Marine Le Pen has lost the French election. Now we will see the traitors and shills gloating. We are also seeing defeatism starting to rise. But here are some reasons for us not to feel too bad.

She was never going to win in the first place
Perhaps some of you set your expectations too high. But Le Pen was never really going to win, and we knew that. We hoped, certainly, but it was a hope against the odds. So keep this in mind. This result is really what we expected.

She still got 35% at least
Jean-Marie (God bless him) couldn't even manage 20% in 2002. Admittedly the circumstances are different and it's difficult to know how well he would've done today but this is the FN's best ever result in a presidential election. Bear that in mind.

FN are now the opposition, and mainstream
This is a very important point. MLP herself made this point in her speech. Macron won, but he and EM is largely a one-man band. The traditional parties of left and right (the PS and Republicans) are discredited. FN now forms the largest proper party, and they are undoubtedly the opposition to Macron. So when Macron inevitably fucks up, when things continue to get worse (and they will), it is FN who will benefit. A 2022 victory for Le Pen is a lot likelier.

So there we go. Don't be too defeatist. In fact, you shouldn't be too concerned about Macron winning. The main worry is regarding the 'rebranding' of FN that is apparently going to take place. Hopefully the Frenchfags can keep an eye on this and stop them getting too kosher.

Other urls found in this thread:

You should add that Macron running France into the ground and picking fights with other European countries will accelerate us towards fascism. The darkest hour is just before the dawn.

That's a good point. Schulz winning in Germany would have a similar effect (but it looks like Merkel has it sewn up). Things are going to get worse before they get better.

I hope that means an actual civil war instead of pussyhat protesting faggots.

But seriously, this is a warning of what could have happened in America.

Macron picking fights with Eastern Europe and the UK is going to play into our hands masterly.

The civil war angle should be meme'd. Time to start the happenin

I do agree that people will wake up but a 2022 victory? The 11% muslim population now in five years will grow even larger and you can bet that they'll do better in the next election to crush any compition. Farage had attempts made on his life in the UK. We're in the turning point now and the EU doesn't want to lose.

Oh well, looks like we'll just wait until the next election, even though our country is starting to turn very brown and whites are being raped and murdered at higher rates, we'll just wait to vote next time XD

Hopefully. Enoch Powell said there would be a civil war, and he was the most intelligent and foresightful politician I know of.

There are already mini-race wars happening in Liverpool. Sooner or later it will spread to the rest of the country. But the jump from riot to full-blown war is not inevitable.

I'm optimistic too. I didn't expect Le Pen to win either and honestly i'm not quite sold on her in the first place.

Remember, revolutions are only ever fought by a tiny fraction of the population. Getting 35% in a country that's basically a quarter nigger and a quarter arab is not bad.

voting is about buying time.

Buying time for what?

FN has grown, no doubt about that. But what does it matter when FN voters are scattered through different voting districts? The FN was the third largest party by popular vote in the 2012 legislative elections, yet they've only got 2 (out of 577) representatives in the National Assembly.

Within the next 10 years, it's more likely that a fucking civil war erupts in France than the FN taking UMP's place in the National Assembly.

Buying time for the increasingly radicalized public to take matters into their own hands.
Last reply. I don't feel like talking to blackpilled kikes/neckbeards right now.

That's the point though. The reason people continue to vote for globalism is because they aren't affected by it. By 2022 the % of Frenchfags who will have been negatively affected by Macron, globalism, and Islam will be much higher.


IIRC you only need about 10% of the population to participate in a revolution for it to have a fighting chance. And the the liberals and wogs are stuck in the big cities, while the nationalists and conservatives will control the food-producing countryside. Cut off access to the cities and the nationalists would win.

Usually he would mean about mixing race.

Na, if you want some right wing propaganda i will gladly deliever.

Forget that right wing shit and i make the afd reputable.

Macron is going to let in so many welfare niggers there's no chance of her winning later. Only after all the wealth is gone and everybody is niggerfied will the jews leave. It's a huge loss. If France doesn't revolt, it's the end of the French race.

You can thank a retarded voting system for that. But as FN grow even more they should gain more seats. s they become a mainstream opposition they will begin to suit the system.

The "radicals" and retards like yourself are not buying time for anything. You're putting faith into an election system that is controlled by the enemy.

Frog nation will follow master of death race.
We make propaganda for germany for the upcomming elections.

This. Everyone remember to vote for God Emperor 2020!

It's collective suicide of Europe. History about whites will be erased if we lose, but you really have to wonder if any of this gets saved, and the reaction one would have looking back at our history and wonder, what the fuck were they thinking?

Go back to reddit.

Yes, please do. Be careful when doing that though, to be effective it needs to be toned down. Especially since it's Germany.

Don't bother with the UK. We have nobody to root for anyway and even UKIP aren't going to do well as long as May co-opts the Leave vote.

