Hunter Wallace, who is on the ground, is reporting that “Alt-Lite” people are siding with antifa and attacking defenders of Southern heritage… … Citing "MUH CONSTITUTION" against "hu-white supremacism".
Other urls found in this thread:
The only thing worse than a jew is a traitor. Only thing worse than a traitor is someone who protects a traitor.
Alt-Lite burns in the fires of hell first confirmed.
Great, now I wont have to watch where I aim anymore.
Color me absolutely shocked. This didn't need it's own thread.
I guess we start doxxing alt-rightists too. Lets start with those faggot boomers.
Reeks of desperation. It's all kosher. It's all cucked. The term itself was coined by a kike for fucks sake.
Preserve race, culture & heritage or go extinct. Live a man or die a cuck. Those are your choices.
More or less a reminder to step up our game embarrassing these cowardly fucks at any chance we get. ANTIFA ranks higher than them IMO.
As a side note, this is why the whole "Holla Forums needs to imbed itself into existing nationalist organizations" is bullshit. When most nationalist are cucked out faggots, trying to penetrate an organization full of them is futile. Anons need to start organizing with other Holla Forumsacks and forming organizations that advance a Holla Forums agenda above all else.
K well the Alt-right guys are the ones in New Orleans fighting Antifa/cuckservatives and giving footage from the ground.
I'll side with them, thanks for playing though kike.
I'm having flashbacks to the "muh PR" faction of GamerGate coming in and ruining it.
This implies the entire alt-right isn't a jewish conception, which is it. Coined by Paul Gottfried.
also this, they're phony WNs
Nice nigger meme
Good on them, they're still idiots for adopting a controlled-op moniker. They will either become PRfags or be consumed and pushed out by them, study how it went down with gg
do I still get b& on this site for bringing up ggrevolt?
Protip: When Trump defeated the entire good goy line up in 2016 a lot of the republican, conservative, boomer, fucking useless idiots jumped on the Trump train. Do NOT be surprised when some Trump supporters act like Bush, Cruz and Paul supporters. It's going to take a long time to redpill everyone but nothing worth doing is going to be easy.
So does this mean that TRS will stop calling us antifachan?
just like true communism is alway behind just that one more hill to climb, true cuckservatism will truly achieve it's ultimate goal, not being called a racists by liberals, after just that one more round of backstabbing
one more time, goyim
Haha no
Hmmmmm, well I suppose there's no choice but to hang up my tendies plate and run for office….
so you can get a sweet pizza deal? you know that's how that works right
Sure why not, it's not like the lemmings and average American citizen really care.
You aren't getting it, faggot.
Yes I am
No, you really aren't. Political solutions are impossible in US with the current demographics.
dont you know? they have no problem with paco or tyrone fucking their daughter as long as he believes in free speech. thats all they ever wanted, all the cool nonwhites to assimilate instead of just conquering us.
free speech? like a statue?
Good point!
They accept fags, niggers, and kikes. They're no friends of mine. Get fucked.
Only way out is third position ideologies, no more of this cucky big-tent garbage that cares more about "winning" than actually securing the existence of whites and a future for white children.
I lol'd tbh
Well said, user. I was willing to defend the racemixer faggots right until this day.
The thing is if they actually DID assimilate it wouldn't be bad. The lemmings don't understand that the lesser races are incapable of proper assimilation.
They're attacking the Battle Flag, user. They're enemies.
Goddamn why? Anyone who betrays their race clearly isn't interested in preserving any aspect of it. I hate these freaks with my entirety.
Are you actually retarded?
Because outbreeding helps prevent inbreeding depression, and uggos can get uggo foreign mates and try to get a half-decent offspring out of it who could work in a diplomatic position. Sometimes it's better if certain people don't breed, but they cause too many problems as NEETs so let them racemix and breed under replacement and the shitty genes will slowly die out. Kill them with kindness.
yes it would. eventually white births drop off and they regress back to their subhuman ways. im glad they are too stupid to act like good little shitskins. they cant even stop running people over with trucks in europe long enough to get their numbers up.
Yes, user was clearly being overly generous and assuming you were arguing in good faith.
nationalism just isn't going to happen in America because it's an Empire and not a nation
Is this Based Miscegenation Man? What a piece of fucking shit. A statue offends his nigger son it must come down, history must be removed like ISIS.
Agreeed, although they'd be better to not have children at all and let their bloodline end with dignity than mixing with inferiors and creating more nonwhites in white nations. Nothing excuses more nonwhites being brought into white nations, their shit genes will not die that way, they will only get shittied.
This. The minute whites become a minority they will be hunted for sport by freaks like Kyle Chapman and his mongrel children. These people need to get fucked.
Why the living hell would I? Alt-kike is jewish, that's a well-established fact. Coined by Paul Gottfried, a jew, entire movement based around "big-tent" jewish philosophies. Accepts jewish and nonwhite leaders, has nonwhite speakers at their events.
It's all a big sinkhole keeping whites away from genuinely pro-white ideologies and I won't give faggots like you that defend it any arguments.
You wallow in shit, you get shitposts, I hope you alt-kike freaks get raped by a pack of niggers - probably the only way you'll learn that they ALL hate us on an instinctual level, same with kikes. They can and will never be allies, the alt-kike cannot see this.
You have to go back cuckservative trash, Holla Forums will never be alt-kike
It's important to not be cruel. If we start being cruel then we become just like the kikes.
You shouldn't identify with the alt-right but you should know what they stand for unless you take pride in being an idiot.
A lack of cruelty is why we lost WWII.
That ship sailed well before GLR was on the scene. Having any emotions for those who want you dead, like Fag Stick man, is pure weakness.
Killing isn't cruelty. Killing is a mercy.
Torture is cruelty, and the kikes torture.
So… Civic nationalism? That's essentially what you're referring to. Implying there are such a thing as based minorities, honorary whites, bro-tier shitskins delegitimizes the ever more urgent need for a white ethnostate. no fucking thanks
They stand for upholding the jewish system that got us into this mess in the first place and they stand for PRfaggotry which means they take in niggers, kikes, fags, etc for the simple reason that not doing so makes them look bad. They are a farce, kill yourself alt-kike apologist.
And depriving people from having nonwhite children is cruel? You're a real freak m8. Let their bloodline die with dignity.
Every user knows what they stand for. Civic nationalist cuckoldry, and PR. This is GG all over again. None of the "alt right" leaders are ever going to address the real issues going on, all they will do, and have done is beg for shekels. They don't care about any movement, or what happens beyond ways they can profit off of people
Are you a shitskin? You sure are acting like one either way.
Solitary confinement is inhumane.
As I said you should learn what they stand for if you don't want to sound like an idiot. The people there getting attacked by the boomer faggots and called racist by the civnat stickman types were alt-right people.
Are you stupid?
You lads are having fun on Discord, huh?
No, that's the Trump cucks from Reddit. Most of the Alt right are race based identitarians. They are cucked on the JQ some of them. Many aren't.
You absolute niggerfaggot, you have implicit dick praising israel ffs
There are large swathes of the population that have major genetic issues due to inbreeding during the colonial period, it's stupid to overlook it.
The real place where we clearly diverge from the alt-right is because they don't believe in racial superiority, they think things would be just fine if every race stayed in their own country. It wouldn't there will always be winners and losers and conquering is our destiny. Also they suck at finding infiltrators. That said we can clearly cooperate with most of them as our primary goal at this point(preserving our countries and white populations) is the same.
Who gives a fuck about Spencer? That's like complaining about some stupid faggot on Holla Forums saying stupid shit like claiming North Korea is natsoc because noone actually follows Spencer.
If you were on Holla Forums before GG you would understand exactly what comes of the PRfaggotry and would not be shocked that multiple anons know what it brings
Name 3 that are not faggots themselves, or do not support kikes, niggers, and faggots
You really are stupid, user.
Nah. Even George Lincoln Rockwell knew exploratory wars when the house was on fire are retarded. We are not conqurers anymore, we are limp wristed faggots. Just look at the state of our race. We have to earn the right for that. And building the foundation is step one. People who 'only' want niggers to stay in Africa are fine by me.
The alt-right is nothing. The mere fact that it lumps together legitimate white nationalists with underage memelords is proof enough that it's not going anywhere. Who needs another movement? national socialism is enough for me
We're conquerors by our very nature. As soon as we realize the final solution to the jewish question this aspect of our nature will quickly return. As I said I'm alright with cooperating with them for now until our existential threat is handled but their overall ideology is still too weak to actually agree with.
Trump is a hardcore supporter of Israel. The overwhelming majority of his supporters were zionist patriotards long before he emerged from the puppet show. Who do you think buys into this "Amerikwa is so, so great! It's the best ever! We need to make the military even stronger!" shit in the first place?
You shouldn't take targeted marketing present on this board at face value and to take that a step further, before Trump ever decided to run this past cycle this board wouldn't even come close to being considered "pro-American". It was a near consensus that America was a core aspect of the overall problem.
No, I am a White man unlike you alt-kike yids and yid-accessories. A shitskin would love a movement like the alt-right because he'd be accepted by it.
No, it isn't. And outlawing racemixing and solitary aren't the same. You've got nothing, racemixing apologist.
Wew, PRfags need to get killed tbh.
Here's the sequence of events
If you were paying attention at all to events as they occurred you'd know this already.
The ideology is weak because White people are conquerors of themselves and always have been. Nobody else is worth it dominating them culturally. In fact a time (very shortly) will come when America will be the enemy of European people.
How shocking and unexpected!
You truly are a stupid fuck. We've conquered the majority of the entire world at one point or another.
Vox is an attention whore and a mediocre writer. Everything he says is either wrong or said better by someone else. Don't fucking link him.
Here's the real one
They backed out as a monolithic group? Any cursory glance at the frogposters on twitter would tell you otherwise. That label still very much has traction among resolutely degenerate segments of society
This too, as do their subgroups like the American Vanguard which retweets BASED mental patient Blaire White
Retard, when did I say anything implying that. I said they prided themselves on conquring the worthy European neighbours. Not the North African or the rest of the spear chuckers in Africa carved up by Europeans.
So you agree that the rank and file of the altright supports ethnostates?
Posting Pepe to trigger leftists doesn't mean they agree with the alt-right.
The Natural state of Europeans has been to fight each other. And there was nothing wrong with that. Still isn't. The price is just too heavy with modern warfare.
No, their leadership only pretends to. Anyone following them ie "rank and file" are idiot lemmings who are mostly in it for what their leaders push and will bend the knee whenever their leaders spout cucky garbage like spender "based fags love me" and mike "kikes have a place in the ethnostate fuck off LARP" enuch
Look at TRS right now, their forum is open. Show me one user who's genuine about White Nationalism and securing the existence of the white race. No such user exists, I have combed nearly every profile and it's clear they are mostly in it for the memes and sense of community.
Its rather easy to show alt-right people serious about white nationalism when we're in a thread with alt-right people engaging physically with both cuckservatives and antifa over monuments to white history.
Trying to cast too wide a net with any movement will do that - eventually you lower your standards of what you're actually fighting for until you wake up one morning and realize you're just another conservative
There was a thread a couple days ago with trs tier faggots trying to shill for us to join ranks with antifa "to bring them to our side".
I just judge them on an individual basis. Obsessing over labels is what kikes do to confuse the goyim. Spencer is, as a person, an ineffectual faggot who does nothing but embarrass pro-whites everywhere. He can't debate, he can't give good speeches, he has negative charisma, and gets chased away from nearly every public engagement he attends.
So what happened to the Lee monument?
Kek it's alt-kike vs. alt-kike in here you fucking alt-kike apologist. All of them got in the big tent of "alt-right" and now the ones that aren't complete lemmings are getting beat up in the streets by the other alt-right lemmings.
They're all alt-right, all jew-lovers.
Seems familiar.
They don't do that themselves, they see themselves as one big-tent movement. If one adopts the jewish alt-right moniker then he should be considered to be a yid-enabler.
Afaik it's moved to a new location off of federal grounds, probably by a private buyer, or brought to a museum.
When the kikes control the fucking label it needs to be fucking judged. Especially when the label exists solely to steer people who would eventually find the red pill into a cucked zombie state.
Anyone who identifies as anything of these things deserves the rope
This Hunter Wallace guy you blind nigger.
Both the cuckservatives and the WN-friendly people are calling themselves "alt-right". Until those two groups differentiate themselves, that label is not a useful means of identifying allies.
Don't be a nigger
Can't argue with those digits, user, all they do is keep backpedaling on JQ.
Sounds like he's signaling that he's /ourguy/ tbh.
