The People of France did turn their gaze from Kek, and praise the golden penis idol they had made. "Deliver us, oh Cuck'n'Baal, from the yoke of Kek, who has decreed that we shall work, and toil, and think critically, and not lay with beasts in the field, for we desire that the beasts plow the fertile fields of our women."
And the golden cuck was silent, for Cuck'n'Baal was merely a gold-plated dildo, and could neither hear their pleas, nor effect change upon the Earth. For all such idols are false, and true salvation can only come from Kek.
Kek did look down upon his children, and he wept, for in their idleness, they did lie with beasts in the field, and did turn their backs on righteousness and did much evil.
But Kek sent a prophet among people, to give them a final chance at redemption. Unto the great prophet, chosen of God, was given a single stone tablet, upon which was written in the language of Kek a great and singular truth, the law of the Lord.
Upon this tablet was inscribed a mere two words, words of such portent and wisdom that none could deny:
I think we won't experience the might of Kek again until september
Angel Morgan
Kek confirmed filthy race traitor
Owen Sanchez
Andrew Gonzalez
The french have been craven jacobite communists since le revolution.
Anthony Rivera
Brayden Lopez
This is going to be a funny time tbh, I think we should do it publicly over twater.
Gabriel Torres
hence why they always lose
Ryder Hall
Any Western country not turning right during these troubled times can effectively be written off as lost demographically.
Add France to the list along with the Netherlands, Sweden and Canada.
Justin Barnes
Le Pen was a mossad fucking Zionist. This isn't a loss, it's a chance for revolution.
Thomas Gonzalez
If you will not serve Kek now by lending Marie Le Pen your strength then you will serve on the firing line!
Isaiah Thompson
Maybe the reason you faggots lost is because you're more concerned about spamming frog memes and Rather than leading a real concentrated effort to win the common people's votes?
Jason Wilson
She conceded defeat you fucking delusional faggot.
Elijah Harris
Christopher Thomas
Wait, so is it official that Le Pen has lost?
James Walker
Good job comrade! Holla Forums will taste defeat always! DOWN WITH THE FASCISTS!
Ryan Hall
There is no political solution.
Blake Rivera
Only M O O N M A N can save France now.
Jaxon Walker
France is the sacrificial lamb, the example upon which other countries will look and turn away from globalism.
It is a sad fate, but one they chose themselves.
Nathan Price
She conceded.
Xavier Ortiz
I miss when this wasn't a year long conversation every 4 years.
Colton Gomez
It was supposed to be the U.S. with madam president. Better the cowardly french.
Dominic Myers
I agree, but at the same time it is absolutely critical to keep pushing that Overton window right. No Le Pen wasn't going to win, but that's irrelevant; the important part is how far we could shove the window with it. And Le Pen did pretty damn well all things considered - she has awoken a certain unity within a bloc in France that didn't realize there were so many other people who felt the same as them about. And that matters, and that is why Holla Forums tried so hard to close the gap as much as possible to wreck Macron's mandate as hard as we could. But that does necessitate memeing as though victory is assured, because defeatism produces shit memes and that's useless to us. We understood she wouldn't win, but acted as if she would in order to build momentum behind nationalism. You can't let that spark be extinguished, it needs to be tended in the background.
Aaron Fisher
France is the sacrificial lamb. France will be the example. France has to fall for the fire to rise. Trust in the memes. This is just the beginning. Every defeat will hand us a greater victory than you can ever imagine. There wont be a next time for France.
Henry Evans
There no official results yet. Wait two hours so the whole tally gets counted.
Jayden Gutierrez
Germany you mean? There is nothing to vote for only Schulz who is Worse than Merkel and Merkel herselfe all you can hope for is AfD going 20%+ to fuck up shit form the opposition side.
Ian Sanchez
Keep your eyes on Greece. September may be the month of German elections, but premature Greek elections are also projected to be carried out during that period. Just a hint from your friendly neighborhood tzatziki nigger.
Samuel Roberts
It's not over yet, the exit polls can be seriously wrong.
But France needs to meme harder, it's going to be rough since presidents reign for 6 years there. It does however allow the FN to make gains in the Senate.
Cooper Morgan
It's going to be hilarious when the muslims start tearing apart the Louvre and destroy whatever heritage the french could claim.
Levi Moore
Golden Dawn will never make it beyond the 8-9% mark
Adrian King
Welp, gg frogs. We'll see you when the RWDS starts to take back europe, try not to become half mudslime mongoles by then.
Austin Ross
It will probably win 2 or 3 more seats this year if elections are carried out, yes. However, don't forget that in times of crisis like this has GD gained a huge following. It went from 0.something% to 5% in 2012-2013.
Eli Perry
you just copy/pasted this didn't you? how's that Overton window & assured victory working out in America? The overton window is a bullshit meme when half of it views the other as extremist non-humans. Stop with that nonsense.
Asher Thomas
Huge as in proportionally to its former size, of course, not proportionally to the country's population.
Lincoln Perez
Every time a nationalist gets even gets close to winning, we as a movement inch closer to victory.
France still has a few years until the demographic tide would make it impossible for a nationalist to win, unlike the US where if Trump didn't win, it would all be over.
Jonathan Cooper
Things have to get worse before they get better. The NSDAP had only 18% in 1930.
Ethan Anderson
This is Sweden
Joseph Miller
No, it is Europe as a whole.
Adam Miller
No, fuck off. The Overton window is absolutely essential, politics matters. The average normalfag doesn't care either way, they will go in whatever direction they think everyone else is moving. We therefore need to build the illusion that everyone is running right, which will create that reality.
Brody Flores
France has the largest military in Western Europe, it absolutely dwarfs Germoney's. there was no way they were going to let it go
Le Pen and crew should probably hop a jet and get out before they can be wrongly arrested. Macron won't chance letting political rivals regroup (particularly after France has endured a full term of his suicidal policies).
Jack Jenkins
Why would she concede when all the votes aren't in yet?
Blake James
Also I didn't copipe shit, bang it into Jewgle if you care.
