Other urls found in this thread:


Posting naked from their comcast cable connection?
Deleted all posts by IP address:
Deleted all posts by IP address:

I don't get it

thank g_d it wasn't me, shitposting is art and should not be mistaken for shilling, thank you goys :^)

Deleted all posts by IP address:

It's a thread to users on here. The mods are ending Holla Forums essentially


Is this legit?
If so,

top kek, scriptsimian didn't do any beta testing of that whole "ip hash" thing did he


He leaked all those IPs because he's interested in legitimate discussions, user.
everything before page 3 is ""

Hmm, it all comes up as hidden for me. Did they already fix it?

Jesus Christ, Codemonkey.


Is someone already scraping the IPs?

who fucking cares, back in my 7chan days, a shill would get a redtext ban message saying "kill yourself" and then next to it there would be the person's ip.

Mossad sweeper teams are being dispatched.
Good look anons.

Hard to believe anyone posts here from their personal IP without at least using a vpn. Do they not even tell the shills to use one? Or is (((shareblue))) too cheap to give their employees vpn accounts.

Those were some dark times, after the initial exile from halfchan due to m00t being a fag who was no-fun-allowed and didn't like raids.

Forgot pic

I think you mean Jewt

newfag here. What does it mean to have those IPs leaked?

u gon get hakd kiddo

It means some kikes just got BTFO hard

It means certain prodigious posters on Holla Forums are going to get assassinated.

Nothing because the absolute retards that keep parroting the IP doxing meme are dumb niggers that have never doxed anyone and guaranteed to be subhuman Windowfags.
If you aren't law enforcement, you will not get a single bit of info of note from a simple IP

I thought you really couldn't do shit with an ip. Excuse my retardation , I'm not l33t

This. All it tells you is a general location, like what city the post comes from. It's a piece of information that can be used to help dox someone, but only if there's other pieces of data to help out.

IP Address Country Region City ISP United States New York NYC Digital Ocean, Inc United States Colorado Denver Comcast Cable Communications, LLC United States Michigan Birmingham United States Missouri Sedalia Charter Communications Netherlands Noord-Holland Amsterdam Digital Ocean Inc. Duuuude weed lmao United States California Irvine Cox Communications United States Texas Austin Time Warner Cable Internet LLC United States Massachusetts Greenfield Comcast Cable Communications LLC United Kingdom England London UK-2 Limited,Hosting Services Inc United Kingdom Scotland Drumchapel(kek) British Telecommunications PLC,IP pools Canada Quebec Montreal Bell Canada (A fucking bell) Germany Niedersachsen Warmsen Deutsche Telekom AG Egypt Al Jizah Al Jizah TE Data, and fuck you, you're gonna pay us tribute France Occitanie Perpignan Societe Francaise du Radiotelephone S.A. Italy Liguria San Remo Telecom Italia S.p.a.

son… you should only know, as they were posted, I gave some add info here. IP == penetrating your systems, so that be WORST.
Who cares if someone posts your adress online? LOL that's phone book, we different here, everyone knows everyone.

But if your ip is there, get a new one ASAP. Like lit pull out the plug, call the isp
I got a 3 day dhcp release time urghslkfgj, meaning I can just plug out the modem for 3 days then voila new ip.

Anyways this

Also yes, you don't even need to penetrate the systems before starting doxing, that ip is spread everywhere. Someone has already dumped it somewhere from an online store or service you once frequented, and from there on….
6 million ways.

Not to mention
knock knock, what kind of modem/router do we got here. admin/admin?

I forgot to sage! pls delete


man it's sunday! damn, monday inc!

I'm more interested in what sort of shilling these users were doing. Do we have any examples of what shill narratives they were pushing?

None you fucking retard, getting banned from here has nothing to do with shilling. It's the most kiked thing this board has seen to want their users compromised. Have you read the ban list?

So this is legit? These are actual shill IP addresses? We can go to their dorm rooms and teach them lessons?

yeah this

I must admit I acted out of reflection when I saw the ips, then I read what it was. So yeah fucking change ip those affected

nu/pol/ is one of them.

