We have to save the West Ourselves

So with the latest failure in nationalist parties elections, France has added itself to Australia (the continual poor election results of One Nation), Austria, and Britains UKIP epic fail last election and of course the subversion of Trump.

Trump cucked out, so that leaves us with sweet fuck-all to show for our memes and efforts, except no nuclear-based WW3 between Hillary and Putin, which is something i guess, nukes are never an option until we are running the show afaic. We aren't delusional marxists, we have to face facts, the average normie simply does NOT wake up until his creature comforts are gone, just look at Venezuela, the people didnt rise up at all after the commie scum took power, until the nation had all but collapsed, when they lost everything, which is simply too late for us. Until the unemployment is at epidemic levels and crime and poverty is rampant, you can't rely on the white man to wake up, hell, i dont even want to, i like having a hot shower and shitposting online every day, the idea of going gorilla warfare annoys the hell out of me, but i digress. Hitler covered this thoroughly in Mein Kampf, he said that only a small, confident, powerful minority is needed to change a government and incite revolution, less than 1% of the german population was a registered national socialist member, less than half that were active, they only got ~33% of the vote or so, and look what Hitler achieved with just one fell swoop on the night of long knives.

But that was a long time ago, and the kikes learned from it, we will never break free from marxism and world wide jewery with votes ever again, we've had too many losses in the last 12 months to believe otherwise ever again. But lets face it, we dont need votes, the red team planner image alone proves that we only need to be smart and organised to bring even a behemoth like the USA to its knees. 10,000 trained disciplined men could take over a huge chunk of the USA and likely keep it for an extended period of time if they have support from the people. I'm not FBI, so i wont invite you guys to my Telegram app chatroom, filtering out shills, crypto-kikes, spies and traitors will be an essential task for all of us in the future, but we need to plan, to organize, amongst your IRL friends and family if possible.

Start planning in the next year or so to take out utilities and power to pozzed cities (leave majority white ones alone), leave poisoned bottles of booze in ghetto areas (dont u be a retard and get caught though, scout out anywhere u plan to do anything, look for cctv, it's everywhere these days, getting caught is a ridiculously bad idea, always pussy out if you think there's a chance of being caught, you just turn public sentiment against whites even more), compile locations of military bases and supply dumps of gear to loot, stockpile survival gear and food. Hell go full RWDS if you think you can pull it off without getting caught, when things really heat up that is, but pick your targets carefully, federal reserve buildings, ADL/BAMN/Planned Parenthood/DNC offices, communist organisations, any company connected to the Rothschilds, rockerfellers, Soros etc.

Other urls found in this thread:


Incite revolution, make sure you and your red pilled buddies are running and organizing the gangs and gorilla warfare forces, dont let jews be anything except bottom rank workers or slaves, and i dont care what your ideology is, i've seen enough Libertarians on even cuckchan admit that there needs to be a full fascist revolution before they can even dream of living in a libertarian world, as we all recognize that non-whites can never appreciate, respect or perpetuate such a system. Allow yourself to work with non-white gangs, however they must both defer to whatever group you run, and must operate separately, minimal integration is a must, i dont see a race war purge happening anywhere in the west, i propose state-based segregation, hundreds of miles separating each race from each other, and big concrete walls enforcing the separation, jews get deported to Israel though, no exceptions.

What i'm really asking is is that we stop shilling for political figures, they achieve nothing, our goal is simple, stay on top of the kikes and commies plans, counter them as best we can, SPREAD THE RED PILLS FAR AND WIDE, recruit and filter potential RWDS comrades, educate and give each other advice like always, on how and where to get quality survival gear and weapons, how to make cheap explosives, making IED's in all forms like weaponizing cans of deodorant or bug spray, getting around the weapons laws in cucked countries like britain and australia (ie: pay cash at military surplus stores so feds cant soo easy trace you stockpiling pepper spray and machetes etc), advice on good vehicle models to buy, anything you can think of. Just stop wasting our collective time hoping some middle aged cuck will save us because they say a fraction of the phrases we want to hear, if you want something done right, do it yourself anons.


The economy needs to crash before anything happens

You forgot the postal dude in your RWDS pic, but neat meme.

i would guess that most nations aren't ready for that, kikes would just take over again the way things stand at the present moment, but soon, near the end of the year at the earliest i would suppose.

You're right though, the world wide ponzi scheme bleeding us dry needs to collapse first, however, if it does, i sure hope we are the ones to set it off, better it is done on our terms, than theirs, organise a west-wide attack on power lines and infrastructure and the like, sink ships maybe, who knows?

Avoid discussing anything specific on here however, feds and kikes are always watching.

What do you mean IF? It WILL collapse, it's just a matter of time.

Our debts are fucking huge, it's not going to go on for much longer, certainly not another generation

Hopefully the dollar will collapse within the next 10 years, which if it does will be blamed on Trump

This is the only way it'll work out, with blood-stained kikels.

Yeah you're right im sleepy and will say the wrong things by accident in here.

Bump. These are the kind of threads we need to be having now. History is moving at an accelerated pace, and it's clear voting will never solve anything ever again.

The reason why people on and off this board are putting their faith into Trump even though they know he's controlled opposition is what Jews want. They want you to feel completely powerless and hopeless, so hopeless in fact that you put your faith into an election system that you know is corrupt and incapable of producing someone that is not Jewish controlled. I think once everyone starts to gradually get over this fear, we can take things back and rid the world of the Jewish parasite forever. If we fail, the world like Goebbels said will be a desolate dark place, even worse then now. If that happens there's nothing stopping Jews from enslaving the world with a mongrel population with them at the head of the caste with total control.

I would like a Mod to Pin this thread please, instead of the usual politician scandal crap, it's no longer relevant, education and revolution is.


Trump is not subverted so much as there is a clear tug-of-war behind the scenes in the White House.

For true change to happen we need to play the long game of subverting the power structure by completely taking over the GOP, winning primaries by having nationalists take over Good Goy Republicans and eventually take over the Supreme Court which is our crown jewel.

A few shitlords in the highest court of the land can radically alter our nation's laws for decades.

In Britain, the Brexit was a success but we have to push much harder for the UKIP to win.

Remember, Hitler was elected democratically.