\This thread

We need a few punchlines but i think i can make that happen. I think that needs to be popular within german turks that have a certain outlook on us, because they will be our allies if we want to win, and some of both mainstream parties.

France doesn't deserve the moniker of "frog" anymore, they are nothing but surrender monkeys.
No you stupid cunt, OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES.


France like America never had any choice.
Just two different jewish factions, getting the goy to fight amongst themselves and not deal with the very real jewish problem

b-b-but hitler went through the system!

Nice try FBI shill. Violence will only destroy our movement.

Never said this, shill.

Hitler banned defeatism for a reason.

No, don't try and pander to the Turks. You can't out-pander the cucks. Focus on being anti-immigration, anti-EU. But emphasise a brotherhood of Europeans, because the Germans are big on that. It's why the support the EU in the first place.

Just protest goy!
Just wait 4 years to vote in a Jewish pawn!

GO FUCK yourself.

Le Pen got 35% of the valid votes, not total votes. She might have had about 11 million voters, if you're tallying people for a race war.

h ttp://

I've said it before and I'll say it again, France has nothing of value. Their loss was as important to us as Norway was.

All this D&C really makes you think. Whites across Europe most unite against the common enemy, THE JEW AND THE TRAITOR.

The bright side that almost no one on Holla Forums talks about, is that the refugee crisis is being seen now as destabilizing to Europe (a threat to security), and the left and right BOTH are being told to slow it down. At least that is what seems to be the case.

you stupid fucking animal, it's thanks to rats like you Macaroni will destroy Europe now

Things will get worse before they will get better. Anyone who thinks things are bad enough already is retarded. Now GTFO shill


France leaving the EU would be a big blow to (((them))). But they'll get there eventually. The EU is dying already, Le Pen winning merely would've sped it up.

Give me one good reason as to why France is a good strategic place to have control over, I'm not a shill, I didn't sage or do anything that would harm the thread.

France is already what, 20% Muslim? By 2022 I'm not sure it will be possible for nationalist parties to win in western Europe due to the non-white population being so high. I think this election made it clear, as if it weren't already, that democracy will not be the solution. To my memory, we recently lost elections/referendums in Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, and now France. We won Trump and Brexit. But how much of a difference did those victories make? Has there been any noticeable reduction in the swarm of legal non-white immigrants pouring into both countries? Are there any positive trends demographically? Can we really trust these kosher civic nationalists inhibited by checks and balances, political correctness and speech restriction laws to somehow save the white race?

I think some effort spent trying to meme lesser evil candidates into office is worthwhile, but ''WELP THERE'S STILL 2022 GUYS!" is not a reliable strategy. Perhaps we should focus on informing right-leaning, de-pozzable white people about the inevitable ethno-krieg, while promoting white natalism and encouraging the white population in every country to arm itself and stockpile food etc. We need as many white men as possible to be armed, trained, supplied and able-bodied, and as many decent quality white women as possible under the influence and protection of these men. We need normies to achieve the 'embattled minority' mindset- we are in danger, every man must be battle-ready, every womb and child is precious.

Whites fighting each other is what Jews want. Regardless of tensions between France and other European countries, Divide and Conquer is their modus operandi and that cannot continue to happen you fucking faggot.

My brother once was at a student exchange and one frog shat himself because he couldnt say he need to shit and they all looked like imbeciles.

What the german afd needs is intellectual power, it needs charisma it needs turks it needs some some peple that mob the floor with anyone, i wonder why that is so hard. It needs words and facts Most of them dont know what do, thjey do not knopw what do say. They dont look like they can take it.

I know how that works. From the start and to the beginning. I focus on anti immigration through immigration because we live in immigration.

Yeah, so why are you cheering on fake zog politics and doing nothing of actual value or worth for any of our nations
- and since when did voting jew A team or jew B team, act as benefit to our side?

Yours is endless repeated failure encouraging the goy to stay distracted with the two sole jewish choices handed to them.
neither will ever serve their own interests.

Only you kikes are pushing for this shit on Holla Forums, actual white men need to start doing something of worth for their people.
You can go fuck off and join the international kosher conservative club, with your star of David pom-poms and rah-rah skirt.

You may as well try for the time being. We shouldn't be doing nothing. I'm doubtful as to whether we will win electorally. But it's still an avenue that is available to us and we should put effort into this way forwards. Keep redpilling people, keep spreading propaganda, and keep trying to get redpilled people into office at whatever level (start at local). And we may as well support any party that will help shift the overton window to the right.

You're a Turk, aren't you?

You're not doing a good job Moshe.

You're not doing a good job Moshe.

the majority of people are stupid in literally every society that's ever existed, democracy is inherently a bad idea unless perhaps there have been many generations of eugenics to the point where nobody is a retard

anyway, don't blame the whole population, it offers nothing constructive


You should read the other reply in my post, because that's not what I'm saying.

I m a blond and blue eyed and someone you make space on the sidewalk.