At the very least its not a useful label of identifying enemies either, anyone that's pro-white and for ethnostates is a potential ally. That's where the bar should be regardless of what they call themselves.
This guy is cracking me up to be honest on his Periscope. No time for cucks or anti white faggots. Ripping the Cuck Knight and his faggot friends. They smashed him up.
Spencer is the most /ourguy/ of all the ecelebs.
Pics with the Bushes.
But then surely that proves my point, that not all alt-right people are on the same page, and some genuine pro-white ethnonationalists adopted the term "alt-right" not knowing any better. They may accept that the "movement" carries civnat baggage but don't denounce it for visibility's sake. Suggesting that the mere term itself carries some sort of infectious kike virus is bizarre magical thinking.
Did you even read this faggots Bio on Twitter?
The thread is still in the catalog
pic related
Sorry, this guy and his friends are fine by me and far better all round than Heimbachs degenerates. Good rounded Nationalists.
Yeah, nothing wrong with it except you're a humorless faggot that can't spot obvious jokes.
Probably antifa infiltrators. Do the same if you can blend with retards and raise mass chaos inside their ranks.
Spencer is controlled opposition. Mixes truth with poison.
I don't expect everyone on the ground to learn the correct exosemantic gang signs. I do expect them not to actively attack us.
It's not too dissimilar with Strasser wanting an alliance with the USSR and redfront. How the cycles repeats
The shilling on here is tiresome. Ya know I gotta thank you shills, tell your bosses I said thanks, because your degradation of this board has pushed me to openly post on goybook like I normally would here. AND GUESS FUCKING WHAT?! THE PLEBS ARE HIGHLY FUCKING RECEPTIVE TO THE MESSAGE IM BRINGING.
Are you retarded? He's fine. Stop shitting on good people like this when they smash up cucks like Chapman and are not Neet unmarried wastes of jizz or tatooed up meth heads.
Yup. Though, hopefully this time we actually kill the fucking kikes.
The worst part of all these faggots is their selective outrage;
It's either full 1488 or it fucking isn't. Nothing but opportunists, the lot of them.
Is that so?
Wanna know how I know you don't belong here?
Yeah, I'd take a dozen people like this over the NEETs on here.
He is far to kike friendly. Even going so far as to claim the holohoax exists while the Holodomor does not
Strasser wanting a political alliance with the USSR made WAY more sense at the time than for "ethnonationalists" to want an alliance with antifa.
Congrats. You're a liberal.
Congrats you're delusional. We've even seen threads with people bitching about how they can't get a job.
Take your autism meds
You're right, but it is funny how the homosexual alt-right of this century is so similar to the old Strasserites of yesteryear. I still hold some respect for the Strasserites.
Most examples of his moderate kikery.
Wew this thread is a shitshow of newfaggotry.
Not really. They were always going to attack Germany. Going on the offensive was in direct response to the massive army Stalin was assembling on his western border. Ignoring that would have meant disaster.
/r/ing the "omg stop purity spiralling" marching column meme
Well said lad.
Sure, and if those "real" WNs stick with the alt-kike moniker they will either be forced to assimilate to the civnat faggotry or be driven out by it. What I am saying is alt-kike is a losing strategy because it is entirely jewish in conception.
Every member is corruptible and therefor controllable because they chose to adhere to that moniker.
If they do this, they are an enemy simply for associating with the enemy.
It's basic strategy, read Sun Tzu, become formless.
So this is why they kept bringing on and trying to force that controlled opposition honeypot "alt right", after the first time of grooming it to be a sacrificial lamb failed. Now it's just moved on to being controlled opposition.
You seem to have received an outdated posting manual. Contact HR immediately!
And there it is, the alt-kikist reveals his final form and engages in leftist shaming tactics that promote the jewish industry of psychiatry.
I'd take him over you in a heartbeat.
I think you might actually be autistic to be fair. Triggered by the criticism of neet culture. You probably report every post criticizing anime too. What about video games?
Seems like an appropriate time to post this. Every day it becomes increasingly obvious that very few will ever be truly on our side, and that many that claim to be, actually are not.
He probably views ethnicity the same way Varg does, which is basically race + culture.
As a white nationalist, he cares only about race. Ditto for Varg.
At least they are going to beat the shit out of the Stick cuck and are proud WN's.
This fam. The downfall of this board has let me to normalfag social media and I'm garnishing massive followings redpilling what I thought would have been hopeless and fruitless results. for everything they say about imkikey the shilling here has been 100x worse since the hack and at least he kept shit in order
Does he really? How can he claim to care about the race while saying, in the same breath, that ethno-nationalism is a dead end? He's just muddying the waters
That's exactly what he means, it's retarded Burgercentric garbage. He wants us to become a monoculture and then go to Mars and build some magnet trains or whatever fantasy shit he's into. Utterly retarded, it was never needed before and promotes nothing but destruction of the natural order.
This is the part where all the Americans kill each other and hold each other by the throats because of triviliaties and the complete inability to be anything other than a bunch of overly-aggressive and hostile morons. Yuri Bezemov was right.
It's a greasy spic racemixer stamping on a Confederate flag and getting knocked on his hole. That is just what is the next step with these Trump cucks.
Read my sentence. He views ethnicity as different to race.
He probably views ethnicity as race + culture (language, religion etc…)
Varg does too as shown in that video.
I'm not sure that is the correct definition of ethnicity, but some seem to think it is.
Oathkeeper also seem like pieces of trash that need to fuck off.
Oathkeepers have always been "Dems are the REAL racists" types.
False dichotomy. We need both barbarians and wizards. Don't expect wizards to be barbarians–their job is understanding, picking battlefields, uncovering information, and of course meme magic. Don't expect barbarians to be wizards–all they have to know is where to be, who to protect and who to hit. They don't need to understand the whole picture, it doesn't really matter if they call themselves stupid shit like "#ProudGoys" (though we should discourage it where we can) as long as they're pointed in the right direction.
We could easily troll the oathkeeper with the OATHBREAKER for maximum autism, they'll think it's about then and not the masons. I used to make fun of oathy, but he delivered in the dkmu raid
Despite their similarities, no. This guy's name is apparently "Van"
Nobody here likes Richard Spencer he's a literal fucking homosexual Jewish puppet fuck you and fuck all kikes you will be gassed
Video Related as fuck
The board has degenerated exponentially post April 1. The degeneration had been occurring at a relatively steady pace during the election but something major happened on April 1 and anons still do not have the whole story.
Found the alt-kike.
I'm the guy who posts the gasoline at Tanyaposters and I get called a goon every time I do it.
It's not a criticism of NEET faggotry it's a criticism of alt-kikes who use leftist shaming tactics that promote jewish psychiatry, you people are kikes.
As for vidyas, I was one of the original lads telling ni/gg/ers to fuck off and let the industry collapse. They were just like alt-kikes - looking to support a field that's ultimately detrimental to them, they'd all be better off if the industry was in shambles but now they're stuck on a reddit-infested thread on a board run by a kike. This is your future as well, alt-kikists.
Now that we are a target demographic for the shekel-farmers there will be a lot of posers, it's to be expected. If you studied gg this is all obvious, nothing new under the sun and all.
You mean ccompromise is surrender
oathy is a cool guy, not so sure about the endchan oathy though.
If we're going with D&D terminology NEETs aren't wizards, they're weak villagers that are too incompetent to have any major positive attributes. Wizards would be racially aware people in STEM.
I feel like that would need a new title than ethno-nationalism or just nationalism. Perhaps race-nationalism could describe varg and spencer better. Of course white-nationalism would also be accurate but I've seen white nationalist more used as a way for individual white nations to assert themselves through a racial lens. But maybe I'm just rambling.
A combination of active shilling and summerfags. Now is the time to commence operations.
I think our little friend here might have more than the tism
By rachposting?
I don't think their brains could comprehend the memetics
Shaming, fuck off you pussy. Neets need to be shamed. You sound like a fucking bitch complaining about kink-shaming. Neets should be ashamed. That is a fact.
Have fun fighting with each other everyone. We all know you wanted war and violence well this is what happens. You think you can just preach for the genocide and extermination of millions and people will just lie on their back and let you fuck them? You're ideology inherently breeds conflict, it's based on it, you don't want peace so I guess you should be rejoicing now that more groups are attacking you. Who can you purity spiral into now to get against you? Even now other board anons are turning against you, newfags and heavy dupes are only getting more unbearable and radicalised, do you ever think of the outcome? It's like you are trying to get as much people as possible to hate you by preaching death, violence and genocide to anyone opposed to you. You can't even have a reasonable discussion amongst yourself what chance have you got of forming a stable governemnt? Man, nobody even has to do anything and you guys will just destroy yourselves. Thankfully that seems the same with the far-left who are just as idiotic and delluded at this point. RIP
This guy clearly is, what have you done?
Simple: The hack ended up clearing all in-place bans. Expect it to get worse, as cuckmonkey's idea of "improving" site security involves adding some rotating hash on IPs which in effect severely limits the length of time bans work.
That's why shillary Clinton went on tv crying about Pepe. This is an advantage for us.
I really think it's more than that user, but I agree that operations should commence.
see the first pic
Seeing an user holding a large oathbreaker meme on a cardboard sign, and waving it in front of the oathkeeper guys would produce some nice keks
Yeah, that's a given you faggot. Why are you telling me?
I think you're looking for this board buddy
STEM didn't crash flight 4U9525.
Meme magic is real and you don't need to be a fucking engineer to use it.
I'm wondering why doesn't anyone actually use airsoft guns in these, I mean the anti-fags have brought them several times to show off, why the hell aren't we shooting at each other with them, seems more convenient than sticks and what not.
And here you prove my point
I was adding on to what I was saying
Are you actually new? The board has been at ware with itself since the run up to the change in Trumps foreign policy.
I could put it on riot shields if requested. I'm buying the materials for the prototype tomorrow. I hope to have it done and tested before the end of the month and producing more for the cause.
I can understand that position. More and more it's become apparent to me that we can't afford to trust people just because their mouths make noises that vaguely sound like something we'd agree with. Still, I'm willing to evaluate a self-proclaimed "alt-righter" based on their history and where they fall in the autright spectrum. Usually they fail the test though.
keep doubling down on the muh autism faggotry you alt-kike apologist.
NEETs should absolutely be shamed, I'd still be a NEET if /new/smen didn't call me a faggot every time I brought it up probably. The idea that Holla Forums is full of NEET faggots is spread by leftists and alt-kike shibboleths.
However, using leftist tactics like muh mental illness and "fat basement dweller" does nothing but make yourself look like a leftist, which the alt-kike is effectively full of.
Where have I heard this one before? Guessing you're one of those hotheads who thinks posting pepes on twitter actually achieves anything. Stay a lemming.
Which is why any user worth his salt automatically discards any faggot adopting the alt-kike moniker.
The Eternal Yankee strikes again.
I'm guessing you're one of those people who haven't done a single thing but bitch online.
I don't think it's that simple.
Please tell me that BBC shirt is a shop.
I think they're from California, so it's probably even worse
I'd gladly be a NEET, it's part of accelerating the decay, provided you take care of yourself and always work on yourself too instead of rotting all day there's nothing wrong with it.
Think of it like a paid protest, you get your food, shelter and good boy point provided by the government as you slowly protest it to death through inaction. If all of us were to suddenly become NEETs the system I feel would collapse pretty soon.
Habeeb it.
riot-shield user is that you? If so I'm glad you stick around
Well thank you for playing the neutral/morally superior role. Your larping isn't contributing anything so I'll just filter you now.
I must admit the fact you didn't deny you were a nigger played a role in my decision.
The ID bug has fuck all to do with it. If you had any idea about the ID bug is you'd understand.
It's precisely that simple. The mods took a side, banned a lot of people, the UID's dropped to shit. Then the bans were lifted due to the upgrade and people are back at war calling everyone a shill, not least the mods.
Its not, that's Milo branded cancer. The faggot sold it on his website.
This board reached its low during the election. Since Trump shattered some illusions it's been getting better as far as I'm concerned.
I used to consider myself one. They are the ultimate cucks. I forget the guys name taylor stewart? or something like that? anyway the guy that started it… It runs on the same fucking model that trs did.. Theres the guy who is the leader, whom no one appointed such. This leader is says jump and they do so. This leader gets exposed as a fraud, and they still jump.
Kek you don't know what I've done because I'm not some egotistical faggot that brags about everything.
Your forum-tier tactics won't work here, and you've wholly outed yourself as an alt-kike apologist. reported.
