Le Pen lost

I can't believe this. How do we save France now? Macron will turn it into a shithole

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France is beyond repair. God help France

We don't in fact I'm pretty sure America and Britain will end up going to war with it

No france was supposed to burn.
Its basically just the next step.

Commies and islamists are marching on france, this will activate stage 2. What that looks like is not pretty, but still very much an unknown for the forseeable year

I guess the only thing we can do besides real life representation and action in our own countries is signal boost right wing pro white groups in Europe.

I knew this from the beginning. Sorry.
Kek willed TGEoM to be elected
He apparently doesn't like Norbert Hofer or Marine Le Pen


Fuck them, France has been a disgrace for decades and they gladly dug their own graves today.
Every shitskin rampage, every rape ring, every displaced citizen and every evil that falls upon them from today on, will be 100% deserved.
They have truly proven to be the white flag country.


they had their chance, they'll get what they've chosen. Any french anons ought to consider moving to the US as soon as you can your economy and society are doomed, unless you can pull off a revolution

You think Britain and America will go to war with France, which is a nuclear power?

That's an unusual opinion, why do you think that?

The same way we did last time.

I don't get France. So many terrorist attacks. How can they forget that Bataclan? It gives me a headache just to think how people can be so stupid

vid related

I feel sorry for you french Anons. May Kek be with you

fuck off defeatist shill nationalism is rising all over Europe

Why are you faggots even surprised? You didnt think french faggots were honestly going to save themselves did you? History will ALWAYS repeat itself. This time, however, history will repeated on a much more global level and things will get much worse before they ever get better. Oh, and you cant save france after the election, they have the goodest of good goys working for them now. Enjoy having mudslime dick forced down your throat and being arrested by them if you dont like it and smile.

This poster really stuck in my mind.
I mean, looking at it from a tactical standpoint we are one of the greatest propaganda arms in the world. We're wasting our talent if we don't use that to our advantage on behalf of groups sympathetic to our cause that have a serious need of exposure.

The hope you have, died in 45'

Everywhere but FUCKING FRANCE.




Why do the shills' job for them?

Yes, but it would be much easier and cleaner if we could take control of governments legally. Warfare is a long, complicated, expensive affair, especially civil war. That and it's going to be a logistical nightmare orchestrating and properly arming any sort of resistance in Western Europe. To be honest the only option I see if intervention on behalf of, and support from Russia. But that would likely foment a nuclear war.

I'm not encouraging nihilism, but make no mistake user our situation is grim.

The French didn't deserve to bee saved.

The hope was only an illusion. They all are controlled opposition. It was all over half a century ago, it's like a train going full speed, it won't stop even if you brake. Everything is under complete control of literal satanists. I wish I was an exaggerating paranoid schizo. May God have mercy on our souls.


I am demoralized atm tbh. I wouldn't be human if I wasn't. I won't be in a few days time. I need to vent in order to heal. I am not giving up not by a long shot

I comfort myself with the thought of war coming closer and it being shorter and easier.

He is going to suck a big fat dick is what he's going to do. Don't fuck with my Polish brothers. Slava Strong

Somebody ban this cocksucker. We don't need this today

Enjoy your mudslime rape and AIDS.

One minute of silence for [The Man Who Sold The World].

Can't? You seriously thought that a far right candidate would win in CURRENT YEAR +2 europe? France isn't America, the French had multiple choices, in the second round however, everyone ganged up with macron to fuck FN in the ass, and that's how it has always been. you can't change things by ballot (at least not in (((Europe))) ), Democracy only exists to pluralize, not to fix, always remember that.

Also the turnout on this elections has been the lowest since 1969, let that sink in

We were hoping French women would be spared rape, this ends in Muslim blood either way.

Rip that one user who bet half a million on le pen

I don't really care. But you are reported, degenerate communist.

So if 10 million of France's 66 million population is Muslim, and other European countries aren't far from that, what's the future for whites in 100 years?

Here is how you save France;
You get up off your ass and you DO something about it. No matter where you live in the White world, you need to disseminate propaganda so as to shift the zeitgeist.

kek dont be too triggered faggot, people were already saying le pen wouldnt win for sometime. Dont be salty you were wrong and just admit france is way worse than anyone thought and kikes have their dicks so far up frances ass itll be impossible to remove without a 4th reich

Remember that post that said Le Pen would lose? You fuckers need to be more secure with your GETs.
No amount of damage control will remedy this situation.

I just want to say to my Slavic brothers and Magyars:
We in Slovenia strongly support you.
If this faggot tries to do shit to your countries, we are on your side

The same way you save anyone dying a slow and painful death from a terminal illness.

Nigger, France is damn near the most pozzed country out there. Most of Eastern Europe is still 99% white.

80k lost, like tears in the rain.

lad, I can't believe how people thought she had more than a sliver of a chance. Le Pen was in a waaaay worse position than Trump to win and France doesn't even use an electoral college. I think the fact that 8/pol/ is mostly burgers really clouded your judgment, in frog communities after seeing the results of the 1st turn it was basically 90% sure Le Pen would lose, she was at an overwhelming disadvantage (again, even compared to Trump).

He was an Absolute Madman.

Considering there are recorded amounts of blank and spoiled ballots, not to mention the blatant voter fraud before the election even began, what's the bet that the upcoming investigation will reveal something fishy?


Macron is such an unhinged balls-to-the-walls (((globalist))) that he'll start an armed conflict with Hungary for refusing to play ball with the EU, while simultaneously attempting to fuck over Britain as punishment for Brexit, both economically and by flooding them with even more shitskin hordes. It will all escalate to the point that America sends military aid in defense of Hungary, Britain joins in because fuck France and fuck Macron trying to punish them, and from there it'll explode into an outright war.

It's already a shithole. Europe better rise up fast or Europe as we know it will fade away with it's history erased and people forgotten.

Sure hope he kept enough money to drink himself into a blackout.

Lets hope he was lying.

Officially nothing but if Holla Forums is smart, they won't let it go. My friends, we've been dealt a defeat but this doesn't mean France or even Western Europe is lost. It simply means that the political solution, the "peaceful" solution isn't an option. Right now the only hope for western civilization is violent uprising, its time to form the safety squads and go on the offensive.

Are you stupid? I clearly said that OP's went into a downward spiral of delusional thinking, lrn2read dalcop

french culture has been dead for more than a century now so this isnt surprising.

Every nation gets the government it deserves - Joseph de Maistre

Pick one. It's going to have to get worse before it gets better. Germany was starving and littered with child prostitutes before the Führer came to power.

Yet another victim to this retarded double election system.
Race War. Far-Right groups will be getting a lot of ammo for propaganda now. But it is not like it was avoidable in the first place.

before you get too sad, you can take this either way. First of all nobody said saving the west would be easy, and even Le Pen cant save Europe by herself, it takes white europeans to kill or repel the hordes and the jewish parasites.
Even Trump winning here in the US isnt saving us, the people have to save the US. White Americans need to start getting even more pissed off that even the small things Trump wants to do to protect us is getting shot down by globalist, tratiors, jews and commie scum. we need a great purge.

Sorry lad, your post was supposed to go at the end (as in reference your post).

It's ok user but more bullying will ensure

I kid, but other than the slav we have:

Germany, France, Nordcucks, UK still getting invaded.


England needs to hurry the fuck up and leave Europe so we can bomb the fucking shit out of Europe.
The first step is to remove France as a Nuclear Power. Then rip out all of America's Nukes out of NATO. Finally shut down Pakistan and North Korea's nuclear capabilities.
This will greatly consolidate power in the world; the rest of which can deteriorate accordingly.

Continental Europe is going to burn to the fucking ground in ten years.

it must get worse.

If you dont think it can, you have a feeble imagination.

You anons seem to forget that in nearly every single European nation, they have set it up so that no nationalist of any stripe can win.

not yet at least

Nice plan. And how will you be accomplishing all that without an ounce of political power, hmmmm?

If you really buy into all the brit/pol/ memes, then you have too many chromosomes for this ride.

Welp too bad so sad, let's move on.
Let's be real here, France has never produced anything of value, and it would have only served as a victory, but not a strategic advantage.

This is actually good. With #MacronGate and the incoming financial collapse the shock and pain to the lemmings will be ever the more enjoyable to watch. Let it be a lesson of democracy to all future generations. You cant kick the can down the road for all eternity.


Romania only as about 1,000 migrants, and almost everyone hates them. Too bad about the gypsy problem and being poor, but hey, if you live in a medium sized city here, it's not a bad life. We're not cucked, is my point. It's kind of funny, years ago I wanted to live in Germany, now I don't wanna go in those places. I wouldn't feel safe with all those muslims. The most I'm gonna have in my country is get robbed, but at least I'm not gonna be ran over or exploded.

Not gonna vote our way out of this shit.

Why did you sage?

please lad

I can't see America doing that, under the current (((management)))

By not shilling for Zionist cucks arguing for assimilation.
Good, maybe the normies will wake the fuck up.

All we can hope for now is that the turban heads do some more of what they do best and turn France onto a country of fear and pain. Then we will have a good government that cracks down on the fringes of society and promotes the white man. In fact, I'm glad that Le Pen lost because this means that France's society won't have a female leader. Women need to know their places in the revolution are in the kitchen and on their backs.

Back to 4cuck with you. The EU is full Soviet Union pals.
Hint: Trump probably won with a giant landslide. He just beat them so much that they couldn't fix it withouth looking suspicious.
Le Pen wasn't that charismatic.
Their government is not theirs anymore. There's only one way to go against it when voting doesn't help anymore. And Frenchies like to do it.

heh. I almost went all in


France is like Canada, given the chance they'll jump for joy to virtue signal how peaceful they are. Should America start tossing-around the idea of sharing nuclear power with the EU through NATO on the condition that France dis-arms, I would hedge a bet that Macroon would immediately ship all his warheads to 1600 PA Ave. Of course instead America removes nuclear power and funding from NATO.

I would leave England out of this equation for the same reason I didn't mention China, Russia, or India. It's about slowly consolidating. England has their excuse for now and the faster they leave, the earlier pressure for dis-armament of France and NATO can be applied.



So I can't see America going to Hungary's help over a conflict with a globalist controlled power.

this election just show how people WANT a totalitarism government. they voted for macron a gfuy who said he will pass all his reform through "circulaire and article 49.3"
aka: pass new law without having to ask for the assembly/legislatif power

also pic:

Je Suis Caliphate

Le pen was a Zionist twat.

It's already fucking burning.

Yes. That is quite clear. And it is all well and good that if the Jews demanded that France hand over its arsinal, they would click their heels and ask when they wanted them. However we are not Jews and we hold no power. So we cannot coerce France or any country to hand over their nukes. Nor can we order Trump or May to bomb France. That would require us to be in charge of an army and a country.

I was hoping we wouldn't have to fight a hot civil war though.

should have left the Holla Forums bubble more often
it already is


We don't. May Allah have mercy on their soul.



wow Holla Forums get it together

This. Even Sweden has proportionally more radical nationalists than France.

You had your chance and you fucked up. Enjoy your Sharia.

Does this look like the face of mercy?

No F, they don't deserve any respect.

Fuck don't remind me. Greatest tragedy of this election.


surprised there was two people on Holla Forums to even pull that off

I'm sorry frogs but if it comes down to it i'm ready to fight and die for my own country, even though i don't completely agree with our current leadership.

There are many good people in Sweden.

