How come especially Americans are so keen to remind us how they have fought against Communists when they actually were...

How come especially Americans are so keen to remind us how they have fought against Communists when they actually were allied with them against Nazis?

I'm not sure.

After all, if the USA was in a hurry to say it rejects communism, it should have never made any trade agreements with China until China decided to officially stop being a communist country.

because they are retarded?

Because Americans are fucking stupid and unaware of their own history, refer to the Lee monument being defaced RIGHT NOW while the larping cucks sit back crying and the pozzed mob cheers.

No doubt a burger will sperg out in this thread.

top kek

Watching the ordeal from Finland right now tbh.

I get that my country

U wot m8? I guess I'll leave it at that. Surely my point has been made.

low energy

Because we won the cold war, which means beat fucking everybody only to fall into decadence.

You didn't win shit in the Cold War.

that's what you retards seem to think


It's because we spent several decades engaging in a cultural war in the US where we had many people pushing against communist sympathies.

It's farcical now to suggest we still are as against communism considering the subversion that has taken place in the media and in schools.

Good and plausible answer, thank you. We've been subjugated to the same shit, but at least we know where we are and don't brag about things we didn't do.

Yeah, you sure "won" that cold war eh?

Kikes won.

Just like we won korea and vietnam right?

Ye I never got this, even Poland killed more Nazis, hell even the Serbs killed more Nazis, and Russians basically killed 90% of all Nazis and achieved 100% of all military goals, took Berlin, eastern front is basically 99% of the entire war.
Never really understood American movies about ww2. They never participated in it. But no one cares, nobody knows history, the west has fallen, fallen when it comes to space exploration, history, science, militarism and public and moral health……

I just hope that Russians create an empire at least somewhat similar to the German 3rd attempt at it.

Meanwhile Finland fought against both and has one of the very few capitals that got never invaded in ww2. London and Moscow and few others (?) included. Too bad we had to force nazis out to keep our independence.


Why not discuss the real supremacy problem?

This week in stupid shit user says.

Germans were helping Finland since WW1 against the Russians. Whatever Fin fought the Nazi's was either a commie, commie sympathizer, or just an utter faggot.

Fins had no options
driving the Germans out of Lapland was a Soviet requirement for armistice

We were belligerents, not alies, so Germans had no option but to leave, but they didn't.

Oh nm I figured you meant rose up and fought them out.

fucking arrogant 3rd world savage scum, you never did anything in any world wars, other than ending the white domination of the globe

Go back to cuckchan with your D&C.

Wow, I didn't realize Poland's losses were so low in WWII.

I'm with Patton on this subject. The Germans were treated like shit. Jews are a filthy people. Should have rearmed the Germans, and went after the commies.
But our (((Leadership))) at the time didn't want that. (((They))) fears Patton and his ideas. And I am sure he wasn't the only one with those ideas.


Every major German city was destroyed in WW2. Thanks, Anglos and Jews. Germans are who should be paid reparations, instead everyone pays Israel.

How is this D&C? I hear every day about this shit, which is a lie. We Finns had it way worse, you Yankees never even gave us any aid.

It's not D&C to remind everyone that Jews would be nothing if not for Americans doing their bidding. You Americans like to blame us for our situation in Europe, meanwhile the only way to fix it is for you to rid yourself of the Jew first.

oh hey it's a one post shill calling Americans non white. Cool.

Alright, then look what Germany did to Polish cities.
Where are our reparations? Germany actually never paid us anything, only the Commie bastards got some money and stole our land as well.

Why did Hitler have to attack Poland? And why was Hitler allied with Stalin?

Don't forget to report 1 post D&C shills

You need to watch The Greatest Story Never Told, or do some good research. You shouldn't even be here if you have to ask that question.

He probably meant that most of "whites" are counted as whites in USA. For example many of "whites" in jail are not actually white.

Because burgers have a hero complex

Lot's of new people coming here in the past few days. Did anyone big namedrop us?

they do that to make the Hispanics look better on crime stats.

You were the only ones left around after all the real men died. You never fought a real war.

Russians are super retarded

Most of Russians are ethnically Finns.


Don't forget to call everything you don't like D&C shilling until it becomes meaningless.


Because the propaganda they were fed in school found root.