If you go on welfare you are part of the system and no longer white, the system is the enemy of whites. Much better way to protest it would be to take your money out of the banks, out of the stock market, and hoard your own wealth as you live frugally.
The bug that causes half the users in any given thread to have the same ID?
Fuck off shill.
dank meme twinkie house
I doubt anybody would disagree fully with the fact that most european peoples are more similar than dissimilar, as Varg says in that video. Any glance at a map of the various distribution of Y haplotypes will confirm that there is a significant crossover. Hence the concept of White Nationalism itself - there's really no other viable option in North america anyway, since very few whites have only one ethnicity. I'd fight alongside a polish-british-croatian "mongrel" any day of the week before i'd side with a defeatist who sees the White ethnostate project as an illusion because hey, "we're all mixed anyway right?"
We're at 3100+ active users right now. Signal to noise is lost. Bans are impossible. Holla Forums is lost. Good luck with developing a non-goon controlled bunker, Anons.
Like I give a fuck what a worthless retard like you does.
punching your dad doesn't undo you sucking his dick.
Shit, I'm not going anywhere. It's taken me a while to get in a position to fulfill my duties, but nothing will stop me now. Finally have a truck big enough to be my workshop. Even if I become homeless, the work drives with me.
I saw the branding, couldn't tell if that was real. (Poe's law).
Enjoy your ban alt-kike apologist.
Also enjoy your faggy little movement driving out anyone who's remotely serious about saving the White race.
If you want to be a neet, move to some Northern land, build a wood cabin and live off it. Just fucking do something. Being a Neet is death of the soul.
I've already demonstrated that some people who call themselves alt-right are serious about preserving the white race. Apparently that's too much for your nigger-tier mind which is far too obsessed with labels to handle.
But when the government gibbs you then not only will you take your money out of the system, you will take the governments money too, and provided you have enough capital you can live frugally off the grid in some rural cabin too.
I mean you don't have to rely on it, it's just harms the system is all.
That's pretty much what I had in mind, I can't do that until I finish uni though.
Why though, anywhere's fine.
U really are a faggot. With basic shit ideas.
Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it - alt-kike will become the new Reagan-Zombie cuckervatives and anyone associating with it will be forced to assimilate or be driven out.
You don't know how the system works and therefore have no basis to speak on it. You cannot have money and be on welfare, that simple.
When it gets freezy chimpin ain't easy.
they are switching tactics
paid D&C shills posing as alt right attacking the real alt right
Good hunting, fishing and access to water. Harsh winters, weed out the day trippers and non whites.
Obviously I'm a shill, since I don't shill for Trump.
as opposed to alt-kike ideas like
The last white man still dies if alt-kikes are allowed to gain ground, that simple.
alt-kike = enabler of genocide.
PRfag harder, alt-kike freak.
This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen, all history needs to be preserved, no matter who it is. These assholes think they can create a new world by wiping out the past. They're anti-white and anti-Dixie. Their task is to wipe out the Dixie identity.
This is cultural genocide.
Wasn't last week it was only 2100? We jumped near 1000 users in so short a time.
Certified old-fag.
In North America at least I'm disappointed at the lack of those who believe in ethnogenisis. With states as large or larger than the average European country I believe each state and even some regions are destined to have a separate and unique identity connected to the overall American identity. Sure I'll fight for any Euromutt here or in Europe itself but monoculturalism should not be the goal, even here in America.
Show me Reaganites clashing in the street with conservatives if this is history repeating.
Never happened because it was a different time, these people clashing with the alt-kikes are still alt-kikes. You're fucking braindead, go back to reddit.
We know all this. Again basic dumb shit ideas.
you go back to reddit too, faggot.
You know the alt-kike is kike'd and you still accept it?
You must be a huge cuck
You really should shoot yourself in the head, you'd be helping cure some of the dysgenics that has occurred.
>hurr durr accept these based alt-kikes who totally aren't really alt-kikes
I hate the alt kike I just don't waste time screeching about it. It's gonna die, it's already dying. It's parody at this point.
I have no mouth but I must autism.
Says the faggot frantically typing platitudes.
You truly do have a nigger tier IQ, just end yourself already.
You're the one defending a jewish "movement" here, alt-kike apologist.
No. Go there by yourself.
Just filter b7d224
I'm the one defending white nationalists who criticize jew lovers and nigger lovers and are defending white monuments while you scream that they're a bunch of kikes.
They do. But unfortuntely what is now the "american identity" has forever been coopted. If the whole country is based on bland legalistic principles such as secularism and equality of all persons instead of race, we get what is now Weimerica. A large enough white ethnostate will eventually foster unique regional identities. We need to create something new and we can't wait for an "army of the best" to do it
We may have to recruit an army of the WORST if we have to
I kinda wanna see how far he spirals down.
Kill yourself. How many based niggers are out there defending the monument with the proud [insert rabbinical term for cattle]s
Top kek alt-kikes are full on SJWs now. Bunch of jew and nigger loving freaks just like what happened to gg.
You were dropped on your head as an infant weren't you? Half the fucking point is that these people are criticizing the people going on about based niggers. Goddamn, you're starting to make even some niggers sound intelligent in comparison to you.
Is that between their discussions about mandrill penis and discussions over fruitbat penis?
Your example of one of the "good ones" refers to himself as the rabbinical term for cattle and has #altright which is really alt-kike in his twitter bio. That's the kind of "person" you support.
He's a kike puppet through and through and so are you.
Fuck off alt-kike freak.
I'm a New Orleans local and went to check it out and offer moral support to the southern and white nationalists. I talked to a number – seemed like decent enough men to me. I saw the turkey in the armor go after the southern nationalists. Even before it happened, I was wondering the whole time exactly what the constitution oath keeper types were doing there. The showed up looking like they were ready to fight in Iraq but basically didn't do anything except hang around the periphery of the monument grounds the whole time while the white and southern nationalists got right up onto the monument waving their flags. Hind sight is 20/20 but in looking back on it something was off about them
You've already lost if that's what you're reduced to bitching about, people make that same joke all the time here.
Self-employment or GTFO.
>hurr durr it's all just jokes thee people really aren't kike puppets they're just pretending.
Ever heard of the term "ironic shitposting is still shitposting" ?
Because this board is infested with alt-kike faggots, you've been here all summer. Get killed, poser.
A white ethnostate in America has been the goal for sometime, the Northwest imperative has been in place since the 60s or 70s I believe. Now, is this merely to be a bastion of whites as a race with new identities coming later, or will these whites come from across the globe and naturally segregate into their tribal/national communities in the new country. I have no issue with a large wholesome bastion of the race being established in America somewhere so long as it is merely a bastion and not a reservation like the indians have today.
Alt lite faggot Sargon watching kekistani Israel lover.
I recall them defending niggers somewhere else at one point. I think it was Ferguson. Supposedly to "keep the peace" and protect them from the police.
I've been here a hell of a lot longer than you, you tryhard newfag.
Bad user, they're kiked even if they talk shit about jews, you shouldn't have anything to do with them or you're kiked too.
They were planning on giving out guns to the niggers at one of those places.
makes sense, faggot.
You've been here all summer goddamn alt-kike apologist. Keep doubling down on all those forum tactics, what's next? Not enough karma to post in the oven?
Typical alt lite response.
And yes, people who adopt jewish monikers might as well be jews as they help their end-goals. Fucking alt-kike scum
Oath Keepers are civ nats.
That's nice, now show a link between these posters and the people protecting the monument.
They were supposed to be stopping looters and the FBI chased them off
They were also at the Bundy ranch, until they fled, fearing a drone strike
You are a liberal
is there a discord out there that isn't filled with gay furry porn?
kek, forgot about that one.
They all adopted the same controlled-opposition moniker coined by Paul Gottfried and spread by implicit dick the CIA asset.
You're a useless retard that would be of no value in a race war.
Stop posting pro communism shit
I'm beginning to wonder if he has more than a half dozen pics on his entire harddrive.
This thread get linked in a discord or something?
As opposed to alt-kikes who would side with the niggers in the race war because they don't want to look racist? ebin xDDDD
This is your brain on alt-kikism
fresh install, so I don't.
Considering that minority rights would definitely be verboten, i'd be inclined to think that people self-segregating into their traditional ethnic communities would be mostly harmless - as long as they pledged allegiance to the State and abandoned any pretense of dual loyalties. A new mythos and folklore would arise, fostered by a State-controlled cultural apparatus so this acculturation would probably happen sooner than later.
It would definitely have to be open to outside europeans, though. We're not bigots are we?
Well, looks like this is it boys. I officially hate the alt-right now. I thought they had there place, for people new to the right, but this proves otherwise.
Alt-Right be Damned
If they won't support the right of the southern white man to be proud of his heritage, they have NO place among us.
Shouldn't the Aut-Righters be burning right alongside the Aut-Liters then?
Weren't we talking about the alt-right? ;^)
You're dropping from below nigger tier to below abbo tier at this rate.
b7d224 is a communist. Go back to leftypol.
This thread just keeps getting better.
Those people would be either
Either way you cut it, alt-kike isn't on your side. Why is this so hard to understand? These people adopted an enemy moniker and will either be forced to side with the enemy or side with whatever new group comes from this. If these people are pro-white in any regard they will not be "alt-right" after today.
We were talking about specific individuals calling themselves alt-right and my contention is that just because people call themselves alt-right doesn't mean they can't be allies. The specific people in question are the ones who defended the monuments.
See the both links in this post, user.
Then see:
They probably wouldn't side with niggers, but they'd be proud to stand with BASED nationalist jews. Wasn't "Identity Dixie" involved with this event? Pic related is their freemasonic leader naming his favorite jews.
They're still mocking niggers and calling themselves alt-right, I'd still ally with them, you're still acting like a retard and saying they'd side with niggers. I definitely know who'd be of more value in a race war if I had to choose between them and you.
All these gay faggot labels are just a distraction in the end, you don't need new ones when old ones do just find. When someone claims do be on your side but shits on ethno-nationalism and promotes civnat then they're grade A faggots and will be treated by what they support. White genocide and degenerancy.
See the guy's earlier tweet about jews.
Go back to reddit.
Yes it does. Any allies we may have had in the alt-kike will either be forced to assimilate to the civnat party line or be driven out by those that have like Kyle "my mongrels will muder your children in the streets if you keep advocating for a Whiter America" Chapman. You're an idiot, and probably adopted the alt-right jewish moniker yourself. Top lel.
Enjoy fighing alongside based MAGAniggers against whatever genuine pro-white movement comes about.
These range bans cant come back soon enough.
More pro pedo spam
You wouldn't be a part of any genuine pro-white movement so I don't have to worry about that.
But of course we're not bigots. I have to admit I'm a bit of a Nordicist, but I'm willing to drop it in a heartbeat to protect my race. The creation of the ethnostate is part one and as of now the most important. Once survival is guaranteed I want expansion to be the next portion. Reclaiming white homelands from Australia to Europe is a most worthwhile goal. Sure if they are lost at least our survival as people is secured, but I do think we would be deprived as the years go on and the smaller nations assimilate into a white-only ethnicity rather than French or Russian or what ever they were before.
That's one guy. The Aut-Right, and Identity Dixie in particular, is kosher.
Now you're just throwing shit to the wall to see what sticks.
Hang yourself.
You don't know that, we're on an anonymous imageboard. Keep doubling down on those forum-tactics and attacking my character rather than the content of my posts though.
You'll keep thinking the alt-kike is really pro-white until they day your leaders go back to basing "1488ers" again, you fucking shibboleth
Seems like at least two guys to me. I doubt they're the only ones.
They know I am right about their jewish honeypot of a "movement" and want to shut it down like the rat-faced kikes they are.
He bites everytime.
I do know it because you are one of the dumbest fucks that I have ever encountered either online or in real life.
As opposed to yourself that adopts a jewish moniker and promotes it on imageboards because those nasty anons attacking it might give him bad PR?
PRfagging like you've been takes a real fucking lemming
I've not adopted any moniker, what I have done is point out your idiotic obsession with labels over actions.
When the label is jewish and the actions are jewish is there a difference?
alt-kike as a label:
alt-kike in action:
As I said you are the dumbest fuck I've ever encountered.
Nonstop D&C.
No one believes you kikes, why do you even try?
Wow you are so anti Semitic. Pol stands by based Israel. Don't like it leave.
It always makes me laugh to see you worthless immigrants act like you're the law when all you do is infiltrate and subvert. Fuck off.
Noone wants to go to your blackpilled shithole of a site where you take nihilistic joy in watching things go to shit as long as you get to feel like 8/pol/ was wrong about something.