Come on Mehmet, you can't fool me. You did make me laugh though, so thank you for that.

You are literally sucking jew cock, and demanding everyone else sucks jew cock along with you.
You call others Moshe, for pointing this out.

Oh no, you're just another Jewish cocksucker who tries to meme "Not all Jews are bad" everyday. Guess what faggot? It's not working. Politely fuck off.

You shills are dedicated, I'll give you that. But not once have I ever implied that the Jews are good. You are twisting and contorting my words to suit your own Jewish agenda, and I hope the others will see through you.

You people are the cancer that is killing Holla Forums

Voting got us Trump and he will build a wall and make America white again. Jump in an oven goon.

Wozu braucht die AfD Törken?

Yeah, this, civil war in france is a very likely possibility now.

Which jew should we vote for in the next elections?
Go on tell us who we SIMPLY MUST cheer for, it's clearly really important to you and your paid team that we all cheer on one jewish controlled side against the other jewish controlled side.

Why haven;t you or any of your Tel Aviv team ever promoted non-jewish controlled opposition, ever?
Always one mossad affiliated kike after another.

Do you want to know why only the dumbest of cunts couldn't see you're a kike?

are the frogs protesting at least?

shit sucks

No problem, but the antifa is too… easy. We need some verbal impact, give it to me and i will make a masterpiece. And by that you need to make some connections left and right and best ability is the ability to convience, make art, convience people to part of that art that feeling that train, no schulz train, something origial, something that you find when you put your head to sleep when you run empty, something that is really you something that really captures you, something that is you like sniffing on your mothers/siters pants something that is forbidden. Something that wants out, something you can hide and gives you that stench of offlane.

Weil die meisten geistig behindert sind, unabhängig von den türken.

Wait for that. If you want that we ll rip them into shreds.

Fucking France with their 6 year terms, any chance Macaroni can be impeached before then?

2022 is so far away.

the fact that "mommy" was france's last hope shows that they were lost before the first ballot was even cast. You want to save france? Elect a strong man. France obviously has no strong men and this is why the (((feminists))) of france vote for more rapefugees.

Do you kikes ever change?

Pretty much this, anons seem to think elections matter for some reason but it should be obvious enough that if it really did matter you wouldnt be doing it


I said
don't vote for jews
That would also mean do go and make it happen rather than your suggestion of
Which is precisely what you have been saying, and only ever been saying on here

Can you kikes please fuck off now

How much are you in the need for a erect dick?
I assume badly.

how much faith did you place in a female? you deserve what you get. I knew she was a bad idea from the start and a sign that france was already beyond hope.

Jews and people under the control of Jews are the only ones who can get into politics. We need to vote for the most right candidate like Trump and slowly shift the Overton window. In 50 years we'll be able to vote in a Nationalist.

How about we just throw a coup?


Why not 49?
We have plenty of time to kick back and wait for Hitler that way…


Seriously, she's completely incompetent. She completely threw the debate. She constantly attacked Macron, making her look like a crazed aggressive nut, and never talked about her actual policies. Never even brought up immigration. Made Macron look like a genius by comparison. Utterly fucking strategically retarded, like all women are.

If FN expects to ever win, they'd better get a real candidate next time.

I wonder this too. In 50 or 75 years are they going to look at our governments and the cucks that voted for them and wonder "Why the fuck did they kill themselves like that? Why were brown and black parasites so important?".

I have to think that future generations will look at us and think the same thing many of us think. "What the fuck is going on? Why the fuck is this completely insane thing being allowed to happen?"

I like females, and i know how to look at them just like at the males. And do you know how they look at me, with fear. And that makes the difference.

Hitler was elected democratically, never forget that.

Taking AKs to the White House is just going to get us all killed and destroy the legitimacy of nationalist movements. We cannot be the Jew's Reichstag burning.


This. We must never raise a hand against our enemies. If we kill them they win.

Also this. Did you guys really want a woman to be leading your nation? Women leaders are a sign of social decay.

The good news is that the biggest voting block for FN were 20-something voters.

The bad news is the demographic shift is the most extreme in that younger age group.

Being left economically destitute with only Germans (primarily) is a completely different situation from the one we have now. In addition with the lack of technology/media there are less lulling elements. I.e., democratic process was possible.

Just a reminder that there's still the legislative vote next. I don't remember the date.
If you have spare time and don't mind, there's still digging to do.

Unless you can take over power like Mussolini did, then it's just propaganda to hurt us.

Unless we have some high ranking general in the army, it's a waste of time.

Kek have you Trump and now you're going to kill innocent men to depose Trump, and because of what, that he couldn't meet his goals fast enough. Fucking kike.

