Lily Macapinlac, an Asian Instagram model with more than 3 million followers...

Lily Macapinlac, an Asian Instagram model with more than 3 million followers, is under fire for old tweets about refusing to date Asian men.

“If another short old Asian dude tries buying me a drink, I’m going to puke on them,” Macapinlac, who goes by Lily May Mac, wrote on Twitter in 2013.

Why democrats party in the same

Other urls found in this thread:

sure is cuckchan today

Why this looks so fake and staged to shaming asian women and try to promote this meme to please asianmasculinity? Nope, I don't want race mixing, but the democrats party shaming white women and force them with black men, and then shilling for asianmasculinity staged, false flag, memes, manipulation against white men and asian women, same for black women, democrats party always trying to promote anything easy to be staged, false flaged, and is biased to be made only against white men.

Why this double standard of democrats party? They try to artificially force white women with black men, they don't call white women self-haters for this, democrats party invented thousands of movies, scenes of movies, commercials, and cuckold pornography trying to shaming, demoralize white men for niggers in artificially way.

Why being attracted to white men = Crime
While being attracted to white women = Normal

Why democrats party never will expose the vermins of asianmasculinity?

In this same week the democrats party "buzzfeed" public any random text of the white girl against his father who looks fake and made to demoralize white men and please niggers in their fetish with white women, now the news is made to please asianmasculinity men who are jealous of any asian women, random video, slut shaming, with democrats party trying to supporting them

Why democrats party is so anti-white male, disgusting?

She should be fucking chinks. Shit thread.

Asianmasculinity attack any couple, video, white men if this hurts their ego, and democrats party are trying to support them? Why racist asian men are supported and democrats party try to keep their narrative, while they try to artificially force white women with black men and create anti-white male narrative too of cuckolds and try to shaming and demoralize?

Why democrats party is so anti-white male?

They will public any random tweet, post, who could be false-flag, fake, anything if is to keep anti-white male narrative, she don't even had many replies, but they will not make the same with white women, against niggers, against asianmasculintiy

Why democrats party cherrypick only anti-white male narrative, try to please the nigger, the loser of asianmasculinity.

You're obsessed buddy. You remind me of the huefag that had an obsession with cuckoldry and "americuckolds".

bwc tumblr

Look at asianmasculinity

Asian masculinity losers

asianmasculinity lol

The women need to be paid

Asian boys are pathetic

Azn identity tyger eurasianwriter fanfic

Rich chinese girl (Celebrity in her country) and white british student

Asian boys of asian masculinity are pathetic, they need to beg for girl

Losers spaming shit on instagram and other websites, they are really serious in spam anti-white male garbage and create a fantasy of opposite world

Ugly jealous shitskined asian men of micro dicks, manlets, jealous, fucking ugly (Asian women aren't, and asian women looks more white than shitskined short micro dick ugly weak bodies manlet jealous unfunny bitter asian men), bitter, insulting white men, insulting asian women, projecting their own insecurities and hatred, trying to justify, being jews on internet pretending to be white, black, mixed.

Need to pay for the rare women date them, gold diggers and weaboo. The women become a joke when dating the asian masculinity trying to show the woman like a racial trophy

Canada, Australia/NZ, USA and UK, losers from asianmasculinity are mostly with flags of these countries

They aren't Hapa/Mixed bullshit, they are full blooded western beta asian men larping/pretending to be mixed and making anti-white male memes based in their own projections and demoralization fanfics, the tyger full blooded asian male eurasianwriter fanfics of a full blooded asian men.

Hapa bullshit was invented as a meme of asianmasculinity to try to demoralize, attack, white men with asian women to undermine, they don't date, don't have couples. Asianmasculinity was smart in create this retarded meme because when you use the "hapa" meme bullshit the asian masculinity enjoy because are them pretending to be mixed, and using this as a shield to demoralize white men and don't attack directly the western beta asian male.

I don't read the rest of your post, but when you keep the hapa meme of full blooded asian losers of asianmasculinity i have nothing more to read because i know you're manipulated by them

Even then, if you listen to what women say, you are a lost cause.

He's obviously a chink that's mad about getting cucked by the master race. Ditto the huefag.
The tweets are fucking hilarious.
top kek

She deserves all the shit she gets. Race-mixing is terrible. Keep the white race pure.

Every thing "western" is beta cuckold shit. Europeans and their relatives are bigger and therefore are still considered "manlier", even if they are cuckolds themselves.
Pure blooded natives ftw.

Asianmasculiniy on instagram trying to cherrypic pics of loser weaboo and gold diggers white women dating with ugly men of asian masculinity, while cherrypicking pics of ugly white men and trying to push memes and shitpost against white men with asian women while at the same time wanting white women, and they are more serious about this in many websites

I will make a instagram account and starting posting these pics and puting the tags

Asian boy white women

Asian guy white girl



Asian men

Asian masculinity


White men asian women

White men asian girl

Asian girl white guy

White guy

White boy



Because the loser of asianmasculinity cherripic pics of ugly and old men who some aren't even doing nothing and try to pretend that this represents the reality, just to try to demoralize and undermine, while they cheeripic pathetic white women weaboo and gold digger who date with some ugly loser asian men but can put the weaboo girl in the weaboo asian country or give money for the rare loser white women dating asianmasculinity, while asianmasculinity show the white women like a racial trophy for other beta asian males comment and the white women already have no dignity because she dated some ugly asian beta loser because she wants money, weaboo wanting travel for japan

Last two pics are of a instagram that is not in the top page because asianmasculinity are more serious about the race of white women and searching for these things, while white men are just normal men who don't care so much about race of the women depiste the meme and projection of asianmasculinty, is just that asian women can be pretty and attractive, but them they tried to shill every projection who the losers of asianmasculinity are, and they shitposted in the tags with white men and tried to cherrypic and spam pics of old or ugly white men to keep their meme and projection since they are the losers who cherrypic ugly rich asian betas dating gold diggers and weaboos white women and showing them as a racial trophy and if the white woman have no dignity she make everything for other losers of asianmasculinity use white women race and fetish as a racial trophy.

