May 7th - September 23rd

For those of you who were around during pic related you may remember that Kek will be absent during this summer until he returns with exponentially greater power on September 23rd, and that we should beware the August 21st eclipse and any false god it may relate to. Before someone mentions the fact summer starts in June, if someone has the archive of the original thread I seem to remember May 7th being the agreed upon time Kek would leave. The absence of Kek could explain Marine Le Pen's loss in the French elections. For the next ~4 months our ability to produce meme magic will be severely hindered.

Other urls found in this thread:
drive.g 12&version=KJV. york is nuked september two three Two Three Two Zero ONe Seven, IL, USA/
youtube. 24 hours
tage 50 20.311 -08 27 14.19&fov=0.13&survey=P/DECaLS/DR3/color,_2017

Shouldn't he be getting stronger as we approach the 23rd?

fuck off to cuckchan faggot

Finally, I have been looking for this infographic everywhere…

Yes he is, but he is, according to this theory, unable to lend us energy for our meme magic as he is currently using his power for some other unknown purpose until September 23rd.

Checked. Could this unknown purpose be him amassing all of his power for 9/23?

Possibly. He is a chaos god after all, so we could be in for quite a big happening.

I fully embrace this concept.
Fuck boring meme-less days, I want my chaos.

I'm with you there, user.

Besides, the chaos is good for us anyway.


Interesting because it's the same date someone discovered in that Black Sun crop circle a couple years back.

It's possible, there were various theories about what he would be doing in those 4 months. Theories ranged from him simply gathering more power to him fighting an epic battle against an adversary (the false god from the August 21st eclipse) in the cosmos.

The last seems plausible. We all know that Kek will win as long as we use our meme powers heavily.


OY VEY! where is the biblical part of the pic related. you are keeping the most important details out. SAGE

The graphic you're speaking about was based on a conflicting theory that Kek was our enemy, but for posterity here you go…

Nazi UFO's leaving a crop circle of SS symbolism containing the date of the next German election.
Fourth Reich when?

It's trash

I agree, the graphic only focuses on the eclipse and doesn't even explore the September 23rd returning of Kek that was clearly alluded to in the song. It assumes Kek is the evil coming with the eclipse in August.

Which is wrong, for both the reasons you stated and all the blessings Kek has given us over these years.

I live near where the eclipse will happen in Missouri, about 2 weeks ago I saw a frog pair mating in the woods and asked them for tendies. It started raining really hard and didn't stop for a week. We have had horrible flooding in this area since then. Today it stopped raining, the same day Kek is apparently leaving to do something important.

Also relevant, Ferguson in St. Louis was important to BlackLivesMatter. September 23rd 2014 was the day a memorial to Michael Brown had burned down.


All of this. ALL OF IT has to do with the 100 year anniversary of Fatima.
ANd all the governments know it.
And it's not religious related.
Dig Deeper.

I don't get it. What should I search?

The only way now is cracking down the entire continent.
The bigger economic block must collapse.

Please explain

It's complicated, but lets just say it links up with this girls "vision" she had a year ago. It actually links the eclipse happening this year ("X marks the spot") in the same area where she saw flooding. Also had something to do with September of the next year 1 1/2 years after she posted the video.

Shits going down charlie brown.

Look into fatima conspiracies and the dates.

Also, there was a prophecy about “LAST POPE WILL BE UNDER CONTROL OF SATAN”
and a war to liberate humanity after a great eclipse.
The last war on earth.
Gear up.

So basically
>>Don't embrace the false god Fatima?

The dubs don't lie!

I will never lose faith in Kek, and this should be the case for every single true user on this board.

Upon further investigation it seems Fatima and Nut (see original inforgraphic: Myth of Nut and Ra) are one in the same, both known as the "Eternal Mother" therefore the false god coming on August 21st is indeed Fatima/Nut as predicted by both the girl who had the vision in her dream ( ) and the prophesy in the original infographic I posted.

The nationalists will landslide in Germany.

For the first time in a long time shall (((they))) cry tears of blood.

Donald Trump will die mysteriously? before then.

The true Shitlord King, Mike Pence the time traveler, shall take his place.

Full on RWDS.

Read this:

ALso, the (((Jesuits))) had a LOT to do with the spreading of false rumours of the fatima happenings. Claiming UFO's and so on on the miracle perfomred there.
Desseminate truth from lie and connect everything with the happening on september, the mark of 100 years that christ gave Satan and it all seems to boil down to September / October 2017.
See you on the other side.

thanks! i appreciate it :)

We can't forget Trump is the actual John Titor. Surely he would have foreseen his own death and formed a 1488D scheme to overcome the Juden!

I'm not sure if that is the false god…

Praise Kek


Fuck off, I'm all for Meme Magic but everytime I hear that bullshit date, I loose all belief, every goddamn year. Fuck you op. Get off the site.

Don't forget that last year it was correct, just it didn't make the news.

China's economy tanked.

The song from the original prophesy in the inforgraphic talks about fearing the summer moon overhead (talking about the eclipse) it also references the false god being an ancient Egyptian deity known as Nut, who is also known as the Eternal Mother. The girl's vision in references Fatima as being behind the Earthquake which happens (in the original prophesy the eclipse is believed to be linked to the earthquake as it goes right over the New Madrid fault). These two things fit too well together to be pure coincidence.

September is also when the Cassini space probe will make it's final descent into Saturn.

Thread isn't spooky enough. Probably on these dates REAL Ben Garrison will show up and start the RWDS.

wutang-corp .com/forum/showthread.php?108424-The-Book-of-Sajaha-Nineteen-writings-of-the-Babylonian-Seer


Basically, there is controversy over the third secret, which along with the prophesy of St. Malachy, seem to predict the fall of the papacy. Good reason to believe the Vatican is hiding something. Plenty of speculation about what actually went down at Fatima, everything from ayyyys to holograms to Jesuit kikery.

Since you mention Saturn:
"In Western occultism and esotericism, the hexagram symbolizes the planetary/archonic sphere of influence (whereas the pentragram symbolizes the elemental and terrestial sphere of influence). It is used in certain rituals in Thelemic and post-modern ceremonial magick to connect with energies related to the planets. In Hermetic alchemy, the septagram also is related to the planetary/archonic spheres).

It also is a symbol of balance and the union of complementary forces–namely feminine and masculine cosmic or archetypal energies. In Eastern mysticism it represents the heart chakra and the union of consciousness (Shiva) and energy (Shakti)."

I'm interpreting this to mean; When the space probe makes its descent into Saturn it will awaken Kek (masculine) who will then counter Fatima's (feminine) efforts.

The official explanation is the third vision was about Pope John Paul II being shot, but that's obviously nonsense. They were told they needed to consecrate Russia to the Virgin Mary and they refused to do it.

Now that's some spicy prophecy.

Wanna archive the last thread
2 things to mention from last thread that i found out.
1. On the SFD setting on skyview with prism using those same coordinates, it looks like a human skull with letters on top of it. Looks like KSDV.
2. For the song "Shadilay", Apparently, it went through 2 record labels, magic sound records (the frog cover art) being the 2nd. The record label where manuele pepe recorded the original version is called ricordi records, an Italian record label, on the right side of this disc is their logo.
You see it?
Also, Ricordi Records has been one of the most renowned Italian record labels, based in Milan (Via Giovanni Berchet 2), operating from 1958 to 1994; In that year, it was bought by the multinational BMG, which included the catalog while retaining the historical brand both for new engravings and for CD reprints of titles already published.
He has released Virgin Records records in Italy until the birth of Virgin Discs S.r.l. In 1983.
Think about the years when it started and ended.
1958 and 1994
Another thing about ricordi records.
It was founded by a person named Nanni Ricordi.

As I saw in OP's post, if shit does go down in St. Louis on the 23rd of September this year, that's also close to the center of the New Madrid Fault. In other words, it only means one thing:

On September 23rd, 2017, the NMF will go off to unleash an earthquake that Califags could only dream of which will obliterate a good portion of the midwest and be the catalyst to allow for everything to go to hell. Question is, when it does happen if it does, what comes next if it happens at the same time as all this other shit on that day?

You misunderstand. The happening in St. Louis is on August 21st during the eclipse. This happening will be calamitous and it will lead to the worship of a false god. Kek will return on September 23rd to bring order through chaos.

This is the time for operations! Prove your merit to lord Kek! Go out into the land, act, do what must be done! OPERATE!

Just updated the last thread with a big redpill at the end

What if the winged lion and the clothed lady not only represent Leo and Virgo but also represent Donald Trump and Melania?

Also lemme show you something
go on here and start at 2017 and scroll through the months to 2018
of july
waves in time, apparently its readable on radar
either way

important days might be these big drops

The dubs don't lie…

I know Holla Forums is burnt the fuck out on collapse predictions after the Shemitah blueballs but the fact remains that we are due or perhaps overdue for a recession.
The market is seeing record highs and world is more fragile than it's ever been.
Just as it was during the interwar, only severe privation will cause normies to flock to our side.
Stay safe and be prepared for anything.

Kek has not and will not forsake us, nor would Kek disappear for a summer because some autistic "infographic" based on a fucking cuckchan thread.

Who said he has forsaken us in this thread? He is going to, according to how you interpret it, a) Fight an epic battle over the fate of humanity. b) Gather energy for an upcoming battle for the fate of humanity.

Shut the fuck up Smiley.

My reason tells me to be cautious, to beware of false patterns. My heart tells me that I already know truth and can recognize it when I see it.

The way you tell that third part seems to match the theory of the Imperial Germans (i.e. Third Reich surviving myth) where the next messiah figure, (i.e. Jesus, Hitler, Kalki - final incarnation of Vishnu) would reign down from the land of the Midnight Mountain (Germany - forget mountain name) and that's where the new Sargon/Babylon will be.

Multiple prophecies also link Germany and superweapons being used as this time will come during WW3 which will be short and bloody wiping out hundreds of millions and possibly billions.

The thread I got it from was an Holla Forums thread. Just because people started talking about it on cuckchan doesn't mean you should ignore it. Pizzagate had its origins in cuckchan… Let me guess… that's bullshit too huh?

I believe this year a lot of big things will happen, as to what I dont know. It might be biblical events being prophecized, or the elite trying to reanact the prophecies like it seems they like to do, maybe the pieces will be moved into position for the final happening.

Even if not the end, this year shit will go down i believe.
We have in the jewish calender the year 5777
Biblical events tend to happen in a 50 year cycle (Jubilee) ending on xx17 and xx67 in our calender which again is this year.
There is talk about the Antichrist being supposed to come back at the year 5777 of the jewish calender (would have to look up for a good source on that one)
Then there is this part in the bible
On September 23 this year, there wil be a constillation where jupiter (zeus, which is associated with jesus as jesus for example is a mockname meaning "hail zeus") will stay in virgos (virgin mary) belly for 42 weeks (pregnency) and leaving the constillation (birth) while the constillation of lion, usually consisting of 9 stars now will have 12 "stars" as mecurcy mars and venus will align with it, with the moon the the feet of virgo and the sun next to her head.
This depicts the birth of jesus by virgin mary among the stars and the last time this happened supposedly was around 4000 years ago

In generall a lot of the prophecies of the endtimes already happened in the last 70-80 year, and the bible mentions that when you see the signs that the end will come in a lifetime, probably meaning

Then everything is fucked and nothing will ever be good.

No! Only God is eternal. And God is good.
Remember that Kek is the darkness who raises up the light. As in, "It's always darkest before dawn."

God spoke order into chaos. Maybe kek is in theory the word of God.

Maybe Aryans will simply abandon this world to the kikes and shitskins and stop incarnating on it. Well, why not? Fukushima pollution. No safe states for white folk anywhere. Massive plastic pollution in the oceans, and die-offs of animal life everywhere. CERN is probably an astral dreamscape manipulation machine or some such radical nonsense, they're either so hung up in their own theory of epicycles they can't explain it intelligibly to anyone else or they're up to some serious no-goodery. Forget it. The jews destroyed the world and now let them have it, it's time for us to move on.

shut up you defeatist faggot

Fine by me, if that's what God wills. But until then, don't give up.

You don't understand what they're saying. They're saying we're moving on to greener pastures and the kikes and shitskins all have to endure Armageddon and the tortures described in Revelations.

lets see if you filthy army cocksuckers can make me post

Kill yourself Smileyfag.

When you see them trying to slide, that's when you know the truth is being spoken.

There's another mosque in the path with a growing Muslim issue AND is one of the kike-infested counties in KY. Temple Israel shares the parking lot of the Masonic Lodge. Cults here are big (think pizzagate) The old Nuclear Plant there will be a target, seeing as there ARE weapons there along with used yellow cake buried everywhere land, wildlife, water and people being radioactive. That's not even the half of it. Across the border in Metropolis, there is another nuclear plant that constantly releases uranium hexaflouride.

No matter what, unless you know someone from there who is truly in the know, do not trust the majority of internet shit because you will not find it there. The tri-state is going to be so fucked, and everyone here has begged for the fault line to slip for decades so it can be.

Yes, this world of 7.5 billion has become greatly imbalanced thanks to ZOG. The chaotic forces that be, praise Kek, shall tip the scale to something more natural. The strong and cunning shall survive.

Our lord, dubs be unto him, will rise to smite down the ZOG with his memetic power and infinite wisdom.

Notice the drop on september 23rd
So continuing on. 5 more
1. May 2017 showing a big drop starting on may 26th (after obama visits germany)
2. April 2017 showing big drops on April 6th (syrian missile strikes), April 20 (4/20) and April 26th
3. September 2001 having the drop start on 9/11
4. November 2016
5. June 2017, big drop on the 7th (supposed date of the rapture)

If the rumors are true & Kek is upto something in the background. Times leading upto the happening will be dark. We have seen the light and will be forced into darkness for a while. Endure, we are Europeans. That is what we do. Endure the hardships for our families and our people and most importantly, a brighter future.

There's a big drop on July 15-17 2017 too

Times will be tough for the coming months, but we will endure. We must endure, for we shall overcome. Shadilay.

Forgot to add that.
The 2nd pic is weird.

I have no idea what this time wave stuff is except points and dips represent significant events. Lets hope those lead to positive ones. We need something at this point.

So, do peaks represent major events in history, then? It peaked on 9/11, but slowly dropped as the events surrounding the attack became less significant.

The coming days will be dark, but it's always darkest just before the Dawn. And Kek is the bringer of Day.

Big drops signify important events, look at the drop on August 6th and the 11th. Remember, we're looking into the future here. The 9/11 one was just to see what happened.

Also can someone please sticky this thread?

this is the cringiest thread i've seen in a while.

Looks like the shills are here.

Some of you no doubt remember the famed "Shemitah" of 2015? How it never came to fruition, but many here panicked about it? It is an economic event in the Jewish world that every seven years they will crash the market in order to massively profit. But it never happened, and here's why: that event would have fallen under Obama's term, who is currently being memed as a "dindu nuff'n" President. Having it fall at the end of his presidency would certainly not bode well for the next Democrat candidate. Now, on script this was fine, because the election was prechosen as Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush, both stooges who serve the same master. They would have sabotaged Obama's legacy, gotten Bush in the white house, and profited from their holiday.

But then Donald Trump just conveniently announced months before, a rogue crypto-kike going against the Globalist script. Same with Sanders, suddenly it was possible the preset script wasn't going to go to plan. Having an economic crisis meant their chosen goy might not have gotten elected, so they postponed it. After all, Jews are blasphemers even to their own religion. But they beat Trump in the primaries, then they can do Shemitah in 2016. Except Trump stirs enough trouble that Hillary DEFINITELY would have lost should such a crisis occur just months before the election. So they delay it again, to 2017. Either it falls on Clinton, who is already in office, or it falls on Trump, which delegitimizes him to normalfags.

It is no coincidence this convergence of memes fall in September. Kellyanne Conway hinting at a massacre that hasn't happened yet, located in a place where the eclipse will last longest? In a city that is primed for the "BLM shitskin" revolution? And then its predicted that Kek will leave today and return September 23rd! And this event begins right after the French election, but before the German election, where the Germans will now be trying even harder due to the French loss? On the Year of the Fire Cock. September of this year will be amazing. I suggest you prepare.

Also, it's pretty common knowledge that Yellen and the Fed board were very careful with raising rates under Obama, even with the faked market virtually screaming at them to raise.