This. Constant stories of news articles is just like how the MSM controls populations with fear. Self improvement and NATSOC threads should be stickies at all times.

Your proposal is a full decade too late to be feasible. We dont have time for that, the demographics are bad enough as it is, the pozz and shitskin invasion into the west is far too big, we have a ~couple years to organise ourselves and act, anything else is a slow death.

The kike laws are only used against us. The law is not impartial, it's a sword pointed at our throats. Bureaucracy is just another way to lose.

If you're serious, you ought to false flag as commies/anarchists. Then we step in to offer law and order once things have gone to shit.

If Trump had an uwavering conviction how the fuck could there be a tug of war. It would be Trump versus the rest. He put these people there.

Dubs confirm. Form up and incite the revolution.

I love that, classic case of Stockholm syndrome. Trump is just a victim because of Kushner and his daughter. Trump has no part to play. He's just an innocent guy trying to do some good. Only if these faggots knew how much they share with braindead normies and leftists.

Yes, you are right aswell, only ever do this with your most trusted and ruthless comrades you know very well personally however.

Perform a false flag very carefully, it has to be something that kills a minimal amount of whites and still technically benefits us, maybe bomb a childrens school with mostly non-white kids and pose as muslims, remote controlled truck attacks hitting a federal reserve building posing as commies, brainstorm ideas yourself, but dont necessarily post them here, stockpile them and hand them over in later threads or personal discussions with other RWDS members.

We are here to benefit from general advice, like that Telegram is a great little phone app for encrypted group chats and getting a good vpn like PIA or nordVPN has great phone apps to keep the feds off your back.

Stop supporting civic nationalist. Stop supporting parliamentary politics. Think of Le Pen losing as accelerationism. Form local right wing cells and wait for the economy to go to shit.

I would like to hear some opinions on something, if anyone wants to talk with me about this.
The longer I keep reading politics, left and right, the more and more I keep coming to the conclusion not only that right wing politics are fundamentally correct, but that the state is not a way to go.
Why does it always have to be the state, country, or other such huge things that are just awful???
Think about it. Every country has both right wing and the leftists. Every country has undesirables. Every country is full of all kinds of shit. Democracy is a huge negative as well, everyone reading right wing philosophy should already know well enough that equality is bullshit…
The state may not be the best way to go about preserving the white race.

What about some sort of an international paramilitary? With a lot of corporations for financing, etc etc. I just lost all hope with the state, nation, or a country. Something like this should really be the final end goal, not something from the start.
We should focus on individuals, rather than on the mass. We should be spreading our message covertly, rather than all out in the open.
Basically everything involving the state or the nation or anything like that is an overstretching and a wasted effort.

I dont know, that's just what I think, the state is a fundamentally socialist/leftist thing, for the mass, dragging exceptional individuals down, democracy etc, all fucking awful.


start at the top, the jews behind the invasion.

the states you are familiar with suck dick because they are all kiked up to hell, of course there are numerous failures, we dont have a good example of a functioning nation state since Gaddafi was whacked, and nothing since Hitler's germany before that, and none of us were alive for that.

If you wanna circle jerk as a anarchist do it elsewhere, the National Socialist fascist government is the way to go for Holla Forums, always has been, read Mein Kampf yourself if you wanna learn more about it.

Well, yes when the opportunity presents itself, but from a general playing war it's petty and time consuming to be tracking down every traitor and kike on "the list", simply raising hell and shutting down modern society alone would kill half of them anyway, they are soo pathetic and frail compared to their villainous predecessors.

The only alternative to nationalism is internationalism, which is completely kiked. Corporations are also even easier for the yids to control.
Strong nations have always been the enemy of the Jew, because he is seen within them for what he is: the other. This is why we need nationalism. Nation-states are not leftist at all, in fact, they are the enemy of both commie "international solidarity" and neoliberalism/neoconservatism, which are the two sides of the same shekel.

I can't remember the last time we lost lads.

Remember now user?

0/10 faggot

Bump for Mod pin

FINALLY! Someone gets it. The mods will never pin this because they are not pro-White, but this kind of thing MUST become the norm here.

Sticky this. NAO!

I pray for the coldest winter in decades and for some of you crazy bastards to go ham on the powergrid and other infrastructure during that time. Rack up the bodycount. Get this shit rolling already.

Otherwise, really tired of waiting on this economic collapse to finally happen.

Lol, tried to post this on cuckchan, my vpn worked for once, thread lasted 15 minutes before being deleted and only a shill replied twice, so sad…

What we should do is knock out the powergrid during the next Black riot this summer. See for .>>9872168 details


The quality of any nation is in its people, the state is just a tool, one that can do catastrophic damage in the wrong hands and be an absolute godsend in the right ones. Focus on state as the center of things instead of ones own volk is extreme folly, you promote the health, strength, etc. of your own people and then a healthy state emerges from it as an emergent phenomenon.

I agree.


This seems like too much work. Just live your own life and have fun lol. Don't worry about what you can't change ffs. You guys excited for the MTV Awards tonight? It's trending on twitter!

Knock out EBT and power so the niggers starve? WHILE they riot, preventing any technicians from entering the area and fixing the issue, causing the niggers to force even more of themselves to die? Why, that might just be an idea I can get behind!

FBI, this is your second thread already. pls.

the other one

I have never overthrown a government. However I do not think this person's advice is good. Destroying infrastructure is absolutely vital in generating a revolutionary sentiment among the population. People will simply not move unless they are forced to do so. We should knock out the power grid and force the government to spend millions of dollars keeping it up. They should be forced to raise taxes to do so, thus angering the public.

Finally, we need a real organization to direct the public's anger at the (((real enemies)))

How would any civil unrest scenario take care of people like Soros, Zuckerberg, Kristol, etc.? All of the worst traitors would be in their comfy New Zealand homes/shelters at the first sign of trouble, and then if they aren't dealt with they just come back to infest healthy nations again and again. A top down approach of assassination would work best before any civil unrest scenario is triggered.

but user, saving the west ourselves will require meeting up and physically doing things in real life. It's against our ways to do that. We need to sit here and continue posting images of cartoon girls and one line greentext replies, it's the only way

This again?

Fear mongering niggers like you are the real FBI. Banking on the fear of FBI infiltrated right-wing organizations.