Asian masculinity invented anti-white male memes, spamed disgusting shit, invented memes to protect their ego and try to attack white men.

Why democrats party don't public in some of their websites, buzzfeed, newyorktimes, cnn, salon, washington post, usatoday, snopes, mediamatter, something to demoralize the losers of asianmasculinity spamming anti-white males memes, blacked, cuckoldry, pretending to be white and make repulsive comments, pretending to be black, pretending to be mixed hapa bullshit, asian male beta losers harassing people because of their jealousy.

But the democrats party media wants to support them because democrats party is by default disgusting anti-white male

weekend + shills

Whenever I read an article complaining about "yellow fever" it usually involves white women being angry that some white men like Asian women. I rarely ever read about somebody complaining about the Asian women who like white men.

Not placing the blame equally on both men and on women doesn't make sense to me.

It's looks so false flaged, but the democrats party never would public fake accounts cuckold tweets or anything of white women with niggers, because they just want to please losers of asianmasculinity meanwhile with white men they are white men racially trashed

This looks so fake, staged, steryotiped and anyway, have cuckold tweets on twitter who follow this narrative, why they don't public and slut shaming white women with niggers on twitter? Why they don't call white owmen with non-white men self-haters?

Why democrats party are so biased?

This thread is pure concentrated autism of the worst kind.

All women want men who all others women want.
Just biological reality.

Why democrats party wants to protect the ego of jealous asian men and meme and support their anti-white male narrative? Why they are so cynical to keep the batantly jealous of asian men while democrats party artificially try to force white women with black men even white women, asian women, having preference for white men because white men are attractive, in the same way than white women

Why democrats party wants to make:

White men target of everything to demoralize, shaming, boycott

Why do you accept democrats party trying to trashing only white men?

White men are universally desired. That's why there's so much anti-white propaganda. They want us fat and lethargic, watching niggerball, eating fast food, and jerking off to cuck porn. Don't fall for their tricks.

Pic related, rich famous chinese girl (Famous in china) dating british white student, meanwhile some manlet ugly asianmasculinity beta loser dating some rare white girl gold digger with ugly asian men, i don't know if she is weaboo too and wanted to travel for other country.

Websites with losers from asianmasculinity:


/r/hapa who full blooded asian beta losers are larping pretending to be mixed


lookism sluthate puahate (In lookism i think they are mods, is a forum of virgins and losers talking about how to get women, how to be attractive and calling others incel, fucking virgin asian betas calling other incel, and i think all are virgins larping)

Tyger, full blooded asian beta loser pretending to be mixed hapa bullshit in their eurasianwriter fanfics

They who invented most of anti-white male memes in imageboards

They are on yahoo answers

They are on instagram

They are on comments of youtube

Some other websites


r/asianmasculinity is a fucking goldmine

From asianmasculinity

lol what

if anything it's the other around. white male/non-white female is far rarer than the coalburner couple which is pushed in fucking everything these days

This reminds me. Saw that James Cordon show in the trending part of youtube and the title was like "LOVE SUDDENLY AND EXPECTEDLY AND TOTALLY UNSCRIPTEDLY BLOSSOMS DURING A SHOW SEGMENT" and the thumbnail is a non-white man with a white, blonde woman.

Pure coincidence though, I'm sure.

Is impossible to make comparison, asian women really was attracted to white men even with the media shiting in white men

White women was just memed artificially with blck men by democrats party media, movies, porn, everything trying to force this.

Look at all the media, fake staged videos, comics, race baiting, anti-white male shit made by democrats party for years and trying to meme white women into this

Now look at white men and asian women without media, without porn, nothing, but democrats party also still wanting to boycott this just to please asianmasculinity crying, lies, manipulation

Same for white men and black women with black women making many erotic books and things about relationship with white men, the interracial couple thing in 1960 was mostly white men and black women, and what the democrats party tried to meme? Again, the opposite anti-white male world

Look at the quantity of anti-white male videos, websites, media, industries, big productions, everything cumulated by every industry, website, place, owned by democrats party for years shiting in white men racially for their social engineering for votes and power

Democrats party are the worse and most disgusting enemy

White men dating women of own race, and white men against other white men, in some movie, porn, website, media, video, will not erase all racial anti-white male staged fake videos, media, scenes of movies, movies, everything produced by democrats party for years and the democrats party are the ones with monopoly of the media and they are anti-white

They always tried to make white men the most neutral, non-triggering, apologetic, non-man and everything possible to not trigger asianmasculinity, niggers, but tried to artificially invent everything against white men and now this is their target voting manipulation social engineering strategy

Remember the webm of some 70 year baby boomer or kike in some reunion of democrats party laughing and joking about suicides of whites, and the disgusting video of huffington post in the begins of 2015


I thought Holla Forums was in favor of hapa nationalism.
There was a thread a couple days ago about Japan and a bunch of people posting anime said bleaching asian countries like Japan would be best.

white men and asian women is very rare in the media, porn, everything, asianmasculinity is retarded and over react in every rare momment who have white men and asian women to shill against this, they are smart and the democrats party don't want to trigger them so they tried to remove white men and asian women couples in the media to please asianmasculinity. The websites owned by democrats party accepted the lies and bait of asianmasculinity trying to disguise that they were just jealous of white men being more attractive than asian men, in the same way asianmasculinity insult asian women and say that white women is more attractive, but they don't accept white men being more attractive because it's hurt their anti-white male jealous ego.