T. Finland

One thing all you newfags need to understand is that there was NEVER going to be a way to get out of our current predicament democratically. The whole point of electing nationalist leaders isn't to solve the problem, it's to buy us more time.

The overall end game is still the same. There WILL be war. Just accept that. I'm not sure when. It could be next year, it could be in a decade. But it will happen within our lifetimes. And it will be the only way we actually rise up and fix our problems. Day of the rope.

Agreed, but I call for war as soon as possible. Not because of hurry, but because of less damage to everyone.

there already is a war
the fact that you don't realize this is proof you've already lost it

dehumanize yourself


France is no longer France.

Well shit.

the netherlands hasn't had a decent right wing party in 15 years.. until now. FvD.
Le Pen wouldn't have been a saviour, a woman can't lead man.

Anyway, West Europe is getting better by the day, and east Europe is going full14/88.
Nothing is lost.


Would any user mind to give me the quick rundown of Macron's vision for France? Sorry for the spoonfeeding request. I've been away from the web for a while.

The common people of France will come face-to-face with the consequences of their actions and regret. I sincerely hope it will not be too late for a peaceful solution at that time.

I truly wished I shared your optimism about the current situation but I still believe we can win this dammit. If we get serious with the safety squads and start chipping away at the establishment piece by piece we can take them down by force.


This election, like the Netherlands election, completely destroys the fallacy that acceleration of non-white immigration will produce some huge tide of European nationalist sentiment. Instead, a majority of both populations has spoken with a resounding voice that more non-whites, more welfare state and greater curtailing of freedoms IS WHAT THEY WANT. THESE PEOPLE WANT THIS TO HAPPEN TO THEM. The good news is that more europeans are open to the faintest possibility of a more tribal attitude towards themselves and other native whites. The bad news is that they are hopelessly and forever outnumbered by bluepilled brainwashed cucks and shitskins, and that ratio will only increase as africa and the mideast release more of their denizens into the west.



More terror attacks, and more Poz should spread the distrust for government and hate against the "French" the pozzed image of france anyhow by the rest of Europe. Redpills by blood and radicalisation through loss of family memebers will be imminent. France will burn, but so the rest of Europe should not.

A shame, but only another part of the greater struggle; kek worship would have done nothing to change the outcome.



The EU pushing antagonism of nationalist countries will not increase their popularity, it will only isolate their leadership further. Le Pen's party roughly doubled its vote share from the last election where they entered the second round, and remains the most popular among France's youth. The White French will continue to move rightwards, as will everyone in Europe that sees the EU's desperate attempts to retain power as what they are.

This sadly. Western Europeans need to find out where they are going to go if they need to leave, because if there isn't a full on shooting war, it'll be a slow slide into Brazil/SA territory.


I cannot wait to start massacring niggers with my French brothers.

They've been pulling this bullshit since the french revolution. It's in their blood by this point. They can't help it.

EU is going to bite back a lot for this, they're going to virtue signal hard for the EU to "make up" for le pen.

What you don't take into account is that a smaller more dedicated group of people can rule a mass of fearful lemmings. Sure you have your dedicated leftists but most of the people who voted for Macron are afraid of violating social norms, afraid of losing their welfare support mechanisms and afraid of thinking. But when push comes to shove, unless their starving they roll over, they won't get off their asses to fight the nationalists.

Adolf Hitler didn't come into power with a majority of the populace behind him. He came into power with the most radical and dedicated segment of the populace behind him.

After 10 years and thousands of lost men in street fights.

Silver lining is that at least the right is coming back. Le Pen getting this far even just a few years ago was a fantasy.

The 200 dollarydoos I've bet on France delaying the inevitable for 5 years and lost, are nothing compared to what France is about to experience.
Also friendly reminder that this is still going according to plan since from this day forward French nationalists know that they have but one path to victory so fuck off with your "France is lost and the cucks deserve it" defeatism because the real fun has only just begun.

The reasons for this are simple.
Most Whites are not able to think tribally because of the simple fact that most humans in any race are lemmings. They are under the influence fo the mass media and they think that voting for their own interests is a wicked sin. They have been told that voting for Le Pen is unfashionable.

No people has a right to exist, they have to earn and fight for their right to exist. If the white race continues to vote for its destruction then our extinction will be thoroughly deserved.

Euros have totally let us down lately - Nederlands, Austria and now France. Just bring on the nukes tbh.


We were so close to killing the EU and rapefugees.

No. Le Pen was a false hope. Did you really think she would have carried out the policies necessary to secure our existence?



The problem is deeper than that. It's not what they actually want. If you went line-by-line and asked for people's opinions on all the major issues, such as immigration, the majority would agree with us.

The issue is that the jewish media uses its powers as an effective brainwashing tactic and fools people into voting for what they want. People think they're doing so of their own free will, but is it truly free will when all the information you're getting comes from one group with specific interests that are the exact opposite of your own? This is why democracy fails in the modern era. Because it's not actually control by the people. It's control by whoever has the media power to influence the people.

And that's not even getting around to how the people that demand democracy and freedom only actually care about these things when they go in ZOG's favor. For example, the people of Poland and Hungary voted against taking in millions of migrants. And yet, the EU jews label them "problematic and anti-democratic". Meanwhile, these same people will also try to find whatever way they can to make sure Brexit doesn't actually happen. They are not democratic at all. It's a facade.

Democracy can work when
1) suffrage is limited to property-owning white men over age 25
2) there are no jews around to control the media and people's brains

Bruce Wayne: Where am I?

Bane: Home, where I learned the truth about despair, as will you. There's a reason why this prison is the worst hell on earth… Hope. Every man who has ventured here over the centuries has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. So easy… So simple… And like shipwrecked men turning to sea water from uncontrollable thirst, many have died trying. I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope. So, as I terrorize Gotham, I will feed its people hope to poison their souls. I will let them believe they can survive so that you can watch them clamoring over each other to "stay in the sun." You can watch me torture an entire city and when you have truly understood the depth of your failure, we will fulfill Ra's al Ghul's destiny… We will destroy Gotham and then, when it is done and Gotham is ashes, then you have my permission to die.

Nature will take its course. All empires will collapse eventually, and only the strong and those in harmony with the natural order will survive. There is nothing to fear.

feels bad man

And what makes you think they'll ever get within range of real power?
And if French voters can't even tolerate vagina civnat-lite, what makes you think they'll swallow the cock of full-blown racial nationalism?
at least we agree on something.
If more shitskins breed and immigrate and socialists get elected, we win!

I've seen EUfags propose this, met Euros in NZ who've supported it, and still think it's the most hilarious thing in the world. Poland, Croatia, Bohemia… Hell, Hungary, all accepted 'refugees'. They all fucking left after a week (and some not even that). It's the Welfare gravy train baby, that's what attracts the Moslems and Feral Niggers to France and Germany like flies to a rotting carcass.

The threat is far greater now than it was in Weimar.
Germany was 99% white German.
All Hitler had to do was remove the small percentage of kikes and degenerates.

We have to remove kikes, niggers, turkroaches, arabs, chinks, etc. and they are poised to be the majority in a decade or so, their young already are the majority in many places.

We really don't have the luxury of waiting for things to get worse.

You can't gain anything of value without bleeding for it. The best we can do is to make sure that the shitskins take more casualties than us. We need to make them regret ever leaving their third world shitholes.

I just datamined you, czechbro

Actions are greater than words my friend.

It hurts.

Latvia took around 50 refugees (families mostly) and only 1 family (2 ppl) stayed. The rest went to Sweden/Germany.

This is good, the whole Euroskeptic movement will stand behind Polan

To pretend demoralization doesn't exist just leads to hidden demoralization.
Let us give words of courage.

You french have went further than you ever have before. You have only lost a battle, the war for Europe continues. In losing you dealt a major blow to the enemy. You still breath! Fight on!

Remember Ron Paul lost twice in America which fueled the fire which allowed Trump to rise.

France is still far away from the 60% Whites we have in America, although that number is coming down at an astounding rate.

I bet we'll have a real shitlord ready next time, Le Pen lost twice like Ron Paul. It's time for the Frenchfags to take on a long march for the 2024 elections on concentrate on the Senate.

We get stronger every day.

Meh, 2 out of 4 ain't bad.
At least Trump and Brexit happened.

Same in Portugal, they leave this place as soon as they can, crying racism and islamophobia

Calling someone racist is the most effective campaign method now, doesn't matter how much of a shit candidate you are.


Macron's entrance music for his victory speech was the EU anthem.

You can't get much more blatant than this.

Yeah, but it hurts a lot more knowing that it's THE HOMELAND and not just a colony like us. Seeing nigger-infested cities in the middle of europe is infinitely more triggering then seeing it in America.

It's funny how German (((media))) are now implicitly calling 36% of French voters "right wing extremists", by calling Le Pen and Front National that.

I'm tired pol
I just can't keep up with this shit anymore
I just wanna go and live on the mountains
Europe won't be european for much longer it's just fucking sad, there is no society I can be in and feel comfortable.

And no matter how much I try, how hard I work in every aspect of my life I can't feel happy or satisfied, it all feels pointless
maybe I just need to find a good girl, but good luck with that

Take heart! You are worth 10 times to each one of them.

Fuck off faggot

Le Pen was literally Frances last chance, can't help it now

Good, this is what I've been saying about other European territories for ages now: they are not legitimate countries and should not be recognized as sovereign states ever again, we need to cease all communications with their pseudo governments immediately and install occupation forces to claim the uncontested territory, kill the Communists and non-whites, and then open talks neighboring countries on how to divide up the unclaimed territory.

Considering how both Moslems and Feral Niggers avoid those countries like the plague, I can guarantee you that's not going to happen. Not enough welfare and easy white women to go around. And pissed off Slavs who'd see you hanging from a tree if you ever raped someone.

Their logic is:

The bigest France flag can be seen from space. It is all over Antarctica.

Wait until call to prayer then do what has to be done…

Only you can make yourself feel whole
And now kys defeatist

I see you've fallen for the goy deception. She's basically bernie sanders but wants closed borders…that's what is considered "far right" in europe.

I never said that. I said that seeing our homeland getting destroyed is horrible.

Meme harder.


Thank you.

I've always thought this is a long-game struggle. The jews' and globalists' plans for the world will never be successful because it's all based on their imagination. I think what will happen is a complete restructuring of white countries within 30 years or so as the previous nation states begin to collapse into increasing chaos. From those scraps, a new type of man will come forward.

America is my homeland, while I have sympathies for Europe, I have no connection to it at all. So seeing nigger infested cities ANYWHERE outside of Africa triggers me.

Every shitskin in the country just got permission to do whatever the fuck they want.

"We" don't have to do anything. We just have to wait until a few mass-murders happen. And if the French still don't wake up as they lie in the streets on the edge of death, then they deserve their fates.

Just remember to shill #YouVotedForThis after each and every attack. Make sure that they all know that they could have stopped it, and that they are solely responsible for the hundreds - maybe thousands - of Frenchmen who will die in the next five years.

What are the chances of the Foreign Legion pulling a coup?

An user placed a bet of 80k. I hope he is alright ;_;7

Are you happy in life besides this ? I'm a frog and even then I'm barely hit by Le Pen's loss. Not only was it expected, it wasn't going to solve anything in itself. There isn't any getting out of this without pain user.
In the meantime, improve yourself and become a man you can be proud of.


Absolutely and utterly nil.

Hitler dubs checked, I like that strategy.