Nigger, FBI can't respond to a stand alone complex, and as long as specific plans are not posted ahead of time it is okay. FBI's anti-terror program is mostly railroading mentally ill and homeless people to do terrorism and then arresting them, they can't do shit against a stand alone complex, so if you are so inclined, don't let your memes be dreams.

FBI detected

RIP that LA user who got killed by pedophiles on election day.

dubs confirm


It is even more interesting than that. Blacks have leaders who want, impulsively maybe, to set up their own governments in cities. Many more just want to loot and kill Whitie for all of our crimes. Here, read this resist.com/CWII.pdf
It will explain what we must do.

Sorry mate, you're not subtle enough. You may or may not be fbi, but you probably are and you are obviously here to derail this thread.

Close enough, as long as only general tactics are discussed instead of specifics they can't do shit till it is too late.

If Holla Forums has taught me anything, it's that the FBI,ATF and CIA are trash. Just like the 4th generation of kikes trying to continue jewish ways /Soros/Rockefeller shoes - they are dumber, softer and lazier.

When was the last "win" any of these orgs have had that wasn't manufactured to make themselves look good or to get a boost in funding?

They forgot how to win. The people forgot to "do the right thing" regardless of the consequences. These people are either NOT our people or forgot that they are our people.

It's time to stop being semitically correct and time to make some real changes.

Exactly, it's time to take our ideology to the streets. But lets face it, we are meme wizards. We need to start putting posters and symbols everywhere. Jews shouldn't be able to leave their houses without seeing "14/88" and "The Holocaust Didn't Happen, but it Should Have"

my first shill! finally! fuck off, the other thread has other things to say, im far more specific in my ideas and demands, you have no place to claim its a redundant thread

I'm not sure if you read my OP, your advice is simply a good idea worth discussing, it doesnt seem like a grand plan all on its own, and others have said similar shit ITT

Well fuck. Why don't you just tell your plans to the feds themselves.Its faggots like you make it easier on the likes. Don't talk, do.

Compartmentalization of nonviolent organization and violence is important though. People inclined towards pranks should do so themselves, people inclined towards organization for peaceful activism or lesser tier violence like at Berkeley should avoid and serious operators. The only fear from pranks is getting them conflated with more legit organizations and shut down.

I was referring to the ones who aren't super elites at their levels, who dont have private jets, but sure, remember, they have immense power, but only so long as the economy they exploit exists, if america collapsed into civil war, the rest of the worlds economy would fall to shit, it'd be months at best before you'd need a total reset to even try and save it all, where would they go other than Israel?

Holding the perspective of a general trying to win the second american civil war, sending my smartest and most devoted soldiers to try and kill high level kikes whilst their puppet state still operates, is a great way to lose my best men for nothing, these cunts jetset across the globe every day, tracking them down isn't easy, and they are well guarded now, let alone when we will be ready to strike in the near future, i want them dead too, dearly, but the logistics and practicalities are awful to me, it's enough that Russia no longer panders to them, they could be left without a leg to stand on, if we're lucky.

More 1488, less Golden Showers.

Of course I read your OP. I read every word and I want EVERYONE to be thinking the way you are thinking. I believe you misinterpreted my comment. I was responding to the image in this post. I believe that the user who posted the revolutionary beavers was incorrect. We should indeed to targeting infrastructure everywhere.

We must not discuss grand plans here. At the very most, I would say that what we need to do is as follows.

1. We must form REAL organizations. Not Holla Forums. Not altright.com. Not RopeCulture.com. Real actual organizations that INTERRACT with the community in the same way that Golden Dawn does. We need to be a White charity AND we need to be full of lawyers ready to do the kind of legal terrorism that the SPLC does. We must launch phony law suits upon enemy organizations. We also need to vigorously defend activists who the System tries to prosecute.

2. While doing this, we need lone wolves who are ready to act alone or in small teams to knock out infrastructure and force the state to institute repressive actions upon the populace. If any activists are caught, they must be defended at all costs by the organization.

That image makes me want to actually download GTA 5.

kek confirms

These organizations shouldn't be able to be tied by to Holla Forums So how do we start them?

my nigga, good OPSEC advice there.

You are probably one of the stupidest people I have encountered on Holla Forums and that is saying a lot. Don't do anything. You're not smart enough to help anyone accomplish anything. You'd get caught instantly and create horrible optics for whatever side you are on. In fact, join a communist organization and try to help them.

Good post. We also need artists, writers, and film makers infiltrating the mainstream and making quality art that uplifts the aryan spirit. Obviously they need to know how to play the long game and pretend to be something they aren't.

i cant argue that, i like your thinking more, but your open organisation idea has a big flaw, do we really want to be setting ourselves up for targeting from soros funded antifa once we are openly doing our thing? we work best as anonymous, the lone wolves who burst out into the open once the apocalypse begins seems like the best course to me.

I know i personally cant run for office or any public setting because theres plenty of silly shit i've said in the past and dangerous stuff i've bought and downloaded that can be dredged up, i talk well, i look good, but i'd be eaten alive after a private investigation, and so would most of Holla Forums. Hell my own family would likely turn on me if i came out at nat soc.

I plan on taking over a charity organization within the next two years. I suggest you do the same. Your first goal should be learning how a small, local charity organization works. By that I mean the internal leadership & politics. Find a local charity organization with relatively simple leadership organization and join. Learn the ins and outs of the internal politics. This will also give you good information & experience on how the charity part of these organizations works. The more effective these organizations are after we commandeer them, the better.

Eventually, bring together a large group of like minded nationalists and help position them throughout all the positions of leverage inside the organization. Then take direct control. This is how the Jews take over institutions.

murdoch murdoch is as best as we are gonna get, i see no way for red pilled media to break out into the open without being banned, million dollar extreme got shoa'd for even slightly hinting at edgy subjects, what chance do we have with that?

By all means however save all the alt right songs on youtube, there's like 100 of them, distribute them as cds or mp3s as motivational music however, White song by goyim goddess is breddy gud.

You, Jewboy.

This. A 1488 equivalent of SPLC would be a godsend.

Even murdoch murdoch was forced to censor a bunch of their shit.