Scheiss auf das digging. Ihr fotzen habt keine ahnung von richtiger propaganda, und ich hab bock dass wir die linken in den arsch ficken und nebenbei den bnd weil die mich angekotzt haben,.
Willst du wissen wie das geht, wir schreiben einen song, alle zusammen, zusammen mit deiner mudder du fotze.

it's not dispair ,it's dissapointment. Frencies are given again and again the chance to wash off the stain of the coward that has been glued to them since the last time they bravely fled and they just keep failing

THIS. women are NOT LEADERS!!! why the fuck don't people get this thru their thick skulls. Women are followers. Men are leaders and guess what not all men are even leaders but NO WOMEN ARE LEADERS. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. All of you who supported a woman need to (((deprogram))). Real life is not hunger games or the new (((Star wars)) or whatever gay shit you fags jerk off to. Women are not leaders, stop trying to put them in positions of power, stop hiring them, stop giving them money, they have 1 fucking job and that's to make babies and they are fucking that up!!

What the fuck happened to this board

I'm pretty sure he's talking about countries like Canada in which change of power through democratic means seems completely hopeless… for now.

Unless he's a shill… let us not forget Hitler spent the first year in power making alliances with other (((parties))) in Germany and had to drop or soften most promises from the NSDAP 25 point programe due to conflicts with large corporations.

I think people idealize earlier times but even the Caesars in Rome had to play politics.

France had Jeanne d'Arc.

Mediterranean countries traditionally have had more women in public roles.

I would put my dick between her tits and her mouth.



A lot of Scousers still fight with Irish and Welsh lads despite 50% of the population having Irish admixture and 30% of them having Welsh admixture, so I believe you but still post proofs.

This looks like it smells horrible

I never had a good enough grasp of french politics to really think one way or the other, you would be blind to not see things going increasingly our way over time, the scale of change advocated here would require conditions to be far worse then they are right now, like say Wiemar Germany bad. We just are not there yet. But 5 years? Hard to say.

Looks like double Ds. Looks like i like that.


kill yourself

Nonsense. She lost because France is cucked to death. In 2002 we had Jean-Marie, he did even worse than her.
Saying Marine lost because she's a woman is like saying Macron won because he's a man. It's missing the elephant in the room. It only shows your wizardness you infertile faggot.

They dont have any tits my friend.

Here's a good read for normies about Islam, it's brutal, likable, and entirely redpilled!
It's also free to read online, and even allows you to set bookmarks!

Are you retarded?

He's obviously retarded. Why ask something so evident?

You know that this isnt a hollywood movie, dont you?


We are viewing meatlevels that are bioloically unprobable.


It's really not that baffling. You have the yids and their libshit puppets running the show. And a majority of the populace are enthralled with bread and circuses.
Even the "responsible conservatives" are too complacent to do anything. They might recognize that something is wrong, but as long as they have a full belly and material comfort, there is no impetus to violently reject kikery.

I have never before seen someone so blatantly Holla Forums. Enjoy your ban.

Try pride.


My point was taken from the Turner Diaries.
Also from the same passage is that Whites don't care about pride anymore. They're consumers now.

Do you want an advice, that "mongrel mix" shit is like that ripped jeans you see from 15-40.
You just make sure you get the best pair.



Show me where anyone said that retard or I'm going to assume your D&Cing. We're saying not to be discouraged because leftists being in power has coincided with a rise in right wing voters. If you're going to be upset at the quality of this board yell at for posting animal porn.

no, report and filter.

I rip them into shreds.

Better point. I just get upset with anons pulling things out of their ass.

I rip them into shreds.

When you worship an Ideal Observer expect to get cucked over your own moral system. Kek is only interested in chaos not your morals or beliefs. ENJOY THE RIDE OR DESPAIR!

Germany was a lost cause anyway. They're too far gone at this point to be saved. Even Sweden has a better chance to save themselves than Germany.

We need to start pushing the leaks about him big league now. We CAN get him removed because the evidence is so overwhelmingly at this point.

Then i would exactly know what they write and where and how and i would RIP THEM INTO SHREDS,

2017 wasn't going to be an easy year. Having Trump win was a long shot and Brexit happening was a miracle. It's not over yet but the battle lines are clearly being drawn. The political climate all across the world is changing and we have to remain strong, RUN FOR FUCKING OFFICE, get involved in the military, flood the system with red pilled individuals and keep the communist at bay

The new kek is interested in interest.
Because i dont want to serve some emotionally sunted nerds or women. And that will my main motivation, thanks for that.

Our best hope is if the National Front and The Republicans can pick up a majority of seats in the Legislative election. That will ensure Macron won't be able to get jack shit done.

Ich hasse schwäche, und ich habe keine ausser deine dicken fleischsäcke auf deiner brust.

I will post the few pictures of my post on 4/pol/ on the election yes, yes I know it's shit

Forgot the pictures.

Should be read right to left, my bad.

It's cute that you think we have five years to burn.

Major elections coming up this year in Europe:

Our main focuses should be on Denmark, UK and Norway.

Going to need every user on the entire site to break the conditioning of the Brits, especially the fucking retarded Scots.

Germany is on the list this year, should be a bit more right wing.

