you can scream with me in the Pit.
I'm right and you know it. I don't care if it comes off as comedic or dramatic.
You still pay attention. But do you comprehend what you read?
And that's why it's all ruined. There is nothing else.
Ashes and Echoes
I'm right and you know it. Do something about any of this. Watch what happens.
you speak of attaining a good life as something wrong or jealousy-worthy
It is when it prevents people from fixing a massive societal. So where are you from? You're clearly shilling.
Remember Wendi Murdoch making sure Jared Kushner stayed with Ivanka Trump.
Typical ploy.
Who else?
Bill Gates would be killing white people. Niggers don't use Linux
Not even him. He's cucked. Everyone is. It's all ruined.
What about that Mercer guy?
Been happening for years all over the west.
Most obvious cases being Canada and Australia. In Sydney, Australia the median price is about 1.2m. Whole residential apartment blocks are pre-sold to chink investors within half an hour.
These sorts of policies to increase residential real-estate demand and force up prices are highly detrimental to the native population. Creating situations where families drown under high mortgages with poor job opportunities is devastating for the white birthrate.
They do this in NZ too. 2 businesses for 2 years and you get the paperwork. We get rich chinks shitting it up everywhere and fucking our property market by overpaying.
What do you anons think of T_D?
Red bull guy?
If it were gone nothing of value would be lost.
During the war those buildings will go up in smoke as quickly as they were built.
China intentionally encourages this by making it extremely difficult to keep your money in the country. Basically, as soon as you have "too much" the government appropriates it. It's pretty much gentrification, except that in this case the only thing Chinks bring with them is money, no loyalty or concern for the people already living here. Everything the gentrification propaganda claims about whites is actually true of these foreigners - except it's okay, because they're driving out whites.
Truth, cali is basically a couple rich whites and jews living in gates communities while the world around them is crumbling.
Wasn't this the same visa that the "gold star" kinkylick mudslime faggot the dnc rolled out used to bring in wealthy ackbars at his "practice"?
You should go right the fuck back there or inhale a bullet, the choice is yours
tell me, why do you think Elon Musk is /outguy/?
Other than having many white babies and engaging in science, I have not seen him lean right on anything.
took gibs from Obama to function
strategic divorce so assets moved to his ex-wife so they can't be touched in lawsuits/bankruptcy.
Robert Leroy Mercer, he is the best we have right now,
He was Trump's major backer AFTER supporting Ted Cruz.
Unfortunately, he has no sons: Mercer and his wife Diana have three daughters, Jennifer ("Jenji"), Rebekah ("Bekah"), and Heather Sue. That "REBEKAH" is not a Christian way to spell that name, that is troubling.
We know there is no "redpilling" cunts, they bend to the will of their partners.
You couldn't take the time to even look up his name you low effort fag?
Red Bull CEO Dietrich Mateschitz - 72 year old Austrian.
This one has some good info in the comments - looks like he is more of a shitstirrer than right wing
Half a million to become a burgerfat with no healthcare,diabetes and rotting teeth.
no thanks.
Jared Kushner Didn’t Disclose Business Dealings With George Soros
Get these kind of shit to media people and normalfags so we can rally them up to take him out.
Is why telecommunications and cable providers secretly passed laws that made attacking broadband cables and cell phone switch centers a terrorism offense because they are part of the "critical infrastructure". The propaganda machine is not shut down like in They Live without consequences
This was a law back when Bush was in office; this isn't new.
No Obama passed an executive order in 2013 called 13636/Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity that was written with the help of telecommunications and cable providers that are all unifying now and will be in charge of all communications and entertainment
Yeah EB5
(((Washington Podesta Post)))
What are you even trying to imply, the Washington Post is falsely slandering kikes?
They are making the preparations to move to China. We need a big anti jew scare there to stir things up
Anti Jew is code for anti Kushner, anti Kushner is code for anti Trump and anti Trump is code for anti white. Start playing the chess match.