So can I ask something?
Why did Macron win France when there's terrorist attacks every week while Le Pen lost it? I'm looking at the election map to get a good feel of why Le Pen lost and trying to wrap my head around the differences between those parts of France and the rest of France.

They expect one of the European countries at the wreckage brothers But yeah RIP France hopefully you're end is a quick and merciful one

Don't forget that the French fought to their last men in the defence of Berlin.

We're in our duty to save France, in the name of Hitler, whether that be through providing a counter-culture feel to the right, or by providing pdfs on how to cook homemade fireworks :^)

U wot m8? FFL officers are overwhelmingly FN voters and they fucking hate what France has become. Moreover, FFL has a history of coups - when they tried to kill De Gaulle for letting Algeria have independence, for example. Why would they not at least entertain that possibility?

0% it will never happen

This. Her loss, while unfortunate, was basically inevitable. Varg was right, putting your hope into people who you wish represented your interests is simply delusion, and will get you nowhere in the end.

Kill Trump the false flag


I've been doing that for a long time now, very successfully but I still feel unsatisfied and empty.
I wake up every morning mechanically and do what I need to do, the only thing keeping me together is philosophy and discipline, there no feeling keeping me going only my will which grows more tired day by day.

I just don't see a purpose anymore for me in a society, any society.

If there's any American anons in here, why are you so surprised? How long have we seen Europe as a hole open up and take the Jew pozz? It would of been nice to see France tellt he EU to fuck off but that whole country is like one big college campus. Nothing but virtue signaling cucks, just be glad that We have Trump and the UK is getting out of the EU.

My dad was in FL, I talked with him if the french army will organize a putsch when Macron will be president, he answers me that for a country like the France, it will never happen.


Time lines happen for a reason user, don't give up hope and don't take the black pill. It is a pill that is not a pill, but a noose held by the Jew.

Well you could turn it against itself

Your niggers were already there when you were born.

This has been my position with people IRL since the Brussels attack.
It really triggers the normies when I say all those people deserved to die because that's what they wanted, they voted for their death and the death of their children.

Fine then.
Find a group that will that isnt a bunch of skinhead larpers.


(pic unrelated)

You know the game…
Something gets blown up and the reaction is…

French army is full of pussies. I am talking about the Legion, the people that have more balls than all of France taken together.


However we have many gypsies. They are humble enough to be glad for our amount of welfare. They make many babies to increase child support money, so they will replace us soon too.

For many years we were called racist by the west for treatment of gypsies. Ee give them free rooms which they later destroy and then they live there without windows, floor or doors.

So France is nothing more than a massive test fire range for kebabs?

I know, my dad was in foreign legion, so he knows that it will never happen

So any modicum of balls whatsoever?

Shit, I am going to start saying this IRL now. Thank you user I don't know why I hadn't seen that angle before, it's brilliant.

In order to make democracy work you need to restrict franchise to older, informed, capable men who are always looking out for the people's best interests, and at that point democracy is completely redundant because all the men in question would agree with each other on how most issues would be solved, with the remaining problems being solved most effectively by authoritarian rule that cuts through all the bullshit.

Democracy only works when you don't need it, and it never works at all when you do need it. It truly is the worst system of governance ever created.


Lol theyll balkanize fast

Are Slavs the nation and race of the future?

Same as before, exterminate the jews behind the invasion.

Big fucking mouth. Get off the welfare first.

Bullshit, the US will firebomb Hungary and Poland to extinction before admitting its policies are a complete fucking bust both internally and worldwide.

That image is SO perfect!

I think user meant a racial/shooting war, not a philosophical/ideological war.

The French simply have no idea how royally they have just fucked themselves.

At least we have a good source of happening for the next few decades….

Another retard lost to it's own hyperreality.


France deserves their fate now. Hopefully French Nationalists dehumanize themselves to face bloodshed. unlikely

You have no idea how spicy things are about to get. Macron is a full on deranged marxist despot. He's the kind of guy who starts world wars.


let the chaos happen

I for one welcome the world wars of European Marxists. The Earth needs cleansing

June 11 and 18 will hold legislative elections in France. Let's pay attention to this. Can some froganon explain what the electoral system is like?

Good, at least I'll get deployed and get to shoot some mud frogs.

They have been pulling this shit since the fall of the French Empire.

Every time it's an even worse cuck who brings even more subhumans and calls them "French".

Generation Identitaire might. In an interview this week their leader said this would be the last election. I hope he means action, rather than submission by that.

Westerners are so in love with muh democracy they'll never act even if the votes are obviously stacked against them. If even just a fraction of those who voted for Le Pen chose to fight, they could take the entire country back from the cucks… but we must respect the results of muh elections so nothing will ever change. It happened in the USA too. We needed to fight the shitlibs, now we're being placated with an ineffective President and our only consolation is, "welp, at least we tried". No, we didn't try - we put a piece of paper in a fucking box and that's where our resistance ends. Fuck it all.

Your answer? war


Frankly, it is time for all of us to realize all "philosophies" and political systems are means to an end. End sophistry and do what benefit us all genetically, economically and scientifically.
Fuck the rest.

Also, this.

Holly shit, this pic is real?

I lost $50 but that's nothing compared to another country lost.

checked your quads

Translation? Is it the noses we're supposed to notice?

Pic might be real but the person is not Marion Le Pen.

Well, then fuck society. It's abandoned you, so remain in waiting living your life to your ideals, and come forth when the time is right.

My plan has always been to live my life to how I see fit (rural, small mountain town, all white, raising a close family and relationships, hunting, fishing, reading, meditating, and exploring), and as the world eats itself from outside, the time will come for when those incubators of Aryan ideals will be able to reclaim what was lost.

There's no way the jew's world will end in anything but chaos and destruction - their plans will be foiled at the close. They can control our minds and culture while we're still majority white (and that's bad enough), but they won't be able to control entire continents rife with ethnic strife and loss of nominal standards of living. Race wars are inevitable.

"The economists who support Hollande" on the left.
"The economists who support Macron" on the right.

This right here is why in some ways I was actually disappointed Trump won for the first few months. He was poised as the opposition to (((them))) and all their means and methods and operations and was slated (who even knows wtf is going on anymore) to at the very least slow their progress if not hopefully turn the hands of the clock back 20-30 years.

But, and again I want to stress that this was my thinking AT THAT TIME, what would that really accomplish in the long term?

Oh sure, border protection, non-white population going down, a halt and reversal of rapefugees coming here, etc. It would have made things better in the short term, but was it going to put women back in the home or unfuck their minds from feminist trash? was it going to dismantle all this lgbtqijklmnop garbage and have us treating them as the mental impairments that they are? was it going to unfuck my generations delusions about communism and have them all understanding the value of ethno/national pride and strength? NOPE, not one bit of that was ever a possibility.

So all it would have accomplished is making the nation less shitty for the short term, but would have done nothing to fix the culture or society itself. Only a collapse and rebuilding can fix things now, the foundation has been weakened over the many long years, eroded to the point the nation can no longer stand on it, so propping up the falling walls and repainting the living room would be bandaids at best and possibly undone immediately by all the horrible children and uninvited quests running around taking hammers to the walls and flinging shit everywhere

In a more real world explanation, it will basically only take ONE term of a democrat president + congress to undo everything Trump could possibly do, if he even gets anything good done in the first place with all the fucking faggot republicans in congress who are really just democrats, because democrats all work as a hive mind and will fuck the nation immediately given another chance (obamacare proved this, passed in under 2 years and has been fucking us ever since)

Meanwhile him being president in the first place and accomplishing "enough" to improve conditions for the short term, can and will make the right complacent again, lull them right back to sleep, so that the next round of fucking will be even worse. All the while we're getting older, we're losing the battle against time itself, and the door is left open for the far left to recruit even more followers to its side from anyone left of center by using Trump as a boogeyman. Our enemies are getting stronger, and our allies are going to sleep.

So maybe it would have been better to throw gas on the fire rather than try to throw water on it, let it all burn faster. But again, that was my original thinking, with the way antifa and co have been acting, they're preventing the right from becoming complacent and driving more people to our side for protection at the very least. So maybe if Trump gets bogged down in washington or cucks out or whatever, or if things improve, maybe it wont matter either way, maybe antifa is throwing gas on the fire for us and their antics will only cause more and more of those on our side to start arming up and being ready for the real war to come.

I think, in truth, either way it would have ended like this. I dont think there was any stopping it. Same goes for France, the kike or the woman, didnt matter. mudscum wasnt getting evicted, borders not protected, economies not improved, society not made safer. At least with the kike puppet getting into power, the whole situation will devolve faster and frogs will be left with no choice but to rise up and overthrow the government and murder all the mudshits. If the woman had won, well, they might have wasted another handful of years waiting to see if she could improve things. Now? At least they'll be spurred to action sooner.

the more they delay it, the harder the pendulum will swing

most of us will live to see the jew learn to fear again

what does it all mean anyway

Dont bet on Brexit
Dont bet on Trump
Bet on Wilders and Le Pen

You useless Euro-Cunts!

Poor bastard

Pas de Calais = +52% in Le Pen.

All France needs to be enriched at the level of Calais.

It means we go back to our original plans, before Trump ever took the stand.


Agreed. I just see this as accelerating the inevitable.

No we don't want frenchcucks in here. They need to civil war or just bend over.

>spent last 48 hours moving shit, drying carpet with borrowed fans, dealing with insurance guys, finding out that our hot water tank was turned off for no damned good reason, and the pilot-igniter is broken and we won't have hot water until Wednesday at the earliest.
>Nearly get front taken off my car by a subhuman who thinks that speeding in a parking lot and driving through the parking lines is the way humans do it.

Berenstain is worst timeline, guys. Wake me up when the second French Revolution happens.
Sage for blogpost. I needed to tell someone.

this so fucking much

France is fucking dead to me. Every time a Frenchie dies, I'm popping champagne

Ah that clears it up
(((Economists))) all right



If you expected the FN party to win, you are a gigantic moron. This ain't some Brexit / Trump situation. The FN and his previous leader had way too much dirt left and right to fathom a win in a presidential race. When libcucks called Trump a nazi, it was pure sophistry. When people call FN nazis, it's way more persuasive because some of the bozos in the party actually go on prime time television shouting "Hitler did nothing wrong". Of course every time it happens those guys are instantly fired, but the damage is done.

Marine said she was going to create a new party, but she should have done so in 2015. Which would have saved her the hassle of firing her father. But whatever. Now, if she plays her cards right and manage the new political party well, she has a highway for 2022. But expecting a win in 2017 was a pipe dream. I hope the guy who betted 80.000$ on Lepen was merely jesting.

That's why it is shilled constantly, despite the fact that Greece got completely fucked by Turks after adopting it.

The French revolutions were all shit. The best French leaders who enacted economic and legal reforms were either kings or dictators like Napoleon and Napoleon III.
The republics usually ended in commie bloodshed and the people begging for a strong leader.

A true gambler wouldn't joke about that

It doesn't have to be that way this time…but it probably will.

I'm shutting the computer down to go eat chocolate or something.

When it is impossible for a peaceful revolution a violent one becomes inevitable.

I'm planning on some fun stuff to fuck over france and the rest of the EU over the next 4 years. Marine Le Pen was the last straw even though I was pretty sure she wouldn't win.

hol up!

You forgot the Socialism in National Socialism.


Good. Accelerate the decline, let the French worthy of a future carve one out.


civil war in america could break out anytime from late 2017 onwards.

My bets are 2019-2021

Next half baked financial crash will doom the planet to a 3 decade long depression which the cattle won't take.