Excellently put, OP. Every Islamic terror attack from here to 2022 is directly on the hands of the French establishment and their candidate. The parties that endorsed him and the newspapers that supported him will lose credibility for this, and our digging into the press collusion that occurred in suppressing the leaks will further hurt their reputation.

One point you touched on is that nearly 2 in five Frenchmen supported the nationalist candidate, even with the entire French establishment lined up against her. Nationalism has become the primary opposition in every western country on Earth, and has been recognized by the powers that be as a credible threat. We'll be facing even more blatant suppression, disinformation, and intimidation campaigns than we did back when Donald Trump was yet to be elected president, and we will have to adapt to that, but the more blatantly and forcefully they do away with freedom of speech, civil liberties, and all those other things that White westerners universally adore, the faster we grow in number.

Merkel must win tbh

I'm not sure what your point it. It doesn’t matter if the invaders fertility rate declines over a couple of generations when they are importing millions of them every year. This is a planned invasion, user. Try and accept it, I know it must be tough as a civnat cuckchanner.

every time terrorism happens in france macron's quotes must be signalled. every time.

Was talking to someone that served the military for 5 years (wanting to go to the SEK) and a retierd major, they both didnt have the nerves to suit that job. If you ask me the german military and their speical forces need more nerds with some abilities.

No it was Donald Trump that cost her the election. His campaign rhetoric and promises were enough of a reminder that no promises or stances actually adhere to a spoken word. Just my opinion of the climate

For Norway, we need a serious push for the Conservatives, the Progress Party and the Christian Democrats. The Labour party is a serious problem in Norway, and its one of the reasons why Norway continues to be cucked.

In Denmark, our focus needs to be on the Danish People's Party, Venstre and The New Right to at least help uncuck Denmark a little bit.

For the UK, its all about going Conservative.

Germany either gets more Merkel, meaning more "refugees" or Schulz, who's even more cucked than Merkel is. AfD is fucked thanks to all the infighting going on.

Trump didn't shill for her, or for Macron for that matter. If anything, the 35% that did vote for her were encouraged by trump's election.

You know if i work on that i could be kanzler myself, weil es so dermaßen behindert ist.

The point of it is exactly what you're getting at. As long as Eastern Europeans keep building and maintaining their walls the inlet for the invaders will be significantly hampered. As always the bulwark of the East will be what keeps Europe as a whole strong.

You're the one who is giving up, not me, I see hope, as is the point of the thread and the points I made in the pictures in my post, but you probably didn't even read them I bet, here is your (1) (You)

True, but remember to troll the normies about how evil they are for not wanting a female president.

Was ist das für ein Untermenschendeutsch?
Schieb ab ein paar Haftbefehl Videos kucken du Dönerfresser.

I don't even want to have to deal with the headache, the EU will not let the UK leave with a win or even survive on its own. The tosser they'll try force in will flood the country with actual sacks of shit after it's airdropped the entire middle east into the middle of Pudsey.

she thoroughly emasculated him. macron looked pathetic, not intelligent. the fact is france is disproportionately beta like the rest of mainland western europe.

Good thing is we have this time to get FN into the Parliament. This will slow the bleeding.

He's going to push laws without even dealingwith the parliament (EOs and the infamous article 49-3 of the Constitution). The only good thing about this will be watching those leftist cucks crying because of "muh democracy".

We lost a battle, but not the war

In 50 years we will have already lost almost wholesale. You faggots seem to forget that we are in a race against time here for our very survival.

Don't forget that France has a metric shitton of immigrants that voted against her too.

I find it strange you said white house when this thread is about france.

You guys are fags and calling you PRshills would be an insult to actual PRshills. Allow me to play FBI for a moment and clue you in on something that's been obvious since all of this began.

Violence is always an option.
Killing a traitor and kike is always an option.

Do you wanna know why? Because false-flags exist. The jew and the traitor craves the martyr narrative but none of them want to actually die. They can't afford losses so that's why they have to stage them, poison the goyim's body, minds, and spirits. Why do you think they blew up a random self-defense story and made Zim-zam a media villain? They themselves can't risk dying, but they want to magically make up stories of children dying in the news like at Sandy Hoax. They will take the ability of being a sob story and weaponize it. But you think killing them doesn't help us? Holla Forums has always had that ability but no one has taken it upon themselves. Lone-wolf and coordinated attacks are always an option. The (((media))) will always look to frame it as a sign of right-wing & nationalist terrorism anyway. But you're stuck in muh PR mentality. You will still be stuck in PR mentality even after it's too late.

