Frats Bash Back


Local goys in Austin performed a flyering this morning.

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Well thats nice to see but
Werent they filled with a bunch of degenerate trap loving homos or was that just the discord server?

Discord is a magnet for trap loving degenetates who like to send memes to one another so yes it's probably just the discord server.


Anticom and Kekistan discord are full of lolberg degenerates, but they're useful footsoldiers in the fight. Think of them as the SA, with us till the Night of the Long Knives.

Mixed feels. On the one hand I'm always for standing up for whites. On the other hand fuck bitchboy frat kids who always make everything about them.

Good to see they are standing up publicly.

could've at least fucking used spellcheck

Don't forget triggering commies.

Normies are getting closer and closer to naming the Jew!

(trips of truth)



So just like the Holla Forums discord then?

Good job keeping the pressure up even as all the attention is on NOLA.
Show them we can operate in multiple theaters.

This was an attack done by a guy that hated white people and fraternities. It kinda makes sense that they'd make it about themselves when they were the ones targeted.

Also, fraternities are typically those that work a lot harder on going to school and succeeding in comparison to the vast majority of students on campuses. It's what makes it ridiculous when you see people that are against "Greek life" as it shows their ignorance about it or just the derision they have towards those that take school more seriously.

This reminds me of an idea I've had for a long time. Holla Forums should start a general fund for victims of black crime, and anonymously donate a small sum to help families with funeral or hospital costs. Call it something simple and straightforward, like the Victims of Black Crime Fund (nothing too edgy).

Once it starts catching on, it puts the kike media in a bind, because they can't kvetch about without calling attention to the problem in the first place. Also it makes us look good, there's no way to frame it as evil nazis no matter how hard they try. Once in a while some family might cuck out and refuse to accept money from racists, but I bet the majority of the recipients would be glad for the support.

Someone make a meme linking the murder to the white fratboy hating "Dear white people".


The foundation would end up giving loads of money to blacks if it wanted to avoid the racist label. Black on black crime is a huge part of black crime. In theory, this isn't a bad thing, it could highlight just how much crime is caused by niggers. Maybe law abiding niggers would turn on their criminal brothers and sisters for some keks.

Given how many crimes are committed every day by black people, there's almost no chance of ever getting enough money to such a foundation to allow it to help a significant amount of the victims.

This is the best way to look at it. They are useful in moving us forward by purging the world of communists and post modernists. Once we are through with that then we can have at each other.

Fratbro faggot detected.

There are certain frats that are actually serious that I have respect for. The majority of them are not hard-working by any means, especially not compared to the average. I have no idea where you get this idea from. It's typically a crutch for kids with a highschool mentality to latch onto because if they're in a frat like the few examples of successful ones clearly this makes them respectable too. I typically see several of these kids and they're usually sub 5'8", crowd everywhere on campus (especially the gym, which is now flooded with these manlets like you wouldn't believe) and some type of shitskin or mongrel, and even the white ones act like niggers and they almost all have ugly hambeast girlfriends.

Still, anything to trigger libtards I guess.

Some will probably eventually move on to SS-tier

During the operation we had to dodge chubby thots doing the morning walk of shame from the frat houses back to their cars.

Fucking kill yourself you worthless turd.

Stats regarding graduation rates.

Those in fraternities typically stick with it and graduate more often than the general student going population.

That's because there's a fuckton of people that go to college just for the hell of it and end up dropping out but a fraternity is more of a commitment. It says nothing about what the fraternity actually offers.

That's the point.

Kek has granted thee dubs. Someone must start the Victims of Black Crime Fund.


But that still doesn't say anything about what it actually offers you? Are you retarded?

It's not like you have to be smart or better to be in a frat. Literally any wigger can get (and is) in a frat these days. Then again going to college to begin with is bad enough which I am guilty of.

It won't avoid the racist label. Donate specifically to nonblack victims of black crime. You're not going to have enough dosh to help out everyone anyway, even if you focus on a single city, but including black victims in the pool would make it completely impossible.

Sieg heil!


Are you autistic?

The point is that a fraternity acts as a group of friends in college that are committed to graduating. That in itself helps people to doing better in school than most.

I'm not sure what you're not getting here unless you think it can only be beneficial for students' development if there are special resources like computer labs or tutors available in the frat house.

You're both reddit-spacing like faggots but I agree with you. Just having _A_ community you belong to helps immensely. Humans are social animals and being part of a group is always better than being some atomized piece of shit.

