Is there a bigger scam in television history than Game of Thrones?

Is there a bigger scam in television history than Game of Thrones?
Was there anything like this before that baited the plebeians to follow it like zombies?

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GRRM admitted he didn't know where the story was going, but wanted it to be an epic trilogy. I used to do that when I was a kid. The first few chapters are awesome and interesting, then everything turns to shit once you get bored and start meandering while you try and tie up all the dead-ends you wrote yourself into.

Most people gave up on Lost the moment it stopped being about the island itself and JJ pushed it in direction of timeline fuckery. GoT still has enormous following.

do dogs really do this?

I ducked out when there wasn't dragons. I feel like the GoT South Park episode was written with me in mind. All I wanted to see was dragons fucking shit up, which I was told there would be, and instead it's just a bunch of cocks. At this point, anyone I know that still watches it does so out of habit, all they do is complain about the show in one way or another. Like, stop watching it then, niggers, Jesus!

I remember the Lost hype too, and that floundered pretty hard after the first two or three seasons. Heroes had a lot of hype, and the writer's strike fucked it really bad, which is a shame because it did have a lot of potential.

My dog does it. He also sits or slouches like a human while we watch stuff, or he'll watch me play vidya.

Sure, the series ratings peaked at season 2, but it still had an absolutely massive following and it spawned an entire fucking era of copycat shows. Shit like GoT probably would have never even been green lit if it wasn't for Lost.
The lowest rated season of Lost (season 6) had an average of 2-3 million MORE viewers than GoT's highest rated season. You could argue it's HBO vs. basic network tv and not a fair comparison, but still the point still stands GoT's peak viewership was last years finale with around 12 million viewers, Lost had viewership numbers close to 30 million at it's peak.


I would steal him but ONLY if his owner was not nice to him

All the time. Mine likes sleeping in a bed under the comforter with her head sticking out like a person. I think it's half imitation.

Big Brother? Everyone and their cats wanted to see that shit the first time. I lost faith in my family when they told me to shut up because they wanted to see what was happening in the house. And surprise, they were bitching about something. I mean, what do you expect to happen?

I never gave up on Lost. I am watching it every day.


This. Even more so than Lost. It spawned a wave of clones all around the world, even 3rd world shitholes had their own editions running for years after the hype died in burgerica.

Annie is very cute, please give her a pat on the head! :3c

American Idol/The Voice – I'm sure every generation has had its shit tier show that IQ 90-110s ate right up

Although I think this generation's strain is infected with the fact that they think watching these shows makes them smart. Not implying that this is the first time

Hearing the same vibratto voice for the nth time really gets tiresome and I'm surprised people still gobble that up, or that you rarely see these gifted people singing in mainstream music but still have the same tired acts and overrated DUDEWEEDLMAO niggers shucking and jiving.
Somehow, the thing that's even worse in these song/talent shows is now having the crowd reaction and the backstage reaction from that one dude or girl who's accompanying the singer or talent.

GoT is pure dogkino you fucking plebe!

My Friend Skip, Air Bud and Benji are superior dogkino, you ignoramus!

Normalfags are all deaf and seriously need hearing aids. They watch all the shitskins, faggots and harpies butcher the classics beyond recognition and then jerk off over being so intellectual for nodding along with what the jury says.

Absolutely plebeian

Doesn't know about Belle and Sebastian
Animated series.

I only made it through 4 seasons of lost even though i bought all 6 seasons on dvd.

I hate how they have to butcher a calm ballad into I'M WAILING LIKE A NIGGER HARPY AND DOING VIBRATTO, AM I GOOD YET?

Why would you stop watching fucking plebe?

Feels good since it really does seem like a good pleb filter based on people that I know. Also my ex told me that I should start watching it years ago and based off of that I made sure to avoid it since her taste is as "basic bitch" (as the kids say) as can be.

Wow Mr. Special.



lost wasn't even as big as Walking Dead
Game of Thrones is a new level of television cult retardation

Absolute hogwash numbers. GoT is the first big post-internet show. Now that the internet is the dominant medium, everyone is watching it for free and the TV numbers seem shit. But track the illegal downloads and you get the more likely story, it's the biggest scripted drama on the planet and nothing else has ever come close.

Something similar happened with the Conor mcnigger fight, did 6.5 million buys at homes, my guess is average age of those buying was like 47. Illegal stream count reached over 100 million, the rest being made up of the normie youth who went to bars to watch it (probably in the high 7 figures), who arent counted in ppv numbers. It remains to be seen if the next GoT can cash in on success better than the current one, which is stupidly underperforming in revenue compared to.its popularity. It will have to he a different payment mode for sure (I'm leaving out broadcast tv, which had the largest scripted program ever in top gear and nuked it because Jews hate nationalists, even boomer cuck civnat kind).

The Internet was already huge at Lost times, the last season was in 2010 and there was already DVR ratings

Nah, streaming, broadband everywhere, pirating even done by normies, social media completely replacing trad media, this was a post 2012 phenomenon.

Also, holy shit, dvr ratings, who gives a fuck?

lol nope 2012 but 2008.
t. social media expert



you just know