Jeremiah Nelson
They also haven't won a war since Napoleon. Having a big dick doesn't mean anything if you don't know how to use it.
t. little dick banging your waifu
Levi Miller
But what if someone takes a picture of my face and puts it online and I lose my job?
Anthony Campbell
Le Pen is not on the table.
Luis King
When will you admit that your wishful thinking has failed? All rational analysis predicted her loss when she failed to secure 50% in the first round.
Will you still call me a jewish shill for pointing this out?
Carson Wood
I would not be at all surprised if secession starts being thrown around in the provinces. Not the pussified california fags talk about, hardcore Balkanization.
Christian Collins
If you're going to shill can you at least fucking type like one of us, it's irritating to look at.
Luke Carter
Frenchfags no longer deserve to be called Frogs. They deserve no association with Pepe or Kek.
Caleb Gutierrez
shillful thinking please stop shitting up threads digging fot (you)s
Christopher Sanchez
For now, the French electorate seems more divided than at any time in recent memory. Much will hang on parliamentary elections in June — an electoral one-two punch that gives voters yet another chance to consider the direction of the country, with the potential to either thrust France forward or prolong the ongoing paralysis.
Henry Powell
Evidently yes.
I hoped Le Pen would win too. But letting your hopes cloud your judgement will get you nowhere. Wishful thinking is bullshit for fat middle-aged women who watch Oprah. If you're not putting aside your hopes and desires to perform rational analysis, then you're a subhuman. Learn how to distinguish between what is and what should be.
Parker Howard
Agreed. The French have been abandoned.
Adam Williams
People are being arrested, fired, and branded for life. Finding support and solace only from the like minded. There's a reason you didn't respond to the question of America. Views != laws, democracy is shit but not going away, and reality is more complicated than The Secret.
Adam Taylor
I will never stop my pursuit of truth. Even when the truth isn't what I hope for.
Daniel Morris
That's exactly what needs to happen. I truly hope you are correct and the Frenchies find their scrotums.
James Campbell
You most certainly did not, and you are not a Holla Forumsack by any stretch of the imagination. More importantly, the holocaust is a hoax. There were deaths in the prison/labor camps, but they were caused by an epidemic of Typhus exacerbated by starvation and allied destruction of supply routes. Typhus is spread by lice, and Zyklon B is a de-lousing agent. At the concentration required to kill a person, the gas chambers by design would not have even been able to contain the gas successfully. Ovens were used to destroy the clothing, sheets, etc of Typhus victims in an effort to halt the epidemic, and possibly to cremate those who died from the disease. The ovens could not possibly have been used in a mass extermination. Even modern ovens running 24/7 can't reach anywhere near the supposed rate of cremation that supposedly occurred at Auschwitz. No mass graves were ever discovered. Nazis at the Nuremberg Trials showed signs of torture, and the Jewish man who 'interrogated' the head of Auschwitz later admitted in his published book that he tortured a confession from him. Germans kept no details whatsoever of any plan to get rid of Jews, and much of their documentation of the prison camps contradicts the myth of the holocaust. The only evidence for the holocaust is testimonies from supposed survivors of supposed death camps. Several other hoaxes (like Jew soap and skin lampshades) were just recently proven to be false. Likewise, the showers and gas chambers are simply products of equal parts hysteria and propaganda. In the past century, elite Jews have profited enormously from the myth of the holocaust, and holocaust denial is illegal in several European countries. Truth does not fear investigation. The holocaust is a lie.
Jace James
Nationalist will grow further as the bodies of French people grow into mounds of corpses. I kinda want to see things get worse in France since it will make for some good memes.
Chase Morales
The Overton Window is defined by what is socially acceptable and what will get you ostracized (or worse, imprisoned). The problem Europe has is their Overton Window is very far to the left. It's further right in America, but not nearly good enough yet.
The Overton Window being in our favor is one of the conditions of victory. We haven't won until we can freely speak the truth without fear. As long as the truth isn't mainstream, we still have something to fight for.
Ian Watson
Ian Adams
Civil war within 10 years.
Charles Ross
can this shitty meme fuck off now ?
Colton Walker
Oh? Did it upset you a little? Please share, was anything I said inaccurate?
Jace Nelson
Who's shilling who here?
"Wishful Thinking" wins every damn election. One side just causes more people to wish their side would win more.
Yeah. As media shifts online / new media we need to maintain as large a presence as we can. It may be too late by then, but at least we can counter propaganda to portray those doing what must be done in proper context.
Zachary Hughes
The provinces vs the Parisian ummah.
Jordan Sanders
Jonathan Jones
Unless you actually lurked /fringe/ and studied the occult, and truly believed in KUK, then you are cancer. To the rest of you intellectual cowards who hide behind the fog of your ironic participation are lukewarm, bandwagoning cancerous faggots.
Even now that your wishful thinking failed, you still call anybody who calls it out a jew. Will you learn nothing from this failure? I don't think you're a jew or a shill, I think you are sadly misguided.
Leo Carter
Pepe was getting old for me tbh, I've always been more partial to the desu girl and spurdo
Cooper King
I had a feeling France was going to cuck, just like with the patriots vs the falcons don't be like the left and overextend or invest yourself in an unnecessary battle. France will join Germany and Sweden in being examples of a nation being destroyed by blatant islamic expansionism.
Elijah Price
This. We cannot win without taking the Overton window first, Hitler himself wouldn't have been able to do it either.
Kikes like know damn well that's the condition for success (and that their lives hang in the balance), hence their venom whenever we attempt to shift things along that axis.
Connor Clark
France, at least the big cities, are already pretty much gone. There are more non-whites being born than whites right now. Not trying to blackpill/demoralize, just stating the facts.
Oliver Rogers niggers rapping in celebration, bottom right
Easton Rivera
Wyatt Brooks
France was meant to fall. Joan of arc was executed. The march in france triggered ww3.
Pepe was recently "killed off" this was the trigger for the meme to pivot towards a darker chaotic release. You cannot embrace the chaos and expect it to not get dark as fuck. It is going to get dark. As. Fuck.
Take one slight bit of solace in the fact that commies were thoroughly ousted in France. Their politcal system is currently in gridlock, and pockets of resistance are growing in europe.