Usually they try to create/promote infighting, although they're stupidly obvious about it. Sometimes they attack Holla Forums itself and start screaming about how everyone should go to someplace else (that they control or is so poorly moderated that they don't get banned there). Occasionally they issue demands that threads of some type or another be allowed/disallowed, presumably to block important topics or to give them an excuse to slide important threads. Whenever anything important happens a couple dozen of them will flood the board with disinfo.

No, it's not actual "shills." The vast majority of bans given the past year or so are to anons that posted things the mods didn't like (like being critical of Trump, for instance - not counting the "DRUMPF IS A KIKE!!!" posters; those you could call "shills."). But actual JIDF and other alphabet agencies have been very low in numbers for quite a while now.

So the book threads?

See, here's a shill now. They've all been banned dozens of times ("unjustly" in their tiny minds), so they rabidly hate the mods, especially imkampfy for whatever reason, and can't stop themselves from attacking them. Endless complaints that they aren't allowed to "criticize Trump", but the reason they get banned is because their "criticisms" are debunked MSM narratives at best, pathetic ad hominems at worst.
Notice how this one got creative: "Those were shills, and I pointed them out, so I'm not a shill, honest!"

Yeah, let's dox people who started threads on books, we all know that shilling happens through promoting European literature.

OK, well fuck shills! But don't gas the users here just for pulling your leg. At one point earlier well last year or early th is year, you banned shitloads of old fags you did mistake for everything,
You fucking called me leftie you assholes
So yeah be sure at least, can always bypass and shit, but annoying as fug

Out of curiosity, how long have you been on Holla Forums?

I don't believe "sliding" is a real thing that happens on 8/pol/. Sliding is an old meme from the fast-paced days of 4/pol/, when threads would expire in hours. Threads on 8/pol/ don't 404 until weeks or even months later. "Sliding" in such a context just doesn't make sense. Not to mention we have stickies for the most pressing topics, so it's impossible for those to be slid.

Are you a spastic? Not even the mods would say these ips are shills. Why would you bother defending this? Have you never been banned for something trivial because most have.


Refer to this thread to see how subhuman the (((moderation))) of this board is

It doesn't, mods are great at this here, just got to stop being so god damn paranoid! Man I'm paranoid but you take the cake, but I salute you though #NoHomo

But if you check cuckchan just watch their catalog only bait and slide threads all with 0 or some replies, some school is sliding in teams atm or something. Canadian coursework, let's go slide a internet site, welcome commie shit deluxe

I donno, I earned most of my tempbans for shitposting. Though they always unbans me when I say "sowwies mod-sama, I not shitpost before coffe and actual shittings in mornings anymore"… til a month later when I wake up and start shitposting, instead of getting smoke+coffee+poo'n'loo… Fuck man, I should seriously never post before my morning shit. I used to just use halfchan for that, but it's so disgusting now that there is nothing even worthy of shitposting in.
Advice please. Where should I shitpost in the mornings? Leftypol?

I'm well aware. I was extremely surprised they left those blatant ban messages up. They usually just delete you like nothing happened.

If he was he wouldn't range band IPs so intensely entire countries or ISP providers would be banned. They're also too reliant on IP post histories, they can't tell an user from another by spelling.

Thing is, not to slide, we sorta have a thread for it, but I haven't "aired" it yet there.

We can do this…. AI… This was in my head as a thesis, but in the wrong hands… Deanonymize you from how you type, even if yo try to vrit vejrd as skit here. It will find you.

Fuck you. Jim saved this site when it was getting DDOS'd and other hosts were shutting it down for abuse claims.

Yes the AI that can tell exactly who you are by typing habits, I am aware of it's existence. The fact they range ban and need to post histories to justify it tells me they don't have it and don't how to do it by themselves.