Antifa aren't shit, even in nofunz shitholes like Berkeley they get their asses handed to them, in states with decent gun laws they don't even bother to try anything. The recent victories against antifa have conclusively established that they are not going to stop IRL organization in any form, and we are not going to let them. I don't give a flying fuck about antifa and if you actually let them deter you from action you should kill yourself.

Actually, yes. Violence is a good thing for the following reasons (followed by examples)
1. Publicity. Violence brings publicity and with that comes more recruits.
2. Antifa politically are irrelevant. They are just a mindless blob that fights with whoever the media tells them are bad. They are also filled with limp wristed girly men so even their desire to commit violence is blunted. Honestly, I want more battles between antifa and everyone else.

3. Which brings me to this. If we are a charity organization and we are handing out food to beleaguered White families… how do you think it looks when antifa shows up to stop us?

This is exactly why I advocate taking over small charities. Assuming no one there knows you, they will almost certainly never figure out who you are. They don't do serious (political style) background checks. Assuming you don't have a criminal record, you're set to go.

Do lots of research though before you jump in. Find out how it is organized.

Sam Hyde tried to get into Jewish owned media cartels and use them as a platform for his show, obviously that won't work, but the internet is a good platform for 1488 media, even if TV wasn't kiked it is a dying medium so there is no reason to bother.

murdoch murdoch is good for us but is way to extreme for whites.
you know what a good redpilled movie is? Or I guess, pink pilled. Pic related.(Hacksaw Ridge). It is almost all white (except for some Japs), it's deeply Christian, it's a real story of morals, faith and courage AND it's a true story. The non-violent part is the price to pay for Jewlywood but Gibson sure made up for that in some of the bloodiest, gorefilled scenes that depict war.

I'm currently planning to work on 2 novels. 1 with a very decadent, "badass bitch" monster slaying, foul mouthed chick (I know how it sounds but it has a few twists) who is turning 40, and admits, in tears, halfway through the book, that she would give it all up, if at 20 she didn't take this "badass" path and would have had children and a husband instead. The book itself is "you go gurl!" but at one crucial moment, her most vulnerable, I slip the red suppository in.

Another is about a teenage girl, who's dying of a terminal illness (Yeah, I know , but I can't divulge what the actual interesting part of that hook is), basically writing a diary in reverse - she's writing it as her life will be after "she dies". It includes traveling (yay, instagram pics girls!), meeting cute boys (omg, he's so kewt) and here's the kicker - married with kids. Yeah - that's her dream on her deathbed. Not fucking brad pitt, not having a million dollars. Bonus points? She hates kikebook, because everyone on kikebook is wishing her well, but people who live in the same city don't even visit her at the hospital (she's bed bound) but cry crocodile tears online for likes.

Hey faggot, your doing that whole talking and not doing bit again. you got a full 6 page thesis on how you're going to "subvert" a charity. Not like it's a bad Idea but it's still letting the whole world on what you plan to do.

pussy commies coming out of silver spoon college aren't even what i call antifa, the government sponsored goons in germany and elsewhere in europe are what i call antifa, and they'll only get stronger and better equipped as time goes on.

The jews have been winning for generations because people underestimate not only their power but their INTENT, dont fall into the trap of ignoring their slave puppets, those cunts were at the forefront of the russian revolution, being cannon fodder for kikes.

Again. Your comments demonstrate you're one of the stupidest people on earth. You think comments on Holla Forums will stop me from doing something? God! PLEASE join your local communist group and try to lend your idiocy to THEM!

It should open you guy's eyes that if Macron, a ROTHSCHILD BANKER, who ran:

There is no political solution in Europe. It is a nice front to redpill people, but there aren't real elections there. French inteligency agencies told people there "might be riots if you vote Le Pen" and that "leaks should be ignored as propaganda". European countries are (((US))) Puppets.

Yes, Front Nationale (which is a kosher, mossad-infiltrated civic nationalist controlled oppositions) doubled it's support, and the election had the lowest turnout ever, but still, the faggot was HANDPICKED by the Rothschilds, with the approval of the US. There aren't no "elections" in Europe, as shown by Wikileaks, where there was clear evidence of CIA working to influence the outcome.

Pizzagate was censored. Nobody is allowed to question why was there mentions of sacrifice to Moloch on Hillary's e-mails, or of pennances to the Rothschilds… You can't be focused on the distractions, we must, and we will, acquire full knowledge of their operations and WHY they do it, to unshroud it from secrecy and break their power to genocide our people. This is what our focus should be, the truth.

there are red pilled sites all over the place that get 0 traffic, the heavily monitored and shilled daily stormer is the best example i can think of, most internet celebs cant sustain their viewership outside of youtube because everyones a lazy cunt.

Not a bad idea, but i dont think it's feasible, we have a gigantic amount of media already, we throw it around on this site every day, just compile and distribute in poster or playlist forms.

I really like the idea of the teenage girl novel

i love hacksaw ridge, i agree, novels are good, however the ADD generation doesnt read them, i barely know 1 in 100+ people who actually read books myself, i got a nice bookshelf and i have ADD, people are stupid, still, keep at it, i hope your books take off however, if they reach even a handful of young white girls, it'll be worth it!


It's already collapsing just at a far slower rate these past 10 years. It's never going to get better than this even if they print more dollars of debt into the economy to stave off an official recession/depression/collapse.

So long as things don't get better nothing else matters. Hopefully Trumps dumbass doesn't unleash hidden technology to revitalize the economy or we're going to be permanently fucked.

Thanks. The first idea is more of a joke, which I'm 50/50 about writing. It's more of a joke, if I ever get to it.
The idea with the dying girl (which will be aimed at the young adult audience) - that's legit and I'm researching for it now.

That's where you're wrong, brother. Teens are the largest reading audience today. Look it up. Or don't - but… From Harry Potter to Twilight to Hunger Games… trust me. Teens still read. Or at least, teenage girls are voracious readers. Sadly they read absolute , liquid shit.
This is why I'm mixing the girl - who will never get a chance to actually live out her life - dream of a normal, happy, married with children life, and the challenge will be to present this "conservative" world view in an interesting way.
To be honest, half of my, and ALL our work is cut out for us, brothers, because nature itself has decided our course, and it's not the course of the utter degeneracy that's going on today.