Remember france truly never acted on the breaking of the treaty of versailles. They are the trigger point.
Shit. Is. Getting. Real.
Matthew Taylor
France had their chance. Oh well.
Gavin Brooks
Oh fuck, it's going to happen on nearly the exact same historical lines, isn't it?
Oliver Wood
Things have to get much much worse. Although it would have been positive either way, Le Pen losing is the greater blessing on France. Let their urban areas crumble and fire up the bellies of those frogs.
Andrew Walker
(checked) Divine trips confirm that shit is indeed getting real.
Jordan Barnes
CHECKED Looks like the gloves are coming off.
Juan Wood
Watching the french channel right now, they only have estimate. Waiting for the real numbers.
Sebastian Robinson
I have two words for you. Franz Ferdinand.
Andrew Perry
No shit.
Ryder Young
checked They think they killed Pepe, but he will rise again.
Robert Moore
So who will the Muslims assassinate this time?
Blake Gonzalez
They assassinated pepe
Cameron King
I've resisted mocking the french for this election. It's over now. Back to hating the frenchie.
Landon Diaz
Agreed. There is action being taken against speech that make me want to Dorner. Not all of it is social action, either. Laws very seldom get taken back, not to mention legal precedence.
The window right now has never been wider. Both ends view the other as essentially traitors. Follow that train for a minute. Add in how often you hear muh overton window as an excuse for dumbfuck, Oprah-tier wishful thinking away severe problems and blind support of kikery. It's a worthy concept, but a bullshit meme.
No, you're just a funny waterhead
Joshua Reyes
Who will it be? Who's getting the proverbial grenade thrown behind their motorcar with a .380 ACP chaser?
Levi Ortiz
well at least we busted a myth.
Brandon Brooks
Condolences frenchies.
Juan Parker
Putin will be offed
Brody Thomas
Landon Bennett
Checked. May France be the battleground of the coming race war in Europe. If it must burn, let's burn all the kikes and shitskins in it's pyre!
Bentley Edwards
Fucking pepe m80
Pepe is the franz ferdinand moment
They tried to kill him, this is only going to result in some hardcore ironic tragedy keking
Gabriel Carter
Not a single person has ever won 50% in the first round in the history of France.
Jaxon Smith
The memes failed us.
Why is this happening?
Why did France not free themselves?
Why are the EU going to get a chance to overturn Brexit?
Why did Trump turn out the way he did?
Adrian Perez
Luis Thomas
No they havent you fuxking autist
The chaos is continuing in chaos.
This is the ironic twist that will lead us into some very lelzy memes
Ryan Brown
Salt and brimstone in France's future.
Liam Thomas
The wishful thinking is driving me up a wall. But I think the overton window shouldn't be confused with wishful thinking. The mistake is thinking that wishful thinking is how you move the overton window.
We move the overton window by the pursuit and dissemination of truth.
Oliver Green
Why are you guys sad ? Democracy has failed, it means next step is a few revolutionaries doing what they should do.
Zachary Lewis
Okay, so…
T… Tired of winning yet, Holla Forums?
Robert Murphy
Checked user. I hope you're right, though I fear the cost.
Cameron Campbell
The digits were against her winning.
She never stood a chance after that get.
Jason Ross
We cannot save the system. We cannot salvage what is rotten completely. Everything has got to go, the world has to burn. The fire rises brother!
Adam Reyes
It would have been better for Le Pen to win. If Le Pen had won and failed to save France, then the Right in France would understand that democratic solutions don't work. As it stands, many of the Right in France will think that Le Pen could have saved France. They'll continue to believe that democratic solutions could be possible. Not all of them, but too many.
Joshua Scott
Why not macron? He's an expendable nobody.
Nathan Allen
He wants more of em'. Hoards and hoards of rapists upon you and your women.
Owen Lewis
You know that it took Hitler 13 years to finally gain control of Germany?
Blake Campbell
If that's winning, then my entire life has been one glorious win after another.
Robert Reyes
We don't need too many, we need 3%.
Owen Morales
Elijah Cruz
I hope you didn't think victory would come easily. We're in this for the long haul.
Ryan Long
Shills seem to think that trump, brexit, le pen, wilders are the destination. They are the tools. Regardless if they lose, they are chipping it away. There is no stopping this now. Its happenings. Forever happenings. Now until forever.
Eli Cruz
I'm posting this single white frog girl in a show of sorrow for France. We were careless and too sure of ourselves, but our enemies pushed harder and played dirtier. Perhaps there was more we could have done instead of arguing with shills and Holla Forums larpers.
Now is not the time to get depressed, however. Things in France will get worse. Mudslimes will be emboldened and Antifa will be more eager than ever to throw molotovs at police. Our French brothers need our support and guidance. They might even need a way out if we can find them one.. Merkel and her EU cronies are deadset on turning central Europe into the Valley of Megiddo where the final war of Armageddon will kick off.
There will be a time where things will be quiet, but it will continue to get worse. Attacks will increase. Hostilities will grow. Economies will collapse. Be ready to spread information and turn people to our side. They'll try and blame racism and the rise of white nationalism, but the truth will be that dealing with degenerate rapists and savages and bombers and jackasses running into crowds with kitchen knives will more quickly turn people away from the cult of diversity than anything we could ever do.
Bentley Richardson
France has always been shit, looks towards more eastern countries with fantastic nationalist groups, like Poland, Croatia, and Ukraine.
Ethan Carter
The number of fanatical believers necessary depends on the number of fanatical opposition. If 97% of the populace is apathetic, then 3% would probably be sufficient. I think we need more than just 3%. We have a lot of fanatical opposition.
Jordan Allen
This thread is the worst wave of fabricated defeatism I have seen since last November
Leo Bennett
If we're talking about foreign jews using foreign govt to suppress revolutions, yes otherwise 3% is ok.
Austin Lopez
Xavier Smith
Do you honestly think she'll win? Or do you just hope she'll win?
Brody Green
Think we're on a semantics/usage disagreement, probably due to my posts being lazily put together. If I hear one more person claim an objective loss a victory cause muh overton, I'm going to ree out the window though.