Normally, the conservative older public fights the younger left-leaning youth on the votes, but in the particular case of France, with a high percentage of young unemployment under 30, a lot of Le Pen supporters came from the youngest voter population. This on itself makes the situation unfavorable for Le Pen, since she has to win the undecided voters while being the most "extremist" candidate, and also has to get her voters to actually vote instead of just being lazy faggots. A defeat by Macron only means that the young population once again is silenced by the stablishment, or at least that's a nice narrative.
I would not fall in self-defeat just yet, the current political course of France it's still very interesting and Macron really, really depends on what happens the EU not screwing it now to get support.

So basically everything Varg has been saying?

Gassing Bolsheviks when?


Irish wake tonight, lads. Tomorrow we have work to do, in more ways than one. For tonight, however, we lament a failed hope in a peaceful transition.

Just a thought. Maybe it would be a worthwhile effort to map out and archive the locations of all the safe houses and bunkers of the elite well in advance. You know, so we can share food with them in case they didn't hoard enough.


After the 800 years of bullshit they went through I'm not sure even the most cucked Iberians would allow Islam to rule again.

You don't understand how this works.

Exactly. What this gives anons is six years to hone the france memes. It will most certainly get darker and darker there until it has no choice but get better. What is needed is languagefags to into effective french speak and pepe might have not been the best vehicle for delivery. English speaking frogs are probably not as effective as some not yet discovered native tongue speaking creation. What worked in the U.S. doesn't necessarily tranlate. Besides, frog is an insult to them.


non fuck them

nigger shill

please explain i like new info

They got themselves into this mess, they can get themselves out. They aint listening obviously.

Holy fuck are you people defeatist, but I don't mind since some of you fags needed your ego checked.

I'm not surprised Le Pen lost, after the first round it became clear she probably wasn't gonna win. It would just be a repeat, of every who didn't vote for Le Pen automatically voting for her opponent. The email were false hope, too late, and besides, how many people REALLY voted for Trump over Clinton just because of emails? If anything, you should be glad that Le Pen was an actual frontrunner, in 2014 I though the Front National was dying.

I think one gripe I have is that many nationalist naively hope that whites as a collective, after seeing muslim commit more and more terrorist attacks, will automatically vote for an anti-immigrant party. Not so. Attitudes towards non-white immigration is partly based on genetics, and frankly, whites really are more genetically prone to be pro-immigration and diversity then other races. This is especially true with Western European whites, like the Swedes. Some whites are genetically cucked,and its pointless and a waste of time to try to convince them. However, I feel many are reluctant to accept this fact.

The French Revolution was a mistake. Restore the French Monarchy!

innovation is borne of necessity.

Clearly we aren't at the right point in france yet

It's 10pm. Do you know where France's ICBMs and submarines are?

dunno who that is


Hopefully flying towards Mecca.

Oh to add to that. Consider Greece, legitimately seeing a flood of migrants, a huge decrease in quality of life in recent years, but the Greeks aren't mass voting for the National Socialist Golden Dawn.

Let it die.

So the Vikings and Goths were pro-immigration? You're retarded. This is lifestyle habits that kikes are enforcing on the Swede. The Viking is still in there. Just let the country become more shit to the point of civil collapse, and the bad times will create good men.

Nationalist parties need to start virtue signalling

Yes, and the only way to stop it is by posting angry pepes on Holla Forums

My matz-o-meter is beeping.

That's exactly the attitude that is killing Europa. Indifference. As much as Germany disgusts me with its suicide, I still have hope for my ancestral homeland.

It's too late now.

I placed a £10 on paddypower for possible £240 xD

Great post friend! Good job!

I found a good and extremely /comfy/ HoI4 LP vidya on jewtube the other day. Autoplay is literally the only thing jewgle ever did right on that.

Some of the berners I follow are already doing that, just, uh, they actually kinda mean it so it's one of those "It's good now but will be a problem later" situations. Still, go berners! is this the feeling jews get when seeing their golem do something right?

idk if the legion still works the same way, but they used to be the "Dirty dozen" of france. Criminals on the run in other countries facing death penalties and shit would join up for amnesty
They basically wouldn't revolt unless they had a 100% certainty of victory.

Trips sez have a nice trip, RIP user! o7

he shoulda boarded the trumptrain when he had the chance, dumb frog!.
I dropped all I could early on ($3800) the odds then were 71/1 on the first debate wew

it's never too late, stop with the nonsense

No but there was a complete collapse of all the center-"moderate" parties to the point where they couldn't form a goverment on their own and had to go into short lived aliances just so they can inch along and keep pace with everythign going on. For a country that traditionaly held a riggid two party system for 30+ years that was huge

You've lost a brother of war, it's a sad day.

So? Its not fast enough. By the time the White French strongly majority vote hard nationalist, they will be a minority in their own country, and in their own army., and they willnmeet South Africa and Rhodesias fate.

You step it up. Get organized, if you're near a transparent nationalist organization, join it. Contribute money to pro-white sites and organizations. Learn some self-defense, get basically fit. Find a stable white girl (Don't be a MGTOW, there are plenty of good girls) and be loyal to her, and most importantly, have as many white children as possible.

Voting for some zionist civic nationalist isn't going to save Europe, whether or not she won or lost.


you can't virtue signal when you're blocked on all the MSM because of your views, the internet can help and it has if the mere bewilderment of the left at the idea that people dare to not listen&habeeb is anything to go by , but it's still the underdog of the social media platforms

So much for meme magic you stupid fucking faggots

We won't be pushed out of our lands dude. We might be minorities, but there will be extreme blood shed before that happens, and when white people are at their best, it takes a lot to kill us. Look at hard it was to push the Rhodesians out, despite just how badly they were outnumbered.

Well, if anything good can be said to have come from this completely cucked situation, it's that the next time France gets culturally enriched by a Truck of Peace or a horde of raping, stabbing muslim baboons, I don't have to feel sad for them. They had the keys to their prison cell, and threw them away. Sometimes you just can't stop someone intent on suicide.

France joins Sweden and Germany as nations I don't give a shit about anymore. These assholes killed themselves.

meant for

You act like the modern Swedes are genetically similar to the Vikings and Goths, or that modern Swedes behave similarly to the Vikings. Now, I don't really know too much about the Vikings so I can't say much about their behaviors. I am not saying that Swedes did not descend from the Vikings. Rather, I'm saying genetic changes have occurred in the past 1000 years that have made Europeans, particularly Western Europeans more docile, and more "individualistic" and may have unintentionally made them more open to pathological altruism,and even differentiate themselves from Western and Eastern Europeans, which may explain why greater frequency of Western Europeans behave so "cuck-like".

And I'm not pulling this out of my ass here. Look up the "Hajnal Line". Look up estimated homicide statistics of Europeans in the past 1000 years and the sudden drop that occurred in the 1500s. Some HBD proponents even use the Hajnal Line to explain why Western and Eastern Europeans are different. It's interesting, and not as farfetched as it seems, although there is not truly hard evidence for it.

So what if kikes are enforcing it? Those leftist swedes are so insane that you can remove every Jew and they'll still try to propagate it.

we meme'd Trump in office and the UK out of the EU I think thats a pretty good run




Fucking keyboard.

How long until you realize the division is why people are so content with doing nothing?

And they lost, dipshit.

Coup d'etat right now.

ITT: faggots who believe that the anti-white, Internationalist Jew-controlled system can be reformed through majority votes rather than blood and iron.

Yes, they are.

well dubs confirm , i guess it's time to #closethegate

Why NOP though? It's fucking retarded and if anything it's harmful to our case.

They lost mostly because the entire white world was against them. I mean, From the USSR to Western Europe and America, they were "evil''

They would have won had they been supported. The enemy is softer, and there are WAY more of us in Europe than there were in Rhodesia.

Shut it, black pilled kike.

Did you forgot his airstrike on assad airbase?

And noe the entire white world is being set up for another conflagration. You massive goddamned moron.

But no, no keep waiting. Keep just letting it hapoen.. Instead of taking your own vehicle and running them down in return.

It seems the jews took a small lesson from what happened to the U.S. elections and tried to skew shit so hard this time. They're absolutely terrified of a possible Frexit, and the people of France aren't as riled like the american people. If there is hope, there will be a growing resentment within the French peoples.

This, come on guys, we wanted chaos, we're getting it. The way you save france is with rivers of blood.

You're thinking small. There will be far more deaths during the Macron years.

i don't think even Assad remembers that one

Yeah, no.

The appropriate course of action is obviously to ensure that every French citizen is aware of every coming instance of cultural enrichment in grisly detail.

The reason that they can't make a stand yet is because they are complacent, and they are complacent because of "It can't happen to me."

Make them realize that it can happen to them. Make them realize that it will.

>I-I would join a swastika club-

Fraukelegs > Froglegs

the hardest viking explorer stock actually became brits (Faroe, northern scots) Icelanders, and yanks (Newfoundland on down)
see: Last Places by Lawrence Millman
normally you don't hear normie books rec'd around here but this is one of the best most educational and most entertaining travelogues around. Cray brit decides to travel the same paths by boat that a viking settlement group may have taken, visiting all the places along the way.

meanwhile their hardest mercenary stock became those "white arabs" (Janissaries) as the dutch carved into their trading empires, so the fighty ones turned to the swiss model.

and while that happened he met with the chinks on the sly to bribe them away from Kimmun with coal which alleviates suffering of norks (No OSHA compliance in mines) and brings back coal to the US.
also those half lost missiles are a bizarrely large 'misfire rate.' They probably blew up some CIA weapons caches that everyone is too embarrassed to point out.
Literally least important thing that happened that day.
I have no clue wtf is going on with NAFTA as everyone is reporting completely different shit.
but THOSE FOUR NAMES keep popping up

and also from token-oldfag-that-should-retire-already

so, same cabal again. Save up your meme magic ammo for that one, even a dhimmicrat is better in those positions than those four (especially if they're equivalently switched with gains in other states)

It's for the best she lost. She'd curb immigration a bit, but ultimately do nothing about the hordes already living there. You're gonna do it, do it right.

No need to be so foolish. Of course he remembers.

send them more squashloli pictures!!!
Unfortunately I forgot her name already, herp
but also sending images and vid of the swedecuck PM crying and raging about rapefugees would work nicely too.

That feral nigger should be castrated.

First comes niggerfication, then de-niggerfication, and finally jewtrification. France will become part of Great Israel. Congratulations.

Who gives a shit about some faggot metalhead?

I just hope the muddying-the-waters shills will be swooped away quickly. This places looks like cuckchan more than ever right now, as if LePen's defeat cracked a breach.

Yes, pretty much.


That could be a decent normie redpill.
wsws.org/en/articles/2016/05/07/flin-m07.html hmm, don't think you could hit a jew angle with it locally though. The only heeb seems to be Kurtz and he's the least important member, they're all good goys. Couldn't hurt to try though, if Flint goes 8841 NoI that's still a sheboon in upending (((energy department))) kikery in general.

also I never thought I would see an accurate spengbab meme, but kek.

well, they did probably all get banned. I hate being cuckchan's bunker these days.

No, it's not her.

Right? These fuckers really think Le Pen was the savior of Europe. They really can look at that debate, and think to themselves, "wow, just like Hitler :)''

No. Hitler is Hitler, and he lost. It's up to us to mold the future. It will be bleak and dark, but we will endure. Liberal and leftist ideology is dying, and we all know it, and as more people become free of these thoughts, so will European liberation become a feasible reality. We will create a European renaissance, but we can't do that until this system comes crashing down all around us.