Fuck off endcuck.
What do you mean? That something would be irrevocably lost from this assimilation? Can't be any worse than what fate awaits those that remain in mass immigration Ground Zero. Expansionism of a 4th Reich definitely gets my dick hard as well, but i'm torn between that and the idea of consolodating power and an industrial base before starting to recolonize the Lost Lands - i even harbor the illusion that it may be necessary to keep on good terms with the various multicultural nations for trade reasons, that is, assuming the White Ethnostate wouldn't be considered fair game for wars of aggression by the Jewish-Islamic New World Order
You wish, niggerlips.
Don't kid yourself, if we're quarantined in a couple of small countries its only a matter of time before we're "liberated".
Flood endchan with smug.
I think the shillbot malfunctioned.
Calling him reddit is calling him new.
Someone wanted evidence that forever trumpers supported the steel buffoon?
You got alotta smugs.
Yeah, i can already imagine the massive Lugenpresse spin campaign.
Spencer is controlled op, I think that armored cape guy is likely as well.
I mean that the White race itself would lose a piece of itself as the cultures and peoples are lost within the greater White monolith. Assimilation is better than death at multicultural hellhole, no doubt. Gathering the best of all our people into a single place is a risky bet with the greatest pay-off ever imagined, a homeland. Rest assured from the start our little country would be set on all sides by enemies. Diplomacy will be difficult, you can count on the riches of Africa to be lost. Maybe the Muslims will spare some trade because of mutual enemy. The enemy would gladly welcome a nuclear winter to rid the world of whites forever, which is why it is important to capture one of our own as fast as possible to assure our non-destruction. No matter how committed the top brass is to victory, the average joe/jamal doesn't want to the world to die in a nuclear war.
Yeah, I mean they're already calling for intervention in Hungary. They'll be a hell of a lot more brazen in fifty years if current demographic trends are not reversed.
Do we even have 50 years?
Before militarily attacking somewhere like Poland over having too many white people? Probably.
I knew it, i told you that the (((alt-right))) was going to subvert the movement.
I saw this shit coming from miles.
that boatsinker guy makes some pretty dank OC.
4 USC (1)(8)(d) and (j)
The U.S will be embroiled in civil war before then, or at least parts of the U.S certainly will, without doubt.
Armored cape guy is a Jew, no?
in 50 years if demographic trends are not reversed there won't be a single white person left.. caucasian teeth would get sold like a tiger pelt
50 years.. holy fuck man, USA went from 90% to 60% white in that amount of time
do we even have 10 is a better question
I'm not trying to sound blackpillish but just saying shit needs to go down within a few years unless Europe is to be taken back over the course of centuries reconquista-style by RWDS operating from secret bases in the mountains of Norway
Nope. The real battle was lost far before we were born. At this point the aim is to try stop the enrichment that's still to come. To solve the problems of the shit that's already here is gonna be 10x harder to reverse.
US definitely has less time, I'm talking about isolated countries like Poland, Hungary that have already cracked down on immigrants.
Marcon threatened to sanction Poland, and there might be domestic issues as Polish subversive elements try to hitch their country to the EU and the brown typhoon with it. With one of the worst birth rates and emigration rates you know they'll fill it to the brim.
40% of France's children are non-european. 30% in the UK. over 50% in the USA. We don't have 50 years.
Doesn't matter if he is a jew, but the fact that he's spouting memes like "my wife's son" and "I'm part jewish" as a rationalization screams controlled op.
You know how the elites and their minions are, they like to subtly flaunt the truth via parabolic means.
So how do we save our race if no one is on our side?
Just out of curiosity, but since when have the faggy oathkeepers been considered alt-right? As far as I know the oathkeepers are just bitch tier evangecucks.
Shit, my first reaction was to say Poland's birthrates can't possibly be that bad, then I looked it up. How the fuck are they that horrible?
That's the great issue - obviously we'd have to remove ourselves from the clutches of the jewish central banks, and although i would welcome a volkisch, producer-based economy that would arguably cripple the potential for the surge in military spending that would be needed to defend the inevitable invasion of the UN's Diversity battalions. Not an economist by any means but this seems like a difficult paradox to solve
Wish i had the answer user; personally i align with the idea that a dedicated revolutionary vanguard would have to impose its will on the unenlightened gentiles. The overton window is shifting too slowly
I'm not so sure about that, there are just a lot of people who aren't interested in virtue signally and I'm sorry, as much as this monument tearing down thing is, it was not a winnable scenario.
There are people who are pissed off over it who simply aren't going to lurch into action until it's head smashing time and there's a very good reason for it.
Not to mention the fact that when things kick off, all it will take is some motivated, trained lone wolves to do their things to sow confusion and terror among the ranks of opposition.
Remember, if you can blend in with the alt light weenies, you can do a lot of damage when the time is right. It just doesn't happen to be right now.
It's poverty with intelligence. In africa they have 13 children because they don't know how to stop having children or really care if one dies. Polish people probably don't want to bring another human into the depravity of their country. I don't even think they have abortions there. White altruism is a trip.
Fuck off ADL
The only way that I can think of to really achieve a comfortable level of security is to pour funding into biological weapons research.
Are you autistic? Read the thread faggot.
Antifa is controlled opposition and so is the AltRight. (((They))) want Americans fighting each other so they don't march into Washington and gas the kikes and lynch the politicians. The people who follow the AltFags are just as retarded. Try telling them Spencer is gay and watch how they react. Go do it and see yourself. Tell them Enoch is a literal kike. Watch them respond to this post even. Goddamn faggots. All fags and kikes deserve rope. No alternative.
That could be solved with great minds… If we could find one. Equipment is one thing but what wins wars is doctrine.
This, no such thing as the alt-right.
Then make a point a point nigger.
Let's be very clear, since you brought it up. If you bought into the TRS shit, and maybe you still browse thinking its overblown, there is only one fact of import there:
Mike Enoch IS Jewish and always has been.
And always will be.
I thought you were serious for a moment, after the french election the shills are shitting all over the board
I wouldnt be surprised if that scene with them tearing down the fence and chasing antifa was 100% staged.
Now you get the hang of it. Only a minority of people fight. Only a minority believe. The rest want their bread and circuses. As for diplomacy it would be alot easier the more land we have. If we had all of America as an ethnostate we could have nearly all we need to produce our own arms and food. captured materials would go a long way as well. Raids into other countries would be common as well as raids into out own. I think I might work on some logistic scenarios now that it's summer.
You mean Peinovich. :^)
But that's not right, you dummy.
The alt-right IS a thing, it DOES exist… But its shit.
Its a bunch of kosher faggots, former lolbergs and homosexuals and meme-spergs who got cast off by every other group. They're fucking losers, legitimate losers, wherever they aren't obviously-controlled op kikes and kike-enablers.
The alt-right was a faux-right wing movement that was controlled by kosher interests, headed by hypocrites and frauds, populated by losers and cast-offs; a facade designed to lure in those who might have become something that actually threatened those in control, and ensure they never became anything but a pile of squabbling idiocy.
Cascadia is just the new South Africa, and will share the same fate. In ages past this policy might have worked, but with advancement of technology came the end of the validity of such strategic positions. Its a losing battle that will at best make your demise a slow one.
SA without niggers would be doing just A-OK
Kek, did b7d224 tired himself out? Wew laddie what a fucking sperg.
Thread Interruption
So when do we find out that the cucked-cucks are being funded by soros and have mutual meetings with antifa?
Son, what are you talking about?
The planet is going to be majority niggers, or the equivalent thereof, in particular the land that would surround Cascadia on all sides. Best part? No truly-functional maritime passage to Europe, the MOST PROBABLE source of any trade.
Cascadia is actually even worse off than SA I think, just geographically. Its a horrible idea, and I've never met anyone who wasn't retarded who was genuinely trying to push that shit.
Saudi's are ruled by kike royalty.
Well, they are 'LA Trump supporters' it seems, so whether or not they're legitimate - or ever were - is a question I suppose.
Then again, they could just be massive cuckservative civnat faggots. Also a very-real possibility.
Where would you propose the ethnostate be, if one at all? As cascadia is one of the whitest regions in the USA as well as well ready to support a large population with natural resources. Once cleared it would be near perfect.
Doesn't mean a few of the people that identify that way aren't good.
Which side of Trump base are not total cucks? The cucks turn out to shout down nationalists. The rest are Israel loving tards. And even on here we are fucking full of apologists for the worst neo-con bullshit and GOP tricks.
People lobbing stones at those who were defending that monument when they are deluded as fuck themselves, and think they are wise to the Jew is fucking laughable.
We don't, they are all patriotards who fight for 'muh freedom' as a indentured slave to the debt kike system of the FED.
Welcome to the ZOG.
I'm not leaving my homeland in Appalachia though I do wish Cascadia well.
I am considering joining up with dixieanon though.
I'm not passing judgement on his message either way, I said he was a fucking sperg, which he clearly is.
Are you implying that there isn't a reason for it now? How degenerate do things have to get before its "Der Tag" ? The whole agenda to crush white consciousness is going to ramp up to unforeseen levels pretty fucking soon, and although i'm no defeatist, things will get harder and harder for us as time moves along.
Checked. And yes, that's a good idea. Considering our comparatively low numbers we'd have to aim for maximum carnage and minimal casualties on our side. Obviously a ground war would disadvantage us.
Kind of makes me wish i hadn't wasted a decade on image boards and vidya instead of reading… Ouch. Yet another reason why each and every one of us should limit our time on the internet severely and focus on this stuff because no one else is going to fucking do it for us.
This. Money talks and bullshit walks. Trade is an international language that very few can resist. Diplomatic ties would necessarily sprout from economic ones, even when the regime in question is most unsavory. Look at China - inarguable human rights violator but any country that ignores its massive economic potential as a trade partner is a fool and missed the boat. Proof - all countries stepped off their moral high horses and opened their wallets.
Rulers have never given a fuck about that other than as propaganda material to attack another country they already had issues with.
It's not too hard to get riled up enough to go on a 60 post spergout lately. Lot of shit to be furious about.
Liberal vs conservative, democrat vs republican, etc. is a false dichotomy. Left vs right is a reality.
Good on you Appalachian. A good region with good people. Know that if a race war does hit America you can bet there will be all kinds of guerrillas up and down those hills.
I'm sure trading some captured mossad agents to Iran or Syria would secure their good will. And the east will trade almost at the drop of a hat. Once the UN is forced out of course. Though it will be a bloody war I'm sure the transport of ethnicities back to their homelands will incur less of a diplomatic penalty then outright killing them. As an idea, it would be best to secure not only an American base but have a few all over the world. Think of all the Brazilian and Argentine ready and willing to kick it off. Spread the blue helmets long and thin, maybe even keep ducking their heads in urban Europe.
There really is no hope for a White ethnomicrostate on the American continent once Canada and the US fail demographically lad - it really is like SA, in that you're trying to maintain a beachhead on a fucking megacontinent landmass that is entirely controlled by enemy forces.
It might be perfect conceptually if you were to be allowed to live there with no interference, but that WILL NEVER EVER FUCKING HAPPEN, because the majority of the continental landmass is going to be mestizos (who hate you), blacks (who hate you), mixed races (who hate you - or try to be you), and assorted traitors who… Wait for it… Fucking hate you.
Cascadia is no more feasible than modern South Africa. Its a pipe-dream, escapism to deflect the harsh reality of what is to come. You will not escape to the Pacific Northwest and found anything of value you there, for that which chased you away will be hot on your heels, and they will run you down and rape/kill/eat you and everything that matters to you (not necessarily in that order).
Yes, yes it does. If you identify that way, you are explicitly bad, on one of several fronts, if not on several
No it does not, as evidenced by the fact that the ones there defending the monument consider themselves alt-right.
Who else is going to trade with you at that point, eh?
Why would they aid you, instead of simply aid those attacking you, and feast on your corpse?
Its delusional escapism, fucking LARP. Grow up, dehumanize yourself, and face to fucking bloodshed.
And they're still bad, lad.
That's the point. Them being out there, defending a doomed piece of rock, doesn't suddenly make them objectively good.
If they call themselves alt-right while doing that shit, it only reduces the legitimacy of the act AND makes them look all the more retarded for identifying as part of a stooge-crew.
So is America lost cause or do you believe that it will be a global race war? It seems like you think its all or nothing. And to be honest, it sure looks that way.
Kill yourself then if you have no hope.
Who cares?
Who's "they" in this sentence? It sure doesn't sound like you're still talking about the Euros.