Evan Kelly
No you dont get it. This is a win. Macron has been handed a fucking time bomb. You have commies marching in the streets. Emboldened islamist terrorists on the rampage. France is the example, the antithesis to britains independence. Things will get worse for france. They have too. Its how this works.
Evan Cox
Clearly you don't see how we're dealing with the obvious influx of shills rn
Michael Green
Babbling Bumbling Band of Baboons Babbling Bumbling Band of Baboons Babbling Bumbling Band of Baboons Babbling Bumbling Band of Baboons
C ya france
Carson Reed
The numbers were decided two weeks ago.
Josiah Watson
The jews have many zogbots under their control. Most of their footsoldiers are brainwashed whites. The mind control of the jews still has power over millions worldwide.
Asher Nguyen
You didn't post enough pepes. You failed as a Holla Forums activist.
Hudson Bailey
Have you ever seen the brainwashed whites of France ? They're not scary.
Kevin Roberts
Didn't some user here claim he dumped his life savings (~$80k) into a bet that LePen would win? Must be a shitty day for him……….
Jeremiah Diaz
Yeah. He posted in another thread he's going to "retire" soon.
Hope he doesn't kill himself.
Bentley Fisher
That's what he gets for not doing it for free.
Elijah Wright
We already had Sweden for an example of what not to do.
In any case, RIP France.
Dominic Ortiz
can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.
user claimed to be in the 751 thread if you're interested.
Cooper Bailey
Yeah here is the screencap
Matthew Smith
Adam Evans
France is going to be a 3rd world country sooner, not later.
David Richardson
You have a point.. perhaps that's why I was denied the glorious 8 trips. At any rate, we watch France deteriorate into a third world country. It's our punishment for not stringing up these kikes and nuking all muslim nations sooner. In time, people will come to understand just how badly they fucked up.
Aiden Allen
This is Kek's will. The French ate too many frogs. Now Kek will smite them.
William Wilson
Macron has been handed a bomb, but the Right in France will think they can fix France during the next democratic election. They need to move on, but I fear they won't. They'll see France go to hell and think "If we had won the election, this could have been prevented".
French democracy has insufficient power to fix France. The sooner they realize that, the sooner they can formulate more effective resistance.
Brody Sanchez
RIP France
Jonathan Harris
Shills will die. Time to move on to better campaigns. I never expected the pen to win, but gave her a chance anyhow. The time has come to encourage VIOLENT REVOLUTION in france! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!
Robert Martinez
Does this mark an end to the eurosceptic crypto-nationalism at last? First these cucks lost in the German elections, got fucked in the ass during dutch elections, lost in the landslide in Finnish muncipilital elections and now lost in France.
Ayden Martin
They're numerous.
Mason Allen
European flags updated. Pic related.
Parker Myers
What percent of the votes are in? If it's more than 40% then you might as well call the election already, unless she did extremely well (I'm talking 90+% of the vote) in some areas.
Oh fucking wew, I remember that.
Ryder Torres
they expect one of us in the wreckage, brother
Tyler Rodriguez
maybe we should just become innawood hermits and have 5-6 children like varg vikernes
Luke Reed
Yeah but look how long that meme took to truly propagate. The eyes are all on france now. This is the counterweight to britains soaring economy and optimism.
Sweden was already dead my dude
France is always the trigger point for big happenings in europe.
Logan Brooks
Wait a minute, Holla Forums is pro-EU?
Cooper Morales
Not really.
Ryan Walker
I sure hope that was just shitposting. For somebody to buy into wishful thinking that hard is sad.
Ian Nguyen
That's a really good point. From another perspective, a win would be viewed as a release valve, fucking it either way. Democracy is some evil, slippery, shit.
Jordan Stewart
That is Holla Forums shilling, you retard.
Owen Gomez
So Le Pen wins, then what? She enforces border control?
This is an issue I think about a lot. I mean, what are we- revolutionaries or conservatives? That therein is the conflict between us and the alt right.
John Gutierrez
Better than being a slave to Americans or Russians.
Europe should come first.
Henry Lee
Really? The majority of the French population are jew wise? That's news to me!
No, don't kid yourself. Most white people in western nations are still brainwashed by the jews.
Isaiah Hernandez
It's shitposting, retard. Welcome to summer I guess.
Logan Parker
I hear more and more about jews from normalfags.
Mason Jones
Such is the fate of those who choose the path of inaction. This is the future you chose.
Owen Jones
Parker Evans
Le Pen losing is 4D chess retard kike shill.
Xavier Bailey
the old triple jew magoo. nice form
Jonathan Garcia
nice job shill :^)
Anthony Collins
More like then…
This is the process America will be going through with Trump. It's our best chance for victory.
Brandon Carter
Well we haven't won yet. We still have much to fight for.
Ryan Garcia
A river runs downhill, and meets its source in the sea. Just because it gets caught in pools and dry spots on the way doesn't cease it's stream.
You truly do not grasp the power of Kek. We're going to win, we are winning- it''s just taking the scenic route :')
Liam Reyes
France burning under macron will at least be entertaining. They can't blame le fascists.
Owen Morgan
Failures to achieve political change through the System only radicalize more people. They think this a victory. This is merely throwing fuel on the fire. And around the world, the fire rises.
Evan Perry
It ain't even summer until june dumbass
Lincoln Cook
I know, but it's all good, we are going to be able to radicalize more people.
Isaiah Parker
I've entertained an idea like that for a while. I even tried discussing homesteading as an option to circumvent the problems the (((elites))) are forcing on us. It's a short-term solution though. Unless we just fucking leave and found Neo-America somewhere else in the world and build ourselves up as our own sovereign country, we'll never truly be free of this shit.
We're sitting at the crossroads. Either we do something now and secure a prosperous future, or we go and hide and live out the rest of our lives in seclusion while the rest of our planet burns and crumbles beneath the influence of globalists and communists.
Easton Evans
Carter Hughes
People don't like change. They're happy they crossed a ballot and got a man who thinks like them to do all the hard work.