White men having media, movies, porn or anything with asian women is rare even having more couples, but then the democrats party tried to support the angry microdicked snakes of asianmasculinity subversion, and produced videos and garbage only against white men

White women don't like blacks, don't have many couples besides rich blacks having gold diggers,but for years democrats party tried to artificially force this, while shiting on white men in every kind of industry, media, corporation owned by them

White men being neutral and with women of own race don't hurt niggers, don't hurt asianmasculinity, this is why the democrats party at the same way tried to artificially force white women only making high racial entertainment productions even against men of own race and being a good fetish for other race, while they forced white men to be something occasional, rare, with women of other race in media, porn, everything because their target is shit in white men and create and increase this social engineering for years of manipulation of their disgusting party who control basically everythign in the USA and are the inventors of every staged video, websites, media, industries who forced for years racial anti-white male garbage, and forced white men to be neutral only doing movies of white men dating women of own race and against own white men, to be non-triggering and create a culture of hate to please the men of other race and try to demoralize, shit in white men for years

Masculine instincts is about being dominant male, men want the women but don't want to be viewed as weaker and loser for other men. And since the race become a tribe, group, people, they want to get the women but don't want to be viewed as weaker and loser for other men. And the women enjoy see the men of own tribe being dominant or will be with the men of other tribe.

asian culture is naturally turbopolygamous, IE the richest or the smartest person usually gets girls since asian culture is patriarchical. north american asians have the added dimension that not only do you have to be smart and educated, you also have to be good-looking and aesthetic.

result is tons of insecure asians who are neither smart nor good-looking and pretty much get rejected out of asian culture and mainstream culture and so turn to asianmasculinity.

And the vermins of democrats party are cynical because they don't want to demoralize
Beta anti-white male losers

Was asianmasculinity spaming blacked, cuckold porn, interracial, anti-white male memes, pretending to be hapa bullshit, the tyger full blooded asian men pretending to be mixed in eurasianwriter fanfics, they are in every youtube comment, they are the most organized beta male snakes who manipulated even Holla Forums for their "blacked" bullshit who was pushed by the asian loser with flag of australia, have some in new zeland, canada, USA and UK


Okay, I'll bite. Now I can't say I've watched a ton of Japanese porn (non-hentai that is), but I can't recall ever seeing a cock longer than 5". Not one.

Is this that bimbo whose picture of her smiling like a retard has been spammed by that one retard and is somehow categorized as "American girl" in an effort to bimboize our culture?

Democrats party manipulation:

Everything who USA and democrats party try to produce is anti-white male

Learn how the brain of anti-white male haters works and why only white men is attacked.

This is how democrats party works

They are just trying to please the fetish of men of other race with white women, boycott white men with the women of other race to not trigger the ego of men of other race, and push anti-white male narratives while put white men neutral doing movies, porn, scenes with white women while constantly push white women in comics, porn, commercials, media, with niggers and other race even white women having preference for white men, asian women having preference for white men

Democrats party are always trying to push white men like shit, their news, narratives, media, movies, porn, everything manipulated for years

While they make some neutral movie or anything to get money of whites

Oh of course it is. Literally fuck off to whatever reddit hellhole you came from.

old smelly pasta

This is why all these things looks so weird, staged, fake, manipulated for asianmasculinity losers.

Democrats party in USA invented cuckold racial anti-white male media, cuckold porn, they will try to cherrypick or invent a lie in the past to justify this, forbid white men to make the same constant cuckold media, cuckold porn industry against men of other race with women of their own race worshiping white men and against them, they cherrypick news, tweets, everything to make white men look bad, to please niggers, asianmasculinity, but never will try to expose asianmasculinty, niggers, men of other race, demoralize, shaming them, demoralize white women with non-white men in the same way they are trying to shaming asian women with white men just to please the betas of asianmasculintiy who attack any random white men, asian women and democrats party (Their websites, media, lobby, narrative, official manipulation) support this because is against white men

What's that clip from?

Please, read this.

Why democrats party have so much hatred of white men to support every loser and anti-white male narrative and manipulation?

Is so fucking sad the bias, double standard, manipulation of democrats party

There's no source in that thread either.

Democrats party = American media, corporations, lobby, their websites, buzzfeed, cnn, mtv now, huffington post, new york times, buzzfeed, salon, fox (Simpsons episode against trump to shill for democrats party), mediamatters, snopes, usatoday, washington post and thousands of other websites, media, industries, corporations and lobby

Democrats party

I got you fam.

NOWAG Queen Macapinlac

asianmasculinity digs into the deepest depths of the internet and finds a few fetish pages and declares it a mass media conspiracy, meanwhile there actually IS a "fuck whitey!" campaign in the media.
White men and asian women is rare in media, porn, everything but every rare time who this happens asianmasculinity chimopout, so democrats party is trying to please asianmasculinity and in the few rare momemnts of white men and asian women they try to make couples soft, don't like each other, divide, put the asian women being ugly or the white men, while artificially push white women in comics, media, movies, porn, everything.

