Anti-AltKike Thread

The Alt-Right, or alt-kike as a whole is a jewish invention to distract whites and keep them away from genuine pro-white ideologies such as National Socialism and Primitivism.

It exists to uphold a system that has proven itself to be detrimental to whites, even the very term was coined by a kike.
Do not let these infiltrators influence you. I've been seeing a lot more alt-right talking points on here and this is unacceptable.

Other urls found in this thread:



There are some based niggers, Jews are white and civic nationalism is the way to go :DDDD

This is what alt-kikes actually believe


Global reporting is only for CP and isn't handled by the board owner and volunteers. This isn't 4chan where global moderators involve themselves in the affairs of specific boards unless it violates the law.

Plebbit has invaded

this, 4cucks are so obvious.

a bundle of twigs ain't gonna become a mannerbund by itself

you're everything killing this site.

so are you.

I'll tell you to fuck off here also.


things that have empirically been proven to rally whites around a genocidal cause:

Marxist-Onanist detected, why don't you and your buddies go and seize the means of reproduction?

Are you trying to defend that yid-lover spencer?

Nice meme, kill yourself any time alt-kike apologist.

The global vols only job is removing CP, why are you redditors so braindead and reluctant to assimilate to imageboard standards and culture. Fuck you.

How is he so aesthetic? I need my Spencer-pill now.


Why don't you care? You don't care that you're using the site wrong and don't want to use it right? Do you also think sage is a downboat.

That really pissed me off when he denied that was genocide and was just a "coincidental famine :^)"
but the holocaust totally happened

muh peaceful ethnic cleansing.

Enjoy your ban for misuse of the ban system.

thanks, just made it up myself, appropriate material for the designated shitposting thread

Fuck off and die alt-kike scum

What do you hope to achieve with this thread exactly? Implicit Dick is a meme already, the alt-kike is passe, your thread is masturbatory nonsense.

general alt-kike digging which I intend to delve into tonight and a thorough exposure of the alt-kike's jewish roots.

They are a classic example of controlled opposition and forced memes are not memes:

Whites are sick of America becoming increasingly hostile towards Whites
Whites begin to advocate for pro-white ideological systems
Create false big-tent system that exists to uphold the system that got Whites into the problem in the first place
If alt-kikes win the last white man still dies, only he dies "proud to be white" in an increasingly more nonwhite world instead of doing something about it.

Is that all you redditors can do?
The global report system isn't for shit like that, even says so right on the form.

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Again, Holla Forums's global volunteers do not handle board specific issues. You most likely want to click "Report" instead to reach the creator and volunteers he assigned to this board.

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You are abusing the system, reddit faggot.

More like a bundle of twinks

spencer does stink. I'm a TRShill and all but spencer and his weird pan-europeanism just rubs me the wrong way.

He also tries to position himself as the leader which unfortunately seems to be working since no one else is willing to do it.

It's just globalism in another package. Their goal is clear: they wish to uphold the system that got us into this mess in the first place.
Alt-kike and US FEDs have the same goal: one world communist government ruled by a jewish elite.

What a shitty thread

Spencer is very much alone with his pan-europeanism. I'm not sure how much of an audience he even has but the trs listenership for instance is really annoyed with his shit and people like enoch have argued against that too.

Keep in mind, I call myself national socialist, not alt-right. My point is simply that while spencer might be controlled opposition most regular people in the alt-right don't share his stance on this.

I like Heimbach because he is good at phrasing the goals of the National Socialist ideology and never spills his spaghetti. He needs to drop some pounds though. I don't trust Spencer because he has made some unabashedly anti-white posts. See

Now that is fucking disgusting.
I thought he was ethno-nationalism…
What a fucking russian kike shill…

I wouldn't mind Implicit Dick being a figure of the new right in America that focused on white's interests first and foremost, but he's said some pretty shady things. And at times he just says some outright retarded things.
Not to mention every time he gets an interview with some media outlet, he always spews the same lines he's memorized by heart.

He's a kike with a kike wife not a human being.

He's fucking incompetent, the entire phony movement is.

The true principled solution to our problems is to go into the woods and purity spiral until you realize any political action only helps the Jews and nobody is white anymore anyhow because the Neanderthals are the real Europeans™.

I'm not saying he's nuHitler or something.
I just said he's be an ok model for what the right in America should be.
Plus he always seems to have shitlibs up in a roar every time he does a talk, so that's a bonus.

Well, you were talking about the alt-right of which enoch is a big part. My point was simply that spencer's position is a curiosity even within the alt-right. Whether or not the alt-right is jewish doesn't come into play.

That sounds like what we've got now.

Comes into play whenever the alt-kike is brought up, there is no escape from the fact that it is jewish.

You could've still responded to what I said, autist.

Spencer is just a blatant shill, that's why he's into that pan-euro shit. He just wants to implement a one world government, not much of a curiosity really.

There are more important things to focus on. Divide and conquer is also incredibly retarded, childish and countrerproductive to the right.

You're either a faggot with flaming iron in your ass, or just a little leftist scrub.

