So is it time the Kek meme ended?

Anons, it's at this point that it's safe to say that putting our faith in a deity in some ancient cultures religion is pointless, at best, an excuse to sit around and do nothing while betting entirely on that faith, at worst. It may have even been a psyop to do the latter, convince us to put all of our confidence on some mystical entity to magically solve all of our problems instead of doing it ourselves. Sadly, it looks like, for at least a large amount of us, it worked. Anons like to check duplicate numbers as if they magically determine whether what poster's said is truth or not. For fucks sakes, guys, for all the times I've seen a dubs/trips/quads/etc post that said "X thing we want to happen will happen!", I've seen about as many if not more that are the exact opposite. At what point, at what fucking point do you accept that dubs means fucking nothing? Where are we now? What has this meme done for us? Look at what just happened in France, where was "Kek" there? There IS no Kek. You have most likely been willfully played into believing a fucking frog deity is real and is secretly helping us save the white race and that duplicating digits predict the future so that you will passively sit idly by putting your faith into whatever a random poster with dubs says, believing it is the omniscient words of this fictional deity speaking through the poster. No more putting our faith in idols, not just speaking of Kek. This is not a blackpill thread, or anti-Trump. I'm saying that there is NO ONE, be they god or man, who is coming to save us, who is going to swoop down and magically solve all our problems. To save our people, WE must do it ourselves.

The Kek meme has been good for morale, but it's not getting us any further to our goal, and if anything, it's only serving to make us complacent and idle. Enough is enough.

That’s why it’s going to stay around. Kikes use it to shitpost.

Maybe, or maybe this latest happening in France will be the wake-up call pol users needed to realize the futility of it. Like I said, on NUMEROUS occasions have I seen posters with two completely opposing viewpoints get duplicate numbers. If Dubs speak the words of Kek, and the words of Kek are the truth, then what sense does that make? What the fuck do you idiots think Hitler did? Did fucking Hitler sit around checking dubs IRL and hoping that some fucking frog god would magically make Germany better? Or did he get off his ass and try to do something about it HIMSELF?

what are the chances of this being a double post

The only people who truly are bothered by this don't fucking understand it and are probably new.

This too. People who say bullshit will get ignored, even if they get trips. You're a fucking concern trolling faggot. Provide some proof before spouting bullshit.

fuck off

Kek funposting has done more to spread redpills and save white civilization than anything else in the last 20 years.


You're assuming Kek doesn't want France taken down the shitter as an example for the rest of EUrope.

I'm not denying it's good for morale at least, I said that already. But anons are taking it too literally and actually believing it's actually true. I'm convinced it's a psyop. Hard to tell, since shills play from every conceivable angle imaginable.

Learn how to shill, nigger

Hi there /christian/.

Like I fucking said:

What the fuck do you idiots think Hitler did? Did fucking Hitler sit around checking dubs IRL and hoping that some fucking frog god would magically make Germany better? Or did he get off his ass and try to do something about it HIMSELF?

This is the best you got? Really?

Good point op.


Kill yourself kike. Doubly so for shilling this twice in the same catalog.

If you think that's what's going on, you're as stupid as your retarded OP. But I rather think that you're some butthurt shill of one stripe or another christian, muslim, jew, Holla Forums, /fringe/, CIAnigger, the list of possibilities is pretty fucking long who doesn't like the concept that our Nazi basketweaving board has designed its own religion. Forming a religion serves as a glue to bind us in new and more cohesive ways, and I think you already know that. Some people do it purely for keks, some people do it to piss off religious zealots, some people do it because they see it as a symbol of our hivemind, some people believe in the possibility of a chaos god in some form or another, some people think that a chaos god has actually noticed our group and is influincing things behind the scenes. It's not as simple as you make it out to be. So either you're a simpleton or a shill. Which is it?

Where have I seen this kind of dialogue before? The primary and elections, just replace kek with trump


Anons will do what they will, and what they will shapes reality. Sure it's resulted in some autism, but these days what doesn't?

How do you say "good bye France" in frog?

btw this is the product of kek-meme-funposting-Making the right into a game.

Nope, fuck off.

How many more pepe memes did we need to make so Le Pen could win? How far off were we?