Disgusting democrats party.

Everyone now know that they can take advantage in USA of democrats party and all these anti-white male default bias, narrative while pretending that is not

3/4 Pawnee, 1/8 Lakota, 1/8 Dutch German, what's the problem?


never knew you fags were into racemixing

When white women (Cuckold fake accounts, asianmasculinity, niggers, pretending to be women) does this, democrats party try to demoralize white men with cuckoldry and shill for white women with these people

When asian women or any other race of women does anything positive for white men, they try to attack white men and please the hurt ego of men of other race

And this looks staged. Democrats party are disgusting, they only cherrypick news, comments, things whoa re made to be anti-white male and please some niggers, losers from asianmasculinity who were disgusting pretending to be white, black, mixed, insulting the own asian women, lol, insulting white men, inventing anti-white male memes, spamming racial cuckold pornography who is only made against white men in american media, porn industry, everything for years while the white males produce nothing besides neutral pornography with white women to be non-triggering for asianmasculintiy, niggers unless the random occasional exception to pretend to be unbiased but with the worst actors, worst women, worst men, and never does the same thing again for 5 years while keep the white women fetish used in comics, media, movies, porn and everything for other race

And is totally artificially manipulated

Disgusting democrats party

I'm into expose the anti-white male double standard of democrats party manipulation, chosen news, hiden news, narrative, propaganda.

Even on this, they don't want race mixing with white men, they just want to please the fetish of men of other race, race baiting, demoralize, racially attack, shit in white men, and they use every industry in USA controled by them, every website, everythijng!

I don't want race mixing, i just wanted the media of dmeocrats party exposing losers of asianmasculinity, niggers, and not being anti-white male biased

It's so fucking sad live for years with injustice, manipulation, bias of democrats party

Democrats party are disgusting, evil, anti-white cherrypicking, accept or will always produce any false flag, fake texting, narrative who please their anti-white male haters

American culture:

Racial worshiping promoted for white women
Racial trashing made against white men

We must protect and defend the jealousy and ego of men of other races
We must attack and shit in white men
We must artificially force white women with them and boycott white men with women if it hurts the ego of jealous and loser men of other race

Mixing this with democrats party political manipulation, criminal manipulation to cover up niggers, to by default choose any fake news or anything who can be used against white, have the edited video of black lives matter on CNN to keep narrative.

Democrats party are disgusting

Democrats party = American media, corporations, lobby, their websites, buzzfeed, cnn, mtv now, huffington post, new york times, buzzfeed, salon, fox (Simpsons episode against trump to shill for democrats party), mediamatters, snopes, usatoday, washington post and thousands of other websites, media, industries, corporations and lobby

Everything who is controled by them and spread, forced by them since left-wing media only copy democrats party partisan garbage like the default.

Is disgusting the democrats party having this monopoly.

My injustice and outrage was because is explicit the bias, manipulation and default anti-white cherrypicking and propaganda made by democrats party and they never will public expose the losers of asianmasculinity. They never will try to shaming and demoralize men of other race or white women dating non-white men, but try to shaming white men and asian women dating white men to please the loser meme of asianmasculinity.

I don't want asian women, I'm just saying the piece of shit who they are.

It's injustice, tired of the anti-white male race baiting bias, manipulation, of democrats party for years.

Nigger look at the fucking ids, or for that matter the horrible grammar in ever second post, it's one weirdo. Also, "bleaching" is the meme that ruined South America.

White men should have as many children as possible. We're gonna bleach the world.

did (((you))) get your screenshot?

Assad is the product of bleaching.

this is the way it should be.
white men are gods to all woman.

so, to all whites here;
repeat until 30

So are white women which is why every fashion model including this woman tries to look like one.

hi mr shekelstein

Relax. Your spacing and obsession with a subreddit tells me you might not be around here.

Does anyone have that image (comic) where a half-Asian a la Elliot Rogers is sad and his Asian mum is cheering him up because he's so great but she herself chose a white male while her son is an effeminate half breed.

Just what is this thread? Are we getting shilled that much and hard?

Nope because it's a meme invented by asianmasculinty, the same asianmasculinity who drawn niggers, spammed cuckold porn and tried to undermine and demoralize white men in his fake meme.
They will use forever the meme of eliot roger who is mixed with dark skinned, australoid blood, thai and a jewish male. Because if this could hurt and undermine white men while shilling for asian men and white women, lol.

You just perpetuate the manipulation of asianmasculinity against white men if you keep posting their anti-white male memes.

Also, all the hapa and mixed bullshit were made by full blooded beta asian men pretending to be mixed and inventing fanfics.

You will keep posting asianmasculinity meme who is used a shield for full blooded subversive anti-white male loser asian men?

And nope, the majority of white men are normal, even in their families, it's the losers of asianmasculinity who are trying to invent excuses and create anti-white male shit to please their egos butthurt because white men is attractive but don't want to accept this and democrats party always want to undermine white men but keep white women because this don't trigger the men of other race.

Seriously, the girl basically nobody tweet her, look so steryotiped staged, fake, and even if is not fake, why kim kardashian is praised and promoted, even not being white but showed as white and trying to basically artificially force a meme with niggers, but they want to promote asian beta loser men attacking white men and asian women and being cynical to pretend that any random white men aren't attacked?