Not sure about that, since the more "enrichted" areas were the ones where Le Pen did best, there was this nice map with mosques per capita right next to the areas she won in the first round.

Paris is the most enriched area of France. 100% Macron all the way. You're full of shit.

lol Paris is probably minority French

Le Pen elected would have been a serious blow to the clique no matter what. You cucks will always pretend to "mold the future" while refusing to take any small step in the right direction. You'll die alone and no one will regret you.
You don't have a single clue about what you're saying. Go back fapping to traps.

I don't have a clue what I'm saying? What makes you say that? Are you a zionist? I

Well, big cities tend to be overly fucked no matter where you are.

Le Pen's father said today that Le Pen didn't go hard enough on immigration, and I think he's right. She really should have been laying into Macron about the terrorist attacks France has been experiencing, and yet she didn't do much of that. Yes she was anti-immigrant, but Trump did it so much better, because he actually pointed out the crime caused by illegals and Muslims. Trump knew how a lot of us felt, and that's why we voted for him.

The said thing is, Europe will never have their own version of Donald Trump running a country. The only shot we got now is if the UK goes full on Conservative and if Sweden's Democrats will rise up and take down the Social democrats for good.

This, things are getting worse, but they are not there yet for what we want.


How did it go from this

to this

large amount of cuck parties

Everyone that isn't right-wing always forms coalitions against the right-wing in parliamentary democracies. Narrowing the field only makes the challenge harder.

You see France is mostly made up of ethnic French, and genetically speaking, they're more likely to be: gay, transgender, into cuckholding, Islamic, retarded, gay, child molesters, communists, and gay

Did you look at the 2nd round results ? Of course not. Here.
Now show me where are those "enriched areas where LePen did best" ?
Bullshit. She did best in the rust belt and in semi-enriched areas where whites are still in majority, but are being replaced. These areas are few, because the process is extremely quick. Betting on a civil war because of enrichment is wishful thinking.

What else do we have other than wishful thinking now?

Oh shit! I forgot about that user!


France deserves to burn. Its sad that Europe will never have someone like Donald Trump. The way things are now, only him, Putin and Duterte are the only true non cucked presidents. The UK NEEDS a Trump like figure to step in.

Most of those dark blue spots.
I'm not trying to claim that she won the election, so you can put your goal posts down again and claiming that first hand experience with Muslims makes you less likely to vote for right wing parties is retarded thinking.

France is a moon based mythology structure, it will always be pozzed.

well they did try with getting Nigel Farage in, but the cucked side of the U.K. didn't understand his true potential.

slavs will save western civilization

fucking reverse pedo

stop posting this 1000th times debunked photo

At least the Conservatives will most likely sweep. Labour is a fucking joke right now.

Over in Northern Ireland, it looks like they might finally uncuck themselves since there's a lot of support for the Democratic Unionist Party.

France hasnt been France in a long time user

One last thing, Scotland will remain as cucked as ever. Just let them leave the UK at this point.

Not so sure about that

The majority of Russians hate Muslims though. Chechen's are literally seen as parasites and nobody likes them. Only way to fix the Muslim problem in Russia is to kill Kadyrov

lol wow Chechnya is part of Russia you retard

No shit there will be Muslims in Russia if Russia has a historically Muslim republic inside of it

Putin plays 1917D-Chess

Fucking hell London, just nuke your whole city

You get what you put in, faggots. Trump and Brexit won because you memed your hardest there.

Ballots and democracy won't solve anything anymore.
When the next economic crisis hits and the normal Joan and Pierre see the savings of their whole life reduced to a bunch of bread crumbs, they will give give them hell.

No it isn't you autistic sped.
So what is there to like about Russia then if it will always be shitskin land?

Where Ukraine? :^)

Macron's win is a Pyrrhus victory - another win like that and we win.
Macron angered every political party that exists by forcing them to appears as they are, turncoats without no real ideology except being anti Le Pen.
Beside, he is as clumsy and silly as his master François Hollande so he will be hated fast.
Also, it is not gone: there are the Legislatives left, since we were now just electing the President, and as I said he pissed so many members from every colors of the political spectrum that shit will happen and fast.

I am sure most of French nationalist have hid their powerlevel too much. The "antifa" culture, the "glass ceiling" and the "intouchable" face of nationalism have cracked. We must now openly spread our vision to the masses. It is time to be the NS model, follow it as a pure way of life leading to strong and efficient elements of a functioning society. If you're good enough, you'll inspire new followers. And if civil war breaks out, you'll be prepared.

A fight to continue to be had. Please don't tell me you think this is peak nationalism. We've only just gotten started. This is not a political war, this is a culture war, and a demographic war. If you have more than 4 children, and fought for your people, then you've done your duty. You have made a difference

thats because of the French tbh
expecting Frenchman to do anything but lounge around not bathing, drinking wine and masturbating with a tube of garlic butter is a bit much tbh

This, people are so comfortable still. Yes a few hundred people died, in a country of 60+million, no one gives a shit. It has to get worse, normal people need to feel the pain for what is being advocated here.

Come on until they have a section that says something like "worthy of public execution" you are never getting a real picture of anything.

Given no other option sheep which would you rather graze on; shit smeared grass or piss soaked grass?

Welp, I guess this is the end then…

Grenoble, Lyon, Paris, Marseille are fully enriched areas. Macron won.
No the areas where Marin won are those that have still a strong white majority but are experiencing a recent replacement. Like northern Gironde, it's very showing. This is your "first hand experience".
But what you fail to understand is that the future of northern Gironde is Paris. When the area is fully enriched, it goes full liberal. The girls and boys learn in school that diversity is strength and all that shit. This process never fails, and is extremely quick. I'd bet a bottle of Cointreaux that in the next election, this area goes full liberal.
The rust belt (north-eastern France) votes FN since the 2000s, that's not because of enrichment (except Calais but it's exceptional). Look at Lille, heavily enriched socialist paradise, 70% Macron.

In short: the nationalist vote because of enrichment is a very short-time span event. You rapidly pass from "that's not that bad" (vote liberal/cuckservative) to "holy shit that's horrible we're being replaced (vote nationalist) and then to "gibsmedat whitey" (vote liberal/left).

Just remember how Hitler must've felt after his claim to power failed and he was imprisoned and the nazi party went back to being almost nonexistant. He still came back, took power and made Germany extremely strong in every area.

Any troubles in France?

Nah, Paris the thought

Not my language, not my election, not my place to meme. Why would anglosphere memes have any power in France? The country is practically built off of doing the exact opposite of what Briain and America do.

The problem is that frenchmen didn't meme enough and I can't blame them. Marine le Pen is not a particularly inspiring figure and it's hard to get actual men to rally around the leadership of a woman.


And then what happened? And where are we now? And how completely do they run things?

The "choice" was between a zionist and a rich actor who works for zionists. They "chose" the latter

Of course because the war was lost. Had the war been won it would've been a lot different.

Controll will increase as spread of information technology systems increases. In normal words, every device that captures any kind of information makes controll a lot easier for a government. Enormous amounts of data are already gathered. The biggest challenge in this technology is to make this data useable for just about everything. Once the methods have been found out people are truly under 24/7 watch.

sometimes I think theres no way to win in the new era of the information war because you can drown out the truth by flooding the network with fake news and create a Brave New World scenario any time you want

They are 50 years ahead of what we know supposedly. Clearly powerful AI is already collecting data and suggesting courses of action. If it isn't taking that action all by itself.

I am becoming increasingly convinced that the answer lies innawoods.

Ted Kaczynski was right. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

As long as there are people in France that oppose what Macron stands for there's hope.
We lost the fight but we've far from lost the war and it's far from over

Good. Now we don't came as occupators, but as liberators !


I'm not happy about it at all, but be realistic. Having aging white populations and the youth being brown is the end. Literally doomed unless whites all of a sudden have a collective switch flipped and go "wtf I hate being cucked now" - which won't happen. Out with a whimper. Too cozy for too long.

Whatever, ignore reality.

I wonder is macron is going to implement the forced interbreeding sarkozy eluded at

Probably not even necessary as the average yuro is so enamoured in the idea of race mixing already.

I don't know user where I live the women seem to think blacks look like animals.. apart from when I go into the cities and I see mixed race couples everywhere.

The demoralisation is hitting hard for me in Europa, starting to think we are just going to go out with a whimper.

You don't need it forced. It'll happen over time already. Central and South America are examples of how quickly this can be accomplished within 100 years just by proximity to one another with a large enough group.

I look at the "forced" aspect as being just another term to say speeding up the process i.e. hordes of African immigrants coming in. They're already gang raping. Give them citizenship and let in a few million more and it'll be sealed. It's going to backfire and they're not stupid enough to not see that, but they're locked into carrying out the plan regardless.

You see them because all hardworking people are at work.
Nogs are on wellfare:)

Kek is really dark today.

if you think a forgotten Chaos god who's people were all slaughtered by arabs is deep down a positive dude you should stop smoking weed

As an Asian, I don't understand how the French are so weak-minded? Is it just an Anglosphere thing to actually fight for what's right these days (at least Canadians now hate Trudeau so that's something)?

rev up those meme generators and get WN in Europa armed and armored.


The leftist infection has had hold of France for a very long time. France and Germany were always going to be tough cases.

This. A lot of people are still somehow too stupid to grasp the concept of things getting exponentially worse. As you get more "diverse" you lose cultural capital in more way than just votes. You begin to get phased out of media. Your women will, however, still be hardwired to seek out socially approved and strong men; sure, not all will mix but more and more will. Go look on Twitter or Facebook and look how white women swoon over Drake, etc. Now imagine when your people are even fewer and his are in even better positions. And then of course there are just sheer numbers, and don't forget that a lot of cucked men will also mix (see the beta white male who goes after Chang because muh anime dreams). If you don't retain dominant numbers, you end up as Brazil; in Europe's case it won't be retards with vuvuzelas but prayer rugs and a beast of a caliphate.

most Europeans have a very long and colourful history of kowtowing to their masters and not rebelling
most of Europe only had their first major rebellions against the state in the past 300-200 years and even then they just see-saw from corrupt republic to absolute dictatorship exactly like France did
and lets not pretend Germans understand democracy any better now than they did when the Kaiser first introduced suffrage after WW1
the only nations in Europe that have a history of rebelling against their masters almost continually for the past thousand years are Britain and Hungary
go further back than then and its only the classical republics and a few Greek city states

Fake news has always existed. The difference being is that newer data technology offers the oppurtunity to peak into exactly what people are doing, and as such you can change what they see with algorithms, so you they see what you want them to see. Since everyone is on social media it has never been easier to spread (dis)information.

The controll aspect just stems from data collecting (location, purchases, taxes etc). When efficient algorithms get out that can utilize all this data that is being collected to track people their every activity and decide on course of action per individual, that would be a tool of gigantic controll, much more efficient than a patrolling guard in authoritarian countries could ever hope to be.

Well data is being collected, a downside is currently a lot of it is simply not very useable. Stuff in PDF format with graphs in it that are just not readable by a computer ( and thus kind of worthless to do things with since you need a human to go over potentially 1000's of pages of data ).

If you take the internet for example with cookies. This is an example of a recommender system. If you go to youtube for example you get recommended similar videos to content that is classified to be of similar nature. These algorithms are really amazing, and the potential of this is even more baffling. The current state of google and facebook is primitive if you would compare now with 20 years later.