Checked. It all makes sense now. (((They))) will crash the market, and the economic collapse will give us the spark we need to ignite white, middle class Americans and Europeans against the Jewish cartel.

Nice digits. It's funny, I visited the St Louis FED back in February, my school's Econ department got a special conference with some of the Economic researchers and tech guys there. One of my classmates asked about the FED being a "government organization" and the speaker got very very nervous, started stumbling his words saying "We're not a political organization, no sir, and we don't print money, we can't that's illegal haha". He got so defensive it was almost funny.

this is like astrology and séance - aka not within the realm of reality. i'll give you another free bump though friendo.

Do not listen to the words of false prophets, for they are those beneath the taint. Those who would not repent and complete the exodus to Holla Forums are false in mind, body, and spirit.
Their co-option of the word of kek is false, they cannot see the true word of KEK as they are blinded by threads and lolburg shitposting.
Stay true my brothers, our day of ascension is near.

You lack faith, and your lack of faith is what allows you to be subverted. In time you will learn to call Kek "Master".

1. January 2018
2. February 2018
3. March 2018
4. May 2018
5. June 2018

Last but not least July 2018

Something big is coming. World changing.

Sieg Heil user

Damn, this will be a long summer.
Praised be KEK!

unless you lurk /fringe/ and fully invest in kuk, then you are just a cancerous bandwaggoning mundane

No it won't. That's too good to ever happen. It will just be worse. And it will only get worse.

Watch what happens.

C…checked. I don't like your dubs, user. They're foreboding.

That's how it is. I'm a prophet of doom. It's all I can think. I've gotten worse digits on these things.

I, no doubt, think things will get worse. The only question is if the coming calamity will set the stage for a nationalist rise.

It won't. It will only get worse and it will lead to the death of our race. It should lead to the death of all people, but the gods require fleshly vessels to stuff souls into so they can torture them some more.

No dubs on that one. Get off the blackpill.

Can we begin a list of happenings that occurred on May 7th to speculate which events made the magic end? I'll start.
Le Pen lost the French election
True Capitalist Radio has officially ended.

Never. The blackpill is all there is. What else could there possibly be? Show me something I dare you.

Try and resist. Watch what happens.

Nothing is guaranteed to happen if you sit back and let yourself be wiped out. If you want something to change, you don't sit on your ass and wait for someone else to fix it for you. You have to stand up and do it yourself. Never let yourself become demoralized.

Yes, everything terrible is always guaranteed to happen. You know it. I have always been demoralized. Four generations have been entirely demoralized. Watch what happens.

I'll keep screaming until someone kills me for me. Or until the bombs drop. Who knows. Maybe you'll be the one to help me kill myself?

Are you the echoes and assholes guy? Can I get an autograph?

Yes, I am. No, you can't. Nobody wants one. Don't. Lie.

Ashes and Echoes

I just wanted to be sure, my man.

Now kill yourself, faggot.


I'm pretty sure that's you. Speech patterns the same. Are you still LARPing as a slavic trickster god? Did you really mean what you said about Evalion becoming Mystery Babylon and accepting communism?

And you know I'm right. And everything is shit. And nothing can ever be saved.

Well boys. I'm back on the crazy train.

Literally who, you psychotic nigger?

Your dubs tell me you should kill yourself. You have to hope, no drive, only squalor. End your existence tonight so a white family that might actually be able to help save our race can eat better, or stop being such a faggot and get up off your ass and do something.

Do what must be done, Ashes and Echoes.
Do not hesitate
Show no mercy

He could be hibernating. Makes a lot of sense if he typically resides in South America, or even the South Pole.

In the meanwhile, I and my fellow magicians of Kek shall be performing rituals to increase his power until he returns. I am now developing a very special ritual to perform during the eclipse, I will now divulge the most important elements of that ritual so that other magicians will be able to make the appropriate plans in assisting me across the country.

In order to perform this ritual:

This ritual will not make Kek return early. Rather, it will work to saturate the earth's atmosphere with the spirit of anons, which is the vital life force of Kek. The more that the spirit of user permeates the world, the stronger his presence shall be upon his return. It will also serve the dual purpose of counteracting the demonic magic which will undoubtedly be performed at this same time.

Some other magicians in this thread might see where I'm going with this. I will return nearer to the date with complete instructions in an infographic. For now, be patient as I complete my studies of magic. The above is only an outline.

EugeneNix and his chimpire crew. Or maybe you aren't. But you talk like him.

But you know I'm right. Everything is shit and you know it.

No. Never. You lack any kind of power of influence. And you're not getting it. I must witness it, scream it out, and continue to burn with the rest of it. There is no other way. Eternal Misery.

There is nothing to be done. Every effort always fails.

There is no mercy. There is only Eternal Misery. Do you get it yet?

You're here forever.

Every effort will fail if it is never attempted. Every swing will miss if the sword is never swung.

Only through your hate and your action can you achieve a power greater than any kike

You should try a large dose of LSD. Obviously the Jew broke your brain. LSD will allow you see things in a new way, because this way isn't working, for you or anyone.

Begone with your despair and misery. If you really feel it is so pointless, go hang out at a synagogue and infect the Jews with your hopelessness instead.

Anons, this fucking weird. I'm lucky that I have my Mauser to company me when everything goes to shit.

Every effort always fails even if it is attempted. I know, it happens every time. Watch what happens. Try it, I dare you.

Hate and action lead to nothing but suffering. There is no power. Only Misery.

LSD doesn't work that way for me. The Voices rule all. They hear all. They know all. Nothing works.

I've taken it before, it left me with nothing but this. There is no cure for it. It's permanent. It's because I'm right. You know it. LSD doesn't work that way and you know it.

At least, not for me

And there are no Jews near me, man. I don't hang out with anyone. Nobody would ever want me near them, ever. That's not how it works.

Don't expect it to go any way that would benefit you. That's hubris.

You have no change of success if you never try. You at least have some chance if you tried.

You hate would make you powerful
Let the hate flow through you

I am hate. But you don't seem to understand the futility of what you're saying.

There is no success. I have tried. It failed. If you fail once, you fail forever. The more that hit you; the more that will. Your avatarfagging will not help you here. It can't.

There is no chance. There never was. All trying ends in failure. I am proof of this. My entire life is proof of my claims.

Hate does nothing. Love doesn't exist. There is nothing but Eternal Misery.

Do you get it yet?

You believe yourself to be the end-all-be-all. If you couldn't do it, no one else can.

Your arrogance blinds you.

No, I don't believe myself to be anything. You not only don't understand but you don't even read and comprehend my posts.

Your arrogance blinds you. If you want to prove me wrong. Do it. Watch what happens. I know that I'm not worth a damn. That nothing I do will ever succeed, so why should I try? Wouldn't it be arrogant to assume that I would win, or even to try at all?

It is arrogant to assume you know the outcome when others do not, to assume you have clairvoyant and omnipotent understanding that of which others lack. You quite literally believe yourself to be smarter and more knowledgeable than others, and that those who don't understand simply can't "comprehend your posts". You are no better than a edgelord fedorafag.

I'm afraid the nationalist movement will be fully operational when your death arrives

Reminder that September doom and the 23rd in particular have been trotted out by con artists every year for the past few years. Also, OP's infographic also doesn't even say anything about the 23rd. This is a psyop meme that they're re-running for some reason.

Anyone who was around here last year remembers the September 23rd doom that was being peddled. Here's a random sampling of some of the type of Youtube content that was the primary driver of this meme:

There are hundreds of these videos. The primary account that started the fad was "Renee M". Renee M was eventually found to be a member of a Christian/possibly satanist cult and was memeing September 23rd as part of her work for the group. This link details some of the information that was uncovered (it's from a fundamentalist Christian because they;re the only people who cared enough about this to look into it, but the information is there if you can get through all the MUH YUSHUA):

The Renee M account has since deleted all videos from last year's doom campaign and is now promoting 2017 doom:

Now there are threads popping up about September 23rd 2017 as the new doom date (pic related, and this thread), as though no one noticed they pulled the exact same shit last year. And now, we have this thread , as well as posters in the present thread promoting the (((Jonathan Cahn))) approved Shemitah theory again.

Why are they rehashing these old doom memes? Why the exact same date again? why not shift it by a week at least so people don't see how ridiculous it is? What was the point of promoting the chaos around these ideas last year, especially considering they ultimately source back to Christian/satanist cults who are, of course, always run by the alphabets?

My best bet as to why they're doing it in the first place is that they need panic loosh for some kind of ritual bullshit around the 23rd. My only theory as to why they are rehashing the exact same memes over again even though anyone with 2 brain cells can see that's what they're doing is that there's some kind of metaphysical reason having to do with the failure of the elite's former methods of control, intelligence gathering, strategizing, i.e., they've lost contact with their precious Molech/Demiurge/Yahwe/et. al. and now they literally can't think up anything new so they're just doing the same thing over and over and it's becoming more and more obvious. It's just like how Hollywood has become less and less able to produce anything new over the last decade to the point that now 80% of successful films are sequels, remakes, adaptations, etc.

This is suppose to all go down the day after my 23rd birthday. Would/should i have a task in this?

The outcome is always the same. Why would it ever change. What else has ever happened. Show me something, and I'll believe you.


What about me lol? All of this is ON my birthday. I also know two other people around me that have the same. 23 is an auspicious number for numerologists I believe. And this date is the date of the fall equinox as well. These two reasons are probably why the date gets brought up so much. Other than that, I'm sure I'll have a normal day.

Did Pepe die May 7th?!? BRING THE CHAOS

For a more detailed reference to September 23 see the alternate infographs in

I'm feeling this too I shite you not and I'm a rational laugh at the nutters kind of guy…… until recently. Now I'm a confirmed nut nut that's getting messages. Fucks sake.

I always though all crop circles were fake, now I know anything is possible.
Anyway some shit for your perusal.


It's my ex gf birthday.
She told me I was going to be a father on that day.
It never came to pass.
She was a tarot numerology astrology type and I cussed her out for it and told her I wanted that witchcraft shit out of my house.
Feel like a bit of a cunt now I can tell you.

This is the stupidest shit I've ever seen you faggots take seriously.


If only you knew the power of the memetics.

We could have memed him into Chaos Frog Jesus

I do; I witnessed the thread on cuckchan when Bane memed into reality. This shit here is on the level's of

Go stand in the middle of a field during a thunderstorm.

Don't try to compare this weak shit with the Bane happening; it's as retarded as your Star Wars imagefagging.

Wait did you say September 23rd? That's the day the Italian Social Republic was founded.

does someone have a screen cap of the guy who was talking about pepe and bugonia? about how bees rise from dead corpses?

pepe was killed three days before a full moon, something is going to happen as a result of this. if we start seeing bees appearing on the internet soon we need to meme it to every corner of the earth.


explain yourself faggot

the guy came on a kek thread a few weeks back, started linking up to all these pages on egyptian myth, talking about nefertum and the tears of ra and heket, i dont remember all of it which is why i want the screencap but he kept talking about how when heqet died bugonia would occur.

also something about how the symbol being used for pepe (the person,computer and dna) wasnt for kek but for heqet.

thats why i really want to find this, does anyone else remember?

Saint Louis user here. How can I help?
looks like bullshit to me

we need to find screencaps or more information about what is going to happen now that pepe has died, something is going to happen.

the symbol on all the statues and flags arnt for kek, its a frog just the wrong one, thats why i want to find the screencap.

This…I just….I want off.

something is going to happen on the full moon because of what he did, the meme magic is no longer contained in its vessel.


I sold my entire collection of comic books that day. I walked in and said "Wait today is free comic book day? I'll give you all of this for 30 bucks"

Probably 300+ bucks worth of shit I had but I can't stand the comic book meme anymore.


Ya best start believing.


also what the fuck.

im telling you guys, we need to find those posts, if he was right about this bee thing we have to meme it and meme it hard.

I found dis and gave it an edit.

user you're contradicting yourself.

All I wanted to do was play videogames and laugh at current events

I don't know but i made this. Spread the word

uhm shouldn't that actually imply that Moloch got slain? Also nice find with the stadium I am wondering what significance that one has.

I believe you're correct. I had an exchange with some moloch avatarfag in another thread where I responded at least 5 times to him. He kept spouting nonsense about how Kek has been defeated and moloch is the only true god, every time I responded to him with infographics referencing Kek defeating moloch and including sick bantz I seemed to always get dubs. The last message in the exchange was me posting pic related and getting dubs of 7.

No I remember quite clearly when Kek started as a meme, everyone saw the DNA thing but it was quickly debunked as being Heqet's but by then people had decided to roll with it anyway.

but thats what makes it interesting.

the mythology was constantly evolving as one deity took on the profile and role of another, heqet is a frog, so were the four male forms of the ogdoad. heqet is a fertility god along with hathor and hathor is a cow.

but look at this

Hathor had a complex relationship with Ra. At times she is the eye of Ra and considered his daughter, but she is also considered Ra's mother. She absorbed this role from another cow goddess Mehet-Weret ("Great flood")

portrayed as a cow with a sun disk between her horns…could be called the "Eye of Ra"

It is now more commonly called the Eye of Ra or Eye of Horus and represents the right eye of the Egyptian Falcon God Horus and was also associated with the Sun God Ra. It is supposed to be where the tears (or bees) came from.

i have only begun digging but in the context of pepe being killed, what if this causes the eye of ra (the black sun?) to open and begin crying forth bees?

we need to find that faggots research! if this is correct we got until the full moon.

Yea interestingly, the full moon is tomorrow and it's called The Flower Moon.
Kinda fits in with bees.

My 33rd birthday is on the 22nd of September of this year. This could be good.


So you're sun worshippers now? Bone through your nose when, you superstitious niggers?

Meme magic happens when any one decides to try and make a difference, rather than being apathetic like the normies. Get enough someones and the magic is amplified.

First that faggot "kills" pepe, and now this faggot is calling to SHUT IT DOWN? No fucking almonds triggered? Most of you are just looking for a different big brother to suck off, aren't you?


Aliens and shit are not religious related.

Checked those dubs, kek will rise again.


Praise be the digits

I am filled with doubt every time someone on Holla Forums mentions September, because we all know how well that ended last time.
That being said, there is something very odd about that song. Someone in youtube comments mentioned it being very much like an ending to a season of a TV-show.
If Kek is communicating with us through Cold War era songs, can we find the next one?

this thread is still alive huh

No. Kek willed her loss with 6 consecutive 7's.

Up your royal way.

Hmm There may be some powerful german wings tier shit here.. but im not seeing it.

I was wondering why some days it takes forever to get to my folk house and other days it doesnt. Thought maybe there was a gravity well near by.. this makes more sense.

Why is it always that bloody month?

hold on I got a feelin..

Major berenstein moment incomming

I think you are wrong user. Drops dont signify important events. They signify the kikes getting their way. Idk I could be wrong but it seems to me all the events that correlate with downward movement are shit the kikes did. While the two lines being separated seems to indicate spiritual events. Maybe.


Jesus died as well, or so they say

Did anyone ever figure out what the digits were hidden above the eyes?

In the original pic i mean not that altered one

lurk these threads a little more

Lefty Holla Forums Discord Server:

It sounds even creepier than back in 2015, since it fits here a lot better, as it's specifically to an entity/person/demon.

Burger time or European? If the latter,

Kek is not a demon

In the same thread I took the infographic from someone said they are Elder Futhark runes.

Can someone make an easier to read version of that first image, my brain is slow today.

wew that is yet another example of how this Kekism insanity just might be much more than me losing my mind.

It's the same thing with slightly less traffic. The only thing the infographics don't talk about it the theory that according to the song mentioned Kek will return (based on lyrics) on September 23rd (based on the cover art on the record)

So Kek is watching over us and protecting us but will not be truly active until September 23rd? Anyone else getting this interpretation out of this?

well today shows he's left for wherever he's gotta be. ffs.

Why? What happened?

have you not been in the catalog? have you not availed yourself of the situation in france? wait for it. if you thought brexit was going badly before…

Implying that the frogs aren't gloriously returning to tradition by losing. :^)

Yes I know Macron won, but that didn't happen TODAY. It sounded like you said something happened today specifically. So is your comment about the election results or something else?

b-but my birthday's August 21st, is this bad?


What the hell are you talking about?
April babies are obviously the master race, that's when Hitler was born after all.

