Conscious actor entrenching her own bourgeois interests or class-blind puppet baited with a petit-bourgeois lifestyle until it is time for her masters to discard her?
Conscious actor entrenching her own bourgeois interests or class-blind puppet baited with a petit-bourgeois lifestyle...
literally who
Who the fuck is this and why should I care?
If you were paying attention you would notice that she's more than that. Shill, yes, but she's been set up to play a more direct role in the coming chaos.
Burgerwhore, "political commentator". Tomi Lahren.
Actually, let me tell you what the big deal is user.
1. The upper-class fucked up when they communally retreated from military service during and post-Vietnam.
2. The military is becoming class conscious.
3. Tomi Lahren is being prepped to shill for the upper class to the military before military elites go off-script.
There are probably side-projects and redundancies aside from what Lahren is being built into, but she's one of them.
Easily triggered republicuck americuck who's a pundit,even though she's not even funny.
Basically a dumber version of Borowski
But is she self-aware?
Nah doesn't seem so. Stimulate those pleasure receptors and you can probably provoke her to do just about anything.
So what you're saying is that she's been inducted into the petit-bougeois but has zero class awareness and thus poses no threat to the position of anyone else in the bourgeois hierarchy, at least on purpose?
But is she an unwitting bootlicker or a rational and self-aware bootlicker?
Of course. Look at American school systems, every effort is made to convince people into thinking socialism means "anything a government does", to confuse them about what "capitalist" means, and to praise markets.
There is definitely force being exerted by the elite to prevent people from being class conscious.
She is just another false conscious person, but more so that that, she might as well not be considered a person at all, someone like her seems to not only be false conscious but stripped of consciousness in general, she's like a cultist.
It would require a lot of rehabilitation to get her thinking again.
Seems like a weakness if someone you need to be a collaborator is totally open to outside manipulation as long as it is framed in a way that she can understand.
It's not quite like that though. Surely she's been programmed with a bunch of safety checks preventing outside intervention. Honestly, there's no reason to think of her as different from any other cultist just because she has affluence. To get to her you'd either have to use the cult's language, or liberate her from it entirely.
I guess the trick here is actually to figure out the language porkies use to instill false consciousness in proles and reverse engineer that language to use it as a tool of creating class consciousness.
I also come from a military family and have dated conservative women. I am well aware of how people like her have limitations imposed on their thinking, and aware of how to get them to question that thinking, within certain limits.
What I'm more getting at is a game theory perspective. If you're the member of the bourgeois pulling her strings then you've got a tiger by the tail one way or another.
1. You have a conscious partner who can be trusted to work to your mutual interest but who may one day become a rival.
2. You have a puppet who must be micromanaged at all times because she cannot be trusted to innovate or improvise.
If it's the latter, then a huge amount of resources have been allocated to keep her under control and propped up. In which case the question is begged: just what is she being prepped for? Because paying 24/7 minders is expensive.
Sounds questionable, I'd think they'd be more likely to support a counterrevolution. Doesn't Trump have huge support among the military?
Most are the former, for sure, but I see no reason why celebrities are not generally the latter.
Porkies allocate huge budgets to creating celebs. Why? Well, the cost of keeping them as obedient puppets is more than made up for with the effectiveness with which their obedience is spread to others and the revenue created by merchandise branded with their name.
Not quite. The upper classes have more or less ceased participation in the military, while at the same time soldiers increasingly view themselves in sharp contrast to civilians, who they perceive as lazy, decadent, ungrateful, and undeserving of their sacrifice. They are becoming class-conscious, but not in a way that I think many left-wing thinkers would have liked.
The Trump support was mirrored by B████ support. Both can be taken as a gauge of anti-establishment pressure within the institution.
I disagree. But that's because I suspect Lahrer and any like her of being a sort of emergency measure against factors that the Bourgeois have been too slow to react to and are now playing catch up against.
Consider my logic:
1. The primary issue that the Bourgeois have is that the military is becoming class conscious largely due to a lack of their participation.
2. The Bourgeois have few, if any, insiders within the armed forces, and those they do have now have suspect class loyalties.
3. Someone like Lahrer, coming from a military family and dating a military officer, would put a hypothetical military elite before a moneyed bourgeois any day unless she had thoroughly been inoculated against her own values with a long term treatment of money.
4. Paradoxically someone like Lahrer is an ideal catspaw to get a message to the military from a pretty face that they can relate to.
I think the reason why so much is being invested in her is because she is a stop-gap measure against a potential soft or hard coup by the military seeking to replace porky.