20 years ago nobody would've said that huge administration sections from large financial organisations such as bank would completely disappear, it still happened.

Having an actual leader means you don't get shouted down by normalfags as much and you can make your points more easily. Trump getting in has let me push more redpills IRL in the past 3 months than I was able to do in the past 3 years.

We lost a battle today, but the war marches on.

You can't always get what you want, but you get what you need.

We weren't able to drive a stake through the heart of the EU and kill it in one quick motion, but we'll be able to bleed the creature out over the next few years until it dies a much more slow, painful death.

The demoralization shills are in full force. Over 3200 "active users" now.

Ah, that explains a lot, actually. We're basically being raided right now.

Underrated post.


Remember the 14 words and the terrors your ancestors conquered. Pray to them for strength.

I fail to see how any of this is at all a bad thing.

Or alternatively

This is all according to plan. Do not fall for the denoralization and alt kike shills they are in overdrive.

1000 /16 subnets in a day. Not suspicious at all.

Not looking too good with that awful nigger tier history and average IQ at least 5 points below western europe

No that picture is fucking BINGO holy shit

that's what people don't get. It's always win win and always lose lose for degeneracy. Trump winning only avoided disaster and civil war, but it seems France needs to burn down before it saves itself

Talking about economy, short term gain through lowering of taxes from Trump for example will just increase the deficit even more. European countries, northern countries are typically economically healthy. Southern are shit. France is pretty mediocre as well but not as shit as Greece Spain Portugal. Nobody can really save Spain, Greece is saveable but the EU does not want to. They gave Greece a credit they have to pay back over a period of … 100 years! 100 years is bullshit, 100 years ago there was world war 1 going on.

The EU and ECB have been doing fuckall ever since 2008 to actually guard Europe against another economical crisis. Which means that when a crisis comes southern Europe will experience widespread poverty much worse than it is currently experiencing and much worse than in 2008-2010.

The 'economic succes and recovery' that countries such as Spain and Portugal are currently experiencing comes from massive increases in government debt (such as 70% of GDP debt to 130%).

The EU is in a terrible spot and citizens in the southern countries will get very mad at the EU once another crisis knocks and Germany says we don't have the resources this time to help you, which they really do not have.

Because you're an idiot. Just like you were an idiot when you were going "GOYIM GOYIM OY VEY GOYIM" when it got pointed out to you that Le Pen was going to lose.

And France is already a shithole. It's why the French have been fleeing it en masse.

I kinda expected him to win, but what the fuck?

t. ex-frog

It's not so much that people voted for macaroni, it's that they voted against Le Pen. Both were sitting around 30% in the first round, so about 5% went farther right while 30% went with the (((centrist))).

Yes. We must unite the few remaining white people and take back this gay earth.
We built everything. If we lose, everything dies.

Brit/pol/ needs to go back to its containment boards.

And here come the "all technology is bad and we should regress technologically to the stone age because jews use tech wrong" shills. >>>/oven/

Fuck off Chaim, any right wing whites are more than welcome

Never do this.

Thanks, user.

Macron final score is 66,06%

Well to be fair, the Spanish women didn't go to the colonies in central and south America (except the southern cone, hence why they are h'white). It was just Spaniards muhdiking the natives and creating the abominations we now call beaners.

Dang dude.

We live in constant "war", or struggle between races, ideologies, etc.

In my country's defense, at the very least we are marching towards a right wing, very nationalistic, militaristic government in 2018. We had a new immigration law that was passed just now to allow more shitskins to get in, but our future president will do his best to reverse it once he is in power.

Your next president will probably be a funk singer or some other meme-y type of character

Plebeians are happy.

Congratulation, instead of a disguised snake you got the open, honest snake.

Your country did not succumb to a hopium overdose and you will be able to REALLY keep the resistance going.

None of your goyim will fall asleep and the left will crack down even harder in desperation.

France WON this election.

Nah. It's Bolsonaro. The memes don't lie. Plus, at this rate, all others will be in jail.

Or in other words, you can keep the anti kike campaigning going, since an open fucking kike is sitting on the throne.

LePen would have been wool over your eyes, and she has a jewish partner and is all for (((integration))).
It doesn't matter if you leave the EU or not, as long as you have to suffer a FIAT based currency, and fighthing debt slavery is antisemitic and therefore NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, not under Macaroni Pepperoni not LePen.
Who backstabbed her own father and purged all the evil nazis and antisemites from FrontNationale.

You dogded a bullet.
Keep your heart strong and your kike hate smouldering hot!
You will make it through this!

In twenty years there won't be any French to make fun of them in this way, it'll just be niggers, hajis and pajeets.

Perhaps the greatest loss by white genocide will be the lack of jokes between diverse European ethnic groups.

T'as pas encore trouvé la culture française, hein ? Vas te faire enculer par ta maman gorille .


So why did Holla Forumsacks support her? She would have just given the French people flase hope.

France has probably the most nuclear power plants of all european nations. Disarming weapons systems still leaves dirty nukes option. But hey, we all know the jihadis will just get supplied direct from Israel, NATO, or CIA, just as always.


One giant hell without borders is the goal.

More like "once you take the black you don't survive to go back". She must be into getting beaten.

The best response is to rile up the Right in France to revolt against their new German overlords pushing the Arab hordes on them.


Well meaning and possibly lack of insight.
Or maybe poisoned by the "XY-D chess", which has some merits but has also been used to sell a lot of shit later.

Or maybe they're alt light or something.
I don't think it's malicious, though, but she's not the solution.
There are no political solutions.

I did not expect Le Pen to win. I do not believe your average Holla Forumsack understands how cucked France is currently. Their faith and will is of the weakest sorts. They do not believe in higher ideals than that of base self interest. They are a headquarters for hedonism and moral apathy. Does anyone here doubt the deluge of degeneracy that the french are infatuated with? Many of their preachers and pastors should fundamentally be considered kikes, they don't believe in the gospel of Christ Jesus. They doubt massive amounts of key doctoral points. These are the men who are to be the vanguard of the society, yet your average Southern Baptist would obliterate them and dispel their credibility instantly. These so called 'preachers' along with their laity are the cause of the ruin of France. Under the rule King Louis IX, they would crusading against these subhuman mongoloids form durka durka-stan. When things got hard both the people and the church focused not on each other, not on community, not on their race, they focused on their own base interests and allowed kikes and traitors to subvert them. They chose money and flesh over blood, honor, and God! They became apathetic and now they are consumed in fire, a fire of their own doing allowing these sandniggers to come out of their hellish lands to create the hell on earth as they will receive in the future.


Everything according to plan. France and Germany already 'fixed', they failed with the UK, nearly succeeding with Sweden.

Christianity is the biggest """""native"""" traitor organization.

You want a reason why the west is fucked?
Look to WW2, who "won", what the "winners" did and how it affected people.
The proof is right there in the name.
They all were their own little factions or out for the count immediately or simply afterthoughts beyond "liberation".

There is a reason why all the quintessential western powers are suffering the SAME SIMILAR WAY, no matter if they were axis or allied.
Because WW2 smashed the immune system of the west and established kike supremacy.

Pagan shill

You need to look further back from WWII; the problem occurred before Hitler, hence Wiemar Republic degeneracy. The problem occurred around WWI with the lost generation. The great war caused people to (((question everything))) with authors such as Hemingway. Nationalism was beginning to be seen as futile and foolish as it "lead to the great war". When the soldiers got back many began to doubt God because of the brutality of that war. They turned away from him and embrace the products of the jews, which as really of Satan. This began the transition from the Edwarian/First World war era to the flapper era. Hitler recognized this and the rest is history.

They are wrong, Protestantism is supreme

And what cause that to rise?
Something something about beating Germany and sanctioning it to the bone.

Notice a pattern?

Although poverty leads to vices, I wouldn't argue the root cause of their degeneracy is poverty from economic sanctions from the allied nations. Stop these games, just say what you mean.

Le Pen wasn't going to take welfare away. She's even more socialist than Macron. She would have nationalized that Whirpool factory too, whereas he will just let those jobs get send to Poland or wherever.
No, they voted Macron only because she's the evil nazi. That's it, end of story.

your post is fake

jews try to clean wash the image of lepen because she is a whore

they simply used photoshop to make her eyes blue and added a ear ring hole.
then they have spread the images on the internet so people research it because people know since CNN to research content.

and this his how people fall for the trap

the reason they are doing it is because le pen is a zionst bitch working for goldman sachs

Thread of great enrichment theme.

perhaps women feel more danger from the niggers and muds
perhaps less emphasis on media of FN as a neo-nazi organisation is a cause

if woman vote for a candidate it means this candidate is invalid
because woman are top stupid
only idiots vote for le pen and the percentage female voters confirms it
get rekt loser

Hello again shill. I'm correct because you can take 2 seconds out of your life to google Marion le pen and see for yourself


It's not that simple. Many of them don't have a country to go back to, because they were born here and they're 2nd, 3rd, sometimes even 4rth generation immigrants. Some are even mixed-race.
Anyway no easy and convenient solution is going to happen. You'll NEVER get a white France again like it used to be in 1950. At the very most, you can shut down the legal immigration and aggressively pursue islamists, like Marine was going to do. That would have worked ok if that plan was enforced over many decades, and the white population would slowly start increasing again, but probably never again to 1950 levels.
Anyway it's all moot for now since Macron is going to do the exact opposite. Maybe in another 5 years and lots of terrorism and enrichment that actually reaches the western coasts that are currenly cucked because they've been sheltered so far. And of course a bunch of old "anti-nazi" voters will die in that period as well. Sure they'll be replaced with immigrants, but a lot of them don't even bother to vote anyway.


Defeatist raus.

Bitch belongs in the kitchen
I'd trust a kike more than some dumb whore

since Macron won, that's pretty much what happened, so congrats on furthering ZOG agenda because you're afraid of cooties i guess

Fucking this, as nice as it would have been for Le Pen to win. It was only ever going to be a kick in the (((establishments))) teeth. This is only ever going to end one way.

You know it, I know it, we all know it

tits or gtfo


cause you sounded like a butt blasted femdyke
women have no place in politics and the sonner you realize this, the better off you'll be

It's just straight-up manipulation in the guise of democracy. Gargage in -> garbage out. Doesn't mean the system is inherently bad, you're just feeding it crap. The biggest problems: MSM and the public school system. But also, the lack of free speech. Democracy can't exist if you can't freely discuss subjects, including naming the jew.

see what?

1.) she fucked around with niggers

2.) her mother shills for israel

3.) kikes spread photoshoppe pictures of le pen with ear ring holes and blue eyes so people think its not le pen

just look at her face its 100% le pens daughter
she is a nigger lover whore and like trump campaign its a 100% lie


Didn't france have like 6 terror attacks in the last few years? And they still elected the guy who said "just deal with it lol"?

Seems like a lost cause to me if that's the case.

Are you 12? Even a normal shill wouldn't use such low effort as you do

the sooner you realize anyone is better than a ZOG-infested banker kike, even a woman, the better off you'll be

you seem very much interested to slander Trump even by proxy and even when he realized about half of his campaign promises already. Just because he fucked up a couple of times doesn't mean the whole campaign was a lie. Stay objective.

Terror attacks are just a part of living in a city though. :^)

t. Khan



damn you 8/pol/ trumptards are imbecility by definition

holy shit…

this site is worse than 4chan

Don't worry, try again 2022, this man lost several times until he became President.