It's almost as if you don't enjoy the sound of soft rain hitting the cheap, tin windowsills on the commieblock you live in.

Lad, April is the month of rain we fucking drown in that shit. The only things that fall in October are leaves and every seven years or so, stocks.

Here's hoping for Winter-chan.

Leo's carry the divine knowledge of the universal conscious. We represent the INTP master race.

But the feds did react to it ("something" happened). Anyone have the screencaps of the graphs?

IIRC, shouldn't you also keep yourselves anonymous/wear masks?

How will the Chinese astrological signs align with this year's special time? Libra seems related. From (((wikipedia))):

*related as in very relevant, since it starts mid to late September, and I'm mostly curious as to how Libra is affected by Fire Rooster. I'm tired, sorry.

Exactly. This is Project Bluebeam.

Same niggers that will gladly believe somehow we have mastered projection technology, yet claim the Third Reich cannot exist.

Check'd and WEW.

Dubs of truth!

Checked. I'll do my best in the mean time till Kek returns with exponential power

we could wear something green like a shirt, bandanna or shoe laces. Something subtle to tell us apart from everyone else

I can understand a few coincidences, but this…


Holy fuck 8/21 is my birthday!

I bow before thee holiness, almighty KEK.

If the prophecy comes through, wear a GoPro. Also get a drum mag for that.

Godspeed, and Shadilay.

this is how the reality works saturn and his angels lillith and nox and his golemn gabriel and the government are the literal physical manifestations of space time does it finally make sense now this is pretty concise?
When Cassini crashes into saturn, It'll accumulate yeah
Putin is the dark horse, Anubis aka the antichrist
The pope will be Saturn incarnate on dec 25th

nice dubs
interesting note about the number 22: it is the atomic number of titanium, a metal that does not corrode underwater, just like frogs


Now that he has risen; he goes to hibernate In Saturn? until September 23rd when he unleashes his reckoning upon the semites.

What are the odds?

Where is the proof that Nut is a false one? I will not trust the halfchan any further than I can throw them. All I see is another Egyptian Old God awakening and a disinfo effort by halfchan cucks to try to negate or twist the implications that entails. The whole "Nut is Moloch because both are depicted as cows" thing is really stretching it, and who even is this Fatima/Eternal Mother anyway. I say we take precautions to be sure, but assuming Nut is evil is foolish in my eyes.

It's meme magic we're talking about, lad

These Saturn shills need to fuck off. You demonic Black Cube is the same entity as Moloch and we all know it.


Checking the unchecked. Seek out the centre of Virgo

From kikepedia:

Basically it's new age mumbo jumbo and the Nut connection comes from the infograph and the fact that since Nut is the "Eternal Mother" you can tie that in with Mary, however you can also tie it in with Hathor and Isis. I guess the point I'm trying to make is; the "Fatima" the people claim to have encountered in 1917 may have been Nut and they simply didn't understand the symbology and assumed the "Eternal Mother" was mother Mary.

I'm not trying to shill Saturn, I simply took the fact that space probe descending into Saturn in September and attempted to apply it to the prophesy. You can look up yourself that hexagrams are symbols of balance in Hermeticism. What if Kek and Moloch are doing battle within Saturn and on September 23rd Kek kills Moloch and returns to Earth to destroy Moloch's followers? What if the pic in is a prophesy of that battle taking place?

A black cube unfolded is a cross. Something something Advanced Nazi's confirmed.

This is unfortunately the case

I just hope the old Holla Forumsacks realize halfchan's gone for good and make the final ascension

Dionysius isn't Moloch, Kronos is closer to Moloch. Kronos is a Titan who ate his own children to prevent anyone from being greater than himself, and he is often associated with Saturn.

Dionysus is pretty much the god of degeneracy, orgies and madness, he's a demon but with a different sphere of influence.

>September 23 is the 266th day of the year (267th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 99 days remaining until the end of the year

>The gestational age is counted as the time since the first day of the last menstrual period. Conception occurs two weeks after the last menstrual period. The time period of gestation is called the gestational period. The gestational period is 266 days or 40 weeks or 9 months.


I was taking "The K" as "The Kek"

August here as well. Been getting a ton of dubs in this thread. Also been much more spiritual lately

Praise be.

So the probe reaches Saturn and releases kek from the hexagonal storm?

You rolled 9/23 fyi

My birthday's on August 23rd. Born in the month that was named after Augustus that was born on September 23.
Your answer is no it just means you are sealed by the fate of prophecy.

….also my birthday.

Top song of 1947, start of cold war.

Francis Craig - Near you.

I can't face my heart

Then perhaps the hexagonal storm on Saturn is sealing Moloch on Saturn? I'm trying to deduce why a Hermetic symbol for balance is located on a planet associated with adversary gods. If Kek returns on September 23rd… apparently the space probe is supposed to enter Saturn on September 15th, could the saying "It's always darkest before the dawn." be in effect here? Perhaps the hexagon shield on Saturn will be broken on September 15th releasing Moloch and then Kek returns on September 23rd to defeat him and his followers and return balance and order through Chaos.

lending spirit power

Because fall is important in almost every culture.

INTP Leo here as well. Unfortunately I share my birthday with Soros.

What about the /k/ube?

That's clearly gork or mork

The WAAAAGH is coming, boys.

Has anyone found that anons research yet?

Going out on a limb maybe, but perhaps they did (or are doing) it to desensitize people to the date? Kind of like the boy who cried wolf, but doing so intentionally so people ignore it when the actual time comes.

Septermber 23rd is the day before the German elections

Uncucking confirmed!

You do know that "she" was an ayy, right?

Hitler dubs confirm; evil aliens taking over on August 21st eclipse. We must wait until September 23rd for Kek to deliver us from Fatima's evil!

I live in Bowling Green. This is troublesome. Don't think Kek is the enemy though.


are there any other drops that big?

also is there a torrent for this software?

Get ready.

I posted all the months up until july 2018 (the pic you referenced) including September 2001. You will see the big drops and rises.
For the software if you're interested, here's the link.
It's free to use however you can purchase it for PC.


I just noticed, there was a huge drop around the time that Trump was announcing his run for president.

Also of note, School starts around the 19th (ish) of September, so my guess is, Kek is taking a summer vacation and/or avoiding imageboards due to summerfags.

I figured after people saw it in the inforgraph they would look it up and listen to the song themselves.

I'm thinking that the drops are times when time "changes" for lack of a better term. Like in Steins;Gate, where every time the worldlines change (Berenstain/stein) the timewave drops. Perhaps through the work of gods or their followers rituals like on 9/11.

This is very interesting. Is the Kek observed in the sky the "Sign of the Son of man"? How could Kek be referenced as this? Unless you make the logical leap to the connection between Kek and Pepe the "Son of man" doesn't make sense. Unless the Kek sighting isn't what they're referring to as "Sign of the Son of man".

Just noticed something about the eclipse, there will be multiple festivals across the us.
On moonstock, Ozzy Osbourne is set to headline the event on August 21st right as the eclipse occurs.


It's important to ensure that we treat August 21st like any other day and continue about our normal business. Particularly, make sure not to attend any celebrations venerating the eclipse in any way. If possible try and deter anyone else from venerating the eclipse on August 21st as well. The only thing that should be done special on this day is something like what is suggesting to try and increase Kek's power and take the spotlight away from the eclipse.


C-checked. September 23rd will beGET the greatest happening of our time.

We will experience the full power of meme magic.

I used to be a non believer like you. But I've seen too many things happen for me to now doubt the power of Kek.

Don't make the same mistake i did.

fuck no


Well fuck everyone has happening supplies ready right? If you don't what were you doing all last year?

What does this have to do with anything?

23 + 9 + 2017 = 2049
2 + 0 + 4 + 9 = 15
1 + 5 = 6

2 + 3 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 24
2 + 4 = 6

SIX, the number of the beast

Kek is fucking with us he does it once in a while. Why that user posted that link is anyone's guess.

23 + 9 + 20 + 17 = 69
6 + 9 = 15
1 + 5 = 6

damn, it's always SIX

I'm officially scared

INTP Leo here as well. How odd.

PFFFT being prepared is for pussies.


Kek's going to wake up the whole Ogdoad.

Is this what Trump meant when he said to wait until September ?
I know Trump is a kike puppet, but sometimes I think the memes speak through him. As if he's nothing but a vessel to channel the power of kek.

t. slowly losing my mind


I'm not accepting this weakening meme Kek is eternal our temporal boundaries are nothing to the meme ascended.

Kek isn't getting weaker he's just focusing on something big so meme magic won't be as strong for a few months.

Yeeeeeeeessssss. You're beginning to feel it aren't you?

Isn't that the massive killer Space Robot Ascended omni-Jew Metranon?

Also found another song that goes well with this
Sirius/Eye In The Sky by Alan Parsons Project
Sirius has been used by trump for his candidacy and is also the theme song for the chicago bulls.
Chicago Bulls
Chicago (((Bulls)))

2 + 3 = 5
9 = 9
2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10

5 + 9 + 10 = 24

2 + 4 = 6

find another date that adds to 6 every time

Based on the past couple days, I don't think he's weakening, I think he's getting stronger. September his power goes exponential.


I agree. I think the most authentic rituals are performed alone and we need real, meditative focus. Festivals are designed to suck emotion and attention out of you, worst place to be at when you're trying to focus and use your energy for real magic. I like the gist of , but I plan on doing deep meditation, not a ritual per se. Think 100 money effect. Let's not get caught up in the particulars of the ritual and focus on the intent; it's more powerful to let people use the imagery and methods that let them focus their intents most clearly.

Full house gets don't lie…

Shadilay brothers. Our lord trusts in our strength and has left to plan his next move. Until then we're on our own.

hmm, very interesting

anons in this video the rabi says the Shemita was on 2015 then the jublie 2016 and then 2017 or 5777 is the third day. the coming of their mesiah

Umm….. lads???



Obviously any "user" taking pictures of themselves completing the ritual is going to be some Kekistani asshat. However, it would be recommended to take some picture as proof that the ritual occurred, provided one makes sure it does not indicate who they are. I'll make sure to include a binding spell so that people trying to use this ritual to serve personal ends will be cursed.

That's a big motivation for it. There's nothing innately meaningful about the eclipse, but a lot of people will believe that there is, and belief is the fundamental matter of magic. That makes it a moment ripe for cultivating a shift in the collective unconscious.

Couldn't somebody wise to magic edit the binding spell out and still get the same effect though?

If a ritual comes to you do it basically but don't make a spectacle of it. Usually when something like this happens the only people you should be with are blood or people who simply wish experience and witness the event in their own way.

Just don't use a binding spell.

Sometimes it just slaps you right in the face.

You're all worshipping satan.
Do not fret however as certain individuals have been setup to succeed.

Do tell us how this equates to worshiping satan…

Quick rundown of 2 videos

Low T spotted
Projecting your whorish fears of being a used up ragdoll before you land a husband

We need to start spreading our memes into reality by leaving our symbology everywhere in the form of trinkets, graffiti, and obscure references left in the things we do throughout our daily lives. We also need to start defacing (((their))) symbology, for instance cutting the "eruv" network (((they))) have throughout most cities the (((they))) inhabit. For /fringe/ wizards all of this could also be done through rituals as well.

according to this guy
ive really been ruminating the past couple of days
reconciling possibilities
instead of jacob being good israelites. they are the house of saturn
the gay blacks and fake jews and arabs from outer space
most black people dont know their ancient blood lines
and might have the reincarnated soul of a true japethian
but according to this guy it is only gods grace their carbon 6 bodies arent carbon 12 bodies
people without gods grace become beasts
mankind is the jews while HUEman kind is the saturnian bloodline of cain
makes sense in many ways
but is a lot to consider
without this understanding white people are pretty much unable to defend themselves from being called the edomites
either way the shemites are the fake jew kikes. the red tinted gross looking whities.
ham is the sand arabs and most of africa probably

the japethians are the hindus and aryans and armenians and bulgarians and nords and anglo and whatnot

You're on the right track but don't spell like a retard unless you are or English isn't your first.

Chinese are ham
This doesn't mean they are bad people just their bloodline
If this is true

Also remember september


what docco is this?

Protip the Jews stole everything they use from Egyptians, Sumerians and other groups. Those 3 bloodlines are about as Jewish as Holla Forums is communist. Especially Atlanteans if you believe in that stuff.

Reminder that the Japethians "White Race" are the Real Jews and the superior people.


start graffiting walls with a picture of the sicle of saturn and blood over it and write HARVEST SOON

I just grabbed the webm, never watched the whole thing but; 'Alan Moore, The Shaman Wizard of Occult Art'.

With great power comes great responsibility. Something utopia seeking desert niggers wouldn't understand. So they use and abuse our great history. Yet the truth with interconnection minds through Internet, is unstoppable.


The fake jews (anyone that is not of the white race) are the synagogue of satan.
Also couple things to mention.
1. I looked up the 923 area code.
There is no area code 923 in North America. 923 is an area/country code for several countries in the Middle East, including Pakistan and Qatar.
2. Vid Related


makes alot of sense what he says. but if zeus and jupiter is the king, then that means indra, baal, thor,hadad, is also the king
not lucifer.
if this is true then the whole lucifer fear of christianity is a lil misguided. lucifer only meaning "light bearer"
the whole idea of lucifer being a gnostic thing came AFTER the bible
zeus being the son of saturn only means his manifestation within time and space. abba phos would be the father beyond chronos/odin/saturn
the canaanites used to worship saturn as EL
but this owuld mean saturn no longer has the name EL
and it was given to jupiter
baal or bel is just a title for lord, so maybe not all identifications is about idolatry
if the letter j isnt the real name then its either emmanuel IaHushua or Yeshoua or IESOUS or like this guy says HAZeus

there really is a strong line dividing the hebrew israelite/secular world view that we all come from niggers aka adam rather than ATUM which is ouranos and gaia
Also, somebody doxxed Aids Shrillex, the "fucking white male" guy. Turns out he's from the St Louis Area. One of the pics that he took is him right next to a frog statue in front of the Venice Cafe. Remember that it's in St Louis (site of the eclipse).

This could lead to a discovery of another gestalt on the power level of Shadilay itself


anyone else think of the Ghostbusters ending when they saw that picture of the St. Louis courthouse?

* sweats *


I know why. The reason why user posted the link about Hopkinsville Goblins is because the eclipse will pass over Hopkinsville.

now i dont want to hold anyone back from their faith in a rapture, but ive been trying to divide scripture correctly and from what i c an discern. the bible says nothing about a rapture or even a harpazo event. it says the woman will escape to the wilderness and that we will be changed in the last trumpet on the coming of the lord

but only AFTER the man of sin is revealed and the abomination of desolation and the persecution
which all happens in the middle of tribulation which we might already be in.

armageddon/day of the lord would be july 2018 i assume
heres some dudes whiteboard drawing who believes in the pretrib rapture
the alternative argument is that there is a pre trib and then also the day of the lord

but i think it makes more sense to merge those two ideas to the end of the tribulation when the armageddon starts. menaing we would have to endure
unless we were chosen to escape to the wilderness
however that would happen. again i dont want to hold anyone back from believing in the pretrib rapture but i really cant seem to find anything in the bible that really supporrts it
if anyone wants to help me out that would be appreciated

the woman escaping to the wilderness in rev 12 is the only thing that might suggest a catching away or saving of "the woman" to the wilderness or a place in the dessert prepared of her
but the woman might not even be us
I assumed it was us at first because "bride of christ"
but it could be someone specific
it doesnt say bride of christ i just assumed woman meant that
but it could be something entirely different
the child who is snatched up to his thrown to rule with an iron septre i think is king hazeus
the lamb. he'll wait till i guess after the rebellion and persecutation
then come for armageddion in july 2018

go home shareblue, this is by far the dumbest thing you fucking inbred cucks have come up with.

and i figure we might aswell be in the tribulation. if you havent been tribulating the past 7 years then u werent serious about god seems to be my understanding of it all
22 trillion in debt
if putin is hades the dark horse and pope francis is the false prophet/serpent cast out of heaven thenn
the mark would prolly be somwhere between september and january
maybe even closer to armageddon
but the day of the lord doesnt come until the great rebellion and falling away
which i assume is the apeing out
of the unfaithful and novelty based livers
and thats what gives the beast system authority to do martial law
and have the reactionary mark salvation as another trap
it all seems to happen so fast in the bible
when cassini crashes into saturn itll be like the end of the movie "they live"
definitely we are in a dip of grace. it should have happened back in march but i think we were given some time tbh
if its the novelty false flag stuff that sends a ripple through the spiritual realms putting ppl to sleep that would make sense
like its what makes ppl scared putting them into habit mode
which makes it easy to forget i guess? reverse psychology alost
i think when cassini crashes into saturn and the woman is taken to the wilderness will be when the carbon 12 beasts ape out

Revelation 12 Dragon Tail Time

Uhm, I'm not some washed up recycled 400 pound, Hillary supporting, neckbeard sitting in a smelly office filled with the BO of other useless wastes of humanity. I saw this theory in a thread a while back and thought it had legs so I just brought it up since the Le Pen loss seemed to coincide with it and May 7th was the date mentioned in one of the theories as to when he would leave. The information shared in this thread brings about a lot of coincidences which seem to back up the original theory. I'm merely trying to better understand the workings of Kek so I can lend him my assistance through /fringe/-tier rituals.