I don't really think Cascadia is feasible either, I just think it's stupid to trade with what will soon be an enemy territory.
Maybe you should stop preaching to the choir.
There is nothing else. Everyone is already cruel. The events of today simply prove that I am right and nothing can ever be fixed. This is a Place of Punishment.
Ashes and Echoes
This. But fuck all the obvious kikes like Enoch.
I mean I'm not complaining, I find you fucking infinitely entertaining but I'm a bit surprised that you aren't dead yet. How's your cunt of a mother doing?
I like the way you think user. Normalizing diplomatic relations with Israel's greatest enemies would be of a tremendous asset, in many ways including geostrategically - considering how isolated they are in the international community i'm not sure they would object to us installing military outposts in and around their countries if our anti-zionist agenda was made crystal clear. The ethnostate as a beacon for other countries' natsoc movements cannot be overstated; south america, eastern europe, we might see attempts at revolutions on multiple contitents once things are in motion. I can almost smell the balkanization.
So whats the problem? Oh yeah, the right has been pushed back 30-40 years. Instead of advocating for policies which appeal to ordinary people, or trying to gain influence through local politics and trying to move into parliament/senatorial positions without selling yourself out to blacks, jews and the rest you instead masturbate about the genetic makeup of Jews and how they are predisposed to evil or about how the holocaust didn't happen and you engage with antifa and other opponents in stupid street battles so you can laugh about antifa getting OWNED meanwhile playing exactly into the Jews hands and forgetting whatever objectives you had in mind.
I've even made a graph. We're back to the days of shit like the Greensboro massacre, and retards larping with drums, Roman armour and Spartan helmets and playing into long gone boyhood fantasies of being a hero in the past, instead of making a future far better than the present.
I think if it gets to the point wherein Cascadia would be anything but absolute LARP (and I don't use that term often), those in question would be better suited retreating to Europe, simply on demographic grounds.
I repeat
This is strategically infeasible, certainly anywhere on the West coast or land-locked due to geographic considerations, whilst everything on the East coast is already heavily exploited and entrenched by the enemy.
There is much hope for the continued survival of the European race.
There is little to no hope for the continued survival of the European-derived population of the Americas, once demographic replacement has reached a certain stage in execution. Past that point, you legitimately have a better chance of starting a colonial White ethnostate in literal fucking Africa than anywhere on the American continent, excluding perhaps far-Southern South America.
Tells me all I need to know about your cognitive approach to this - there is none, you're full-blown feels, like a fucking woman or a nigger.
The theoretical people with whom you might be trading. Obviously.
Sounds nice, but in application it means you become White North Korea. In a world wherein Whites are under demographic attack on all fronts, how long do you think such an ethnostate would last?
When the fucks learn to sing the right tune, I'll stop preaching guv.
Til then, the sermons will keep coming.
Nihilism is for faggots with AIDS and catladies with tit-cancer. Die in a fire, or go to the gym, pick up a rifle, and learn how to use it.
Your call.
Acting like vanilla cuckservatives isn't going to fix anything.
I'd rather die fighting for my homeland than just accept defeat and flee like a rat abandoning a sinking ship.
That's a parody account.
Yes it does. End of story.
No, I just know you shouldn't be trading with outsiders. We have an entire continent to ourselves, why should we trade with people across an ocean?
It's not "obvious" if you don't explain what you mean and just throw words out there while expecting me to be a mind reader.
If we can keep the boats from coming over? Very long.
Pride comes before the fall.
Then die fighting bro.
I salute you and, if it comes to that, will do what I can to ensure your sacrifice was not in vane.
Nah. End of series.
You're right.
Then why propose doing just that?
You're still acting like the battle has already been lost and Europeans throughout history didn't have a very favorable K:D ratio.
No. We don't.
Once we have the ethnostate it will still be an uphill battle, but by the Heavens what a charge it will be. Hopefully all of America will be reclaimed, africans, asians, chicanos, and others will be deported to their respective homelands so long as they don't resist. Remember that that it's the UN's job to take care of the refugees, whispering "the UN will take care of you" into every deportees ear will give us some time as the blue helmets try and work out the cluster fuck this mishmash of nationalities is doing at every single one of their bases. If they are busy trying to feed and house all of America's enemies that gives us a free hand in other countries. The aid required to keep our deported will be astronomical and most assuredly Europe will be asked to open its arms and borders to these poor poor refugees. With wallets and stomachs empty the Europeans will be eager to listen to what we have to say. Already international battalions will have fought for the ethnostate from many countries, it will be simple to replant them back in their home to began planning insurgencies against their traitor governments. Meanwhile America will have to deal with the resulting famine and border leakage, this will take some time. Once we have things back on track we can began funding white rebellions world wide, and remember Europe and other nations are way overrun by this point so we may have to send some "volunteers". It will be the bloodiest most terrible thing you will ever see, there will be little stories of glory compared to the mental anguish of what men will have to live through, what they have to do just to survive. But remember, always remember, it is worth it. From there its anyone's guess.
I don't have an answer to the american indian question yet, where do we put them?
It is. The Battle has always been lost. This world is a place of punishment.
Your spelling a shit.
And all sacrifices are in vain. There is not a single good thing that has ever happened.
Ashes and Echoes
Nihilism is weaksauce compared to me, and you know it. The gods created this world so you could suffer. As well as I. There is a point to it, it is because they hate us and want us to suffer.
Nihilism weakly assumes that there are no outside forces. I know differently. And they're all malevolent.
Everyone dies in a fire. Nuclear Fire. Samson Looms.
Ashes and Echoes
You have a way out user, please take it.
Jesus just let the dixies keep their damn statues they're psycho enough as it is.
No. That's not how it works. It's not a way out. You know it. Suicide only results in reincarnation. Reincarnation only results in a worse life. The gods laugh and rejoice in our suffering.
You can't escape. There is only Eternal Misery. I'm right and you know it.
Ashes and Echoes
Too good to ever happen. You expect too much.
Yes, it is.
You implied trading with Europe would be foolish.
I asked you who you thought you would be trading with instead of your own kind. I asked you who you thought would want to engage with you, what "they" would rather engage with you than engage with those aiming at your destruction.
You asked "who cares?", and demonstrated a lack of reading comprehension by failing to understand the 'they' in that context.
Quite obvious.
What boats are you talking about? The enemy is streaming up from the Southern Hemisphere, along the same landmass upon which you seek to found this ethnostate, ~600 million strong (at present). You're really starting to sound like a LARPfreak now, as though you think its going to be White control of a the Northern hemisphere American megacontinent as opposed to some tiny enclave - we're talking about Cascadia here, yes?
Pride doth indeed come before the fall, like the sort of pride of a fool who thinks he can found a colony on New Africa and somehow beat back the horde with catch phrases and magic.
The battle is already lost on the American continent.
The population of Mexico, Central America, and South America, is about ~600 million.
The US White population is currently about non-White majority once one excludes those over 65, with the same demographics as that 600 mil becoming the new majority.
Again: The American megacontinent really is basically just one big African-equivalent. Hell, if anything, its worse, because the mestizos are actually quite a bit smarter than the African-strain niggers. So, as I say, you'd have a better shot of starting a White ethnostate colonial power on literal Africa than you will of maintaining one on the American continent once demographic shift reaches a certain point (which we are likely already well past).
The battle is already lost everywhere. The behavioral sink is complete. The genetic damage is permanent. Nothing can ever be fixed. Nothing can ever be saved.
Ashes and Echoes
Make yourself into a vegetable, then you'll have a release from the suffering for several decades.
Its not lost at all, you're just a defeatist faggot.
You know it's a good thread when the "ashes and echoes" (self admitted) schizophrenic shows up.
That's not an argument. I'm forced to assume you don't have one.
Reminds me of the days before the word 'shill' became common parlance.
Those people want a "life or death" fight, not to ruin their lives and essentially throw them away over a minor pyrrhic victory.
Things are going to have to get apocalyptically bad. Basically to the the point where you have a battle for athens happening in parts of the country and after all is said and done those same people can return to their lives without fear of reprisal from local government.
Just think of how bad that will have to get before that happens and you have your answer.
Since America is lost what is it you propose? A return to Europe seems unlikely, and africa is impossible.
I already gave mine, then you went right back to bitching about being outnumbered, even when faced with numeric inferiority whites usually win battles against non-whites.
He's already said he wants everyone to go make a last stand in Europe.
Ahh, thank you.
No, that doesn't work. That's never how it works. You know nothing about the way events play out. That would not be an escape, only a minor rebirth in a new hellish realm.
You cannot escape. Ever. This is a place of punishment.
Whatever. I'm right and you know it. What's happening? EXACTLY WHAT I SAID WOULD HAPPEN! Everyone will turn on the other and everyone will be consumed. Nothing can be saved. You're not pro-white, you're just pro-you.
And there will still be reprisal. And nobody will escape. And everything will get worse. And nobody will stand up.
There is no light. There is no hope.
Ashes and Echoes
Why do you assume that victory is possible? What gives you faith? From whence cometh hope? Especially when whites CANNOT unite under any circumstances and nothing can ever go right.
Every. Effort. Always. Fails. So long as I'm alive. And even after that. Fate demands Eternal Suffering.
Ashes and Echoes
why not get elected and abuse the office to the fullest extent for the white race?
Straight up, you're right. Everything is fucked and there's no solution. Now what?
You're a giant fag.
Destroy all life on Earth. Force the kikes to launch Samson, which forces Russia to launch DEADHAND, that kills everyone before the kikes can get to their bunkers.
Let the world die in Silence, nobody ever being reborn.
Ashes and Echoes
(waste of dubs)
But I'm right. And you know it.
A return to Europe is more-likely than successfully maintaining a beachhead, and honestly, it will become a lot more likely than you think - South of the border is shit for a reason, and when that reason becomes the majority in the North, there will be no meaningful differentiation between the two.
Faced with Mexico or still-60%-European Europe? Shit, it'll feel like 'Old America' to most burgerkin.
Africa is more feasible than Cascadia as well, so if its impossible, well…
Tell that to the Rhodesians.
The rest of america? Or hell, even the leafs, if we had to.
Yeah, no shit. I'm trying to figure out why you thought we should trade with anyone at all, if it can be helped.
Fucking no one. Let the rest of the world twist in the wind, we should focus on ourselves and no one else.
The boats bringing immigrants from across the water, obviously.
One enemy, out of many. We've driven them back before, we can do it again.
Well, it's a good thing I don't think that all, and would prefer to fight in his homeland instead of running like a shiftless rat/
Sounds ideal tbh, let nature take it back. I'm in it for the niggerdeath tbh
Although i love this idea strategically, literally none of the major non-white groups in the US will go quietly, except maybe the asians. We already know how outside shekels funded BLM and the like when they were a minor nuisance with mere petty grievances, you know the billions will be flowing in to finance their negroid and la Raza militias and despite the laughable idea that they would pose a critical threat there would definitely be some major massacres on the horizon. Which is fine, i've been pretty bored lately.
This is a fact; considering that the UN considers that essentially every resident of 3rd world countries qualifies as a refugee for either economic, war, or climate reasons, i doubt that europe's white population will be able to cling to justify its governments' open door policies for very much longer. Civil wars across the Old World in the next 5 years tops. Populist governments in eastern europe would be sympathetic to our cause tomorrow, really. And western europe would soon follow when the UN has completely been delegitimized, which it will, once its crackdown on UN member States' sovereignty ramps up.
Rhodesians won every battle, they lost the war because they were stabbed in the back by the West.
Will mr. asses and elbows I do have hope in victory. There has been victory in the past, there will be victory in the future. You yourself are not omnipotent and cannot know the future and from the way you write I don't think you actually know what is present. Now is my question to you, why spread your doom and gloom to those who still wish to struggle and succeed? Surely if life is pointless then it is also pointless to spend your days soothsaying on an anonymous japanese image board.
Rhodesians were in a far inferior position to what we will have and you are ignoring the countless times that we've conquered more numerous peoples.
In truth, whites have every possibility of surviving in the American continent even if we become a demographic minority. For that to happen however, we would have to basically become a lot more like kikes; tribalistic, loud, caustic, unwilling to compromise except superficially so, relentlessly politically active, and constantly forming associations and social groups based on tribal identity. Ideas about setting up actual white nation-states within north america are nice, but they would make us one big easy-to-hit target. Most anons in this thread completely miss the point of Cascadia anyway, it's an idea to get more whites concentrated in that area; that's it. It's not about planting a flag in the soil and shouting 14/88 so the government knows exactly whose head to throw a hood over
at 3:00 AM.
don't behave like newfags, and you won't be treated like one.