Let me put it this way. The person with the balls to take it upon themselves to kill kikes and traitors will be smart enough to not have any obvious signs to link back to any right-wing & nationalist organization BUT will be treated exactly the same exact way as a turbosperg who made a lucky shot, kek iconography and Holla Forums as his homepage, and a printed manifesto. But what is the media going to do? Say a bunch of frog god worshippers who post on a thailand redditboard is out there killing kikes and leftists? What's more absurd in this instance; letting the enemy live or being defamed? No one here has anything to lose by someone who is redpilled and bold enough to pull the trigger on an enemy. That being said, the best option is this: Lone-wolf strikes. Coordinated strikes means too many loose ends and operatives. It can be done but you need 120% trust in who you're operating with and even more trust in each other's abilities.

No matter what option you choose,you choose: Not detailing your plan ever. Not bragging your plan ever. No posturing. No message. No ceremony. No one will know what favor you've done for us but we'll see a dead kike and a dead traitor and know that we're better off without them and that's all we need to know. The media's story will be a dead kike and traitor is dead but they will have no means of solidly pinning the blame on who they want defamed - but they will try. This is having your cake and eating it too. And what are they going to do after that, replenish their numbers? Kikes and traitors are a minority of a minority of a population. And what's more, killing the head of the beast doesn't make more heads appear unless you give them way too much time to do it. This is a shadow organization. They can't just move people around and reclaim losses on a dime. The network they built took years and tons of money. They may look like they're many but once they start dropping like flies they will have less people jewing in the news, politics, and everywhere else and that makes your keyboard warrior'ing jobs much much easier.

Final point: The jews do this and you don't even know. Every time mehmet, trayvon, or pedro rapes and murders a white woman, you forget the jew is the reason why they're there. The jews do both, they use both their hands, they have both their sword and their shield. The shield of democracy and the sword of backstabbing. You have neither. Right now you only use your head and your bare hands.

P.S. You fags meme RWDS all the time but one day you're going to wish you made this meme reality. I don't just mean for the whole world, I mean for even your country or your province. If the whole world is celebrating the end of jews but your country still has those parasites there and they control the law and governance of the land, you're going to wish your country could celebrate alongside all the others.

France will only merit its freedom once its men take what they are deserved. Until then they will slowly lose all nice things.

Ayy, that's not how that works. She didn't get 35% of the population. France has a voting age population of over 50 million. She received 10.5 million votes, roughly 21% of the population. Macaroon received nearly double the amount of votes, clocking in at 20.7 million, which is 41% of the population.

To put it another way, 8 out of 10 eligible voters did not vote for her. France has spoken. They don't see the encroaching Islamic horde as a threat, and they will be subsumed by the Caliphate. They made their bed, and now they get to lie in it.

This well work well for us. France is going to be snackbar'd into oblivion in the upcoming months. I suggest we use this opportunity to screencap delusional lefties on social media for use when the cultural enrichment intensifies.

Case in point, the lead writer at 343.

They'll accept the Caliphate as meekly as they accepted the Vichy Regime.

Why focus on the UK? It is in a month and they just had their local elections which was OVERHWELMINGLY conservative win. Seriously I am going to put money on conservatives winning because the chances are so high in their favour and it is so soon their is literally nothing else that can happen. Norway isn't even in the EU so I am not sure what you hope to implement or support over their. Denmark… Well who even knows what the fuck Denmark is all about, insignificant at best. Slovenia, lololololol - no difference whatsoever. The big players that actually matter are UK France Germany Holland Spain Sweden and Portugal. Everyone else follows the standards and influences they give out. Also I don't think trying to turn Europe into a unified political agenda is what you are going for at all. You ain't fighting to make them all the same and they all have differing problems on varying degrees. I don't keep up with Slovenian politics because why the fuck would I, but I doubt even Czech faces half of the shit that is mostly in question to those other big players.

European politics is by default very slow, hoping for any sort of BIG change in less than a decade is pushing it, the system is set up that way so you can't make big sudden changes that are akin to revolution and it prevents extremism from instantly implementing what they want.

Yanks need to understand that Europe ain't America, we have different practices and political systems and do things very differently, trying to change that is not being for Europe at all and instead is the same shit the EU tries to do. We don't want to be the United States of Europe and a one homogenous group like you guys because we aren't. I know a lot of you care a lot but you need to try be a little short-sighted and realise how very different and diverse Europe has always been. It has always been multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, with differing political systems, laws, ethics, standards, trying to generalise it all under one banner is stupid and it shows how much the EU meme has infected. Europe is a continent, at the end of the day Brits have nothing to do with Spaniards and Spaniards have nothing to do with the Dutch. You might think you are jumping into Euro-Politics but that right there is an ignorant perspective. Really if you want to fully comprehend Euro-Politics you will have to learn dozens of political systems, cultures, laws and histories. Only the most obsessed and autistic or academically trained will be capable of doing so on an adequate level and avoiding short-sightedness. Don't bite off more than you can chew; giving Trump and Le Pen comparison in terms of probabilty to win is stupid. France doesn't work that way you watch your party gain support and momentum election by election and then when the time comes it happens. Thinking you are magically going to install whoever you want with memes and propaganda doesn't work as the way you want, it definitley helps, but you are setting yourself up for dissapointment if you think you can circumvent time and the conversion of the people.