Look, I love Mrs. Trump as much as the next guy, but c'mon.
everything i know about this, except for this what an user mentioned to me:
woman=europe always depicted as female.
clothed with the sun=swastika, the symbol of god or the sun=nationalism/return to god
giving birth=gaining new life
Moon at her feet=muslim (BTFO?)
crowned by 12 stars=the EU flag.

as above, so below. as in heaven, so on earth

forgot to mention september 24th is german election even though its in the pic

Interesting how the St Louis Courthouse is like that scene from Ghostbusters.
drive.go drive.g drive.go drive.go


kek is some deity pushed on the chans by freemasons… guess who owns this site : )

Freemason abomination is a toad, not a frog.

Obscure dubs confirms.

Four fingers of the frog. Four months left to sort yourself out. Only those with clean rooms shall be permitted to walk with Kek. Decide your own destiny.

Well tbh Russia had problems with the jews decades leading up to the Bolshevik Revolution, so in a way it was spreading her errors by not doing something about the rat fucks. All things considered whether you see it as a nordic alien or an religious being. It wasn't speaking to the jews that's for sure.


Could this mean the global cooling will be here soon?

The "21st night of September" is usually the last night before the September equinox. The same is true for this year according to UT time. The lyrics ask the listener is they remember the days of summer, specifically referring to the 21st day of September but the syntax of the lyrics suggest that "love WAS changing the minds of pretenders while chasing the clouds away", that use of wording suggests this was happening throughout summer. Interpreting the second line of this part requires reading the rest, bear with me.
Its strange that "night" is mentioned in this song as the song is supposed to reminisce on the archetypal things about summer. Let's interpret these lyrics with that in mind.
"Our hearts were ringing in the key that our souls were singing." These lines mean to say that during the summer we were ringing sincerely and truthfully to our souls; this doesn't specifically mean just us though, this may mean everyone. The third line is significant to the last two in that this truthful ringing could only realistically arise amidst chaotic times that force the hand of all parties and draw from them their true intentions/convictions. This would make sense, if Kek is absent there is nothing there to navigate the 'darkeness' or rather, the chaos and bring us to the light we want (look into Jordan Peterson and his interpretations of Kek and his chaos vs order theories). The stars stealing the night away might suggest that only the heavens decided when chaos was revoked from humanity, but the use of the word "STOLE" suggests that the narrator (singer) or perhaps even the whole of humanity (or most of it) didn't want that chaos stolen away from them during the summer, of course implying they were all enjoying the chaos.
Continuing from the previous verses interpretations; this new figure comes into frame and he doesn't seem to be narrating to the audience but rather to a woman-like entity; a fixation or infatuation of the narrator.
"My thoughts are with you" this figure he is narrating to has left now
"holding hands with your heart" the figure had given its heart to the narrator, at this point you begin to wonder if the narrator reflects humanity
"Only blue talk and love" Blue talk is characterized as language that is not fit for polite conversation, profanity, offensiveness. Paired with "love" it perfectly characterizes the nature of a chaotic ideological fracture. This figure has brought to the narrator and perhaps also humanity as a whole, division as well as love, interpret that how you may but I think in the context of the rest of the song so far it represents ideological allegiances forming that are strictly split apart but have ferocious protective, almost loving protective tendencies for their own people. Overall this means conflict to me.
"Now December found the love that we shared in September" Now by this I think it is made clear that the US election was the catalyst for the eventual occurrence of this prophecy.
"Remember the true love we share today. " Now we go onto referring to love as true love. This to me signifies purity of ideological or tribal separation and of course with the return of a more powerful Kek we can expect something extravagant as a result.

My thoughts?
Something fucking massive is going to begin during that fucking eclipse. Be ready for absolutely anything.

The last "P" rune is more like an "R" rune.
This means Ride, Journey, or Chariot.

/monster/ hunter here
Does Ammit or Reitia fit into this anywhere? Or is it just kek

we know a Little Ice Age is coming since Solar Cycle 24 proved to be very weak

Justice dubs wew lad

that's too late by that time there's not going to be anything of europe left to save. we need winterchan now!

(the yellow spheres) 12 x 3 x 6 x 9 = 1944

Please take your medication op. This is worse than numbers theory bullshit. If you refuse to comply the other gangstalkers and I are going to start following you even closer and really start messing with you

let me search it for you:
this is legit, they even follow it when putting money on Wall Street
this is bullshit

Mental illness is now an approved meme on Holla Forums.

Happy is he who taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones

Check the dream thread on /monster/ for a slight answer to that.

Hitler Quads confirm. We have four months to decide our destiny.

I've been ready for you CIANiggers for a while, come at me. mp4 related. Good luck finding a way in without getting terminally rump roasted :^)

Reads to me as the 14 words
(((angleish))) btfo?
Allow me to explain
Secure the existence of home/nation's people
A man's home joy is his children
Fullstop, signifying the end of the declaration and the absolution of its decree, which is that the existence of peoples must be secured as well as a future for their children, no substitutes or exceptions.

The sonnerad has information encoded in its structure. The twelve spokes of the wheel reference the 12 signs of the zodiac/base 6 time (60mins/secs, 12*2hr day)/circular geometry (360 degrees)/the number 72 (6*5, 12*6, 365 days in a year, 72*5=360). As for what the two circles or the crook in the spokes encodes, I'm not sure yet because I'm dumb and can't figure it out, but I know for sure that there's something important there.


that's about all, "peace" out

But what constitutes a clean room/soul? Where would I find that out? How can I accomplish such a feat?

Start meditating and listening to binural music you'll find it.

i dont trust those binural beats. what if they just work on subconciously altering your mind so you become an obedient sheeple?

Then just meditate.

Are we really doing the Shemitah again? After doing the Shemitah?

They're based on sacred geometry or something like that IIRC, which is what the entire universe is built upon.

Opening yourself up doesn't necessarily make you more subservient. Although it is easy to come to that conclusion with the New Age hipster faggots being completely blinded by the awesome energy and experience of it. I see both sides of the coin. I'm more at peace than I've been in a decade and the clarity gained basically reinforced what I already knew. You can be spiritual and realize the jews need to be removed.

This is a war of good and evil son. The new age hipster faggots are sitting on the line thinking they're fighting when they're not.

All the prediction dates in the past have been true… most of them at least. December 2012, September 2015, September 2016.. Major changes have occured on these dates that altered the course of history in a big way.

Interesting shit I wonder what 1944 would mean though. The lines drawn also create a literal iron cross. :O

Basically this low energy faggots who allow spiritual energy to overwhelm them are what that user is thinking of it's pretty cool when you finally get everything running you'll be taken a back for sure.

Thank you, I'll give it a try. Hopefully I can find some guidance.

Take everything that truly makes you feel wrong in your life and fix it.

Thanks for clearing that up Kek.

Literally every year someone comes out and says economic fallout is imminent. Sorry but I don't buy it Schifffag.

Economic prosperity and sun-lit uplands are on their way.

So the cafe is named after Venice, the town in Italy. I went on the internet and i found this in Venice.


You goys are setting yourselves up for disappointment, again. Can't wait for that user to make another compilation of you stupid faggots who believed in le shemita.


I guess sometimes it's simpler than you think

Shun the nonbeliever!

Believing we are going to see some Disaster Movie tier event is setting yourself up for failure.

It's really that simple? I guess if we were created by a god then at least they would install in us some idea of the proper way to go about things, even if we have the ability to still go down the wrong path. So I guess that's always a possibility.

I bet you any money that if you sit down and think you can find at least 5 'things' about your life that are in your control that you could improve.

I also found 2 more frog statues in the st louis area.
1st pic is from Lafayette Park
Below link is from Springfield
All 3 statues are made by the same guy, Bob Cassilly.

back to endchan with you

Well, you're right about that. Dubs confirm it.

The magic of the 3,6,9
he is the twin brother of king HAZeus. uranus is the Forgotten son. king hazeus is the BEGOTTEn son because saturn split ATUM with his sicle creating uranus and jupiter(edited)
mars is esau aka moses aka shem aka rome aka fake jew kikes
the moon is ham/mohammed/noah aka sand nigger arabs
uranus is ATUM aka ISAAC aka japethians
saturn is ADAM aka JACOB aka nignogs
uranus is the sustainer while jupiter is the REDEEMER
saturn is holding atums wife(ISIS aka EVE) captive
thats why the bible was changed to suggest eves first husband was adam
and not atum aka ouranous
ouranous and gaia
ra and isis
atum and eve
even i have some shem and ham in me on my dads side. you can see it in my nose.
many people nowadays are atleast a little mixed.
those who accept King HAZeus as their savior from the first death which is this electron box and the OXygen molecule, will get fortified japethian bodies.
cause september is da beginning of the 7th year of tribulation
the great recesion back in 2010 is when tribulation started it hink
back in 2010 there was alot of worry about martial law
we've been teetering on shit shoot ever since, even from before then
we are in the first death
i dont. god does
Ra Christ is DAATH knowledge incarnate a literal manifestation of the holy spirit
made to make youtube videos
warning of King HAZeus' soon return
tribulation is the time when grace is taken away
and saturn and hades and his angels fuck shit up in the world
the borg apes out
because their carbon 6 bodies no longer have grace
literally everyone says that
the sins of the many will be levied onto the few
the borg will be judged for falling into habit and novelty when shit goes to shit when cassini crashes into saturn, the nuke hits new york, and the woman is taken to the wilderness
gog and magog war between putin and trump soon
and the cult of the all seeing butthole of saturn is about ritual sodomy
table of nations
its the sand nigger arabs and the blacks and fake jew kikes
esau/shem and ham/noah
i even have some shem and ham in me. you can see it in my nose
many people do. those who accept king hazeus as their savior will escape the 2nd death adn get fortified japethian bodies
kek is nox and lilith
moloch is saturn
they all worship death and shit
and they only come to steal and to kill
there will be no excuse. it will happen
if the pope isnt infused by saturn by 12/25 i tell you what then ill say i was wrong.
look at the table of nations shem is the fake jew kikes ham is the sand niggers and the niggers japethian is the true jews. the whites after judgement IS(eve)RA(uranus)EL(jupiter) will be restored to full glory have you ever seen the movie they live?

its the movie where the guy finds those sunglasses that lets them see the truth of whats hidden in plain sight. first its about consumerist advertisements but then he sees that many people are actually borg robots. by the end of the movie a radio tower explodes removing the veil
this will happen after cassini crashes into the north pole hexagonal cube storm of saturn on 9/15
resulting in a literal war in heaven
resulting in saturn himself being cast out with his angels
he will incarnate into the pope franciss
a thunderbolt will hit his head
he will have a wound
hades, the dark horse will be putin
its mainly about the revelations 12 sign on 9/23
woman in virgo clothed with the sun moon at her feet stars above her head gestating jupiter
King HAZeus will be birthed soon, and in july 2018 the lamb will come to earth to war with the beast system
King HAZeus is the only begotten son of abba phos
TIN is the element of Jupiter
Sulfur is the element of mars
This is the borg aka Shem and ham
we live in carbon 666 captivity
6 protons 6 neutrons 6 electrons
the oxygen molecule is the first death it slowly OXidizes us with every breath
uranus is the Forgotten son. king hazeus is the BEGOTTEn son because saturn split ATUM with his sicle creating uranus and jupiter and the duality matrix of time and space here within the photon realm. marduk(ATUM) destroyed tiamat which was saturns wife and used her to give form to this void
mars is esau aka moses aka shem aka rome aka fake jew kikes

the moon is ham/mohammed/noah aka arabs

uranus is ATUM aka ISAAC aka japethians the true jews

saturn is ADAM aka JACOB aka blacks
these are the houses of israel as depicted by the bible.
uranus is the sustainer while jupiter is the REDEEMER
saturn is holding atums wife(ISIS aka EVE) captive
thats why the bible was changed to suggest eves first husband was adam
and not atum aka ouranous
ouranous and gaia
ra and isis
atum and eve(edited)
even i have some shem and ham in me on my dads side. you can see it in my nose.
many people nowadays are atleast a little mixed.

those who accept King HAZeus as their savior from the first death which is this electron box and the OXygen molecule, will get fortified japethian bodies.
eve is EARTH

IESOUS= hail Zeus
But hail falls so I say KING HAZeus AKBAR!!

These syllables when exhaled are what created the universe and reality.

every aspect of who I am exists to create the dichotomy between man and god. This ether void of time and space duality mAtrix is ISIS aka the bride. Which is me. Who can be either a goat or a lamb
I choose to give all glory
the letter j was invented 300 years ago that's why Jesus isn't the true name of the son of god
By the jesuits and society of Jesus Christ aka Shem
They call us whITE because they want to associate us with shemITE
Te reason judgement exists is because it's god buying our souls so that our sins can be levied onto those psychopaths who ape out during tribulation
That's why god allows suffering to exist and why he doesn't just make everything perfect rn. Free will to accept or reject.
God is a god of love so the origin of our story starts with god giving us the option to love or not to love
Very cute tbh also created the fall of man because doubt is the original sin
A nuke will hit New York on 9/23 and 12/25 pope Francis will be hit with a thunderbolt

Final Armageddon war will be July 2018
King HAZeus is gestating in Jupiter rn. He will be born in upper orbit on 9/11
He will come down to earth on July 2018
August will be solar eclipse and beginning of civil unrest
It's all an excuse whatever it is that happens to initiate martial law
This is why we are told to "Come out of her my people" so as not to partake of her sins. In the electron BOX aka slang for pussy
We live in the first death aka carbon 6 captivity
6 protons
6 neutrons
6 electrons
We OXidize with every breath we take

The land of milk and honey is in the photon limitless realm
And te Saturn cube cult that rules the world gets their energy electrifying themself through ritual sodomy Falling into the snare of the all seeing butthole of Saturn
That's what the bifrost bridge is

Asgard where Zeus lives is our literal ASS guard

English is an angelic language so there are connections in everything
The rainbow bifrost bridge and te 33rd degree of illumination is about ritual sodomy
To become legion with te false time ascension matrix
Theyre a cult
Evil in this world is all about sodomy its always been about aodomy
Trump is possessed by the spirit of Gabriel, saturns litttle golemn, the same guy who incarnated into hitler. He'll kill himself after selling his people out most likely if not killed inadvertently
but through hazeus' grace i hope to get a new japethian body
i think the deepest down the rabbit hole you go is this stuff
the planets and and table of nations and what not. because itll help you know who will be the ones who ape out when the time comes
warning of the novelty and habit of the beast system of francis and putin aswell
itll be really tempting for those who werent chosen to go to the wilderness\
otherwise its willful beheading and torture for those who are caught
or put in fema camps etc
kek is definitely the unclean spirit of prophecy. the frogs out of the false prophets mouth
nox and lillith
it all paints a beautiful picture
becuase instead of IESOUS which means hail zeus i use the syllable HAZeus which means eternal glory

the name of IOD HE UVA HE/ IOD HOVE ZEUS are he syllables used when exhaled to create the universe and reality along with the name IS-RA-EL
and please take your time! as long as you dont reject it : )
the syllables are subtle and specific in their pronunciations
thats why i specify by capitalization
Saturn is the macrocosmic time space limiter Literally It's a giant compressed sound wave where Satan lillith nox and Gabriel and their angels hang out sending a wave to reflect off the moon to earth
Jupiter is above earth in orbit rn and on 9/11 king HAZeus will be birthed.