I really don't care what you're opinions on implicit Dicky are, but you're being dishonest. One look at Richard and his wife and you can easily tell they're white. If Richard is Jewish, then he must have supreme kike genes because he looks like a solid 7/10 aryan.

Nice reddit spacing.

I'm clearly talking about Mike Peinowitz there, Spencer isn't a jew he just loves them.

My bad, thought you were referring to Dickie.

You're about as transparent as glass

I spaced my posts before you were born scrub

Spacedposting is bestposting.
Anti-spaceposting is codeword for anti-white.

Found the alt-kike apologist.

No, I'm not dishonest like that. The dishonesty of the alt-kike is why I'm crusading against it really. They are phony WNs.

If I was twisting your words then what is the D&C here?
Holla Forums is not alt-right, so "dividing" Holla Forums from the alt-right isn't a division at all.

And I never even disagree with any of that. I honestly think you might be retarded.

Then why is it such a curiosity for you? He's trying to move his followers ever closer to that one-world ideal.

I don't think Spencer ever said Jews are white.

The only thing I said was that spencer's position is still not common in the alt-right or alt-kike or whatever you want to call it. It's his personal retardation.

/r/ing the purity spiralling march meme

Nope, it's his personal endgame. His end is one-world communism under the guise of white supremacy. He is not NatSoc and doesn't want his followers to be.

The one with the guys marching in NSDAP battle gear or the one with "oy vey watch out its the purity spiral"

I have the second one, I'll post when I get home.


Yeah, you're totally right. I don't want a white world empire and to genocide all the non-whites either, that would be fucking gay.

You're in luck, neither does TRS.

Why do people here always think spencer is part of TRS?

I don't want a white world empire if it's ruled by Richard Spencer's jewish masters at all.
That's who Spencer is in it for, that's what the outcome will be.

Also you forget peaceful ethnic cleansing, he's not down with outright elimination.

They're all the same, alt-right is alt-right.

TRSodomites are the only people who unironically like him.

It all boils down into safe civnat shit in the end.

maybe you're just behaving like jews.

What's wrong with behaving like jews? What if I'm behaving like a BASED nationalist jew?

This is your brain on alt-kike

Video related just because Zyklon Ben is in it

Mudcuck Murdcuck's politically correct Zyklon Ben who only gasses Marxists and genocidal "1488ers" is the epitome of Aut-Right cancer.

I would never follow a fat-ass, and Heimbach was on one of the most recent Daily Shoahs talking about Communism in a positive light.
They're all shit man.

wtf im a marxist now

Another reminder that this is who Spencer regularly associates with, brings to his speeches, goes on his podcasts.
The dude is shit.

Here you go user


Biggest red flag out of everything. In a recent live chat type thing, Spencer admitted that he's just really, really shitty about getting his thoughts across through Tweets. (The obvious answer to that is STOP FUCKING TWEETING, but w/e.) But him having Penisbitch as a hanger-on is another matter altogether.

I almost think that's Peinovich's doing rather than Spencer's, though. There's been a recent theme, in the NatSoc wing was well as the alt-kike, of "working together with brothers", so Kikey is running around trying to insert himself everywhere, and his supporters are back to trying to push the meme of "no punching right!".

I know a guy who genuinely wants to wipe out the jews and the blacks and what-have-you, and have a hemispheric ethnostate. He honestly seems like he'd be more at home here than in the alt-right, yet he self-identifies as alt-right, he follows Dicky and TDS and so on, and he buys into their shit. I think his heart's in the right place, but he doesn't know these (((people))) aren't his allies. How can I make him see? Obviously leading him here so he could figure things out for himself would be a phenomenally shitty idea, as he'd just be bombarded with "AUT-KIKE GET OUT! YOU'RE NOT WELCOME HERE!"

holy shit you guys like HITLER? You do realize that he has a faggot as his number one man, right? i didnt know 8pol was such a huge fan of faggots, no doubt you're all filthy kikes that dont see anything wrong with sodomy. hitler is obviously controlled opposition for having a fucking faggot in his ranks, and on the day of the rope hitler will be the first to go.

if you're really serious about genociding the white race by allowing it to be bred into extinction without any resistance whatsoever, give your friend this
ropeculture. rg/2017/01/13/zero-tolerance/

Thanks a bunch m8.


wtf lmao

Talk about optics.

well done stay obscure idiot forever then

is that ironic misuse of kike speak plurals?
Originally I thought this was an allusion to faggotry
Close enough.

translation: pls poz my neg-hole schlomo bergblatstein

I'd rather die horribly than associate with kikes, niggers and the like; gays can only stay if they're non-degenerate, cute and 2D, but since that's currently impossible they can all go to the ovens with the rest of the filth.

