Recent History Thread

What do you remember of the last 2-10 years, Holla Forums?

I have only bits and pieces, that cause immense pain and suffering to recall - but also keep me pissed off at the kikes.

GamerGate (white gamers vs kike media)
MGTOW (IQ nationalists vs racial tribalists)
Rise of anti-feminists on YT
Election… All crazy things about Trump
Wikileaks DNC corruption
The media editing it's own historical articles about the word "wiretap"..
YouTube hating their independent creators like PewDiePie
Now, more current events…

Has anyone been keeping track of all the scandals? Is there an user out there that has this all, holding the fire to the kikes and their media?

Post your images, time lines, etc.

Other urls found in this thread:


There's many things I remember, but none of it was worse than your post :^)

That must include the subject of the post. So you think showing the truth of history is worse than all the kikery that happened.


Memory hole thread? Ok


At least it's a sensible reply though from what I can see.


Not sure exactly what you're asking OP, but if you want to know the major event that defined this decade, it's got to be the 2008 economic collapse. It had a comparable effect on the national consciousness as 9/11 did in the previous decade. Kike bankers screwed thousands of investors out of their life savings while Congress and the Obama justice department looked the other way. No arrests, no penalties, no attempt to break up the banks. Instead the perpetrators were awarded huge bonuses and walked off into the sunset. It blackedpilled a ton of people and explains why the Democrats got stomped so hard after eight years of Obama's tepid, do-nothing term.

Around 2011 the "migrant crisis" started, a.k.a. any shitskin able to set foot on European soil gets infinity gibs and free reign to rape. Everything since then is in the context of 'the Jews are going for the killing blow right now, there is not much time'.

Both good posts.

The point is to get the truth shown.

Kikes have been fully anti-white since their "diversity" "misogynist" "racist" and "islamophobic" shit. Islamophobia wasn't even a word until 6ish years ago, and not used at all until maybe 3 years ago.

Holy shit, the virtue signalling is real. Enjoy some OC inspired by your post.

nothing but memes

Whoops. Here's fresh-but-not-raw OC.

Next step is to ask him if he would force-feed those mostly poisoned skittles to children. Just random children on the streets. Specifically, those children who failed to comply with the tenets of Islam.

So they never happened? Is that what you tell yourself to avoid confronting it?

Or do you claim none of it matters? Perhaps you believe white people control the governments they reside in.

Hello young friend, if you believe that anyone in the top 10 watched on youtube is anything but his masters voice you need to keep digging.

and then the next question is would you force feed those skittles to your wife? your gf? your mother? your grandmother?

we don't hide behind that metaphor, we use it to force them to confront the reality that they are forcing their ideologies on the people around them and while they may be willing to die, they are selfishly forcing other people to die or be harmed for their choices, for strangers that do not show any gratitude for what is done.

we don't hide from the truth here, this is the hurtbox.

I never studied english, i started to learn english on Holla Forums in the begins using some program, lurking and sometimes google translate but avoiding use some word until i stopped using this and post more and more around 2013

I become redpilled with 15 years around the end of 2007 and middle of 2008, niggers were piece of shit, people irrational, the media cynical, like they had a default narrative and dogma to keep, agenda, i was feeling that everything don't representated how the things really were comparing reality, videos, seeing the behavior of niggers on internet, on videos, seeing how the media tried to trashing exclusive everyone who was white men, they trying to create entertainment and baiting to demoralize and shit in white men for years, while doing their neutral movies and things with white men and white women or white men against white men who will not erase all the racial disgusting movies, scenes of movies and everything made against white. Niggers being piece of shit, violent, the criminals, but opposite world in the media copied from USA media owned by democrats party (But i started to be aware of the media being owned in 95% by democrats party only in begins of 2012 and their lobby in hollywood, jews in hollywood, media, with Michael Jackson, Mel Gibson and some others, but i started to have more disgust of democrats party around 2015 and 2016)

And started to think that everything slowly started to be disgusting, manipulated, sad around 2004 at least in my country.

In the media they (((Coincidence))) started to put black male characters as presidents around 2006 or 2007, pushed the nigger ck meme always with nigger male or white women, and white men being neutral with white women or racially attacked. Had commercials, youtube, scenes of movies, movies, videos, the people were naive in this time but with the years they started to see everything.

The narrative in 2008 was vote for the black, or you're racist, McCain is a nazi buzzword or old sick man, (McCain is know as a piece of shit today, but was praised by media of democrats party for being useful against trump as controled opposition)

Obama trashing Hillary Clinton in 2008 because in this time the narrative was vote for the black.

