Anons, it's at this point that it's safe to say that putting our faith in a deity in some ancient cultures religion is pointless, at best, an excuse to sit around and do nothing while betting entirely on that faith, at worst. It may have even been a psyop to do the latter, convince us to put all of our confidence on some mystical entity to magically solve all of our problems instead of doing it ourselves. Sadly, it looks like, for at least a large amount of us, it worked. Anons like to check duplicate numbers as if they magically determine whether what poster's said is truth or not. For fucks sakes, guys, for all the times I've seen a dubs/trips/quads/etc post that said "X thing we want to happen will happen!", I've seen about as many if not more that are the exact opposite. At what point, at what fucking point do you accept that dubs means fucking nothing? Where are we now? What has this meme done for us? Look at what just happened in France, where was "Kek" there? There IS no Kek. You have most likely been willfully played into believing a fucking frog deity is real and is secretly helping us save the white race and that duplicating digits predict the future so that you will passively sit idly by putting your faith into whatever a random poster with dubs says, believing it is the omniscient words of this fictional deity speaking through the poster. No more putting our faith in idols, not just speaking of Kek. This is not a blackpill thread, or anti-Trump. I'm saying that there is NO ONE, be they god or man, who is coming to save us, who is going to swoop down and magically solve all our problems. To save our people, WE must do it ourselves.
The Kek meme has been good for morale, but it's not getting us any further to our goal, and if anything, it's only serving to make us complacent and idle. Enough is enough.