She got 35% of the the voting population which is all that counts. That is actually extremely high for FN or any party resembling it in France for decades. It's all about persistence and momentum. Things don't change over night you make progress slowly and incrementally. Overall a massive win for Le Pen given the context which is being underplayed because she is not No.1. Also Macron is not Emperor, something else which seems to be going over the heads of people is that just because he won president doesn't actually give him as much power as you think especially how Le Pen was so close behind. Seats, councillours, parliment, support, overall this adds up to more than the mere title especially in France

We lost the battle, but there's still the war to win

top of this for>>9873329 and obviously meant "try not to be so short-sighted"

over 1/3rd of the French populous is plenty enough to shut this (((globalism))) down. Even if not overt rebellion, I would expect production (and therefore revenue) to slow to a crawl. Let them see the work ethic of your replacements in action inaction

Hang the defeatist, neo-Holla Forums may be flooded with newfags who got here during the Trump election and seriously think that our only path to victory is through "democratic" elections but older anons always knew that our only true path to victory was through bloodshed brought about by extremely high social unrest. If you posted shit like "France is lost and they deserve to be raped by Abdul" you should probably neck yourself. Don't get me wrong, Le Pen loosing is a fairly significant loss as it would be highly advantageous to break apart the EU before whites get pissed enough to take up arms but it's still acceptable as it grants us a prime opportunity to radicalize the 35% of voters that will have to continue living in an increasingly exploding France.

Arm yourself, spread our ideals of white nationalism and occasionally participate in postering campaigns when they appear to reach those you don't personally know but are also sick of what's happening with the world. Victory will be ours still, do not despair.

What was the purpose of this post? Fuck your politics, overthrow the government. I said we were in a race against time, and I meant it.

Nice try Mossad

The West may have lost this battle but the war still continues


You couldn't overthrow the government if you tried in all honesty you can hardly even form an argument or be honest with yourself.


If we would win every battle you should feel suspicious. Look at your hands, what do they tell you, we are not made to lose.

The communists will be protesting that Macron isn't leftist enough. Also, there was a movement among radfems to turn in blank ballots. Expect them to show up.

I don't think these are the protests you're looking for though.


oh well, civilizations come and go, at least the french lasted a good thousand years or so right? now they'll just go extinct peacefully like a flame that runs out of oxygen.

yeah but they weren't bringing jews by the millions per month during hitlers time, because there simply weren't enough jews for that

Did you google "damage control"?

At least read the thread cuck.

You know what they say, he doesnt know any respect. But in reality i would lick your face because you have no idea what i can do.

Here's the thing to the blackpilled, it's not like (((they))) rigged the voting booths or anything, sure the media was against her 24/7 but she lost in a fair? vote…

Unfortunately France's "ballotage" system is very bad for candidates on the "extremes" of the electorate but if anything the rage should be towards the cucked French electorate.

We have to bridge the language barrier and meme as hard as possible, France came closest to glory today than in possibly centuries.

We did good, but we have to keep fighting.



The multiplier effect of these 35% (11 million) is very significant.

Fan the flames of war and unrest. France may burn, but the fires will cleanse all of Europe!

Optimized plus one more.


I don't know, user. Don't you remember the 6 million? Of course there were enough there.

It would split the EU in two, and they couldn't move troops from Germany to the Iberian Peninsula by land without French permission or a war.

What would you have done if Donald Trump was not elected? Become Soylent Green from a rooftop?


Always be disheartened. Nothing ever works.

Ashes and Echoes

No, it won't. It will just destroy it more and more mudshits will pour in. Watch what happens.


Whatever. I'm right and you know it. Watch what happens. Go ahead. Try for the revolution. Watch what happens.

I'm glad that Macaroni won.

But I'm not a shill. See these posts.

Le Pen winning would have been worse.
Economy means nothing without getting rid of FIAT money and LePen is 100% kosher.
She's a civic nationalist at most and both Macaroni and her love police states.

Whoops wrong post.

Fucking shill, Macron will fuck France's shit up even further. You'll see fence-jumping 'citizens' even more.

You're retarded.
You can have everything but 3 (well more, really) things in the west.

You cannot have debt free currency, because that's antisemitic and the number one reason why kikes got persecuted all over the world, remember the holocaust, goy.
You cannot have guns, because evil nazis had guns, remember the holocaust, goy.
You cannot have closed borders (not fully anyway) because the poor jews were refugees too and look what would have happened if they hadn't been taken in, remember the six gorillion, goy.

You cannot have sensible gendering, because Hitler gessed homosexuals, remember the holocaust, goy.

Et cetera.
You think LePen would have changed anything about those FUNDAMENTAL building blocks of a sane country?
A woman who let's a fucking kike fuck her?
And I mean literally fuck. Lubricated vagina, kike cock sliding in, kike sperm getting shot inside, kind of fuck.