It has nothing at all to do with genetics, and everything to do with brainwashing. Whites defended the hell out of their lands in the middle ages. There was no MSM or mandatory brainwashing in schools.


I mean, of course all the other presidents realized their campaign promises the minute they took office, right? Promises realized and in progress so far don't mean a thing, right? Stealing from a shitty trump tracker online:

- A requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated
- A lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government
- I will announce my intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205
- I will announce our withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership
- Lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward
- Begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States
- Suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. All vetting of people coming into our country will be considered extreme vetting.
- Provide more funding for drug treatment, especially for heroin addicts.
- End the Clean Power Plan
- Tell Ford Motor Co.'s president that unless he cancels plans to build a massive plant in Mexico, the company will face a 35 percent tax on cars imported back into the United States. Trump is confident he can get this done before taking office.
- The ban would call for "extreme vetting" that includes an ideological test.
- Deport the almost 11 million immigrants illegally living in the United States.
- Triple the number of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.
- End the war on coal.
- Invest more heavily in programs that help military veterans transition back to civilian life, including job training and placement services. Also increase funding for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injuries and mental health issues. Veterans who apply for a job at a VA facility will have five points added to their qualifying scores.
- Build a wall (in progress).
- Strengthen the military so that it's "so big and so strong and so great" that "nobody's going to mess with us".
- Find great generals – like the next Gen. Patton or Gen. MacArthur – and do not allow them to go onto television news shows to explain their military strategy.
- Repeal the Affordable Care Act. (in progress)

These definitely didn't happen, right?

Unstick your head from your ass, Trump was never the Hitler we deserve, but that doesn't mean everything he does forwards ZOG agenda. You play with the cards that are dealt and deal with the outcome.


literally kill yourself you jihadi loving liberal cuck

I knew this from the beginning. In these situations, the "moderate" always wins in Europe, whether he actually is moderate or not. People like Le Pen get branded extremists, which is literally like calling someone a terrorist in EuropeYears upon years of heavy MSM propaganda against any kind of extremism – a muzzie killed a frenchman? Let's make it a small headline and not mention the religion or ethnicity, or don't report on it at all. An extremist killed someone? First page story calling for a dialogue about the rising problem of right wing terrorists. If you support far rigth, you are viewed as a criminal that somehow hadn't been arrested yet.

Why did he attack Syria though? Why did Assad say that he has no foreign policy of his own, it's dictated by the deep state? Do you trust the guy that's practically at war with Israel or the one that kisses their ass at every opportunity?

8/pool/ - just as (..expected).)

Story behind the first one?

I have no fucking idea, neither have I control over him. Whether I trust him or not has no fucking effect whatsoever on what happens now. The choice was made, now we deal with the consequences. There's a shitton of things I don't like about how Trump deals with foreign policy. That's not enough reason to denounce the choice I've made yet. Never forget who he was running against though. Lesser evil is still evil, yes, but it's still lesser. Just like with Le Pen, I wanted her to win because Macron will fuck things up even more.

Personal responsibility is accepting the outcomes of things you were responsible for. I helped Trump get voted in an am now accepting the outcome, which is still a million fucking years better than if Hillary won. It's not perfect, but nothing ever is.

Milo really just can't stop being a colossal faggot can he

lepens daughter fucks around with niggers and takes it on camera
her mother shills for kikes they need a clean image of her so they kikes release photo shopped pictures of lepens daughter with blue eyes and ear ring holes as a form of damage control
the ten spread the edited photo and most people will obviously research it and figure out its actually edited as le pens daughter has brown eyes.
they then think le pens daughter dont fuck around with niggers and the rumors are fake while in reality le pens daughter fuck fucks with every shit skin available

and she lost the election

The fucker has leaks tying him to controlled sources a la foreign governments and nothing happens and the media censorship goes so balls to the wall this literal controlled puppet gets elected. This shitstain deserves a killing by mob rule not statesmanship. France is lost, liberation shouldn't even be considered by those who want to commit cultural suicide. Ive been feeling quite fucking terrible all day and I firmly believe it's due to the signigance of this event in linear measurement; this is beyond the call to revolution and the response is a gun barrel to the mouth.

this has been debunked, it's not le pen but a lookalike porn actress


They already do. Spain also has a muslim university. Lel.

Now you see that doesn't really work as anti-homo because it's a cute anime boy, unlike real faggots who are creepy and degenerate.

the woman you posted doesnt even nearly looks like le pen. its just another attempt to post some bs in order clean wash le pens name

while the woman in the picture is le pen

debunked by who? by some kikes who post you shitty links to woman which dont even look like le pen?

you got that wrong
thats not anti-homo - thats 8/pol/

here the thread:

so what you're saying is we're all cute anime boys.
yeah i can live with that.

There are no voting machines and French voting system is extremely hard to rig. Sorry Russia/Jews.

fuck off CUCKCHAN K I K E

Das gay user. It needs some electroshock therapy

Le Pen lost the election. Now is not the time to give up.
What can be done to keep Macron in check?

That post was the first thing that came to my mind when I read that Marie lost. Rest in piece you fucking madman.

cuckchan = Holla Forums
halfcukchan = 4chan

2017 is the year when you made 8/pol/ a worse place than 4cahn



There's no voting ourselves out of this. The sooner we realise this the better.

Why contain it?
The only way Europeans will learn is if they come face to face with evil, which Macaroni seems more than willing to do, either they will die or come out stronger than ever.

They will die, along with the rest of white race. This is what we're trying to stop.


Remember that time in the 90's when the Mujahedin went around murdering and raping Serbs in the Balkans?
Remember that time when France and the entire western world came down on Serbs with the absolute full might of it's military to defend, arm and train what was basically proto-ISIS?
Funny how that worked out in the end.

Can someone make a webm of this? This makes my heart sink.

facebook. com/groups/OfficialPol/permalink/332761223806804/


honestly, the french had been total dicks for one- two centuries now. they've been zog central with the brits for a very long time and with the brits they are the reason why we have to deal with shitskins the way we do.
i hope they pull through, but i can't say they hadn't it coming.

All I can say is that terrorism will start to run rampant there, all part of (((their))) plan. Since Macron will play into the destabilization caused by that, the French just voted for the eventual destruction of sovereignty and absorption into the EU. He may as well be the last leader of France.

Frankly I'd avoid France as a tourist location from this point now, it's going to degenerate into an utter mess.



Hi, French here,
Right wing propaganda is based on logic, reason, intelligence. the problem is that the propaganda from the left is emotional, white/male guilt, etc. TV, facebook, twitter turned people to react only on emotions and quickly changing random informations. We are not fighting on the same ground, there is literally NO media supporting Le Pen or the FN, only some obscure (less than a million) websites.
We even have republican baptism now, so it's truely another religion but republicans will say it is to fight obscurantism of catholicism (never mention islam of course). Most bishops called to vote against Le Pen because she is against immigration. Immigrants who killed a priest and vandalized churches. We are in the same situation as Rome falling to the barbarians because we turned so degenerate we don't care anymore.
I sincerely cannot think of simple solutions to reverse the tide.

I didn't say technology is bad I'm just saying when you realize you work for the jew within his system, paying illegal taxes to continue satans work, dropping out is the only alternative. And it's the only thing that really represents a danger to them.
Hence Waco.

What was Macaroni's appeal to the masses? What were the big issues he campaigned on?
I don't read French well enough to really know what was going on in this election.

Ben Shapiro talks about this a lot. I know he's not 100% but a lot of his stuff is good, and he mentions the difference between right and left arguments. Right wing arguments are fact and policy based, but left wing arguments are feelings based, they only sound good. It doesn't matter if you have a 10 point tax plan that will work, if the guy on the left makes the voters feel good and it sounds ok (like socialism to those who don't know what socialism actually is) he will win. Instead of convincing people that right is right, we need to counter the left's 'right is bad' with 'left is even worse'.

a lot of people have interest in the current situation :
- old retired : they want the euro, they want to stay with the false sense of economic stability, and baby boomers are leftist by essence, they think immigrants are all kind and white people are the problem.
- upper middle class : they are afraid of economical instability too, are afraid of changes and agree with globalism. They are not interested in history, culture, art, let alone religion.*
- And 43% of the people who voted Macron did that to vote against the FN.
I read an article that despised FN as a party of "worker and farmers", that's says a lot. France has no more heavy industries, agriculture is a mess because of the EU and Germany, the government want people to work only in IT and services (tertiary sector ?) so they turn in zombies.
the about 35% score of the FN is industry workers, rural vote, and a few people being annoyed by muslims in everyday life.


Ah, I see.
Thanks for the rundown.

Do you ever stop and listen to yourself for a minute?

Only very big farms have that, for smaller farms, they are drowning in debts. That's why they choose suicide; Plus EU impose ridiculous rules to farm that are against tradition.
The government agrees to anything that come from the EU, some agriculture reforms were tested and implemented in France during the 90s before anywhere else. They were made to get rid of small farms that were the majority in France. They imposed quotas, do you think a farmer will joyfully dump half his production because the EU said so ? The common market put in concurrence farms with very different productivity, EU imposed the same yield in every country, etc. This is unrealistic and farmers here were stripped from the heart of their job : passion.
I don't blame Germany but the EU that wants every country to look like germanic countries, especially on the agriculture point of view : big flat farms with huge crops and intensive and industrialized farming.

They deserved it all white people do now, the human rave is beyond saving, they fell for the (((wrong))) sized I'm just going to forget it all and wait for the omnicidal black pill we deserve it

He means action, defeatism is outlawed for us.
I'm going to join in a few days, I've met them and they convinced me.
We all need to build up things IRL. Internet is going to be censored by bots and IAs, look at youtube and kikebook.

Are we the winning side now?

No argument there, everything these guys touch turns to shit and as unfriendly to the average person as possible.

That's actually the Soviet approach to agriculture. Not really surprising when coming from the EU, though.

Do you know what it takes to be a farmer ? Your life. Your whole life is dedicated to your job, you can hope to go in holidays for a week every two years if you find someone to take care of your farm during this time.
You have to get up at 6 every day and you will not sleep until all the work is finished, in the summer farmers even work during the night.
No week ends off, very few distractions.
Most properties are familial, a lot of times father and sons, mother and daughter work together to try to live from it.
So when the government or the EU told you how you must do your job, to work more because you don't have enough productivity and to dump half your yield because of quotas you can be pissed of or depressive. And then the urban population will despise you because you vote against this madness.

It's basic divide and conquer. Farmer against worker, worker against city dweller, city dweller against farmer and so on. They are naturally also pushing this on a larger scale: The French against the German, German against Pole, Pole against Greek, Greek against French. The EU people and their globalist buddies have almost perfected it at this point.

Honestly, it's frightening how well it works. People rarely consider the situation somebody else is in unless the media is pushing it, like they're doing with "muh reefugees" at the moment. They're willing to trade their neighbours for rapists and terrorists because their TV tells them too.



Yeah… enjoyed your election circus? youtube.com/watch?v=nKDs7TVKCRI

"Marion Maréchal Le Pen is a Front National (FN) member of the French parliament.

She is a granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, and a niece of Marine Le Pen.

Marion's birth father is Roger Auque, a spy and journalist who died in September 2014.[9]

Roger Auque was an agent of Mossad.

Roger Auque wrote In The Secret Service, in which he revealed that he had been a spy for Israel."

let /pool/ have bread and circus cheering for a kosher nationalist

The job you have is to get the good french of blood to survive. The world approaches a bloody dance. Make sure as many good french people survive it.