Ah it was a ddos?
This site is running on shitflare, that means it must have been a rather big attack if you got knocked down. Last time I broke it, we were tons of goyims, that's a while ago though

Pic related, but I think it's just a shop, don't got jack on this puter

wew. He stole the domain from hotwheels and installed datamining software less than a month later. kill yourself anytime

Based Jim thou amirite fellow goyim?

You can bet that all of them are working on this as fuck, text is even a whole own field in the ML family.
Just imagine all the training data you got on the fucking web
Could be our powertool, but it's remarkable you've all written serious articles, thesis etc that is online or in some system from school, work, maybe other technical sites whatever.
Even how fucking weird we write here, it will find you, it's not human.
I've toyed a bit with it in EC, the code man, the but ugly but sick code.
sigh need cluster legally again

You make it sound like it's hard, when i can do it on my own purely from lurking.

I've been away for a time, not all of us can live here. I haven't gotten the full verified list of events tbqh with you, also I've been a degenerate and had a smoke I found. Yeah I have really quit this shit, leftover while chopping up a room in the house

I don't blame you at all tbh

I haven't touched the dedicated field, only read about it.
But no, not at all, this can be done with tons of other fields I know well, but they require some fp part if you feed it so gigantic much text, which you should

I really wanna make it now, it's so great I got one of the best at my hand at any time I want, ib4 my father works at nintendo, no he works a regular job. But anyways, oh nasty nasty tool. If we need to find someone fast, it crosses languages everything, finds patterns we don't see

Jim is a pure soul. Sunshine was something that was not meant to be used except for catching cp posters and only after getting requests from verified law enforcement agencies.
Just kys you Holla Forums trs freech goon.

Back your freech infested site faggot.


Sliding you, but in example, this is not new.

But we gathered well over 220k ISIS accounts or something, harvested the data. Then some other people came and we worked thight, so they stored everything all their tweets. Aaaaand then they say they were feds, I don't fucking buy it, they were cool as fuck and no I'm not fucking with ISIS these days only lurk /sg/ on cuckchan
All this data can be used against them.
Shitskin goes to kikebook in über cucked countries like part belgium and the netherlands, they openly support in full name with where they work and everything, well support for.. ISIS..
Others have normal shit on the net like the aver non computer literate fagot, but he goes on twitter and makes his goat fucker accounts ther

God damnit enough with me bed, good night guys. Point was that the AI(s, 6 million are prolly in gov service allready) will find them with all that fucking training data,
I just deleted it…. oy vey no worries mate, delete it if you don't got disk space enough anymore, we got it covered, open source swear
lol BED

You need to get out more, the only limiting factor of not understanding where a person is from when they speak and write or type is knowledge of the world and experience. That's it, that's all it takes we pick up on this stuff naturally because language is how we roll. The kind of shit you're talking about is the kind of thing that is effectively impossible for you to hide without an AI to type out posts for you.

Indeed I do, 3 years ago I was a rising star!
Shit happened, and been mostly hacking since then, take it easy now, but slid over to infosec, as it's so fucking needed, change of regular programming lang.

But yes, I need to get out, get my ass in gear again and use my pals and connections and at least lurk their normie discussion shits, I hate both mail and any online site that is not here

But tons of shit to fix too first that's more important, once that is done, I'm fucking going hard at this as fuck. (Tons of housing shit, physical crap, legal crap etc that must be dealt with, once I'm fully rigged here…….. You will see more of me/us on the serious side again)

Arris tg862, looks like.

Woke up one day after my connection reset, and what do you know, my IP was banned before I even got on Holla Forums, for a post not made by me or anyone sharing my connection.
I tried renewing my IP, but the entire range was banned.

Spent the day on >>>/polk/, because fuck these mods.
Shills don't use static IPs.
Shills use numerous VPNs and Proxies, all of which have alternating ranges of IPs.



Found the 4cucker

Just because the server behind kikeflare was down doesn't mean it took down kikeflare or that it was a large attack.

(shamefully unchecked trips)
all Plebbit must die

You. Have. To. Go. Back.