Was gonna post this in another thread, but got purged by the (((mods))), and this one is anchored anyways, but no point in wasting it.

There was a time where this board focused more on improving ourselves to help make the real world a better place for us, but did it in a way that kept our expectations low and realistic, as to not let our emotions get the better of us and rely on irrationality. There is nothing wrong with having faith inherently, but let it overtake you entirely will blind you from the reality around you, while having a lack of it will destroy you over time. Ultimately, having faith in whatever religion and/or deities you believe in, it was agreed by all users on Holla Forums to seek the objective truth no matter what to help redpill the masses.

Since the Trump campaign however, it has not only brought newfags who didn't truly assimilate to the culture here, but the large amount of hope and faith Trump gave to those here that had none after dealing with the despairing reality for so long encouraging it and going along for the ride undeniably changed the culture. Combine that with the threads and information regarding Kek and meme magic appearing mid-last year gaining a huge following out of nowhere and suddenly the average poster is what we see today (anyone who says that Kek was always been worshiped here is full of shit). I remember seeing the first Kek threads and didn't think much of them at first, until the followers started acting more and more like a cult, forcing their way into everything Holla Forums was doing and acting like Christianity in their beliefs and practices (possibly due to either the followers had a lack of faith in another religion or spiritual guide, or the whole thing was something started by (((them))) to get us to act like retards rather than followers of truth). I won't deny that I was swept up by it at first, especially during the election and some time after it, but even I saw the shift in how the average poster was, and how we started having less and how a narrative was being pushed to allow only threads of things that Holla Forums only wanted to hear, while any threads and anons that went against the narrative, even ones worth looking into, were deleted and/or banned. Hell we don't even see good and intelligent arguments half the time, as the usual response to someone going against the narrative is a smug anime post, greentext with a condescending reply with nothing to back them up, or both. Since the introduction of the cult of Kek, while it has also angered and made our enemies look like fools as well, this whole board has gone down the shitter.

While the information and practice of meme magic has been a great help to us, it cannot be entirely relied on when trying to change the world in our favor. We have to actually interact with the world if we want to see legit change (be the memes we want to see in the world as it could be put). The greatest people known in history didn't wait for it to be handed their destiny, they grabbed it by the balls and shaped it themselves through their hard work and the hard work of their allies. If they entirely relied on faith alone, they would not have gone as far or be remembered as they are today. No amount of Frog worshiping will get us closer to our goals (neither will chaos, as it has no allegiance). We have to get shit done ourselves and done right if we want to make things better ( (((mods))) permitting of course…)

Pic related is a screencap from the other thread that covers other points of how the Kek cult has affected Holla Forums.

You suck at religion.

Rear moar Campbell.

Checking digits is image board culture that predates when most of you faggots were even out of diapers. That being said if the poster is a faggot call him one. The problem with the 'kek' phenomena is faggot ecelebs who are cancer and the cuckchan posters like OP who come from that realm.

Implying that's how it works, jesus christ strawman harder.

The existence of Kek or not, meme magic, defined as the phenomena of memes (as in ideas) affecting our reality when believed in sufficient numbers, has proven to be real. We know not if it is just some undiscovered law of the universe, or truly some sort of "magic" in that it is supernatural such as the work of an ancient Egyptian frog god. That said, nobody should assume that we can win this with only "meme magic," and anyone arguing for that is clearly a coward and/or a hobbyist normalfag (such as the alt-kike).

The memes are important even if you disregard the meme magic phenomenon, as they limit what the kikes can and can't do without alerting the public and they can potentially convert more people to our cause. This is useful to us as long as we can also keep them from coming here to shit up Holla Forums. We should take full advantage of whatever memes spread the best as long as they are our own creation and are based in truth. Truth is the best propaganda, after all, and we can't let Juden-created forced memes subvert our message or symbols.

The Kekistan shit is clearly a forced meme, and normalfags in the alt-kike cannot distinguish between forced and unforced - it is part of the cancer of normalfaggotry. We should seek to purge all forced memes with extreme force, just as we do with shills.

For NEETs and hobbyist normalfags alike, they may not be of use to us in the war, but they can at least help us disseminate memes and keep the memeline pure. Just shut down insinuations that memes alone will win us our freedom. Ballot will not free us and neither will memes, but both are still valuable as weapons.