Let's hope you're right- either way, these figureheads have kicked off something the normies and the kikes can and will never stop.
Oliver Ortiz
That is a good point too. Either way, it's clear that the French need to give up democracy.
James Cox
The word is kike you fucking shill :')
Adrian Powell
Yeah the Napoleon days of France were good up until (((they))) intervened.
Parker Fisher
"Notre Mère L'Europe" basically means "Mother Europe", for anybody wondering.
Christopher Ramirez
I don't know why people are surprised. Mainland Europe is cucked pretty badly.
Christian Harris
This can only end up as a good thing. Now we just need to wait for NATO to collapse so (((American))) influence can be finally thrown out form our continent.
Samuel Phillips
Yeah I aren't surprised tbh
What does it mean, O great one?
Dominic Lee
You're one to talk, Eurofag. Your country has had Soros's dick so far up its ass for so long that it sneezes jew cum.
Charles Baker
They can only blame themselves and democracy, either way this will most likely be the last election in france, they will understand the colossal mistake they made soon
Oliver Barnes
That shit has not worked and you know it, we can't just let things get worse and say "lol this helps us in the long run"
Thomas Morris
Oh yeah, the constant immigrant bombs and rampant SJW feminism have done nothing to shift the Overton window over these few years, have they? :')
Blake Reyes
Europe is far and away much more Jew cucked than America is. Ideologically, the very large cities of America are what the entirety of the European continent is. Just look at the population density graphs. It's almost a 1:1 correlation as to how cucked a place is vs it's pop density.
Gabriel Stewart
France has done little but repeatedly fall to foreign powers for the past 150 years, this time is no different. They are truly pathetic, but lets be honest, what nation in the West isn't a withered pile of broken dreams and declining populations at this point? All this confirms is that France is going to have to be liberated by arms… again.
Of course it's looking rather doubtful that there will ever be any military campaign to free the West. We were infiltrated and corrupted a long, long time ago. On the upside I'm a burger, so I have my ticket out ready at all times. Maybe I should pay a little bit extra and upgrade my ticket to .45 just to make sure it works.
Aiden Hernandez
Bringing more shitskins and rapefugees in doesn't help. The Lugenpresse are master manipulators who mostly the target city-dwelling normalfags who make up a huge chunk of the vote, they don't care how many bombings happen, they'll always shout "Terror Has No Religion~!" like the mindless puppets they are.
Aiden Harris
Hudson Young
For starters.
Liam Sanchez
Last time you fags told me about September, nothing happened
Jackson Phillips
Many do yes,but a polarising effect has happened. You only have to look at recent events- politics has never been more charged. Berkley for instance was and is a good example.
Eli Russell
lol enjoy your new kike france
Jayden Brooks
Septemberfags were the fucking worst, they gave the board a bad name across the entire site for awhile. They wouldn't stop spamming their shit on other boards.
Bentley Lopez
Fucking checked
Benjamin Gutierrez
I say this is a GOOD thing! We will never solve our problems (((democratically))) The Jews would never allow a candidate who opposed them to take office.
Hudson Kelly
muh srs bzns. Semitah was hilarious.
Brody Williams
I wonder how the guy who wrote all those books on "surviving" it felt after nothing happened. Probably very much like pic related
Noah Jenkins
Kek, its newfags like you who care about muh pr and dont enjoy the happenings. Fuck off fag
Ethan Wood
Press 'F' to pay respects to the French genetic heritage.
Isaac Edwards
Maybe Kek dislikes the French for eating frogs? Just a thought.
Liam Barnes
The September shit happened in 2015 you faggot. While that would make you a newfag on 4chan, this site has only existed since 2013.
Luke Lopez
As bad as American liberalism is, it at least seems to be the logical conclusion, in one sense, of a young colonialist country founded on revolutionary principles. But there is just something so uniquely mind-numbing, creepy and disgusting about the radical marxism currently gripping Europe that literally seeks to wipe out an entire civilization within decades, and the fact that so many people are falling for it. Because they don't have that history of slavery, jim crow and immigration that the US does, the European left has far less arguments to justify mass immigration, which is why the sheer white guilt brainwashing that have to rely on is so much more magnified in Europe. I am just continually shocked by how radically left western and northern Europe is, it's as if they are completely blind to their eastern neighbors who were enslaved by communism until just a couple decades ago.
Nicholas Young
Would you fags kindly off yourselves? That was the biggest croak of shit this board has ever faced. For fucking weeks all you'd hear was If you think mindlessly shitposting is fun then I'd recommend you fuck off to >>>Holla Forums
Robert Reyes
Plenty of liberals in Europe have "the world is a better place without white people tbh" world view.
Dominic Rivera
Well then we truly are fucked user. Because our people, history, and culture have been getting shat on for decades now and no cohesive resistance has formed. If there was going to be rebellion it feels like it's something that would have happened years ago. And if you are indeed correct (which I suspect you are) what does that tell us about Trump?
Caleb Long
It did happen. And TARP funds were given to the companies that failed. There was a huge dip followed by an unexplainable rise that was absolutely not a dead cat bounce.
Dominic Wood
Fuck off shills Le Ben can still win.
Elijah Wood
Ayden Lee
France's revolution was much more extreme than America's was. You're ignoring a huge part of their history.
William Murphy
you just dug yourself even deeper lul.
Where do you people come from to speak with such authority on shit you don't understand? Holla Forums doesn't check dubs :^)
Isaac Watson
Yeah, but the French citizenry then was starving and still had a fair number of arms. Now they're fat, docile, and disarmed.
Elijah Brown
Do you even remember the claims of those threads? A fucking collapse that would rival, if not succeed, the 2008 crisis. A decent decrease in the market was not a Great Depression-tier disaster.
Kayden Long
Carter Sullivan
You will be the first in the oven. Ban this kike for defeatism pls
Easton Parker
my difits confirm
Dylan Scott
They let wishful thinking cloud their judgement. They wanted her to win, therefore they thought she would.
Oliver Stewart
F for france
Jackson Lopez
Like throwing FN supporters in camps, for one.
