TFW even anarchists are starting to realize that Rojava is

TFW even anarchists are starting to realize that Rojava is
>no socialism whatsoever (even if you consider cooperatives to be socialism) beyond tour guided female™ (so progressive :–D:D) basket weaving stands

t. leftgoms

Other urls found in this thread:

because roleplaying is viable under their material conditions

I never understood my fellow anarchists trying to claim that rojava was anarchist, even before that article came out.

Did they think they were doing "We'll just call it a state so nobody realizes we're anarchists!!1!"

basically, it's like fucking israel during kibutzim-ism.
sad, i had hopes for that shit.

If this was not posted by a leftcom, it would have been a good thread

I'm sorry that the people of Rojava had to prioritize surviving the civil war over installing your ideal form of communism.

Are all leftcom posters just anti-leftist false-flags, or are there real people that are dumb enough to believe the shit they post?

Anarchists criticised Rojava before it existed, when Bookchin made his libertarian municipalism pretty much everyone hated it. But since Rojava actually exists and isn't just theory it's a lot easier to support it, the same kind of thing happened with anarchists and the USSR before Kronstadt.

Also if you say you don't like it then everyone calls you a fake revolutionary or a lifestylist or whatever. David Graeber went on a long rant about how the only reason people would criticise the PYD line is if they want to keep anarchism to themselves as an identity, they write stuff like this too to make you feel bad:


Like clockwork, the only response is "hurr you are a lifestylist, don't anarchists not have theory lmao you aren't a real pragmatic revolutionary like the ak47 qts and my local ML party with 1000 members". It's not even approaching an argument but people will believe it.

Because anarchists (but not just anarchists; MLs and especially Trotskyists as well) are guilty of constantly looking for third world national liberation movements to slap the 'revolutionary' sticker on. When they see that a few anarchists are volunteering for the military offensive on the side of Rojava, they can say that it at least has anarchist leanings (why would anarchists side with literal Stalinists?), when meanwhile it's just a large mishmash of a broader leftist national liberation front which, if anything, is primarily borrowing from Öcalan's cult of personality and ethnonationalism, then Marxist-Leninist populism and maybe at the end some libertarian socialist/anarchist influences.

Sorry fam. That's just what we do.

Is this the best you can do?

The people of Rojava are the dupes of opportunist military leaders that are making them risk their lives for a nationalist ideal against other people risking their lives for a nationalist ideal.

There is only one 'form' of communism, but OK.

Well, yeah. We're communists, not leftists.

Like sourced summaries of the economic and political reality in Syria and its prospects regarding the 'socialist' Rojava revolution? I'll take that over naively sticking to the delusional idea that Rojava is anything more. Even anarchists would rather wake up and smell the roses than stay in that fairy tale.


So if you were in Rojava's situation how would you conduct things to match up with to your ideology? Genuinely curious.

I feel like comparing the German Empire to Rojava is pretty unfair. The conditions and historical context are so dissimilar and so far removed from each other that it becomes a useless comparison.


Establish a communist party with an immediate revolutionary programme for the socialization of production and an explicitly anti-nationalist line.

For a communist, any support for nationalist projects should be scrutinized. They are not for our cause, and there is no side to pick in something as explicitly bourgeois and reactionary as nationalist politics. The workers of the world have no nationality.

you mean the kurdish elites, right? The interest of the Rojvan working class is the same as that of the international working class; seizing power.

That sounds good but it seems like a lot to expect in the middle of a war. How do you practically do thaf?

I don't think that user is implying that it's possible in war torn Syria in 2016. If anything, establishing the class party now is practically impossible.

it's not just in Rojava where the prospects for communism are poor.

You popularize the communist cause just like the bourgeoisie and its dupes popularize the nationalist cause. As said before I could expand, revolutionary potential in the Syrian civil war is practically non-existent. Every potential working class partisan is already locked into following one of the many nationalist causes. The potential for revolution in Syria is probably even worse than anywhere else; opportunism has managed to completely dillute communist ideology by symbolically associating it with nationalist causes practically everywhere.