Pic one

Their asshurt will last as long as they do.

freech and intl are the same fags.


LOL, Hi Kampfy.

Anyone with any sense at all should leave this site immediately and never come back. The admins are releasing user data to the public, there is no proof anywhere that any of these people are shills.

Shit like this is far past being a slippery slope, shit like this is what it's like at the bottom of the slope after you've already slipped down it.

At best it means you can ddos them personally and make their internet connection slow as fuck.

No user they say g*d not g_d

Until they reset the router and leave you jerking off alone like a retard.
Anyone claiming they can do a single thing of note with an IP and nothing else, is either a really fucking stupid underage script kiddo or a literal fed

This comes within 48 hours of chodemonkey claiming that he fixed all IP leak problems.



Nah dude I think you're the 3memer

Hopefully more anons just start taking the red pill to the plebs on goybook and shit since we currently have no homeland.

On a side note.. My IP resets all the time is there a way to check what ip addresses ive had over the past couple weeks? Im sure a shit ton of anons are on the list since Ive gotten banned twice in the past month for starting threads the mods didnt like.

Shills are necrobumping old threads to bury new happenings.

3200 UIDs
It'll keep climbing. No more rangebans means every shitskin, kike and nigger can post here with impunity.


Props to our beloved BO for making chodemonkey enforce this solely because he abused range bans like a retard constantly.


Like 3 days ago the uid count was down to 900. Something retarded is going on.


4chan mods are driving the pigs into this kennel

Oy gevalt! It was almost anuda shoah. I'm so glad I still get to post on my favorite white people forum, Pol.

its a fucking legitimate shill tactic

404ing isn't necessary. Simply burying threads, like what a shill is doing right this second by necrobumping old shit, is enough of a slide.

no its not you paranoid idiot no one cares about this place enough to shill it, i bet imkikefy is bumping the threads himself to make us worship him

It's truly amazing how even a noname roach gets a defense force all for himself here.
RIDF is taken so what name do you want? KIDF? TIDF?

Go back to freech, reddit, (((endchan))), whatever goon site you came from.

Like I've said, I've taken the fight to goybook and disqus. If Im going to be fighting an endless horde of shilling I might as well do it where I can influence the minds of plebs.

What a pathetic faggot


Nice try.

Goon detected.

No, nigger, your entire gay thread is goons whining and crying in a vain attempt to get cuckmonkey to change moderation of Holla Forums because oy vey you get banned for shilling.

Just like jewish stories about rollercoasters and masturbation machines are "proof" of the holahoax.

Is there a reason this thread is still up? Mods have been in to delete posts, but leave up IP's of people for what reason? Does that reflect well on the thought process of people running the board?

IPs are only of shills that were banned for shilling. Faggots being banned right now are shills shilling garbage. Cry about it.

Ron is the reason those IPs are there. This thread is probably so people can take measures to protect themselves.





shouldn't you be crying for another impotent ban now so you can get a break?

Just like jewish stories about rollercoasters and masturbation machines are "proof" of the holahoax.


One shred of evidence they were shills. Are you saying they released them on purpose? Because that would be pretty much the end of Holla Forums.
Or are you a complete fucking retard and think someone who got a one day ban for utter trivial garbage must have his IP released because everyone who has been banned is a shill now?

Just like jewish stories about rollercoasters and masturbation machines are "proof" of the holahoax.


Bitch at Ronald Watkins for fucking up the site.

Just like jewish stories about rollercoasters and masturbation machines are "proof" of the holahoax.


People wouldn't need that if it was deleted immediately like it should have. The OP is a piece of shit and should have been banned for it too.


Did he leave his boards users IP's up?

Are you afraid your IP is on there, Schlomo?

So wait are range bans gone now?

Basically. They only go as deep as /24, which is basically worthless against someone with a subnet. So if we get hit with another shill wave like we saw during the election from shareblue there is literally nothing that can stop them.

Ron doesn't mod Holla Forums, answer the fucking question. Why would our own mods leave people IP's up? Ron can't delete the thread. Why compound his fuck up and even goad people into thinking all IP's are of shills?