Caleb Bailey
It's like they forgot the hours and hours of analysis of why Trump actually could win whereas there was no indication of this for Le Pen, instead they believed that their own belief made him win.
Kek worship is fucking stupid and you are all dumb.
Logan Brown
Did (((they))) really think they could just get away with genociding the indigenous people of a whole continent without any resistance? Be warned, Shlomo….
Anthony Stewart
That's exactly what happened.
Anybody who explained why Le Pen would lose was called a jewish shill and spammed with "99% chance Hillary will win!" screencaps. There was no rational analysis, only wishful thinking.
Elijah Wood
That's a large part of it, for sure. It'd be folly to not take into consideration the recent Trump and Brexit "victories", the gen Z shift, and the arrogance (or complacency) that comes with.
David Anderson
Cooper Cox
More importantly, the rest of the western world will see exactly what the kikes have planned for them. France will sink into barbarism and begin crumbling. Western europe will get a taste of the dark ages again.
Oliver Green
All (actual) french user I've spoken too knew that Le Pen was very likely to lose, myself included. I think the noise of uneducated burgers about the state of French politics got so loud that some people genuinely thought it was a close one but the results of the 1st turn clearly showed that the momentum wasn't there.
Gavin Williams
Go watch 2001 a space Odyssey or whatever it's called. They expect most of humanity to die and the enlightened will rule as Gods.
Camden Cooper
I agree. I'm worried however about the "centrist" label the media is trying to pin on Macron. I'm worried that if he fails spectacularly then they will handwave it away by saying that he wasn't in a traditional party so we can go back to PS/LR.
Easton Lee
i guess its for the best
Austin Young
He's right, and you're a tool for ignorance and complacency in the face of extinction.
Easton Wilson
What do you mean "get away with"?
Sure, (((they))) handed france the gun, but ultimately the french people pulled the trigger. The voters in france would rather put their children's future in danger than face unpleasant truths about the world. I feel terrible for the future generations and for those who voted Le Pen, but the french people as a whole are not victims. They neglected their own to feel a false sense of virture, and they deserve whatever comes next.
Cameron Phillips
Suffrage was a fucking mistake.
Cooper Rodriguez
French people eat frogs
the French Revolution was also an unmitigated disaster for the Western world , the only things worse were WWI and WWII both of which France basically started
Jordan Brown
I remember the ridiculous claims that shills were running with. But the largest consensus with the most rational posts was that there would be huge economic fuckery going on but they wouldnt let it crash while onigger was president.
One of the worst things about Holla Forums is the amount of shilling has been in a constant state of increase since 2011-2012 and anons that werent around for those times don't have the experience in dealing with them, because back then they were terrible at their tactics so it was easy to learn from.
Holla Forums is always right, with two caveats, Holla Forums is only right about things it reaches a consensus on and Holla Forums is never right when trying to predict exactly when something will happen.
Jason Cox
This cunt shit up the other thread with his constant "SEE! I WAS RIGHT! I WAS RIGHT! I WAS RIGHT!" What a CUNT kill yourself
Alexander Nguyen
Aiden Cruz
Don't worry. In the worst case, we're subjugated by the arabs/Islamics thus putting power back into men's hands. Since they're subhuman garbage, inevitably they'll destroy each other and the earth. Consequently, we'll reset to a time of days gone by in which tribes are beginning to form again. As long as some pure-bred "whites" survive until them, all is well from a bloodlines perspective. My only fear would be becoming like the Indians. A disgusting create where no true pure bloods remain.
Grayson Lee
This time the french cucks voted for a Rothschild´s investment banker, married to his acting teacher, pro refugee and pro EU. They got seduced into sudoku. Lol.
Noah Baker
I'm also very worried by the sway the commie Mélanchon has over the youth of the country. I think he scored something outrageous for people under 25 like 30% or something. Are we in hard times yet ? Because I don't see a lot of strong men around.
Kayden Davis
Same here, I tried to explain how French politics work but no one listened. It's rigged and everyone knows it, most don't even bother to vote anymore.
30% of people who vote.
Elijah James
Kek chosen to destroy the french Frogs are green not white
Joseph Moore
Behold the user hath the light of holy trip
Carson Sanchez
Make no mistake, I will personally draw and quarter you two if I ever see you IRL, and not even your gay boyfriend ImRoachy can help.
Dominic Anderson
For the "hard times" "strong men" thing to work, you have to have no safety net (at least mentally). I.e., having a democratic system is the perfect way of making people thing there is always a "peaceful means" of getting things done. Likewise, you need to have sufficient energy and a feeling of influence to do anything. Due to our modern media age, most aren't willing to do anything since they don't feel as if they're in majority in real-life/can't truly fight back.
Elijah Hall
Better a cunt and correct than a wishful thinker who deludes himself.
Alexander Bennett
You people really don't seem to understand how crucial today's vote was. All of Europe falls today, because of this vote, because of the United States and because of Israel - this is an event of biblical proportions and is thoroughly negative.
Cameron Hughes
I'm not referring to this election. but in general. We will win in the end
Jose Gutierrez
When will you admit you belong on Holla Forums?
Brody Moore
True, but still, if those retards elect Mélanchon in 5 years I'm leaving this damn country. It would be like shooting yourself in the head after you shot your foot.
So are we stuck in a perpetual cycle of hard times and weak men ? Or maybe are we merely at the beggining of hard times ?
Asher Mitchell
You know the funny thing about chaos? It's fair it has no alliance to any side. It will help you at one point, then back stab and fuck the corpse of it's former ally the next. That's what you get for siding with it and focusing your energy on it. Not to say that meme magic doesn't exist, but next time focus and utilize it on a deity or deities that are actually apart of our race and ancestry.
For the French anons here, You may have lost the election, but do not let your voice, nor the voice of those who cannot find the courage to speak against this be silenced. Do not let Macron and by extension the EU's evil spread without resistance! Montior and expose everything they do that will destroy what we know is France! Spread evidence of their "work" and what it means for the true people of France and get them to rise up against it! Spread all news and events of what the "refugees" do to the good people of France! Make Macron and his master's life a living hell! Holla Forums can help dig up and find the information to spread, but it is up to you to inform the masses of your country!