While stabbing daddy in the back?

Yeah, but of course, for you, for the French people she would have been literally Hitler.

You dodged a bullet and I stand by that.
At least you're not sleeping again.
You're wide awake and that's what you need to be.

You think that being wide awake for getting your throat cut and dying is just as good or better?

Do you actually think that there is any way any of this ends well?


And she wasn't a supreme leader. Just a propaganda piece that was discarded immediately when she wasn't useful anymore. user is right. Deprogramm yourself, you lemming.

Yes, it's better. You can work on getting self sufficient in the meantime.
You can really REALLY point out kike shit during this period because an open kike is at the helm now.

You can get guns, you can join gun clubs.
Move out of the cities and into the sticks.

There are no political solutions to this, for reals.
Unless you would count: "perhaps" holding out long enough for you to die of old age and not having to deal with the aftermath, as a political solution.

There are no other solutions either. Any attempt to pull the system down results in Samson. Watch what happens.

No. You can't get out. No, you can't get self sufficient. Watch what happens.


Hi trudeau

I think a lot of people are secretly suicidal due to the pressures of life.
I know sweden has a high suicide rate so it would not surprise me if they subconsciously memed their suicide as a society.
Maybe it is a response to the meaningless existence most of us are forced into just to put food on the table, all the while being robbed by people who already have more money than all of us put together.
Everything you do feeds them more, there is no viable way out of the system, so perhaps so many have given up on life (at least subconsciously) that they are allowing themselves to be killed because they are too pussy to do it themselves.
Or maybe they're just brainwashed retards.


It's going to be a rough time for France. Macron will probably increase France's importation of slave labor from the middle east. Which will be fine for him and the rest of the Europeans with enough money to dodge taxes, at least in the short term. If you can get out of France it might be time to take a vacation, the summer months will be the worst.

44% of young people voted for Le Pen (so did the majority of ethnic French youth), while only 20% of the boomers did. Unlike in some other countries, short-term demographic trends could actually work out in favour for Le Pen and the FN.

Was going to post something along the lines of
Of course we can, because we're going to be exactly that regardless of what actually transpires. Either we kill the jew, or the jew false-flags and blames us for killing him when we haven't.

What's worse? Getting the blame for dead jews that don't exist, or the ones that do?

the worst part is that you probably never had a father, so that's nigger syndrome 101 as clearly shown from your post, secondly, if you want a woman in power then obviously you're a faggot, you never learned the collateral side effects of woman leaders, they aren't good and never will be.

How does FN have the largest party?


She was /ourgal/ but she ran her campaign as shitty as Clinton's. It's like she took notes from the wrong side, or didn't habeeb the power of chaos

"This is what Trump did to win? I can't believe that worked, it's against all sensibility! It must be just a fluke…"
The fact she couldn't grok the memes (and the means) is a good example why women can't handle it, even relatively smart ones. They don't have the required level of impulsivity to adopt memes, or create decent ones themselves.
It seems like on some level women CEOs that want to actually succeed know this. When cdv's shareholders cucked out and forced Christina Oppermann to take a 'chairwoman' cdv was dead in two years. Before that you had 23 years of some of the best turn-based wargames.
Contrast HP's board with HuffPo and Yahoo. More than 1 'girl' will instantly transform the company into a gossipy social club. One 'token.' That's it.

libtards always start going after people (usually nats) in other countries because they just can't leave well enough alone, it's their very nature, THEY. MUST. INTERFERE.

a 'Token Secretary' is bretty gr8.
But any more than one and you're asking for trouble. Just ask 'Calico' Jack Rackham! Literal 'one drop' rule.
I've noticed rootyPooty does that. Sure he has a lot of hot bitches in his cabinet, but they're all in different departments. One to each. Probably don't get assignments where they'd speak to each other either. You gotta run it like a harem anime, no more than one in a room at a time, and she has to be trained to listen already.


B… but Anglin told me it isn´t degenerate when White men does it !!

No, there are good moslems.

KYS MGTOW shills.

Macron is Merkels puppet.


B… but Anglin told me it isn´t degenerate when White men does it !!

No, there are good moslems in it.

KYS MGTOW shills.

Merkel will rule France now, even more than she did with Hollandouille.

The dirtiest kike on this board. Some fucking chutzpah.

Daily reminder that we need Weimar 2.0 for Hitler 2.0

Yeah, we mostly live in the countryside while libtards are in the big cities. But having direct access to the natural ressources and surronding the cities could be an interesting factor if a civil war would occur

Who is us?

FN was controlled by juwes and freemasons.
She wasn't /ourgirl/ she is a jew fraud.

Having dumb gullible (blue - pulled, pol used to call them) brainwashed goys fighting amongst themselves over their preferred jew puppet is precisely the reason our countries are fucked while juwes control them.


Election is over, can all you gaslighting kikes pushing these jews in world politics on Holla Forums please now fuck off.