You would post the locations and names of your organization to the Levi's and Moshie's lurking on this fucking board. Let me guess you leave you car unlocked in Oakland as well? Secondly, there are no commies anymore just fat faggot kids and their kike professors.



OP is a retarded teen who has no idea how to stage a violent revolution. And in the end even were a revolution staged it would mean nothing.

He is obviously young but you are obviously here to subvert. Only an idiot would think that this thread was some kind of fbi plot.

I was going to explain why this is good but you are either a leftist or fbi or even a Jew. So there is no reason to. Keep trying to subvert and depress discussions on Holla Forums.

Nah, fuck off m8, we are all on the federal surveillance list anyway, and all we are doing here is talk, just a friendly, encouraging, 100% legal chat.

Defeatists can fuck off to leftypol or do us all a favor and off themselves by themselves.

The world's most underrated post. I never thought about this, but I'll get on it as soon as possible

take the black pill. hopelessness is freedom. you should have no attachments that keep you from being able to walk out the door right now and facing to bloodshed. nothing changes until youre willing to rid your life of anything you care about. until then you'll always be a slave to inaction and your own desires.

dont lie to yourself. especially if youve never planned an operation in your head or mentally listed a target. this is why some anons are saying nothing will change until conditions are abysmal. the type of individual to enact righteous change, such as caesar or hitler, are extremely rare. how have we made the kikes who ritually murder our children suffer? how many traitors have been strung up? nothing happens because people still have hope in an externalized solution that doesnt directly involve their own action. its hard to even take this place seriously anymore.

woah the shills have realised this thread has merit! i'm not young, i articulate my words in an emotive way as it resonates with more people, i could word it all better but i dont because i dont care enough im about to sleep, hope the thread gets stickied soon, keep it alive anons, make repeat threads too! ill bump it in 20 hours or so.

you're still underestimating your enemy, for every incompetent retarded silver spoon socialist, there's a highly trained and armed M0SSAD operative waiting in the shadows, dont forget it.

Are you mentally retarded? This entire thread is brainstorming ways to take action in a meaningful way. It's unimaginative dimwits like you that drag discussion down, people who don't have the mental horsepower to think through details and thus paint with broad strokes and generalizations. You use your own inertia as evidence that everyone thinks like you.

About time. Remember; two men can keep a secret if one is dead

if you still need brainstorming at this point your either new as fuck and need to lurk more or are mad you got called out as being a coward bitch who hasn't done anything about white children being cannibalized by jewish and satanic zog cults. or the fact that the federal reserve hasn't taken 1 stray round is enough proof that everybody has been castrated already.

you typed a lot and didnt say anything.

Have you no shame?

so based checking 9872927 should be a thing in memorium.

What's the point of doing anything if you don't care about the outcome?

Hopelessness leads to apathy. I know because I've been there.

You have to let the things you care about be your motivation in life. Focus on making a better future for your posterity. If that means bloodshed, then so be it. Just don't go cave a nigger's head in, and get thrown away for life.

And some of them lurk here. Not saying don't do what your planning, just be vague here and clear out there. The kikes never just blurt out there plans where goyim ears can hear. Regarding the antfags, there's better plans.

I can't help but wistfully smile and shake my head at this kind of stuff. And it makes me even sadder considering I am basically a national socialist, but the only thing holding me back from entirely admitting it is the following:

We are outsiders, dispersed throughout our different countries, above average IQ (doesn't mean we are all winners in life), socially isolated (doesn't mean we are all MLP watching NEETs), with stubborn personality traits, perceptive acuity to the mythic or transcendent, and a willingness to die for ideals and our people (this is just a prank and I don't mean it to (((anyone))) reading this).

The vast majority are unlike us.

To them, le evil Hitler man is basically the devil. 'Murrica defeated Fascism and Communism was given a bad rap by meanies in the Monsanto lobby and other conservatives. Equality is good because it feels good and it's nice to be nice. We just need to go along to get along, raise our families or pursue pleasure and so on.

National socialism will never return, at least not under that name, for the following reasons:

1. The economic collapse that preceded it will never happen given the global interconnectedness of markets. They suck but they can keep themselves afloat.

2. There will never be a radical, unthinkable war that precedes it. The only thing more radical than WW1 possible in our age is nuclear war, which won't happen or if it does, good luck rebuilding anything.

3. Social media brainwashing the people into conformity.

4. There is no existing white country that has a fiercely militaristic culture or population like Germany had

5. The (((international political order))) is basically nascent world government. Let's say France had some race war that we all masturbate over in our minds. Every country will gang up on the new France and either invade or the UN would lay seige to it out of (((responsibility to protect))).

There is so much against us. Yes le goebbles meme it all feels so hopeless.jpg but that was a wholly, wholly different world with very different historical antecedents.

You don't actually believe you're convincing anyone do you?

Not trying to. If anything I'd prefer you to convince me otherwise. Can't prove I'm not a concern troll but that is how I honestly feel

One thing the jews don't want us to realize is just what one single white man can accomplish, through sheer willpower and determination and something powerful to drive him forward. Any single one of us could change the world. Stop sitting around waiting for some hero to come down from the heavens and save us, and realize that you YOURSELF can be that hero. The potential to change the world, to make it what you want it to be, is within everyone last one of you, and always has been.

That's because there's hardly anything they want to read being published.

This, they want to demoralize because they know what we can do when we are confident. They're scared of us, they know they could never win in an honest fight.

Hitler only ruled Germany for 6 years before the war, and 6 during it. By 1942 they were making V2 rockets, helicopters, assault rifles and stealth jets. Can you imagine? We could be literally colonizing space by now. Never underestimate what white people can achieve when fiercely willed.

If you don't want people thinking your a concern troll stop using reddit vernacular. Under any amount of scrutiny you can see that there are marked parallels to the state of the world today and pre-WWII.

The majority of my demoralization comes from the infighting on the right. Especially Varg who is basically captain blackpill now with the we waz Neanderthals and you're only European if you have blonde hair and blue eyes. He's become a functional Jew in my opinion.

Go on. And I was saying le as a way to mock the .jpg in an ironic way. Let's ignore this faux pas

It can go on forever.

The will to power user.