We may have lost the election, but like in war, turn that loss into a way to achieve victory in the war against our true (((enemies)))!
Cooper Edwards
Noah Hill
We haven't even begun the hard times. Are you hungry. right now?
Oliver Diaz
In 5 years if we play our cards right there should be vigilante squads in the streets doing the work of the cops. Déshumanise toi et fais face au bain de sang.
Christian Garcia
this is all part of keks greater plans.
Carter Edwards
First off, we didn't put half as much memetic effort into Le Pen's victory as we did into brexit, let alone Trump. Second, we put all our trust into a fucking chaos god. He who fucks a fire gets their cock burnt. Third, you're a nigger.
Aaron Allen
Jackson Powell
Personally, I think they'll do it boiling frog style (taking advantage of the things I said before). This way, you never reach true "hard times" mode and get a resistance. You just slowly wittle away at your opposition, keeping them lulled with technology until, next thing they know, they're such a minority that they have no means of resistance (due to our present technological advancements and the separation of the high-grade tech. from the masses).
Liam Rogers
Anyone point me to any theories or writings on the decadence stage of empire decline with regards to our current level of technology? Specifically that, not Orwell/Huxley.
Elijah Lopez
Look, I have real non-memetic problems. I have niggers in front of my house. Niggers fucking everywhere. Niggers with high-top hair cuts, skinny jeans and red sneakers doing nothing but nigger things all day. Who will take care of them?
Camden Kelly
A lot of us knew she was going to lose but we aren't all banging on about it endlessly for validation like you. If you are really so invested in the opinions of some anons that you've argued with previously that you need to go on and on about how you were right and they were deluded, it is obvious you are not well developed mentally. Just let it go. And then kill yourself.
Benjamin Johnson
You need to learn the difference between wanting something to happen and believing something will happen. I wanted Le Pen to win, but to believe she would win required a suspension of rationality.
Evan Taylor
I see what you mean.
Also reminder to the anons reading this, in France after the presidentials there is the législatives which say how many seats the elected government will have at the assembly. If they don't get the majority, they will basically have their hands tied for the next 5 years. Considering Macron is a kike puppet I suspect there will be alliances but still, it's worth seeing what will happen.
Christopher Scott
The guy's doing it in a cunty way, but he is addressing a larger problem with the board. Any potential reality that isn't beneficial is met with autistic fits of the highest order.
Owen Brown
Wyatt Fisher
Granted. I'm in a cunty mood because I'm upset at this outcome.
Nathaniel Thompson
Keep telling that to yourself, maybe one day in your dreams it will come true.
Nicholas Campbell
I swear the only way french will learn if kek carry attacks like the muslims
Jaxon Reed
Jaxon Peterson
It could turn out to be a good thing in the long run, user. Prob not, but citizenry does need to get pissed off enough to do something. Anons that need their fee fees catered to are bitches, but if you're going to tackle a meta issue and have it taken seriously it'd be wise to re-center.
John Barnes
Owen Harris
Nathan Foster
What was the ground game like in France? Are there right wing sign squads clashing with leftist "protestors"? That seems to be the best indicator of success. Slavic countries have proud white nationalists demonstrating, America loves to punch commies, Britain at least has football hooligans, but in all the countries that have failed you never hear about anything like that, just cuckoldry and quietly growing resentment.
Point taken. I'm probably being counter-productive by being such a cunt, I should really close my browser and go drink until tomorrow.
Jayden Phillips
In 10 years Western Europe will be considered the new middle east and Central and Eastern Europe will be the actual Europe. Europe doesn't fall at all. We still have Poland, Hungary and all the other countries from the Visegrad group.
Ryan Davis
When you're losing but you're still winning because you say so
Xavier Jackson
Skål user. Don't skimp on the water
Brody Diaz
I will agree with you there. I believe she had the support but kikes being kikes are gonna kike, especially when the populace is unarmed and cucked.
I mean look at brexit..
Unless America can get its shit together Europe doesnt stand a fuckign chance.
Grayson Reed
didn't notice Britain was still in
Nathan Hall
I would like to take this moment to remind anons that if you arent currently going full 1488 on goybook on atleast a sockpuppet account then we will never make any further gains than we currently have attained. The chans have more or less run their course and the only way forward is to take the argument to the mainstream.
Easton Mitchell
"I will…make sure there is no reason at all to vote for extremes" - Macron
I pretty much agree the main difference is France didn't have a huge injection of muslims they had them "grandfathered" in for war contributions and similar. France is fucked.
Jason Lee
Caught with what? Intent to distribute hatefacts? Im in this fight to win it. Keeping your thoughts and ideas on nu/pol/ will accomplish nothing for redpilling plebs.
Wyatt Lopez
Maybe now this kek meme can die. Its not funny if people are actually taking it seriously. It's just as embarrassing as Kekistan.
Henry Mitchell
Jaxson Butler
Kek is more than a meme.
Lucas Diaz
Double dubs of truth
Benjamin Nguyen
Isaac Collins
Shun the unbeliever. Shuuuuuuun.
Benjamin Reed
Andrew Rivera
Call me a shill/mgtow if you will but women will be the downfall of white civilization
Nolan Sanchez
the women are influenced to be like that by Jews
Jordan Williams
A father rapes his son. The son becomes a child molester when he is older. Is the son exempt from his crimes, or is he to be judged for them?
Ayden Morgan
And just like that, we've come full circle back to psychoanalysis.
Isaac Thomas
weird that you niggers replied to me within 2 seconds of each other anyway for user #1, yes, you must judge, but you still must understand the true root cause of his issues, and fight that cause also, rather than pushing to fight the wrong cause.
Brayden Williams
this is the most jewish post I've seen on this board all day and it's still up
Nolan Moore
People replying within two seconds of each other would imply, if anything, that they are different people (which we are. Honestly, it's hard enough to find a working IP for his site). Of course one should deal with the cause, I will not deny that, but that does not absolve the perpetrator of their crimes. They too will be judged accordingly. As long as that is understood, we agree.
Xavier Rodriguez
That's exactly what I was going to say.
