I find it strange you said white house when this thread is about france.
You guys are fags and calling you PRshills would be an insult to actual PRshills. Allow me to play FBI for a moment and clue you in on something that's been obvious since all of this began.
Violence is always an option.
Killing a traitor and kike is always an option.
Do you wanna know why? Because false-flags exist. The jew and the traitor craves the martyr narrative but none of them want to actually die. They can't afford losses so that's why they have to stage them, poison the goyim's body, minds, and spirits. Why do you think they blew up a random self-defense story and made Zim-zam a media villain? They themselves can't risk dying, but they want to magically make up stories of children dying in the news like at Sandy Hoax. They will take the ability of being a sob story and weaponize it. But you think killing them doesn't help us? Holla Forums has always had that ability but no one has taken it upon themselves. Lone-wolf and coordinated attacks are always an option. The (((media))) will always look to frame it as a sign of right-wing & nationalist terrorism anyway. But you're stuck in muh PR mentality. You will still be stuck in PR mentality even after it's too late.
Let me put it this way. The person with the balls to take it upon themselves to kill kikes and traitors will be smart enough to not have any obvious signs to link back to any right-wing & nationalist organization BUT will be treated exactly the same exact way as a turbosperg who made a lucky shot, kek iconography and Holla Forums as his homepage, and a printed manifesto. But what is the media going to do? Say a bunch of frog god worshippers who post on a thailand redditboard is out there killing kikes and leftists? What's more absurd in this instance; letting the enemy live or being defamed? No one here has anything to lose by someone who is redpilled and bold enough to pull the trigger on an enemy. That being said, the best option is this: Lone-wolf strikes. Coordinated strikes means too many loose ends and operatives. It can be done but you need 120% trust in who you're operating with and even more trust in each other's abilities.
No matter what option you choose,you choose: Not detailing your plan ever. Not bragging your plan ever. No posturing. No message. No ceremony. No one will know what favor you've done for us but we'll see a dead kike and a dead traitor and know that we're better off without them and that's all we need to know. The media's story will be a dead kike and traitor is dead but they will have no means of solidly pinning the blame on who they want defamed - but they will try. This is having your cake and eating it too. And what are they going to do after that, replenish their numbers? Kikes and traitors are a minority of a minority of a population. And what's more, killing the head of the beast doesn't make more heads appear unless you give them way too much time to do it. This is a shadow organization. They can't just move people around and reclaim losses on a dime. The network they built took years and tons of money. They may look like they're many but once they start dropping like flies they will have less people jewing in the news, politics, and everywhere else and that makes your keyboard warrior'ing jobs much much easier.
Final point: The jews do this and you don't even know. Every time mehmet, trayvon, or pedro rapes and murders a white woman, you forget the jew is the reason why they're there. The jews do both, they use both their hands, they have both their sword and their shield. The shield of democracy and the sword of backstabbing. You have neither. Right now you only use your head and your bare hands.
P.S. You fags meme RWDS all the time but one day you're going to wish you made this meme reality. I don't just mean for the whole world, I mean for even your country or your province. If the whole world is celebrating the end of jews but your country still has those parasites there and they control the law and governance of the land, you're going to wish your country could celebrate alongside all the others.