Why they are so cynical about this?

Please, don't support asianmasculinity bullshit, they manipulated you idiots to spam cuckold and blacked anti-white male shit with flags of Australia, NZ, Canada, UK and USA.

Again, don't support manipulation of asianmasculinity full blooded asian betas.

that's a lot of mental illness and social dysfunction

Shit thread OP, we don't give a shit about racemixers. Stop signal boosting


What? Like how Liz Warren is an Indian?


Tell me the last time you saw a white girl of that caliber do this

You're an insecure homo with cuckold tendencies. You make up for it by calling white men gods and wishing us to be some bull, wife fuckers like the niggers you watch in porn.


U wot m8

Beta asian men are pathetic

Why you're posting the meme of asianmasculinity idiot? It's made to demoralize white men, the same asianmasculintiy who spammed interracial cuckold porn, blacked, the same asianmasculinity who invented the fanfic of hapas bullshit when was a full blooded asian men.

Asian women don't behave like this, white men don't hate nobody, white men even have nigger adopted children, you know this.

It's a fanfic of asianmasculinity, they also hide themselves.

What the fuck is with all of these threads with worthless topics and the OP goes on to samefag almost 30 times, not replying to anyone, not wanting discussion. Not as bad as the artificial wombs thread with the shill OP posting over 600 times. This place is getting unbearable. Are there even real anons here anymore?

The same asianmasculinity who try to search for white girl gold diggers or weabos to dating as a fetish, racial trophy but are jealous of white men being more attractive. Why do you keep posting the memes invented by asianmasculinity? You're asian men?

That pizza looks awesome, just saying. Oh yeah, not politics. She's a nobody and even lesser cunts on shitter getting butthurt when they have no chance with her to begin with isn't worthy of a thread.

OP is a deranged Hapa
This supreme gentleman is probably going to go on a shooting rampage eventually. This is why you should never race-mix with insect people.

It's mental illness.

I wish I could report this entire thread

Spot the asian male butthurt on Holla Forums.
Hapa is a meme invented by full blooded loser asian men tyger pretending to be mixed in eurasianwriter fanfics and he invented thousands of bullshit based in eliot garbage and projecting himself.

Nope, i don't want asian women, but you are supporting asian beta losers who want white women, tried to boycott and undermine white men, invented anti-white male memes, spammed cuckold anti-white male porn, are organized in other forums and websites, are biased.

Please, don't be manipulated by full blooded beta asian losers

If you attack their meme ((Hapa)) bullshit, you don't hurt the asianmasculinity men but help them because they want to keep this meme

Please, don't be manipulated by them, even if they are infiltrated on Holla Forums

When i remember the threads of based ((Asian men)), Holla Forums trying to keep the asianmasculinity memes, they chimpout and hiden when have something who asianmasculinity don't like. I think we have asianmasculinity infiltrated even on 8pol

I will not post anymore, please, never be manipulated by asianmasculinity spamers, losers again.

In imageboards with flags, the loser asianmasculinity type of men are mostly with flags of Australia, NZ, Canada, USA and UK.

Always suspect of their memes, spam, and what they are trying to shill.

Australia is literally right next to asia and yet it was first colonized and made into a new european state by a country in the complete opposite of the world.

Asian history is strictly limited to the asian continent, while european history is world history. What more proof do you want that whites truly are the superior race physically and mentally?

And even staged, She is right. Asian "men" are beta ugly short and have the personality of a dump rag. Not to mention their tiny dicks and femininity

Leftmost white Mikuru is kinda cute.

Has it occurred to you that this is the polar opposite of being civilized? If you want to see someone really creative and talented, look at vid related.

Don't make me drop another nuke, Slant.

I'd white genocide in her pussy tbh.

if you follow this shit you would know that is actually right, his english is broken but what he says is true.

Their is some real effort to shill this type of conflict, no idea what the motivation is though.

Sounds like every asian video game ever made


Why are you speaking in broken English, gook?

Multiculturalism ruined Asian men Jesus fuck this thread. Feminism + Asian Culture = turbo cucks.

Asian men, save yourselves, fight feminism with every ounce of strength.

I am white but you are not, Hapa subhuman.

It's a number of things as far as I can tell.

They're angry at white men and want to hurt them because asian women find them attractive.

They also want to get back at asian women by dating non-asian women to make them jealous.

Hardcore autism.

Pic related, again, chink of asianmasculinity with flag of UK obsessed in spam blacked cuckold porn goes to a website girlsaskguys and copy and paste a fake account of someone pretending to be a girl, i know this because i visited this website in the past and called his account fake and he accepted it and said that was only a fetish, i'm not sure if was in 2014, 2015 or 2016.

This same chink with flag of UK is obsessed against white men and asian women, obsessed in asian men with white women and try to cherrypick and spam blacked, cuckold porn and shit on imageboards to demoralize white men.

Many people were useful idiots on Holla Forums and imageboards and were manipulated by this anti-white male asian loser of asian masculinity (I don't know if he is exactly chink or other country)

Here the chink of UK showing up in this thread

Start here before the chink with flag of UK begins in the thread
When the chink with flag of UK start shitposting

Searching in archives i viewed again.

Asianmasculinity are just snake asian beta men who tried to demoralize, shaming, attack white men and take advantage of everything.