Camden Collins
Kek, just looks like you two have the same idea. I agree with you fully, anons.
Elijah Gutierrez
Chaos is fun though.
Kayden Jones
Camden Baker
it only tells us that le pen was un-charismatic. donald's personality is big part of why people like and hate him. la pen has no real personality and seems bland. not to mention being a women she also seems incompetent. thats another big reason she likely lost.
Oliver Bennett
Robert Barnes
They shall redeem themselves, or they shall suffer. Their fate is in their own hands. My sympathy goes out to the sane individuals amongst the hordes of these madmen.
Ethan Lopez
La Pen losing only means the people living outside the the cities become more red pilled and take action themselves. The ballot box has failed them. Time for the ammunition box.
Austin Bennett
France still has the Ronces plan anons. France will activate it now. Right?
Brandon Jones
Chaos will create an imbalance. h a o s
w i l l
c r e a t e
a n
i m b a l a n c e .
Too much chaos will lead to a great imbalance in the force. This will lead to order to restore balance. *Our order.*
Ethan Parker
Trips 7's, wew, WWIII here we gooo
Charles Diaz
John Gutierrez
Gavin Bailey
Joseph Edwards
no, La Pen just isnt as persuasive as Trump is, shes pretty low energy with the whole "im stepping down as party leader because I am running for all of France"
Samuel Powell
women will be the downfall of white civilization because faggots like you refuse to take back what is yours.
William Morgan
are you fucking retarded? Merkel will win again, it's bound to fucking happen
Jayden Powell
stop looking for reasons as to why she lost, you sound like the Clinton camp right now
Eli Butler
These videos need to be spammed to every corner of social media every fucking day. Not even joking.
Charles Reed
Nicholas Baker
Europe will not be saved by ballot.. And they dont have bullets.. We are going to need an extraordinary set of events to occur.
Noah Gonzalez
Just because commie faggots got the get doesnt mean that it wasnt the will of Kek. France will be in the wreckage.
Jordan Martinez
Virus that only infects (((our greatest allies))) emerges within Europe.
Nathaniel King
Wew lad
Xavier Perez
(checked) The nation of surrendering and sweden will join the wreckage. Unfortunately they will have to be liberated by force. A friendly reminder that france doomed itself ever since the (((french revolution)))
James Murphy
Nicholas Scott
Jeremiah Barnes
so what. I hope you die.
Evan Cook
Michael Adams
i'm looking for reasons, I just stated why I think she didn't do as well as we had hoped. don't know if it's true or not. just my own thoughts. you don't have to agree with them.
Brandon Ross
Dominic Jones
Eli Williams
i just wanted to play videogames.
Ian Peterson
me too fam :^I
Thomas Stewart
Angel King
Remember Sept 23rd, frogs. Things should become darker before to Dawn, and Dawn is still away from us. Dark Age is front of us. The best and the worst of times.
William Lee
It was worse than that, faggot was actually trying to demand an apology from everyone who called him a shill or Jew. We've all been called one of those plenty of times, but neither I nor any other actual Holla Forumsack would even consider demanding an apology. Such a thing could only even occur to a kike, since that's their standard MO.
Kevin Torres
The real truth is that no one cares about Sweden. They are like ocidental Japan. "Oh those silly swedes!".
But France is a major player, a once bastion of freedom, a beautiful place all around. There is significance to it falling, and it will be in the eyes of everyone once that happens.
Carson Adams
uhh sure it is
Mason Morales
That is the question you should be really asking.
Joseph Cox
Did they really cook soup with the two heads?
Jack Hernandez
holy fuck we are being toyed with.
i dont even believe anything anymore.
i think its fucking aliens herding us into place.
EVERYTHING is astroturf
Elijah Taylor
While many will initially only see a waste of digits, we must yet take heart in the fact this is still a demonstration of Kek's power.
Besides, I don't think Le Pen would have saved anyone anyway, she's just another puppet like Trump. You are all too ready to place your faith and hope for salvation in a WOMAN.
I mean, get a hold of yourself Holla Forums, have you forgotten yourself? And if you're thinking "better a female far right candidate than a male leftist" you're an idiot. This gives us a far improved position with which to meme the far right of France into a single, coherent group. This is not a problem for us here in America, because there remain many who still believe Trump will save them.
Better for the scales of disillusion to fall from our eyes now, rather than later during a worse disaster. This is All Kek's plan. Hold to your faith, Holla Forums, Kek would not have bestowed such digits without reason.
Jaxon Gomez
Calm down it's not her. The real le pen has brown eyes and no ear piercings
Brody Lewis
And where is it your God kek repeated digits in history?
Logan Sanders
Xavier Rodriguez
Half of whites have brown eyes, your main concern should be removing the nignogs and beaners instead of D&C'ing whites
Nathaniel Martinez
Repeating digits are just a way for Kek to signal meaningful posts to us. A post does not need dubs to be true or meaningful, and to insist on that is to blind oneself. Think of dubs as revelation, but the same truth would be true even if it were not revealed, n'est-ce pas?
Caleb Allen
The fire rises and we have to be Batman to save our people.
Pretty straight forward.
Gavin Barnes
What the fuck is wrong with her posture? GOLEM, GET YE GONE!
James Kelly
Pimpe* alternatively, that one Russian diplomat in Turkey. Either way, the muzzies already claimed their Ferdi, we're a bit mixed up timeline wise, but if you put event sets next to each other they work. (nobody just notices it this time cuz most of it is taking place in sandland)
What happened after Pim died? Extreme liberalisation of the EU, they went and tripledoublequadrupledowned, especially on the lolocaust prosecutions and 'mean words' policing.
Remember, meme war. So the preliminary conflicts would've been online or through tech (like Bank of America buying up 33% of German telecoms)
well, that, and expecting frogs not to get boiled is a folly. Ever since Joan, ever since Joan….. also I told u frogfags to pick a better meme to tie to her! What did you expect? She was walking kindling!!! Shoulda done the emprah thing and made her Charlemagne or some shit.
keep normies skeptical of faceberg and its VR projects, you know that's the most likely vector.