I just wanted to see if I could convince him to lobotomize himself. Seemed like something he might go for.
So we're not talkinga bout Cascadia? What the fuck are you talking about now?
What leafs, lad? They'll be extinct soon enough - there's only 35 million of them to begin with! They can't swallow numbers like even Germany can, let alone the US. IOW: There will be no leafs by the time Cascadia would become anything approximating feasible.
Because its often necessary, and barring trade leads to you going full Nork. Already went over this.
See above.
Those boats can as-easily land in Brazil lad - its actually a shorter trip from Africa. Not that boats are something you should even be thinking about, mind you, but even if you were, your answer offers nothing.
We've driven them back out of Europe, at great cost, and at times losing large tracts of territory for hundreds of years.
Weren't you just talking about pride before a fall?
Then, as I said, die here. Good luck. I will do what I can to see the sacrifice is not in vain; that our people survive on, and perhaps even reconquer the American megacontinent at some point in the far future.
But you WILL die here, if that is your approach. I will aim to rally forces in the TRUE homeland, the Fatherland, Europa, and hope to weather the storm. I do not have much in the way of hope for colonial powers left to the devices of the hostile non-White majority - which includes you. Cutoff from you people, from the source thereof, surrounded by your enemies, out numbered, out gunned, yours will be a tale for the ages.
And I will work to see that our people continue to exist to hear that tale, and to be inspired by it.
You. Can't.
Try it. Watch what happens. You'll either fail or be compromised like everyone else. Every last avenue always ends in the same way.
Eternal Misery.
Try it. Watch what happens. I dare you to try it.
There is no victory. There is no light. There is no hope. Our gods are evil. They hate us. They put us here to torture us because they have always hated us. Nothing will ever improve without an equal loss.
No, you're not going far enough. More than just human life.
All Life. Omnicide. Everything that lives. Even nature is made of it.
You can't fight. You can try, but you'll lose. Like what's happening now.
This world is a place of punishment.
You have hope in vain.
Why spread it? Because the Voices scream at me to. Because I hate the world and want it to die. And because I'm right and you know it. I never said life was pointless.
I said struggle to win was. The life is for suffering. The point is the gods' enjoyment of our suffering. We are naught but motes of dust caught in the Gale of Fate.
I do this because there is nothing else I can do. Otherwise, I'd be able to enact my ideas myself, and everyone would already be radioactive ash.
Do you get it yet?
There will never be victory. There never has been victory. They were all set ups for a greater failure, for a greater defeat. There is no gain. There is no good. There is only Eternal Misery. If you think you can change it, do it. I dare you. Try and Watch what happens.
Ashes and Echoes.
==Whatever. I'm right and you know it. Everything is shit and you know it. Cascadia is a honeypot and you know it. You'll just get mortar'd to death and you know it. You cannot win and you know it.
You can't. My crazy doesn't work that way. All outside suggestions are heresy, nothing you say can ever work. Fate will always make it to where it fails. You're a kike and I hate you.
Do you get it yet?
I'm immune to suggestion. You cannot withstand the pull of the Void. All is lost, and always has been.
Ashes and Echoes
Tempt fate, play in traffic.
Exactly. Thank you for making my argument for me.
I do not agree with that interpretation lad.
Rhodesians may well have been in a better situation than we will be when the time comes, and I am no more ignoring those well-within-the-limits-of-counting times we've conquered than you are ignoring the similarly-numbered times we've been defeated.
We are not Gods, we are but mortal men.
Maybe it's a trick. Antifa pretending not to be Antifa and then rejoining their own side to make it look like they have a point/can change people's minds. It's probably all an act.
No. Doesn't work that way. You don't get it, and probably never will.
And whites will always be stabbed in the back. We cannot unite. It is impossible. Nothing can ever be saved.
==Nah, it's just more misery. More failure. More infighting. More spiraling. More clashes. More bashes. More lockdowns and crackdowns. More shilling. More failure. More buyouts and compromises with the Jews. More bombings. More "don't call us racist." More PR fagging.
More of everything that always happens. Eternal. Misery. We exist in a Place of Punishment.
Ashes and Echoes
You never answered my question Mr. Anuses and Eczema, how's that harpy cunt mother of yours doing? Why are you replying to other anons but ignoring me. Do you not like me? I like you.
He's schizophrenic. He has admitted that "the voices" tell him to redtext. I'm not even joking. Press him on it and he'll probably admit it again.
Whatever. I'm right and you know it.
Do. Not. Lie. To. Me.
I did answer your question. I didn't ignore you. You just can't fucking read.
And it's going here how it always goes here. Nothing improves. Nothing changes. Eternal Misery. Don't act like you care. You never liked me. You never found me entertaining.
And you're starting to sound a bit like Jewgene? Are you Jewgene? You know, EugeneNix, who has a half-black brother in law?
This is your inside voice
Tell me about the voices, what do they say?
It also calls your attention to specific parts of my posts, making the language stick in your mind. Thus, allowing me to use phrase and rhetoric to make my points better.
Like textbooks.
(waste of dubs)
Whatever. I'm right. Everything is shit and you know it.
Watch what happens.
Lots of things. They say what I say. They say other things. But for the most part, they scream.
And they're right. Nothing ever works. Nothing ever improves. The gods hate us. The struggle is futile. There is no reward.
Ashes and Echoes
Actually plausible. And a fun trick at that. me thinks its time to get some of there posters and have fun with them. I mean they're already a public menace, lets make it worse.
you keep saying that
I know. I keep being right about it. When that stops. I'll stop saying it. When the screaming stops. Maybe. But that's too good to ever happen while we exist.
Ashes and Echoes
I keep saying that too. Notice anything?
Why won't you believe me Mr Acne and Euthanasia? I've always enjoyed your posting thoroughly and paid attention to everything you've said. I don't know who this Eugene character is but they sound dreadful. I'm just wondering about your mother who guilts you out of killing yourself like the selfish harpy that she is. You deserve peace and she just won't let you have it will she?
Are you one of those 'blackpill' fags or something? Go sort yourself out man. Yeah, I know it's no trivial thing, you're wading in the depth so nihilism. I've been there too and I know getting out of it is hard. Yes, life is suffering and always will be, that doesn't mean there is no value to be had in it. Think there's too much evil in the world? Tough shit, but it doesn't mean you have to be a defeatist cuck about it. If you feel overwhelmed by it you don't give up, you use it to learn and grow stronger. If it breaks you, you pick up the pieces and start rebuilding, reach out and you might even find advice on how to put it all into order. Otherwise you will stay weak, wallowing in your own perversely-rationalized self-pity.
Like I've been telling everyone else. Try it, watch what happens.
This nihilist sperg isn't nearly as fun as the explosives fun facts fed.
how can we get the feds to try and set up the schizo nihilist with a bomb plot?
Notice the tacit admission that he hears voices:
I don't think he cares enough to blow anything up tbh
He's an honest to god schizophrenic. Hears voices and everything.
i just want to see a fed try and feed this retard info while he talks about the voices that tell him to be gay
Whatever. That's because they're shills and I'm real. And I'm right. And you know it.
They can't. I'm immune. I know that anyone suggesting action is a Fed. They cannot be trusted. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure they couldn't go big enough for my tastes. They always suggest ineffective shit. They only way they could set me up would be to give me the nuclear codes.
**And at that point, everyone's fucked anyways.==
I care. Just not enough to do it for the FBI. Or anyone else really. Because it wouldn't change anything. It would just create more suffering. The only thing I can do, is scream amongst the broken residents of the Pit.
Might do it on his own, who knows.
Another fun thought is selling the Antfags tees and mugs. They really are the greatest patsies to say all sorts of fun facts about the kikes. Especially seeing how they threaten their precious shitskins in Palestine.
It's Asses and Elbows, resident shitposter and whiner extraordinaire. Gullible anons always get caught trying to rationalize with his pseudo-mystical wet blanket nonsense, but he'll steer any normal conversation into autism with his weird rants about Gods hating us, and earth being purgatory or some shit. Ignore, filter, and move on.
I just like talking to the guy, sort of want to add him on tox or smth.
Fucking what?
I admit he can be fun to fuck with, I just pity the newfags who genuinely try to coax him out of his (fake) suicidal mania with positive encouragement.
Why won't you talk to me about your mother Mr. Acme Brand Egg Timer? C'mon buddy you can let it out here. I know she's the one holding you back from eternal peace by shaming you. It will help to talk about it. You deserve to be free from this miserable existence and it's awfully unfair for her to be so selfish.
Dude, I don't care, he is a fag, and it cannot be emphasized enough.
Broken psychopath, Prophet of doom, the Vindicated Doomsayer. Which ever you want. It doesn't matter. I know what I am.
(Waste of dubs)
Whatever. You know nothing. They wouldn't do it. Success isn't possible.
And it's not Nihilism. Nihilism assumes that there is no outside force. There are MANY outside forces. Kek is one of them.
And he hates you. Every last one of us. All of them do. The gods are monsters and we're stuck in their grip.
Ashes and Echoes
Whatever. I'm right and you know it.
A better world is not possible. Try to create one. Watch what happens. I'll laugh at you when it fucks up.
You can use this. You don't add me. You contact me here, or not at all. Or just wait around Holla Forums.
I'll be around. Until I'm not.
And don't lie.
Why? It's almost like you wan't Holla Forums to get worse or something?
You're retarded. Filtered.
Whatever. I'm right. And you know it.
Nothing can ever be good. Nothing can ever work out. Everything is shit and you know it.
I know right?
Daily reminder that ASSHOLES AND (((ECHOES)))poster is a confirmed shill, and probably an antfag himself. Notice how he's convinced anons to turn this thread away from the topic and toward himself. Don't be fooled.
He's insightful if you can read past all the autism really.
I don't use proprietary software.
No, you're not, you are a lot of things, being right is not one of them.
Why won't you talk to me about your mother Mr. Acme Brand Egg Timer? C'mon buddy you can let it out here. I know she's the one holding you back from eternal peace by shaming you. It will help to talk about it. You deserve to be free from this miserable existence and it's awfully unfair for her to be so selfish.
Do you think "antfag" somehow refers to a group that's different from antifa too?
No, I'm not antifa. I'm just demoralized. And I"m right. And you know it.
Everything is shit and you know it.
Well, then just wait around here then. I don't use TOX, I'm not really versed in it. And don't lie. Nobody has ever wanted to talk to me.
Then prove me wrong. Go out and start fighting. Watch what happens.
Or you can email me. That's about the only way to reach me at all. And I don't really think you want to, but my condition doesn't allow me to believe in positive things. Especially when all the happenings end up going bad for us.
Kill yourself antfag.
Whatever. I'm right and you know it. Nothing works and you know it. You cannot change it and you know it.
Try it. Watch what happens.
No I think antfag is fine. People within the alt-kike refer to other alt-kikes as "alt-lite" when the entire Movement™ is a jewish honeypot.
It's faggot shit.
I can do this, get e-mail protection when I try and see that though. I talk with weirder faggots than you pic related
Why won't you talk to me about your mother Mr. Acme Brand Egg Timer? C'mon buddy you can let it out here. I know she's the one holding you back from eternal peace by shaming you. It will help to talk about it. You deserve to be free from this miserable existence and it's awfully unfair for her to be so selfish.
The [email protected]/* */
Take the spaces out, but you knew that by now. And you talk to Smiley? That's a laugh. I'm pretty sure I hate that faggot.
I know, right? But they never get it. I think some more JIMPACT memes are required.
You probably do kek, he's an interesting guy. Was a chonner too tbh.
I'm not going to give the "alt-right" a chance until they manage the very simple task of purging a single kikefucker from the movement. It seems simple enough to accomplish, but they seem to be incapable of doing it.
has there been any luck doxxing van?
I never was on 4chon. But it's just how it goes. Nothing improves. Nothing changes. Everything gets worse. Life is shit. We exist to be tortured. The Gods hate us. Creation is a crime against the created.
that's obvious, you have a very distinct posting style
Truly an accomplishment.
The posting style is just a product of the thoughtline. That's really all I can tell you, I don't know if I have the words for it otherwise. You'll eventually hate me too. Everyone does. This is how life goes. What else could ever possibly happen?
More what I meant is that you reddit-space horizontally, It's a unique thing.