They were on many boards. Always the same chinks with flags of Australia, NZ, Canada, USA, UK know by losers of asianmasculinity, with few useful idiots. Waiting for asianmasculinity with flags of other countries, but they are mostly in these countries. Had some asianmasculinity with flag of Malaysia in the past but he don't post so much anymore.

Was not a "white" australian banter guy, was a chink of asianmasculinity trying to demoralize and shit in white men spaming cuckoldry, blacked always in the same hours and all the time for days on some boards, and waiting to have some useful idiots or literal cuckolds following them.

You have subversive anti-white male haters trying to trashing yourselves and democrats party government for years supporting everything manipulated against yourselves.

These people from asianmasculinity never will be public and constantly demoralized in media, never will have cuckold pornography made against them, never will have cuckold movies and scenes to demoralize them, not even some rare softcore random version, democrasts party will try to meme opposite world with white women in the same way the democrats party artificially tried to force nigger male and white women even the "interracial" in 1960 were black women wanting white men, and black women writing books, wanting white men, but then the democrats party tried to revert this for nigger male and white women and create thousands of videos, fetish, anti-white male racial commercials, staged videos, porn, everything for years to try to meme niggers with white women.

Democrats party who control the media all these years (Or jews) are your most coward and disgusting anti-white enemy.


It's because democrats party have target in:

They think that asianmasculinity represents their new "niggers" to get votes, beta rich anti-white male shiposters on internet who never will be exposed and public demoralized because democrats party who are owners of all industries are by default anti-white male and will only cherrypic, public and make everything to demoralize, shaming, silence, boycott, make everything possible anti-white male because they think that being "anti-white male" is a positive brand, while they aren't so much "anti-white women" who aren't demoralized, and don't have their image or value decreased or shit, since the women are usually more brainwashed than men and aren't jealous of white women in the media, in the same way the men of other race are jealous of white men, want white men being trashed, want fetish with white women, and want white men boycotted or related with shit with women of own race.

Look at the feminist game horizon zero dawn hyped, they put white women in the tribe with niggers and other race, try to make white women pretend that is poc, part of other racial group, and all villains are only white male.

Also, look at the movies with trend of the nigger or other race being the good and the villains being white men only.

really. makes. you. think.

white (kardashians aren't, but are treated in the media as white) girls who race mix will always be praised and considered progressive whereas non-white girls who race mix with whites will be considered sell outs

Gee I wonder who's behind that post…


Armenians used to be white but I think many modern ones are not pure? I hope they preserve whatever is left of their nation, recover some territory, etc. but there's no way in hell I'd let any daughter of mine marry an Armenian.

Sorry bro, other armenians can be white, but these family and women are disgusting, freak and turned this into a meme to still being celebrity being a nothing, Paris Hilton stopped to have fame while they still being forced because of this meme with niggers who they say that everyone of their family need to be with niggers to keep fame and being forced in the media, their freak shemale Kaitlin father.

Their whole family is disgusting and freak, sad and repulsive and forced only because of niggers with them. Why they don't stop to be forced in the media and don't die like Paris Hilton stopped to be celebrity and be in the media? It's because they make everything to shock, be freak, bizarre and being with niggers is their meme to have fame in these disgusting media. I hope their whole family die in some plane.


Into the trash she goes.


Which universe does this person live in? I'm in Canada and despite blacks being about 2% of the population I see more WF/BM couples in ads than I see WM/AF (in fact I rarely see the latter). When I look at American media I see TONS of WF/BM and almost no WF/Hispanic male couples despite there being far more Hispanics in the US than blacks if I'm correct. And don't get me started on how white men are shown in ads. They're always bumbling morons who can barely work a toaster while their wives all act like "Oh youuuuu. Honey, you wouldn't be able to bathe yourself without me." You rarely ever see the minority males get shown this way. Even if it's just a group of dudes in a commercial the minority one (typically black) is portrayed all the time as the cool one and often looks like he's doing the "nerdy white guys" a favour by being with them.

Good god, Chung… even if you DO get a white woman, you're never going to be white yourself, and neither will your kid. I repeat: you. will. never. ever. ever. EVER. be. white. EVER.

And if any of your moonfaces from that site are reading this, I'm not even saying this as a white guy. I'm a mongrel (no Asian in me) and even I cringe at your inferiority complex and have a disdain for racemixing.

If i wanted a thread about some whore and her preference in dick flavors I would go to tumblr.

Glad we had a slide thread about it, well worth it

Has Holla Forums sunk into a new low talking about and encouraging racemixing and shit? It is as if you fuckers are asking to be included in the gas chambers.

Uncle Adolf must surely be trying to break off his grave at this point.


why is this fucking board so obsessed with racemixing. fuck off and date whoever the fuck you want and shitting up the board with this nonsense



i can understand where u are coming from. on many 4chan boards i browsed like /sp/ and /fit/ some guy there used to constantly post pictures of asian guys with white girls and try to play it off as though he wasn't aware of he was doing. i just don't care though because it comes off verhy pathetic and insecure

The only "masculine" Asians are Mongolians.

I've seen literally 70% of the posts in this thread somewhere else already. This has to be botspam.

They aren't his children, are from his wife, and i know a old rich nigger caled Pele who had a asian wife in his 70 years and other niggers who are rich who choose white. And asian men who get white women gold diggers.

I don't even know who is him, i search for this on google

Basically, you fall for the meme of asianmasculinity.