Which is to say that, at least in red scared America and disillusioned Europe, communism is at least associated with anti-nationalism and human emancipation (although it's only good on paper, goes against human nature, etc. and other memes).

everyone wants to see imprint their own ideology on the kurds honestly believing that they will be following their own specific political ideology but in actuality they are just a sectarian bunch of israelis fighting for pro-american ethnic nation

This article is seriously lacking in citation

wew, hadn't even seen that.

i can understand why leftists with no actual understanding of theory are trying to put a real dog in the "fight against isis" race.

no one likes isis, if you pretend that the kurds are communists then it romanticizes being able to root for them. In actuality there are no good guys in syria, its just a sad cluster fuck.

just like ukraine/russia

may i assist you with suicide, OP?


"Everything i don't like is Stalinist" the thread

There is literally nothing wrong with Nationalism and you dogmatist faggots need to fuck off. You're no better than people who defend state-atheism.


this shit was refuted heavily ages ago. /r/ing the responses.

I hate you fags

Of course ANews would publish this. AnarchistNews is primarily post-left anarchist types my left-com friend ;^)

Believe it or not, not every anarchist is uncritically supportive of Rojava.

ITT: why leftcoms never survive a revolution


Still waiting.

The socialist climate is so poor with no wanted prospect in life that people's imagination and hope bring deluded phenomena into life.

Anarchists and every other socialist tendency need to always be critical. This isn't a football match or a Disney movie. We are supposed to be trying to realize something real and tangible. Look below the surface.

You can justify literal Nazism with that.

t. someone who conversed with several nationalists and (Russian) Putin fanboys who justified themselves by mentioning that Lenin was totally pro-nationalism



there was no revolution to begin with tbh


Either that guy is ESL or a fucking retard who doesn't proof read his own "rigorous" article.
Perhaps the latter.

And for a rigorous piece there's not a lot of rigor. Can't even decide whether he's criticizing the PKK or the PYD or both.

It's a lot more than "the end" – it's more like the center. It's a curious mix of ML vanguard party organization, communes, municipal councils and parliamentary politics.

People aren't dupes just because they aren't leftcoms. There was no leftcom leadership – there was the PKK and the PYD. Typical of leftcoms to complain about these sorts of things when, of course, they wouldn't touch the whole mess with a ten-foot pole, and are proud of it; only then, they have the audacity to denounce it as opportunism, ethno-nationalism, and so on. Yessir, no one is as communist as you; similarly, no one is as impotent either. Small wonder, faced with Daesh or the PYD, the choice wasn't left communism.

Millions have fled a brutal civil war, the ones who remain likely cannot flee for a variety of reasons or have no way out, and all you can do is sneer about how the "dupes" aren't supporting (left) communism. You talk shit about how you'd build a revolutionary party, but as you say, it's a pointless enterprise. You're a fraud. You have nothing to offer Syrians or the Kurds, yet you denounce their choices anyway.

Moreover, you criticize others for giving even principled support to a movement which is carving out a livable space in otherwise terrible circumstances; all for self-aggrandizing purposes, since, as you admitted, it's a shitshow. If the working class is either displaced or starving and dying in a war, then perhaps that could explain the lack of a communist movement. Maybe there was no communist movement beforehand because Assad was a piece of shit running an ethnic minority dictatorship? Just a couple of thoughts to juxtapose your ideological wanking.

Ergo, perhaps it's not a deadly sin opportunism to consider democratic confederalism worthy of some support. Not uncritically or without exception – Ocalan's cult and the theoretical "improvement" of the PKK's MLM with Bookchin's libertarian municipalism being clear issues – but nonetheless, it should be enough to acknowledge that, due to many factors surrounding the civil war as well as the war itself, they aren't going to get anything better. For those who aren't so far up their own asses that the answer to everything is left communism, it's a rational choice, not a betrayal.


good post. shit thread

God damn son! Will leftcoms ever recover?