But I know where it really applies, so I get what you're saying. But then again, I don't. What do you mean about doing it horizontally? That makes no sense to me. I just format my text with how I think it can best get the idea across without it screwing with me.
reddit spacing is not about formatting :^)
Then, explain.
it's more about gold-starring outsiders based on numerous factors I cannot disclose because said factors are effectively meaningless
Alt-White when?
alt-anything reeks of "alternative lifestyle''
Meh, whatever. You can call me an outsider if you want, I've used the chans primarily for a while now. But, it's not like anyone gives a damn. Everything is shit. Every effort always fails. We are condemned to this.
Exactly. "Alt-" was always terrible branding, since "alt-" is inherently limiting. Being "alt-" and being mainstream are mutually exclusive. But being mainstream is our ultimate goal. If we are to beat the jews, that means the truth must become mainstream.
"Alt-" is shit.
This is correct, being in line with objective truth and nature is not an "alternative" anything. It's just acknowledging reality.
And the truth cannot become mainstream. People are entirely subverted and demoralized. Nothing can fix it. The very genetic structure is ruined.
Ashes and Echoes
Exactly, we come to bring light, not alt-light.
Congratulations user, I don't think that's ever happened before, you must have really touched a nerve! Screencap it for posterity.
Whatever. I'm right
Not really. He just kept harping on a dead line, and I knew he wouldn't deviate from it.
If reincarnation exists then how does the white race shrink? How does the overall population grow? If reincarnation exists, why even bother standing up for the white race at all - under that scenario, chances are much better that when you die you'll come back as a nigger or a gook than as a white person.
Take DMT lmoa
Nice touch.
Do you think that I only do one thing, all the time? I just didn't think that post needed it. Don't act like you give a damn?
Reincarnation is simply the highest form of spiritual torture. Race is somewhat tied to spirituality, but not entirely. The entire thing is a punishment.
I've noticed he's a bit touchy when it comes to his mommy.
Natural drugs are not degenerate and putting oneself in an altered-state for the explicit purpose of introspection is about as white as it gets. Look into the fact that just about every nordic culture ate anamitas.
asheslad link your life story for us again
All of life is degenerate. I decry it because things don't work, and life is misery. But, it might work for other people. I just know it's impossible to get down where I live, and there's no way that it would help me in any way.
No. There's no point. Anyone who knows, already knows enough. Nobody else cares.
Don't. Lie.
And how does my own trauma stab you fuckers so much? Why is it trolling you? What about it makes you scream inside?
Cringe. Harder.
Lurk more
Yeah it doesn't help anyone, there is no "help" in this world, just experiences.
I do think you're a bit too blackpilled though, the white race for one can be saved.
I can't see you, you're filtered. So, don't even bother replying. You're just going to harp on the same line of questioning over and over again without actually wanting to talk to me, nor are you going to attempt to actually do something to prove me wrong. Or even show me anything that hasn't been corrupted or co-opted by kikes.
Right. And. You. Know. It.
Don't. Lie.
I'm blackpilled because that's all there is. If you think the race can be saved. Do it. Watch what happens. Lay out your plan right now and follow it through.
Watch what happens. The God hate us. Fate acts against us. Nothing ever works.
hmm I guess you're right man, Europeans never dealt with a situation like that before
I don't tell my enemies what I am going to do like some comic-book mustache-twirling faggot.
every time
And it didn't work then. Watch what happens.
How am I your enemy, idiot?
It's not like I'd act against you, I'm not fighting in any war that would just screw me over anyways. That includes yours. But, it's just how it always goes. You don't have a plan. You don't have an option. None of us will ever have the resources or anything else to support any effort. And if we did, it would just fail. Because the very universe itself is a shitty place that can never be good. The Gods hate us. They will torture us forever.
Ashes and Echoes
Can someone explain why were supposed to care about the holodomor, but not the Irish famine?
Why do Anglos get a pass? They are the ones responsible for the downfall of Europe
Everyone who wants to know information is my enemy tbh, information is a commodity, don't let people steal it.
because the irish are subhuman(but still white :^) )
They don't. Everyone hates everyone. Nobody can ever love anyone. This is why the world is shit and always will be. We were created by hateful beings, we will be destroyed by hateful beings.
And you can't fix it.
Fair enough. But, my information isn't worth anything. And nobody believes me when I scream about the shit. Maybe it's just another part of the curse.
I can't say I've ever seen somebody on Holla Forums shit-talk the irish potato famine (aside from blatant shitposting bants). But more to the point, the perpetrators of the Holodomor were jews. There is absolutely no excuse for Holodomor denial. If you deny the Holodomor, you are defending jews.
The Irish have the only remaining pure European Haplogroup, they have the longest surviving religion (Irish Catholics are barely removed from Irish pagans to boot), they never bent the knee, cultural Marxism was forced on them by the British, they are ethno nationalists, and all the accusations of subhumanism is literally just Anglo propaganda, do you also think Napoleon was 4 feet, or that Hitler did the holocaust?
>>9874637 >>9874658 >>9874718 >>9874805 >>9874846 >>9874858 >>9874898 >>9874946 >>9874952 >>9875217 >>9875263 >>9875312
>>9875336 >>9875403
Kabbalah is Jewish.
I even did the shitpost face and you took me seriously? Nigger I'm scottish we can shit on potatokikes all we want.
Whatever. Watch what happens.
You can't fight. It will always kill you. I am myself to whine and cry. Everyone should cry out and scream in the pit. The gods demand it. Fate commands it! Nothing else can ever happen or ever will.
You cannot Man Up. It only fails. You cannot ride the tiger, it just mauls you. There is no hope. There is no light. There is nothing but Eternal Misery.
Ashes and Echoes
Let's not whitewash the Irish. Irish Nationalists are notorious Marxists.
Then come track me down and kill me. I dare you.
This world is shit. Eternal struggle has no reward and it is also shit. Amor Fati is bullshittery and you know it. There is no Ubermensch, you're also screaming inside!
All realities are prisons. All existences are agonies. Nothing should have ever existed.
A Place of Punishment.
Can you even tell the difference between them at this point? Anglo brought the niggers to the west, the Muslims to the west, they slaughtered other whites in attempts to destroy paganism, they started ww2 and rewrote the history.
And thus it falls away. Watch what happens.
Scots bent the knee
You've been under Anglo heel ever since.
That's a recent development and shouldn't be used to damn us in favor of fucking britkikes
He always dares anons to come and kill him but he'll never kill himself because of his mommy.
Basically, use dirt against top-tier ZOG members who actually influence & sway society. Spin up scandals until they cause upheaval making certain unaware cucks end up seeing it is due to those Jews, basically what happened to Emmanuel Macron progressively happening to each & every one of them. Causing a permanent loss to their subjugation structure.
It blows my mind that there are still anons who defend the liberty movement and alt-kike queers as being "allies". They would gladly team up with Antifa for being more freedumbz and degenerate friendly to end us.
Unrelated to thread topic. But Matt Forney is one of the ugliest men alive and I'm glad most of the MGTOW movement is composed of guys like him. He has NO genes worth spreading.
this is why we need to maintain a zero tolerance for fucking reddit
I've always been ashamed. There is nothing else.
You wasted dubs on this.
You cannot be that hope. You cannot resist in any meaningful way. You cannot light the match. It always goes out.There is no light. You cannot be at peace, even when you die. Every moment is always torture. The world itself is evil. All existence is evil.
I'm right and you know it.
Go ahead. Watch what happens. There is no way it will work or stick. You cannot cause permanent lost to their structure, because the gods themselves enable them.
eat shit
Whatever. Everything is shit and you know it. Nothing can ever work and you know it.
Ashes and Echoes
You have always been ashamed because you do not fight.
You have always been ashamed because you do not hope or resist.
You do not light the match. You throw it away if a wind blows it out.
You have never died. You do not know the peace of death.
The brain dies when the body dies. It experiences no torture.
Not everything is evil. Not all existence is evil.
You are wrong and you know it.
Your gods are false.
I cannot fight. There is no way. It always fails. Do you get it yet?
There is no hope of resistance. There is no hope at all. Any resistance gets co-opted, corrupted and turned inwards on itself to become ruin. Watch what happens.
There is no peace in death, only Eternal Misery. There is no match. There is no wind. There is no peace. Only Misery. Only madness.
I'm right and you know it. You have never lost. You have never suffered and been truly broken. You will be though. Eventually, all will scream in the Pit.
There is nothing else.
Ashes and Echoes
And you sound a bit like Jewgene. Are you going to claim to be that slavic trickster god again?
Anglo, you think the whole Anglo race benefits of Scottish rule? No the old class of Norman benefits to furnish their palaces. But your Queen is part scottish, it is the Scots, who keep the Anglo down in England, on behalf of the Normans and their (((courtiers))).
Spencer is 100% right. "holodmor" is a fake genocide, that is blamed on Stalin's gentile apparatus, while moving the attention away from Trotsky's kike apparatus committing real genocide of goyim all over USSR through forced collectivization and executions of kulaks.
Anyone supporting the holodomor hoax over the Trotskist genocide is supporting the Jew.
You can fight, you choose not to.
You can resist, you choose not to.
You can hope. You do not.
You do not know of death.
You have not died.
You continue to live with the madness of shame.
You refuse to fight to your death.
I have lost
I have suffered
I have been broken and clawed through that door of misery
It did not respond.
This will only lead to Whites slaughtering Whites
When Whites take Oaths to not slaughter Whites, whatever, their profession, nation, class, yes even soldier, and policeman. Only then with that pure ideal shall you be free.
But who has been lied to? You're told nation above all else. But it is not your nation. They took it from you. They stole it from you. They kept you alive to be a slave in your own land. They told you that you won a war you lost.
You are all too weak, too powerless, too disloyal, too backstabbing, too petty, too stupid, too lasy, to do anything about it. Your hold other loyalties higher than Whites. You will lose. You will live to see your race stuffed out. That is your destiny.
We need dox on this bitch. Works at a polling call center
The only illusion is that you believe we're actually that stupid to continue to support a ZOG puppet
8/pol/ was wrong about pretty much everything. The only thing this place has gotten right is that action needs to be taken. Unfortunately for the White race you took the wrong action and shilled for the Donald and now he's cucking the shit out of you and all the refugees you allowed to infect the movement are starting to cuck it too.
When you're ready to do literally anything to actually fight the system and secure a place for our people, I and many others would be happy to join you.
Then it all has to be excised, because it's all subverted. Do you get it yet? Existence itself is built of it.
You cannot hope. It doesn't work. Every effort always fails.
You cannot choose. Every choice is the same. Every effort always fails. There is no choice.
You can't avoid it. Whites cannot unite. Brothers wars will continue forever. We are cursed. Everything is ruined.
Eternal. Misery.
Wanna know how I know you're not from here? You tried to fuck this femnazi and she rejected you? She works at a polling center? Why is she important? How does this benefit the cause? Fuck off you cuck faggot. Unless she's someone financing operations or actually matters go fucking kill her in her sleep you pussified little bitch
CIANigger defending CIANigger. Leave
Thus as it has always been, and always will be. You're not even pro white. You're just pro-you. There is no hope. There has never been any hope. The only solution is omnicide, the Death of All Life.
Nothing can benefit the cause. You know that.
I am already seeing my race stuffed out.
I do not believe in nation above all else
I only believe in that of my tribe.
The "white" race. What is this? But a label pushed by the ((media)) ran so obviously by the wealthy jews.
Those peach skinned bootlickers of judaism, marxist communism and multi culturalism must be de-programmed
Or else they will be as lambs to the slaughter.
What your race is, it is obviously not with us.
You do not belong. Your skin must be the color of mud. Unless you're an apologist.
You know how I know you're also not from here I'll give you a hint faggot, it isn't commonly used by National Socialist
Your tribe is also doomed. Watch what happens.
You cannot de-program anyone. They're damaged at the genetic level. We all our. Four entire generations are fucked completely.
And nothing can ever fix it.
There is no way to fight it, it will only consume you. There is no peace in death, there is only another life in a worse body as the gods laugh at your pain.
Ashes and Echoes
Nah you can fight it if your will is strong enough. Yes not everyone will agree with what you believe in but it can still be done specially if you promote your beliefs onto others.
I do hope
I do work towards my own efforts
These efforts have failures and successes
Every choice is different
Not every effort fails
Unless you sit back and whine defeatedly
I will die before my tribe dies
I am not bothered by this.
I have de-programmed many
Nothing can be fixed until the tumor is excised
Your gods are false
You are insanely easy to debate.
I could keep going, but as everyone knows
Defeatism is the tool of the enemy
Hasbara loves to shill here
I should have spared enough minds from such divisive tactics.
It's time to continue writing speeches for the actual public.