The asianmasculinity just want to make white men look bad, manipulate, and force anti-white male memes, here the Pele (He is a fraud)

He is a rich player who get a younger woman because of his money, he is a player of the past before offsides (Now today european and caucasian, white players are the best in sports)

Same happens for ugly asian men who with money can get some rare white gold diggers or weaboo, but democrats party are trying to shill for asianmasculinty get white women and shilling against white men and asian women. Lol.

Democrats party always will be biased, disgusting, and try to trashing, and shit in white men to please any hater.


The man in the top two is clearly her brother no?

I search on google images
Lia Marie Johnson boyfriend
And i viewed his pics

Please, save all the pics in this thread because i don't save these pics in my computer, only in future if you want to use this against asianmasculinity shitposters.


Finland isn't in Asia

This guy is a Brazilian dude who has been investigating r/asianmasculinity for a while. He along with the Greek guy on Holla Forums were the first to actually start fighting back against them, he's actually a pretty good guy.

If you read his posts, his English is shit, but his points are spot on. There's a lot of systematic asian male narrative-shaping going on at levels like IRC rooms and subreddits and hidden areas where they spam pictures of white women with asian men, encourage hatred of white men, they even upload AMWF porn to PornHub en mass, and tag it with tags like "asian women" - although this strategy was kind of funny as those videos just ended up getting mass downvoted: Not even cucks want to see asian men fucking white women.

So give the BR some credit, he has dug up a lot of stuff about these overseas asians weirdos.

This is also spot on. There isn't a shred of evidence anyone in /r/hapas is an actual, legitimate half-asian. Ironically the only one who actually IS demonstrably a half-asian is an /r9k/ BR girl with a Japanese dad and White mother called Flavia: She's 29, has no job, hates white men and screams at her mother if she doesn't cut her fruit in the way she likes it.

The real red pill in all of this is that mixed kids identify with the race of their father. Always has been that way and always will be that way.

See, this is the thing with asian guys in the west. They still don't get it. They still don't realize that no matter how enhanced their economic status is, that doesn't make them desirable to women on a base, animal level - or even an emotional level.

They're just completely clueless strivers. Their entire MO when it comes to women is acquiring as many economic status symbols as possible in order to signal that they are good providers.

This is a classic East vs. West culture clash. It doesn't even occur to them that developing social skills are hugely important since its unimportant back in China & Korea.

Bingo. As I said it's a culture clash. Much like white betas are raised with an expectation, from libtard society largely, that women and men are "the same" and that correspondingly, all women want from a relationship is something that amounts to a good friend - Asian American men are raised with the expectation that all they need to get girls is an upper middle class profession. The realization on both sides makes both groups bitter and entitled, the difference is that Asians project their bitterness onto the white ingroup in their societies.

The problem with the /r/asianmasculinity types and this new breed of bitter asian male is that they keep searching around for all of these vague, amorphous phantasm-reasons as to why Asian women like White men without realizing that the simple answer here, as per occam's razor, is the most profound answer - Asian women like White men for the same reason they like White women: Because they consider them to be physically good looking.

This too.

I have never, ever encountered a white woman who likes asian men who wasn't an animation or k-poop fanatic.

kek. Sup MPC/AutoAdmit.

Assad is a Levantine, the Syrian civil war is a race-war by proxy (Levantines vs. Gulf shit skin sunniggers).

Daily reminder to never stick your dick in one of those subhumans, they don't know how to be creative.

Unless if they're part nig and look passable white and never learned about their missing negro dad

Anyone who knows shit about football/soccer knows this BRbro - Maradona > Pele.

Even then it's debatable. The only bearable mulattoes I've ever met who weren't anti-white are those with white fathers.

That's unfair. Asians are exceptionally talented in the technical sense with art (even European observers in the 19th century mentioned this), their art was limited in scope because of the nature of confucian ethics, feng shui prohibitions on things like architectural innovation and how technical talents were taught (student 1:1 copies the master).

If anything the relative lack of innovation within East Asian art historically is evidence that the memes about culture sometimes stifling creativity is actually true.

You won't be laughing when it's you walking in on a nigger fucking your girl in the ass with a bigger cock than yours.
Or fucking 3 pakis at once.
Women are degenerate cunts, and nothing you do for them will ever be eniugh.
They always look to trade up.
Obviously you haven't found out the hard way yet, if you had, you may not have laughed so hard at that asian guy's pain.

The butthurt asian guys you're inadvertantly shilling for feel zero empathy for you. They'd happily destroy your nation and take it over and kill your entire family.

When will white people stop being empathetic to outgroups?

That's how we lost the Tocharians. When are people ever gonna learn?

Weren't the Tocharians quite literally WMAF haffus? I recall that the Tarim Basim mummies they found in Western China have Western Eurasian (i.e. white) DNA on the paternal side, but East Asian ancestry on their mtDNA side.

They were Scythians that migrated to China and mixed with the local population. Reason why until about you get to around AD there were green eyed Chinese. But they didn't keep a pure dynastic bloodline (likely for political marriages) and eventually the yellow washed out all the white.

The funny thing is you faggots think you're welcome here after shilling for two weeks

As a happa, seeing white women walking with gooks makes me want to smash both their degenerate heads in with a shovel. Not so much for white men with gooks, but I still see them with disdain. That's you father

Absolutely degenerate and disgusting. Race mixing is not okay; gas yourself race mixer faggots.


white men dating gooks is just as much of a problem as white women dating niggers. I don't care if happas are going to be less violent and smarter than mulattos, the point is that it's still WHITE PEOPLE CHOOSING TO CREATE MORE SHITSKIN MONGRELS RATHER THAN HAVING WHITE BABIES.