2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 were bad, but in middle of 2010 the people started to change a little bit, had a disgusting video in Sweden, cuck shit, and the video of Barbara Spectre about Jews, in september of 2010 i know Holla Forums but i was redpilled, i remember wanting to travel to America in 2008, become skinhead and live drunk in some street, and maybe die in some day, but i stopped wanting to be skinhead and become just political in the middle of 2011

I tried to create escapism for myself in disgusting world, tried to watch animes, and be some otaku or game in 2009 but i don't liked so much, only some animes like Death Note, Code Geass

2011 was good for games around november, but in this year had nigger riots in London and Breivik in Norway, some cool videos on youtube about rodesia, breivik, white countries for everyone, and other sad shit of democrats media and industries, i think started lybia Obama shit but i'm not sure, i don't know when started shit on Syria

2012 Olympics opening game in London were made only with niggers and one random white women with nigger children, the democrats party in year of election for Obama started to make anti-white male videos, movies, cuckoldry, the Tarantino shit movie, and tried to push muh evil white racist cop killed the innocent nigger baby (Trayvon) and tried to push this narrative on CNN and American media, huffington post, everything, had so much cuckold and anti-white male race baiting in these years, and still the same, Zimmerman was innocent and the nigger was really criminal, Obama said that the nigger could be his son, and tried to support race baiting, disgusting chanel of white sell out rape trash tried to demoralize the Romney to vote for Obama with rap based in american cuck porn anti-white male bait invented against white men by the same owned democrats party industries and establshment (In this time befor gawker become bankrupt). Rommney lose for very few votes and had possibility of cheating of votes in 2012 by democrats party, frauds, no identity requirement only in USA for votes. All the biggest media, channels, everything controled by democrats party tried to shill for Obama and called Rommney Nazi buzzword again.

2013 started with Snowden spreading that Obama was spying everyone in many countries, and more race baiting, democrats party media started to try to create their narrative of white cops are racists so they started to search for places who had white cops to bringe the race bait, happened ferguson who was really criminal again, but the democrats party media tried to shill for niggers chimpout and give a little bit of excuse to they try to produce riots, crimes, and try to sell this narrative.

2014 was the same thing of the terrorist group and with money of soros, black lives matter, then we had hope with ebola chan, had the thing of Putin in Crimea and Obama shit and Moot killing Holla Forums in november or december of 2014 and trying to hide the gamergate thing

2015 started with the shit of black lives matter, terrorism, riots, crime, and trump happened in july while the media of democrats party were shilling for HIllary Clinton, with jelousy of trump being popular even with the manipulation of the media, they tried to pretend that bernie sanders was a real candidate against hillary clinton, when wikileaks proved that he is not, Hillary Clinton was since the begins choose, Bernie Sanders can't have the number of people of Trump in rallies, but the media tried to pretend that Bernie Sanders was the vote of young people when was not, was just a fake shit to pretend that Hillary Clinton win against anyone

2016 happens, terrorism still hapening, muslim against gay, niggers shoting cops and killing people because democrats party media tried to give any little excuse to niggers kill and chimpout, organized with money of Soros, Obama heavy trying to shill for Hillary Clinton, attacking trump, all the same disgusting rap shit of 2012 in youtube trying to demonize trump and shill for Hillary Clinton, all the media controled by democrats party, websites, produced many fake news against trump while trying to cover up Hillary Clinton shit, know wikileaks too, Trump wins, democrats party chimpout and try to destroy the streets, shit organized by soros, Soros abandon Black lives matter terrorist group since this time, 2017 happens and democrats party still doing hardcore anti-trump propaganda, trying to shill for themselves

Happened Brexit also in 2016 and other terrorist attacks and crimes. Also increasing in Europe while they tried to hide and cover up because the elite are traitor and piece of shit

I forget many things who were turned in memory holes, Sony Leaks in the end of 2014, all the videos and things of Israel against immigrants in their country, sudanese, i think it was around 2011 or 2012


Oh spare me. Reminds me of some lady in an ethics class I had. We were given the variation of the trolley problem where you're on a bridge and you can push a fat guy infront of a runaway trolley to save some people on the tracks, but obviously it'd kill the fat guy, and some stupid housewife is all "I would jump in front of the trolley myself!". Bull shit, and everyone rolled their eyes because they know its bullshit, everyone knows its bullshit every time it happens.

The "public superhero for attention" roleplay always gets me pissed right the fuck off

documentary when
the fuck is this


Nothing really.

I was one of the people who originally proposed making a wiki for all of the information regarding GG when it started. GG was the training shoes for a lot of people but still has some things that Holla Forums should take away from. GG is a well-documented incident for those who go beyond the media narrative. As a microcosm, GG still is way better organized than Holla Forums. But this isn't criticism, this is a proposal to step up our ability to manage and disseminate information.

Sure some things exist like, various Holla Forums offshoots like /redstick/, /pdfs/, and so on. But we don't have an actual wiki or information repository pointing out all of the information that directly defies the (((media))) narrative like GG got done. We need something along the lines to a wiki format and a name that reflects it like An idea for a name I tossed around is in line with the memory hole threads we have every so often.

If the wiki format is good enough, the same problems apply with finding a web host, hosting, and moderation. This is not an imageboard we're dealing with so it may have less challenges there but its own challenges in general. Holla Forums has shown it can crowdsource a lot of its information and people who crosspost here with ED and /cow/ are no stranger to wikis. How does that sound?

Holy fuck the world truly is burning to the tune of progressivism. Couldn't reach the bottom of the thread, it is too much madness to bear

But we don't have an actual wiki or information repository pointing out all of the information that directly defies the (((media))) narrative like GG got done
Metapedia was started for this purpose, but it's not very active these days. We could just build on it.

4/pol/ was hi-jacked by kikes

jim bought up Holla Forums
exodus void

Holla Forums = 4chan

I remember everything. The curse of autism.