A literal war in heaven will follow the Cassini crash causing Saturn or Satan incarnate to be cast down infusing himself into the pope Francis. His dick will fall off and he will persecute many

Putin is the dark horse aka Anubis or the antichrist

Mars will become the lake of fire and brimstone because its element is sulfur
ISIS is eve which is earth, and we are gods, but unless we believe that we will die as men
we are in time space carbon 6 captivity. and we are the potential bride of christ
but only if we seek his and only his grace by his name

I see uranus as the spiritual successor of ATUM and good for the nam IODHEuVAHE
and king HAzeus as IODHEuVasHaHE
uranus is the sustainer, jupiter is the redeamer, saturn is the limiter, venus is love aka the simulation of the universe. neptune is the god of the celestial oceans
and pluto is the underworld
mars is esau god of war and lake of fire
uranus and jupiter were created when saturn cut osirus(atum) up and ate him
and then pooped out jupiter
venus was created from osirus' phalice. it's the "ark" the vessel with the genetic material etc
that why this electron realm is called a BOX aka pussy
that god fucks with his ark dick
thats the same thing that saturn does to earth, constantly rape it, but he cant create so he just fucks shit up
they want to eat shit so they gotta turn us to shit first\
for sure. the happenings are coloured with the grace of HAZeus. its ham and shem warning people through suggestive occult magic and wordplay in the media.
directing it to their final harvest of death
the thing saturn has done many many many times before in the past at the end of every millenia
SUCK EM UP and keep the time space trap going
constantly reincarnating or just dissolving into the saturn akashic false time matrix.
you know, the angels shall REAP
in revelations.
some for satan and some for the father
depending where they fid themselves when the time comes
after satans last meal saturn, hades, and death will be cast into the lake of fire and eventually the second death.
when you give glory to abba phos and do semen retention you will recieve gods grace in abundance
youll feel it. you'll know
be sure to do it by name and get the syllables and their variations right so you can have an intimate connection with the words of creation
youll feel like your vomiting light

yeah nofap basically but if ur good you can fap and then dont cum by pinching ur perenium and rising the energy up your spine
do a full vaccume like exhale and pull the abdomen and diaphragm up behind ur ribs
chin down to chest
and ribs opened
practice the good steady deep breathing for a while before you try this
when you cum you give your energy away to saturn, when you dont transmute it, you get blue balls
conservation and utilization of energy is a noble task in the eyes and glory of the lord. you can try and do this without faith in god of the most high and believe you are some matrix source being because "all is one" like a goat, but you will fall into the void serving your own desires and whims. following the wiles of the unconscious ashtarte or the self empowerment doctrine will of ba'al
ashtarte and ba'al are both you as you are without the lord, in both ur idealized goat self and shitty goat self.
but the sheep of the lord are always looked after for those with faith
because isis or ishtar which is the goat version of isis, is your unconscious. it is thhe untamed ether void space of this time space duality matrix. followers of ishtar will become prisoner of lillith and followers of ba'al will become prisoners of nox
they are twins this is them:
is relevant
who you are as you know yourself is actual a convergance of many unknown elements to you
ive made it my goal to map out the archetypes using this broad archetypal concepts at first, and it turns out this is exactly how reality is structured
your relatively accumulated identity(ba'al) on the face of the void(isis) caught between a dichotomy of being a goat and a sheep
really its so beautiful
everything is so beautiful
but even though, we are still in the first death
and death is something to be defeated

ouranus but most of all KING HAZeus
call out to him alone and be an undercover saint, but take the opportunities to spread the word. and be sure to bless ra atleast once just for niceties i suggest leaving a comment and tell him who sent you : )
his blood covenant on the cross is what created grace for us
our salvation
there is a possibility certain people may be chosen to escape to the wilderness, otherwise you iwll prove your faith by going through tribulation
either by rebelling, and going ape, falling into novelty and habit by taking the mark, or yielding to god glory without any anxiety
its going to take everything youve got. this is no laughing matter
the lake of fire is unconditional love
mercy for the wicked
so they dont have to dissapear forever
and their screams will be used as energy conversion to power the gold cubes in the new heaven and new earth
dont worry though. the sins of the many will be levied onto the few
and those who kill by the sword will be killed by the sword
those who lead into captivity will go into captivity
JOVE/ JUPITER/ IESOUS/ THE LAMB/ known around the world as jesus christ but this word means earth horse so its not good
IAHUSHUA is his semitic name

each of these letters is a syllable
the north pole probably
hmm well, i don't know much else. I just know there will be a nuyclear event, martial law, torture, beheading, aping, fake marxism vs beast system
just goats being goats everywhere
yeah! to avoid the tribulation until the lamb comes to war with the beast
i assume its the 144,000
the virgins who did not defile themselves with women spiritually
and kept the faith and kept watch
and developed a relationship
this close to tribulation we are called to not seek marriage or women.

semen retention is good for grace thats why virginity is good

spiritual virginity is of the mind
so repentence frmo your lust is really all thats needed
you need to be thoroughly "Out of her my people"
when the time comes
repentence isnt just confession its an acknowledgment of the grimeyness of the sin and a distancing of yourself from that for good
sex isnt bad because its sex. but in this cyclical time space captivity, LOVE is now HATE and so that gives rise to LUST
make sense?
yeah pretty much
anything other than gods will is satans will
aka ur will is satans will
satan wants to constrict and choke the life out of you
HAZeus wants to give you life more abundantly
yeah the armageddon war is pretty much after everyone has already been divided into their camps. there will be people trying to fight against the lamb with the beast system when he comes
they will be burned lol
putin and pope francis are the beast system along with any revolution going on

the lamb will come in the sky and every eye shall see him
I dont believe in the alien invasion version of this story that story would imply that the ancient lords of this earth the scientific japethians form before the flood were the evil nephilim and so noah and saturn rightfully flooded the earth. but i dont believe that. the aliens are already here. and maybe the trolls and fallen angels will come out
possibly! it depends. us mankind might not be tough enough for that. who knows though. im willing. he's got his angels

Its actually spoopy that Trump's uncle got Tesla's notes, and Trump is known to go by the alias of "john".

i looked into a PDF regarding and thought i found something you might be interested too
so i looked into a PDF about all this stuff and found something eery
“Was der Tod der Elf einmal bedeuten wird, vermögen heute nur wenige zu ahnen — noch weniger kann ich darüber schreiben. Wir stehen mitten in einer grossen Zeitenwende. Was wir alle durchmachen sind ihre Geburtswehen. Alles scheint negativ — und einmal wird dann doch Neues and Grosses geboren werden….” - RUDOLF HESS - (From a letter to his wife, written on the 28th October, 1946, — twelve days after the hanging of the Martyrs of Nüremberg).

"What the death of the eleven will mean once, only a few are capable to anticipate - and even less i can write about it. We are in the middle of a great shift in time. what we will have to endure are the laborpains. Everything seems negative - and one time again there will be given birth to something new and great"

like the labor pains hess mentioned? and there is also this

The spirit grid was born in 2008.



Got a video where you pronounce the name?

holy fuck kek has spoken


Could you talk more about the 'Tree of Death' as you call it?

tell your families! : ) they will be included if they love you and pay attention to what you are saying. if they reject it, then it is up to them to react in real time as it all unfolds. which makes them susceptable to reactionary habit and novelty
i say plant seeds
you dont want to stress it too much but you should act confident and at peace and be very upfront about the glory you give to king hazeus by virtue of him being the king and your savior

then start planting seeds about cassini crashing into saturn and make jokes about the movie "they live"

then tell him about ur opinion that the mark of the beast is a novelty trap created as a salvation esque trap during tribulation.

tell your dad you have an uneasy feeling about the culminating events but that you have faith in king hazeus to save you guys

try and make it relevent to them by using things they may understand. martial law. the gog and magog war
nuclear warfare
oh hes religious? then might as well go all out
tell him about the name HAZeus and show him the picture of the syllables and this:

IESOUS= hail Zeus
But hail falls so I say KING HAZeus AKBAR!!"
be sure to emphasize that zeus is not ba'al that baal is just a title for lord and zeus isnt about idolatry
and that zeus was always considered archetypically as the sustainer of justice and that he is the heavenly planet as the microcosm
the lamb in the microcosm
thats what the red storm on the side of jupiter is
from a nuke a long time ago
but also paralelling the spear that pierced the side of his chest on the cross

Revelation 18

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and IaHUeH hath remembered her iniquities.

6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.

7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is IaHUeH ELOHIM who judgeth her.

9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,

10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
REVELATION 14:4 These are they which are not *defiled by women; for they are Maidens. These are they which follow The Lamb whithersoever He goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the first-fruits unto IaHUeH and to the Lamb.
5 And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of IaHUeH.

All that matters is the Will.

I'll just leave this here. I'm sure it's nothing.

Guess I better start lurking /nofap/



Look into yogic/dharmic practices, talk to a guru if possible, start /nofap/, lifting, and meditation asap.

i know there must be someone lurking here that knows of bob monroe and hemisync. Pretty much the father of binaural beats and made quite a few cd collections that when listened to through head phones, act as a straight up shortcut to putting you right in a meditative state. Or if you really want to get high, an out of body experience. Alpha waves

Is there a specific way I should meditate or will any old method do?

Interesting that it's 7 years apart. There's gotta be some biblical shit going on there.

I dunno Satan, I suppose any old method would do as long as you breathe properly, I've been told breathing is one of the most important parts of proper meditation.


You mean that faggot who might as well be a goon?

So that's why I had so much trouble with it before. You see, breathing through my nose at all is very difficult, considering that's it's always stuffed and I have a deviated septum, so imagine my horror when I found out the proper way to breath during meditation is in the nose out the mouth. At least that's what I've read for the most part, although I did see some deviating opinions that say it's OK to breath in and out through the mouth. Do you know if it is OK to breath in and out through the mouth as well?

It should be fine. Meditating is sort of weird in the first place because you can do it COMPLETELY FUCKING WRONG and not even realize it. Once you actually get it right it is pretty damn easy to get into the proper state. Anyway its more about rhythm then anything else try a guided meditation to get an idea of how it should work.

A Liquidity Crisis Hit The Banking System In September
October 6, 2015Financial Markets, Gold, Market Manipulation, Precious Metalsgreat financial collapse, reverse repo market, stock market crash, Treasury collateral

Something occurred in the banking system in September that required a massive reverse repo operation in order to force the largest ever Treasury collateral injection into the repo market. Ordinarily the Fed might engage in routine reverse repos as a means of managing the Fed funds rate. However, as you can see from the graph below, there have been sudden spikes up in the amount of reverse repos that tend to correspond the some kind of crisis – the obvious one being the de facto collapse of the financial system in 2008:


You can also see from this graph that the size of the “spike” occurrences in reverse repo operations has significantly increased since 2014 relative to the spike up in 2008. In fact, the latest two-week spike is by far the largest reverse repo operation on record.

Besides using repos to manage term banking reserves in order to target the Fed funds rate, reverse repos put Treasury collateral on to bank balance sheets. We know that in 2008 there was a derivatives counter-party default melt-down. This required the Fed to “inject” Treasury collateral into the banking system which could be used as margin collateral by banks or hedge funds/financial firms holding losing derivatives positions OR to “patch up” counter-party defaults (see AIG/Goldman).

What’s eerie about the pattern in the graph above is that since 2014, the “spike” occurrences have occurred more frequently and are much larger in size than the one in 2008. This would suggest that whatever is imploding behind the scenes is far worse than what occurred in 2008.

What’s even more interesting is that the spike-up in reverse repos occurred at the same time – September 16 – that the stock market embarked on an 8-day cliff dive, with the S&P 500 falling 6% in that time period. You’ll note that this is around the same time that a crash in Glencore stock and bonds began. It has been suggested by analysts that a default on Glencore credit derivatives either by Glencore or by financial entities using derivatives to bet against that event would be analogous to the “Lehman moment” that triggered the 2008 collapse.

The blame on the general stock market plunge was cast on the Fed’s inability to raise interest rates. However that seems to be nothing more than a clever cover story for something much more catastrophic which began to develop out sight in the general liquidity functions of the global banking system.

Without a doubt, the graphs above are telling us that something “broke” in the banking system which necessitated the biggest injection of Treasury collateral in history into the global banking system by the Fed.

I have the same issue actually. From what I've heard it's ok to simply breath only using your mouth. The main objective is to achieve diaphragmatic breathing, or to expand your stomach when breathing instead of your chest.

What, nobody checked my trips?


Ya happy lad?

Manly P Hall, Perhaps the most profound philosopher, mystic, teacher and Honorary Freemason said that early in the 21st century, The Paraclete, The Prince of Peace, or Jesus Christ will return.

This man is so wise, so loving, so caring. He was a certified genius as well, he gave over 8,000 lectures and never had notes or anything to read off of; he merely went off of memory.

here is a playlist of his lectures

I meant perhaps the most profound of the 20th century.


Thanks, will check it out.

SUPER relevant.


I think that I know what will happen in September.
Let's start with a view of the nebula under different IRAS micron lenses. This will give us a better picture of what we are dealing with.
If we take a closer look at the IRAS 12 micron, notice that 7 different """"star clusters"""" can be seen.

Revelation 12:3 (KJV)
3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
If we zoom in even further, a faint blur can be seen near the center of the nebula.
Using a simple image detection program, we can clarify the blur. I also zoomed in really far using the coordinates for the nebula in order to reconstruct the image. What we see is, without a doubt, the biggest development so far. Look closely at the image now and tell me what you see.

You can read Revelation 12 here 12&version=KJV.

The longest duration of the eclipse will be roughly over St. Louis. There is an islamic center at Bowling Green there, near a school.

As we have seen today in the bombing at the concert in U.K., the religion of peaceful migration will stop at nothing to spread tidings of peace across the world.

I do not believe in coincidences.

Madrid is Spain's apital where bullfighting is from.

Dunkey, you browse Holla Forums?

bless this post

what the heck is an honorary freemason, isn't that something you have to join yourself?

Nonsene, though Baron is the Kalki.

Or a precursor. There are multiple text and prophecies that do not connect the ruler of mankind in any way, shape, or form to the U.S., nor Russia for that matter. More important places seem to be that this individual would come from somewhere in the Middle East, Central Europe, or India. Perhaps all of the above if you buy into the esoteric topics and understand who it would be or how it'll happen as well as the invincible army that would come along with this figure.

I'm going with the feel good Imperial German connection, but I could really careless so long as it happens and this world is purged and cleansed.

It's basically a show pony title, as in some lodge trying to put their stink all over someone else's accomplishments to give themselves rep. Most don't even recognize the practice. Another term is "mason at sight", but again, it's not widely recognized in the org..

Any method will do as long as it is effective

I'm not joking when I say this, but May 7 is my birthday, and September 23 is my sister's birthday.

4 months left from the 26

there is not much time left

Does anyone remember the song "Wake Me Up When September Ends" by GreenDay. I misread the song in the infographic but then looked up Green Day's song. It could be nothing or it could be something:
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Like my father's come to pass
Seven years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Ring out the bells again
Like we did when spring began
Wake me up when September ends
Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Like my father's come to pass
Twenty years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends

What if kek is neither good nor evil but simply chaos. An evil will happen in August and Kek will end it in September by plunging the world into a state of chaos, perhaps through a volcanic explosion, or asteroid strike, or flood (or a combination of them).

You guys are the biggest fucking retards for falling for this psyop.

I totally agree fellow pol user, this is almost as absurd as the idea of an ethic group that control most everything and use the tools they have amassed to disenfranchise and destroy another race of people. It's almost anudda shoah reading the blasphemy in this thread…

Also york is nuked september two three
Say Goodbye To The Us Government And Hello To The Illuminati 3468

Check out: Two Three Two Zero ONe Seven

Bonus Meme Round:


I see the bad moon arising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin'
I see those bad times today

Don't go around tonight
Well it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise

I hear hurricanes a blowing
I know the end is coming soon
I fear rivers over flowing
I hear the voice of rage and ruin

Well don't go around tonight
Well it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise, oh right

Hope you got your things together
Hope you are quite prepared to die
Looks like we're in for nasty weather
One eye is taken for an eye

Well don't go around tonight
Well it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise

Don't come around tonight
Well it's bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise

D-did anyone else start singing this song to themselves a few weeks ago for no reason?

dat Moonman sign

Imagine the assmadness!