I posted this in the french election threads but I'm going to rearrange it here and provide a blueprint for victory that satisfies everyone. If you want to see what I told the PRcucks, it's here:

Violence is always an option.
Killing a traitor and kike is always an option.

Jews and traitors have big influence but are small in numbers. Killing a head disrupts an entire network. Removing that head does not make more than one head appear. They required generations to make the network they have now. They don't have generations to remake it and neither do we. Their network requires that everyone who is in place stays in place. Removing one is a severe blow and with each blow they are irrevocably crippled. Let me stress this: They cannot afford to die. They are too fragile and too few to suffer a single major loss. Hitting the biggest ones sets them back years if not decades. But like our ancestors, giving them time to regroup is a big mistake. They also cannot afford to die because doing what they do costs tons of money.

But some of you reading this may be unconvinced. You think that redpilling is enough, and while redpilling is essential, your jobs are hampered by the kikes' influence and their shabbos goyim traitors. Removing a jew and his traitor counterpart makes redpilling easier. Less mobilization on the jews' side, less noise in front of your signal.

Some of you may still be a PRcuck at heart. PRcuckery is self-defeating. Every move you make is something the jew will construe into new lies. Remember what role false-flags play. Jews crave the martyrdom story, but not the martyrdom risk. They are the fabricators of the original martyrdom story, and of the biggest hoax of them all, the holohoax. They are afraid to actually die for what they believe in because kikery is more profitable and jews are few. Deep down you wish you could make them go away for just a moment so you can have a solid signal to potential redpilled. You need this more than anyone. You can have your cake and eat it too with a dead jew.

Here are two valid options for starting out:
1. Lone-Wolf attacks
Choose: Not detailing your plan ever. Not bragging of your plan ever. No posturing. No message. No ceremony. No one will know what favor you've done for us but we'll see a dead kike and a dead traitor and know that we're better off without them and that's all we need to know. The media's story will be a dead kike and traitor is dead but they will have no means of solidly pinning the blame on who they want defamed - but they will try.
2. Coordinated strikes
This will be riskier at the start. The actual FBI will probably try to make honeypot groups, such is the risk for all nationalistic organizations. If trust is not an issue, it can be done. That's all it really takes. Same rules as above. Leave no signs, leave no traces, mobilize and move onto the next.

To prevent wasting my time listing the various parallels; you honestly can't see the comparison to Weimar Germany and the United States? Hell, a comparison between Weimar Germany and the entirety of Western Civilization at this point… The EU is basically a proxy of the Bolshevik Party.

Yes I can. But bill nye being a fucking degenerate on TV, tranny shit, fag marriage, and so on are small comparisons when contrasted with new things like the UN, the lack of a huge war, an interconnected global economy, and mass third world immigration (rapidly decreasing the populations of whites in their own countries)

No, you're wrong. The whites in Brazil and South Africa are going to take power any minute now, right as soon as things collapse. Any minute…

You're right… it's worse. Could you imagine something like that taking place in the early 1900's? World War II would have got started a hell of a lot sooner… and the battle lines would be QUITE different. My point is the white man's patience is stretched thin in both instances, it's gonna break soon.


We always knew we were the minority. In our beliefs, in our methods, in our dreams. We always knew we were the minority in the present world. The minority doesn't often win in democracy. So what does that mean we do?
Where? It's extremely expensive to start a town, let alone expect Anons to physically relocate themselves to different areas, especially if they run contrary to what is convenient for their lives.

We can however build networks. Befriend each other. Keep each other aware of things going on both around the world, and locally

You can turn on the TV and see how the GOP constantly interfere in what campaign promises Trump tries to get done. They're tying puppet strings around him every day. Not only that, but we'd loose sight of the very ideals we're striving for, simply because the (((other))) loosely related parties hate us. They always have.
Seems like the most effective thing we can do right now. That and networking


Mittenfags look out for BAMN rally in 10 days

The problem with you larping morons is that you have no financial backing, no logistics, no organization, no competent leadership, no actual skills but muh guns. You rely on plainly bullshit fantasy larping like the red team planner, or bankrupt strategic theories like 4gw, when it is clear large amounts of what is deemed decentralized 4gw is actually guerrilla and terror groups that are founded and backed by states or the jew. You get suckered into fantasy bullshit over and over by conmen, rather than sitting down and looking at real literature, works, and actions that have actually led to victory and avoided defeat.

The moment any of you retards try anything you'll get assfucked by the state. And if you are "successful", which for many of you would end up looking something like Dylann Roof where you shoot a bunch of women in a church that has absolutely no strategic consequences at all, you'll be assfucked by the media for being the gutless cowards that you are, thus leading to a moral victory against us (but hurrrrr, at least you shot a nigger, amirite). And the moment anyone says not do such things, you get the typical morons like the guy above talking about PR cucks, which again shows that not a single one of you understand the moral level of war that classic texts like Sun Tzu and Clausewitz have talked about. Certainly there is something to be said about not caring what the mainstream thinks of us, but there is also worthless actions that dozens of you regularly goad other anons into doing and when challenged on your dumbassery use the PRcuck line.

I've been saying this for the last few years. Usually in a much more comprehensive well argued manner than I do in this post, because the moment anyone talks out against anyone's bullshit here you get piled on by the jackasses who can't differentiate between wanting to get better and shilling. Basically, y'all can suck a dick. Absolutely none of you are worthy of starting a war or being in one. You are pathetic. You suck. You'd actually be doing us more of a favor if you went out and shot dead a bunch of meme-spouting natsoc or wn retards than attacking legitimate targets. At least then we'd cull the herd of the low iq fucktards that have spent the last 60 years losing and ruining this board.

And for you retards asking for educational threads, go fuck yourselves. imkampfy has been banning such threads since the very beginning (go look at the mods leaks on endch where he explicitly says so way back in 2014 and 2015). Boards like /polk/ were also created explicitly for such reasons, as imkike was banning such threads. Now all of a sudden you want them, usually after spamming such threads or cheering on the mods here for bumplocking or deleting them. Go fuck yourselves. This board and the far right in general is fucking dead. You killed it. You morons are the problem. Stick to posting frogs on twitter and jacking yourselves off with smug observations about hegel or thots while Europe burns, you fucking pieces of shit.