Fuck you

There's a chance that the entire "alt right" is being funded and indirectly controlled by someone like Soros, or the governments of the West.
If you even suggest that an umbrella group, or as you call it "big-tent system" exists to house these ostensibly independent people, you are asked for "muh proof", but by its very nature, those behind such a scheme would do their utmost to make it unprovable.
Historical example of such a scheme includes MK Ultra. The CIA funded hundreds of research groups, universities and institutions but they did it indirectly in order that the researchers not only didn't realize they were part of a larger project, but they didn't actually know that the CIA was the one providing the funds.
"Alt-right" could be a similar setup, although some level of coordination is readily apparent by the mutual promotion between Kike shills and the "on message" nature of their coverage. It seems that, somehow, these alleged "independents" more often than not, manage to pump out videos dealing with the exact same topics at the exact same time.
Someone is telling them what to discuss and what to say.

Sure, modern conservatism itself was largely created by CIA agent Wm. Buckley. He pulled together various rightists while carefully excluding Rockwell, Revilo Oliver, the Birch Society. At the same time he promoted drug legalization and other wacko nonsense to discredit the right. "Alt-right'' sure looks like a continuation of this sort of controlled conservatism.

Why don't we force or persuade the alt-right to adhere to our values and morals instead of condemning them?
Would that be impossible?

The high degree of involvement of "alt-right" personalities with the "conspiracy community" also speaks to that which you mention.
Given that "conspiracy theorist" is also a CIA-created term.
What better way to further discredit nationalism and right-wing politics in general, than to tar it with the brush of whacko nut-job conspiracy theory.

Being this idiotic at falseflagging

ffs natt danelaw and ironkikes at it again


And you realize that faggot got killed for his faggotry after he diddled kids in the Hitler youth because faggotry is a mental illness that spreads thriygh child molestation?
Alt-kikes are pathetic

Prove you're not Ironkike or Sinead Reniggeraid.

Prove you're not a butthurt TRShill christkike who wants to PRfag for the alt-kike
You can't because you are. I don't associate with IM but you associate with alt-kike and post cuckchan pepes. Top kek.

So it's confirmed you're Sinead. Good.
I expect only the dumbest things from LARPagans.

Holy fuck where did you cockroaches crawl out of? This is was dealt with on Holla Forums over a year ago, you're not welcome here.


This too, they've been raiding us the entire election and claiming everyone that rejects their kikery is from some other faction of the same jewish phony movement

these "people" are fucking braindead.

DO NOT listen to this goyim, (((he's))) trying to confuse and divide the base of their opposition! I repeat, HE IS (((ONE))) OF THEM!

There is is again.

Anyone who calls them self "alt-right" isn't wanted here at all



Ok then, I'll give you some context. The reason why I'm calling this thread out is because WE NEED TO WATCH OUT FOR MOLES.

This Boer goyim gave firsthand evidence of the chaos that just one (((undercover cop))) caused in a right wing group.


Now that Holla Forums is known for being the hub of redpill production, the Jews will do anything to cause discord, infighting, and chaos among us!

Yeah we shouldn't counter signal with fashy goys that support based traps, jews and based shitskins.

Okay. So you think the alt-right is Jewish. What do you plan to do about it? Whine on Holla Forums?

I think it is very… suspicious that I see anons here say that we should run away from a movement that is pro-White. I think this is odd because no one bats an eye when people tell us we should infiltrate the GOP and turn it into EXACTLY WHAT THEALT RIGHT ALREADY IS. And before recently, barely anyone said anything against Trump. To this day, you see people placing their trust in trump. AND HE MARRIED HIS OWN CHILDREN TO JEWS.

But I have an open mind. What do you intend to do about the alt-right?

Has Richard Spencer ever done that?? The only reason he hasn't called out big ZOG is because he's trying to be diplomatic with the normies!

If you're wasting your time on irrelevant "alt-right" figures then just fuck off. It's literally degenerate, you're wasting time that could be spent on endlessly more productive things.

Yes, so very pro h'wite.

So Dickie is playing 1488D chess? That's so implicit man.

That some funny shit user

At a time, I may have accepted the other side of that argument but now we've blown past that line a long time ago. The minute people started cheering for white genocide years back and now calling every white person they come across a nazi (in their eyes it means subhuman), means the time to talk is over.

"Our patience has its limits"

Our ancestors have given enough to these people. Too much in fact. We're done.

Literally every single alt-righter I know believes that everyone on TRS is not alt-right. They Donald Trump disavowed them.

Try getting your head out of your ass and stop watching Sargon of Akkad. Or at least tamper your Sargon of Akkad watching with a little DailyStormer for once in your life.

That's kind of the problem.

Rule 1+2.

I kinda think the somewhat moderate opinions of absolute nobodies is unimportant.

This is getting stupid. Here is how you kill the AltRight if you hate it: be a better nationalist movement. Like actually go out and steal their thunder

Spencer looks down on ethno-nationalism because he's a pan-europeanist (seriously), not because he thinks race doesnt matter

And his Jew comments are basically a "nationalism for me and for thee" thing

I'm not some violent brute, I wouldn't mind "nationalism for me and for thee" if the kikes would actually honor that and stay the fuck away from us and not meddle in our nation's affairs in some way, but they can't help themselves. We tried it once before, and it didn't work out. Therefore, they all need to be shoah'd, every last one of them. No exceptions. Race traitors and jew sympathizers get the ovens too.