No, you can't. Watch what happens. Your will isn't strong enough. Fate itself will act against you. Nothing ever works. You cannot save anyone. It's all doomed.
There is no fighting it. Fate itself ensures every action ends up worthless. Watch what happens. You're all me eventually. Time is a Flat Circle.
Ashes and Echoes
You. Lie.
See the above statements.
Go do it and watch what happens. I'll be here. Post about it. Show me something. Maybe you're the one they've all been waiting for? Prove it to me.
Watch what happens.
Assuming that they'll even listen to your speech.
Watch what happens. Post video of you giving it. Watch what happens.
Ashes and Echoes
I'll be waiting.
I have seen history try to break people but those with a destiny to them those that see beyond their immediate suffering overcome and earn their title in history.
Whatever. Watch what happens. I dare you to become that person. Try it. See what Fate has in store.
You act as if I've ever had a destiny other than this. Why would I ever have anything other than this? What else could ever happen? Is the nighmare black, or all the windows painted?
Just to destroy your defeatist ways I will. I wont care what happens to me as long as my ideas live on as hope for other people.
So why not do the same to them?
You can't. There is nothing but defeatism for the defeated. Your ideas are flawed from their very inception, because the universe exists as a place of punishment.
You cannot destroy my "defeatist ways". They are rooted in the reality of things. If you could, you'd actually win. And that's too good to happen to me, because it never has.
You can't. White people still exist. They'll never shatter like we will. Because they ultimately end up united by hating white people with pride in their race.
End of Story.
Maybe because you were born in the time you were born in you have no faith in your people. I have felt the same way at certain times but I will not give up as long as their is a future for my people.
There is no future. There never has been. The future is the same as the past. It's shit. It's misery. Nothing good ever comes from it or ever will.
Watch what happens. There is no people. There is only Eternal Misery.
That was kikes
Kikes again to mix other races into a mongrel slave race, and to expand into greater israel
That was once again kikes, and it was WWI as well
In that very same past that you speak of there have been great people that have shaped places to be something I wish I could've taken part in even if it means sharing its fate. Since I cannot travel in time I will just try to do the same as those great men. Even if I fail at least I have tried and can soundly say that my life has been worth living.
sweet jesus this shit is hillarious
Watch what happens. Try it and watch what happens. It always ends the same.
Whatever. I'm right and you know it. Everything is shit and you know it. Nothing can ever go right and you know it.
Watch what happens. Try something and report back here. Watch what happens.
As I have said I will
Then hop to it.
Reach here if you don't see me around. Or just laugh at me as I die. But don't act like you ever cared. You're not pro-white. You're just pro-you. You'll always neglect mental health and assume everyone is ubermensch like you.
TheReal [email protected]/* */
Do you really think that all I have been doing in my spare time is coming here and shitposting? Do you really believe that tomorrow I will just come up with a new political party and it will become a major party? You might not hear from me for a while but you will.
Now thats something I am not, I'm not here just for me I have a short time in this world and most likely I will be hated but in order to make this world better for future generations I will not give up
It's Islam that has to be exploited by the right.
What do you think DOTR is?
Several similar factions that are now fracturing, all of them them fighting on the streets for jews in politics.
Gas everyone in these videos
I told you supporting Trump after elections will be the death of the right.
Been waiting for someone to say this. All this bullshit of going to protests in battle gear is just pure distraction. The kikes are watching it from their ivory towers laughing their asses off every time one of their peons or some alt-kiker gets gutted.
And now "alt-kike" makes sense, it's an alternative form of kikery that's still kikery at its core.
Absolutely. We are paying the hard price now for not playing the fucking long game.
Obviously. The Alt-Kike is, just like all kikes, consumed by their obsession with PR. They don't want to be associated with us (which is the term Alt-Right is so shit: it is applied to two groups of people [natsoc truth knowers like us and alt-kike groups like plebbit's The_Donald], neither of which wants to be associated with the other group and therefore the term is rejected). T_D has to virtue signal constantly that they love kikes because they don't want to be labelled as ebil raycis/gnatzis, etc. Race traitors and coal burners go first on DOTR
It's not about the long game. Supporting Trump to shift the overtone window was a right move. Although it might've been much better if he lost, we would meme "rigged election" and would already have a race war on our hands, but I digress… The point is that Trump support should be stopped right after the election, we have done our job, we needed to radicalize the right even more and start demanding literal Hitler. Instead this board keeps licking the government's ass inside out.
It saddens me to realize many posters' primary interest is attacking others here or IRL who believe in the same things, but use different names for the substance of those beliefs.
I denounce the fanatics and exclusivists of both sides as d&c doing the work or the Jews, whether paid or for free.
Thank you for making one post about the actual event.
Typos are forgiven by grace of Saint Dylann
I absolutely agree though, the kind of pro-ZOG bullshit would've never flown here two years ago or even on fucking /new/ which had a good deal of lolbergs and degenerates. I always figured the plan was supporting Trump until election night and then becoming his greatest critics - holding him accountable to everything he spoke of during his campaign.
Instead reddit moved in and our vietnamese cat-cooking pictureforum started resembling a flop house full of zionist apologists.
this shilling tactic annoys me, it directs people to Milo and away from the dailystormer, radixjournal, therightstuff, amren, thedingoes, thealthernativehypothesis etc.
how the fuck do you guys keep falling for this tactic?
Sperglin the racemixer, discredited.
Grindr Greg, discredited.
Based kikes, right fellow goyim?
nice reddit spacing
nice mouth you cucksucking faggot alt-kiker spergchode heh
top heh
Yes. I do.
You can't do it, and if you even try, the Jews will kill you. Watch what happens. They collude with the outside forces to torture us, in exchange for going through the grinder last.
No War Room/TRS. White Sharia is a retarded idea and you're retarded for ever thinking of it. Mike has a kike wife.
Nothing can ever be good. Nothing can be done. We will all burn in Nuclear Fire.
It did
We already are a cultural monolith for all intents and purposes. Most of us think the same way about the same things, id go as far as to say there is a hive mind effect as well. A few days I was thinking about the left wing calling everyone fascists and the altkike calling everyone fascists meanwhile im thinking these people are all retarded and don't know what fascism even is then a day later one of the edgy kikebook pages I follow made a comment about the same thing, a day after that we have a huge divide between white nationalists (people who don't care if you call them a fascist) and the alt kike. It's very interesting to see how only through communicating through text and memes we can all be thinking the same things.
A white racial monolith is inevitable and the logical conclusion to white superiority. Now is the time for nationalism, we have to take back our own countries and we have to grow our race. However at some point we will outlive this planet and need to move on. I hate drawing parallels between (((pop culture))) and real life but it's like Star Wars; The Empire is effectively our endgame though that will be hundreds of years down the line.
I'm not sure you understood what he was saying so I'll try.
He's saying that if it were actually possible for them to assimilate then it wouldn't be bad. In other words, if what the cuckservatives want were actually physically possible, and the races weren't simply too different. That it wouldn't just end in our genocide, but look like it does on TV with all the races working together. It does have a nice friendly look to it. With a sinister actual reality.
He's probably an ex-cuckservative like I am. That only stopped being my goal when it was proven that it would never work and I would get murdered by the non-whites for my efforts.
Is that you?
New Orleans is weak and cucked anyway. They needed a hardass nigger beater to whip them into defending their shit home from the British. And they couldn't stand up against the North. They couldn't even kick out the faggot carpet baggers after the Civil War or Katrina. And they elect either nigger or cucked white mayors of political families. evey. fucking. time.
I fucking hate you nihilistic pieces of shits. Nihilism is the ultimate jewry. Anyway keep this rightwing faction shitflinging going, it doesn't matter as much as real life networking - ie. you're all doing less combined, than one person putting effort into the 3D realm.
That's my ramble, stickman and lauren southern are kikes.
Jesus if one thing is for sure the kikes are really stepping up their efforts.
Let's just get real. There will never happen "Day of the Ropes"-genario. It's a myth, and it's a dangerous myth, because it has pacifying effect on the minds of patriots and white nationalist.
The best thing we can do is to keep organizing into social and cultural fronts, and not to be passive waiting for a revolution that wont come.
I was reading Prison Notebooks by Gramsci and I was suppriced how deep the thinking was. It's so deep that I was supprised of the level of thinking, and I thought I was well informed of hegemony, memes, and argumentation, moral and social signaling and how to form counter cultural movements.
We can make a cultural and moral revolution, but only by using to way memetics. We need positive memetics and identification, and to negative memetics to attack our enemies, and not just attack them but more spesifically with D&C that the globalist left will cannibalize each other.
Make the feminist use diversity quotas, and force diversity among feminist groups. Let's chaise every white woman away from feminist groups, by accusing them of being too white. Let's accuse every white feminist woman of racism, and attack their livelyhood. This will give them two options. They eighter have to accept their fate and move aside, or start to fight back and argue against racism as morally wrong and to support white identity.
This needs to happen in every feminist group, every sexual identity advocate groups, in every SJW group, communist group, liberal group, every movie, radio publishing house, democratic youth groups, etc. Just attack left with their own moral retoric and replace them with blacks, asians and meztizos.
We need to direct and amplify the leftist moral retoric so it canibalizes them, and to do this we need our own PSY OPS. We need to larp as leftist. We need to make leftist accounts in social media, and most of all to teach blacks, asians and mestizos to attack white liberals and leftist in those leftist institutions.
And while they are being attacked. We provide help, moral support, healthy identity, community, social approval, etc. AND TADAA… We have successfully taken back white identity and once again represent it.
This is all we need to do.
Indeed, best post I've seen in this thread tbh
Kill yourself alt kike cuck
So too was the Tea Party, and while it was wholly subverted, the people seeking change dropped into the next movement and the next. Each time more people learn to dodge the lies and follow the truth.
You presume that ordinary people matter. They are the prize. The slaves to the system, either the jews current pozed shit, or our future system when we lay claim. You desire the regress into the cucked boomer mindset of 'just work in the system' and talking of decades of political dickering and maneuvering when facing an overwhelming avalanche of forces arrayed against you. You cannot work thru the system in this fucking system. We are caught, we are trapped, we are beholden slaves whom can be destroyed at will piecemeal right fucking now. There is no decades in the future. Our demographic power dies in less than 15 years with the boomers you fucking blind tard. After that all politics is lost utterly.
You do not understand the symbolism of what larping as romans, spartans, fucking 400lb basement dwellers or autists of potato tier knowledge means. This is the path in which we have mentally prepped ourselves as a massive fucking group to utterly disregard the will and desire of the fucking plebs. Because that is exactly what they, and you, are. Plebeians, slaves, scum, lazy whores of no worth beyond what your betters demand from you. You have failed to understand we have for years here forged ourselves into a collective which demands you get gud or fuck off and be utterly shamed and mocked forever, eternally. We are the elites of the world mentally and are forcing ourselves to become ever more powerful physically and logistically. You either join and fight to become better, or you fall into the camp of enemy or prize. This is our way and is now galvanizing into the path of reality outside the chans.
Keep suckling at the tit of cucks and your demonic enemies whom worship your death. We march on and will bowl over anything in our way for everything is immaterial but victory. We know the utter despair in the pits of this systems hell and we have become the lords and masters of hell itself. What use do we have of normalfaggots whom cry and moan about luxury and comforts they have not in any way earned when victory is the only thing which matters. We have the will to power. Those whom lack it here are being infused with it as well, the end game of the redpill is to invigorate and inspire you into the realization that you are better than them. And only by choice are you held back.
We have made our choice. We have owned the shit out of what this system has forced upon us. I'll be damned if I start cowtowing to some normalfag feels now. The system can take our mighty anime pottery board of midget mongolian clowns dick like the bitches they are and like it. You wanted respectable and honorable shit? You shoulda rose up and fought decades ago and claimed your power back from the ones you even now still whore yourselves out to, but you didnt, you refused to be the man you could be and desired to become. So now guess what. We are it, and we will do it as we fucking please because fuck you.
Listen stormfag we fight for free speech. But clearly that cuck was a sjw with no clue about southern history
Name ONE pro white organization that Holla Forums won't immediately and unanimously attack and accuse of being FBI/jew ran honeypot or controlled opposition. Just one. pro-tip: you can't
Traitors go first.
Hey fucker, your freedom is going to go right out the window when whites become a full on minority in this country. Were you not paying attention to Rhodesia or South Africa? DO YOU THINK A FUCKING LEGAL DOCUMENT IS GOING TO SAVE YOU FROM ANGRY BLACKS AND LATINOS WHO WANT YOUR SHIT?!
and back to cuckchan you go