You can’t fix stupid.

um, you understand murica is a subsidiary of israel, right?

90% of Paris is dune coon, so why are you surprised?

Sure showed us, Abdullah.

I haven't heard that one yet. Nice.

Never vote for a woman. If you want to have a better choice then you should've placed better candidates. The fault is ion you I convinced my French friends to not vote for her because of the futility of having a woman in power for anything

Global report for supporting genocide.

Saving this for future salty reactions 😂👍

it doesn't even matter what people you're pointing out anymore

“You see what happened to the French priest. A friend of mine, he said
I saw him yesterday. I said how did you like France? He said, I wouldn’t go to France … Because

They won’t like me for saying that, but you see what happened in Nice, you see what happened yesterday with the priest, who is supposed to be a spectacular man.
And this world better be very careful and they better get very tough and very smart, and they’ll never do it with Hillary Clinton.”

Macron's going to spend the next five years continue and accelerating the flood of the country with dindus and snackbars, many of whom will be naturalised "French citizens" by the time of the next election.

They've made their choice. France will only be saved by violent revolution, I'd estimate, in about ten years time.

Has anyone done the actual math on this? If we assume the current rate of immigration plus demographics of current ones reaching voting age, what's the impact on the election five years from now? I have a hard time believing it's going to shift the numbers that drastically relative to now. Not saying it won't have an impact, though.


It has already been revealed to us that we must dehumanize ourselves and face to bloodshed.

Are you certain?
Because I'm pretty sure Lady Di did porn too.

lol France has been irredeemable for a while now. It was pretty laughable how hard you Frenchfags tried to get "le madam president XD" elected without realizing that.

lol idiot

the EU was always fated to collapse, with or without the consent of the population.
They chose the hard way, they let their countrymen get brainwashed by the media and surrendered their weapons long ago. I do believe one of the key reasons we narrowly escaped the same fate in the USA is mainly because of the mentality of its population, the grooming and perpetual defense of the 2nd amendment, and the every present reminder of political forces trying to take their weapons and liberties away. The love of the American for their right and liberties and free speech.

Also e-celebs all you want, but frogs barely got anyone speaking against the EU, no real charismatic figurehead red-pilling people in masses, and they are in a linguistic bubble so to speak, they never saw it coming.

The Le Pen family went on and on about how much they loved Israel, and the morons on this board kept thinking they would be able to save France, just like the burgers did with Trump.

It's the same old shit: jews have two options lined up, each working towards their goal from a different direction.

They'll never elect a true nationalist. That's why each time an "opposition party" arises, it's civic nationalist and pro-Israel.

What you can do however, is to have at least 8 white children.

Why aren't Israel's nukes on there? Or are they just added to America's…

So how many % did Le pen increase with this election compared to the past one?

Lurk 2 years before posting.

>you not playing against anyone else, you're looking in the mirror

French election in a nutshell.

It's really hard to do the math when their government bans the collection of statistics on demographics. I've heard you can get rough estimates by looking at hospital records for the occurrence of nigger illnesses like sickle cell anemia, but it's a pretty rough estimate.
I think it only gets worse. The French natives had a brutal year of terror attacks to wake them up, and that clearly wasn't enough. Since they're being continually replaced, I just don't see much hope for their situation. Even worse, if Le Pen had won, she'd have slowed the flow, but I doubt she would repatriate millions of shitskins to their home countries.

We literally need a Hitler, and a massive world war to upend the existing power structures.

You dont
France must be nuked out of existence

Double since 2002 when JMLP her father made it to the second round against Chirac. 17% in 2002 and 34.2% in 2017

Someone gets it.

The fact that a right wing candidate like Le Pen even made it to the second round of voting and then got a third of the French vote is still pretty encouraging for France considering that an admitted socialist is now vacating the Presidency. She may have lost but her party isn't dead just yet. Sooner or later Europe is going to have to admit that Donald Trump's election may have saved their asses from more cultural subversion had a Hillary Clinton been in the White House. Just wait and see how the National Assembly elections turn out and in five years things will heat up even more.

Much like Trump only being one man, Marine Le Pen is just one woman. Things will only get worse before they get better, and at that moment the people will have to rise up and take responsibility.

This…this isn't a bad idea… back in my homeland my family owns 3 houses.
All of the very large.
One of them is in a region that is famous for not being able to be conquered, but good lord it's so dry, I don't understand how my forefathers survived in such an environment, I have never seen a river there, not to mention lake.

That actually might be a reason to keep going, but good luck finding a decent wife.

I thought I found a nice girl, and within 2 weeks she proved she is just another whore that claims that isn't. Bin alone and investing myself more in philosophy since.

All these defeatist shills… remember

It was interesting seeing the results from different parts of France. I always thought the pessimism in America was caused by the most ruthless form of capitalism. France's socialism would save them I thought. But its really the destruction of culture in both countries that ruined them.

Let's look at it from a different perspective.
The FN still got second place and Macron is now forced to appease to the right if he wants to stop FN from getting it 2022.
Otherwise, they do it next time.


Here's an idea; start disseminating simple, emotional propaganda. We have the advantage of having the truth on our side. Our main disadvantage is that we try to explain the truth using facts and figures. But the masses don't want facts and figures. Give them the truth in the way that they understand.

the funniest thing is people think France is lost when 30% of the population voted for a "far right" nationalist party. that is prove enough a large amount of the population is ready for a big change. but no the shills swoop in and post
anti french shit and say Europe is lost

what are we going to do no?

get used to live with terrorism, as our president said.
Oh by the way, evacuation of Gare du Nord and sweeping of some trains is ongoing. Better get used fast.



What a shame.

Because nuke hype is BS post-war propaganda to scare peons into submission. Russia and USA were allies in the cold war against civilians. Tokyo was indistinguishable from Nagasaki and Hiroshima. These places were firebombed. Dresden was more completely destroyed by incendiary bombs.

H-Bomb? Wait, that's just a Fuel Air Bomb. People have always lived in Hiroshima and Nagasaki – where's the "nuclear radiation wasteland"? Holocaust isn't the only hoax around, you know.

Now that you know Nukes are just MOAB fuel air + white phosphorus + magnesium (and uranium which acts like magnesium when lit or struck) – plus some chemical warfare agents to skirt Geneva conventions: "Nuuut Uh! It's 'radiation sickness' Bomb materials aren't chemicals!" Then you can properly assess the situation.

TL;DR: Nukes aren't that scary. Don't by the fear porn.

RIP France. You made great wine, good food and the girls who knew how to bathe were out of this fucking world. You made this inevitable when you let (((them))) kill off your monarchy hundreds of years ago. Sadly, this was inevitable. I was still rooting for you to meme us into a better timeline for you despite that though. May God, Frog and the Devil have mercy on your souls.


Save what we can.

Have we started a fire?

pol remembers

So when are we going to rebirth the Norman Empire?

Having a woman in charge is no different from having a child in charge.

being dominated by a child seems to be a fairly typical normie-cuck fantasy. even around here the argument is "women are children" so get married right way and submit to a state sanctioned femdom relationship.

Dear France,

America here, you're more than welcome to come on over here. Remember that statue you gave us a while back? It's still there, so we're definitely still buddies. Anyway, I know you guys don't shower and you eat gay bread, but I'd rather have you over here, stinky and alive, than raped into obscurity by third world animals.

With love (no homo),
The States

2 L8 M8

You're not from here and you have to go back


(1) and done, now fuck off.

we tried that before, it was a bad idea.

france has been ruled by a bunch of anti-white marxists since the end of ww2.

Slavs. Unless France is flooded with Slavs, it is beyond saving.

The best Idea is to coup EU. Take control of their institutions, and create a Eugenicist European Empire.

Liberals are like the stubborn child that refuses to listen to his parents until he learns the hard way that his parents know what they're talking about. they're the kid who keeps trying to stick his dad's car keys in the socket, and keeps getting them yanked away from him. He screams, cries, throws tantrums for weeks about it. Finally he steals the keys and sticks one in the socket, and permanently loses all feeling on the right side of his body. Only then does he learn to not stick the fucking key in the socket.

Liberals will not stop fighting so hard for the poor dindu nuffin mudslimes until Sharia is implemented and half of them are raped to death for the crime of driving a car. Only then will they understand how evil Islam is. Sadly, I don't think there's any way for them to understand the dangers of Islam until they stick that key in that socket. All right wing nationalists should just evacuate France. Then, in ten years when it turns into Saudi Francabia, NATO can take France back from Islam, since by that point only a military force will be able to take the French government back from the Imams.


Literally the most cuckold shit I've heard on this site and I'm not French.

Come on Joe, we bring our women too.

One day everyone will cheeki breeki on Eiffel tower.

Nigger women are probably the most unappealing on the planet. I'd fuck a neon haired legbeard before I'd fuck a nigger woman, and if no neon haired legbeards were in the room, I'd sooner take a look at a dolphin tank at Seaworld.

The dolphins would at least have more refined language skills.

You pay for this impropriety, Joe.


If I was a French citizen, I'd move to one of these places, and work towards Independence.

Your whore mother sucks niggers. Western Europe (to include Americucks, Poz-Stralians and Canacucks) = epicenter for cuckoldry. West = degenerate weak mans! Eastern Europe = Best Europe! SLAWA!

just another jewish puppet
of course its still better than our free mason president

Hey, make sure you bring Ukrainians too. Slavic brotherhood.

You can leave them out, trust me.

Think one thing can save France for the future and that is for us to encourage independence for all six of France's non white "departments". Territories that France once owned can vote in presidential elections are all third world in French Guyanna in South America, Guadelope in the Caribbean and New Caldonia in the Pacific. New Caldonia is trying to become independent and has a 1/3 white French population that probably will go to war with the locals. Tensions there are very high right now since they delayed an independence vote.This will become one of the first race wars you havent heard about. Corsica should also be encouraged to become independent becasue they want Arabs out and have fire bombed their mosques. Corsica has traditional Marxist organizations like the FLNC but they have a growing dissatisfied young population that wants independence from cucked France.

Underrated post

Then I guess we just invade France.

Just think of all that war booty.

Ukraine = Black sheep of Slav family that never grew out of the angsty, rebellious phase as teenager. Still associates with a bad crowd (the EU and NATO).

I come from these "overseas department". Even with the current levels of enrichment, I feel myself at home in mainland France more than I have ever been in those shitholes. These places may only serve as prisons (bagnes) and deportation camps for racemixed mongrels.

Tbh I only care about Gaels, Brits, Norwegians and Danes lately.

Bring back the North Sea Empire.

I wondered the same thing. I guess they can't let the goyim know

This, defeatists are a huge problem. Just think about White South Africans being less than 10% in their own country and about to go full race war. Europe is far from being done as long as there are white people willing to save it, defeatists are not only passive but also saboteurs of the overall morale. Giving up has NEVER been an option. It's victory or death.

what makes you think that a nationalist party will ever WIN the election? France is not lost but all illusions regarding democracy and controlled opposition are.

You just described the american founding fathers that were big amateurs of interracial sex with their slaves-wives.
France pays since 1789 the for the Anglo-Jewish Revolution that destroyed her.




It's already a shithole. Short of a mass revolt things will slide into decay. So in a sense maybe this is better by not letting the steam off.

CIA is heavily involved in this. We need to revolt in America before we can get their claws out of the European governments.

the jews win either way, at least with Le Pen the EU would probably fall