This is also why it bugs the shit out of me when I see people posting nigger women and talking about "lol!" As if magically only women racemixing are what matters, when it takes two to tango. Anyone who chooses to bring more shitskins into the world rather than more whites should be executed on site.

This is the 3rd fucking thread on the front page this morning about racemixing. We're being shilled/slid hard

Flips are filthy subhumans. They aren't even a pure race, so how can she be 'pure' pinoy? They're mixed with Negrito and Melanesian.


lol, east asians are more creative.

That's a bit of chicken-or-egg. Culture is a manifestation of the ethnicity it stems from. For instance, people often say that blacks are only violent and dumb because ghetto culture promotes violence and stupidity. But in reality, this is backwards; they're predisposed towards violence/stupidity, and so they end up manifesting as cultures (whether in american ghettos or in africa) that promote these attributes.

Similarly, asians aren't uncreative and focused on technicalities and rote memorization/copying because of Confucianism. Confucian culture/ideology manifested from an ethnicity that is predisposed towards these things.

I have known people with very high pre-dumbing-down SATs, and Merit Semi-Finalists, and people with IQs in excess of 150. They didn’t just know stuff. They were bright. Was intrinsic intelligence raised in the Asian young by hard study?

Whatever is happening, it is grave. Consider CalTech, which probably has the highest standards for admission in the country. Further, it does not practice affirmative action. The demographics of the studentry: Black, 2%; Hispanic, 12%; White (including Jewish), 28%; Asian, 44%. This is worse than it seems at a glance because Asians are only 15% of the population of California,and six percent of the national.

Whatever is happening, it is not a statistical fluke. A couple of quotes from the book among many similar ones:

“For example, among Math Olympiad winners white Gentiles scarcely outnumbered Jews during the 1970s…but since 2000 have become over fifteen times as numerous.”

“Over forty percent of Putnam winners prior to 1950 were Jewish…but since 2000 the percentage has dropped to under ten percent, without a single likely Jewish name in the last seven years.” The Putnam is a very high-end math test.

Another of my friends has an Asian wife and thus entree into the Asian community. He quotes their (wisely private) outlook: “Whites are lazy and stupid.”

If you like succinct, you just got it.

The curious thing is that the Asians are not just way ahead of Jews, but wayer ahead of Hagvacas. The gap is huge, and seems to me too large to be explained by the few points of extra IQ sometimes attributed to East Asians.

How long have you been here? I remember you from 4chon and plus4chan. Remember Tik Tok and co?

/r/WhiteMasculinity/ exists, by the way, and it's cuck central. Shame, if only there were higher quality posts there.

the Mongolians had to be able to do math on the fly to determine the exact trajectory of their arrows as they pierced Ivan's back. evolutionary boon

It's not my fault asian girls are so feminine, cute and pure. Who would voluntarily fuck liberal and open Stacey who had 50 dicks in all of her holes or a disgusting, masculine Ingeborg?
If you're heterosexual and have moral standards you like east asian girls, simple as that.

Thanks man, that's the one.

Based race mixing thread stays up, fucking cancerous.

A western anything is going to be pretty abhorrent.

Too bad if an Asian men is successful/alpha enough to get an European, you won't even able to touch him, you fucking mutt. Worse, you are going to get killed, because Asians with status don't fuck around.

Jesus Christ, why is this thread so filled up with ignorant retards?

Why are Asian women such race traitors? Even the worst kinds of feminist white women don't do this shit.

Also, it looks like the girl in the OP had some work done.

If you look past the bullshit, the racemixers are on average uglier. As is the case with any race. The most beautiful of them don't need to hop on the dicks of beta Westerners, they marry in their race.
And frankly, poverty in the East is interesting. The infanstructure in impoverished areas is Africa tier, yet there is enough media exposure to want a more comfortable life.
Hence the race mixing.

This one is so fucking mongrelized she's an anime character.

Is this racemixing thread somewhat a digital offensive by the enemy to capitalize their gain by Macron winning the french elections?

Now if not, BrazilAnon should calm his tits down. What are you even ranting about? Gooks trying to shape/bend the narrative to make them appealing? FFS so fucking what? If you have been following the BLM fiasco pretty much nothing major went down. The blacks were used to stir up drama, nothing happened. What makes you think that this will have any impact whatsoever. Focus on the more pressing matters at hand you dunce. This thread of yours is no different from a child throwing a tantrum about not get its favorite flavor of popsicle. Grow the fuck up huetard!

Sad /r/asianmasculinity delusions. Wealthy Asians are targets for niggers in the US for a reason. This Bruce Lee fantasy you chiggers have going on would be laughable if you didn't actually believe in it. Dude was a great pantomime artist, like Jackie Chan, that's all.

Why do you consider dating an outgroup an achievement? No white person considers fucking non-white girls an achievement. It's so easy it's actually laughed at.

Fuck off Asian "American" faggot. He's absolutely right, looks count for less in East Asia. I've never seen as many hot women with ugly men as when I went to Seoul for a few days.

Granted the women all had plastic surgery and Koreans look like Mongolian nomads without it, but that's neither here nor there since the baseline standard now is having plastic surgery for both genders.

They're both race traitors. This nigger would give his left nut for a mediocre blonde. He just doesn't like the fact his own women feel the same way about white men that he feels about white women.