Good thread, don't really have a whole lot to add, hopefully we'll hear news of strange power outages across the world. May Kek bless our standalone complex and protect brave lone wolf anons.

Sun Tzu and Clausewitz are lost on the shills and newfags user. We've had marine corps doctrine in the sticky for years and none of them have read it.

Reported for punching to the right.

what did he mean by this?

Go deepthroat a desert eagle you cock sucking kike…

How come a thread advocating poisoning random people is not anchored? We can't have the rap for this shit when it happens. Also don't use poison if you want chaos. Use deliriants like datura FFS.

The reason this always happens is because the media gets the first pick of who we vote for. It's the same way we're manipulated into a narrative by what is written. The media doesn't necessarily write lies, the real power comes in what they pick to print - that supports the narrative. It is for this reason that we keep getting shitty politicians. The media directs your attention to who the contenders are. They are all, by default, compromised. If you want to fix that, the only thing you can do in an election is pick someone who is NOT on their list at all. Whomever starts off on their list of candidates is not whom they believe has a chance, it's the Jewish pick. Don't let them direct your attention.

It's also one reason we can say to an extent that even Holla Forums is compromised. Nearly every article posted here is, again, preselected by the media. Yes we order them in a different way, but in the end we're looking primarily at what they want us to see. We need to make greater efforts to focus independently on our own goals and information gathering. We can't just keep letting kikes gather information for us and then react to it. Gathering obscure information from kike sources and framing it in a way that supports is simply not enough - we have to gather our own raw intelligence far more than we are now.

we cannot rely on cuck politicians anymore, looks like the west is moving further and further to the right however. When that happens we make our move. Shit skins btfo, make our ethno states clean.

come join the cause, only if you're white



Haha!. No.

While you're waiting from a militia to join, Muhammad and Tyrone are literally being TAUGHT by your politicians HOW TO PENETRATE WHITE SUCCUBI WELL. LMFAO at OBESE STORMFRONT INCELS acting like they'll EVER do ANYTHING other than FUCKING POST ON FORUMS. Whereas right now, BRAVE BLACK MUJAHIDEEN are LITERALLY SLAUGHTERING your corrupt "muh guns" fat pig cops. LMFAO.

Who the FUCK is going to fight in the "race war" anyway? You? Western "men"? LMFAO. You have never broken a law in your LIFE. Say what you want about Muslims and blacks, but fighting is INGRAINED in their culture (Jihad+rap music) they reproduce at FIVE TIMES the rate of europeans, and the men tend to be low-inhibition and unafraid. And you spend your evenings posting on a forum, convincing yourself you're a warrior because you occasionally pick weights up. Lmfao. Riiight, okay stormfag. I'm sure a few thousand pasty white teenagers will really be able to defeat MILLIONS of Mujahideen who are so dedicated that they're LITERALLY WILLING TO BLOW THEMSELVES UP FOR THEIR RELIGION.

But yeah. J-just a few more years t-til "da day of da rope" r-right? Lmfao at you. What world are you living in. You're a pathetic, pasty coward. How the FUCK is an 18 year old white autist who has to take ANXIETY MEDICINE (FUCKING LMAO) going to do SHIT against BLACK CONQUERORS who probably bullied and slapped him around in school?


I think it's finally come time for this sort of discussion. Have a bump, and apologies for the (1).

Going out and doing anything right now would be fucking retarded. Even if you could get a small militia of a few hundred, which is very doubtful, you'd be steamrolled in under a week. Change won't happen through democracy either. So what do you do? You wait. You study. You prepare. It's so very obvious that shit is going to hit the fan in our lifetimes. As the boomers die, liberalism and judeo-christianity will have a steep decline. The majority of people in the younger generation are either fash or antifa. Not to mention when you add massive amounts of foreign populations, there will be added tension/crime within communities. Germany had to go through hell on earth before it rose from the ashes. Prepare yourselves. You've been warned.


1st pic related

If you only knew :^)

Look in a mirror kike

You clearly don't know what you're up against…

2nd pic related

So how are terrorists doing against people with actual training in the middle east? Oh… that's right… you're getting your shit pushed in… you seem to forget those videos of terrorists killing their own comrades with blowback from rpgs, and generally not being able to hit the broad side of barns. Keep going after soft targets Muhammad it'll give you a false sense of security before we find you (yes you) and show you how to properly ass rape someone.

TLDR: OP is with the FBI and wants you all to commit crimes and get raped in jail

If you look at this board is really is almost no different then some MSM site with a buzz article and a comment section. I think Holla Forums and other boards and even reddit for 2 reasons. First, the non stop barrage of news articles about how shitty the world is. Non stop fear. This type of fear is the paralyzing fear that makes people crawl into little caves in their brains and suck on their thumbs, terrified of any action. That's why there's lots of deaftsists here, they are looking through hell, living in hell, almost like some sort of confirmation bias.

These articles are good to support our cause, but what about all of the self improvement or NATSOC threads? They don't seem to last long, or they are rarely created in the first place. That's what they want. No action, just paralyzed fear on the coach or the computer chair. Complete and utter mental domination.

The other reason is the by product of that fear. People driven by this fear are herded like cows into the voting booths, then they sit down and watch it on TV, believing they just saved the world by some celebrity commercial telling them that they've done their part. In reality it's all a mental circus that can be easily destroyed. If only people knew what power they have, including on this board. Holla Forums unfortunately is a mental trap for some, and if it isn't, the light at the end of the tunnel is Trump, Le Pen and kek. Manipulated hope is why were seeing all this pro Trump pro establishment crap. People on this board are scared to realize that everything is much worse then we thought. This is not black pill shit. Blackpilling is what Pro Trump and pro Le Pen posters are. You cannot play Jews at their own game.


op's article is written by a professional from haifa

Holla Forums is dead

OP is a payed kike shill and this kike is using 4chan images

censor that shit

If anything you just said was true you wouldn't even be here.

You're right, we're exposed to fear and hopelessness on a daily basis. So many of the slots are taken up with passive observer shit - X did Y, you're fucked goyim. Very little of it is actionable material and what is is reactionary - show up at this or that protest, antifa will be there. Why are we letting them set the venue? Why isn't anyone monitoring them and getting them at the best times… when are no cops around?