That fucking kike.

No, but if you haven't been banned at least once your are either a real jew loving cuck or been here a week.


You just got monkied

There's a lot of shit on there including some vpn ranges.

Probably more to the point is if this log is leaking ips the database is not hashing properly either.

Soooo what's been overlooked here is that
if right now the db were to be compromised again there'd be a very good chance every single poster on 8ch had their ips exposed

Juuuuuust saying. Of course shit monkey can fix this if he actually gets on and gives a shit. Every hour that goes by adds more risk a state actor or goon is sitting there collecting everything.

The cucks complaining about this for being in there are cucks because they got banned to start with. They can go fuck right off.

With that said we still have a fucking problem. A big one. Nigger needs to fix this shit immediately before more shit leaks like mod ips again.

He deleted the last pizzagate thread just fine.

Or you don't ya know shill and break the rules you fucking freech kike.

Been here since 2014 never been banned because I don't shill

Go home freech cuck

How the fuck is pizzagate freech nigger?

This nigger thinks a ban for talking about books is a shill. Your are an absolute piece of shit and the worst type of cuck that has destroyed this place.


Are you not embarrassed to even post that?

Im sick of hearing about books I know that much.

Thanks for outing yourself, shill.
Every fucking time with you kikes.

You should try reading one the you fucking retard.

I'm certainly not against art and book threads myself and in fact contributed in such threads many times. Never got banned for it. They basically assume everyone gets banned but that's far from the truth. Not every one makes meta threads on a daily basis and not everyone complains about the mods all the time between shilling and doing some D&C.

Sure enough, I'll admit if you posted anti-trump stuff during the election you were basically asking for it. Just like that "don't even go vote" piece of shit in the France election threads.

Dumb nigger.


Only niggers dislike books.


Theres a board for the books nigger.


Apart from this being the most retarded thing the board has ever done, how the fuck is that shilling. Or Natsoc economics threads or the other threads banned on a whim. People get banned for shit reasons.
There IP's shouldn't be up, it's fucking making the mods look like utter kikes.


Nigger books aren't the issue, kikes are saying anyone banned from the board is a shill. Defend that or fuck off.

Spam the catalog with more shill threads, goon.

>one thread about books on a board with more than 300 threads is spam
If /n/ exists, then why are threads about current events allowed on Holla Forums? By your /pdfs/ exists, therefore no books on Holla Forums logic, threads about current events should be banned too. is my IP address, and what are you gonna do about it?
Portscan me? This isn't the 90s/early 00s anymore.
Back then you could run a simple portscane and you'd find all the script kiddies who infected themselves with sub7, deepthroat and co.

good joke fam, real original

Gas yourself. Just fucking go to /pdfs/ to talk about books you nigger. Better yet, fuck off to whatever exodus site or exodus board you think is so much better than this one you spend so much energy crying about in between shilling.

I'm at faggot come get me.

Indefensible logic.
Confirmed functional illiterate.

Gee, that's funny. I'm at, we must be neighbors or something!

You're not even trying.
Fuck off to whatever exodus site or exodus board you think is so much better than this one you spend so much energy crying about in between shilling.

Absolutely braindead. Can't even see the point, just foaming at the mouth now that books are mentioned lel. What a fucking cabbage. Books are not the issue you simpleton, if I thought books were as triggering as you do, I'd still be able to see the IP's for trivial bans shouldn't be published.
What sort of IQ are you working with. 85-90?

I'm coming next door to shit on your doorstop right now.


Please use the designated shitting street instead Pajeet.

You're not even trying. Is your israeli IP in the list of IPs, Schlomo?

Im in your house.


Muh books?

Take the hint, kike. Or are you saying this board should be filled with vidya and movie threads every day? Threads shilling for books you like are not worth the bytes it takes to store the text written in them.

There is also a thread for blatant homosexuals yet here you are.