"Hey guise looks like nationalism and capitalism to me XDDDD"

Blaming Rojava for not attaining Socialism is the same as blaming Russia for not doing so. It completely ignores material conditions, and is typical to see from leftcoms.

They would have had a better shot if they structured the state differently.

Differently how?

With some sort of mechanism that could check the power of the party and prevent the interests of the state from diverging from those of the people.

You mean like some form of democracy over the state?

For a population that could neither read or write?

So much for all power to the soviets : ^ )

Was not one of the first goals of the new USSR to eliminate illiteracy?

It was, but that takes time, in which that time the interest of the state had already been placed above the people.

These were claims being made at the time international revolution seemed possible, and the soviets would only apply to their respective cities if that - we're talking about a whole country here.

But you, who probably doesn't write from Syria, you aren't faced with Daesh nor with the PYD. So why endorse the latter?


This is such laziness.

This is such laziness.

I find it tragic that Syria has become an absolute shithole like Iraq, when it used to be one of the better societies in the region, despite Assad – just as I found what happened to Libya tragic, despite Gaddafi. Casualties of an imperialism who cared less what replaced the strongman, so long as it rendered the society unable to oppose their machinations.

I also find the rather eclectic social experiment of Rojava interesting and progressive, compared to the jihadist, tyrannical, genocidal, reactionary project of Daesh (and other states in the region).

So I endorse them not because they're perfect, not because I have a horse in the race, or know anyone in Rojava, but because they're worthy of support. Rojava's very existence is a refutation that progressive societies based upon collective organization are impossible, and necessarily devolve into genocidal regimes. Still early days but there's reason for hope.

I do understand leftcom (and anarchist) objections. I'm not a fan of Ocalan's theoretical turn. But again, the PYD were there and are actually doing something. Critiquing the shortcomings of the movement is fine; denouncing those who support it as anti-communist, essentially, is the worst kind of self-interested dogmatism masquerading as principled criticism. I'm for the movement on the ground improving things, feeding people, keeping them safe from murderous reactionaries, organizing them and then letting them run things, and so on. But apparently that makes me an apostate who's undermining the communist movement. Go figure.

remember goy, nationalism for the mud people! no nationalism for the whiteys!


Belong to a nation is natural and loving that nation isn't wrong/ doesn't contradict socialism. Shit thread




Different poster, just re-read the original post and realized it was a Holla Forums shitposter using the nihilist flag. My bad lmaoooo





who would have thought? :^)

Nice crab mentality nigger faggot

Great map user, I'm sure everyone here is so autistic about this issue that they know what region that is when you zoom right the fuck in on it.

I think it that westernmost, square-shaped canton

West Syria. That city in the bottom-middle with all the markers is Aleppo.

So, who do we back in the Middle East then?

Rojava still, only with criticism and acceptance that they are not perfect, or just full on pessimistic acceptance that they are all just on a range from fucking shit to just pretty shit, like Libya, Yemen and most other conflicts.

…was this not already implied? Like, as basic civility and common sense?

Some people simply get too emotionally invested in their convictions and start to fetishize things. It's not ideological.

That was my - hidden in plain sight - point. That the type of criticism that OP makes of the contemporary left (HAHA! GOT YOU! ROJAVA ISN'T COMPLETE HIERARCHYLESS ANARCHISM AFTER ALL! WHY ARE YOU SUPPORTING IT? MORONS!) is completely fucking unwarranted and useless.
Criticism of Rojava is wanted and needed, and contemporary western anarchists should do so (As OP is pointing out they should), my understanding is that - like you say - most sane people already do this.

smh stop being tsundere anfem comrade~

Oh, well put then. Leftcoms are autistic as usual.

palestinian here.

kurds kind of suck because they are flat out israeling the good people of syria. not real marxist leninists but still comrades none the less