I'll give you another example: we've got a fucking statue of Lenin sitting in Seattle, a god damned kike gommunist. No one has ever thought of rigging up a vest full of thermite, throwing it around his head and melting it down? There are so many opportunities out there. What reinforces this learned helplessness is anons who say, "not your personal army". So we are expected only to react to kike media, essentially going after what they want us to go after?

We need to start choosing targets ourselves.

Also should add: don't designate one target at a time based off flavor of the month kike news articles - I mean keeping a database of targets that can be finished off by any one of them at any time; the more the better, so it is never known where or when we are going to strike, just the things we want to go after and designated in ways so we don't forget about them. Then as we see targets dropping off the list we know we're getting stuff done, and that will give us hope.

You're at war with us anyway. You want to destroy us.
Why shouldn't we embrace the risk of operating on the practical field instead of the purely electoral? You'll get some of us. Not all.

How do we go about setting up this database? Pastebins in sticky threads won't suffice for this task I think.

You really have no clue. A fair amount of us are soldiers.

I'm not sure, right now I'm thinking a map of the world something like with jewgle earth where we pin locations with metadata about individual tasks and intelligence about the target. Then as a task is completed the pin is moved into a history where we can examine our handiwork, perhaps attach local news articles to it. That way as we get new anons or anons move around they can manage tasks in their own area.

I needed to read this user. Thank you.

I invite you to try. But I don't think that you'll be able to.

If whites die out then there really wont be anyone left on earth capable of maintaining technologically advanced societies. Niggers could never do it, poos can't do it, mudslimes can't do it, chinks can only persist by fucking over whites much like the jews do. Really that's the only consolation we have left, that there are no circumstances in which the non-whites win, they're biologically incapable of anything more than rape and murder.

Do you even know who the mods here are?

FBI-kun, you're retarded. Why don't you just oust Comey if you want something to do.

Then do something worthwhile and make it stick faggot.

The blackpill is right. Nothing ever works, and the world is hell.

There is no light at the end of the tunnel. Why hasn't anyone else seen that? There is simply another life, a worse life; and the laughter of thirsting, malevolent gods.

Any revolution will just crumble like its predecessor. Only Omnicide will end the cycle of Error.

Nice try sneaking that in there.

Who knows? Maybe Trump is compromised? Maybe he's trying to Gorbachev the Globalist system.

We can't do anything more than wait. Otherwise, it may fail. Hell, what am I saying!? It will fail. The gods hate us.

horrible hapenings like these leave wondering the same.

I kept as a personal mantra "where will you be in 2033???" knowing that I have time to set up until 100 years since the Fuhrer made his stand. I'll have to get a diploma, a woman and some food and children. and then be ready to strike

Just watch what happens. I don't think anything good for us will happen between now and then. Women are ruined.

I want one and PUA's know how to get one.
women are bad? yes. PUA's are controversial? yes. but artificial wombs and surrugate mothers are even more degenerate so everyone have to pick an option and move on. are you going to leave women for niggers and become take a cock in your shitter like Milo, now?

Bullshit. These so called powers that be are nothing more than men, just like us.
They are the same as us. And believe it or not we sit on a completely even playing field to them. This life is a game and it is quite possible to manipulate circumstances in our favor. We simply keep trying, prod every crack, poke at every hole, secretly murder every traitor in the night, and most of all keep telling the truth, and spread the memes damn it.

yes, and if their authority give them power we should seek the same authority ourselves.

First of all, I like this thread you created OP. However I have some points I want to bring up regarding your post.
NOTE: These points are not to take away the value of the thread, but rather to clarify and add detail with what you said.

kinda hard when they have been decreasing worldwide over the years

Not want to make this about semantics, but you need to define marxism BECAUSE real marxism has started to be put into question. Not only by "right" wing groups, but even leftists have gone after SOME of the elements of marxism.

not on your side nor the FBI's side, but wtf does that even mean (no need to say something illegal)? what purpose does it serve? How will 7+ billion lives benefit from this?

yeah… no

most of my redpilled buddies are non-whites, the three redpilled white friends I have work for the police

they would go to my white friends for legal advice (should I turn would be terrorist friend or not?)


This is pretty much what ironmarch advocates for, pretty nifty forum.

Mods are being worthless like usual and the board is getting infested with kikes every day. Will we need yet another Great Exodus? Perhaps our own site, with actual full right-wing active mods who will delete shit shilling threads within seconds after posted.

ye ok you can go now FBI

No thanks FBI.


This, always remember if they can methodically pick you off one by one less of you will be there to fight when the real shit goes down.

its paid, learn some fucking english you subhuman third world piece of shit.

You could have saved yourself some time and just posted this webm instead of typing all that text.

They have no natural authority greater than that of anyone else. What they do have is the appearance of authority. Normies love that.

Sure WA was shit but that's because Pauline allied with the Libs which hopefully won't happen again

Shit will never go down until we get up off our asses and make it happen. You are comfortable sitting passively by and doing nothing beyond shitposting on an anonymous board. You will stay comfortable until you're 50 and the year is 2040 and the Jews can afford to take off the mask while hoards of Blacks roam the streets looking for cracka's to rape and beat to death with impunity.



Kek. So now your thread is bumplocked. Told ya they would do this. Our (((mods))) are not on our side.

This was an excellent thread. Fuck you, mods.


I'll repost this thread again later :^)

and this is pretty much the only problem right wing organisations have. We don't have the kind of money to bribe, lawsuit, buy assets, buy media outlets, creat smear campaigns like the globalists have.

Just look at what Soros does all the time. Actually NOTHING. All he does is funnel money in a fire & forget manner. He doesn't neet to attend ANYTHING. He just gives some retarts a few millions and they create organisations on their own. Found universities. That's the whole NGO kike part.

The other part is influencing politics with market mechanisms.


thread archived for future reference.

That is as impossible as satan defeating God
Or a tick defeating a lion
Not gonna happen, it's just a matter of when, not if we win

meh, beats what cuckchan did, i had 15minutes of life with no responses except one shill and then it was deleted kek, here i've reached dozens of like minded people and gotten plenty of butthurt shills whining about effbeeeye

If you like the OP's image, you'll love this video:
