Despicable white racist attempts to oppress black youths at a pool party. A brave youth stands up to her bigotry.
Despicable white racist attempts to oppress black youths at a pool party. A brave youth stands up to her bigotry
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God damn them.
Why? The woman was clearly at fault. She had the audacity to ask them to turn down the music. That's a microaggression.
based nigger lmao
bruh this was just a white libtard enjoying her cultural enrichment.
This is what she wanted. This is what its all about.
tbh the pool was the safest place for her the niggers can't get her in there.
Some kike named Ira Berlin is damage controlling for the niggers in the comment section HARD right now.
this tbh fam
Shoulda never gave you niggers freedom.
Her body language, postures, the words she said and most importantly what she didn't say all screamed MICRO AGGRESSION
As with every other interracial crime, one must ask a simple question: Was/were the white person/people leftist(s)? If the answer to that question is yes, then its just a lefty getting what's coming to them. Judging by the fact that she approached niggers without expecting trouble, I'm leaning on libshit or old boomer cuckservative.
It would be great to have a squad of 3-4 guys with AR-15s and then just fucking slaughter every single one of them.
And the next time there's a loud party, do it again. The next time, again. Over and over until they're so fucking terrified of getting massacred by white people they wouldn't have the audacity to be obnoxious.
That's the worst thing about post-Civil rights–they are so outrageously cocky and don't know their place.
"Ira" "Berlin"
He is such a bad schlomo it is laughable.
#We came out of africa meme
Why? There are a lot better reasons to kill niggers.
because soundwaves entering your property is a violation of the nap, and therefore murder is a justified retaliation
It's more than the loud music, you mongs.
Pool's closed.
Their breathing is criminal enough.
Correct. In what world did she think approaching a bunch of violent pavement apes that are always seconds from chimping out, was a good idea? Liberals having their pet chimps turn on them is the ultimate redpill.
It's incredible how obvious they are in CY+2.
God damn these fucking mongrels.
Planned Parenthood needs to step it up and thin their numbers.
all fucking niggers must fucking hang, thank you
In niggerspeak this means you and a mob of your fellow future astrophysicists all hop the fence and culturally enrich a private swimming pool.
The old broad was probably telling them it was private property and had never learned not to relax around blacks.
ancaps are the only true humanitarians
rofl, is that seriously adam baldwin saying all fucking niggers must fucking hang? ebin.
you know, I just looked more into adam baldwin's political views… I didn't realize how based he was. I've liked him in everything I've seen him in, and frankly I think he was the best character from firefly, but now I like him even more.
Not to mention they don't even fucking swim, or rather the most they do is stick to the shallow end/walls.
How fucking young are you?
Quads confirm she was literally asking for it
what animal mother said is good enough for me
Quick! The goyim are having unapproved thoughts!
Webm here.
Deleted. Fucking can't have that now can we. What's the backstory? And that nigger was dragging the dogs into the pool like a fucking animal.
Found the youngin'
Watch the fist half, at least.
Jewtube reupload. Fuck these kikes protecting their niggers.
Thanks for the webm of the video that was definitely going to be deleted, OP.
Vive Le France and Macron
Seething hatred.
Poor dogs, niggers don't care about lesser animals. Only white people ever really cared about niggers.
Weak nigger couldn't hold her up.
She knocked on her head and they both go inna pool.
Did she died?
Dogs died?
Groid died?
So many questions, also who was filming and where did this occur?
What hat if all of them died?
Fucking monkeys
Anyway why do they have a pool party for? I only saw a nigger semi submerged which I assume that it is shallow. I will rewatch again.
The dog didn't die and a lot of niggers flee after a nigger and she went into pool.
You can't blame the common people for not being educated on Black behavior. Not everybody finds their way to race-realist information. In fact, they are much more likely to have egalitarian bullshit pumped into their head every day from multiple sources.
It's ZOG indocrinating kids for decades with falsehoods such as niggers being our equals, and the establishment like Google censoring videos like they did with this one, that keeps the common man in the dark.
It's interesting that they even want to go to the pool if they can't swim. I guess it's just an excuse to wear less clothing in front of the opposite sex, the superego-less animals that they are.
This is correct. My mother would have NEVER ventured into a crowd of rape apes like that. Only a delusional liberal woman would be as careless as her.
Still, the monkeys deserve to hang. The dumb cunt got what was coming to her but that doesn't mean niggers should go unpunished for laying their hands on a white woman. That sets bad precedent.
If it's justified, then by definition it's not murder.
Where the hell do you live that you never encounter a nigger in the wild? I want to live there. I haven't heard of such a place for the past 10 years at least.
is that shooped? dude looks like a broken mannequin
Not shooped, burnt to a crisp.
She is a property manager for the apartment/townhome community responding to numerous community complaints. It was her job, she is also a resident.
She should have brought cops instead of dogs.
nihon, baka
do you guys hate all black people or just niggers?
I seriously can't picture anyone calling thomas sowell a nigger, out of touch maybe, but far from nigger levels
As long as they don't bother me I don't bother them. I just want to live in a peaceful place away from ANY kind of people who tend to disturb that peace.
The problem with blacks is that they tend to travel in hordes when given the opportunity, and when they're in hordes they are at their most destructive.
Individually they rarely pose a threat so I don't have a problem with blacks as individuals per se.
This makes so goddamn angry you have no idea. Does anyone know what happened to the dogs or the woman? Are they alive?
Fuck off, nigger.
West Texas, friend. There they are scarce, with lots of white German ancestry to keep it that way.
Don't you have spics down there though?
Come on girls, that guy clearly slipped at the attempt to ease up the the situation and let her partake in the poolparty-fun
Dude probablyskipped a few leg days
aaaaand no one was in the water.
b/c they can't swim.
shes alive had minor injuries dont know about the dogs ,she should by a good breed like a bulldog or rot thats protective
I live in a nigger-infested hellhole of a town, but I have been in enough nice neighborhoods to understand where the naivete about niggers comes from. These people, particularly the older generation, get their conception of niggers from the talmudvision, and think the average nigger has the temperament of Don Lemon.
Boomers cling to the desegregation era with nostalgia, like it was something positive, and approach muds with that outmoded PLUR mindset from their youth, that is until they get victimized like this old lady and the facade shatters. There are many White victims made like her every single day, because they are kept ignorant by the media.
Video interview with her:
Pity about the sentence, he's playing the victim now
Does that mean the nigger drowned? Guess that makes the old bag a murderer.
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