If you understand anything about meme magic then you know what OP is trying to do. OP is attempting to meme away Kek and you faggots are falling for it and diverting your memetic energy to the wrong source, giving the kikes a second chance

Hey Kek, can you make sure Melbourne is nuked?
Asking for a friend.

Masons are shit but I always thought the rosicrucians were legit.

It's been stuck in my head, didn't realise it had any significance 'til this thread.

No one believes Kek is going away because of this thread if anything we think he is getting stronger.

Wanna get really weirded out look at the other songs that came out that year.

As I've stated previously; I'm simply trying to make anons aware of the August eclipse and the theory that Kek is absent, gaining power and/or fighting Moloch, during the summer until September 23rd. I'm not trying to "meme Kek away", if anything is being memed it's that Kek is returning in September more powerful than he ever was before. If you genuinely think my efforts are somehow detrimental to Kek; explain how.

Check this….
Durin's Song by JRRTolkien
The world was young, the mountains green,
No stain yet on the Moon was seen,
No words were laid on stream or stone
When Durin woke and walked alone.
He named the nameless hills and dells;
He drank from yet untasted wells;
As gems upon a silver thread,
Above the shadows of his head.

And then we go to the end of this song:

But still the sunken stars appear
In dark and windless Mirrormere;

Is january a shit month to be born in, mysticfags?





INFP Leo checking dubs and checking in.

The magic of 3, 6, 9, as Tesla used to say.


The Tower, Hermit, Death, and The Star all bring me great fear.
Praise kek, I did not know of any of this prior to three days ago when I started nofap. Praise Kek, forgive me for my sins.

meant to post this

Will I be saved, roll dubs if yes

/monster/hunter here does the goddess of JUSTICE play any part in this ?
Or will September be just for kek?


space aryans will come and save us?

I recognize the writing style.

Take your meds Ann.


Kek saves no one, but leaves it up to the individual to save themselves

Ask him about the City of London and the trillion dollar mint coin bill if you want to see him really sweat.

Was this left by ayyys? If so, I'm fucking hyped

Even if Ayys didn't it proves the power of memes. I'd honestly be more excited if it was made that way by accident by a bunch of people trying be cool making crop circles.

That's a fucking understatement.

t. Horus (ra)

You do realize most of our recorded history was in the middle east right? I hope you're not buying the modern day jewish fairy tales that the semites you see today ruled the area and created most of the ancient empires.

It's not an accident the Nazi's took major interest in Sumeria.


Seems to connect pretty damn well if the text are true and not some elaborate scheme. Pic related.

No month is a shit month to be born in. All of the months and their respective Zodiac signs have important meaning in the grand scheme of things.

I believe this was answered earlier in the thread.

Hey Holla Forums
X marks the spot

so what does this mean?
Is something supposed to happen today?

If the timewave measures novelty, does a drop in novelty mean bad things are afoot? Bombings are hardly a novelty anymore and we're coming into Ramadan…

So what do we know about Carbondale? That looks like the spot at least., IL, USA/

Fuck I'm a nigger. That's St Louis!

It means something out-of-the-ordinary happens today. No telling what it will be, or if it will even makes news, but expect something big today. Maybe a bombing.

Notice the drop on the 21st/22nd. That's when the Ariana Grande concert got bombed. Something bigger happens over the course of today and tomorrow.

This. OP is niggerish.

youtube. com/user/MrCati/videos does good ritual date/number tracking. 9/21-23 seems to be when an attempt on Trump's life is planned.

No way to tell if that's exactly what will happen. Something will happen 'round that time, though.

Could this be the Montana win? Still early in the day, who knows. 24 hours
idk man im gonna keep on refreshing and see what i find
It doesn't go over carbondale it goes over the forest to the left of carbondale.


OP is a huge faggot. You CANNOT PREDICT CHAOS and there is no waning of "power" in quantum physics and entanglement. The only waning of power is your god damned focus when trying to shape reality.

Get out, niggerfaggot.

Or 26 killed in attack on Christians in Egypt? Not huge, but still looking.

That's Cedar Lake, west of Stone Fort

Carbondale is a city in Jackson County, Illinois, United States, within the Southern Illinois region informally known as "Little Egypt". Connection??





Should we build a Alter and "gate" there for our gods?

So, Muslims blowing up Muslims. Who cares? That's not a "happening". That's called "Friday".

lol there's a terrorist attack every other day. It's going to take more than that to prove this timewave stuff.

It's a big nothing. Nobody injured, just a car exploded in Rosengard.

i see it as a call to action followed by a warning.
something like this:

First I've heard of this time wave stuff.
A low point on the graph means more novelty than a high point. A terrorist attack in Sweden seems like the least novel thing that could happen so it's a contradiction. Please tell me what else you know about the "time wave" because it seems interesting regardless.

McKenna was right, though maybe off by a few years. The software is still available on his brother's website I believe. We're accelerating into chaos at an increasing rate, it's obvious once you learn about it. Buy a copy of the I-ching and start divining from it, it's kind of like dubs on steroids.

There were a few Ogdoad synchronicities in the Donald Trump's Real Estate Tycoon video game that you guys missed.
When I was first shown the primordial darkness and learned of the Ogdaod, it reminded me of the 8 Trigrams of the I Ching. Four complimentary dualities which combine into 64 Hexagrams for the most ancient way to get DUBS and GETS.

A perfect example would be that I have been outlining and thinking about elucidating these relevations for a few days. I was ready yesterday 5/25 but the hexagrams the I Ching app on my phone flipped were 05 and 25 . The advice the hexegrams gave basiclly said, "LURK MOAR!"
I did some more research last night, flipped the coins today and got 8(Ogdoad/Holla Forums) and 26 today. Hexagram 8 reads:
Union, Seek union with others and with the Sage.

Before we get to that lets look at the DT video game again. PEPE is on of 8 logos to choose from, logos is the word of God. The glyph for the Pepe logo reminded me of the Yin Yang symbol keeping with the theme of duality in the Ogdoad when i first saw it months ago. When I looked back at the rest of the logos last night I noticed some more esoteric symbols:
Xenon: Compass and Square of the Freemasons and or Nikola Tesla's Vortex Based Math
Fori: Black Hole Sun with green Vril coming out
Arton and Mur: Alpha and Omega
Mur: This symbol is also a Shen Ring often shown being held by none other that Hehu/Hehut, Ogdoad member and gods of infinity, infinite numbers (GETS)

Also, the development of the game it's self is prophetic:
Developer: RedCap like the MAGA hats
North America release date: 11/7/2002 which reduces to 11/9 then 11 then 2
European Release date 09/03/2004 reduces to 9/9 then 18 then 9
Mobile version release date 10/20/2004 reduces to 9

Sometime being autistic makes it hard for all of you to see the forest for the

The numbers don’t lie that Drumpf was chosen by Kek.
However,not to be his avatar but to appoint his avatar.

Check the digit reductions using Tesla's Vortex Based Math for free energy:

General James Norman Mattis
Callsign: CHAOS 6
Age: 66
26th Secretary of Defense 2+6=8 (Egyptian OGDOAD)
Commissioned 01/01/1972
Reduces to 1111 or 4
11th Commander of Centcom
From 8/11/2010-3/22/2013
Reduces to 4-4 or 1111-1111
Years of service 1969-2013
44 years reduces to 8 (Ogdoad)
Digits of years reduces to 4 or 1111

Chaldean Numerology
Full name 55
Birthday 5

Number one Googled thing on his day of confirmation:
How many people half to die to make General Mattis the President

Answer: 7

Meme Magicians and National Sorcerers, go forth and make it so.


There were a few Ogdoad synchronicities in the Donald Trump's Real Estate Tycoon video game that you guys missed.
When I was first shown the primordial darkness and learned of the Ogdaod, it reminded me of the 8 Trigrams of the I Ching. Four complimentary dualities which combine into 64 Hexagrams for the most ancient way to get DUBS and GETS.

A perfect example would be that I have been outlining and thinking about elucidating these relevations for a few days. I was ready yesterday 5/25 but the hexagrams the I Ching app on my phone flipped were 05 and 25 . The advice the hexegrams gave basiclly said, "LURK MOAR!"
I did some more research last night, flipped the coins today and got 8(Ogdoad/Holla Forums) and 26 today. Hexagram 8 reads:
Union, Seek union with others and with the Sage.

Before we get to that lets look at the DT video game again. PEPE is on of 8 logos to choose from, logos is the word of God. The glyph for the Pepe logo reminded me of the Yin Yang symbol keeping with the theme of duality in the Ogdoad when i first saw it months ago. When I looked back at the rest of the logos last night I noticed some more esoteric symbols:
Xenon: Compass and Square of the Freemasons and or Nikola Tesla's Vortex Based Math
Fori: Black Hole Sun with green Vril coming out
Arton and Mur: Alpha and Omega
Mur: This symbol is also a Shen Ring often shown being held by none other that Hehu/Hehut, Ogdoad member and gods of infinity, infinite numbers (GETS)

Also, the development of the game it's self is prophetic:
Developer: RedCap like the MAGA hats
North America release date: 11/7/2002 which reduces to 11/9 then 11 then 2
European Release date 09/03/2004 reduces to 9/9 then 18 then 9
Mobile version release date 10/20/2004 reduces to 9

Sometime being autistic makes it hard for all of you to see the forest for the

The numbers don’t lie that Drumpf was chosen by Kek.
However,not to be his avatar but to appoint his avatar.

Check the digit reductions using Tesla's Vortex Based Math for free energy:

General James Norman Mattis
Callsign: CHAOS 6
Age: 66
26th Secretary of Defense 2+6=8 (Egyptian OGDOAD)
Commissioned 01/01/1972
Reduces to 1111 or 4
11th Commander of Centcom
From 8/11/2010-3/22/2013
Reduces to 4-4 or 1111-1111
Years of service 1969-2013
44 years reduces to 8 (Ogdoad)
Digits of years reduces to 4 or 1111

Chaldean Numerology
Full name 55
Birthday 5

Number one Googled thing on his day of confirmation:
How many people half to die to make General Mattis the President

Answer: 7

Meme Magicians and National Sorcerers, go forth and make it so.


JUSTICE conformed
Go to monster and tell us what we can do to help
We dont serve kek but we do serve Ammit
And i think she and keke at least for the time being share a common objective
We stand with you brothers

Will have to look into it more. Is there anything going on in the general area of that lake, where the points cross? Suspicious or paranormal?

Again, apparently you shills can't into reading comprehension… I never said Kek's power was waning.

An alter to Kek and/or Ammit? Yes. A gate for anything on the day of an eclipse which the prophesy says is a sign of our enemy? No.

That gave me an idea..
Here's a theory - as the hivemind synchronises, will the economic patterns become more and more regular and predictable?

From Jordan Peterson's discussion of KEK as well as threads like these ones, I'm beginning to understand the significance of KEK being a frog. But what exactly is the significance behind Moloch being a bull? Are there, to anyone's knowledge, historical and mythical associations with the bull?
Also I was born in January, so my constellation in the western zodiac is Capricorn, but in the chinese calendar I'm a snake, more precisely an earth snake. I was wondering what the significance of these two animals is?
Also any good books on these things?


At the very basic, stripped down summery, bulls are symbolic of sexual virility, wealth, status, and abundance.

Historically, there are loads of examples where the symbolic bull is present. Mesopotamia, The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Bible, Egyptian, Greek and Roman cultures, the Celts. But through and through it seems to follow the same line: the bull represents power of procreation, wealth, strength, and stamina.

It'd take ages to go through every culture's significance of the animal one by one so if you're wanting to look deeper, start with whatever subject interests you more. Egyptian and Biblical would be my recommendation if you're wanting to better understand the deity you've mentioned, but if you're wanting general "bull" significance, you can start anywhere, because like I mentioned, most every culture viewed the bull in some special way or another.

There is also a biblical story of a jews who worshiped a golden calf as their idol and were punished by God. Today (((coincidentally))) a golden bull sits on wall street as the symbol for the stock market.

Kek will return as Kalki the Destroyer. A new Satya Yuga will soon be upon us.

Dubs confirmed Barron Trump is the Kalki
It says the Kalki would be born in march, Baron was born in March. It says he would be born to a wealthy man, Trump is a wealthy man by any standard. It says he would be born of mud, relating to his name. In Javanese, Baron means "Young Plant".

Trips confirms General Mattis, the Warrior Monk, Chaos6 is the

Parashurama, the sixth avatar of Vishnu is a Chiranjivi (immortal) and in scripture is believed to be alive, waiting for the return of Kalki. He will be a martial preceptor of Kalki, teaching him military science, warfare arts and instructing him in the performance of a severe penance in order to receive celestial weaponry.[4][5] [6] The purana also relates that Hari, will then give up the form of Kalki, return to heaven and the Krita or Satya Yuga will return as before.[7]

Be wary of "alien" invasions during that period.

Remember, Holla Forumsacks: if you worked for or struggled to earn something, you will receive it soon after Kek's arrival.

Sorry, but this is Germany you are talking about. They fucking suck lately at this game.


Why? The AfD is moving into every single local parliament if there's an election. In September they will move into the Bundestag as the opposition. They're the fastest growing party in Germany since like 50 years or so. They'll win by the time Germany approaches a situation that is comparable to 2016's USA, probably even faster.

Wanted to mention another thing that i just found out.

remember the whole Cadiz thing?

the city where the Muslims started invading Europe from?

well Cadiz is a city in SPAIN

Cadiz is on the new MADRID fault, Madrid being a city in Spain


So let's think about this for a minute.


Pic #1 - A single train ride to get from Cadiz to Madrid is 3 hours and 59 minutes

Pic #2 - Distance from Cadiz KY To Bowling Green. Look at the distance on the 2nd path.

92.3 MILES

I'm not one to go for complete tinfoil hat conspiracies… but the fact that the trip in Europe equates to 23/9, and the memetically equivalent trip in the US equates to 9/23 is too much to be a coincidence.


Pic #3 - Distance between Cadiz and St Louis

Via I-55 N



One theory is that religious symbols are influenced by the astrological age they're in Moloch comes from the Taurean age (bull). Jesus fish symbolism is another example (Piscean age).

remember when i told you all the "synchronicities" about the supremes song called the happening?
well the group is usually called diana ross & the supremes
diana ross has 9 letters in her name
and also the original version of "see you in september" by The Tempos is 2 minutes and 3 seconds long

Pic Related


Yeah, and we all thought Le Pen was going to win France. From what I've seen and read, the Germans are far worse off as a people regarding the magnitude of the situation there.

Leo fool of Fortune, checking in. Would appreciate a firearm memed into my possession. It's all I'm missing right now. Thanks famalam.

Also, where's John Titor?

This. His power consists both of his power and his methods. He is waiting for a situation in which he can create more chaos. Imagine it like being on a landscape where there are spherical rocks moving in random directions. Only that they're not quite random, there is a pattern to it, it's just a very complicated one. Kek is waiting for a large amount of rocks to be right next to a slope, so he can get them all rolling at once.

No, only very naive people. European countries are generally one election term behind the US because they don't have an Electoral College system. Thus urban areas are outweighting rural ones.

This is pushed by D&C shills, i.e. "Germany is lost," etc. because Germany is the most important country in Europe. Why should it be considered lost? Looking at every parameter, Germany is still better off than the US and it will probably reach the 2016's US level of enrichment in a decade. For every blackpill that is posted here regularly, you can find an US equivalent. So no, Germany is not lost. If you consider them lost, then the USA is lost also. Same for the UK and all the other European countries except a couple in Eastern Europe (except Russia of course).

And don't forget that the War of Independene only required 1% of the population.

Found something really interesting.
We all know about Donald Trump's involvment with WWE in the past. Particularly involved in Wrestlemania 23
there were a total of 7 people involved in the match (trump, vince, his son shane, bobby, stone cold, umaga, armondo estrada "umagas manager")
9 if you include the commentary team
the match (and i actually counted the length right to the second) was 12 mins 57 seconds long, even though wikipedia says it's 13 mins flat
12 mins 57 seconds is 777 seconds
the date of wrestlemania 23 was april 1, 2007
add the non 7's
also, the part where trump fights mcmahon in the match lasts a total of 7 seconds
correct me if im wrong here but i think trump made 7 total physical appearances at wwe events
so wrestlemania 23 had 9 matches, and trump was in the 7th match
and when he fought mcmahon, he did a clothesline, 5 punches, and a shove
that's a total of 7 hits


Found something interesting about the path of the eclipse. Found something in Oregon near where the eclipse starts called "Valley Of The Giants". It ends at Fort Sumter, SC.