Seriously, sub 90 IQ at work here. Simple comprehension is impossible. Can't deal with more than one piece of information. Forget about books, pretend the ban is for 'shitposting' or 'low energy thread'. Give it a try and see if you don't choke on your drool you complete fucking spastic.

Muh booooooooooooooooooooooks!

Typical tricks, Schlomo. Leave. Fuck off to your MUH EXODUS board/site.

t. Every Lefty Pseudo-Intellectual Ever

Oh shit, you're right.
But I got your IP right back from it!

Quite the notorious one, you are, too.


This may be the biggest kikepost the board has seen.

Top cuck, kikes.

Global DDT soon, jewsquito.

Isn't that exactly what you implied.
okay, that was funny.


endchan is shill central and if you take a look at the board you'll note that it's is completely d&ced and utterly fucked. jews couldn't take 8ch so they went to our backup and took that low energy piece of shit and now they're trying to weaken this board to the point they can take it and we'll go to a board they already took over.

death to all shills, death to all jews. get fucked.

Hory shit, shills must be shitting their depends right now. Tis good laugh

No, the CIA is getting their laughs right now.

There are some real nasty surprises awaiting Holla Forums users. We have ALL BEEN WARNED.


That head explosion is from Scanners. It's a really interesting scene, where a psychic shows his power to a panel. The test subject is another male, but unknown to the psychic, it is one of the most powerful psychic who has gone rogue. So he shows him who's the boss of this panel by blowing his head.
What you see as brain matter is actually a mix of dog food, random meat they found near the studios and other random items. They tried a lot of ways to explode the head, filling it with air, using remote explosives…etc. In the end, the man in charge of the effect had enough, he asked everyone to get outside after rolling the camera, took a shotgun, hid behind the puppet, and shot. This scene is easily the best head explosion in cinema.
had to let out my cinema autism on this one

That on Endchan thread is a pretty good thread though.

I'm glad that wasn't a real killing, does look quite authentic though.

Nonetheless, it appears that the Government wants to CLAMP DOWN HARD on all sources of "Alt-Right Dissent." They have a lot riding on further corrupting the country with more leftist-liberal policies to accomplish the agendas of the Globalists. They definitely don't want more conversions to the Alt-Right sector of the political spectrum. The Political-Reeducation Camps are DEFINITELY prepared out there and are ready to go.

YES, the Gov't is playing hardball now. Get ready.

lmao everyone in Israel an elsewhere now has download all of your IPs going back for years.


yes, because everyone here is just browsing naked.

Listen up, and listen well, EVERYTHING posted on Holla Forums is intensely analyzed by the Intelligence Community, and everything is recorded and stored for later re-analysis. And their intention is to target the individuals using Holla Forums for elimination in the future. The purpose of all of the NSA (US Army) data gathering and online surveillance is to target the political opposition for execution when there is a Government Crackdown against political dissent at a future time.

Are You On the Red List or Blue List?


EVERYTHING is intensely analyzed by the IC.

The NSA can decrypt most VPNs in real time.

It is either HUNT OR BE HUNTED out there.
Count the cost, there is a NSA dossier on each and every Holla Forums user, VPN or not.

Agree. I always use "condoms", but I'm fully aware that this is spook haven.

I wonder how many of these fucks can be tracked via something like GeoIP/sattelite?




IP address means absolutely nothing unless that person has a static ip. and thats assuming that person did not have a proxy or vpn or whatever.

Whoever posted this as a janny needs to be taken off hotpockets.

this thread is being archived and posted up on meta for hw and co.

sunshine is known to have existed for a few years.

good thing im not a burgerfat then.

really? a typed and stored one for every user on this site i should think not. a quick scan with artificial intelligence probably.

Lies. I'm from Brazil and here most of us have non static IP. The other day I got the IP of a shill who got banned.

The amount of spam and bot posts ITT is unreal. There are like 30 posts fabricating an argument over >muh books

almost every home internet in the UK has a dynamic ip. router reset, new ip

are they barebacking or bug chasing faggots?