You're still missing the point. It's no different than any other social community in college and it doesn't make you special at all. Like I said there are cases where it is helpful but there's nothing intrinsic about it that makes it good, more of there are frats that happen to do it right and have successful students, but that's the exception no the rule. Most of the time it's just a way for manlet idiots with rich parents to think they're superior. If there were standards, however, things would be different.

Forgot to include this in my last post but eat a bullet >redditspace poster, most of the time what looks like a full paragraph turns out to only be a line hence the appearance of reddit spacing. You can belong to a group and not have it be a fresh out of highschool wigger club with a false sense of superiority.

I joined a server recently to see what it was, knowing full well that all discords are fucking cancer, and holy fucking kek.

Jesus Christ that's some kind of abstract autism. Do they understand that fascists were open to disagreements and had freedom of speech in their countries for natives? It makes no sense they would have one or two correct answers for these questions when original fascists understood there would be disagreement.

Why are you so ass blasted about frats?


go forth safety squaders and ensure a future

they're not normies, they know of RWSS. they are however exposing normies to the ideas of the safety squads.

the continued legacy of the firefighters makes me proud

Chad nationalism in action

This, I don't think any of us started out as NatSocs when we were young. Though I would assume most of them are hopeless degenerates, there's definitely a few gems in there who will find the truth eventually.

Why not call it the white victims of racial aggravation foundation? Other than a few jews trying to sneak in under the title of white it seems like a good idea. Remember, telling people about massacres like Omar Thorton, Micah Johnson, the Fresno Killer, the frat stabbing, and the beltway snipers will help alot.

All of this anti frat stuff around here reeks of D&C. Frats are a gold mine for converting white men to nationalists. If any of you were to meet me IRL you I would get called a chad for being in shape, well dressed, good job, blonde wife and being in a frat.

They are about the last place on any campus where you can be 'openly white'. If anything young anons who are redpilled before college should be joining frats and converting as many members as possible. What do you think is more likely to convert someone? Being a member of some nationalist org that is afraid to show itself on campus or being a member of a frat and having a captive audience of 50-100 white men you know personally?

my frat was 2/3 niggers/spic so I'm not entirely sure how that would work.


How is that nearly every single time, our propaganda is marred by stupid mistakes like this? Is it done by plants to make us look retarded, or by well meaning genuine retards?

holy shit nigger, why? Mine was 100% white and we were openly against letting in shitskins simply on the basis that they would drive away hot women.

Go make your own flyers, nigger.

We can sit here and whine on the internet. OR we can start making our own flyers and disseminating them ourselves. And when you do that, I guarantee you some anons here will bitch and moan and wring their hands. But YOU will have the satisfaction of having actually DONE SOMETHING for our people.

Make than pay for being a member of a frat.

Can confirm from experience that it's the best place on colleges to redpill.


The police said the nigger is mental ill so maybe we can demand to bring the residential institutions back. Niggers are technically intelligent impaired so why not try to get them institutionalized?

Media interest confirmed:

Yes, until Holla Forums held their feet to the fire. Now the mods cleaned it up and its back to being crypto-NatSoc, and fags are banned.

If one of my buddies died on campus I would seriously lose my shit. I would make the administrators life a living hell and make it my life goal to destroy any commie I saw on campus.

Nice touch.


Frats are degenerate

Would have to be victims of black hate crime.

Buddy, you have no idea how much progress we've been making.

My biggest fear now is that generation Z will gas us for being too moderate.

Sitting at your computer all day being a faggot is more degenerate.


Fraternities (literally: brotherhoods) of all kinds, not just academic, are a primary target of the left and feminists in particular.
Austin is an epicenter of Kike nationalism and feminist e-celebs who pose as "BASED ARYAN WAIFU."
You do the math.

Idiotic spelling mistakes are an essential addition to any controlled op false flag propaganda.
Got to keep reminding the average joe that those right-wingers are soooooo stoopid that he should NEVER listen to anything they have to say.

Kek, I'm almost ok with that.

It will be funny. White victims of black crime fund, but the government requires you don't discriminate against black hires.

What a fucking shit show that would be.

Did we meme
into existence?


Victims of Black Crime is more straightforward and explains the issue. We want the bad publicity because it would draw the problem into the public spotlight.

I do worry about this somewhat. If things go right we're going to end up looking like total faggots compared to the next generations.

We can only do what we're capable of doing at the time. We were tied up by the kikes from birth, and we've spent a lifetime chewing at the ropes. Of course we'll be weak and disoriented compared to someone who spent their life free. There's no comparison.