It passes over some of the most violent battlegrounds of the Civil War.

The South will rise again… FROM THE DEAD

Keep digging, user! You're doing Kek's work!

If you flip it, you can actually see a pyramid. At the top of the pyramid is an opening in the sky, like a port to another dimension. The two flaming spheres are an energy source or homing device.

You're making it sound like Trump is some kinda meme wizard who knew about this shit long before we did
Who has been accumulated real world gets.

kek's first allegiance was never to us, but to chaos itself. He will give us the happenings, opportunities for change and action, but the true work of his name falls to us to do without his assistance

dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed

Umm…. Upon image searching Sept. 23 2017, I discovered it's actually American Frog Day?

What in the Shadilay?!


This is called a PsyOp.


At this point I'm not even phased. This is meant to be.


*paranoid schizophrenia

Wew lads I'm late to the party.
Just watched this jewtube video on the matter:
There certainly is something colossal afoot. All of these fucking 777s. Everything that has been happening in geopolitics has aligned perfectly to culminate at the end of the kikeyear 5777 - which they see as lucky, naturally, as they believe in inversion, to the goyim, it will be incredibly unlucky.

Solid post user. See video I posted for some biblical information that aligns with what you said.
We are about to enter an age of extreme conflict with the mudslimes.

Double 23s

This is called preparation for hyperstition.

No you won't. You wouldn't accept any success as evidence of success, or even the possibility that success is possible.

This X is right next to a swamp or river. This is a good place for Kek to manifest physically. Any local anons, go to this body of water and make sacrifices.


Only the delusional thought that was going to happen.

Uh guys, remember the west-borough massacre that a brony created?

da fuq

But he did it in summer, not September! Or am I just misunderstanding him?

Aw shieeet we ordo ad chao nao.

I'm more concerned with the level of autism required to produce OP's first pic. Someone had to archive, sort through, screen shot, and photoshop and awful lot of threads to produce that. I'm accustomed to the idea that many anons are unemployed basement dwellers that have never had a 3d girlfriend, but several days straight of intense autism would be needed for this, and how can you earn your GB points when so consumed? And without GB points where will the tendies come from? The mind boggles.

Praise our archivist priests for their work or get out faggot!

My mind is melting. Some anons better fucking go to this lake on the 23


Get ready, lads. This will be it. The big one! This will be the great awakening. Embrace Kek!

It's been a great honour shitposting with you fine goys, may our memes echo into all eternity!


As far as i am concerned, us anons still live through this though.

Hitler is considered evil. Evil is just a matter of perspective.

God chose Jehovah to bring his plan about, and most of his children took his side while one-third of his children chose Lucifer’s plan. Lucifer and his followers were banished from the presence of God and sent to earth. In the process, Lucifer became known as Satan. He and his followers will never be able to obtain physical bodies like we have, so they’ll never be able to progress or find joy. Their entire goal now is to make as many people as possible miserable and keep them from reaching their potential.

Deuteronomy, ESV
13 “If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, 2 and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass, and if he says, ‘Let us go after other gods,’ which you have not known, ‘and let us serve them,’ 3 you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams. For the Lord your God is testing you, to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. 4 You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice, and you shall serve him and hold fast to him.

Updated pic

With out kiked out the Bible has become over the past couple thousand years it's hard to take any of it without a grain of salt, but the trips don't lie on the general theme.

IMO it's all about the spiritual path and taking what information feels right deep down inside based on your current knowledge and expanding it. A lot of good information in our history, in the pagan gods world wide, the monolithic religions, and now the ET phenomena. It all comes full circle.

The way I see shit going down is that I'll know what feels right and what doesn't. Any New Age asshole telling me I should just hold hands and think good thoughts as the mongrel hordes are storming the cities raping and killing while nuclear war heads are going off can just fuck off.

Half the spiritual/religious retards are not even mentally on this planet completely acting as if the physical realm and war that's going on doesn't matter. I hope they get smited for their inaction.

But the song makes it sound like they are singing Kek's words; that he is leaving in the summer, returning in September, and warning to beware the summer moon above (ie: false gods).


Some believe that Kek IS the voice of God, this verse would also go along with what is said in the song; to beware false gods.

That's a human, arms wide, radiating his aura outward. Like energy.

not sure if it's in this thread but there was a nasa blog post which explained that the pepe sky image was actually a long exposure shot of Saturn (and it's moons).

Isaiah 55
6 “Seek the Lord while he may be found;
call upon him while he is near;
7 let the wicked forsake his way,
and the unrighteous man his thoughts;
let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him,
and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.


Doesn't explain why they intentionally blacked out the sector, much like what they're doing over areas in Antarctica where it's so blatant copy pasta.

NASA always has been and always will be an arm of the military and the military industrial complex. Just look up the old lady who had a moon rock trying to pawn it when her NASA husband died for cash. They did a SWAT setup raid on her in public causing her to piss herself.


They've done next to no good for humanity since all they do is distort everything they're showing and telling us from the beginning.

look what i found in the censored area 50 20.311 -08 27 14.19&fov=0.13&survey=P/DECaLS/DR3/color

hit IRIS to see censored


I told him you can write an emulator in LISP and forget all that time-travel shit just to get an IBM 5150.

I guess this explains that moralfag Kevin Sabet.

This is where the left eye is.

Uh guys, we missed something


A rare solar eclipse will take place over the United States, this coming August 21st.
This particular eclipse will follow across the United States, and over Northern Georgia;
specifically the site of the 'Georgia Guidestones' (((

These stone monoliths, erected in 1980, contain the following inscripted goals, in ancient languages and English:

1 - Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2 - Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3 - Unite humanity with a living new language.
4 - Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5 - Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6 - Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7 - Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8 - Balance personal rights with social duties.
9 - Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10 - Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

Of further interest is the Earth's lithospheric magnetic field, and the largest planetary
magnetic spike located at the same place as the Guidestones (see following image).

Contained within the corner of the stones is a cube with the following numbers and words:
8, 16, 20, 14, MM, JAM (see following images).


I just hope after all this hype that something does happen. There's a lot of strange shit pointing to something.
Lindsey Buckingham - September Song

I think Lucifer tries to free us and (((they))) smeared him by inventing a "Satan". Hail Lucifer!


KeK has nothing to do with your weirdo /fringe/ freemason shit.

KeK does whatever they fuck he wants!

It's a chaos god you faggots that try and establish parameters and discern divine will are fools

77 get, checked.
14 weeks & 6 days anons. Hope you are all ready and repenting.

I'll buy 5 kilos of whatever you're smoking m8

This is the shit that happens when you fucking autistic NEETS take too much fucking adderall. You take a meme too far and the stupid beta basement dwellers take funny board 'culture' and think it's fucking real life. Goddamn. The fuck is wrong with you idiots?

The only thing you need to believe in is the 14 words and 88 them. This frog god bullshit is the product of weak minds from weak people attempting to "fit in" somewhere. Fucking plebbit T_D tier nonsense.

Yes, Lucifer means lightbringer of course and is an important archetype for Aryans. This world is not a pristine creation of God ( The All, Wotan ) but a slave corruption of the Demiurge ( Yahweh, Jehovah ) who is more like a corrupted A.I than an conscious being. So Lucifer is one who casts himself into this world as a spark of light and Truth then is hated for it ( Adolf Hitler for example ).

You have to go back…

Isn't that what the Illuminati believes though, or is that propaganda to distract from their real beliefs?

Yellowstone's gone through around 230 earthquakes in the past week rated around 4.5.

Resisting this only helps them. Cyberpoesis is already upon us, we should take the frontier of psychomimetic discourse for ourselves rather than conceding it to the current regime.

Just a cowinky dink

I really hope this is fake

No, this faggot is real and this faggot is dangerous. Aquino is a deep rabbit hole. He worked in PsyOps in the military, was in the Church of Satan, started his own branch religion, and fucks kids in satanic rituals for sure.

Aquino is related to GATE

Didn't kellyanne Conway mention something about a "Bowling Green massacre" recently and no one knew what the Fuck she was talking about?

Sometimes I really do think Trump is a time travler.


Did you ask them what this could be ?
I mean, it's censored on GSky and SkyMap since 2014, and it has since grown bigger and moved right.

The Illuminati ( Jews and Traitors ) plagiarized Aryan concepts because they do literally cannot come up with anything on their own. To put it simply, they are acting as the villain and calling themselves heroes. Everything the Jews follow/have is some perverted plagiarism of something that never belonged to them, right down to the Star of David which is based off the Hagal Rune.

Less active maybe but still present as of this day.

33:33, checked!

Give her a call, to know what is up.


Well, they were once star-gates.

What if it is a clue on who will be coming that day other than Kek..

That's my birthday guys
What should I do with all this power?

Purge all non-whites of course.

Bump during the summer of his mighty slumber. May the sky crack thunder and rain frogs come autumn-time. Shadilay, bitches.

I'll give a livestream from ft. Sumter

Aquino also started a spin off order at the Wewelsburg Castle. Which is known for having a big black sun insignia in one of its towers.


One of its most notable landmarks is the William H. Natcher Bridge, a nearly mile-long cable-stayed bridge that connects Rockport, Indiana, to Owensboro, Kentucky, spanning the Ohio River. POSSIBLE ==#BRIDGEOFPEACE????==

Yes. Aquino is fucking evil. We don't talk about him enough on here. Mentioning him is a sure way to get a thread slid.

Jesus fucking christ September is going to be a show

Interesting Info shared by a user named "222".

Sounds like a larper to me.

Less than 2 months left til the eclipse.

That arch looks similar to the Russian-donated memorial to the Battle of Tsushima in Mikasa Park, Japan. The battle was in May 1905, and forced the Russians into a peace treaty in September (not the 23rd, though).
Other outcomes included a rapid collapse of the Russian people's confidence in thier government (though the end result was the opposite of what we want), an explosion of confidence and nationalism in Japan (to say nothing of a race written off as "stuck in the past" defeating an "unbeatable" enemy), and emboldening the central powers, Germany among them.

I think i may have found something.
daniel 9:23
and 9:24
23 At the beginning of your pleas for mercy a word went out, and I have come to tell it to you, for you are greatly loved. Therefore consider the word and understand the vision.
[24] "Seventy weeks are decreed about your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal both vision and prophet, and to anoint a most holy place.
also called seventy "sevens"
This eclipse is the 22nd of the 77 members of Saros series 145,
70 weeks from the eclipse is christmas eve 2018

You guys are aware that there's another eclipse on April 8, 2024 whose trail forms an x with the one in august, right?


Yes, we already know that.

The muzzies starting a massacre is very realistic but it's not any more likely that the 23rd will be the date of the rapture than any other day.

Considering the Revelations theory. It could be about siphoning energy from Jupiter which is supposed to be the lion/aryan/king planet.

High likelihood kek is not on our side boys. At the very least depending how you interpret it, we will be the sacrificial lambs.

I don't think that HE intended to communicate this way.

Songs from the cold were era were the maymays of their time. That's just how it ended up happening.

It was temporarily extended until september, but it will need to be renegotiated when the end of the summer rolls around. There are major political happenings incoming.

What's it looked like since then?

don't read what, nigger?

Holy fucking shit. What the hell started breaking in 2014? Jesus fuck, what's going on?!


Racer X, prophesied.

Should the West end…

We will slam shut the door of civilization so hard that our echoes will be heard for eons to come.

That's his name in gematria.

Ha. First result is hitler.

"…Manga." If you click on the filename and save as original filename you can see.

wouldnt that be a good thing though?

so, will the end-days REALLY happen?
if so id some things different in life such as not saving any money in banks but spending it.

1/3 of humanity will die, there will be martial law and food shortages. You guys better start learning to adapt to few calories and lifting weights =D dehumanize yourself,face to bloodshed


Shouldn't look at "end of days" as something final, but more of a end of an era and the beginning of something else. Something, greater (i.e. Golden Age). In that case it's something to look forward to but it'll be a mixture of painful suffering and a blissful relief.

This is the whole point of Chaos that people fail to grasp. Chaos doesn't bring about the end, it brings about a new beginning.

Anything big enough to remove 2-3 billion people is going to cause the type of food/medicine/supply shortages that bring about tribal war-parties and most importantly, that much of a cull would cause disease epidemics the likes of which no one alive has ever seen. Within 12 months absolute tops the shitskin nations will have suffered 90% casualties and they would never rebound from that. Their cities and all tech which the survivors have access to would be unuseable due to extremely few, if any of them, knowing how to use any of it.

As for the advanced nations.. Many will fall permanently. But a few will have enough people band together in an intensely defended community to be able to reclaim the technology left behind.

And its going to be lovely. At that very moment all tech advances without merit, like kike entertainment bullshit, would be abandoned in favor of weaponry and industry tech.


We Brotherhood of Steel now.

Fatima isn't the false god, she's the (apparition of) Virgin Mary. Supposedly, back in 1917, three Portuguese kids had visions of the Virgin Mary. In these visions, she shows them what the future will hold - basically showing them Hell (the persecution of Christians in the 20th century), World War 1, World War 2 and of course "world peace".

Now, shit gets weirder because one of the conditions for achieving world peace is the Consecration of Russia. One interpretation is that Russia either needs to fall under Vatican jurisdiction, the other is that Christianity and traditional values have to destroy communism. There's also an entire letter which details how Satan infiltrated the church, and how the last pope will be the servant of evil.

Another fun fact? When the three kids were having these visions in 1917, around 30-40 people showed up to witness a miracle. And apparently, some mystical shit did go down, since everyone claims how the Sun disappeared, strange colors danced across the sky and so on. But, the one thing all reports have in common is this: the Sun turned black.

Fuck all this fringe shit. However, I would like to see the eclipse. It's just a damn shape that i'd have to travel from Philly to South Carolina to see it. that's probably around a 10 hour drive, one way.

How often do total eclipses happen?


Clearly a good omen. :^)

Not all miracles are true, user, and people are easily fooled spiritually - especially those who don't know anything about spirituality.


Hello learningchode. Still haven't lost your virginity yet i reckon heh


fucking kike tbh

Hang it up, Ken the Fagwizard. You and your multi-IP trick has been Xposed. You are toast.

kys your self

I always knew INTP's would be over represented on this east timorian agrarian collective forum.

I find it weird that there is a 7 year interval between total solar eclipses in the US. They crisscross in the region of Southern Illinois. I have no spent nearly enough time to find the exact location where the full eclipse intersects at both occasions, but I wonder if that is the astrological root of some greater power? What happens in these 7 years that is significant?

Fug, I didn't read far enough into the thread. I'll go back to lurking.

The great tribulation

That's some biblical shit IIRC. Something about 3.5 years of the false savior then 3.5 years of the true one. IDK I may be making shit up. I need to distance myself from the conspiracy stuff since it put me back in that hole.

Terrence McKenna used the IChing and mathematics to graph and also predict rises and declines in culture/civilization, etc. He called it "novelty", or complexification, and there's lots of videos out there of him explaining how it works as well as showing examples. He died recently but predicted big happenings starting around 2012 and into the next decade or so.

I'm a fan of his idea that time, instead of being like a straight line that we travel along, is really more like a spiral. The spiral is being tugged by what he calls a "strange attractor" and as we come closer and closer to it, the spiral's loops are smaller and smaller, thus the feeling that time is speeding up. Advancements that formerly took humanity multiple generations to achieve are now happening at a fever pace in the modern world. So fast that we cannot keep up with most of them. He believed the end of this coil/spiral was not far off as also predicted by all major religions.

pics related

WOW. That is some breddy deep stuff for a Canadian Jew Transvestite Neet.

Wait, I ching? That's the prediction method used in show/book "man in the high castle". Hmm.

Or we are just better adapted and have less to worry about in terms survival so we can rapidly advance things.
The whole spiral thing always sounded dumb.

The totalities seem to converge near the eastern shore of Cedar Lake in southern Carbondale, though the memes may be leading us to anywhere in this diamond

Probably not related but nearly a hundred miles north of this area is the house and 'temple' of this dumpy broad who has the audacity to have crowned herself Pharaoh and Popess of her loser egyptian themed wicca cult. May Kek strike this woman down for her blasphemy.

i hope trump knows how to summon Obelisk


black and white picture of stars i guess, with big dot in the middle. Where you got it and when it was done?

This kek meme has proven Holla Forums has an average of 80 IQ.

to be fair the September 23rd thing has nothing to do with Kek specifically. It's the day after Autumn Equinox and stars will be aligning in a special way that they haven't for a very long time. Whether that means anything is up to interpretation.

Some time ago, people mentioned that augustus "first emperor of the roman empire" was born on september 23
23 September 63 BC – 19 August 14 AD
we already have september 23
63 bc
August 19 14
so apparently he died at the age of 75 when it should be 76, right before his 77th birthday
reason for that being is because they don't count 0 AD
0 AD is sometimes referred to as "Year Zero"
Modern astronomers do not use years for intervals because years do not distinguish between common years and leap years, causing the resulting interval to be indeterminate in length, an approximation only. Nevertheless, since the 17th century, astronomers have redefined year numbering slightly to simplify calculations: 1 BC of the traditional Christian era, a leap year, was renumbered "zero". The numbering of years of the Anno Domini era remain unchanged, of positive value. Years Before Christ are of a negative value (or zero). Since the numeric values of years are unique integers, the designations "AD" and "BC" are useless (BC is misleading), and are generally omitted. Jacques Cassini, creator of the current method, explained:

The year 0 is that in which one supposes that Jesus Christ was born, which several chronologists mark 1 before the birth of Jesus Christ and which we marked 0, so that the sum of the years before and after Jesus Christ gives the interval which is between these years, and where numbers divisible by 4 mark the leap years as so many before or after Jesus Christ.
— Jacques Cassini, Tables astronomiques, 5, translated from French
look at the name of the creator of the "AD/BC" system
Jacques Cassini
as in the cassini satellite that's gonna crash on saturn on september 15th this year
he was born in the year 1677
add all the non 7's
He published the first tables of the satellites of Saturn in 1716.
going back to year zero, it also means this
The idea behind Year Zero is that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and a new revolutionary culture must replace it, starting from scratch. All history of a nation or people before Year Zero is deemed largely irrelevant, as it will ideally be purged and replaced from the ground up.
it sounds to me like all of this is leading to some big revolution of prophetic means around september 23rd

That's not exactly 7 years, so it doesn't seem like anything biblical to me.

It's interesting you should bring up the Lord of the Rings. Many of the significant events in the story occur on the 22nd of September.

jewish autism/number paranoia thread

These are OC. Is that you again schueler?

Guess who lives in southeast Missouri. Guess who was gonna go through that diamond going north if SHTF

You still going to do it?

Or Ishtar, or Isis, or Semiramis, or any of the goddesses who are the archetypal virgin mother of the world.

And while I believe the Vatican is thoroughly subverted by demiurge worshiping Jews, I don't believe they were at any time trying to actually make this world a better place. They have an agenda and always have. They have plagiarized, perverted and in many cases destroyed the ancient traditions of European peoples to meet their own needs and have been a false church since the beginning. Claiming the Christ was a flesh and blood man that you should worship is only one of the heinous brainwashing schemes they have forced upon our people. Fuck them. They are literally bankers who wear stupid hats.

Pic related

the dang ilerminarty at it again

With the 700 shemitah there is a golden year, a yubelle year where nothing is going to happened. Now that the golden year is over the happening may come.

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Larping faggot OP sensationalizing something that has to happen eventually, financial collapse of inflated dishonest money changer fiat systems. They're preprogramming it in MSM now so it's probably not far off. Watch the sexual deviant faggot interview another sexual deviant faggot about it youtube. com/watch?v=1z4mFZ_XDko




Also this

Kek would have blessed your digits had you not reduced yourself to negro linguistics. The information is worthy so I'll bump your blasphemy.

Wouldn't surprise me. That region and Appalachia in general is renown for being the land of the giants by the amerindians, who almost all claim were h'white.

The Missouri area has a lot of ancient historical value. Just look into Moberly.

This is the bible. Look at Peterson's 'Archetypes', and go learn about the oldest stories humans told. The bible doesn't even *have* to be real, he'll explain to you what archetypes are and how they arise. That is your 'model' way to act, the way of the hero. Also I'd recommend listening to anything he has to say about dominance hierarchies.

Slay the dragon.



I heard that 40,000,000 people will die on that day at or starting at 7 AM EST

Is this the designated Esoteric Kekism general? I just read a short story, written in the 80's about Kek and it even drops a subtle redpill on Israel. Should I upload the PDF and let you read the story yourselves, or just c&p the Kek part here?

upload the pdf, the story sounds interesting

from where/whom?


INFP Leo here, we support the INTP master-race.

July 7th, 2017 is EXACTLY
2 months
2 weeks
2 days
from September 23rd, 2017

From here:
Considering the source it's probably fucking nothing, but it's better to get as much info as you can in my book. Still if you believe that dubs, trips and the like are actually divine messages though, it brings it into another light entirely.

From the 8th of July, meaning right after the 7th ended (00:01), it's 77 days until September the 23rd ends.

Donald J. Trump was born on June 14, 1946 and on this day was a lunar eclipse.

In the Cherokee language, an eclipse is thus spoken as “Nvdo walosi ugisgo.” The literal translation is “The green frog eats the sun/moon.” This refers to the traditional belief that the eclipse is caused by a giant frog swallowing the sun or moon.

When I was about 5 years old, I had a dream where I was running through some street as fire fell from the sky and the buildings and cars around me burned. People were running and screaming. I don't know how, but I knew at the time that I was 21 in the dream. I remember thinking "Ah, so the apocalypse is coming when I'm 21. That's perfect, I'll be at my fittest and will be able to survive".

That vision has stuck with me ever since, vividly. It has driven me in some ways to become a prepper and keep fit. I've always believed the vision, deep down.

When I was 18 leaving high school, ( 23 now ) I "imagined" a video game that accurately described what is happening/about to happen. Back then I just thought it was a sick game idea but now I know it was a foreshadowing.

Satan trips.


Pretty much sealed that text for me and with whom it related to seeing that reversal long before the text. Also he was considered Germany's last and only hope at the time after the people went through the gauntlet until finally arriving to him politically.

always spooks me a little since the 23rd is my birthday.
could the schemita propecies be made as a "fire drill" to scare people into autonomy and survivalism.


Let me know what you think. There's way too much for it to be a coincidence.

7/7/17 is also a full moon tomorrow and half way through the lunar calendar. I'm predicting a Pre-happening Happening to distract normalfags and blood sacrifice to moloch.

Stay strong and conserve your vril.

The madness only feeds me at this point, Kamerad

You will never be magi with this faggotry.

can't believe no one commented on Trump and Putin meeting tomorrow…

may my aim be true


7 + 7 + 2017 = 2031
2 + 0 + 3 + 1 = 6

7 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 24
2 + 4 = 6

7 + 7 + 20 + 17 = 51
5 + 1 = 6

2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10
7 + 7 + 10 = 24
2 + 4 = 6

Alright, can someone help me here?
I've been lurkan for 4(ish) years, but I'm basically a newfag to all this shit and I've basically been a normie tier Christian up until the last year, Who's God? Who's the real evil? Who or what do I need to be looking out for? Is there like a newbies guide to this shite anywhere?

God = the Sun
Lucifer = money



I have confession…

I've been forgetting about Kek of late, with all that is going on I see little reason to sperg out over a meme god.

I am still convinced there *are* forces out there beyond our exact knowledge, but given recent months of nonstop happenings on both sides, I still remain optimistic, I seldom these days get blackpilled. We must keep fighting regardless of the current state of Kek (PBUH), we've got this far.

I remain cynical, if all this prophecy and eclipse shit is real then we'll know it. I remember one user rather sensibly saying that Kek may not be an entity as such but more of a force, an energy if you will. I can roll with that idea, whatever forces are out there, we are indeed tapping into something with the use of our combined memetics and shit. What autists call 'magick' is basically lots of people autistically focusing their efforts on a goal. We're not magical, we're just fucking autistic.

That's why we're winning, we're weaponizing autism and it's beautiful!

This energy, this force, this Kek… He thrives in chaos, we must know that he's a very fickle god in the sense that he isn't all that clear. This whole 'September' thing was all the rage last year but no one is talking about it… And that was a whole wave of nothing… Why have we reason to believe that this year will be any different?

Keep an eye out, it may very fucking well be 'the big one', whatever that may be. But keep your heads about you lads, we're not out of the caverns just yet.

don't listen to this guy

I've got a feeling it's going to be something to do with NK.

Something's coming

What time?

Happy 7/7/17..
Can you help me find the source to this image?

First pic. What does kek mean by this.
the date
april 7 2017
he's in italy
what maybe april 7 to me may actually be april 8th
Upload Time (UTC): 12:43:14
utc +1 is italy time
1:43:14 pm italy time
so 13:43:14
2 7's

>'That's (((Israel))),' he told her. 'Don't tread on him.'


Interesting user, you might have actually stumbled upon something good here. Barker is well read on the occult obviously so him mentioning Kek isn't terribly surprising, but the political nature of the story is what's most compelling. The obvious take-away being that it's all chaos and chance beneath the fragile veneer of order. Fate of the world determined by the racing of frogs, despite the efforts of the best and brightest humanity has to offer to control it. Unsurprisingly however, Israel remains untouchable/protected in the end. Don't think anyone has to spell out why Barker ended on that note.
The story starts on pg83 if any other anons are interested. It's a quick read. You really should.

I'd also like to add that I fucking love this line from the story and I think it makes a fitting motto for us. It's fucking uncanny.

Carbondale is 30% black. If you plan on going there, be armed.

Saw this today and remembered this thread. Will this September be the promised September?

They can project bluebeam, if that's even real or possible and not some leaked fearmongering disinfo, all they want. If your average joe buys it changes nothing. We were always meant to be, the small few who were loyal and know who is who.

Once you come to the final conclusion that the Nazi's still exist and that the UFO's are predominately theirs and that the "Final Battalion" is the wild horde from Ragnarok then you'll know. A little way to know the difference. The ET's will not come in peace and will take a side in the final struggle. If they just kinda chillax and start shooting ebil reptilian hallucinations and the likes, then they are not legit.

The Final Battalion will lay waste to this earth against their human brethren. It's not going to be some dog and pony show.

It's worth mentioning that Moloch is also a fire god. From the wikipedia article:

As Moloch's power rises, so too will we see a rise in fires that claim the lives of children. Remember the flames of Grenfell Tower. Remember the forest fire in Portugal ( Watch the fires in Canada ( Watch the fires in Califorina. I predict that we're going to witness some biblical shit as we go deeper into the summer.

Reminder that moloch never existed and is actually kikes slandering the god of their enemies.

Post your evidences and extrapolate your onions. Because what you are literally saying is the following:

Remind you of something?

They did, and do, worship a volcano demon. His name is YHWH.

I'm calling bullshit. The ritual of the bull being hunted by our giant ancestors (the good ones) and beheading the bull (Taurus) now actually makes sense. It wasn't a sacrifice at all but a representation of slaying the beast.

I just noticed something I didn't realize until I read Serrano's material recently. Notice how the "Black Sun" crop circle was in "Ox Drove".

Ox = Bull = Taurus

Those familiar will know what I'm referring to.


Some drunk kids did that with some rope and a board.

Thanks for giving it a read. I knew I had to share it with someone here as soon as I got to the kek part.
Any idea what the three red dots could mean? That was the only symbolism that I did not understand the meaning of.

Just wanted to add something imo noteworthy: Septe-7 Octo-8 Nov-9 Dec-10. Technically it is september now. July and August were added in our Julian Calender by the emperor.

What do you guys make of pic related?

Victory of the Light on the "event":


so there's only seventeen days left?

It's a gign of sod.

Well, if that is so, then September 23rd would end up actually being July 23rd. Also happens to be my birthday.
Also just noticed, 722 replies in this thread

July 23rd doesn't have the star constellation thingy though. July 22nd is ripe for a happening though which might carry over into the 23rd.

See this thread:
also this user posted someth interesting:

I think you're right user. I checked this time-wave thing posted earlier here, big drop on the 22nd that moves a bit into the 23rd. Interestingly, my bday was only on the 23rd by a matter of minutes.
Kek is telling us something, clearly

=D so it IS going down this month?
whats exactly gonna happen?

See you in September, Anons.

dubs confirm it's happening. What, I don't know, only Kek does. But it's happening.
Also my previous post had 22 dubs in the seconds field. Checked

It may be nothing, it may be a mild-happening like the manchester arian grande bombing, it may be 9-11 2.0 to setup even bigger events. No one knows.

What's most important, that something good will happen.
let it happen

Ill buy survival stuff just in case for december =D

You seem new here with those emoticons of yours. Lurk moar

I'm being ironic.

kek, you just seemed like a summerfag

Fine then, I'll blogpost you into oblivion.
Fatima isn't nor wasn't a person. It's a little town in Portugal.

The "person" you are referring to is called Lucia, the youngest of three siblings, two of which died of the spanish flu in the early 20th century, before the wars.

She and her two siblings had received visions allegedly from holy Mary, being the only survivor, nobody could corroborate the stories at the time.

The visions are divided in 3 parts, as the siblings were, and the 3rd part has been kept a secret until the break of the new millennia (though few cared already by then, I sure fucking didn't)

1- a vision of hell. A sea of flames, seemingly under the earth (perhaps superimposed, if you know what that means) in which the souls of the damned and demons alike glimmered ethereally as ashes falling to the ground. She says demons are easy to spot for their animal like features, horrible deformities and their black color.

2- a vision of the holy mother and of her immaculate heart. She tells Lucia of the power of God's love, of redemption and good triumphing over evil; of vanquishing the liars and the evil in the light of righteousness.
This is meaningful, in her vision, the main character is a "cardinal dressed in white" - the pope (she knows not which one though), "whom suffers greatly, and makes us suffer, too". He, and many more cardinals, statesmen and such end up killed by soldiers "whose bullets are guided by a motherly love".

3- This part has been kept secret for fucking forever. Lucia and her siblings recalled their vision on a very precise date in 1917 and made predictions which would turn out to be true in the coming century.
"Russia shall heed my warning and convert to the light of God and find peace - or it will spread its errors across the world; it will persecuted the believers, the "good" shall become martyrs, many nations will be destroyed. The Holy Father will have much to suffer."


Ignorant user, the word "jew" is very recent and has no true meaning. Iudeans weren't Khazarian nor Phariseans nor Sephardic.
We are closer genetically to Iudeans than the Jews are due to the Roman Empire, whom spread them (and everyone of us whites), while the Jews remained segregated inbreds fucking even their own children.

The city of Makanda was know as little Egypt And its wheres some /monster/ Autists are meeting up to go and worship their monster girl god for the Eclipse

He is a summerfag.

What a bunch of fucking faggots. The 2025 eclipse marks the end of kali yuga. I'm looking forward to witnessing what goes down in the "X".

My dubs don't lie.

i think Makanda is still inside the diamond Actually

in fact its actually closer to the center then Carbondale is from the looks of it

ehh, quantum dubs count

Oh, jeez. I was planning on going to cedar lake for the eclipse and didn't even notice that tiny little town was there. Itinerary updated.

oh also theres a masonic lodge there to

Time dubs too. Any numerics count

praise kek
also looking on google maps
right next to the lodge is a restaurant called
"Eclipse Kitchen"

so i guess, fucking, see you goys their at like noon to meet up we'll get lunch or something

double dubs confirm, we gotta do it. Alas, not me. I live in fucking Georgia, and I can't go that far anyway

wew. My personal connection to this place only keeps growing and growing. There's no fucking way I'll be missing this thing.

Sucks but at least I get to have an opportunity for spiritual growth. Won't be returning home for the 7 years between the two eclipses. My own personal tribulation book-ended by celestial events. My spirit is ready.

i live in kansas bud you can make it if i can make it

course i also have to drive 8 to 10 hours so thats going to be a fun , i might hove to get a hotel to recover from the trip or leave the 19 so i can make it down there and not sleep though it

I even have the will to drive anons, I'm just not a car owner yet. Never bothered to, although I'm gonna have to soon enough

You think a NEET has a fucking car? I'm renting, bitch, and so should you. Weak ass punk.

what do anons